he - Daily Journal. r NEW BERNE N. C . "TUESDAY. MARCH 13, 1M)4. PRICE 5 KNTS VOL;XH.tNO.-203, a; Mr BCSIKC8S LOCALS. STILL iiie mora eitr line beef ud kiot muttoa Ibis morning. . - 6. Con ft 80s. LOST.-Sund.'y, ladiea open - face .MU.g w.tck. Wnxm SPECIAL offer-One $800 Kimbertv Grwl Piano will beaold at auction at 11 o'clock, Mondny morning at the Green Front Novelty store, No. 69 Middle street, next to Daffy's Drug store. BOLTED Wter-niill Meal at W. Barrlngton't. D. U LOST: A cameo breastpin, some where between the Graded School building and u. ijm n. Pnllork street. The , fcUO MWMW ' - - ' - finder will receive a liberal reward by leering it W tbls omce. MILK Loves 5 cent. SnowJUke Bread oeata. Both are unsurpassed. . - -. CubkBakoCo. A FULL Mne of epring and summer , earn plea. U will be to your Interest to ex- amino -my samples before purchasing ' -i i ti.r.nSon la alvravt BlRnmi. -- - r fuaranreed., V? samples are from the argeat Importing bouses Too can get anils at your own pricea, ss one boose alone occupies 15,000 square feet of space. t.VL Cadwick, Merchant Tailor, 48 Pollock street, near MUTTON Suet for medical use, Sots per e UHA1 Ij. 11 KUon. .' No. 87 Brr..: 5 ' ONE hundred cases of Pie Peaches for ale at J. F. Taylor's and S. H. Scott's at 10 cents a can. A. KIND and Gentle Horse six years old or sale-. u. r,. auovK. TBT "Coal Oil Johnny Soap" best in the wrb( lor any purpose lauuriry, kitchen, toilet, bath or removal of grease spots from kid gloves, &c Once used you 11 ni-vcr be without it. For sale by J F. Tatlor. LOCAL NEW& SEW A D VER TISKSIK NTS. Howard. Lost Ladies Gold Watch. S. Cohn & Bon. More fine beef. Falrweather today is what the weather bureau says. To-night is the time for the regular business meeting of the Naval Kcaerve - The members of the Kms 8ona are requested to meet at the T. M. C. A. nail to night at 8.80 o'clock. ' The Brut ftbunder squall of the season visited us Sunday ".night. The lightning was at times quite vivid. TheNortJ Caroline penitintiary was ' recruited lait montlt wiih afty-miie con . victs. There are 198 students at the Agri ' cultural and Mechanical College in Raleigh. The Little Helpers are requested to "meet at the residence of Mrs. Geo. Hen demon's this afternoon t half past three o'clock. 1 ;: Uxkh W. T. Hill. Nick Bray and John Newberry tooi a trip to Newport . on their wheels a round trip . oi uity miles, and which was covered in 0 hours. The atreet hands are now at work go ing over Middle stteet putting the road ' In floe condition. Don't forget the side ' ' . walks while the work is going on. ' s Wt regret to learn of the death of Capt Adam Warner, of the State steamer ! ' Lily, one of the Sbell-nsh Cocnmissiom " He was sick only one day. ' - Mr. J. W. Mesic received a severe rscalp wound last night. He was pulling 'With all might on a heavy can ol oil to i - move it, when the handle; broke and be tell bcktriklng against a pair of scales. ' Messrs. Woo, Dunn of New Berne; Thos. A. Mclntyre of Onslow county and E- EL Hudssn ol Kennedyville, Md, have all returned to the Bast Carolina Fair ' Association the premiums which they won at the' late exhibition, ; ' : Henrv Lindsav. the negro who was ' found stealing clothes from the stow of Messrs. L. Schultl ft Co. Saturday night, Twiner onlv a small bov was let go free Dy Mayor Ellis upon his fathers administer. lng a sound thrashing to mm. - " The Erwln cotton mills at Durham, have eiveo orders for additional ma chinery, which is being put in as fast as .it arrives. hThe capacity will then . be -48,000 spindles which will make tuis one of the largest wills In the btate. . 