V r nl HE OURNAL. VOL. XIIa-NO, 272, NEW BERNE, N. C. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1894 PRICE 5 CENTS Daily V X T BCSIXESS LOCALS. A.KX om on, wUhiog Turkey, for next - weekNra would like to take tbalr order tor nine, w, ,1m will bar, a nic lot BatnrdkT- Bam!. Coax A Box. ONE boodrad cue, of Pie Peachca for Ml, at J. F. Ttjlor, ud S. H. Scott', at ' 10 cent a can. SALESMEN wanted Free prepaid out fit. One of oar agent, ha, earned over $30,000 in fire year. P. 0. box 1871, New Tort LOST, Strayed or Stolen One Gold Headed Umbrella. Return to thi, office. TRY "Coal Oil Jobnny Soap" best in the world tor any purpose laundry, kitchen, toilet, bath or removal of grease sputa from kid gloret, &c. Onco used you'll never be without it. Fur sale by J. F. Tatxor. A NICE fine lot of chickens. Smallwood. J. W. x' HENRY Brown' is the place for finest Broad creek and Nelson Bay oyster, , P Prompt delivery, from bench corner Mace drag (tore. .UNTIL futher notice we will not deliver mny bread on the street, hut will lie glad o have you send to the store lor it. Bend about fivo to get it nice ami hot. Respectfully, Clark Bakiko Co. AIjL person having claims against me will please present them at oi.ee for i n inediate payment. I can be loun I at my old stand until further notice. C. E. Slovkr. A KIND an 1 Gentle Horse six years old for sale. '. E. S lover. MUTTON Suet for medical use, 5cts per cake. Chas E. Nelson. No. 67 Brc.d 9t. A FRE8H lot of Landrcth's & Johnson & R.iMns seeds juat received tt tf uaskii.i.'s Pharmacy. .O0AL NEWS. VA'IT A I YE RTTI' V F. .V TS Uotvar?. Salesman want! d. Q. II. Roberta. For rent. 8. Colin &S.m Turkeys. Tavlor an I Scott Pie piMclioi. II. L. Oibbs Mules for sale. W. D. Barrington For Fnir Week. COTTON SALES. Thursday- -3 bales, 7 18 lo 7 15. A special drill of thu Naval Reserves will beheld at the armory tonight. The merry go round for the Fair was Iteing put up yesterday. Round trip tickets from Norfolk U New Berne for the Fair will be ft Roberson county has just added nine convicts to the penitentiary. The exhibit of Messrs. W. II. & R. S. Tucker of Raleigh was among - those which arrived yesterday. His Radcliffe's'concert will be a promi nent event of Fair week. The tickets to "this fine musical entertainment are now on sale at Nunn & McSorley's. 'Charlotte wants to secure the State Horticultural Fair this year. The con test for it appears to be between that city and Wilmington. The Secretary of State 'ill at the end of this month issue the annual report of the Hie and fire insurance companies doing business in this State. , There is much interest at King's Moun tain regarding the tin discoveries. It is aid that Northern capital is icady for investment there, A Jacksonville correspondent writes us that Mr. J. F. Giles has just finished bis large store fir Marine & Bros, who in tend to pat a large stock of goods iu it The preparations for the grand Fair ' parado on Tuesday are moving forward. ' The fire companies , and other organiza lions, bicyclist and citizens will all par tlcipate. . Join in and swell the proces sion. : Mr. E. T. Berry is painting and let . taring Mr. Jobn Dunn's cigar stand at the Fair grounds. Though not large the stand will be conspicuous and inviting in Its appearance. , -Last Saturday morning the - two only 'prisoners in Pitt county jail gave bond and were released. The jail was empty two days.' It is the first time it has been - empty since it was built, twelve years . Tbe'. meeting of the Choral Society : baving been interlered with by the rain Wednesday nigh llio business Intended for then will be transacted next Weducs day night. The Choral Society now taunijeri 150 me'mbcm ; The painters were at work on Mr. L. SchultB A Co' store front,' The cousld erable amount of repaiiitirlg that has been done on Middle street stores recently and .the tearing down of the dead ivy Iroin - tlie.Bjplist church, leaving only the fresh gretc . portions adds, much to the good appearance of the street. - Col, J. S. Cart's factory exhibit arrived on a special car by last nightVpassengsr train. Preparations for it had been y going on all day by gentlemen who came down in advance. - Mr.' H. ; N. Snow came down with it. He is at Mrs. N.