Tee :BAim Journal. VOL. XII.-XO -286, NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY. MARCH 4, 1894. PRICE 5 CKNTS BCS15ESS LOCALS. MILE Lore S cenU. . Sonwfluks Bread ccata. BotU srs unsurpassed. Clakk Basiho Co. WHOEVER baa the Jar of Brandt IVacbes marked M. S shown at the Fair will plena return to Mr. O. Marks. . A KIND and Geutle Hone ail year old or sale. -..'- C E. Slotxb. A FULL line of spring sod summer samples. It will be to your interest toex . uniuo , mj samples before purchasing elsewhere as satisfaction - It always . Buaraoteod. ' Mr samples ire from the ' largest Importing dooms Ton Coo get sails at tour owo prices, as one house . alone occupies 15,000 square feet or space, F. M. CaswicK, Merchant Tailor, 43 Pollock street, near Poetoffloe. " u ONE hundred cases of Pie Peaches for sals at J. V. Taylor's and S. H. Scott's at 10 cents a can. TRY "Coal Oil Johnny Soap" best In the world tor any purpose laundry, kitchen, toilet, bath or removal of grease spirts from kid gloves, Ac. Once used you'll ever be without it. For sale by - - ' J. F. Tatloa. A NICE fine Shaixwood lot of cbickens. , J. W. ALL persons baring claims against m will please present them at ot.oe for in uiediate payment. I can be (out I at my ld stand Until farther notice. , ' " C. E. Blotch. MUTTOS Saet for medical use, Sots per cake. ' ' Chas E. Nklbon. No. 7 Bread St, LOCAL NEWS ? ' 'SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. t" tlnan ' ' T. J. Turner Entice. W. B. Lane Execution sale. - TZ. Poeiull & Bn. Merchant tailors. Bryan & Smith (lay, Strain. Seed, etc. Tlie painting ol Ui W. N. & N. ware ' tiouse isalxut finished. Dr. Leinster Duffy is preparing for a ' good pavement in front of his office. The Blade propeity will he sold it the , court house tomorrow at 13 M. ' - The monthly meeting of the Female Benevolent Society will lie hel.l at the residence of Mist Metts on Tuesday after noon at half past three o'clock. Four schooners and three barges were loading at the Coogilon milt yesterday. , Thosteoiner Reuse will be taking on lumber there tomorrow. . At Mr. Jas. F. Taylor's we saw yester day an early rose potato weighing two pounds and five ounces, taken from one : of tba regular barrels. Thcf 'ill ran large : but this one was a little ahead of the , others. .. - . , .' , The Oreensboro Republican Mys: Ths j Friends of this Stat are casting around tor a suitable farm upon which to estab lish the Friend's Orphanage. Mr. Rafus . King, of Archdalo, has been looking, up a place, and High Poiut is quite anxious to be favored, y : v:;-.i - Messrs. E. Poeiolt Bros., who moved - beie from Salem have Opened their mer- ; chant tailoring establishment in the Henry building on Middle Streets. The charac teristic feature of their buslnesj .is they carry a larye stock of materials Instead of having their customers to select suits by samples. '. They impress us as clever - gentlemen and we look for them to do good business in their new borne. . Such ' , good new citizens will ever find a ready welcome. ' ''Coming and doing. , .: Mr. n. B. Duffy who has been, north purchasing his spring stock returned last night. - Bs bas bought to do a big spriun ; jobbing trade. Dr. O. K. Bagby returned from Kins- ; ton where he hss been spending two or ..; three days on business. .! : I'M." a A. Meeting" ' Ladies as wall as gentlemen are Invited at the' Y. M. C. A., meeting this afternoon at 445. . , 1 " . It will open with a song service, after which an address will be delivered by State Secretary Coulter. ' AU members of the virions church choirs are' respectfully invited to take seats forward near the piano and assist in th singing. . - . - J'atiie Mine Sold " " .Mr. Matt White of Hertford has sold rtlie little bay filly, Pattie Mine, which won the first trotting race for a purse of 20J it the East Carolina Fair fur t 1,100 more than site cost him a year ' ago. Hating ber at the Fair paid Mr. White well. . ,-.., ' Pattie Mine acquitted "herself so well at the Fair that Mr. White estimated hei value at a thousand dollars higher when he left than he did when he started for the Fair, mil got it, too. . . - v s- T .' o --r,, .1. t Hi" fir the NT. N. 4 N, K. f ..I' .t to tie city yesterday I ,.',;.m kvil!e liere it bas been n!: Hit Chr'.-.tai is. It was being i T';f-rd.iy an I will In put in '.'y as f ' -'Me. ' f n V.Uiort fr the t..' e i iTofki-.l f,.r, j - I- Passed Us Prrsidea , Ths tteainer. Albennarra- passed the Light-house tender violet Wednesday at Long Polot with the Presidential party aboard prepared lor a fishing frolic Cleveland had oa a corduroy suit and . a hunting cap. Ths Albemarle saluted as she drew Bear saad the President and Secretary Gresham' both gracefully acknowledged the salute by f p of their hats and a bow. , A hunter who was passenger on the Albemaila fired-a salute of two shots from bis gun and five from' bis pistol ss sn additional salute. This also wsa acknowledged by the President and bis Prty. . Will Leave for tireenrille this Week. Messrs. Hines Bros., who bavs heen running the Scheelky mill under a lease end their connection with it tomorrow. Mr. Lovitt Hines and family intend to leave Wednesday for Oreeoville where he and Mr. S. C. Hamilton have purchased ss partners s good established mill, dry kilns and planing mill of 15,000 feet ca pacity per day. - Mr. Hamilton also goes up to Oreeo ville early this week, but his family will remain in New Berne awhile longer. The Pine Lumber Company, who are now building a saw mill along side, will operate ths planing mills snd dry-kiln hereafter. Syaagogue Lot Purchased The Jewish congregation hive bought a part of Hon.jF. M. Simmons lot, cor ner ot New and Middle streets, for the si( of tbe Synagogue the contemplated building. The lot fronts on Middle St. 10 feet and runs 107 feet back along New street to tbe Prasbyteriau church lot. They bope to be able to build in near future. the Mr tba the the After the Svnaogus is erected Simmons, when at home, will have Presbyterian church at his back, Catholic church in his front, and Jewish Synagogu.- at his right. Now it some denomination will build a church on the other side of bis resi dence, Mr. Simmons will have religion all around him. A ew Benevolent Organisation A society for Benevolent purpotes bared upon the same principles ss the Knights of Harmony was organized Friday after noon at the residence of Mrs Martha Boyd with about thirty members. The name selected for the orgnnizitioa is Faith Hope and Charity. Mr. E. E. Quidley was choseu Pivsidont, Miss Annie L Quidley Secretary, aid Mr Jas Roberts. Treasurer. As in the Kuiihts of Harmony, sick members are to receive attention, deceas ed members be buried at the expense of the order and their heirs be psid a sum equal to $1.00 from each surviving mem ber. A point of difference between the Knights of Harmony and this organiza tion, is that tbe former limits the age of those whom it will receive ss new mem- bers to 59 years old, while the latter will lake members at any age. Thia was tbe desired feature which led to tbe orgaol cation of the latter. The ages of those now members range from twelve to about sixty five years. - 'y? .