'ft. w 7k What is r 1 "Jl .'" '-'"rTV!r''AV"' " 1 '' . Caatorta is Dr. Samael Pitcher's prescription for Infant . and Children. It contains neither Opium, Blorphino nor other Karotlo pnbstanoa. It is harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys 'Worms and allays ' fcTCTIshness. Cajtorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, ' cures'. Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relives . teething troubles, cures cnnatjpatioa and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, rejilates the stomach and; bowCla giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torii is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Captoria. Castes! Is Msrvllentoiedx for chil .Iran. Mothers hsTS npealj told m at iu pad efleC! apoa IxU children." ; . r, Pe. Q. C Osop-id, . v5' Lowell, lss. f " Ceorla b ths bea remedy for children of shies I am aoqtikd. I bopo the dij is not . mrdlatant wbsnmottrt wlllconsiilr-rtliorual 'ateraet of their ealldrea, ac I un Oastria In Wad of tbevsrlousqoark ntvaruirswu cti on deguojluf their k..ed ones, by forcingonlnm. - norpbine, aowihlng syrup and other hur; ful - rents down their tlironta, thereby snair. ; ms to prematurr grr-rr. " Dru J. V. Kismrxon, v. , ' .; C.. ... .. .-r Tha Caataur C Cabbage Plants ! Cabbage Plants ! ! We offer the public the following -.-varistiesof CABBAGE PLANTS, grows from seed procured from ;' the . well-known and RELIABLE ; 8e4. Hone of Peter Hen derson & Co., of New York. This '.. lot of Plant are grown in the open sir, are thrifty, nnd will withstand 1 seTere cold weather without injury. Henderson's Large Tjpe (Jharles V ton Wakefield Cabbage. Henderson's Suocossion Cabbage, "the finest Cabbage grown. Henderson's Extra Early Express V Cabbage.' . m' Henderson's Extra Early Win h nin:stadt.Cabbage. . ,v . Bonderson'a Large Cabbage Let ' taoe. ( . : Henderson's Big Boston Lottuoe. Prlotf$2per 1,000; lota of 5,000 ..-and over 91.00 per 1,000. 8peeial j& prioes tn lots of 50,000 and over. J Send kli orders GERATY & TOWLBS, v foung's Island, S. C. t,sj23d&wlm) . PROF. W H. : SHEPARD and hU ,t y competent assistants in the toDSorial art will uwJ yon ' nair cu - u 01s Hbare . -.1 - iu " Shanpoo , - - 20 n.tulm na "... SO " 1 t f-r 10 Share and 1 Hiar cnt l- SI 00. ; ;- At O as ton House 3arber Shop. BOOK STORE AND tMMtatioxxery . Ji, fiSi Blank Books, snd new lot Standard A-J.v-i ''Werksoi'Kenowhed Author, i- '.f8.;. ' ' Praysr snd Hymn ; Books, Ladles j ; , ''Pnisssi. PssTinolls, sto. !;i-;',;H i k t( t Also, lts. tapers and Periodicals is- '""v;VUeiTdsllyV;4;;'i " ' V;iU TO QKHOOD. i- HVH USD BKAISTBEAT ... i. lniin., Fi. Nea-l'ru-ir'.n..ii enured by i-f. ir :o, ft i n, c ir j 1 x, 1 !.:.: r."ilfrt. IiO Of . i..ti..rMuvfl and ail iM ..I brain. Welt- t t '1 i, r (..r t 1 " 1 . "H. w I'll t 'Y, Dr Castcria. "Caetorlals eo well adapted to children that I rnour-tixMind It a, superior loaay proscription known to ma.' H. A. imi, X. D., Ill So. Oxford St Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians in the children's depart curat have spoken hUi-'T of their expert euce in their outside practios with Castoria attd although we only ban among out niedioa! supplies what is known as reguLi products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look wtin furor uwon It." United Hmvttil axn DtspsssanT, Doston, Mass Auiii C. Smitd. Ftvt . -.7 Street, ifesr York City. 8TEAMERS. o- id; Eastern Carolina rispitck i ast Passenger and rratght Line between Kaitern North Carolina Points, aod allcoi neotlorsol the PRSSSVLVARIA B&I1.ROAD, IHCLDDIWO N.w Vork Philadelphia, Norfolk, Bif tlmors. Richmond and Boeton. Tie ONLY Tri-Weekiy Lisa Om ew Berne, H dtW AND ELEOAWTLY BUU1PPK. BTbAMEB 99 Balls ..am New Berne HOHOHS, WEDHESDATa. PHI DA IB, AT 4 f.lVI.,- Stopplnx at KoaaoKe inland each way and inrmiDK oioee cuitectuin wlirj ne Norfolk A coDtbi-ro Kali road at tllnatieth City