4, THE JOURNAL. r mine isNaaheoan I "t'irt np" next wwlc. L. o a to hare In feu laboratory erery sabataoee, orgaalo or inor C iila, la tbe warld. ' ' Tat United States dm produced two-thirds of tBeotto (Masoned by tha world la tbe lut 67 years. Ton will find that to Bar r aotva sot to be useless and tbe hon et desire to kelp other people will la the quickest end moat delicate wayi Improre yourself. . ' Tbe bottom dropped entirely oot the eottoa market Saturday. Ooitoa waa lover ia New York tbaa at any tlate thU aeaeoa. . Published statements to tbe ef fect that Senator Vanoe was la a dying coaditkm is denied by bis -aoa who aaya bis father ia in Florida la good health. A. face which la always serene possesses a mysterious and pawer fal attraction; aad hearts come to It as to tbe sos to warm themselves ajsia. Attar of rose la eoattaatly grow lif more eostly. A small quantity ' aboot eight tablespoonfals costs from 910 to 1 15. The peasants who prodnoe It la Bulgaria hare large ly ftirea ap raising grain to raise rosea. Ia poetry violets are always "bine." Bnt as matter of fact only half of the twenty an odd va rieties la the United States; are bine. The rest are pnrple, yellow, white, lilac and one green. Boa. ton Transcript. Dr. firanger,of Ohes'ar, who was called to London a month ago to advise Sr. Gladstone concerning his sight, says: "I did not find any thing la the condition of Mr. Glad stone' eyesight to prevent his re maining ia office. I fonnd that his general health was exceedingly good." ; A letter baa been issued by tbe Bishop of Bio Janeiro calling upon the various oongregations in bis dtooese to observe an eight-day pe riod of fasting and prayer that the revolt may be ended. Possibly tbe devotions of tbe ladies of Bio may prove more effective to this end than have tbe aboritive effort of the Brazilian soldiery. MBS. LEASE AND THE MASONS. Mrs. Iase Bays She Peeped Through a Wicket and Saw it AIL CHICAGO, Feb. 26. Mrs Mary Lease, of Kansas, whose efforts in behalf of equal suffrage have made her famous throughout the country, was in the city today en route to Kew York. She was asked about her Masonic connections, and she replied: "When I was a girl of atxteen I waa living in Lockport XT. T. A friend of mine, who was prominent Mason, pnt it in my way to witness a Masonin initia tion, and 1 saw thee thre degrees administered to a candidate."! . "Were yon admitted to the lodge room.'' "No, I was behind a door that bad eliding wicket in it, and I aw tbe whole proceedure through that wicket. Bo yon see that is tbe way I became a Mason, for to be in possession of the seorets of tne ercii is to do a mason.'' Mrs. Lease further sta:ed that be believed the time had come whenwomen ahould bind them- -elves together for mutual aid and protection in an oath bound orpan lotion In line with Masonry, and that ehe intended organising lodges for women. BROTHERS STILL. tfe fumml Spirit Existing Between ImlM In Wr. - Instance of brotherly feeling be tween the two opposing' armies of the Dlvil war were happily common. On i Antietam battle ground was a long, Beep eut, which served as a natural ri te pit for the confederates faring the flght They were finally driven away, " but the road for half a mile was liter - ally eorervjd with dead and wounded. The disabled among the union men were serried to a farm in the neighbor hood, and there a man who was dis- - bribntlng clothing to them fonnd an tlderlr soldier leaning aganst the barn ' having no shirt, had pnt on a few - blood aoaked fragments of an outer eoat "You are the very man I am lookin for," said the agent; "nobody could aeed this last shirt more than you do" "I'm much obleeged to ye, sir," he re ' plied, "but down yonder there's a poor - Johnny far worse off nor I am. An' if