TTTTTir'TT J Ml What is f .. ..pi, n mi im iiiikii wimiiw an 1 1 i 1 1 i . . . . . i.e.., . silSJ LI lJUlJLr.-'' Casiorla la Dr. Samuel Pitcher' prescription for Infants nod Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narotlo rubstance. It Is s harmless substitute ' for Paregoric. Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is .thirty years' use by ; Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feTOishness. Castoria prevent Tomitlng Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relfsres teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowCla, girlng healthy and natural sleep. Cas toKi is tho Chillreu'it Panacea the Mother's Friend. Captoria. "Csatorle Is an srsslleol medicine for chn 'm Bothers hare ipes4sdly told me ot its food eflec3 upon MJ children." Da. 0. 0. Oeoooo, Lowell, Luo. Castoria at the best remedy for children of vhlch I am aeqoaCted. I hopo Uio day ia rot r distant when mother will eo aAi.ler the roa! nearest of their chll-lrea, and imo Cartori i In- atead of theYarlousquak notruinsv.cb aio doetroyug their k,fid ones, b.v rorciiiopjni:'. ! norpolne, eouhlnt syrup and other bjr'.'ul j feats down their throat, thereby Fm i .; : avn to premature gree." Da. J. F. KivnisLor. Oou.a"i Ar.. I I" Cabbage Plants ! Cabbage Plants ! ! We offer the public the following wsrietiesof CABBAGE PLANTS, - growo from seed prooured from th well-known and RELIABLE Seed. House of Peter Hen. - derson & Co., of New York. This lo of Plants are grown in the open r, are thrifty, and will withstand severe cold weather without injury. Henderson's Large Type Charles ton Wakefield Oabbage. i Henderson's Succession Cabbage, the finest Oabbage grown. - Henderson's Extra Early Express Oabbage. , Henderson's Extra Early Win ningstadt Oabbage. Honderson's Large Oabbage Let tuce. '; Henderson's Big Boston Lettuce. Prioe $2per 1,000; lots of 5,000 and over 11.50 per 1,000. 8peoial prioes on lots of 50,000 and over. Send all orders GERATY & TOWLES, Young's Island, S. O. J23d&wlm) BOOK STORE AND Blank Books, and new lot Standard -Works of Benowned Authors. Prayer and Hymo Books, Ladles Purses, Pens, Pencils, eto. " Also, Late Papers and Periodicals re oeiTeddally. 10tf MANWELL & COOK, ; Engineers, Machinists & Blacksmiths. . Make and fspaia Engines, Boilers Saw Mills, Oris Mills and Pumps. Steam boat work of all kinds. , Sepair Inspirators and Injectors. : : Gas, Steam and water pipes fitted in, in all their branches, i 4 , Shop between Ioe Factory and ! Freicht Denot of A. & N. 0. R. R. (dwtf) . THE Frult-Qf ovrars Journal is a recognized authority in Prac tical Fruit-Growing, Market Gard ening and every branch of the business connected with the" frait and vegetable industry. Its col nmns contain articles from the best informed practical fruit growers in this country. It is a six column, eight-page all around fruit growers and family journal. It is ' published semi, monthly" at Cobden, 1 Illinois, the ' fruit growing centre of he - West, at 50 cents per year." Bend for free sample copy tf A BEAUTIFUL NEW VIOSTULT. BO sis.- By Subtwiption, 11.50 per yean nil hrigttt, popuUr and opjngbt (Jlisi nd StandAro ; Melodies ' '-Car XoiiiMy Masicil fim." The Handsomest Maioal Month ly aver iSMUed in America- Con t,ine 8 compositions (all oopy. right:) 4 instrumental auii 4 f ooal, wtr.h ptaao' aooomp suiments. 