.M)IjIINAL. "-. C'r"!nJ tela f -j Le in Ut u J ud t r t.a conJ.tloi of Mr, , i I ia "exloo, re con- , Lt the most autheniie 1 : i s s cinch better. :iai that Mr. Grady . ; t i I sve a walk orer In this . ,' t far either lomlsatioa or ' 3. When tie ooirentloB i we trust that it will here v. -h statesmanship aid scholar p to Justify the publication of IU The election for President and Yloe resident of Brasll passed off err QaleUy. Tho people of that oantry hart a hard time tad Mem to eare Terj little who are their rulers. They hare little hope of lot' . prored .'conditions. . It U too soon to Indalge ia specs lstloosot preeideatial eaadldatee ta 1836. lietter wait aad eee what partlea are la the field. The Demo cracy will be there, bat there le no teniae who will bo lta ataadard Mr. Moody U holding a meeting fa Washington City, A few eren lap ago, whea he ealled oa those who were willing to teatlfy for Teens to rise, Mrs. Clsvelind roee nd remained standing for eeTeral talaatee, ',r- , JSTow that the Bland seigniorage bill hat paaeed the House, the chairman , of toe Appropriation! Committee hae the right of way ia sh. Honse.If theeouditloa of the Treaaory win permit we hope ' that aa ' appropriation .. for the public bnildlac la Hew Berne will aoon be obtaiaed. Mr. Max O'BeU says he baa foaad only two nationi where treats, are the leaden France and America. Ia America, from the age of eighteen, a girl la allowed almoet every liberty he takes the rest. Ia Trance the womea are not frivolous, he maintains, aa Is com moaiy . supposed. Tney hare a knowledge of their husband's busi ness end a-voice ia the manage ment of his affairs. ! Boa. W. W Fuller, a promi nent lawyer of Durham, is in Washington and is reported by the Post with aaying, ia answer to the question,-"Who will be -8entor Bansom's successor;, "if the next Legislstnre Is Democratic 'he Sen ator will, without question suooeed himself. His popularity with Dem. ooratsia undiminished. The Pop nlist eandidata is Marion Butler, preeident of the National Far mere Alliance, bat there Isn't much fear of his getting Bansom's seat. Ths bill which baa beea passed by both branches of the New fork Legislature' and signed by Gov Flowrfjpopularlf known .as the Greats ew York" bill, submits tot popular tote of the oommnnl tlee interested oa the ' 6th of Nov ember next the question of consoli dation with the metropolis under ne meaiclpal Incorporation." The aggregate population of the teni. lory which ft is proponed to take In is 1464,052, whioa added to that ol New York, would give to Great er New York a population of 2.965,. 792, and make it second only to London. 7.: ; The Bland Beignorage BUI hae passed the House by a majority of 89. All the North Carolina dele gation voting for it. The billdireots that the Secretary of the Trewury ahail immediately cause to be coined as fast as 'possible the silver bullion held in the treasury purchased under the not of July 14,1890,entittled "An act direc ting the purchase of silver bullion andjthe issuing of Treasury notes thereon and other purposes." There ia little probability that the Senate win pass the bm, and if It does it is almost eertaia thai the President : will veto It v. - -;; s Chamberlain's aye and Skla Oiatmaat Ii a certain cor for Chronic Sort Erra, Granulated Eye. Lidt Bar JlippW Piles, JUSKma, letter, Halt Utumn and scald titx$ 25 cents per box. For sal by druggists. . :" to BOiuownEL -- For potting a hone in a fine healthy con- muon vj isr. usaria umditioa .Fowden. They tone op the system, aid digestion, core loss of appetite, relicre constipation, correct kidarf disorders and destroy worms, faring new Ut to an old or orer worked horse. 