M .1 1 1. HI. ,11. VWM , u uw as - on him, by and by." ' At another time a lady approached a - wounded 'confederate) who was lying between two union soldiers. One leg :"- el each had been amputated. -r , -aMI .l.u irh. I. ma I'll nnl H. "Hera, soldier, " said she, to the con federate, "I have brought you some nice things, and I want you to put them here by your aide. Don't let these men get any of them." : v "Madam," said the suffering man, "these man share everything they get with me, and if I cannot share what yon give me with them, I can't take 11" Ycq'a Companion. Tin number of men withdrawn from Industry to take part in the civil war an the union aid was 9,733,408; the soniederates enlisted 600.000. , . an. ; Otbrrwi-.' . Republicans like Tom Eied and William MeKiolry art acenstcmr'd to ssjs "Wbea tbs Democrats get to power, just let them alone. Tbfy will defeat themselves." Uoless there Is a redical reform in demo eratic methods the prediction will be vended; .The democratic Boaee ia waiting for a quorum. Tbe dem ocratic Senate w bile in opea ses sion is coquetting with Hawaii or tinkering with tbe alleged tariff bill, while for several weeks in ecntive session, tbe Senate Cham ber has been tbe arena fur ;a prize flgbt between a democratic Presi dent and a ho ubug known as Senatorial Oooruoy. This flgbt ended on Monday "i a victory for the President . Sor York lost a place on tbe ! ireiue Uourt Bench, an honor she . bf Id since 1806 through main oots eotive Admin istrations. F. r tui Dave Hill u to blame.- The seleo'iou of Sfiiator Edward Douglass White o( L"nisiana to be Justine Is a happy uue in many respects. He is u fluo lawyer and is said to be master of what ia known as tbe Napoleonic Code, a rare accomplishment Tiie tarilV reformers aie pleased l caue it takes ont ot tbe St-nate the ablest leader of tln'Jgreat nug;r lndQHtrj who was decoded on to tel'eat t lie sugar tcbodnle ia tbe W iNon I'.ill. In the mean tin!'.', iliu Misar mtii are bestirring t Lei;;-elves to bwvo bim equally able 'o defend sngar. I have always eu cted tiiat Mr Cleveland and Mr. G-"8tnm aad honest John Blount, i( (leorgia, were led into a Trap iu lae late Hawaiian mnddlc by tbe renbli can holdover cbiefo and their Hnb ordinantes in Hie State Depart ment. I know this dejmrtment to be ramified withj clerkr- mimicol to the President e.nd the demo cratr?. They arc & shrewd tuoney loving lot and they will be wary in showing their I himI, I .at i could, mynell, stait an mvmtintion whicli would expose thi: ictfidiilv of some of ih; m. Au t.i'uu- jioliti cian said to ne recentU: "lhe ghost of Blaiue pioiecw nome of them." The policy of that able statesman is advocated ly Ins rr teges in tbe State Department. These republican hold-over chiefs onght ti be -on: warily dis missed and deioocra's ought to De pnt il their i l-ee". la e.eiy depurtuient :l m-iiio such "hold overs" thoupb Mr. I'.ulisle is mak ing Herc;iioau eil" r:s id clean out the Ti'oaMi'j D-.-p u(i!.ei.t. Iu the Interior Depai t I'lenl there ate a few lelf, notably th' Uev Mr.Ames a son-in-law of C Inuilms Delano, who ha: l;eld i i-' ; e-iticn for ras throagh all por's .r.rg, svjip'y becauae of I .. connect!! with ( rant's Seirretary ( tbegini. rtor. This ,genik-mflti is au E ist-opal Clergyman. I' is h;irdiy fiiir to the democrat k; party t keep so many of these nn-.i in ofllsi . Many of them have otlci' pioMossinns aad are wealth v, at ! in tha Case with K.'X. Mr. Anu--. The Women's Right's Aasjcia- tion j which ban been in session here frr the past week win meet In the Marhle r-jom of tbe Senate to-day. As Senator Vance, ot the Woman's Suffrage Committee is sick in Florida, Senator D. B. Hill will receive the lidi-ia. ;The next setibiou of the Association will be held in