32 pits of music, with eDgraved tuirtd caver, lithographed in colors tn 1 embellished with crayou like ; of some mastcal celebrity in v! ;trt. nolo.te 15 cents for a r !hq copy. -- : L n rj termi to agents. : : - L V. UITH0OCK, Publiaher: Castoria. " Castoria to ao well adapted to children that I recotnmendttaseuperiormaaypnecriptioa known to me." H. A. aacaaa, M. D., Ill 80. Oxford St Brooklyn, N. T. " Our puyatdans to the children's depart ment hare spoken hi-'7 of their expori rnce in their outakle praetlea with Castoria and although we only have, among; 01a medical supplied wh&t ia known as regulj products, yet we are free to confess that the meri:s of Castoria has won us to look witn favor ujxjn it." Ukitbd nosprrsl and DisrajrsAaT, Boston, 11 Asa A.US9 C. Smjth, Przt . t-7 Street, Hew York City. -v. .JjaJ STEAMERS. o- id: Cistern Carolina IDispatch. I- sat raasenger and rra'.gbt Line betwaes NEW BURNel, Karn North Carolina Polo ts, and all cor osotlors or ttae PENHSYIYVA1IA RAILROAD, IHOLODIHS Nsw York Phllari.lphU, Norfolk, Bsl tlsaar. Hlchmasd sad Bosloat. Tm OHiVV Trt-Weckly Lima On I Vw tksrn. T 1" NEW AND EltEUAJlTIT HQniPPK. BTKVMt K Balls New Brns nomuAts, WEDNSSDAV4 PHIDA VS, Stopping at KoaaoK island saoh way and tormina close contention with 'a Norfolk outh-m Railroad at Ktlsaheth Olty and too Noifula and Western Railroad at aorroia. l'b sEaatorn CtrollnaOl.jatcb Line, eon slating 01 tu etr Neuso, Norfolk Sucthern it. R New Tork, lb:a. and Norfolk K. K.. in! Fennylvaul (v B , form a rellal. aud eKtuiir una. ocerinc aunrnor rariiiiiRS ot alok passei-r anil freu-hl imuf.norn.rloi. No rii'Vr ezoepl at Klicnbvtb U,al wbib aolut frelgUt wilt !. loaded on oh re to go inrougn todeattnation, sllreet all roods to be shipped Tta k.aatara Jarollna Blsnath dailv as follnsrs; Prom Haw York, by Panaa. K. R., Pier ST), Prom Philadelphia, by Phils., W. and R. B Dock Bt. Station. rrom Baltimore, by Phlla., W1L and Hal to. K R,, President St. Station. from Norfolk, by Norfolk Sontbern R. R. from Boston, by Merchants a Miners Trans portation Uo,; few Tork and Maw England SS-Kates aa low and tuns quicker than by 07 other Una For further information appiy o W. B. Jotob (Qon'l rralgbt Trarno Agent, P, R, B.) Oeneral Tratno Agent, liao. BTarHiNS, Division Freight Agent P W. B. R. B., Philadelphia. . B. OOOKB, een'l Freight Agent., B. Y F.SN.R, R., Norfolk, Va a.O. RDDOiifs. General Fretcht Afcent S. S . B. Bh Norfolk:, Va. . OKO. HSNDKRSON, AKent, . r Bow Bsrne, N. O. lOETOLI, IEWBES1 & WASHIKBTOI DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trins. In order to make more convenient ana Monomleal nee of the vessels now employed n the North Carolina servloe, and tone to O'tter Sbtti Uii Interests of Shippers, the Clyde Line and Old Dominion Steam ship Company have concluded to merge their respective Unea between Newborn, N. O. aad Norfolk, Va. into one line, thus glv nz passengers and track ahlppera three trips saoh week between Newbarn and A or folk e's waahlngton. x -y-, ' HO ADVANCE ID BATES. 