1 ' A fair is held at the residence of Miss Ttfille Mark's this week from 8 to 8 p. m.J Proceeds are are to go towards building tbe Syneagogne. There will be a lovely doll given to the one guessing its name ' only 6 cents a guecs. - There will also be a crab-bag and other amusements, Mr. " J. W. Timberlake, who, few days ago commenced in the position at Mr. J. W Stewart's, vacated by Mr l. w. Mitchell his taken hold of Mr.. Stewart's large business with bis accustomed aoersrv. He is a elever young man and Mr, Stewart's customers will no doubt find it a pleasure to deal with him. A few people have not yet called for their premiums they won nt the Fair. It is desired to pay every re ti.iiiniii i Dremium and every bill aga'nst the Association within the next two iLiTs so that the books, finished ss to the lii it years operation, my be turned over tii t'.se finance committee baturdsy ror t' r exmin.iiion preparatory to the AGralaThlef. Toba Harria. a co'ored youth, was ar rested yesterday afferaooo upo. . war rant charging him with stealing corn from the gralnery of C a Hill at the market dock. The com was stolen from Mr. Hill Thursday night by breaking in the store. It bas not yet been found out where tne corn was kept on Friday; on Baiaraay u waa at Mat. Dennison's whsrf and wis hauled from there and sold to Mr. M. M. Ipock. There were twenty bushels of it. Tobe has been earning on bis staling Derations for some time, and officers were on tbe watch to get somtumg that would render conviction certain. Tliey saw the corn being hauled and when opportunity oftered, without coming Into contact wnu the tbiet. thev examined tbe marks on tbe sacks,and then continuing their ideu- tiBcatloos, ideotifisd it as coming from Mr. Hill's and mads the arrest The occurrence that first planed oti cars on the track of Tobe was bia carry ing six sa'ks of outs to Mr. J. W. Mesic to sell. Mr. Mesic beleiving they were stolen held them without paying for them and notified the officers. Tlie oats, and also a lot ol corn, were tound to have been stolen from Mr. W. P. Burr us. Tbe way in which it seems that the negro operated in stealing from Mr. Uurrus was to crawl under tbe cottou irinnery build'rig and get into it through a whole where a belt goes through the floor. Then opening a door, get what grain he could manage into a boat out w-Ib then close and fasten the dor,get out through the hole and depart. In this way he could steal a long lime probably, without the stealing being known. Mr. Hill's place is als at tbe waters edge be eould thus carry oft in a boat what he stole from either place. It was found that in soma of his work he had appropriated the boat of another colored man to carry off what lie stole. Policeman Brinson assisted by Police man Toler, worked the case up admirably Mr. Brinson is making a very good nam! for sharp detective work. Tbe case has not yet been tried; it is intended to come up today. GRAND tvlSEKCEIEXr Plauaed Well Ahea4 Fer Gree.sbore resale CUege The commencement at Greensboro Fen: ale College, this year b set for Wed nesday and Thursday, June 8th and 7th. Dr. Reid. the resident, is arranging a fin progfm for tbe occasion, says the Record. BiiboD R. K. Harcrove. D. D., of Naslmllr, Tenn., will preach the bac calaureate sermon in the college ciispei on Wednesday. June 6th, m. The college cbaiiel i iwwvj :od, papered, painted and pa. u i. ..eel lent condition for the occasion. BishooO. P. KHz. " .! , I) D.,an old North Canilim.iu, u.v of California, will delivi-r &n address to the Alumnae Asso ciation on Wednesday at 8 p. m. It W proposed to hive a r.iud rc union ol the old pupils of the college and a woo 1 time ol it. Some very tine vocal numbers and some xc.'llent recitations will also be rrnnemi iy former pupils of the collige. This will be ii new and enjoyable feature in the coniiniiKuceinent cuercisrs. Hon. Thoc. .1 Jurvis, en-Governor of N. C. aud lalo L. S. Miuistcr to Brazil, will deliver the literal y address oil Thurs day, in connection w ith the graduating esercises ol that day. There are twenty young ladies in the graduating class, and the occasion of their graduation at.d the address ol Oov. Jar- vis will make the day one of great in terest. The commencement exercises will close with a grand concert on Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock which promises to be of unusual interest. 