and to Norfolk and Western Kallroad ar jNorioiK. t he haatern Carolina bl'vatcb Line, con slailnx ot lu Btr tiu,, Norfolk Bi.uthcrn it. H.. New York. Ib'la. and or (oik K. H auo Pennsylvania W K., form a reliable eiid ei;ulnr Hue. oCTerlus superior faoilitlf . (or julcfc paaaentfer and fielrhi iranHuortu'lo No .r.nr exoupl at fchsnnb . Ii,t which point irelgbt will loaded on our. lo 20 inrouKn waeatiuation. ill reel all rooae to tie ehlDDeu via caenrn Oaiolloa UlspatD da ly as followa: Crom New Vork, by Panna. H. R.. Pier !ft, North Hirer. rroin Philadelphia, by Phils., W. and Ba to tv u liock st. Hiation. From Baltimore, by Phlla., Wll. and Balto. K H,. rreeiaem m niation K'kam HI n ... I k h w. Urilb . k ... u I. From Boston, dt Mnronanu a Miner rrans portauon CO.; flew York and New Knaiano n, B. Mi Kates as low and time qnieker than by ay other line For farther information anniy o W. H. JOYoa (Qen'l Freight TTaiTjo Agent. P. K. R ) Ueneiai Tramo Aaent. liao. Stiphsns, Illrielon Freight Agent P W. a B. B R.. Philadelphia. B. B, Cooks, Qen'l Freight Agent., H. Y. r.aN.K. R.. Norfolk. Va n. O. Homiws General Freight Agent 9. B n.Hriorioit, va. OKO. HKSDKRSON. Agent, New Berne. B.O. XOBFOLK, HEWBESI & WISHIRBTOI DIRECT LINK Tri-Weekly TrfrsC in order to make more convenient ano feoBomloal use of the vessels now roployed n we norw uaxouua service, ana tnaa to "tter Sem the Interests of Shippers, the Clyde' Una and bid Dominion Hteera hlp Company have concluded to merge their reapeeUve lines between Newbern. H. 0. aad Norfolk, Va. into on line, thus g!v- n passengers and trnok shippers three trips each week between Newborn and Norfolk l'a Waahlnrtnn, ; , KO ADVANCE 15 RATES. J On and after MONDAY. OCT. 18th Utl aatll further aotloe. the limit IEWBERIB, CapL $onti -1 , AD t Stealer DEFI18CE, C&pt Burgess. . Will sail from Norfolk, Va-for New Kerne every Monday and 'hnrtdny dlrret and Wednesday v. a. Washington making conneo tton with the Atlantis and North Carolina Railroad, and the water llneson Msnsa and Trent rivers, - " . - Kesarnlcg, will sail I KOM NKWBKKN rot NORFOLK. Va.. via Roan.. ke Island wharf. Toes iay , Friday and Saturday at 18 m. maKina 'eonneouon ai norroia who 1 lie Old Bay Line, for Baltimore, The Clyde Line, for Philadelphia The Old Dominion Steamahtp Co.. for v,w York, Tbe Mer otianta'ana umere juine rr rrovioi'noe anu Boston, and The Water titnes far Waa. ing. too.D. C.and Richmond, Va., thna giving an - ll water route to all -ortherb; no Kasiern potaw. . .- m . Also eonneeuon mane wii.n r.oe u. (r R. K.. B. A O.R. K.and N. A W. B M for tbs West. .. f-absengers will And a good table, eorofon able room, and e.erv eourtei.y endetten Hon will be nald them br tl.e ofllners Order all goods. oar of N. N.A W. Direct Una, Norfolk, Va. - .. A BAI.PH GRAY Airent. SnVtt".' .'-.'- i I CaTMM.and Trade-Mrlr obtl'ned, and nil Eent business conducted lor moderate Fees. Sous Orncr is OPsiTt U. S. tet Orner , and we can secure patent iu leei tunc Uieu tiiuse ircr"oie rom .sui.iki.'u. Fnd model, diawuig ot pnoia, witn onmp. Moj. H e tdvise. It paienl.ble or not, tree ol cbarpe. Oucl not due tin pelenl ( secured. . pftMPMLCT "Ho vtn 'Obtain r'atents,' with . i ct sarte in the U. 81 Mid fcr-vncounlika,! 'it lice. Address , fup f . r r NT Orr. t C. THE JOURNAL. A DREAI. Cootribsted. , Bigk ob a throne, twtxt Hearts sad earth J staad -1 . isurvtTlng thlssiBBlaii ball.' ' Aod sow with oatatrecbed wings I soar Imttv nokaowD eras aad foreign atoxic; Aa angel as a guide, Point oat gay winged wsyja, In Irinmph through Ui grind etlierisl land. rrors pole to pots my ether pathway werxls; Thing Tbtble snd invisible, I Tiew them all alike As from a nonnUia high tbe sight de sceods; To objects great and small, So does my visions pass, Encircled ronnd the globe my sight ex tends. And still with lengthened rings I make my way, Till wearied try the flight I ptnst' an. I (Imp a tear Upon that sad and sacred grave where lay Our erring Mother Ere Awaking t'turuity, In '.he silent halls of death long to stay. I leave thin ancient grave with wounded pruic My guiding Angel points To where his mister lay, Jeans of Nazareth tbe crucified, The only son of God, The blessexl Holy Ghool! Kind Father, why ws this, the sngel cried, And onwsrd thenco to ancient Greece 1 To seek the seven wise men, To find that honored city Whose fame tor lor and learning all men know; I 8ud no giory here. IWyond the grand old walls. Whore wisdom held ins court long years ago. And thence to Egypt now my Angel guides here greatness once was ing, The "wonders of the world. '' Twas there tue Pharaoli9 lived and reigned .ind died; From there the Israelites Went to the Promised Land, A land where then no ill could e'er be tide. And so with cycle drawn I onward go. From Greenland's icy mountains, From Arctic regions hare, To fair Couthland where orange blossoms grow; Whore the rushing water liathe the genial sliort s Of Europes greatest Rhine and Hhoncaud Po. And now I soar to heights beyond the skies. And now to Mother Earth, I near my own home land, And see thnt here" the land of freedom lies; And here Lord Congress meets To make the tree man's laws, Which the rich man loves, the poor de spise. And iu two cities ar two babies born; The one first sees tho light In a mansion grand and fair; Tho other in a cottage poor and worn Weeps out its tears unheard By Mother's busy ear. As thus she fights life's battles nil for lorn. The rich man's sons to luxury allied, With none to oppose and none To repress his wayward will, Twixt good and evil, all will soon decide. The poor old mother's son, The honest lad, seeking A higher life, becomes a Nations pride. As nearer ta the earth I draw me nigh, Two lovers at the gate Are saying fond good bye. The lover reads the answer in her eye, And in the maiden's blush, ' As the sweet word "yes" Falls from her lips soft as her lover's sigh. And then I bear the chime of wedding bells. The sweet, low music hushed, The solemn words "I will,'' Tbe benediction, the hum of roices tells Congratulations to Tbe happy pair through life, The vows here made and left all harm dispels. Some are bowed by sorrow's heavy band While others gaily smile; w Some are tilled with thanks. Whilu others foully curse their native land; Some for this, others for that But all are born to die, For thus I turn to wateh the Masters band. There lay in the silent chamber of death, A torm so coia ana wutie, A form without a soul, And then the mourners watched the flteet ing breath Of one that had no hope , A moonldering piece of clay They pot into tbe grave, and this is deatn. . v. . . And yet within you cot a placid face , is neia in aeattri nrra gasp; Aad an eels hover near, : To bear the soul to its accustomed place. , A beautiful sleeper, Harriert not by death's cold ware; r v 3 And this is life, but death has left its trace, ' v. . r . And now aweary of this- fleeting tleme, i : ". I pause to bid adieu, v i v ''" ' And cast s lingering look, f .. Upon tha visions fair and sad that ' seem - To vanish ere 'twas done. t - - Farewell,' sweet : sights,? Is aad. ,. v '. '. ' . -. Jt 1 V Tis gone, I awoke,, an J Mot H was " dream. . v ' 1 j ' Hi ' Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw; IU., wai troubled with rheumatism and tried a Dumber of different remedies,' but says none of them seemed .to do him any good, but finally he .rot hold of one that speedily eared him. He wis mnoh p. eased with it, and felt sure that others ; similarly, afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cured him. He states for 'he benefit of the public that it is sailed Chamberlain's Fain' Balm. For Bale by J. V. Jordan. ; ' ' - A Goliath in brains Is sometime ,notorer knea high ia graoe. 9iONVHJ MVS MAMBa .