1 V On and after MONDAY. OCT. 16th IMS Bnttl farther notice the v Uetiir IBWIERIE. IniU oteuaer 0EFI1I.GE, Ctpt Burgess. . - will sail from Norfolk, Va. for New bens every Monday and Anrsday dlrtet and Wednesday via. Washington nisklnf connec tion with tbe Atlantis and North Carolina Railroad, and the water Unas on Reuse and Trent rivers. Ketnrnlog, will sail FRO 9 NEWB KnNiot JOBFOLK. Va.. Tla Roanoke Island wbarf. Tuea 'ay Friday and Saturday at 12 m. maatng eonneouon as ivotioik wiui rtieuia nay iiine, ror Baltimore, a nei;iyue lilno. for Phlladslnhla The Old Dominion Steamship Co., for New Tork, The Mer ouanta-ana Miners' inns I'r t-roviaenoe ana Boston, and Tbe Water Unea for WsS' lug too, D. 0 and Klohmond, Va., tbua giving .n eu . water route to . au ortnere snd Eastern points. - Also connection made with the 0. ' R. R., I s O.K.H.andN W. B B fortbs West. ssaenaers wll find a eood table, eomfort able rooms, and ever courtesy and at ten. tlon will be paid them by tr.eorooera Ordor all sootts, care of N. N. 4 W. Direct unc. Norfolk. Va. RALPH OBAT Agent. i . .vrq stld Trade-M nrk obta ned, sndsll rst et business conducted fur moochatk Frre. 0" omccie OPfo'm u. S. p.TiiiTOmcr sua we csa secure patent la less Ume tasn laoes reiroterom Wsshtngton. jod model, drawing of photo,, with deenip. Hou. H e sdvise, If patentable or not, free uf ccarre. Ourl je not due till patent Is secured. . MtlAdtnnhl.m PalMin" ith nt of same in the U. !1 and fcuifa countries sent tTL-e. Address, mmixj. . rft - , - '1 .CO. THE JOURNAL. TUT BIT. bt oiui MiDsnanuL ' Tbs wry of lib Is dark tuoagb, j lis ragged height ire worn and rough, I It turbid stream with rullen floe, Hath much debris, enongh ol woe, I Without "they ssj," I it eyes bive full enough of tears, I Its hearts are buriened now with lean; ' Its hopes are trembling in the scales, ' lis courage falter, staggers, tails, I Without nhey say." Its : ItS i Its ; It trials scarcely cau be borne, best is satlly tallered, torn; brightest is s darkened gloom, sweetest is tb blight of bloom, I Without "they say. 1 Its bsppy thoughts bare much ol dread, i Its comfort otherwise instead; I its gladness brims with dread alloy, , Its sighs bare little place for joy, j Without "they say." Its smiles are full of lii'rr frowns, Its hu Idiog pio-vic re with wounds; Its joyful hours are thinly frown, its expectations wither mii, Without ' IIk v saj" Its disapointments gather fast, Its doublings breathe a scorching bias'; Itt isilures mount and higher grow, Its sadness wails forerer, "Ohl ' Without "they say'' Its cares are filled with bitter gull, Its burdens ne'er leare at all; Its trials come, are erer near, Its worries nerer disappear. Without "they say." May we therefore hence ever do ?uat ws will henceforth never rue, Eschew "they say," thus ever live To gladness, joy and comfort give, Without "they say." THE WIND. Sea sands that lie Lonely and bare beneath tie wintry sky, What mighty symphony, what vast emotion, Sweeps o'er then from the ocsanf Ne'er have I known. Not when the blue eyed sprinc Dy stillest mountain pools was wandering When palest lilies on the steeps wers blown, And the dim wood with madrigals re sounded, A rupture so unbounded. The rainclouds gather darkly in (lis west Till all the world is rolxd m sombtr cray. The swift gull wheels above her rocky nest; The breakers motn alwar. But through the rising storm my heart rejoices, Moved by the wild wind voices! Martha T. Tyler. If your eye is on the Eternal your intellect will grow, and your opinions and actions have a beamy which no learning or combined advantages of other men can rival. In troubled water you can scarce see your face, or see it very little till the water be quiet ana ft and still; so, in troubled times you can see little truth; when times are quiet and bet- tied, then truth appears. Mr. O. F. Davis, editor of the Bloomfield, lows. Farmer, says: "I oan reoommeod (Jhamberlain's (Jongh Remedy to all sufferers with oo'ds and oioup. I have used it in my family for tbe past two years and have found It the best 1 ever used for the purposes for whioh it is intended. 