J V HI VOL. XIL-NO 282, NEW KERNE. N. CL WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS nn Daily Journal. BCSIXESS LOCUS. A FEW Bancbca ot floe Bwuu for Mile t 60cU per bunch to-day at office of E. B. Ej.ua coal j-ird. WHOKVEB hu the Jar of Brand? Feacbet marked M. I ahown at the Fair will pleat return to Mrs. O. Mark. - LEFT in Tn Joukkal office, a walking eitne. Owner will pleaat call and get trie property. FINE Beef this morning, Pork Gauaagt N. 0. Leaf Lard this afternoon. N. Whtttord. FULL line of tpring and tummer aamplea. It will be to yoor interest ton amino my aamplea be Tore purcbaaiog eltewbere aa tatiafaction is alwaya guaranteed. Ur aamplea are from tbe large importing bootee Ton can get uilt at your own prices, aa one boost atone occupies 15,000 square feet of space. , F. U. Caswick, Merchant Tailor, 48 Pollock street, near Poetoffloe. fas tf ONE hundred cases of Pie Peaches for sale at J. F. Taylor's and 8. H. Scott's at 10 cents a can. TRY "Coal Oil Johnny Soap" best in tbe world for any purpose laundry, kitchen, toilet, bath or remoTal of grease spots from kid gloves, Ac. Once need you'll nerer be without it. For sale by J. F. Tatlok. A NICE floe lot of chickens. Smaixwood. J. W. . UNTIL futher notice we will not deliver any bread on the streets, but will be glad to have you send to the store for it. Send about five to get it nice and hot. Respectfully, Clark Bakinq Co. ALL persons having claims against ms will please present tliem at once for in ine'liatc payment. I can be found at my old stand until further notice. C. E. Sloth a. MUTTON Suet for medical use. Bets per c.ilk.-. Cmas E. N bison. No. 7 Brc.vl St. A KIND an I Oeiitle Horse sii years old for tale. C. E. Slovbr. LOCAL NEWS NEW AD VEIi TI8EMKNTS. Howard. The'Philadelphia Record. W. F- Rountreo. Notice. Apply at Journal office. U. Whitford N. C. lard, etc. T. J. Turner Just received. Mrs. O. Marks Please return. E. B,. Ellis. Bananas, cheap. Mrs, Miles. Miles Importer. Ilackbura 3c Willett You may travel the globe. Commercial B. & L. Ass'o An attrac tive investment. " Mr. M. Manly took the official oath as post master yesterday before W. H. - Oliver, Esq , and forwarded his bond to the post-office department He now awaits the coming of his comiuiwion to take poasession of the office. A large three mast schooner, un known, hu been sighted off Beaufort harbor anchored and battiling with the ' heavy seas. When last seen she was . slowly dragging her anchors towards dangerous shoals. ' ' The travel on Broad St. during Fair weak did effective work ia parking down j the oyster shells and which has now re ' suited in a good street Irom Craven to George. If the good work is continued ' on to the Points we will then have a splendid thoroughfare leading out of the city, : ' Farmers comlug to New Berne contin- ; no to complain of tbe bad condition of the roads, and especially those near tbe city. We have repeatedly called attention . tojthis fact, but unless some definite plans are adopted to improve them, the next fifty years will see no change. Re. W. 8. Blank, of the Oxford Or- phan Asylum bus been appointed presid . ing elder to succeed the late Rev.' S. D. Adams. It is net mown whether he will accept or not..;' His acceptance would - involve his withdrawing from tbe Asylum which would be much regretted. " One noticeable exhibit , in the Poultry Department of the Fair was the breeding pen of Brown Leghorns shown by Mr. B. . A. Fox, of Richmond, Va, Jt is intended ' next year to enlarge on tbis feature and hare pent of several- breeds, ' close to . getber. They will make a pretty tight. V T'io ' publication : of the premiums - awarded at the. exhibition of tbe East Carolina Fair just bold rill be commenc ed in tu-inorrow mornings Journal. The premiums will be paid when pub lished ns soon as callerrlor at the office of Mr. C. Reizcnsteln