- A9NIM0VM HCUBOl x,OOVl33HAA NVWU3AO issq aj spu jou XqA spu o SaiaS -vnTnoX jj . suo j&3u x tpwv Sui3edaj Xq sajnutui saij u; popsjp CT 'jredai 'iou sip "ui apq T qSnoaqj aqra janu; pain, oune! z Suiaouiw Xjduns ;ipi33 jo aso in pasn aq oqnj Jauui TUjxa ire Aura wtTranaaj jopij jo sjapij 9juauiayojdiLi puo W. D. BARRIffGTON, Work horses will do very fiirJ service with good bran fed upon cut hay, and the more clover the bay contains tbe better. A hale old man, Mr. Jas. Wilson, of Aliens' Springs, 111., who is over 00 years of age, says: l'i have in my time tried a great many medicines, omo of excellent quality; but never before did I find any that would bo oompletely do all that is claimed for it as Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is truly a wonderful medicine." For f-ale b7 J. V. Jordan. When, tbe devil goes to be dev. not always nit on sear. cburcb a back Knjoy tiootl llenltli. You can easily do it, if you will keep jour stomach, the laboratory of vour body, in good order. Tyner's DvsDCDsia Reoudv will do this. It will build you up and give you good licaltb. It stands alone as the be!t. Send for book of full partiulars and be cured enjoy good health and be haDDV. Book free tj all. Price 50c per bottle. For sale by druggists. Only 10 per cent, of the sugar we consume is growj iu this con a try- dhil'ib'o Catur.'i Kemedy. A mariel- oue cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Lloadac.be. With enoh bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for tha mora sucoersf'il treat mi ot of ihtm romp 'aims without eztrs ohtrue JTorreriseioVijtoiiij ttrhaoif ajneau Ifj. mi o efficacy PRICE SO CENTS PER BOTTLE J IISl OF lalliAIll IIFDsaiaTiss flit. F O R BSLtBY OHUryHBTja A.& M.S. Railroad. OHBAP EXCURSION BATES TO THE EAST CAROLINA Fish, Oyster, Game ASSOCIATION AT New Berne, N. C. Fetorj19;.!!:l1:!!M894 From all Station! West of New Berne tickets will be sold over this road on the Mail Train from Feb. 17th to 23rd inclusive, good to return until Feb. 87th inclusive. All Stations East of New Bern will sell tickets up to and in truding February 24th by tne Mail Train. THE SPECIAL FAIR TKA.1N will run on Feb. 20in, 2lat. 23od and 23rd, f rota ttoidsooro aod intermediate sta tions to Nev Bern snd return same day. .,- Fare for Round Trip; Inoludiost One Admission to the Fair when tiokets are purohased, by tha Mail and Spscial Train: , FARE BOUND TRIP BY THH UAL TRAIN: Qoldeboro, IS mm i Clark's .90 Etiverdale .75 r .atan. 85 Savelock, 1 DO NewDort, 125 Wild wood, 180 Atlantic, 1-35 aoreh'd City, 1.60 Best's ' LaQrange, Falling Creek Klneton, Daserell, Dover, Core Creek, Tnsoaora, T AM BOUHD TRIP B? THB BPBOIaL TRAIN : Ooldsboro, ll.7f Beata,- . M LaOranKe-, 1.451 Fallins Craek, 1.40 Einatoa, .:, , '- 1-85' lOaawell, ID var. 1 80 1 85 1 00 .85 75 riora Creek, Toaoaora, Clark's raj-Note thai ipooial train doea not run east of S H"rn. - - ;.- adohdule of 8peoal Train for in formation o( the public, and not for train men.aa this train will ma br tela rrenhia orders and will have, no riches overrennlsr trains onlees so. ordered by the Train Dirpatoher.- ; Y.i: i '.: Y - BCHBDULE, Leave Ooldsboro.: Best's...... '. I Grange. 7:40 A.M. 8:10 8 :40 w 4 raiitug vrvoa 9.-00 9:89 , " " V Caswell.... 1st, ,i Dover ....:i." -. " Core Creek . " .' Tuaoarora, 9:64 " ,..10:10 " -,V Clark's 10:17 M Arrive Hew Berne .10 85! lieturniug, leave New Berts. 5: 16 P.M S. L. DILL, Sop't. Art New Berne. N. C RAILROADS. WUminirton, Newta & Norfolk Railroal TIMETABLE NO. 1, To take effect Jan., L'IKb, lS!l l,at C:00 a. m. San-rnediDg T: Tulil.' No. '!, Dated Nov. i'J, is'.iii. GOINQSODTH. SCHKUtl.t. GOI.N.l INOItTU No. Lre. A 1 Passenger Trains. "No. 4 Ar P M. 11. Slationn 8 40 New B-r-ie r, 45 9 18 ar. Pullockar..U 5 07 Karenwoo 1 9 33 Mav.villo 4 .').' 9 4i White Oak 4 42 9 53 Northeast 4 2 10 OU ar Jackaonvil.o lv. 119 10 OS lv sr. 4 17 JarmsDS 10 21 Verona 1 04 10 2 Odarburel '1 .V? 10 39 Folkitnne 3 40 10 48 Holly KidR? :7 10 55 Kdmecombe :'. 