50 cent bottles for sale by J. Y. Jor dan. The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. The Homeliest Man In He Berne As well as the handsomest, snd others an Invited to all on any druggist and get fret a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throat snd Liuags, s remedy that is selling? entirely upon its merits snd is guaranteed to relieve ana ours an unromc snd Aoute Coughs, Asthms, Bronchitis, and Consumption. Large bottles 50 ors. and tl mar22 dend weow Taste is the microscope of the judgment. Home Foolish People Allow a foaata to run until it sets beyond the roaoh of medicine. They often say, Oh. it will wear away, but In most cases it wears them away. Could they bo induoed to try the successful medicine nailed Kemp's Balsam, which is sold at aiposltive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the. excellent effect arter tatting the first dose Pries BOo. and II Trail aise free " At sQ druggists. mannaeod weow Whenever good Gospel seed is sown God Bees to it that some of it reaches good ground. r Chamberlain's Eye andl Skin Ointment Is ft certain cure for Chronic Bora Eve. Oranulated Eye LiA, Soro Kipples. Piles, Iczetna, Tetter, Salt Rhoum and ricald Head, 25 cenJs per box. For sale by druggists. ; , " - ' TO ROBSB OWKBES. For rmttinjr c horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. CadyV Condition Powders. lbey tone up tbe system, aid digestion, core loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse.. 2 cents per package. For sale br druggist1 Sold ov J r fodsn. New Berne if. 0 A quiet conscience makes one so serene. - t - , Aoeldent Insurance. If you are not already provided with an accident policy be sure and take one one right away in the Guarantee Accident Lloyd's of New York:. This system has been in vogue more than two hundred years, the first one being established in Loiiaon m 1633, ana during tuat tune not one record of a failure among them can be found. - ' RoarrjXTjs A.HtriCfAgt. - Do You Ride If you ride why There is but one best OVERMAN WAIHINOTON, BOSTON, W. D. BARRINGT0N, Qoodtemper, like a sunny day, sheds brightness over every thing; it is the sweetener of toil and the soother of disquietude. Enjoy Good Health. Yon can easily do it, if you will keep your stomach, the laboratory of jour body, in good order. Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy will do this. It will build you np and give you good jealth. It stands alone as the be.t. Send for book of full partiulars and be cured enjoy good health and be happy. Book free to all. Price 50o per bottle. For Bale by druggists. The cheerful live longest in years and afterward in our re gards. Cheerfulness is the off shoot of goodness. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is il nor. worth tbe small price of 75o., tofrre yourself of eveiy symptom of these distressing complaints, if 70a think .0 nail at our store and Ret a bottle of Shiloh's Vitaliztsr, every boctln has a printed guarantee on it, sen accordingly and if It doea you no good il will ooat you nothing. Sold by New Bsrne Drug Co. Those who have but little to attend to are great talkers. The less mon think tho more they talk. Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw. 111., was troubled with rheumatism and tried a number of different remedies, but Says none of them seemed to do him any good, but finally he jot hold of one that Bpeedily oured him. He was much p. eased with it, and felt sure that others similarly afllioted would lihe to know what the remedy was that cured him Ho states for 'he benefit of tho publio that it is called ChamberUin's Pain Balm. For sale by J V. Jordan. PRICE 80 CENTS PER BOTTLE. SHI IF VAllAUt IIFOBslATHS Fill. FOR SALE BV DRUGGISTS. , JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF Marble Works MEW BERNE. N. C, Meal sPwsVsMA slssfMl weMef Set . QuaiUU, 4 UakhmL Orders aolioited and given proper at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. Terra Cotts Vases for plants and flow era furnished at the verv lowest rates. 52nd Year TheOreal RrmTIifdiistriil and ?tmu South1, - - , ' . . . v- iU i-T , To . avery sabserlber-tao'. sends us U.SS rr will sentd Simthera OUitlaur for a year aad M Tall pap rsef ehoioe Garden Seeds.1 .''-i-ir h- '-n .. Sample o tt aad wrmiam list, will be mailed FEES otfapp'iostioa to -j " "THE CTJLT1VAT0B PvB,Cdtli;:i ,.r-r 6Ks'itij;,itiaBta.ira.- Teb Wekklt Iourmal n& tha Oultt aator ots year for $1.75, - t; nose swiJiTav . t JrtF. oj a Victor? not ride thebest? and it's a Victor. WHEEL CO. OtNVER, SAN FRANOItOO, Atrt Nev Berne.: N. C. RAILROADS. WilmiDfijoD, Newliern & Norfolk TIMETABLE NO. 1, To take effeot Jan., 20th, IS'.U, at 0:01) a. m. Sanerseding Time Table No. .5, Diited Nov. 13, 3.S1I3. OOlNQSOUTn. SCHKDILE. QoiMiWortTn No. 1 Passenger Trains. No. 4 Lve. A. M. Stations Ar. P.M. 8 40 Now Berne ,1 45 9 IS ar. Pollockaville 5 07 Raven wood 9 83 Mayeville 4 S.' 9 4:1 Whito Oak 4 42 9 53 Northeast 4 32 10 Oli ar Jsoksonvillg Iv. 4 19 10 08 lv " ar. 4 1? Jarmaus 10 21 Verona 4 01 10 2ii Cedarburst 3 57 10 89 Folkstone 3 46 10 48 Holly Ridge 3 37 10 55 Edgecombe 8 29 11 04 Woodside 3 21 11 OS Annandale 3 17 Cypresa Lake 11 IS liampatead 310 11 25 -'ootta Hil 3 01 11 80 Kirklaad 2 55 1136 Bay maud 3 49 11 4H W Sea Coaai R R cross 'g 2 37 11 55 WilmiogKjn Lve. 2 30 No. 8 Passenger and Frikiht No. 2 Lve. P. M. Ar. A. M 2 00 New Heriie 12 00 2 50 ar. Pollockaville 1110 2 55 Ravenswood 11 15 3 10 Mayiyille 10 52 3 23 White Ok 10 40 3 35 Northeast 10 23 3 50 ar. Jacksonville lv. 1013 4 20 Iv. " ar. 9 22 4 27 Jar man 'a 9 16 4 36 Verona 9 06 4 46 Cddsrhurst 8 56 5 00 Folkstone 8 43 5 15 Boliyri.iKe 8 31 5 26 Edireoomoe 8 20 5 36 Woodxide 8 08 5 43 Anuandaln 8 02 5 48 Cypteas Lbfec 7 56 5 52 Httmpslead 7 52 6 04 Scott's Hi:; 7 40 6 09 Kirkland 7 33 6 16 Bay mead 7 25 6 81 W.Sea Coast B.R. cross g .7 10 6 40 Wilmington Lve. 7 00 Daily Except Sunday. H. A. WHCTINO, J. W. MARTENI. General Manager Oeu'l Freight and Passu. Agt, Atlantic & K. C. Railroad '---- v ft- TIME 1ABLE NO 26, In Effeot 8:00 A. M. Monday Dec, 8, 1893. Bouts' Ban. Sohidulb. Goino Wisi No. 8. Passswasr Train'. No. 4. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve, am 8 80 Ooldsboro 1110 am 8 58 8 59 La Grange 10 22 10 2C 4 96 4 80 Kinston 9 48 9 58 5 50 BIS Raw Berne 8 17 8 30 7 28 n Morebead Olty am 6 47 Qona Bast. iiHSDULB Goinq Wist No. l.t No. 8. Mixed Ft. & Mixed Ft. Pass Train Stations. Pass. Train, am 8 80 :.:;,;.U: jr-. 7 88 pm 6 57 7 06 Be- 6 24 6 84 7 80 7 80 Lm rttuire 6 64 6 04 7 48 7 58 Falling Creek 6 84 5 30 811 8 80 Kinston 4 80 5 f 0 8 60 8 66 Oaswnl! 