AIL H YrOL. XIL-NO 275, NEW BERNE. N. a. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1894 PRICE 5 CENTS OURNAL BUSH CSS LOCALS. THE tot Stall t Fd BtaT tret ta this city or Stata co lw bid at Sktft von wi. . PAPERS wanting daily report of the Pair cm get tbem by writing of wiring A. Hatch rrr. , ' ilSat BT LAW 8 nd Rate nd RfjaliUoo of Tba hali on ai TrrUinx Hociatum Xrerv bona owoet and official should bare ooe. Price 83c aaeh. For tale by : , ' v. Anaoaway, Cravaa St. ONB hundred eaaea of Pia Ptocbea for aala at J. F. Taylor's and & H. Scott's at 10 cents a can. LOST, Strayed or Blotto Oat Gold Headed Umbrella. Katara to tbis omce, . TRT "Coal Oil Jobnny Boap best ia tba world lor sny purpose lanoary, kitchen, toilet, bath or removal of grease sputa from kid gloves, Ac Once need you'll em im without it. - ror sale by v -: -. - v J. F. Tatxob. A NICE floe lot of chickens. J. W, Bmjjxwood. - UNTIL futher notice we will not deliver ' anv bread on tbe street, but will be triad ; to bare yoa send to tbe store for it. Send tbyal ore to get It nice and hot . Respectfully, 1 Clabk Babmho Co. A.LL cersons bavin? claims seainst me will pleats present them at once for in- neaiai payment, i can ie rounu my old stand antu further notice. C. E. Slotir. A KIND ami Qeatle Horse sis years old for sate, v C. . Slovkb. MUTTON Suet for medical use. Sets per caKe. laiAS k. nelson. No. 87 Brcjd St. LOCAL NEWS. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tlowaru. M. Habn ft Co. Auction. Albert L Lewis Wreckage sale. Don't miss tbe parade tec lay. It starts at 9:80 sharp. Abont fifteen hundred visitors entered tbe Fair grounds yesterday. vrvt1iing is fair fur a good Fuir and a big crowd. Mombers of tbe New Bernd Divinion of the Naval Reserves are to assemble at the armory this morning at nine o'clock. The balloon goes up at three o'clock 4 today. A high and uood ascension is ,rvnfidently expected. Tbe highest point reached by tbe ther mometer yesterday wis 68, the lowest 42, range 87, Tbe firs, butterfly "of tbe season" was seen on the streets yesterday. He was made a captive and Is now in a glass case at the Fair. Some change has I woo made in the tine of March for the parade to-day in order , to avoid the effects of the recent rains its . much as possible. If yoa wish your friends noticed in tbe I personal column, give us' the facts; tbe crowd U little too numerous for us to ? y keep up with. . - . Wm. L. Kennedy of Falling Creek sold a ten month, old colt in , Raleigh last week, for $300.00. The sale was by auction. This Shows how breeding good stock, psys. - Fair weather and cooler was the kind of weather which the bureau telegram of . - yesterday predicted. This la ths very y kind wanted. - A good parade may be expected today ' voder the management of Chief Marshall .. Willis' and his assistants. The- parade . proposes to move on time, end half past j nine Is the time. , - . - . - Rev. L. W. Crawford, D. D., Pnfessor ; of Biblical History will preach In Cente- nary M. K. Church Sunday morning and Bight. : He is expected to arrive Wednes '. . day to attend tb Fair and ' visit friends ' formed during his four years pastorate. , - - The Borth and nothwest are having it from SO to 28, degrees below aero. Quite a difference jn Eastern North Carolina . temperature, r. It ha, .""-. been below freezing in New Berne but twice during , tbe entire winter and those , were only " apells of two or three days duration, s - - The Wilmington Reserves are putting , in special drills preparatory to their visit here.; fThe New Berne Division is . an xiona to meet thena remembering so N well the. warm cordiality bestowed upon them at our sister city,on the Cape Fear during last "Welcome Week." ,.: We hear of the death of Riley Murray, - Esq , cf Lake Landing, Hyde county, at the advanced age of 95. H was tbe futher'of Or. Murray and was probably - - the oldest man in the county, "Ho was a prominent man, ja good and an extensi ve grower of fruit.