- 8. Riehardsons. " ; ' " ": The Slate's exhibit fur the East Caro lina Fair, a car load of about 75 cast arrived by the freight twin yesterday and was taken up to the grounds prompt lv and work beinn at oace bv Messrs. l'rmiU v and Green, who, with Mr. T. K. TUBES IT KECKS. A Bark Stranded and Tw Sehooaers Sink Oar Coast. Special to Thb Joubkal BbaUTObt, N. C, Feb. IS During last night gale th, bark New Light, Capl. Avis, laden with lumber and bound to Philadelphia from Savannah, was stranded on Bogu, beach, twelve miles west of here. The crew were saved but the vessel was a total loss. Pilots report seeing the masls of two schooners sunk on Outer Diamond, Look out shoals. Send Tour Exblb'U To-day. Good work was done at the Fair grounds yesterday. When our people make a start they drive ahead lively. The walls were made pretty with ever greens ' and othcr,decorations. Elands and show cases put into position ami the .ex hibits that arrived properly placed. Let every one send up all he can this morning ami this afiernson that the pre paratory work may proceed with all the expedition possible.It is important to get everything made ready to save from too great a rush towards the mil; so send everything this morning that yon can. The New Berne Music House. A thousand dollar Mchliu baby grand piano will be a part of the exhibit from the A. Celin Piano Jt Org.in Company of this city. It is now on the way by ex press. This music coinpa ly has already sold and delivered this week lour pinnos and lour organs jood ork. Mr. .1. VVillie Stallings went down lat nijjht to put up Icir .Mr. I. 11. M iUisdii, t lie one piano just sold lo him. Coming and (iolng. Miss l.uerelia (iurrcll, of Winston ur rived last ni''lit lo visit Miss K.nina Katie Jones. Mr. Ed. Lyon, of Fnyettevillc arrived ti visit his lather It-v. J. 'l Lyon and attend the Fliir. Mr. T. Iv. Limner arrived last night lie and Messrs Green ami Brim ley who arrived the night before are stopping at Mr. N. S. Richardson's. Superior Court. State vs. Chancy Gore. Larceny by breaking a gNss in L Sclmltz's window and abstracting u portion of contents. The jury were out all day and had not agreed upon a verdict at last accounts. State vs. Chancy Gore. Larceny of pi-,to'. from E. E. Moye, col. VerTul, not guilty. The case on the civil docket of Wein man, Hirshiuan, & Co. vs W. H. Cohen. Verdict for plaintiff. Tingle vs Rowe, a land suit, occupied the afternoon session of court and ran over into today. It is announced that the National Farmers Alliance will meet in Raleigh next year. A Congressman dropped dead the other day, but it dnes not seem to have affected this years's crop of candidates for Congressional nomination. When this country reaches the stage at which bonest elections can only be se cured by Federal interference the days of the republic will be numbered. ' The fate of the British House of Lords is interwoven with that of the crown. If one falls the other cannot stand, and neither rests upon s very secure founda tion. A four thousand dollar distillery seizure has been made by revenue officers in Per son County. The property was leized for irregularities and will be sold. The Sherman Bros., Mrs. Sbedman rind .their troupe of performing dogs ar rived on the Wilmington train to show at theFsir. , The Kansas judge who naturalized a Chinaman must have overlooked the act of 1882. which prohibits their naturaliza tion, by either Federal or State courts. Attorney General Olney is investigating the case.. - A special ' to the Wilmington Messenr ger says: "A prominent Republican here received a letter today from Washington stating, on authority, that all the Repub lican and Populist Senators would cer tainly vote against Simrnons'tconfirmatfon and that if Senator Vance induced any Democrats to vote with hint Simmons' defeat was cwtain.