26 cents per package. For aale by druggist .Bui J 07 1. V. Jodan, New Berne If. C "Here, Bridget, ran and put this letter in the box, and be quick about it" "And shall I 1 wait for an answer, Missf ; 0 YTs bare a stwedr aad poeitire em for r " h, d h' ri canker snooth , i i fc -JjOIHj CATAEEH 1 . A I injactor freerlth t '( yoa desire boalth s - , ; ..oetio. &id by $ & i i h '' ' ' : t H i WASHIKUTOX CCSKESPONDESCB n Test OSes BlU-Sarar, TtklUrj i4 Tobacee tat Seaate Cm- cassias; Otct Ue Tarff , SIMMS. DmnhU Casipalra CesiaUttot- WIiiImu vs. Settle Case BsTsata Blllttat Osffctte Tass. Bon. (Joha S. Bender-eon, Chairman of tee 'Committee on Postoffloes and Fostroads re ported the Postoffloe appropriation bill to the Bouee. Mr. Henderson has beea bard at work on this bill for several weeks, Mr. filssell asks for 190,000,000. Mr. Henderson has out soma of the amount akel for, ae be is al ways to the fr ml la the interest of adtdonseoLimy. The fast south ern mall item remains about aa it waa last ysar. This ia the most important point la the bill so far the south is concerned and should be made a permanent thing, It la a great blessing to all ths south aad a very great conveni ence to southern papers as all the enterprising Tournals whlou re- oeive this letter can testify W The Biohmoad a.ad Daaville B. B. has received the contract at the prioe of f 186,614.23 per annum, lt Is a good oontraot and the Richmond and Danville B. B. has so far per formed its part of it admirably. The House is still waiting for quorum beoanee tne members are afraid or ashamed to follow the ex ample of Tom Reed and court quorum anyway : Anubing is bet ter than existing legislative stag nation. I went to see Commissioner Mil ler yesterday to see if I could learn what waa to be done with the In ternal Bevenne tax on sugar, whis key aad tobaooo, three, things ol vast importance in oertaia south ern states. Mr. Miller wsa out. suppose be was at the Senate can- onsing with the Senators , on the Wilson tariff bilLas that body spent the morning thus employed. Mr. Millers republican deputy prompt ly informed m that he - could not enlighten me and that he could not speak ex cathedra about the polioy of this administration and this Congress. I thought he ought not to d i so, either, to I went to see Mr. Scott Nesbit, the democrat who is chiet clerk of the Internal Rev enue Bureau. He and I agree on most subjects snd we came to ths conclusion that congress bad no idea what it would in the premises, I have said all along that con gress ought to have been convened last March and a tariff passedwhile tne democrats in uongress were fresh from (the people and knew their will. That is if they meant what the Chicago platform said aoout free trade. Colleotor Simmons will probably be confirmed next week. A call waa issued for a meeting of the Democratic Congressional Campaign -Committee yesterday, but, owing to the absence of the chairman, it was adjourned with out action The purpose of the meeting was to arrangd the pre liminary steps looking to the selec tion of headquarters and the gen eral plan ot the campaign. The Williams vs. Bettle contest ed election case will be carried to the House In a few days. Mr. Wil liams' lawyer, Mr. Agustus Graham is here. ,.-.; -'i'A-v The President and Secretary Oreshan have gone fishing on the North Carolinia coast. They , will go to the Dismal swamp and . -nay catch some trout in the Lake made famous since the days of the "birch bark canoe" and ''fire fly lamp." The light-bouse tender Violet takes the plaoe of the canoe and an eleo- trio search light serves as a beacon in this hunting party, however. There Is a bill to retire the old officers of the Revenue Marine ser vice now before the Commerce Committee of the Senate - and House of which - Senator Ransom and Hon. George D. Wise are re spectively chairman, which warmly commends ttseir to my sense ot jus tloe. 8ome of these old officers are between 75 and 90 years old. They have braved as many and more dangers than the naval officers who are retired at half pay at the age 62, 1 think. The law la on the aide of these old Re veins Marine officers and the "efficiency or the service demands the passage of this biU. A historical review of the Bevenue Marine Cutter Service proves how maoh more worthy these battle scarred veterans are-of pensions than is the army of boun ty jumpers who now deplete ' the treasury. , j t ;: .v' The cutter service was organized in 1790.'