- - '- - ; - j ,' Prof. Slied.-naa's dog show is a fine thing of i.s kind. - The Bobbins' show on tbe opposite side ot the maiu Walk gives a big ten cent's worth, Galatea and other mysteries attract at the rear of the grounds and Sherry's Working World delights young "and old at tbe Fair . grounds, .: t .. , " : Three Wilra1ngt6n policemen, J. R. Sneeden, O. E. Collins and J. E. Williams, in bright new unilortn, came op yester day see tbe Fair, They mian to return t y to give other members of tbe force it', .nee to come. They say that many i. y be eTnrcted from Wilmington today, V i.t t e big crowds from there will Is tomorrow and next day. ! THI riSADI TO-D1T. . '. 8UrU t t-.IO-FermaUuSi ef tte Pre. . eeeaiea aai Lint f Marek. . The procession will assemble ai ths eomer of Broad and Middle 'stmt at I o'clock, and starts sharp at I JO. The One of march will be as follows: Down Middle to South Front, down South Front to Craven, ap Craven to Broad, down Broad to East Front, down East Front to Pollock, ap Pollock to Middle, up Middle te Broad, up Broad to George, up George to tbe Fair grounds, The following is tbe formation of the procession: "Platoon of city and visiting police. Platoon of Marshals. The marshals for this division are: J. K. Willis, C. E. Siover, O. G. Bell snd Paal Koooce. The next division is tbe bicycle corps under Marshal Hill on bis bicycle. Tba Star ban. The next division will oe in ehsrge of Marshals F. Wioslow, G. Nobis Ennett, Jr., and E. K. Bishop. It will be composed of tbe New Berne Naval Reserves, the Governor, the Chaplain (Rev. J. T. Lyon) the President of the Fair Association, tbe master of ceremonies (P. H. Pelietier) the mayor and city officers and Fair Association officers. AH these will be in carriages. Beoj. Hshn, B. B. Nesl and B. S. Guien will be tbe marshals for tbe next division. It will be tbe New Berne Fire Depsrtmeot Tbe New Be ran company will be at the right of tbe diviaiou. The next marshals are: Percy Cox, J. T. Uollister and 8. W. Ferrsbee. This division is the pony brigade. Sbedraan Bros, dog show winds up the procession. Distinguished by Their Boquets Young ladies were engaged in decora ting the fire engineries crday to the great delight of tbe members. In the parade the members of the Atlantic Com pany will wear violets tied with red rib bon; tbe members ol the New Berne Com pany will wear button hole boquets of hyacinths and violets. Tbt young ladies favoring either com pany will wear similar boquets at the Fair. Their Manufacture Acranged For Dr. G. K. Bagby who has been a way for a few weeks making; arrangements Tor the' introduction of bis dental articulation cup is buck to remain haying been en tirely successful in bis effort. The cups will be manufactured and put on the market by S. S. White ft Co. proprietors of toe largest dental instrument estab lished In the world. They pay a very handsome royalty for the privilege. They have also taken in hand another inven tion of Dr. Bagby's pertaining to tbis profession. The firm is highly pleased with both and the doctor is thoroughly convinced they will soon be in general use. We hope his interest in tbe sale, will bring bim in a handsome income. Off For Government Work 8x Beaufort men passed through Mon day ea route to work on the break-water at sea, being constructed at Point Judas, between Black Island .and Long Island sound by the Government to afford a safe harbor for vessels irom the Atlantic Ocean. They state, as to tbe magnitude of tbe work, that it has been going on for about fifteen years and is expected to last six year longer. Messrs. Mark Mason.Geo. Styron, Dave Mason, Alex Mason and Robert Lewis, were members of the party. The Police Service. Some extra policemen have been put on tbe force disposed as follows for service through Fair week: , Day street policeman: J. B. Dixon, EU Elliott, T. J. Toler, J. W. Warrenton and Richard Long. :. ' .Night street policemen: J. E. ' Land, EL T. Brinaon, Tbos. Wilson, S. J.