Treasurer, near the foot of Craven s'reet. ; ' W It is very gratifying, that, tbe water works having been so far' advanced are now to be completed at so e irly r- date at they are. ; The work was put into good handt when Messrs. Duun & Green were placed at the head of it, and what re mains to be done may be relied upon to be finishe! in the tame eieel'.ent ttyle as that already built. We have received a copy of the last isuo of the New .York Trade School Journal. It contains a good deal of In ttMvr.ing matter on the advantages of knowing a trade and the arrangements fir infraction along this line at the New Yoik Tr.t le S.;!i.xh. There is alio an " t I': ':n an address by "Mr. John teniae aaa Goltf. Mr. T. K. Brunei and Mews. Brimley aad Greene who bare been in chargt of tbe State exhibit at tht East Carolina Fair left for Raleigh. Rev. F. D. Swindell, P. E., returned to Qoldtboro. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Whitford returned to Georgetown, 8. C. Mr Alfred Brewer who bat bees visi ting at Mrs. Howells returned to his home in Danville, Vs.. and Mill Rachel Brewer to ber home at LaQ range. Mitt Lizzie Howell lelt to virit relatives at La Grange, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Gorliam who have been visiting relatives in the city left re taining to Fayetteville. Mitt Mattie Wood left to visit the family of htr unclt in Appleton, S. C. Mr. W. W. Ballon of St Loan, arrived last night with bis family moving to the city. Mrs. Hetty Davit, who bat been visit ing Mrs. Saml Parsons, left returning to ber home in Morebead City. Mr. W. 0 Miller wbo bat been attend Ing the Fair and visiting friends left yes terday morning for his borne at Rocky Mount. Death of Dr. Chat E. Mann Dr. C. E. Mann of Beaufort died in New York on Monday, the 26th inst of pneumonift. Dr Mann was a native of Uydt county and was a brother ofjour recent townsman, Chief Shell-Fisb Commissioner J. S Mann, and hit wife is a sister of Mrs. S. L. Dill and Mrs. G. K. Bagby of this ci ty. Dr. Mann lived and practiced his pro fession for several years past in Beaulort He left bis home two weeks ago to attend a count ol special lectures. He was suf fering from the grip when he left and soon afterwards the illness assumed the dangerous form which ended his life. Dr. Mann was a mi. it 4 3 J yean of age. He will be missj I in the places that have been accustomed to know him. He was a skillful physician, n. trm friend, a per fect gentleman and a good and vaiued member of the, Episcopal church. He leaves a wife and eii'ht children. The remains of Dr. M;mn wiil :n through the C'ty toniirht en route 10 Beaufort for interment. Exhibits Showing Results, Mr. W. H. Bray of Green Place Poul try yards who took a number of prem iumt at the Fair was shippini; yesterday seven coops of chickens to various points ata direct result ol his exhioit at I lie Fair. The shipment emimiced Buff Cochins, Minorca, Leghorns, Lanrhans Partridge cochin and Plymouth Rocks. Messrs. Wood Bros., of River View Poultry Yards, winner of first premium on buff cochin pullet and 2i premium on buff cochin cock, made sales on that breed reaching as fares Virginia, while tbe Fair was going on. Union Point Poultry Yard's proprietors also took orders. Among their tales were some of their beautiful Plymouth Rocks to Mr. F. E. Hcge & Co., the noted breeder of Salem who made tucb a remarkable exhibit at tbe Fair and wbo took the first premium on Buff Cochin cock. Two Children Burned to Death. We learn of a most distressing acci dent at Cove tixteen miles Irom New Berne which resulted in the death of two small children of Mr. Brice Ipock, one of the best known farmers of that locality. They were a boy and girl about five and six years of age. Last Saturday, one of the children caught en fire and was so badly burned as to die on Monday. The other in at tempting to put out