4 00 4 tfi 16 10 08 Dover 8 85 8 40 10 81 10 86 OoraOreek 3 64 8 00 11 00 11 06 Tasoarora 8 84 8 80 11 17 1141 Clark 'a 8 08 818 18 16 8 00 Newbern 10 88 1 8 87 8 48 Riverdale 8 41 8 48 8 48 8 60 Oroatan 9 88 0 88 4 08 418 Havelook 8 60 8 04 4 87 4 48 Newport 8 17 8 81 4 61 4 66 Wild wood 8 00 8 0S 5 01 6 01 Atlantic 7 47 7 5S 816 5 91 MoreheadOity 717 78". Atlantii Hotel 5 81 p -s Morebead Depot am 70 Monday , Wednesday and PrtSy. Taesdav. ThoradaT an Shttnraav Train 4 eonnexta with Wllnlnvton 4 Welioa Train rxmnd Nortl. leavlna Golds bore 11:65a. m . aod with Rlohmond A Dan ville Train West having Ooldsboro fcw p m. Tra'n I eonneets with Rlehmond A Dan ville Train. wrtTtn . at Qoidsboro 12:41 p. m. aod with Wllmlncton Weldon Train from the North u M p. m S. L. DILL, .Superintendent. 'saaiw. Set r rvt. Qynnre. allot uay care for uosoakkcka rAlJWT, LJEOOUBRHOU. BpKRMATOaBWoah. AS4 Af Unhealthy Bexual Clschsnraa W l Sere Preventive ol All Veoerssl Dlssasns As Orassutte, or ssat to any aodrsse lot si va lajirtlaa SfAljrSor is -Til r. BRJTel sk wiMiiv iwnpoies. buii b - sisal r Mroai wmm PalB. fi s ssssta StatMn PROFESSIONAL. DH G. & BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. OfBoe, iliddle street, opposite Baptist shurch, iv3lwif NEWBERS. N. O. :k J. d. CLAHZ, DENTIST, IKW B til IK. N. C. rsvti. strt.-t htivt-en Pollock r ; r m i) D.S. r-'.- K- , Id .ii.i m tl Me - hial I uL1irj ' i"1 hruiHi urgprj 1 I ti f 1 t 1 1 c l rd M tioit 1 pl 11 tjy W list- or Mil" oxide Ja KV.TJ t-IPaJ 1:1 t .)ne of iKTitlsiry doop .1 : ui n .1 riAitRiatcliun u rn td. j :i,- r ) 11 t vi ittitie -tir eikud dert . .f opiMs'. rlaDtltU 1 ti P. H. PELLETIEa, AT v) H S I". V AT LA W . Middle street, First room above Farm er's & Merchant's Bank. practice Id theConnllee of Irlfrb rtril. Jon-s Uuslow snd Pamlico. I'nlteil KUM Conn si .New Herns, vno lUDrsme Uourt of t je Htate ft ' ' XJ J U U1V1A iJ 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Keal Instate Agent, JXcw 1! - nc, N ( . 'lon-ections. New Y rk Do3tna und rantidu. Timber lands Farm lands. Truck lands. Town lots, Do you waut to boy 1 Do you waut to nell 1 WHITE. .WRITE. SPKCIAL. lMt) .cn'S, Tiont lCi-.d tnilivH . rnnbor ami Truck laml. THE WEEKLY GOUHSER-JOURHAL Is ii tcn-iiat" ci;lit coliuiiii Demo cratic Newspaper. It contains tlic host ol ovorvtlnnn Roinir. IlEMvi W ATT K I' SON is tlio 1-Mitor. PriC' $1.00 a Year. The Weekly (.'oiiiier-.Ioiiniul makes very liberal terms to agents anil gives tree premiums tor clubs. Sample copies of tlio paper and four-page Premium Supplement sent free to nnv aililress. Write to ( OURIKi: .lOUKNAL CO.. Louisville. Kv. TUE- New Berne Weekly Journal And the COURIER JOURNAL will be sent one year to any ad dress l'orfl.7.". Address, JOURNAL, New Berne, N. C Wanted,! Names! FOR 100)000 Subscribers TO THE WEEKLY REGISTER. Published at Wheeling, V. Vir ginia. Tho Farmer's Friend. A Home Companion. The Best Story Paper. Has already tho largest Circula tion of any Newspaper in the two Virginias, Eastern Ohio, or West ern rensylvania. The Great Twelve Page Weekly. Its woman's and Children's col umns are of unusual domestic in terest. Its Special Features cost more money than is paid by ant ten other papers in the same ter ritory. Its news columns cover the world. Bill Nyo writes 1'or it; Dr. Talmage preaches for it; Wallace P. Reed and Eudyanl Kipling, Richard Malcoiu Johnston, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Julian Haw thorne, K. fi. Wilson, Rider Hag gard, Olive Harper, Nym Crinkle, and the best litera-y genius of the world contribute to its columns It is a magazine! And every is sue an educator. Only 81 00 a year ! AgeDts wanted in every locality. Money for agents in working lor it. Send for sample copies. Send six names giving the addresses of yourself and five neighbors who want free copies. Write for agents terms. Clubs of six for five dollars. Address, The Register. Wheeling, W.Va. VITAL TO MANHOOD. Pa. H. O. WESTS kekvh ani nssns trksil STENT, a speotflo tor Ersterls, Dlirinaaa, Mts, Kn ralsia, Haadaohe. Narrow Prostration eeossd by alaohol or tobsooo, Wakefulness, Mental Dopraasloo, 8orlalsso Brain, earning Insanity, Bsaty.dtosr. death, ft-ematare Old Age, Barrenness, Loss or Power In eitner sex, Impotsesr. LseoorrtKaa end all female Wsssnsssss, InToimtarr Lnssss, Bperma torrtissa eaosed br OTer-stertloB ot bsain, BeU sbuse, orliKtalgnoe. A axnth's treatment, 11. I for 5, by maiU WltH eaob onlr fnrS box, vltA B will sand written eearantss to refund iJ not eared, ansrsntees Issued by scent. WKSX'8 UVEB PUJUi ires bioc neaaaoae, amousnsws, urer "-rr'tiiit jar gtoouca, DyspepsU and " 1TTtltin. " ttUAAVAAXAALd lesoad eel ar 7 . F. 8. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. : , - . ; - LEGAL NOTICES. ldmiiistnUr'8 Silo if In fjti P. H. Psllstlsr Administrator 4 k a a. t.a.ofZ. Blade vs. William ti. Mriasoa ' P S. rntehell snd outers. ' laebedleacete ibe Jadsaseat ef he Sa perl or ooort in Ibe above seiitied esase res dered.aaS pnnsoaal 10 the license ikereln cranied, for the parens of maklns esseie lor paymrat of debts sad dieir'.b it toe 1 will sell at pub, Is section for ceei 1.1s. bisbssl O dder at His Ooert Hou.o door in "ravsn county, on Monday ti e A u da of March IWI al lbs bour of 13 o'c cc h en tbe fo lowloa d.aorlbed ,ult ' or parcels or land I11,., snd birg s1tuld lo the city o' NewbT. boarded aod described as fol lo s- st HefiunlDs at a pi'lnt .' f ei iron, Nnrwsstern InUrsectlun ef Otorfr with Kmsd .1 eel. lu.nlna tbst c- u , Bowden' line thence Nortbasi." ,u line 211 r 1 s inobea. ti., i..-.- tat I and psrHl cl v lih strretos fa t. tbeaee HoulltWr.'ly 10 tbe 'eglonlDe: on broad -t ' ! being, t rs av t ixtrilon of lot So 2fM, aa rots sins' I artei lh:i! p-rtlon devised by 7.. Hlade to Ibe 1 Newl;eri. aptis i'burcb. I 2nd. II slnn n at he Northeast corner I of lot '.'l on His wet sliie of LtsDOOeS Hi. at the -K.iKhcmieru piilnt of lot e7 and runs . thencoH'tulhwardly with Hancn-k atreet I HI fen.tlioce vest and parallel wlih Houlh 1 Front iln-' t 10 lot No. u. thence Nortb with the line 11I -slil lot ti 1 t No ST. Ihence east I eardlj with lh- llneorsald lot to the Oefln ! nlng. ba rs ran of lot No 2;f In tlx plan ol is'.d clly 41 Thai certain lot on the west side of Hsrcock ,treet st Ibe No ihenat e rror ol lot n. thence North and tutrailei Willi Han- .)Xlitrfl to tin. corn-r or lot Ihenr e eaatw.irily and parallel with 0111(1 f ront street lo Hancock stiesi.thenee ' 1 h Hancock street to ihe bg1nnlov; be ;lrs ltt f. hTtnlheplenoflbssttilcliv. Trms or sa.e ( ash. Th's tits 'J.b day rr Jiiti. MHi P. H PfcLLKTI Kit. AdmlDtstralor d b. n. c. t. a. 7. Pled l ee'd. I Incorporation Notice. Htatkik eNohrii, in utllee Clerk ntveti County. i S11 perior court Nolle s herfbv nlven of th tncorporfttoD I of ibe Fin