- Dick- and Archie Wallace. , , Office day policeman, R.'B. Black ledger ; ' : . Office night policemen, J. A. Roberts, Fair grounds policemen: Caps. Geo, 3roadstreet, J. G. .Prke, f. W. Sparks, L Hancock, Chaa. GilUkin, W. H. Willis, R. Oi Gardner, N, O, Robinson, J. W. Bowden, Wm. McKay, H. Paul, Richard Godly and W. E. Snelling. ; .; ; ; ; Mr. 8. H. Shaw, of Washington, a com- mercial traveller who is registered at ths Fulford House save that it has been his fortune to atteud many a State and coun ty Fair but in its entirety the show at mis one is ahead of any be has ever seen. The Attendant at our Fair who came tbe farthest of any that has yet arrived so far as we ;know is Mr. Henry Brown; from tbe Indian Territory; He has been spending about a year there with, his orotner jscod. ' v ;. Turkeys have been both nlenttfut and fiaefthia season through. Last night Hack- burn as WMett received a lot of dressed ones that showed up welt. Tbe lightest weighed 10 pounds and they ranged on up to 18 1-9. Tbe total weight was 500- pounds. " . "; ' ; ,v Tbe Wilmington freight and ruammtrar trains and ths Wilmington special Fair train will each arrive about half past nine o'clock today. Also the special train uver the Atlantic about the same hour. Tbe special Fair train will stop at George street, tba nenmt nnint tn thn Fair hnth coming and going. The specials will re-" turu nue in iub aiiernoou. . EAST CAK0U5A FAIK. Opens ABiplcIsasly A Ursa Exhibit la all the DeaartauaU. The Seven's Annual Exhibition of the East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association is now in progress sod tbe promise to eclipse every other exhibition is being versified. Every department is interesting, and soma filled to over flowing. Tbe State's exhibit fills nearly one whole room the space used byUhe A. Coon Piano and Or gan Company Is all in the room that is devoted to anything else. The exhibit is a highly instructive ooe, especially to any ooe who wishes to learn of tbe re sources of our gluriout State. It caunot fail to please al'. Tbe Floral b-iuuijut i filled, as full as it will hold, with the iicn uics of "Flo ra's Kingdom' a single txtiiltititor shows eighteen varielioa ui pjiuin and a total of a hundred and filly varieties of blooming and ornamental plants. The Agricultural Department never showed better than at pesent. The two rooms and passa;edevoled to it are well filled and are a condensed, and, tu out siders, a marvellous exposition ot our agricultural products as brought from field, gardto, barn and smoke-house. The Game Department is not as largely filled as we have seen it, but a variety and some rare specimens are shown. The putting in of the greater part oi the fish display was postponed until this morning. Look out for it today. The machinery Hull Is, as usual, a place in which great interest centers machinery ia motion will take the st tention, and here may be seen all the op perations of a knitting factory, a printing office i mining, getting out "Tbe Fair Ob3eryer'' published daily through tho Fair, etc. Mr J. S. Carr'sinoving factory is unique and will be remembere'l. Out side of tbe building, quantities of improv ed Fjrm machinery are seen, an examinu tion ot which will well repay all tellers or the soil. A large amount ol good stock of ull kimls is shown and the improvement