211 1104 Woodside :i 21 11 OS Annandale '! 17 Cypress Lake 1110 Hampstead "10 11 25 fcotw Hil1 :! 01 1130 Kirklaod 2 55 11 30 Raymond 2 49 11 4 W. Sea Coam U li. cross g 2 l'.7 11 55 Wilmington I.vb. 2 0 No. 8 PASSKNtliKK AND FrSIUIIT Nj. 2 Lve. P. M. Ar. -. M. 2 00 New Mama 12 00 2 50 ar. Pollccksviile 11 10 2 65 Rivenswood 11(5 3 10 Mayviilu 10 52 3 22 WbiteOk 10 40 3 35 Northeant 10 28 3 50 ar. Jacksonville lv. 10 13 4 20 lv. ' ar. 9 22 4 27 Jarojm'a 9 16 4 30 Verona 9 (Hi 4 40 Caderhur-t S 5(1 5 00 K(i kat'itie 8 43 5 15 II : It n S 31 5 28 K'J ec .in ')'' S '.O 5 30 v ...iMii,. 8 Oft 5 43 Auu.u.lii. 8 U2 5 48 Cvprcrs Lnbe 7 58 5 52 Qimpi'sil 7 52 6 04 neon's H'!: 7 40 6 09 K.rkland 7 33 6 16 Bay mead 7 25 681 W.S aCoast K.K troHs 7 10 6 40 Wilmington Lve. 7 00 Daily Except Sunday. rf. A WHtTINO, J. W. MARTKNIH, (ieoeial Mnayer Gen'l Krelgblantl PawMC. Agt, Atlantic & N. C. Bailroad TIME TABLE KO 20, In Efifest 6:00 A. M. Monday Dec, 6, li)93. Ooiya East. Schedule. (Join) Webi No. 3 Pauenoar Tram i. No. 4. Ar. Lve. Stations Ar. Lve. n m 8 20 Ooldsboro 11 10 a rrj 8 58 8 50 La Grans e 10 22 10 25 4 25 4 80 Kinston 9 48 9 58 5 50 5 5$ New Berne 8 17 8 80 1 28 m Horehead CitT am 6 47 Ooisa East No. l.t Mixed Ft. lOHBDOLB QOINQ WbPT No. 8. Mixed Ft. Stations. Pass. Train. Psos. Train am 6 80 UoKtscoro 7 pn 6 57 7 05 Bc-r's 6 24 6 84 7 80 7 80 La Grange 6 54 6 04 7 48 7 58 Falling Greek 5 24 5 80 811 8 80 Kinston 4 20 "5(0 8 50 8 65 Oatwoll 4 CO 4 16 9 16 10 08 Dover 8 25 8 40 10 81 10 86 Core Creek 2 54 8 00 11 00 11 06 Tuaoarora 2 24 8 SO 1117 1141 Clark's 8 02 818 18 15 8 00 Newbern 10 U8 1 HO 8 87 8 42 Kuerdale v 41 v 40 8 48 8 50 Oroatta 8 88 9 88 4 08 4 18 : Havelook 8 89 9 04 4 87 4 48 Newport . 8 17 8 27 4 51 4 55 Wildwood 8 00 8 05 5 01 5 01 Atlantle 7 47 7 52 6 16 5 81 Horehead City 7 17 7 81 Atlantio Hotel 5 81 B Horehead Depot am 7 0 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. . tTaeedav. TtaaradeT an Halnrdav Train 4 aonnaeta with Wllmlntrton A Wei on Train bound Norm, leaving Golds boro 11:55a. m . aod with Klohmond A Dan ville train West. Laving Golds boro 36 em. Tra'n 8 son nee ta with Richmond ft Dan ville Train, arrivln t at Ooldaboro lS:t5 p. as. and with W Umtnaton a Weldoa Train from tha North u 5S p. m. ?, rT ''.'..v. Superintendent.. m INJECTION t Na iMin. R. Paisa, PVeveeita lllsn t ret. Syringe. A I to 4 Day Cure for GoyoaRHuna. SUSt, LHCCOBRHrHA, Hl'CkM Af(l R.H'a. Aarj nsl Tjnhealttay Eternal Ulschanrea - . u eW'A Bore PreventlTeot all Veoereai DttcaWnb at Orasaiats, or eent lo any addraaa (or II fnkretleia SfaOfdor I" "Til f. BRejT ot at sluiilar ramedleeTPS. mI at. a I. Maatard, IU nnljtar C leaaeawaer. OhJ. I U. pw --;; ,: YVY.Y iftrnn Ml LKOAL K0TICE3. carrso rtatcs or mkrica.i Faml4oo lturram Msbshsxw Kotics or Saunaa. Wieieee k llbei halb kewa BleS la lbs Cla trlcl Ooort o sna Delt4 otsfs (er tbe Dietrel ot rmimlKn, oa the lain Ssj or Jee !( br A J ant. n h. Jeneie R. romlioeoa.la sum el eei.sce.ea4 prey Ins U u.ttsi proeeee aas ssot'o o. onart. ibat ell pn! iutereeS la tbe eaid reeeel. ber UKiiie sptarei sad (arnllsr. Kbf be elteS toeneeer ibe BiniwMee eed ail Sae V w (liuti belD( ued tast tbe eaaie aisr be 0er j 'i u ei4 ana 'be proeeeas ibere of etrlboteil soeorsinf to law. Tber(.e. ta pareuaae.of tbe said asoal tloa coder the eeal of eald eourl la me direct.! and del vanwl I do he'r fire notice tener. 