- V; '''"'"yS: '" Two distillers . anrl ; 1,000 gallons of whiskey,, belonging to Alonzo:, Rhyne, near Gastonia, have . been seized. Also Revenue officer returned from near Blue! Wing, Person countyr where thev seized the entire count of the Chester -Springs Distillery Company. -There are two stills. : The value or the property is $4,000. .. It is seized for irregularities and will bo old. :, Vv , " X : ; ' Gov. Cart hai offered a reward of f 100 each (or two Cumberland county murder ers William West and John West. The same sized reward fs offored for a Wilkes county man 3uthrie J. Johnson who kill ed Frank Meyers in Wilkes county.! The New Observer Chronicle says the case of tlie Wests Is a very aggravated one; They shot down. Frank Newell, who was A FAIR CONYEXIE.1CE. lafarmatloa Bnreaa and Check Roam for Accommodation of Visitors, The need ol one prominently, always accessible spot at which individuals of a great and protracted gathering of people can obtain desired information and leave parcels with which they do not wish to be encumbered is perfectly apparent. While some accommodation along these lines has been afforded at each New Berne Fair, the service has not heretofore beeu worked up to that degree of efri cieticy. which would ni i'..e i; fthe b'gli est value. TVh y -:-1 u -j vi e will be systematically coudueicd in a prominent and convenient location -ii . to be run by .Mr. John P i in i:i lonucction with his ciga r stand. At the stan I information will be freely famished ut any hour while the Fair is In progress cither ou mailers pertaining to the Fair or on outside matters mat is information pertaining to the finding ol boarding houses, arrival and depart ures of trains, steamers, &c. Mr. Dunn will also have a c'u:ek room in which articles may, with pcrf-ct safely, bo left lis long as desired, the using ol checks clludcs the possibility of mistakes occurring, ami as extra help w ill be re quired '.o attend to the business a small fee will be charge 1 for tlie care of the articles left, but remember that any in formation yon will,be cheerfully furnished throughout the day w ithout any charge whatever. A Stroag Seutiinnnt for 8 1 mm on 4. StaTF.svii.i.b, N. C, Feb. 11 11 Sim tnotis should be deleated for confirmation by the Senate I predict the people of North Carolina will have two claims upon Hem winch lliev will nidi loiward to pav Vane's warmest friends, who of collide will net (Uert iiim, will crowd e.icli oilier in their elf oris to reward Sim i-.ioih, b.it'i for liis nob'e, couragco.is tight lor Democracy and for tins last mark ol disapproval which the entire Democracy of the State will resent, lor if h: is ilcf ale 1 they will resent i not with a Iceling or desire to censure v anre, but wiih i hut higher and greater le-.ire to deleiid themselves, as it is looked upau as a delenee of Democracy to defend Sim mons. 1'lie ans.ViT of Siinmons to Vance is I he whole talk of the town and the cry is if lie is defeated now, we will reward him yet. Speci il to the Charlotte )! servr. JOHN L. WKBElt, Professor of English Literature Trinity ( o lege, n Defaulter. Columbia, S. C. Feb. 14. John In Weber. ex-School Commissioner of Charleston and now Professor of English Literature in Trinity College, N. ('., is a defaulter in the sum of over $ 1,200. We'i er left Charleston about a year ago to go lo Trinity College. When Ins annual re port reached buperintendent of Educa cation Mayfield las:, fall that officer lound a discrepancy in tho financial part of it and began a quiet investigation, which rosulted in the discovery of the shortage. Weber raised a number of school certifi cates, n species ot forgery common in cases of that kind. The defalcation ex tends over a period of more than a year. Efforts were made to suppress the facts and prevent criminal proceedings being instituted, but the State authorities de clined to do this. Weber will be prose cuted. He