of cutting away the upper half of each stable duor makes it so tlint it can be more easily viewed than ever Init'ore Lovers of dog? can here be gratified at seeing the different breeds on exhibition, and the small pet animals uie abundant and interesting in the extreme. And the poultry ! Every one who views it is lost in admiration. As fine specimens of every breed as can be imagined an I so large a supply that .lie coops would not hold all. There are numerous private coops on the ground snd all are tilled. There are all the attractions and amuse ments that are wanted and of a good and pleasing character. It is a grand exuibition wlncli no one should miss. All bona-fide representatives of the Press are requested to make themselves known to tbe officers of the Fair for cour tesies. A special reception room is set apart in the basement of tbe main building for members of Knights of the Quill to which they are invited to make themselves at home. Also in the lan guage of the old-timo "tar heel" custom, ws would remind that the latch string at The Joubnal office hangs on ths outsider Officially Invited. Matob Fishblatb, Wilmington, N. C Flease'extend hospitalities ot tbe city of the Newberne to the Medical Editors and our Fair on Wednesday. Please answer. Wm. Eixis, Mayor. The abovo invitation to the fine bodv of Northern editors who are now making a tour of tbe South was sent by telegram yesterday. Mayor Piihblate telegraphed back that he would deliver the message today. He added that a big crowd was coming from Wilmington and that he intended to be one of the number. - We are glad to hear ithwd hope tbe editors and doctors in vited will accept and come with them. Coming and Going. Gov. Ellas Oarr, and wife arrived last night. They are at Hotel Albert Got. Carr will formally open the Fair this morning when the : parade reaebes the ground. -This is meant to be at eleven o'clock. ' " ' ' ' Mr. W. T. Hampton, the : Wilmington Messenger Representative at the Fair ar rived last night We are pleased to have him with us.. " ' : ; V ;. - ' Dr. Oscar Gibbs ot Middlston, Hyde oounty and Mr. Clayton are at Mr. J. M. flines. ' ., v 1 , ..j ivH'V ' ' Miss Jennie Canady of Durham ' is visiting Mrs Phil Thomas. V t " v" Miss Anna Parker oft Rocky Mount, and Miss Ida Wiggins of Wilson, passed through last night to visit at Mi. T. H. Mallison'a below New Berne , and to at tend the Fair. s Mr. M. E. McCowan came' down with Cot J. 8. Care's stock exhibit. . . r Mr.E. 3. Waters of Pantego and his niece, Mis Delia Hodges are ,t Mr. G. H. Waters. .! ii;---.; 'V.:.X:v; '5K v; Rev. R. W. Carroll of Fort Jiarn well is visiting the Fair. . He is at Hancock's Boarding House. . . , - Dr. J. W. Rumple, and wife arrived to visit their daughter Mrs O. G. VardelL Mr. W. H. Disoaay oi Old Fort is among the arrivals. . , - Miss Janie Rbem, ' is visiting Miss JTannie Street ' o-v-'" w- WILLOW BASKET ISDCJTBT. True Basket Wlllew (II lex Pnr parra) Iatredaeed for CalUvat loa aae Raaaiag a Basket Factory. Yesterday witnessed the Initiative ex perimental step towards tbe establishment of an industry new tu this section which may, in tbe near tuture, add another im portant feature to oar products it is in tended to be a willow farm and willow basket factory combined. Mr. Cbas. Dallock is the prime mover in the scheme. Yesterday he aet out an acre of Judge Uenry R. Bryan's farm across Trent river opposite New Berne in the true basket willow. By the fall these plants will furnish as many cuttings as are wanted to set out an indefienite num ber of acres and if everything moves aright lor its development, as we consid er it almost certain to do, tbe industry can be in full blast next year. These baskets are in constant demand snd Germany furnishes the greater