.JOURNAL. i r kr 'iu uriil la a local A croker a local nol- " u . A ' !i a itaia hfe, no Oiuia thai a ;M That depend very mach i tb. J a an, and aomewbat apoa Cbr. Korthea. of Qsorgia, of ftn rtnrtl of 1350 for wbiU ones can b obtained l tbU ity. x ' - - - . Tha Board af Caarea Eitenatoa or the M. E. Chorea baa plaoed apoa tbf aiarkat 150,000 of boads, rnaolof three) or fire years at 6 per eent for tba relief of needy eboreb The Bishops of tba M. E. Charob bare decided tbat a putor cannot drcp from the roll aehoroh mem heron aoooaat ot deUnoaencr in - paying ebarok does. Bows go sliver and vbeat. Tbe blftnea who bold tba gold have r . it aovu, ani ioeir , " V'U the Moaea who will lead na to praotfeable bimetalllsmt 1 Capt O.T.Eeal, whobMtbedifl ttactioa of being V only medical atorekaepar In the Army, will be retired oa the 25th Instant and, the offloe will then cease to ex Neer before was it so cold in j the, Wast. A report cornea from the ' aorthera part of Oklahoma that elf members .', of ; one family were , , aaurdered by the father to prevent their aofferloK while dying of the Henry Rioh an old oltisen of Sa - vaanah Ga, committed snioide last Monday beeanse marriage Is a - faihire. Ha had been marriel thre Umee withont flndine the coveted docetio filloity. Croker is risht in one thine. He ti cays: Congress ahonld either pans or defeat the tariff bill at onea, as something most be done to relieve l' business of the nnoertainty that now exists. Sit. N Biggs, one of the trustees t of th. Baptist Orphanage atTbom I leeviUe, ia authority for the etate t menl that the orphanage is in bet ; ter condition than it has ever been, ' and la" out of debt. There are now 150 children in the Baptist orphan, i age. -The superintendent urges that accommodations bo provided for fifty more. Ex. la st" recent issue of the New "'.tort .Herald, the adddress of Sarah and .Elisabeth Morrison, daugh ters of John Harrison and Sarah Skianer, was asked for. They are ' 'apposed to be in the South and "siaj be In jNorth Carolina. They ."axa Sootch people and a fortune is waiting for them. Those desiring v- flatter 'information can address E B. Mitchell Solicitor, Peterhead , Sootland. ,. Qen Evans and Hon W. Y. At . klnson are eanvasBing Georgia, as -' candidates for tbe Democratic gnb- ernatorfal nomination. They are j both good men. Mr. Atkinson's ardor la carrying him into the re ligioas fletls for political influence, . whea in truth there is not a pare Christian tn Georgia than General 15 vans." We trust that the Baptists ' and Hethodista of Georgia wll not soil their robes in a soramble for , oOoa., .... i 1 1" H ii i . KOiti ay Bis Sweetheart's Father. , ASHXYUXS, N. O., Feb. 16. A special to the Citizen from Mar shall says Willis Morgan, brother of Deputy Sheriff Jesse Morgan, of Bunoome county, was shot and instantly killed at Marshall, Madi son county, by G. B. Sams, who is , a brother-in-law of ,M. E. Carter, 1 flolleetw 3f. internal revenue for ' this district. f . Willis Morgan was courting ; Sams' daughter and he bad been ; been ordered off the place. . He ' persisted in foraing himself on the premises, with the resnlt stated. 2 " r . : BktekaoT&tiUs Seised. ;Abhxbobo. N. 0. Feb. 16. .Deputy Colliotor; Troy seized and : hauled oat a large blockade still --' from J, M. York, Boapstone mount J' aia, Randolph county, Wednesday night. :. , . 1 - ' EilJnQH, N. 0.; Feb. . 15. Col lector Simmons is lnrormea oi tne of the seizure of the illicit whiskey distillery Of J. F. Cain, at South Lowell, Durham county. The still ? In of 125' "gallons ' eapdty. Ten barrels of contraband whiskey were aeiaed at Dnrham. Xa EIecUoa Inspector Goes te the Pea- ' - . lteatlery, V ""Smr Yoek; Feb'lB. Dennis jv: J, Bnckley, who was an - inepwjtor - of the eighteenth election district ' was convicted on Taesday of re- oftlvina-" fraudulent ;. rotes, was antfced this morning by Justice r Ean..t to serve one year in the '. nnnit:.-atiarr and to par a . fine of r -" sv : EwvJaUee f Ieect ( 1 At a rejtular meeting of Vane boroLodpeSo. 