8WIXDLED THE I'BIIRI TABLE. A re Sharper Werklng the Xerth for Pretended Ale te Soathern Col red School. A negro ex State Senator from Bertie count) h.. becu doing some wholesale swindling north oi, lhc pretnenco of get- ing money for educations! institutions in this SUte. A dispatch from Wilmington Delcware to the Charlotte Observer tells ilia story thus. "It developed today that a numliei of Wilmington people had leen vic- tiniiied by a shrewd negro sharper who had lieen asking financial aid for several alleged colored educadonal institutions in aud around Elizabeth City. N. ". lie gave the name of George A. Mebane, and is well educated and a fluent talker. Previous to coming here he had thor oughly canvassed the Eastern States, and had letters of indoisemtjt from Edward Everett Hale, Presideat Elliott, of Har vard, and other eminent Citizens. Mebane wn.kcd Wi" nington for two reeks, and among those from whom he n!ii:inid Kiilm ri ol ions were Bishop Cole man, James P. Winchester, president of r lie f irst national uan t, ana ww,m, Henry C. Conrad, 11. II. Ward and Hugh C lirowne. A communication from a mini xT of colored people ot Elizabeth N C, received by a Wilmington man, in which Mebane and his swind'ing opera tions were denounced, led to an investi gation, learning ot which lie hastily loll the city." ITLI EU ITEMS OF NEWS. Rev. J. Y. Williams. Our former townsman. Mr. J. V. Wil liams, now a well known manufacture o writing ink and kindred articles at Nor folk has slso been a licensed minister of the Methodist church for the past four veors and while carrying on uis business labors as opportunity offers along re ligious lines from love of the worts, PTa denounced wrong living wheth er of a loathsome or simply of a worldly character whether in church me ubers or others. He was particularly severe ou those of the former class who do not live up to their obligations He told them in ef fect to cither live up to them or cease to keep their names on church books. Let them be enrolled on the devils side where thev belong. He would rather have a small church with consecrated members, than a large of this class. The sermon so far as we have learned pleased all who heard it. ITnlveraltv filee Club. The T. M. C. A., having made arrange ments with the lUnlversity Glee Club some time ago and appeared in Now Berne on the 88th of March, when it was touna however that there were to be religious meetings going on at that time, an effort was made to have tnem change their date. This was found to be impossible,, hence thev will be here ou the 29th above date. but the concert will begin at 9 o'clock so as not to conflict with church services. Rnv. I. L. Chestnutt Rev. I. L. Chestnutt, former pastor or the New Berne Church of Cbnst win soon more from his present h jme, Snow Hill, N. 0, to Hampton Va., to preacn for the church there. All North Carolinians whom he has served recrret to lose Mr. Chestnutt from the work in this State and tney Deanny commend him to the brethren of Virginia as worthy of the highest esteem ana con fldenee. . . - T. w.-fi. A. State Convention. State Becretarr L. A. Coulter, of Char lotte, has issued postal cards in which he save the programme for tne - state iron ventlon of the Young Men's Christian Association is now being arranged The convention, a we have previously announced, will beheld in Wilmington, on April 5th to; 8th. . Mr. Coulter says that among those who are expected to attend ire railroad men, business men, college students, numbers of faculties. mm from cities, villages, country youug men, old men. The railroads win give special rates. 'y. .Viv". fWrelarv L. A. Diegr of tne wn mine-ton Association as well as Mr. Coul ter are now hard at work preparing Tor occcasion. The Star says several com mittees have been appointed and are now at work. . .