por tion of what are used iu the United States. Millions of them, we are informed, are annually imported from that country. Now wu will see if some of the money scut across the ocean for the baskets can not be turned to North Carolina and to New Berne. The farm is tocated close by "James City" which gained such notoriety last 9pring, and the making of the baskets rill furnish work to its large colored col ony, well adapted to their abilities, and which from its nature can be performed either at their homes or at tho workshops of the company. . Tho Convicts Uone Deputy sheriff J. D. LaRoque took up two colored convicts to the penitentiary yesterday. They were Henry Hudson aud Win. Humphrey, The former is put in for one year for wood-stealing and tho lat ter two years for man slaughter. Ten Pcnnsylvanians, for the New Mill. Ten Pennsylvanians from Mauch Chunk Pennsylvania arrived by the steamer Neuse yesterday. They will all be employed at the new saw mill of the pine lur.iber company, now nearly finished, and which is to have 20,000 feet daily capacity ami be run in connection with the "Scheelky Planing mills'' on which the company has se cured a le.ise until the beginning of the next century. Incendiary Firo. Mrs Mary Dewey's barn near Maple Cypress was burned Saturday night. E. S. Hart was charged with setting the fire, and upon preliminary examination before James A. Gorden, J. P., was committed to jail to await the action of Superior Court, but while being brought to New Berno to be locked up he escaped. A hundred barrels of com, a wagon, and agricultural implements wtr. (destroy ed, besides (the building. There was no insurance. Tbis city was, until a few years ago, Mr, Dewey's home and her friends will not only, sympathize with her but join in tbe wish that the incendiary may be caught, convicted and duly punished. Is Charmed by our Early Spring Growth When we took our first stroll down town yesterday morning before breakfast, ooe of tbe first parties we encountered was the genial, observant and well in formed gentleman and author, Mr. Chas. Hallock, an ever welcome visitor to oar city. He came in on the steamer Neuse for the purpose of attending the Fair and in his early walk he was noticing with delight the forwardness of vegetation through the city. In his hand he held a twig in full bloom wheih he had plucked Irom a plum tree, and he also spoke of having senn peach blooms opec also, while willows were green and maples iu bud sufficient to show foliage and give shade in a grove, while there were violets by tbe million and hyacinths, bridal wreaths, orange, jessamine, snow drop), Japan qiunce, fto., were all getting abun dant and rosea were putting forth. He noticed two bushes of the latter (pink ones) in ths yard of Mr. Edward Gerock that were in good bloom. And alt this" said Mr. Hallock "on ths 19th of Feb ruary!'' ; i Many a visitor to our Fair will take similar notice of pleasing features that pertain to this city and locality and tbe notice thus attracted will (cause many a one to seek a homo in this delightful place. ..; . . ; " Fir Department, Kotice, ' The annual parade of the New Be rue Fire " --' Department - will take placed this : ' Tuesday ' morning, Feb.30tb at 9:80 o'clock a. m. The mem bers will assemblo promptly at that hour on the corner of Broad and Middle St, in full dress uniform. By order or v. i . , iui-.W.; i , i; W. D, Babwnotok, , , w ''. Chief Engineer, J , '-; U J. Taixob, Secly,;- ; ( Atlantic S. F, E, Co. Nov 1 Attentlen. You are hereby notified to assemble at your meeting " room, this morning at 9 tfctoek tkarp in full drees uniform, to attend tbe annual parade and inspection of the New Berne Fire Department .. J By order of Foreman, , - . Geo. D, Rosrata, Seo'yv At the Baptist CkareB. Strangers are cordially Invited' to at tend tbe special services fot young peo pie at the Baptist Church tonight at 7:t0 o'clock. 