433 of Free and Accepted Msnon. bld la ids m- sonic Lo-lg at Vanceboro Craven Oonatv, Xorth Oarohaa oa re). 11th, 1834, the foUowtng preamble and reaolaliOBS were antmlondy adopted: Whereas It laa pieaaea ina . oa rriDi Ruler to remove ur well beloved brother, Boderto D. Willi- ama from our midst ana elevate him to that clorlons and celestial lods-a oa high, aad whore; la tl e (teeth of. brother Williams, this Lodre is called apoa to moora tbe loss of a worthy member, aad also one of the charter mejiberr, (Ha also held several nroatnent sta tions in oar Lodge ) One who in his dally walks practiced the great randimental principles w our oraer tbe widow and fhetless a trno friend, in du ivL. His wife and children an affectionate husband and indulreut parent. And in the commnnit y a good and nsefol clticen. Therefore be it Beeolved. that we deeply sympa thlse with tbe afflcted family of onr deceased brother in their sad bereavement. Resolved that aa a mark of re spect for tbe deceaeed brother, we will wear the usual badge of mourn in for tbe space of 'birty days. Resolved that tbe thinks of this lodge be tendered to the Master and bretberen of St. Johns Lodge No. 36 of Richmond Va, for their kind and fraternal regard extended to oar brother daring bio sickness. Resolved tbot tbe above pre amble and resolutions be published in the New IBkbnk Weekly Jocejial. and a cony be sent to tbe St. John's Lodge No. 30, at Richmond, Va., and also a copy be plared among the records of Vanoeboro Lodge N. L. Seabolt, ii' J. A. Perser, Oom W. C. Brewer, Taking Cold. Catarrhs should receive care ful consideration, instead of the neglect which they generall meet with untill they have fastened on the part affected so much as to excite the attention, and perhaps alarm, of the sufferer. A person in good health, with fair play, easily resists cold. But when the health flags a little, and liberties are taken with the stomach or the nervous system, a chill is easily taken, and ac cording to the weak spot of the individual, assumes tne form ot a cold, or pneumonia, or, it may be, jaundice. Of all causes of ''cold," probably fatigue is one of the most efficient. A jaded man coming home from a long day's work, a growing youth losing two hours sleep over even ing parties two or three times a week, a youug lady heavily "doing the season overfed and with a short allowance of sleep, are common instances of the victims of "colds." Luxury is favorable to chill- taking. Very hot rooms, soft chairs and feather-beds create a sensitiveness that leads to catar rhs. It is not, after all, the "cold'' chat is so much to be feared as tbe antecedent conditions that give the attack a chance of do ing harm. Some of the worst colds happen to those who do not leave the house, or evla their bed; and those who are most invulnerableareoften those who are most invulnerable are oftenthose who are most exposed to changes oftemperature and who. by trood sleep, cola Datning, and regular habits, preservethe tone of their nervous system and circulation. Probablr a crood many chills are contracted at night or at the fag-end of the day. when tired people get tne equuionum ot their circulation disturbed by either overheated sitting-rooms, or underheated bedrooms and beds. This is especially the case with elderly people. In such cases, the mischief is not always done instantaneously, or in a single night. It often takes place insidiously, extending over days, or even weens, it tnus appears that "taking cold" is not by any means a simple result of a lower temperature, but depends largly upon personal conditions and habits affecting especially the nervous and muscular energy of the body. How to Kill Not Grass. A ladv furnishes the Clinton Democrat with a recipe for kill ing nut grass, as follows: Prepare tne sou in tne tail or winter by plowing and harrow ing for a smooth surface to work on. In the spring, with the first signs of vegetation, stare your scrape. I use an ordinary cotton scrape. Scrape as otten as tne grass snows up wmcn win ne at least once