- S : Another meeting will be held next FrI day afternoon at the same place, at which time it is meant to get into good working condition and make arrangements for se curing a permanent meeting place Progress of the Water Works Con " struotloa " ' The work: of putting in the water works pipe was finished "yesterday from the starting point at the south east corner ot Queen and East Front on down : tha atter street to King. ,..: f'.v-v,,: The ground was opened tor more p'pes as far as the foot of Short streetst opposite ths Revenue Cutter wharf. Water Was encountered in the bottom of the ditch and the work was not pursued 'further down thai street at the time but a start was made up Union tnat.y . i1', Two of the fire hydrants have been placed in position one at the i starting point by the W. N. ft N.,; railroad end the other a square farther on, at the corn er of East Front and King. ; i'r ' . Each hydrant has two nozzels that ad mit of throwing a ,1 1-2 inch stream, a size that is most effective in putting out a flri ' It is shown by experience that a stream of about an inch is largely C con sumed into steam as it strikes a fierce fire t and it. is hard to i make an Improasion with it, but a one and a half inch stream washes the fir right before it. ', . - . The ' regular tower pressure will be sufficient to throw these dreams 75 feet high; with tha pump pressure they can be thrown 135 feet. The water works will sfford good protection besides the convenience they will be, -r ... ; A Brive Officer of the Confederacy ' Gone. ;v Col. Samuel Keal Stowe, a native of Lincoln county and for al.out 25 vears a citizen of White Bead Hill, Indian Terri tory, died Sunday, the 18th Febiuorv, er a protracted illness. He was 72 rs ot lie represented Lincoln fy in the Legislature from 1843 to t, and lioin 18.it) to 1553. Catawba i'v (fi le in,lS-13) voted with Lin . v;' 112. - v- - i !- in lc"0an.l returned iil I to enii-1 in the t, S i wir Tie Next Meeting of the Teachers As sembly. Tbe programme for the eleventh an- aual session of the If. C Teachers Assem bly to be held at Moreheed City next June Is Dearly completed. The North Carolina Teacher aays it will show such a feast of good things aa bis rarely been provided at any similar meeting in this country. Tbe Teacher makes, the following it fere nee to the attendance of the western members. There will be a lrr" daUgition of teachers snd th-'r f . .. from the ex treme western part at our State at the Assembly this summer We welcome most cordially 'l trend from "beyond the Blue Ridge" -o the many delights ol our chsrming sea sids home snd to all the, pleasures of the Assembly. Pick your trunk for s two weeks revel upon the Atlantic ocean and yon will be de lighted" and greatly benefited by your visit. Tbe necessity, the dsmsod. snd the de sire of tbe people "f North Carolina for a Stat" Reform School is steadily growing stronger. As the natural impulse of this existing popular will ths whole question of a Reform School will be fully discussed by North Carolina's greatest organisation of progressive thinkers, the Teacher's As ' srmbly, at Morvliead City this summer. This matter has before been considered by the Assembly, but not with such uni versal popular demand behind it as is now tne case. A special committee will be appointed to present the subject to to the next Legislature and arrange tor the early establishment ol this greatly needed Reform School. Church Services - Centenary Methodist Church. Services conducted by the Pastor Rev. J. T. Lyon st 11 a. ni., and 7:30 p. ui. Prayer meet iug 9:39 a., ni. Sunduy Seluol at 8, o'clock p., m. J. M. Howard Supt. Christ Church Rev. T. M. X. George, rector. Fourth Sunday in Lent. Ser vice, sermon and Holy Communion 11 a. m Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. iu. Sunday School und Young Men's Bible Class 4 p. tn. Sunday School at the Chapel 