Atlanta, Oa. Tbe Grand Ai my of the Repub lic will also meet in Atlanta where they will receive a cordial welcome by their bretheren and lnenda who fonght on the other side, bat who arenowjhst as lyal to the Stars and Stripes. Mr. Josentiiis Daniels Chief Clerk of the Interior Department says the charge made by Mr. Hale, in his paper, tha Fayettevillo Ob server, that Chairman Simmons gave him "$100 a week to keep his (Mr. Dahiels paper, the North Carolinian) on its legs is absolute lv false. Mr. Daniels says he sold bis paper at cost price to the chair man of the Democratic Committee, canvassed 15 counties for the party at his own expense and contribut ed $100 cash to the campaign fund. Fast Railroad Time. Baltimore, Feb. 26. The spo bial train, coiifiating oi five Foil man car", with 175 delegates to the na'ional convention of tho 1CI- eotrie Liglr AR.odation at Wash ington, lelt JSow ork over thu B. & O. Ktilroad made tha fastest run on record to Washington. The total time from New York to Wash ington wiVs four boars and firry five minutes. MOREHEAD CORRESPONDENCE News Noteg ot the Tast Yeet Our people were surprised Sun' day morning to find quite a large snow on the ground, it dul'not last long, howevei Snnday was qnite a dull day In chmeh circles very few attending. The storm Bod day Light was quite severe though no material damage is reported. Many of our people attended the Fair last weelc and all returned highly pleased with what they saw. The Odd. Fellows Lodge .frg-ui-ized here some time last year is in a verj flourishing condition. - , The dwelling , of Prof. Br in son canght fire early Sunday morning. Tha fire-engine responded prompt ly and the names were subdued before much damag- van done Newt and Comments, F:ttleal t AN ACT JjF. 6RAVERY. : A tou An Swimm KiisrfckfcW 1 sa asked to record the bravest thing- done vrtthla my Immediate know led us in tbe civil war. Oa na ture reflection, paesinjr by some hair breadth aeeapea, I should award the palm to eomethina; don bj a Tones assistant anrgeon of mine, not quite twenty-one yeers eld, DcTboeaaa T. Miner, then of Hartford, Conn. It waa "OCB MOTIUCB3. at an exceedingly convivial sapper party of uiWrs, at Beaufort, 8. C, to which a fo.v u my yoanffer snbalterns had been iavited. I saw them go with some refret, since whisky was rarely used in my regiment, and I had rea son to think that it would circulate pretty freely ut this entertainment About Dr. Miner I had no solicitude, for he never drank it Later 1 heard from some of the other officers present what had happeaM. They at late and the fun grew fast and furious, the songs sung becoming1 gradually ot that class which Thack eray's CoL iNewcome did not ap prove. Some of the guests tried to get away, but could not; and those who attempted it wore required to furnish in each case a Bong, a story or a toast Miner was called upon for hU share and there was a little hush as he rose up. He had a singularly pure and boyish face, and his manli ness of character was known to alL ITo said: "Gentlemen, I cannot give yuu a sons' or a story, but 1 will offer n toast, which I will drink in water, and you shall drink as you please. That toast is, Hhir Mothers.' " Of course, an atom of prlgpishness or s. lf-consciousness would hare spoiled the whole suggestion. No such quality whs visible, 'iheshot told; the party quieted down from that moment and b'lon brolce up. ihv' next morning no les than tbreo ofik'ers from different rt'liTierits rode out to my camp, all men older than IJr. Min?r and of higher rank, to thank him for the simplicity and conrago of his rebuke. It was from them I first learr 1 what had happened Anyone who ...is hud much to do with young men will admit I think, t !;:!. it cost more eouruire to do what he iiid