Luiubar ( omptm . itiat the : names of lli lncarpiratir ire w K. Kncb, : Kieemin Hiwk, Henry llawktmij William , F. Ab?rly pd iuch ottiein as tuey mmj 8 5? la l with thtni dial trie prlni ltial piece 1 of buelnees ehall .a in Nw BerueN. en-I , lie Kenerel purroen Hiul btislneie li buyluv ttm iur. manufacturing Batine. tulni, aud elMnx luntTHii 1 hung all t h lute neoee aary and conveiil- t ,u carry. drod eald boil 1 ueas of buying ti inner ind lumber, and man ufacturlnn lurobt huiI eelllDK ttie am; ! that the duration r.f in torroratlon thall be j tblrtv years, the capital mock la ten idoue I anj dollars irlth prlvllefce to tncreaae to tolrt-y thouaand dollara, divided In one hun dred iharea of the pr valne of one hundred ! dollai i. 1 W. U. WATSON. O B. C. FIRST CLASS BARBERS. PROF. V II SilKPAUI) aiiJ li its competent assistants in tbe tonsorial art wnll uive yon Hair cut - - 20 cts Sliavn - - 10 " 8hauMin - . 20 " Mustache - 20 ' 10 Shaves and 1 IIihi cut 81 00. At Gaston louse Barber Shop. First Glass Barber Shot) BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE 8T. Nearly opposite Bapti6t Church Apartments neat and tidy, and ouly Oimpetent assistants employed. First class bath rooms 'ocuiniK ed with shops. II. L HANKS, dec6 proprietor. ELLIOT & GREEN, ftair Dressing Parlor. Careful attention give;; to all branch js of the business. Children's ILiir Cutting a Specialty Tonsorial Artists, Having charge of the TONSG. I RIAL ESTAKUSHMENT ot TIMOTHY BOW, No. 140 Middle St. wc are now pieparcd to do the best of work yi this line. Expert Leip, sharp razors snd polite attention. Hair cutting s specialty. A. Jones, Jr., f. rmerly with W. H. Sheparll, is witb us. RICHARDSON & MON JOHN. , Or E. C West's Heme and Brain Trsatmsni IS sold under posluve writun cuaroDtee, by author ued agents only, tn cure tVcnlt Memory; Low 01 Brslnand Nerve Power; Ist Manhood: (Juieknesa, hltrht Lossee; Evil Dreani; lck of CoufldeW: herTOOsiiew; Ixsalrude; all Bmluf; Lous of Power of the Oen-rstive Orirsn in ellh?r sex, oanied by over-eicrHon; outaful Errors, or Exoeftdre Use ot Tooncoo, Opium or Liquor, which soon lead to slipery Consumption, Instmlty and Deatli, Byaiall. 1 a boi; 6 lor 5; with written guarantee toenrs or refund money. WEST'S COUGH 8YBDP, A osrtata cure for Oouirlis. Colds, Attains, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Oounh, Sore Throat. Pleasant to tak" gmali site dlnoontltiued; old.sdo. slse, now 9bc: old Halle, now Wo. 0UABANTfcE3 Issued only by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. GEO. HENDERSON, (Successor to Roberts A H' oderson), aeneral Insurance Agent. Representing lnanranee Compsnjr ol Benh Imerloa, of Philadelphia. H'lme insiiranee Company, ef He Tork. Queen Insarapee Oompeny of Enaland. Hartford rire lor-ranos of ifirtfsrd. North Carolina Rame InsnrsuBSS Co as pa ny Ralelsh. Orrtawltoh lnanranoe Oompeny, ef Hew tork Hbenlx Insutanoe uompany.of Brookiya. Calted Underwriters Inaoraooe Oompeny, Atlanta. -Boston isarlne insurasoe Compeay, ul Breton TnlTadsrU WEEKLY JOUnnAL ! RDQCED HATES ' Weekly, par yeti , . foe six month Deily, pet Jej " per six montbt "1 - per three months .$1.W 60 a esiseww .1.60 Newt s"1ysi front ail sections and on all qssstlona. The ahoTsj rates are payable In silv and oaa be-safely forwsrel e moneyardAr or rr-- : j: ! I NEW e&ilLIFE , RrTCRV Bassi I I sVae

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