a wees ror awnue, but it will soon begin to weaken, and at tbe end of the first sea son you will think it is dead, but you will not quite have it tint tne second season wun persistent warfare you can get it all, but for fear it will rally I am scraping mine the third sea son. Remove fence and all rub bish where it cair conceal itself before beginning operations, for if one nut is left you will hear from it Scrape just deep enough to clip the thread wnere it stools. The ground will soon get so mellow that it will be difficult to scrape shallow enough, and this tauerht me another lesson, viz. ; constant stirring is all that is necARRarv for a crowinz croo of ter the,' ground baa ' Seen thoroughly broken in the spring. Better Taaa Us Famsni Cora wall At Dtllu Monday w ww la coorm. tna with prominent Kiag a Mcranttia man, woo baa money in tat ua eotarpnn of h plac. Ho aan tb tova hu tba til feref. Tbia natal baa bees diacorered already la larga quantities and proapart ing la atlll goiog oa. northern capital, lata ataad ready with big money to take bold of tbe bosinaaa. aa anon aa tia sough te diatktTtrtd to jastify working too miaea. - - Dot If the metal la band la auffldent quaatitiea U it hardly likely that the King Moontaia people, who know a mood thine whoa they tea it, will allow much or the stock to be sold away from bona. Bonn of tbe nraa paa oat about 73 dot cent ol tio while too Deseral imiw eeotajre it aooot tore timea bigner toaa . ... . . . . mat or tne ancient ana ami tamoai Cornwal mines of England. Gartonla Uaxette, v V -..-. -. ITS QUIT! A STEP p-om tne imt, grtpuc, k Beawhrtoaoor fa f- Tanoa uare Hi V V-k Th, littla FeOoas, XiT-A. fearcaly krw than amalleat and the ea muiiAni watam. an na to take uny, aacar eoatad cranulca ibai ehM b nadr tor. Tber act in the ntildeaa. eaiia. moat aaa. nral war. Vo riolenoa, no reaction arte. want, and (Wr nelp lasfx Tber dm nently tun Coratjnation, Indieeatioa, BUiooa Attacks. Flak or Biliona Heailachaa. and all derangomeuta ot tbe lirer, iptrh and bowela. They're put tip tn araled rlah. Thla ben tbem always trezt, and reliablo, unlike tbe ordinary pill in wooden and paateboara bora. They're tbe rhtapett, (or they're ptaroa lara to gtra euuncwm, or your money a ra turnod. You pay only (or the good yon (el. Tto matter what you're tried and fonad-i wajitui, tou can De cored wltn in. HagM FOR KENT Tlie house on N. W. corner of Met calfandNew streetg, lately occupied "by E. B. Roberts fl61w Apply to G. II. Roberts. Poring Fair Week. The Banks of this city will close at one o'clock p. m. except on Tuesday the SOth and Thursday the 22d when they will be closed all day. 114UW. Good Bread Now For two or three days our tread has not ben so good ss usuil, but we have corrected the difficulty and customers will now find it as good as jrer. Respectfully Clabk Bakixo Co. NOTICE. FEBBUAltY 14th, 1894. All Taxes not paid within 15 days fro m the date of this notico the property will be duly advertised and sold ac cording to law. Pay up and swe Costs. W. D WALLACE, City Tax Collector. NUNN & McSORLEY 1 co CD TENNY'S CD CO P A. Fresh Ltt Jvist Received, Call and get a Package. g TAFFY. Made fresh every day. IV unn &, JVIcSorley. kXJIes, Wholesale and Bet ail - DEALEE iS General MERCHANDISE. New I J erne, N. C SEED IRISH POTATOES U STOOK , , And for Sale Cheap. D. F. JARVIS. LARGE STOCK OF Ladies Dress ELEGAFT DISPLAY US k CARRETS Mattings & Oil Cloth' LADIES' CgSTOIi nADE t New ' Line . of Ladies' . Dress Goods Just Beceived for the early erwr Spring trade. - , Wkolnals Xarktt Cos try irs4Beel ' Uto aUU M ektticS 1-1 jrraas lod. i5c irraaed beef S. " Beeswax. t021. Corn, 41 c v .. Chickeoa, 40aSOe pair, nocks, Eng. 4050i; Xoajorj BOaSOa Ejrjra, 10 to 11 - Field peaa,blackxlaybaok sod spocklad. SO a SO black-eya,75c . Hldea Dry flint, 1 1-taSc: dry salt 8c JPKSO, 11 V ' .Uata.410. ... Peanots, 60a60c(a -Torkeya, L85a$100.pr. ' Wool 10 to ISo. Pork OaSc, Peanut Ted pork, aot wanted. FoUtoea, Yarns 40 a50q Batnaa SSo. . Rice, prime, 60c BRYAN and. SMITH Mm ail