was quietly arrested over a week ago aud gave bond in $1,500 for his appearance when wanted. Weber was at one time on the staff of the News & Courijr and 3S a writer of considerable ability. lie is the author of a school oook on the history of South Carolina. An official report of the de falcation was today made by the State uthonties. A Thre0Bonnd Contest at Jacksonville, N. C. The following is in a note signed W. O, P. sent us from Jacksonville, N. C. "We had a prize fight here the 8th iust. There was lots of people here to see the fight. James Davis tho champion from Ohio to fight J. M. O. Quinn, the light weight North Carolinian. Ijuiun chiseled Davis on the third round. They are under a $200 bond." Fine S. C. Oranite. The Charlotte News says that Moores- vllle, a progressive little town near Uliar lotte. is the, location of the Charlotte Granite company, and that some of the finest ' gray granite in the world is now being taken out. This granite is used' in some of the finest buildings and monu ments in the country, is subject to a very line polish and has an enormous sale in the North. . The shipment have become so great that a private railroad track is being bnilt from the' main line of the A. T. & O., railroad to thfi works whete cars will be loaded,' thus' saving the expense of wagons and teams.. The granite there seems to be inexhaustible. ' J ."Trifles light as air." Have you ever noticed how persistency some people's neck ties ride up da their collar. This is only a "trifle" but it detracts more from an, otherwise dressy appearance than any little thing that is neglected about your; ap parel. " We have a remedy : for it, a collar button, mide for the purposed They are made out of the new metal Aluminum, and it is almost as "light as air,n They are Cheap and always get there, when it comes to holding down youf necktie. - -- - J. lit. HOWARD. FUR BENT. '". The house on, N. W. corner of Met calfandNew streets, lately occupied Jy v.. H. Koherta v . -j KIMVARI) JIURrilT Btea'i on Aaolbt r Watch -Is Cracked the II. ad and Daoa-rrouslT V.. on ded Kdwar I Murphy, the vagrant, tough, and thief li i for neailv lUree months was an expense in jail lii tlie tsx-payers of C'rivcn county and who was linally ru i out of NVw ll'Tnc us a dangerous cli.irielcr bv ill i i!y aiillioritii-s hai been crai ke I on the luad a. el is now in a Richmond :d -n-hoii-.- lil.i l to lie . Ik pieet savs th it tne Mow w.i- given bv a I'fiionbnt he d xu'i i,ll lion Iu- v.ime to receive it. It will U- remembered iliat Ii u was recently arrested on two charges, highway robbery and pri.e lighting but evidence was not obtain ed sullietnt to convict on either. The Kiclnnond Dispatch tclli of his last af fair as follow s I-M Murphv, of pugilistic lame, who came here from New York some weeks since, and has figured iu Tolice-Court re cords since the tight at the Turf Exchange on the night ol February 1st, now lies at the almshouse in a precarious condition. Murphy w as arrested Tuesday by Ser gemt Aleck Tomliiisou and lodged in the Si cond Police Station on a warant charging him with stealing a watch chain, and chrin, valued at f 13.30, from Allen Mcintosh, a fellow-prisoner in the fit v jail. When committed to jail February 2d by .lusi'ee Crutehtield to await examina tion on Hie charge of nibbing F. C. Mitch rll of $'M in cash and a gold watch, Murphy made, the aenuaintance of Mc intosh. It is alleged that ou the day that he was discharged from the prison he borioned Mcintosh's timepiece, prom ising to return it ill a little while. In stead he p aw'ned it. When the officer arrived at the sl.ili .n with his prisoner yesterday he com plained that he was I cully hurl. An ex amination shewed that he had a deep out on his head, and Dr. A. Monteiro was called in. lie pronounced the wounds serious and the .vounded man was re in. ived to tlie almshouse. Before being moved Murphy slated that lie got into a tight Friday night, and was struck on the baa I with a piece of inm. lie