than to rido up to the can non's mouth- It may Interest some readerS to know that this young surgeon, alter the war, had charge of two different military hospitals on the Pacifio coast; that he finally became mayor of Seattle; and that, when he was accidentally drowned on a hunting trips ten thousand people so the newspapers said walked in procession ot his funeral. Thomas Wentwortk lligjjinson, in Chicago Inter Whi. TO BREAK VP attacks of colds, chills, fevers, rheumatism, neuralgia, and kindred derangements result ing from severe exposure, there's nothing so valuable as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets. No household should be without them, to meet just such emergencies. These little Pellets are tiny, sugar-coated things that ev- 33 keep the whole system re(ru e 1 kr! in a perfectly natural way. They're a comnound of refined and concentrated vegetable ex- reliable; a bandy and perfect vest-pocket remedy. If they don't give satisfaction, in case, your money will be returned. Sometime when yon are suffering from Catarrh, think of the thousands of hopeless cases which must have been cured by Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy, before its proprietors could be willing to say, as they do: " For any case of Catarrh, no matter how bad. wiui ij we wtiinui, cure, we u pay sow S. K. STREET, GENERAL INSURANCE i AS I) REAL ESTATE AGENT. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Collector of Rents a specialty. 79 SOL' i ll FRONT STREET New Berne, N. 1394, Spring Business ON THE BASIS OF THE NEW YILSON TARIFF. o o Now on sale, our new lines of nigh Novelty Suitings, Colored Dress Goods, Black Dress Goods, Fancy Dress Silk, Velvets, White Goods, Lnces, Embroideries and printed and Dyed Cotton Dress Fabrics, in assortments larger than ever. Selling Dry (Joods, by mail is special feature of our business. Our mail orders are filled by train ed people who do nothing else. : Samples Cheer Fully Sent. OUR FREE DELIVERY. Lash with order of 15.00 and over we deliver goods free (except furn iture and crockery) to nearest Kx press office or jiaiiroaa station. - . E & B. S. TUCIER, & CO. 1 123fand 125lFayetteville Street, , Kaleigu, K. C. llrwfmUrity. Is that what troubles yon? Ties it's easily aad promptly remedied bj Ut. risroe'a i'leaasat i'elleu. They regulate the system perfectly. Tale ons for a gentle laxative or corrective; three for a eathartie. If yon suffer from Constipation, Ia digestion, Bilious Attacks, Biok or Bilious Headaches, or any derange, moat of the liver, stomach, or bowels, try these little : Pallets. They bring s permanent ours. Instead of shocking and weakening the system with viol ence, like ths ordinary pills, they sot in a perfectly eary and natural way. Tbey'ra ths smallest, ths easiest ts take and ths cheapest, for they're guaranteed to civs satisfaction, or yoir money is rstmrned. - Ths cleansing, antiseptic aad heal ing qualities of Dr. Bags' Catarrh Remedy art nneqialed. , ; ' NUNN &,McS0RLEY 1 CO CD TENNY'S CP CO I A. Fresh Iot Just Iteceived, Call and get a Package. I TAFFY- f Made fresh every day. IV unn fc AJcSorley. 3XT. Ajr;pi-n Boot & Shoo-Maker, 151 South Front Sr., Near loot of Metoalf St. Con tin aed Patronage ot old friends, and new cntom solicited. Prompt execution of al! orders. Repair wo'k given special atten tion. eceived A LARGE LOT OF THOSE IV. J. II A IMS That I am selling at 13 1-3 cte. per lb. ALSO TRY ABBL.0F MY 'Best on Earth" flour;. it only c03ts you $4.50 PER BBL And there is none better made. To my COUNTRY friends I would say drive right in the rear of my store, where you will find STABLES FREE. My price 8 are low, my dealings are just give me a trial and I will guarentee satisfaction or refund ail money. Respeotfully, JT. Tt. Parker. Jr. v