. One of the' leading ; feat ares of Its r organization wai to place its vessels and crews: upon the footing, in drills, discipline and armament, with regular vessels of war. There being then no Wavy Department In existence, nor for about eight years thereafter, the service was, as a matter of conven ience simply, m the discharge of pabiio business to the Treasury Department, where it has remain- ever since,- v ;,- vv- The act of Congress. July V. 1799 authorized the President to "cause the revenue cutters to be employed to defend the seaooast and to re peal hostility to vessels and com merce within their jurisdiction." In the war of 1812 revenue cutters were employed as dispatch boats, and for coast defense. -, From 1815, for a number years, some of the most active and gallant officers of the Navy sought snd obtained commissions in the Cutter Service, and found ample scope for the ex- ceirntwsmtDahip ana gallantry wu;ca ui;iDu;aLea oaeert or to nay at toe time. Under the law of 13J7, requiring the rresident to aeatgs publio eels to serrloe oa the coast during the winter months for the releif of storm driven ves sels or com mere, ships of war were at first designated, but could ot perioral me wore, and were soon repUoed by the fleet of reven ue cutters, and the Cutter Berrien as per for mad 'this hazardous work sverp year siaes. Ia the war with Mexico several ontters served in co-operation with the Navy. Is 1858, ths steam cutter Harri et Laos, commanded by Captain Job a Faonce, of the revenue Cut ter Service, served la the squadron of the Parsguy Expedition, and pronounoed, ia a letter from the Commodore commanding to Cap uts raunoe, ins most efflsient ship in the fleet. .' During the Civil War. the Cutter Harriet Lane shared ia the attack oa Newport News and Hatteraa Inlet, the eut- ter Miami in that on Sewell's Point while (he Nauganluck was with the ironolad la . the . attack on , Fort Darling with Rogers, Several rev enue cutters ptrformed valuable service In the Chesapeake Bay in oo-opertioe with the Potomac flo tilla, in preventing the tranapor tation of supplies , (torn North to South, aad captain Thomas M. Dungo, of the cutter Hercules, wss killed in aotioo.near the Vir ginia shore. It thus appears that the mllitarj character of the Cutter Service has bf en established by law its employ ment In warlike operations ia ev ery war in which the country has been engaged. The bill calls for an appropriation of only $43,000 ana it ought to puss'. 1 am sure such brave soldiers as General Hansom snd Captain Wise will never refuse aid and comfort to these brave old men who have borne such an honorable part in the most dangerous service of our Government. One of Ills lnrMtments. Visitor You hare some One scenerj about yonr home, Mrs. Cheepriche. Mrs. Cheepriche (complacently) Tea, we always get the best of every thing. -Chicago Record. Bad Triad IU "Folks may talk nbont camphor gnu all they please," said Tommy, coming out of the clothes closet with a very, rery wry face, "but I'd a pood deal rather hare spruce. Chicago Tribune. or some csii Old Gotroz (to his fashionable son) Ton and yonr set thoroughly disgust me. You could get along as well with out a head as with one. Algy Aw fawther how wedicu- lousl Why, wheah would a fellah weah his hat? Puck. THE SPIDER AND THE FLY. A lrcw EDITION, There's a famous dry good's store at the loot or Middle Street Where the people from the city and ... co antry often meet: On each aids of the doorway a mystic sum we see And the letters are B. I. G. I. K. E. ll 1 1 These very potent letters seem to work a ' wonderous charm. On every o te who passes by although , iney ao no narm. But the idle and the silly will often stop ana gsie. At that double row ot letters, as if tbev were amasca i I said the letters do no harm, yet they remina me well Of the story which we all have heard. wnen nrei we learned to spell Of the spider wno spnn his web, then placed himself near bv And kept a watch unceasing, for the gid dy little fly. - : With a "walk into my .parlor." there 101a its treasures O'er Well thst tsle is now enacted, by the letters nn mat uoor: For if yon stop to look at them, you'll surely take a peep -. . At the inside of the bnildiog, and there - you II tee a neap Of pretty things and nine things your want can