dceli ncd to give the name ol'his assailant, ami Would i:ol discuss the iiiatltr further with the police. Inquiry at the .almshouse late la-t night el;ci!ed the bit'onration licit his wounds w iy c niaidried dangerous. WAS 1 1' THE OLYMPIA! l'h l iikuaw n Steamship Which Sank on tit. Dreaded Diamond Shoals. The unknown steamship which found civ I on the outer Diamond Sliorls, t ape Hattcrus, is believed to have been th Brilish teuns'rp Olvtnpia, which saiU',1 from M mi l ;in z is on February 1, for Phi delphia, consigned to the Earn Lille Steamship Company. The descriptions 'urnis'ied by the life savers tally with the vessel in ihe opinion of those who know her h re, where she has been re paired, having traded between Philadel phia and Cuba for several years past. 1 no lile savers along the morlli Uaro lina coasts and vessels arriving a' Beau fort and Norfolk report having seeu the unknown vessel on Sunday, February 4, drifting in a broken down condition on the shoals, w hich run seaward for at least 14 miles from Cape llalteras. she soon struck, and being unmanageable and helpless, sank immediately. No one at the time was able to ascer tain her name. Those w ho saw her state that she had a light-colored smokestack, which corresponds with tho Olympia's, which was buff colored. She was two masted, schooner rigged, another point of resemblance. The unfortunate cralt was deep laden, and tho Olympia's hold was tilled with 2,000 tons ot sugar, consigned to the Franklin Sugar Refinery. The tops of the masts ou the wreck arc now visible above the water on ibe shoals. Captain Coleman commanded her, and hid a crew of 33 sailors. Tho Olympia was built, in St6rkton, Eng., in 1832. Philadelphia Record. SPIRITUALISTIC SPIRITUALIZERS. Tonight. Friday, Feb'y 16th, at the Opera Honse. Dr. Slade, who lias recently returned from a five years' tour of Australia, India, China and Japan will give a seance for the purpose of demonstrating spirit power in the light. The following are among the demonstiatiors given. Blade's open seance, as presented by him before the leading scientific socie ties of England, Austria, Germany and France. Slade was by them subjected to the most critical test conditions. There is not one member among them but ac knowledges that in tho presence of Mr. Slade there isu wonderful power and in telligence outside the body that can us suuie a human form and annihilate dis tance. But what this power is there is a diversity of opinion. A table rises and floats in midair flowers are brought and passed through the audience by invisible bands: spirit slate writing; questions written and retained by the interrogators will receive lull and intelligent answers. This gentleman has acquired a wide celebrity fas a medium. His seances are given on the open sage in the full glare of the gas lignts. The wonderful power displayed by Mr. Slade can be explained i . . , 1 1 . . i . i i. , . oy no oruer lucory man unit wnicu ne assumes, that he is Capable of invoking departed - spirits. Sergeant Cox, presi dent of the Pcycholoeieal Society, Great Britain, says: . "I have been an advocate of spiritualistic phenomena for thirty years, and. if the manifestations of Mr. Slade are not genuine, and if it can be proven they aTu ' not, then I will never more believe in spiritual manifestations." A small admission fee will be charged. , w t -, . .. . . ,i 1 p ' Atlantic, Notice. - Every member and every other person having a unilorm belonging to the Atlan- tio Steam ire Angina Company, n quested to send it at once to Nnnn St Mc Sorley's store, or J. B. Holland A Go's. PBOJII'IXT NORTHERN VISITORS. Iart-stigatlng to (life Publicity lo Our Climate and Fanitarr Influences lia'eltrh mil Entertain Them Toojy a prominent J editors mid phieian- oigli. I nless llirv ha which do !i. H.lunl f they w i d be in N l next week. I iie following i i:,,pi ; fro i I lie I b-el Vi r-Chrollu le tel 1 it ot.iet t and t Hal ru cive iliein The Chomb, r in range I to ieiue .md welcoma a number