the first child caught also and was so badly burned that death resulted Tuesday morning. In our allusion to the bell shown at tbe Fair by Col. J. D. Waitford which was used at the time ot Gov. Caswell's first inauguration . we should have spoken of Catwell as the first Governor under the State constitution instead of the United State constitution -the latter had not at that time been formed. Our authority fqf the article on the severe weather that may be expected next mon.h informs ui that when the freeze which killed , besot and other young truck two or three years ago occured, five disturbing ' influences brought it. about; and In the approaching period about the 21st of March six disturbing Influences will be at wprk , nearly a month sooner, hence the freezing Is sure to be severe. ; A mounted Wayne county, gander of notoriety was in tbe ; taxidermy depart ment ot the Fair. The bird bad been in tbe family of this owner for 70 yean, and was grown when the last owners father caine'into bit possession. He was- tup posed to be at least 80 years old. The old fellow ran tbe gauntlet of Sherman's army when marauding parties killed ont the other poultry 00 tbe farm and escaped with only a broken leg. Af ar all hit tough endurance he filially froze to death in the last cold snap before the Fair. On account of tbe interest that centered in him be was sent to Miss Alice Daffy of' this city . for mounting and placed on exhibition.'. C. W. Smith was the owner. Notice-. : Members of tbe Knights of Honor, and Good Fellows, will please call at my' oilice to day and pay their assessments. VV. i! liOCJTTRSS. BE VERES THE OLD NAME. The "Uaston Heate" Bhoold SUll Per petude the Memory ef Jadge tiaatoa the Eminent Carollalaa aad w Berne' 1 Most DltUngil'-ted Son Editor Jourual: It wat a pleasure to me to read what you said tome weeks ego, in regard to the improvements being nia'e on the Gaston House. It may not be known to you, sir that tbe writer of this, established that well known Hotel and named it ifter ont of Carolina's no blest ton's, the eminent Jir'r William Gutton, lie who t' 1' idol man of my boyhood, til ' m 1, -o as I grew to manhood, and perhaps ws capable in some degree, of npprei 'ia.i.. .lie grand qualities of iht uront 1 : .t 11, yea, great in tht noblest scn.-c j: ..... term. Hence you cannot easily imagine, Sir, how aevera whs the shock I felt, when I read in your issue ol the 15lh inst, that the ''Gatton Hovie" it to be heard of no more. Hare ot a thing of the fxut. Indeed Sir, I caunot conceive how it can be pos sible, that an Indian name lor the Gaston House, (though it may be the oiiplnal name of the site upon which, New Berne stands,) can be more pleasing, or attract ive, to the sons tof Carolina, nud the gen end public, than that of the (listing uislied man whose name it bore when first open ed in April, 1857. There may be some palliation however (ol what seems to me a discreation,) by the tact, that lie whose purpose is to ignore the name of Gaton knew nothing of that noble son of Carolina, who had few equals, and nn superiors. While I was held 111 prison at More-1 head City, the yankees took charge of the Gaston House, painted out tht name of Gaston, and placed in its stead, "Union Hotel." At that time, sir, the distin (juished Edward Stanly was ihe Military Governor of tl New Berne Department and through the kindness of a yruikee officer, I couiiniinicated with Gov. Stanly in regard fo the matter, and he - yes, he, Knew WiMrini Uaston, prump ly hail the n.uiie I'liiou Hole! Murkeiioil out, and that oft.ustiiii House restored. And sir, I've long cherished the hope that the House limy ever ret iin Us origi nal minie. Ifespectfully yours Tiios. L. Hai.i.. Myrtlcwood, Carteret Co. N. C. Looking forward i'.vt-n before all the exhibits have left the Fair grouuds, next years exhibition is being looked forwaul to