ue supplied, It makes no difference what it is, if yon , wiii8tep insiae. ana ma iks, uk tne spiucr, it ever standing near - And calls upon the passer-by to enter witnont tear. Bat once he gets you in his store, he and , clerks will try ., lo sea yon goods, so very cuesp, yon ' - cannot lau to ouy; Big Ike has spnn Out yards and jards of i - advertising web, c ; And many distant bay en, In answer it is ' " said, -s r When e'er they corns to New Berne, have cntcKiy asKea tne wsv ' To Big Ike's store, and once ty go tbey never turn away J -e i . v With empty hands, bnt true It is an ; empty pocket book , ; - Ia fair exchange for the bundle' of dry- ' goods that they took .- " . . And the ladies too, are finding out thst in the thow-case, he . -: r, Has laces fine and dainty as one would wish to see. The quality is questioned not when be tells them '.hat be brought The laces here from Wilmington from a i --VI firm who ne'er bad aught ' . ' " Bnt first class goods, of every style, to , please the ladir taste," -And now: Big Ike will sell them cheap, as all who want must baste '..... And boy, or they'll be gone, and , again " Big Iks will spin -Another web, about some firm " who is lately fallen in) A tale-bearer ia a lower order of creation than a tail wearer. I'ell Wrs. Murphy was known as a very sociable woman, febe made H a point never to poaa an acquaintance without speaking. One day ahe met Mrs .Caaey oa the street - - "Good marntn. Mr. Caaey," said aha. "How do yes feel thU mamiaT Not that Ol ears, Mr. Casey, bnt CH Jit wanted t open ths eonrooraauon. Boston Budget. - . i ' UP TO A CKRTA1N POrST m IM profrraa of Unaunritiao, Dr. rmx UufcMO Mncllcmi Uuamm at a porftiws nsnadr. Erm In the Biost advanced cana, b aires com fort and ralte; and when other ouy rauera, uua wJ Butdelav is dannrooa. with Oa. snmption. In ail Un eonditiou him au to It lU-Wiroiwr- k k U remsdr. With mm Hnoin. r wi wmm. Ainnga, Bouiing act. ao prornpUy. Krery immm thU ean be nacfaad thrangh th btood yiaUa to thai nedkina. Tb - w"pia ai on ol them. For this, and for arsry other I crm Borolula, for ail blood-taints ana ainoram, and ail chronio Br ebial, Throat, and Lang affections. uuimj - m tna only reraady aoeertaia that ttoan be ffuanmtmi, If it srar faila to benefit or ours, yon aara yonr money back. Can anything ales be "Just at Dent beliT It. . . . t. Bages Remedy poeltlnjy ctotm Ceiarra. Execution Sale. Panaaat te aa azaMtlnii had Mm th Snparior eonrt of Crtna Oonoty la taor or Mine to aerenoant ia a aoitoa wnerem u. V, JjrK ana W. w, Clark araplalDtltreandthaNaw BaibaliM trie Utnlaad Power Cnmpany lsdeleodaat. t cert htwo apon Ma will sell the follow. Ing propern or tne defendnt at publie aoe hod. MiMwran uuiwe m 'neeltr of Mew Berne, at t o'oMck M. on Monday, April the eltaeted In the el tr of New Rerne, cn lbs oa. l-wl: a werraia lot o- raraal nf leni eou.a eiae vi d9oiq vroat; aireai, oaiwean ui Tenant just Front atraoia now oeoo- piea or ma new Berne eoirlo U(ht Oom panr as a power bone, and U sa ne wh eh waa narehaaed br aa d OoniDanr from Thoa. 8. Howard and wife, reoorded la the "ecle taia ofBoe of Orarea eoaniy, book 101 fulio ISO: alto all the bnt dime, analnea bnl era. dynamos and m-eblnary of arcy deeerla Hon on eeld lesd also all the polar, wl-as ua uiinpB ao oa ui ivmu 01 neoi-y or New IBerns and In anr balldlnaa la aald oltj. w. b. nRr, Bher.fr, f?ew Barn, It, O , Maroh Snd, 1N. "Disguise our bondage as we will,' Tis woman, woman rules ns still." Moobb. My friend you may think Moore was mistaken, but this seems to be the conclusion of all wise heads. Now, if we could interest the ladies in our favor, whenever their husbands or sweethearts wanted any Cloth ing, Hats or Shoes they wonld direct them right to Howard's. That's what we want you to do. They'll get good goods and their money's worth. So send them along for any thing they need to complete their wardrobe. J. M. HOWARD. NUNN & McSORLEY TENNY'sJ 09 CD CO I A. Freh JLiut Just Received, Call and get a Package. Sj TAFFY. Made fresh every day - Nunn & . Ale S or ley. 