17 aatosll aereoee be. Ids or pretronlos to baveaaji rlfDl. ilile or 1 mer est tberela. and loowneraof said Sen Jea ele K ruini'neoa la epeelei to ppear before ibe store amid eoort at tbe el y of New Berne, oa IbeTtb dar of Feb. liwi. at U o'eicck, la lb forenoon if It he a court day or elee oa (be nen eourl d.y thereafter, at 11 o'clock b:s and there to anewer tbe eald iliiel aoa .0 raake tnelr allegations In tbal bebair. Uated at New Berne .Me llth day of Jan. A U. lwt, JoKHUA b. Bill C. h. Marehal, U by (.has 11 biLU bept. alarabal NOTICE. "'in MUHIDNKKH OK UM'. I'lirm iot lo ft Jutlcmut of forecloaare of irUeVH and tn order of ule. at Ymil Tr a of ihe Hiiperlor eotirtor Orftvcii county, tntkuaci'D wbertotUxrl W.M.WB.taon it plfclntiH and Uenrr HoaM and wlf avre do feDdautn. commiulODer, duly aotborlKad aud f mpoworwHi by uldJadiinrDl nd or dr of mmim, I will Mil to toe hlgQMl bidder. lorcMii, isi 1 lie tour 1 houm door of culd county, Id the otty of few Berne on the imh diro ebotvry, 1KI. l 12 o'cloox douii, all thj fallow ley dt-ecrlbed tract or parcel of land, to wll: Lylut and belli k In tbe county aforetald, near Dover tiatlon, which it de scribed lo a oertmtD juagrocnt In the cup erlor court ol eald c utity In ibe certain ar lion wherein Henry houee it Dialniltfan'l 8. n eti ana wire are aeie miaou. being all tbe rlht. nile and interest Lf ibe said Houte, wnicu ue nas oy iriue 01 eaiu j uonnient. HKO H. WHlTK.Comml.aloner, This Jan. 4 lttVI. PUBLIC SALE. !.T((I ol N.IKTH CaH lupe: (.'riven count.. I. P (J llunerly v.L. H cc p'.er. I Kali Term 1km j Hpier snd wife A I Id i-uinaaccd of a iiirlament of tbe Hu parlor Court :or I'ravpu county Kail Term 1HW:1 slKue.l by Hynum. .ludc pretldlog. I will expo.1 in aal.'al tbe Court liouae door la tbe .my of Ntw Heme N con the IStta day of Ker.urary, lHdl fur (tie purpoie of aallafylDR a'd .lU.lKment the fohowlnit ueacriuecl landa to wilt All (hat piece or parcel of land situ ated in Craven county In No. :i townahtp, ad otnlriK the landa of Kate Cobb, and otbem. conlAlnlni; one hundred and rlfty acree, I lr" Kor a more perfect deacrlption of ald land, reference la raed to a mortgage deed reir'a le.ed In Register of deeds oilice for Craven county. In ipook No !(7. pige old Terms of Hale Cain. L J. MdoRK Coinmtsaloner NOTICE CF SALE. I'urfUant lo a Judgment of Koreelo.ure of Morina;es nud au ore or of Kale at tail lerm iHH.i. i,f i ne is u parlor Omrl of Ciaven county, in the cine of Ibe Hlai? of North Carolina e x rel. W. M WhIkob, Cork of the hupenor 1 v'l.iir t, C.HlntitT vs. II. .ItK'laBon Jones etat. De eiuliii.Lrt. an ( 'oininlssioner du y appoint ed a .d an i ti'trizmJ hy the said j uilg men t and order of -ie, 1 will sell to tne nlKheit bidder hi iiioiourt liouue uojr of Cravt-n county, in the pity ot ew Heme, N. O., on tbe 12lb day ot Feoruai v, lH i . (be ins Monday, and thetl. Hi day of Kelirnry IVriii ot Craven c(iuai superior Court ), at 12 o olorti noon, or kh tsoou ihereafier as the court .ball take u reft hs, I Iip . lowilin uesm lued land i liii snd belnt; on tb a iiiih aide of t use K: t-r. in No ,i i ownshl p ( Kort Kara we 1 1 M rHVfii rnunlv a' it tilling the lands of K. A KiiHM'll.ttud otherH.Mi.d bounded 8fol- lon: hcKiiini' j at a wli it okH , now down) on the nhle of the road lentil nt; from Nease roiul to Cumn Onk flautailoii and In the ed.e of an olu field helorgluK to K- A. Kuu- ttell and ruiiH Not Ln 2s (letr-rena Vel I.o uolea to u red OdK then South tiJ Weil to itie lines ui Stevenson's bti acre puieut., belut on the ed.eni a pond or branch, which poud ai.d branch whs the Hue ol Lewis Junes, deu'd , ot which was purchased by fcrederlefc tics, Lewis Jones and Allen .Tones, from Mis Winmte. thence down aildjt-ond and tiniicn 1 VillllaniH' t ranch, thenoe down down said pond and brunch to K A . HoBBtl. a Hue a tut w i h Ills line to the beginning, con taining It4i bi rtn more or leas, being the name hind devised lo the children of Allen Joues by will, nnd pur haaed b H. Jackson Tones of Sarah J men, Mary Kent, Penelope mugs ano r-nsau jones oy ueea reocraea, theolllce of t he ; eiaier o Deeds of ( iraven un y.inoooB 91, page and lully de tcrlied therein h well as Iu the mortgage l said 11 Jackson Jours to the rttatj re- oordtd In said ollice In oooli !W, paae .")7 and Ui ibe complaint In this action, excepting Irom i hiH kttle S'ich part of the aoove describ ed land as may be e a braced tn the ton't. gtve executed tty li. J ricaaon Jones toJ. V. t wart, which la recorded In the otlloe aforesaid in boob 1"4 on page !ol And should the proceeds of suco sale be insutll taut to piiy otl the plmm Ills debt a d costs, then t he nald land e rib aced id s.ld Hlewart mort gage will be Kidai suae lime and place. Terms oi Male 'au. u. f.ibUiiiH. ThieJftu 7, l&H. CommiulODer. Incorporation Notice. State of North Carolina, i In Ofllca Clerk i 'raven County ( Superior court Notice .8 hereby given of tbe Incorporation of tne Pine Lumber Company, that the names of the Incorporators are W K. Kch, f reeman uawR, lienry uawK and William K. Aberty and such otbers as tbey may as s tate with them; that the prlncloal place of business shall e In New Berne N. C.and its general purrose and business Is buying tlmodr. mannfactnrlng same, bavlnii ana selling lumber and doing All thlnits neces sary and convenient In carry lng on said bast nessoi buying timoer ana lumoer, ana man ufacturlDK lumber aod selling the same; that the duration of the corporation ihall be ihlrtv years; the capital stock Is ten thous and dollars -with privilege to Increase to t nifty thousand dollars, divided In one hun dred shares of the pr vlne of one hundred dollars. W. U. WATSON, O.8.C. Admioistritor's Sa! of Rea.1 Estate P. H. Pelletier Adatlnlstrator d b n. o t. a.ofZ. Blade vs. William G. Urineon, K u. fritonett ana otners. In obedience to the Judgment of ibe 8u- S erlor court In the above entitled cause ren ered,and pursuant to the license therein granted, for the purpose of making assets (or payment of debts and distribution, 1 will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door In Graven county, on Monday toe 5th da of Marob at the hour of )2 o'clock M. all the following described lots or parcels of land lying and bMng situated In the city of Newbern, bonrjded and described as follows: Bt Beginning at a point 68 fet from tne Norwestern Intersection of George street with Broad st'eet. running thenoe wet to Howden's line, thenoe Northwardly with Howden'e line 2H feet inches, thence East and parallel with Bread street 68 feet, thenoe southwardly to the beginning on Broad tn ; being that portion of lot ISO 284, aa remains after that portion devlssd by Z. tiiade to the Newbern Baptist Church. 2nd. Beginning atihe Northeast corner of lot No. 23 on the wst side of Hunoock rtt. at the Hontheaatern point of lot 87 and runs thene Southwardly with Hancock street 131 feet, thence west and parallel with South Front street to lot No. 24. thence North with the tine of said Lot to lot No. 87, thence east ward 15 with th" line of said lotto the begin ning, being part of lot No. 28 in the plan ol taesaia city. Kd. That oertain iot on tne west side or Hancock street at the Noitheaat corner of lot 88, thenoe North and parallel with Han oock street to the Booth west corner of lot No. 89 thenoe eastwatdly and our a 11 el with South Front street to Hancock street. thenoe wlih Hancock street to the beginning; be ing lot No. (7 la the plan of the eald olty. Terms of sale Cash. , Th'slhefiUthday f Jai. 1HW . . ,i Pa HPsiLLKTlER. A AdminUtrator d, b. n. o. t a. Z. filade Deo'd. Xad IB an itttda awl sues, lists! stresseat.eealsatSOT)drAsmreat.liiiilA most, accnralej aioat eompeot, sad aaeatl swxierB. For aale by art dealers ta srsas. I Oatalogwe nallel free bf y. Tici Haflii Rra Arms Co'i . Kw Havn, Con, C. 8. A. A. & N. C. RAILxROAD. Freight Department Xewbers, H. a, Jai. l2Ui M. IIBUITB. ' : To But) nd Ootiity FsJrt u North Carolina, 8oot Caroliaa,' Geora, Kentocky, Virfil ttMi Ibe Distriot of Colombia, f.a ,ffee May 18th 1893. ' , ..; Rates oh sxdibits to faibs aid sxpo8iti0b8. Sbipmenta of lira stock od oibrr property for exhibition at Mm va rious County nd Stat Fain aad Expositions, will be tianeported over the A. & If. U. R. R. oa the followioK terna: 1st. Forwarding