9:80 a. m. Lenten services daily during the week. The publh are cordially invitod to attend all services. Attentive ushers. Presbyterian Church C. G. Vardell, pastor, service 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 8:80 p. m. The public are cordially invited. Baptist Church Rev. Rufus Ford, pastor, Sjrvices at 11 a.'m and 7:30 p. in. Sanday School 8 p. m. (Jlinrch ot Christ Service at 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. conducted by the pastor, D. H. Petree. Sunday School at 8 p. m. T. M. C. A. Mixed meeting at 4:45 o'clock. Address by Stats Secretary L. A. Contler. Cordial invitation to all. Harpers Weekly and New Berne. Mr, Geo. S. Richardson, the artist of Harper's Weekly arrived yesterday and ia registered at Hotel Albert His pur pose is to take sketches of scenes around New Berne for publication in that paper. He took some sketches yesterday and will continue his work tomorrow. Mr. Richardson ia a native ot North Carolina he was . born near Elizabeth City. He is a cousin of Mrs. W. H. Bray and is now visiting there.' He went out to Mr. Brays farm . in the afternoon This Is Mr. Richardson's first visit to North Carolina in fifteen years. Mr. Goodrich of Rural Retreat, Va., the canvasser for that publication is also in the city stopping at Hancock's board ing house... . - ; Mr. Goodrich who has been here since Thursday bas never found a town be likes better then ours and contemplates bringing his wife to spend awhile here. . ' "DEATH OF WES, EARLY. ..' Senator Daniel Watofcea by the Bedside - of HIi 01 ConuiandAr. ' Lynchburg, Va, March ' . United States Senator John W. Daniel Walked into the News office at It o'clock tonight, sad in a sad voice announced that his old commander, Gen. Jubal A, Early at whose bedside he naa been a constant watcher for some days, bad igone to his eternal reward. t - - i-: :; va. i . Gen. Early died at 10:85. He passed away quietly in the presence of his family and physicians, his kindred and several intimate friends. The old general seemed aware of his approaching end early in tbe day. . --., i-.V-- It Is thought Gen. Early has left a good estate, tbtugh be was a man. of astonishing genvoaity, especially toward his numerous relative ana needy ex-Confederates. , r V n . "Fine clothes is never out of uhIon.y k? v;.).vV:? palm Fawrwsavt' , When you buy an article of Clothing, get the best jou can afford, it pays in the end and costs but a fraction more in the beginning. It costs as much in labor to make an eight dollar suit as it does a 12 dollar one. The difference, four dollars is in the cloth. When you get ready to buy call on us for what you need. We try to treat you fair ly. New lot of Diamond Shirts just in, all sizes - AT flOWAPwD'S. '" e a ' : i ' preach destruction! PBEIICM4 AWARDED. At the Seventh Exhibition of the E. C. F 0. U. k I. association. LADIES WOIIK. Department 8. Clou I. Ladif Work. Beat silk patchwerk quilt, Mrs. Ken nedy, Lehoir county, $1; silk crazy quilt, Mrs. M. F. Cowdl, Greenville, fit; calico patchwork quilt, Mrs. Mary Tucker 50;. knit counterpane, Mrs. R. F. Broadus (1; crochet counterpane, Mrs. J. T. Lyon ft; home made hearth nig, any style, Miss HMrriet Shew 1; 3d bet do., Mrs. Mace 50c.; best ten yards or more woolen homespun, Mrs. T. W. West 12; best sewing by hsnd or machine, Miss Webb, Hillsboro, N. C, $; handsomest centre square, Mrs. C. R. Thomas i2; do., in colors, Miss L Ellis 2; bindsomest drawn work center square, Mrs. C. R. Thomas, Jr., 12; drawn work doylies, not less than 0, Mrs. W. S. Edmonds, Kins- ton, X. C, $2; set of embroidered doy lies, Mrs. F. C. Roberts $2; handsomest exhibit of doylies not less than 12; Mrs. C. E. Slover $3; handsomest display ecclesiastical embroidery, Miss Lena Smith, Scotland Neck, 41; best hand made infant's dress, Miss Lizzie Sbepard, Warrenton, Va., 2; best decorated chair, Miss Cox $1; handsomest monchoir case, Miss Lena Smith, Scotland Neck Si; linen table cover, Miss Mary F. Manly $1. Clam S. Fancy Necdfaiorl: Silk embroidery on flannel speuiuisn, Mrs. M.M. Marks II; 3d bestdo., Mrs. W. S. Edmonds, Kinston, SOcts; best cottoa or thread embroidery, Mrs. R. C. Free man. Goldsboro f 1; best silver or gold embroidery $1; chenille or arasane $1 outline embroidery in silk $1; the last three premiums were taken by Miss Liz zie Sheppard, Warrenton, Va., outline embroidery in thread, Mrs. R. C. Free man, GoMsboro $1 tatting embroider, 50 cts., Miss Carson, Pittsboro; drawn work $1, piano or tabic cover Embroid ered tl, specimans of braiding 60 cts., fancy apron 50 cts tbe last lour prem iums were taken by Miss Shepard of Warrenton, Va , lap robe, embroidered, Mrs. Geo. Ferrell 1; sofa pillow, Mrs. E. B. Ellis 50 cts.; bureau scarf, Mrs. W. S. Edmonds, Kinston, $i; buffet scarf, Miss Sadie Manly $1 woven embroideiy, Miss Lena Smith, Scotland Neck $1; half dozen (able mats, Mrs. W. S. Edmonds, Kinston, SO cts; lady's fancy bag, Mrs. E. B. Ellis $1; glove or cravat case, Mrs. W. S. Edmonds, Kinston, N. C, f 1; pil low shams, Mrs. M. M. Marks $1; lady's dressing sack, Mrs. E. B. Ellis $1; band somest display of fancy work in this claaf five or more pieces not entered else where by one lady, Miss Emma Katie Jones $3; Miss Carrie Hancock 3, machine made infants dress. Department 0. Clast 1. Orochetting and Knitting. Best crochetted childs afgban, Mrs. Ralph Gray $1; childs sack knitted, Mrs, M. M. Marks, 50 cts; set of table mats, crochetted, Mrs. Ben Mayhew 50 cts; chair tidy, crochetted, Miss J. Fulford, 60 cts; lamp mati, crochetted Mrs. R F. Broadus 25 cts; crochetted lace, Miss Sheppard, Warrenton. Va , 50 cts; knit ted lace, Miss Brooks, Pitt county, 60 cents; crochetted or knitted mittens, Miss Sheppard, Warrenton, Va., 60 cts; slip pers, crochetted or knitted, Mrs. Clsy- poole 60 cts; do. 2d premium Miss Dita Roberts 25 cts. best shirt Miss N. Davis $1; pair cotton stockings or socks Mrs. Fornes, Pamlico 60c; do. 3d premium Mrs. Rice 35 cts; Infants socks, knit or crochetted $1; knit purse 60 cts; wrist lets, silk or worsted, 50 cts these three premiums were awarded to Miss Shep pard Warrenton, Va.; best knitted shoul der cape Mrs. E. B. Ellis SO cts; hand somest crochttted tidy, silk, Mrs. C, Reizenstein $1; do., linen, Mrs. C. Reiz- enstein 50 cts. , Best display of work in this depart ment Mrs. Sarah Willis f 2. " (To be Continued.) CULLED ITEMS OP NEWS. : T. N. Beacon, a prominent yonng busi ness man from Henderson, died, suddenly on a train in Texas. Controller Ecklcs calls for statements from ell National and State banks. Pope Leo was 84 years old Friday. That day waa also the sixteenth anniversary of nis coronation as neaa oi tne cuurcu. ; A special to the Charlotte Observer from Live Oak, Pis., says that tbe heal ing waters of 8uwsoee Springs have made a marked change for the better in tbe condition of Senator - Vance's health. He is much better and improving daily. Tiffany & Co., the creak jewelers of New York, have had a $80,000 cup stolen irom tneir estaousnmeot. . it was or sold studded with costy gems. , A mammoth otal has been taken from an Idaho mine. It ia the size of. a hen egg, without flaw, and oltbe highest quality. It will dress 855 carat. , - Tbe yellow fever at Rio b sverairinff 111 deaths a day. With the irreat lire- caution that bas been taken on the part of Uncle Sam's fleet, a clean . health list has been