CsnmMoii Mcrcliaits, , AND DEALERS IN Hay, Grain, Seid And Uill Feed. HAVE JUST RECEIVED Large consignment of HOITL TON'S Early Bose and Bliss Tri- umph Seed Potatoes, Also a fresh supply of Beets, Turnip, Tomato, Cucumber, Kad ish and Melon Seeds, New supply Clover and Lawn Urass seed Just arrived. Have in transit 100 bus. Earl iest Improved - Bed Valentine Beans. Exclusive Airents for flail's Patented CANNING OUTFIT for Farm and Family use. -CIVE US A TRIAL before buying elsewhere. D. & 24 CRAVEN UlJttU 9lilllll STREET, E. S. STREET. If you want a stylish turnout, Something good and neat, You do not need to look about But go E. S. Street. And every kind of horse you need, The strong and useful too No use for others then to heed, j.' or ne win sure suit you. He'll treat you right, and st 11 you uueap, On bis word von mav ml v. And all his promises will keep, o irom mm tis oest to any. CELLULOID, IVORINE FOB SALE BY Mrs. . F. Dillingham, 113 Middle St COMICS 2 for I Cent. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. We are Headquarters for Plows and Castings, Cultivators, Ha r r o w s Guano Distributors and all "kind of Farming Implements. To Merchants: QWe can aellfycraJPlowa and Caatingaat Factory PriceJ . - L H CUTLER & CO. Received A LABGE LOT OF THOSE IV. O. HAMS That I am selling at 13 1.8 ctta. per lt. ALSO TRY A BBU OF MY 'Best on Enrtti" IT ONLY CO TS YOU , V . $4.50 PER BBL And there is none better made. ; To my COUNTRY friends I wonld say drive right in the : i rear of my Btore, where yon - ' wUl find BTABLE3 FREE. My prices' are low, rny dealings are jnst give me a trial and I will guarantee satisfaction or refund ail money. t "I Respeetfollf, r J'Tl, JParlzer, Jf ' i : NO. 77 BROD ST. ' L 3 NOR! - THAff OLD VIRGINA CHEaoorS WHY HOT UBE THEM? - Prioes aa Low as aaj Good Che root. F. UIrichv: WHOLESALE QROOER, NEW BERTH, N. a T.i.Turner&Co. DAVE J0ST RECEIVED Another new 8 TOOK of FURNI TURE, Mattresses and Baby Car riages. And wo will soil eheap for caih or oa time. Before pnrehailng elsewhere eall and see as, Hon 70 ft 73 Middle 8t- New Berne, IV. J. Wm, H. OLIVER, Life, Fire. Marine, Accident, Fidelity, . Steam Boiler NE WBEBN, N. C. A Number of Time-Tried and Fire-Tested Companies Represent. ed. Over 1123,000,000 assets repre sented. ( NOlORiRY rUBLIC. Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Connecticut and Pensyl vania. BP Agent National BoardMa- rine Underwriters. . m m waw asssi waw .a 00 t'3ead ov 1 - ' ... ' -t : aud cino::o acuve youito i.iul"3 roar uronvro 'ri-i'XM ri'.V rr VOI f J " r" - " r Now i& the time to Buy while I have ajarge stock to select from. They are cheaper than ever before for 0ASII or Negotiable Paper. ; . " ' vv:.'":,' '!..-.;; ;;;V VV'OF;- Buggies, Rflad Carts & the Genu uine White Hickory Farm Wagon, - Harness, Ladies and Gents Saddles, Buggy-Robes on hand. . - - , ; ALSO ansthir lot of Driving and Work Horsos and Halss emy3 YejfoidaY, and I will sell any and ell of th t verv suw Eespectfully J. W. STEWAEI Tbe Best Slioei for tf El. I' WW eje K .:: ' k lu 1 A m. I "-.I niiai -v- a if bsub. a t inu aijaiiu rvron m imm 1 -a - i UF XT kH. ' ' (w. bottom. Jtrosktoai 1 ? tf&ftr ---33 DEALERS who push the sale of W. LDouglaa Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. Tr aflbrd te aelt at a lnu profit, and wo beUera ron can aaT money Dy baytafl; ell runl footwear or tka dealer adrartiaod bolow. Catalogno tr npom appUoatloa. . For Sale toy JiJ. BAXTER, Agt, New Bsrns IT. C. ' 'vav aa wr aoaai asp- Diivino '7oi'' C lovzo i sis i sasal those Gcq3 and Tro IM-A--L:V:V Torvasii a at Taak n r. Wi Li UUUULU GnHaLUaa BflMM.1fJ.toMM 114 GLm awvU kat m4a 84 and 83.0Q Dress snos. luiuu cu.Umb work, cosuaa iron $0 to $8. $3.50 Police Shoe. 3 Soles. nCKl W aUtUllfT SOW KVW SSHSajW. 82.00, and 82 Shoes, Urwaualtcd at lb nrict. Boys 82 e 81.70 School Shoes a Art Iho Bert for ScnKa, . LADIES' $3, $2.60 $2, $1.70 fieat AXSBsTOlaV. HtTllBll. ltfrlSl jV.tl.ng and terTlcble.lte8t U the world. AU Stylea. , Inalat upon hsTlnc w. ; v ea aw ar m. Q 0 4 .