agents will re quire prepayment of freight At fall tariff rate on article intended for exhibition, issuing bills of ladiar and way bills specifying each aad every article in detail and freight on each. 2nd. All exhibit transported aa above vill be returned free to orri ginal shipping point, provided tha ownership remains unchanged aad tbe shipment is made within thirty days alter tbe fair or exposition, and tbe orngioal bill of lading ia surrendered, being endorsed or certified hy the proper officer of the fair that tbe article specified has been duly exhibited. .ird. Parties shipping hot see foi exhibition at fairs mast present certificate Irom the secretary to the fact that th horses were not en tered for races nor used for any other purpose thun that of exhibi tion at the fair or fall rates in each direction will be charged. One attendant will be allowed to accompany valuable animals or a full car-load of stock free ot charge going and returning. The above cond'tions do not apply to race horses, which will be charged inll tariff rates provided lor in classifi cation. 4'.b. Exhibits irom the tair or 'exposition to another in tbe same j or other States, or over one or more roaas, win oe saDjeot to tne same conditions as govern upon original shipments to first point exhibited. 5th. Articles (or exhibition will not be taken on above terms unless tbe shippers sign a release holding tbe carrier harmless fiom any lia bility whatever caused by aocident deteution, or any other cause. S. L. Dill, General Freight Agent. First Class Barber Shou BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Baptist Church. Apartments neat and tidy, and only Oompetent assistants employed. iTirat class bath rooms Hoonnocted with ahopg. H. L. BANKS, doc6 Proprietor. THE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL Is a tcn-paffc eight column Demo crat U'. Newspaper. It contains the best ol everything going. HENRY WATTEUSON is the Editor. Price $1.00 a Year. Tho Weekly Courier-Journal makes very liberal terms to agents and gives tree premiums for clubs. Sample copies of the paper and four-page Premium Supplement sent free to anv address. Write to COUIiIEK JOUHNAL CO., Louisville, Ky. TBE New Berne Weekly Journal And the COUKIEK JOURNAL will be sent one year to any ad dress for $1.7."). Address, JOURNAL, New Berne, N. C LADIES IOU KNOW DR. FELIX IE BRUN'S STEEL END PENNYROY0L PILLS are the original and only FBENCH, safe and re liable enro on the market. Price $100 sent by mail. Genuine eold only by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Solo Agent. A BEAUTIFUL NEW MONTHLY. UUSIC. By subscription, $1 60 pel year: all bright, popuUr and copyright Olassioal and Standara Melodies, "Om Monthly Misicil Bim." The Handaomest Maaioal Month ly ever issued in America- Con tains 8 compositions (all. copy. right:) 4 instrumental and 4 rooal, with piano accompaniments. 32 pages of music, with engraved titled cover, lithographed in: dolors and embellished with orayoa like ness of some musical celebrity In vignette. Iuolose 15 cents for a upeoimen copy. Liberal terms to agents. ddres8 Bknj. W. Hithcock. - Publisher: 385Sixth Ave., New York! - to sola nDder poeitiTe written ruarantae, by auttMir- ' fced ageuta only, ear Weak Mesaory- lam of Brain and Nerve fn; vr ijt-tn.Mr lh leasee; Erll Dreams: Leek of CoondeDeel i?!3!S2! If-S5I fcoeaof Power ot the eeaeratHa Omm a erui.r eex, eaased by OTw-exerttm; Soatnlol Knots, or ExoeeaiTe (Jea of Tooaeoo, Opium or Ltqnoa. which eooa lead te JUaer, OoasnriiBtrnn. Inaaalryaad Deeta. By Kali, fa s boa; tor tejwitn WTitton jiwmp t e lo oareor rofand mooey. WEsrgooUGjiriv ki p. a man rare for Ootwea, 03Ma,Athna,ljrn niui, Cmaiv Waoopmt Coosrh, Bore Throat, Pleemnt to btsa. Small else diaogniratwd; old, ow. Hn, B,T otd etas, now SOaiUji W ,djOBly by P. a'DUFrr, Druggist and Sole Agent.

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