maintained. - . - , James B. Crawley, who about five Tears ago murdered a white m m named Harris in Beaufort county, has been captured at Norfolk by a policeman, to whom he has made a fall confession. - The great actress Kellogg is dead from the bnllett of ber assassin. She was penitent, and bad a frenzied desire to see her wronceJ husband, whom she Was told wis cumins. C v hs killed a bear. The band- and Tension have played in importint part in tbe hunt. A special to the Cilizjn Ir Marslndl says that at the Madison county court, Robert Morris and others, charired with assault on Line Gun. the Ch inanifln whose dead body was recently found in Tennessee, near "the State line, were found guilty. fflsofaftly Pure A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Rkpobt. Royal Baking Powdks Co., 10fl Wall St., N. Y. NOTICE. Copy of a letter to all my home Credi tors and Northern Creditors. Gbnt8: I take the pleasure of in forming you that all of my old claims have been settled up in full as I have been informed by m; Assignee, the last one was settled Dec 19th, 91, by Assignee, and I have been ia busi ness at my old stand in tbe city of New Berne since the 1st, of January 1891 And if there are any more olaims due by me please send them to me and they will be settled at onco. And oblige, Yours, etc T. J TURNER BRYAN and SMITH MERCHANDISE, Brokers M Collision Merchants, DEALERS IN Hay, Grain, Sasd And All Kinds Mil! Feed. Truck and Gaulen Seed a specialty- Millet, Clover, Lawn and Sun dry Grass Seed always on hand. Have in transit large supplies of Flour and Truck barrels Also TrunbJbox s and Crates. Baggs, Burlaps and Barrel cov ers. SOLE AGENTS for the sale of the Gel ebrated Navassa Guano Go's. Standard South ern Fertilizers. Quality Unsurpassed. Prices and terms to suit all. Call and see us Bryan ft Smith, 84 CRAVEN STREET, SPRIKG AN!) SUI.UER STYLES. Latest designs of WOBSEDS, UASSlMKJiES, CJH1SV1.UTS, &C in stock, Doing away with the annoying feature of selecting from samples. 17 All garments guaranteed to fit, E.P0EZ0LT & BR0. Merchant Tailors. 127 Middle St., Old Custom House, New Heme. NOTICE ! All Persons indebted to the late Firm of Barrington and Baxter are requested to oome forward and SETTLE their ACCOUNTS, as farther indulg ence CANNOT be given. I cannot carry on my BUS INESS without C-A-S-H. I have refrained from push ing those who owe me. think ing they would come forward and settle, but I am now com pelled to resort . to more ur gent means,- W. JD. Barrington, SUoCSSSOB TO O a, r ring: ton. & Baxter 67 Middle St. DOHT OOriT DOH'T Let yonr child oat his tenth oa plated spoon. I em selling Gorham Company's Boad Sterling SILVER SPOONS y; For $440 per Set. ' , I have few Stick Pins left st lOots. each. - , Hair Tins $1 60 ; and nig ber. v.--, ; Those little - Silver Sonvenir Spoons st 75ots sre not high. ; : E7 Oome snd see me. - : '; " v .r -- EAT01I. Ths'Js-cISaV . - 87 lliiZ'.a St. You May Travel AROUND THE GLOBE And you will not find such opportunities to save money as are of fered at the - Mammoth - Establishment OF Hackburn & Willett, GLOBE TclOTTERS Stand ty us, and the man in the moon hacks it up, that no where in the CITY can Better Bargains BE OBTAINED. -O O 0- Those who go fren place to place, fidd ly, after lacking tvery nhere, ccai ttesk f3 cj to make lh:ir Purchases, FOB IHET FIHB TEST can not do as well any- - where else, s AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Kent in a FIRST CLASS QUALITY UNSURPASSED And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. -1 ..1 Uy Lise js 'ft -! 4 Complete mii e , . r! -tfc vV FULL IH CTOT DEPARTMENT jo:;:3 rv::, soma i j v ,i adorn ti executive man- C,?. Enlist Cbsrch.