and planned for. Mr. J. S. Carr, of Durham, we arc pleased to learn, is among the foremost in looking forward to next year. He has removed the articles which he had on exhibition, but he leaves the machinery used in running them and has bad accurate measurement taken ot the buildiug and ol the space he used this time so that the exhibits can be adapted 'o the place without the necessity ol in vestigating as the time approaches. The exhibit will be ucw; different in style nnd even finer than the one made this lime. All who exhibited at the Fair were pleased at having done so, nnd with rare exceptions, every one may be expected to be on hand next time and many new ones with them. The Salem Runaways Caught. H. E. Sattcrfield, the married man of Salem, who ran away with a sixteen year old girl named Miss Lula Shore hoo been caught. Both were arrested near Mock 9 ville. The man it in jail. The girls father attempted to shoot him but was prevented. Satterfleld lays he was just going to taki tho girl t Yadkin College to try for a situatisn aad shows a note pur porting to be from her taking him to help her In getting work as the wat abused at borne. Our Cop of Happiness Foil. Thursday was a great day for North Carolina. Governor Eliaj Carr, of the multifarious and inultlvocal mustachios, ate a grand luncheon of New river oys tert st Jacksonville, and then went on to New Berne and reviewed the Naval pa rade and the Wilmington Light Infantry, and inspected the Fish, Oyster and Game Fair. A thousand hearts 'leai happily. Tbe fair Was a great fair. The Governor was a threat Governor. And, not least of all, the Hon. Winter Pippin, or Tarboro, had just got a job in the geological sur vey. , The good old Tar Heel State fair ly hiccoughed with happiness. New York Sun. - List of Letters. Remaining in the Post Office at New Berne, Craven county, N. . C, Feb. 34, 1804. ARev.. V. Ansby. ' B Mist Lottie Bennett, Mrs. Kate Bay nor, Horace Winfield Brown, Miss Cora Brown, Miss May Browiv William Bell.- -...-;Xi-. :;,.i.-;.--...., C Rev N. M. Cooper, Jas. H. Crock er, Mr. Hannah Collins. D R. B. Dunn, Mary Ann Parker, Mrs. Viola Dixon. E Miss Hattie Edwards. ' ' ' F--Mi Mary Flankston.. : G J. M. Gaskill. . r ' . H -Mrs. Eire Haskins, Fred & Hitch cock. - ' 's-..';y-v;.:Y ' J Mies Cora Jones. VC ' s L Albert Lee, M. , Levittn, 8, Miss CoraLangdon. v' r , t M--Mist Charity Moon, Samuel Man, Ricuard More, Kit Moore - w s j - - P-Mrs, J. R, Patterson, Wr J, Piner. T Rr-Thos. Rummells. ;C v ?;t t a ' S B. L. Saunders, Miss Jose Stanley, Jas. Sutton: V -vjv-.v.: - ;t : . -T Mist Annie Taylor. W-Wm. Williams, H. J. Williams, Augustus Millers, Jarley Williams, Capt. E T. Williams V , ... . ' -. - Persons calling for 'above letters will please say - advertised and ttive , dale ef list. -. L-, The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of tacn aavertisea letter. v .... Wm. E. Claim, P.M.jf! A COSTLY riRf. A Wilmington Saw Mill Destroyed Loss $30,000 - Insurance $18,500. Fire was discovered Mouduv morning at t:30 o'chek in W.lter Li Parsley's saw mill plant, iu the extreme northern suburbs of the city. Hie Are originated from a spark from tbe mill which flew into the two story planing mill. The flames went from there to the two-story lumber shed, thence to the boiler room and engine house, and then destroyed the three large dry-kilns. T'uo above buildings were burned to the ground, and now not a vestige is left. The office was destroy ed, and a residence back of the office was badly scorched and also damaged by water. The office furniture was mostly lived The mill proper was not injured, ow ing to the wind blowing in the opposite direction. There was altogether about six hundred thousand feet of lumber lost, mostly cedar, juniper and pine flooring. The loss is estimated at $80,000, and in surance about $13,300. Tho destroyed property will