'hoice Home Grown SHED POTATOES. HOCLTOHR08I, WHITK BLISS: ' I Wholesale and BeUU. CROWN JJEWEI FOR FAMILY GARDEN PnBPrtSK I have nrooored a few Nnrthurn wrown white Bonansa Potatoea-ihe flneat qnallty for table Dee ot all the. Iriah euit&tA Aimiiv nd Extra Early, .' Measrs wmett ft Dunn are aald to hare re alized one hundred and twenty -Ave bbla. per aere from this Tarierv. - i ne jtoaaaaa eooas np tneaiy ana maices Situ .wuraae7 aauorm anaaa wnen aaaaB' E. BEBRX, . 'i ' ; ; C'i . (Prnggto &' Seedsman. . S. K : STIlEETv! GE1TEP, AL ' I1ISUEA1ICE - f J 1NI1 i "r" '. xi isisa.ii .ijfvs;jr. Has mover to t.hrS 9 Wf.nVAtiBnn tsauaing opposite tne Uotton iix change where he will be glad to see all those who wish Life or Fire Insurance, or to buy, sell, or lease real estate, v -' J. SuterS -:tHE-. GaistoHouse With the Best Selected Stock of furniture in Eastern North Caro lina." ' . ' '. ; ;-T-1-:-' : . I thank the Public for 'past fa vors and hope for a continuance of the same' at my new store and also at my same old stand. ' i Everything . at Bock . Bottom, Prices. - - ;- . J. 8UTEH. Good Hard Brick, ' We are prepared to 11 all orders op to lGO;thonsand"per week. - - w.r.rr "U3. Spring Business on toe basis of tub sew WILSON TARIFF. s -o o- Now on sale, oar new fines of High Novelty Battings, Colored Dress Goods, Black Dress Goods, Fsnry Dress Silk, Velvets, White Goods, Lftoea, Embroideries and printed and Dyed Cotton Dress Fabrics, in assortments -larger than ever. - . . , ... - Selling Dry 'iooda, by mail is special feature of our business. Oar mail orders are filled by train ea people who ao nothing else. Samples Cheerfully Sent. OUE FREE DELIVERY. Cu ttitX order of 95.00 and over we deliver goods free (except furn itnre and crockery) to nearest Ex press office or Railroad station. . IISand miFayettevllle Street, . : Raleigh, N. a NONE OLD VIRGINA CheaootS WHY NOT U8E THEM! PrieesuLow ss any Good Che- root .' F. Ulrich; WHOLESALE GROCER, NEW BERME N. O. TO FAOLIEflS. Examine our Paris Green Sprayer For Irish Potatoes, and Agricultural Impli- ments. L. H CUTLER & CO. E-30RSES ! - A I: -.- Y' J mm- S af : R I '' 1 f ' "' S . r- a r f si a i i Now is tho timo to Buy while - They r.ro 'chcrpcr 1 w a. , 3E3i4Cfvo J txmt -' Three Car Loads - Fine Horses y Llue Adapted snitaable for hII purposes' Coad, Farm, Draft and Tram. Boad nse. -Banging from 4 to 7 years old and thoroughly broke to harness. ; The fluest lot of DBIVIN Q HOUSES ever brought to this market.';- v-'A-1 - Alor, frill tt.n1 A.lmnlAfA ISnA " " ' - BUGGIES, HAENES8, KOBtlS. BLANKETS. WHIPS. . ; : EtC ' EtC.f r EtO... Exclusive Agents for the ELLIS NEAT and STYLISH LIVERY at MODERATE BATES. , We are constantly receiving consignments of Horses and Mules, and wil . inbe fnt.nrft. liolrl AUCTIOW SALE Every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Stock only Bold for CASH to the highest bidder. f E"Call and examine our .. Blue Front Stables, i 65, W DEALERS who push the sale of which helps to increase the sales T Bast Shoes far - . - 1 1 f I CI i f - - i ' 'I ,V,' -54.1 (!3.eo .? T- -vr J Xv LADIES' SI Ha '- ii i , .. -V I cTHIS ISTHR Uper "aj"el,,'SUlii I VX. IneletwahaTlna." I i.iIT:.'""JIS. C. IIIIIIUIIIIIH , V Uonalaa 8hea. Mem- - - ai:FVW.l-w aflbrd ta aell at a leas proflt, aad we bell ere Toa cera sbto moa7 by bnylajr all TOW footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalowoo free upoa appUomtlon. "For Salel)y.J.:J. BiVXTEIl, Agt, New3?ra8 n u. - HORSES ! i i y 1 1 :cu::: ' W um J W X i-.. J iw i, than ever Reoeived OF - G ;:; ... 'r"': - BUGGY the best on the market. ; ,' - . . ..': . , stock, it costs notning. Middle Street, New Berne, N. J. DOUGLAS OL JVLl WELT. Squeaklew,Bouom Weternmaf. Beet Shoe told at the nrlce. 84 and S3. 60 Dress 8ho. Kqual cuilum ork, coeung Iran So to $ti. Police Shoo, 3 Soles. Beet Weiking Shoe ever mid. 82.60, and 82 Shoes. Unequalled at the price. Boys 82 4k 81.75 School Shoes: , Arc (be lii-sl lor Service. , e.wv 11,D at en mm Seat Doaavla, St jll eh. Parrot m mq aaa aertlcoaDla.Heab price atamned OB. bottom. Broektoa taaa. W. L. Oouerlaa Shoes earn customers. on their full line of croods. Thy aaa HORSES !

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