l prominent coito's of Medical Journals who wi I be l.cto en the 10th. Thev urc making a tour o! the South for the purpose of aheer'aining the climate ; id saint a l y intllli In es uf I lh- st e eiving pulillcilv to the s line. tion and Among tue gentlemen i ..Mooing the party are. Dr. W.I. Wile, editor New England Medical Monthly and Past Sur geon, Oeneral l. A. It. vt ilc and daughter, Danburv, Conn; Dr. A. N. IHI. editor of the S init.irinn. Brooklyn. V. Y, Dr. II. II. llvnett, editor Medical and Suigi. eal Reporter, Philadelphia, Pa, Dr. Win A. Hammond, surgeon licncral l . S. A , retired list, aud wife, Washington. D. ('. Dr. Ferdinand King, editor Polyclinic, New York city; Hon. Clark Belli I'. , editor Medi o-Lcgal .loiun.il. New York city; Dr. T. I. Crothcrs. editor the Jour nal' of Inebriety, Harford, Conn. Dr. T. Bailey, editor Brooklyn Mede ,il and Surgical Journal, Brooklyn, N. Y ; Di. Howard Van Ucns;. aer. edit, r ol Med ical Annals. Albany, N. Y. Dr. W. Blair Steward, editor Medical AniiuaN, AlL.mv. NAY; Dr. W. B. Stewart, editor Medical Bulletin, Philadelphia, I '. Mr. Mnitiu drilling and w ilc. n presenting t Ic I 'ni neeticut press. The matter ol r. c. i i:.g oi l en:, i . .i!i ing the visitors wid I., in the h.o ds a special committee, ineln.lin tne Pmm. den! and Secretary ol tin Chamber. D . L. T. Smith, of 1Viih Irani i. a I dre-se.l a lew rniiai ks to tie Chamber, during which iie assured '.he listeners that they had a vicinity of I emarkal advantages for manufacturing and attraction-, lor immigration, and that the unit ing known ol these fads was tin- only thni'j necessary to secure a ili -ir il.'r iu llux ol both. lie made I he t.ilemeiil without reservation, alley hiving t rav d led over thirteen Slate-, lie will m ike his holm- at Sou' hern I'm. - Deputy I'. S. Marshall. I' idled Stales Marshall ( 'ai rol sued commissions to the lol.o in, marshals. George Field of I l, u. i- i n. Bov.l of New Heine. 1,-s-o deputy W. I'.. iiilh.im ol (ioldslioro, C, V I! il ,'ni-. m ol II-aulort Ales McMillin of Lumber Bridge, K. A. (Vler of Plymouth. W. W. Neil 1, II ami Tics. . Bunting ol Y bnin j ei. News Observer Chimin 1, . Absolutely Pure A oream of tartar baking powder HUrhest of all in leavening strength Latest United States Government Food Report. Royal Bakino Powder Co . 108 Wall 8t.,N. Y Two Fine Mules will 1)6 sold for CASH at tlie Court House "door in New Iicrne MONDAY", Feb. 19'.h, 1894. For particulars apply to td II. h. GIIiHS. For Fair Week I WILL IIAVE- A. Large Line of SAMPL.E IS IT IT !S For Men and Boys, aud intend to sell them at Manufacturers Prices It will pay any one in need of Clothing to see them. Also a Large Line of Men's and Boy's Hats Just Eeceived. Shoes, Shirts, Suspenders and Collars in great variety. FAIR WEEK Means Bargain Week at 17. 0. B&RftlilGTCNS', 67 Middle Sc. FEBRUARY 14th, 1894. All Taxes not paid within 15 days fro m the date of this notice, the property will he duly advertised and sold ac cording to law. :r: -'Pay up and sivTCostsA m. k. m ajvFflja a m STOCK W. D WALLACE, COLD WAVES! Noithtral 1 ly - " V? in Kul-j y) n?il 1 1 (JO L 0 VM'.VIEIS -a WILL HAVE NO I- FOR YOU IF YOU WILL P Y oursell W1ILE EVJiRYTHING IS CHEAP, WITH CO CD ROCMES DRY GOODS, :co Hardware, &C.&C, &c. FROM ONE OF THE Largest, Cheapest, and BEST Stocks that was ever brought to this City. WE STILL Adhere strongly to our Proposition, To Refund Money at all times when voods are not' as REPRESENTED. Yonrs Truly, Hackburn & Villctt, :.f-W- '4'l AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Kent in a GKOCEBY. QUALITY UNSURPASSED And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. tti Lint it Complete and -FULL IS SVEXL7 4 DEPARTMENT . x. v: ; .. John du:::3, scarcely more than a lad, for beating off a dog belonging to them. : i v' J, L, Habtsitha, Com. oa Uniforms. j:i u;ii r aie 6 tinj to this exhibit. (fl61w . Apply to ,0. H. Robebts. - ' '- ' '. . Wr t City Tax Collector. 47 & 49 POLLOCK U. -s-jc , 4tl