be re built. Wil. Star. WHAT OTHER'S SAID. Cllpplucrt From Exchanges in Refer, ence to the Fair. "Everybody who goes to tht New Bern Kair and returns brings back fine rtports of the various exhibits. It it without doubt the best all round exposition the 9-ato has ever known." Goldsboro Argus "The city wat crjwded last night to its utmost capacity for accommodation. linunuton people wi re found iu every gathering. More men ot prominence irom different sections of the State were lit re than or. auy former occasion. The exhibit is beyond question the best ever seen in the Stato, and quite a number of Northern eentlemen tell 111 1 that the poultry sluw excels anything had at the 1 hiladelpnia Centennial or the Chicago World's Fair, while a greater variety of water products, more artiatisv ally displayed than was ever seen on this continent, added largely to the interest of those wishing to take an object lesson 111 natural history, the wonderful produc tions of this God favored land." Special Cor. Wil. Star. "Practically the seventh animal fair of the Fish, Oyster and Game association ot East Carolina came to a close today. The crowd in attendance being tquully at large as that of any previous day during tht fair. All trains leaving Ntw Bern during tlin day were crowded with rtturnirg sightseers, who were delighted with the, old time hospitality of the "city of elms'' aud the magniflccut display of the thous ands of interesting and wonderful ex hibits. It is use'ess to say that these visitors returned to their homes with a better idea of the grand possibilities and future of tha State iu general, and of Eastern North Corolina in particular, and the mere mentioning of the name of the people ot New Berne will be to them synonymous of all that is good and noble. The Fair lias been a success from every standpoint. The fair is now held in the month of February of each year, in the city of New Beine, and is considered by those who know to be the best fair held ic the State, and as far as the fish oyster and game ex hibits are concerned, it cannot be excelled in any other fair in tbe United States Tbe annual premiums aggregate between $5,000 and $6,000." Wil. Messenger. Permanent Fair Association. In response to a suggestion in tbe Star of Sunday, that "a permanent Fair As sociation should be organized in Wil mington,'' and the inquiry, ' What say tbe business men ?" there wat much fav orable comment jesterday. Many merchants who wert approached by a Star representative Monday said they would either take stock or tubscribt liberally to an association ef that kind. One merchant signified hit willingness to take five shares at a hundred dollars each, and another said ho would subscribe one hundred dollars outright. Those who attended the New Berne Fair are enthusiastic, and say that Wilmington, with her adva itages, should be able to support a permanent Fair if our sister city, New Berne, can do it, aud make money, too, by tbe operation. A list will be circulated in a few days by tome of the enterprising merchants to give those who with a chance to subscribe or take ttock. Wil. Star. GULLED ITEMS OF NEWS. A Boston theatre ib arranging to place upon the boards in tbat city the "Passion Play. ' It Has been played in Switzerland, but was prohibited in New York a few years ago upon the charge of itt being sacnugious. Among the contestants for the office of inspector of customs at Southport, we notice tue name of Mr. (J. JL. Stevens, editorof tbe Southport Leader. Mr. Stevens would fill the position with cre dit to the government and we would bt glad to see him get tbe appointment. Through the carelessness of a sailor wbo was taking a shell from the mitra line of the Insurgent steamer Venus ibt shell wat dropped and exploded, blowing up the magazine at the same time. The aeilor who dropped tbe thell was Instant ly killed aad teveral