4 ,;'fi;UiUt.'"-,- - -: w,'.- s. i.t ..vit,x;: J - -i. '-'; .-'.":'-' v Military Parade oa vTashikgloB's Birthday. ' Telegrams hsve lecu received fium Capt. Harris of the Wilmington Light Infantry and Lieut. Barnard of the Wil mington Naval Keserves saying that their commands will arrive Momhy night to take part in the parade. The Second Iteiinent ban I "ill also probably lie along The tut il force coin ing is almut (00 men. All citizens should turn utii to e,ivc them a welcome. Official Bare Programme Tor lo-Hai. FIRST RACK . 12 o'clock is the tim? lor the nee- to begin. 8:00 class, .rotting . Ile-t 3 in "i. ;,. i !- heats. Purse $200. 1. Pattie Mine, bay lilley, M. II. White. Hertlord, N. ('. 8. Anaanias, sorrel gelding, I.' m-'.er Duffy. Now Bcrue, N. C. 8. Play Hoy, sorrel gcMino, Win. Ellis. New Berne, N. I'. 4. The Ouks, chestnut gelding, or I. la May, chestnut mare, llackbiiru A: Willett. New Ikrne, N. C. 5. Sam, chestnut yeldiiig, I!. Hilni. New Heme, N. C. Hr.(ONl) RACE. Humiing. Ilest 3 in 5, 2-X mile Pin- 75. 1. Castile.broMi gelding, M. 11. W hite. Hertford, N. C. 8. Fiddle Sticks, bay geldiiu', W. II. Joyner, Graysburg, N. C 3. Helen 8., sorrel marc. K P. Wil liams, New Berne. N. C, 4. Bias, chestnut gelding, Alaiiiame Farm, Graham, N. C. 5. Combine, buy horse, M. Halm, New Berne, N. C. 6. Marksman, cliestnut -tadioii. ilaek burn A; Willett, New Heine, N. t'. Tinmi UAI K. 2:40 class, trotting. Best :! in .', ii.'li htats. Purse f 225. 1. Jim Sherrill, bay gelding, W. (.'. Frayley, Salisbury, N. ('. 2. Abdallah Chief. Jr., black t -i 1 1 i. . Leinster DuITt, New Heme. N. ('. 8. Dan Wiikes, black gelding, T M. Ilewiti, Wyanokc, Va. 4. G. A. H black gelding..!. A. Hums, Fayetteville. N. C. 5. Prince Leon, bay gelding, M. II. Sulti.n, New Heme. N. C 0. Limber Jim, clic-tiuu sot rel, I. Simmons, Washington, N. ('. 7. Matnic Wells, bay mare, llae'.'.iirn & Willett, New Heme. N. C. TO-MOIlRow'r HAI Ls. Trotting, 2:30 class, purse f:i iit.Oo, 7 entries; running, purse $100.(10, 10 entries; trotting, 2:37 class, 5 cntiies. Purse $275, A number will lie won by cteh jockey corresponding to the number be fore each entry as given above. The trotting dog will put in a round betweeu each heat that is run during t Lie Fair. Not lee -Fourth llhlsion. Headquarters Naval Hattl'n N.C S. (1. New Berne, N. ('., Feb. HI, 18114. Order No. 3. 1. The 4th Division will parade on Tuesday, Feb. 20th, 1804, as a special escort to His Excelltncy the Governor and Commander in Chief on the occasion of his visit to the Now Berne Fair. 2. The commanding officer ot the Division will report with his command at such time and place as directed by the Grand Marshall of the parade. 8. Lieut. (J.G.) C. C. Clark. Jr., Ad jutant of the Naval Battalion will report to the commanding officer of the 4th Division for special, temporary duty with tbat Division. By order of the Com'dg officer. C. C. Olark, Jr., Lt. (J. G.) Adjutant. THE A. COHN PIANO AMD ORliAN COMPANY Finest Exhibit ot Pianos and Organs Ever at a New Bern Fair -Interesting Facts. For over twelve yoars Mr. Adolph Colin has been identified with tho musical in terests of eastern North Carolina. He lias made himself known in every village, every hamlet, every town and city in the large territory he has so successfully worked. Nearly any person you may meet can tell you wbo he is and what his business it . He has himself sold twice as many pianos and organs in eastern North Carolina as any house whhh has been represented. Over live hundred organs and over two hundred pianos have been sold by bim, alone and unaided. He has put them in the swamps