NO. 77 BROAD ST. FOR SALE The Single Story Briok Building and two story frame building ad joining, eovered with sheet iron, LooLted on Graven street oppo site the Machine Shops of J. H. CRABTItEE & CO. tf PIOOTT TPiUOK FARL1 For Bent l895. Is the finest track farm in East em North Carolina, well adapted for an fctnas or trace, uas an necessary buildings. One (1) mile of Morehead City, N. O. Two hundred yards of tbe A & N C Railroad. For terms, &c, Apply to ,0. G. BELL, Harlowe, N. 0. . m FOB EITHEB HTX. AS iu, ftoslmM sruuirs M m er Irtsmllr. StM. A3 A PBEVEHTIVB attmrvtas H (a tasbteteeBBtrttt sja ssosnal diMM : bat la tfe oMef IhOW rilWd Usi ICTl1.t AffUDtBB F. S. DUFFT, Drueeifit and Bole Agent. DR. HUMPHREYS' Nev Specific MSeMta f. FOR THS .CURE 07 b ' 3rRIEIE With all its symptoms of Infineon, Catarrh, Fains and Bareness in ths Head and Cheat, Ooogh, Bore Throat and general Prostration and Ferrer. Taken early it eats it short promptly taken daring its prevalence, jwerents its inva sion; taken while eunering from it, a relief is speedily realized, wbioh is eotv tinned to an entire core. This being New Bemedy, if yorrt Druggist will not get it for yon, it will be sent PP 0 receipt of prioe, 85a. . -, HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO, ' . . Hot. VWm i ota Bt, ew york. B s?Qk afli mmsTV. tsia Sl II D ss sssd J. Suter IS JOE- .Gaston House With the Beat Selected Stock, of furniture in Eastern North Caro lina. .... I thank the Publie for past fa vors and hope for a continuance of tbe same at my new store and also at my same old stand. Everything at Bock Bottom Prices. . . - . J. SUTElt. TO FARMERS. Examine our Paris Green Sprayer For Irish Potatoes, and Agricultural Impli ments on the ?m GROUNDS. L H CUTLEE & CO. NONE BETTER THA. sr OLD VIRGINA ChEaIOHtS WHY NOT UBETHES1? Prices as Low as any Good Che root. F. Ulrich, WHOLESALE GttOOER. NEW BERME. N. O NOTICE. FEBBUAEY 14fcU, 1894. All Taxes not paid within 15 days from the date of this notice, the property will he. duly advertised and sold ac cording tc law. Pay up aud s tva Qosts. W. D WALLACE. City Tax Collector. HORSES! ft 0 9D 0 80 Head of : t m .- -j . "H "5 i - H k N- '-'a . '.4JID BTU030 ACTIVE T0TJ1IO 110113 JUST EECEIVE3 Now; is the time , to Buy while I have a large stock to select from JifTheyi are cheaper ; thau ever before for CASII or Negotiable PaperrryJ 1 v " " "os''iiOac, C:utli TrcztCt. Cz::t3 C':t:n T" AL!IOTSC;J SALE I We will on Thursday and Friday, Febru ary. 22 and 23, sell at Auction to the Highest Bidder, .without reserve, or CASH, 100 Head Horses and Mules. From 4 to 7 Years old, Adapted to all Purposes Draft, Farm and Tram Road. Extra ITiJCLo Drivers. SALE BKGINS SHARP AT 10 O'CLOCK. Blue Front Stsbles, Middle Street New Berne, N. 0. Tli Bsst Shoes for tbe i Money. t too i i gj 1 85, .1) Ml Ws, DEALERS who ousKthe sale of which helps to increase the sales afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe II at less profit, snd we believe footwear or tne dealer advertised oeiowi For Sale tyfJ.-J. BAXTER, HORSES! DrivinrxCj Work C 3oi IV. L. DOUGLAS oMffnr GENUINE WELT. Willi sLm SqueleM,BoUam Wstcrpraof. Bat Shot sold si ths pcioi. 84 and 63. DQ press f hoe. V83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. V Best Walking Sboe evr'nidfc 82. SO, and 82 Shoes, . . UooqiMlled st the pries. 82 ft 81.75 School Shoes Are the Best for Service. LADIES' ,3, $2.50 $2, $1.75 Best DoBcoIa. Btjllsh. PerfseS Dltuns Ana eryieetiDie.M ess t the world. AU Styles. Insist upon h.Tinj; W. 1m fiu nnoee. new prtee stamped on bottom. Broektoa W. L. Doutrlas Shoes eain customers. on their full line of goods, nor von can save sooner or envims; au sw Catalogno tree upon application. lAgt, ITewSsrns N. a HORSES! 7 A (0