others wounded. A FEW DONT'8. "Don't ; let your v heels get slanty" if you wish to keep your trousers in good shape." "Don't stran roar vest in turht if you want it to be smooth look ing in front'VV? ' "Don't be eccentric in the mat ter otdresa-'VI rtUill "Don't pia the ends of your scar f to your shirt bosom, Use a regular retainer, it is cheap and convenient." - . i "Don't wear loud buttons.'' And above all, Don't forget to try Howard for Clothing, Hats and Shoes. - J. AT. HOWARD. Batcincr Absolutely Pure A oream of tartar baking powaer Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest Unitrd States Government Fooo Hkpokt. RoviL Bakino Powdkb Co . "lOfl w.n St.N. Y. liood Bread o K01 two or three dav- mr I read has not been -o good ;,s u-iial. but we have corrected the dirticultv and customer will now find it as good a ever. Hc-pectfully Vl.ARK liAKINi. Co AN ATTRACTIVK ME NT. INVEST- The attention of investing pub lic in called to the paid-up stock of the Commercial Building and Loan Association, which is sold at $100 perjure. Investors in thin stock will be paid 8 per cent, per annum payable semi-HDDaillv, and may withdraw same nt any time Lafter one year by giving thirty days' notice. For tall pitrttcuUrs and proapeofuH call on or address Commercial Building and Loan Association, 80.J east Main Sr., 12010: Richmond, Va. mLS-IF.lPOHTEei 20 Et 28tb., Street, N. Y. 24 Bellevne Ave., New Port R. L Graud Union Block, Saritogn 8pring- Washington neudrjiMrters, 725 loth Street, N. V Mrs. Miles in in Washington, for a few weeks before her departure for Europe. She has stock a number of handsome walking: and evening dresNes coats and wrap which she will sell at HALF PRICE. Ordeis by mail carefully attended to. Prices and description of gar meut.d went, on application. South ern ladies passing through Wash ington will 6ml it to their interest to call at ber headquai ter at tbe Oapit.)!. 725, 15 h Streft, N. W. T.J.Turner & Co. Still leads iu low prices has just received another new stock of Furniture, consisting Parlor suits, Bed Koom Suits and ardrobe and will sell tuein cheaper than the cheapest for cash or on time. Call and see ns before purchasing elsewhere. (7os 70 & 72 Middle St New Berne, IV. CJ. NOTICE ! All Persons indebted to the late Firm of Barrington and Baxter are requested to crime forward and 8ETILE their AC COUNTS, aa furcher indulg ence CANNOT be givn. I cannot carry on my BUS INESS without C-A-S-H. I havo refrained from push ing those who owe me. think ing they would come forward and settle, but I am now com pelled to resort to more ur gent means- "VV. D. Barrington, SUoCESSOS TO Oarringrton &. Baxter 67 Middle St. DON'T OOfl'T DON'T Let your child oat his teeth on plated spoon. I am selling Goruam Company's Solid Sterling SILVER SPOONS For $4.00 per Set. I have a few Stick Pins left at lOots. eaoh. . t Hair JPins U 60 and higher. ; -.. 4 ;. Those little ; 8ilvef Soavenir Spoons at 75ots are not hleh. CP Gome and see me. '; .'7 :EAT01T, The Jeweler. ..J . , . " ' 97MiddIe3t. Opp. Baptist Charcb. . . HTtrte CO., RUST PROOF OATS FOR SEED, A (SPECIALTY, AT CHAS B. HILL'S, EAST SIDE MARKET DOCK, N jirXRSfi. N. C. You May Travel 1 - . AROUNDTHE u CLOBE I a And you will not find such opportunities to save money as are of fered at the Mammoth - Establishment OF Hackburn & Willett, -o o- GLOBE TAOTTERS Stand ty us, and the nun in the moon hacks it up, that no whee in the CITY can Better Bargains BE OBTAINED. Those who go from placo fo plact, final ly, af for looking very whsre, b::!t fa a$rfo makrfhdriSf Purchacbo, FOR . THEY, FIND THEY can not do as well any- " ty$f?-l where else; j.; ' a t ' ' J i. AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Keut in a CLASS GKOCEBt, QUALITY UNSUKPASSED And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. Uy Linalis Gomploto n:j -FULL IU t7Z27- DEPARrrr.ii!;