of Hyde county and in the pariors of the rich men in the humble cottage of the wage ear ner and in tbo drawing room of the ban kerthe capitalist and tbe laborer have both been his friend. For many years be sold goods for the large dealers, but for the past several years has dealt direct with the manufac turerthus saving tbe cost of the middle man to the profit of his customer. Four months ago be effected tbe consolidation ot all tbe trade interests n tbe section of country hereabouts, and now is general manager, himself, of a company which is as powerful ss those which he once rep resented tbe A. Oohn Piano and Organ Company. The president of this concern is Mr. O. M. Brown, of Washington, who is also president of tbe Beaufort County bank. Another member of this firm Is Mr. A. J. Outerbridge. formerly with the Luddeu A Bates company. Mr. Outer- nage nas neretotore been Mr. cobn's greatest rival, having sold hundreds of pianos and organs. - Together . the two gentleman have sold over one ' thousand organs and over three hundred pianos representing about one hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of business. With thestrongjoppositlon which Mr, Cohn has at times contended, it must be tbat he has succeeded only perforce of. merit. Indeed, this ia true. He has sold good goods at fair prices and today there are no men wno caa trutniuity say tbat Mr. Culm has ever foisted common instru ments uMn them. Today his good are remarkable lor true merit. First of all comes tbe Mehlin piano. It can be demonstrated to a per son nf ordinary prejudices sod more or less intelligence tuat in every point where in a piano's merit rests the Mehlin is with the Ik-i. Every improvement which adds in the Hertectioii of a niano in ran- taiee.l in 1I1C Mehlin. while its construrt- , i"ii oi i in.- i-t. it, tone, construction and cr.-i iiiluc i in ttuth equal to, if not I -;-.icrior to -ome old makes that sell for tHice the urn. mil I clrjrgeil tor the Mehlin and wi r. it n,,t thai people, as a rule, reuu- i r wall l.ivor only tnese makes known t.i tin w..rld in their youth, the Mi loin uMihl I..' i onsidennl by the world a- h.u in" i;o po-siblf equ.l. A: tin );iii- ih,- eompinv will have 111 ti.eii ( a l i by grand Mehlin. Ar t - v In . are conijii tent critics will be ! ' I w III tin- in-! hi i iicii t . I ie a I -. hue I lc- the Nun by A Evan-, i -' ' 1 ' 1 ' l I in-t i llinent. and l'eck A: Suli' n I mw'Ii 4 llirne-, ( i h lir.iled Piano- it. Absolutely Fure A ei. a'n if baking powder Highest it all in lo .veiling strength. Latkbt United States (.Iovkkniiknt Food Kkpoht. Royai. IUkino Powiikr Co., '106 Wall St.. N. Y. Wreckage Sale. I In balk. "NliW LIMIT" I C.i irgo i is lumber. Bails and rigging, etc, wh'u slrande I at the "line Path,'' will be Id at Al n iON WKDN'KSDA V, Febu la rv 21st in-t, at 10 a. in. Tins cargo con-i-t of (leorgia Pine , A I quality, aud facilities for trau-porta and handling it are perfect. Terms of sh' cash. Af.IiF.U F I. I.KWIS, I'mlrnvn Agent, Beaufort N . ('. tion AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Evervthing That is Keot in a GKOCERY QUALITY Of Goods UNSURPASSED And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. Uy Una is Complete ajid FULL DT EVERY DEPARTMENT JOHN DUNN, ITo. 55 ft 57 Pollock Et COLD WAVES! C 0 L 0 W A VS WILL HAVE NO . FOR YOU IF YOU WILL WHILE EVERYTHING IS SO CHEAP, -WITH- CO C3 O GROCERIES, DRY &00DS, CO o o PQ BO &C.&C., &c. FROM ONE OF THE Largest, Cheapest, and BEST Stocks that was ever brought to this City. WE STILL Adhere strongly to our Proposition, To Refund Money at all .times when oods are not ai REPRESENTED. - - - V , - - . :. Toora Truly, " , - , .. v;'; i Hackburn & .! ' 47&o rr

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