-1 famine and doing. Miss Matilda Hart wbo has been visi ting her aunt. Mrs. E. H. Claypool, left, returning to her home at JJurbani. . - Mr. L. H. Cutler, returned from Greensboro. - '" "- f. , '' Gov. Carr invested In a trio of yoong red game bantames from Mr. Jos. L. Hahn, of this city. He says t'uey sre very beautiful and satislactory in every Incubator and Artificial Mather. The Hock of young chickens hatched out during Fair on the grounds by Mr. J. L. llahu's incubator have been kept there They are a thrifty little set. They look out for themselves without any mother or protection except a cloth to crawl under when they see fit. Last week Mr. Uahu started tbe incu bator once more with another hundred ecus, and he is now at woik building an artificial mother for the ;hicks when they hatch. It is made ot a box with strips of woolen cloth about halt nn inch in width hanging th'ckly from a frame work in it to which they are tacked, with an arrangement to supply still lurth er warmth, should it be required, by mpM of a cun of water heated 1 V a lamp. Fayeitcville Calls Dr Unshoe. TALKIXU ESBOYYMEXT The Faycttevillc Observer contains the following mention ot the rcveivned gen tleman who is to preach t .c oiiemi sermon before the convocation of Wil mington in Christ church this city on the niitht of Thursday. March 29th The delightlul congregations who have been listening to Dr. Gushee's eloquent sermons at St. John's Episcopal church for the past month, will be glad to know that the ve9try voted on Tuesday to call the revercned gentleman to the rectorship of the Piridh. It is not known whether ho will accept the call A Plan lo Benefit Trinity College of Durham, '. C The Diirham Globe tells of an interest ing meeting held in Trinity church of that city which was attended by the official members of Trinity and Main Street Churches. Dr. L. W.Crawford I;, id a plan bclore the meeting which is bcin agitated in most of the church conferences and dctinate plans will be soon arranged m each sepcratc District Con ference. It is to raise an endowment lund of 1100,000 for Trinity College, in the two State conferences. Each district will have a proportionate part ol the fund which it is proposed to raise m the next four years. At present it is determined to start an educational camgaign among the member ship of this denomination with this object in view. This will be a gn at thing for Trinity It shouH excite the pride of every friend of the College, nut only here but through out the State and the South. We would like to see thorn have it right now; but hereisihe wish that it may Ui accom plished in less than four years. The endowment will be a great thin for the college and the movement towauis it should excite the pride and strongest efforts of its friends. Trinity is now one f ilio i,,i-..miwt sehnols of the S ate. It lia advanced rapidly within the last few years but there is no reus an why it should not attain to a still higher position of usefulness, and all friends of education will rejoice to see the proposed endow ment seemed. .iun i Rii.ril of l.ionidation has adopted a resolution to purchase and restore 4,000 oou ol me :vaic iun. TIij. Am.-riran line Mealncr Chi stir uiUd fmm Sew York Kridav with fortv Colored rmignnts on their way t' Africa. They are Irom dcorgia Gladstone is to puhlVn tiaiisl.itiou "I Horace, il his health almils. The grand old man is nothing if nut icisatile and untiring. There something wrong !.ut a woman who doesn't love children, no matter what her other faiU may be. ( An island in Casio b.iv is inhabited onlv I. v a pack ol ravenous dugs which have almost degenerated into w..ve- Tl.i. Ilii'li Point Enterprise -a ' it is not generally known Hint the prohibition party wa- Imtii at .Mi mi ne, ii;in.ioi.n county. , The CJIlllls of t'.ie eoiirtrv "ill ep. I ipnee a boom it the proiei t of luopelling canal boats by the trolley elntiii Mstun can In- successfully worked, and it b lieved that it can be. The governor ol Moscow has im leased the severity of his Jcwi-h pei-ei utioiis. This is having a ruinous cllect on real estate and other interests, as nuiy uimy thousand lodgings are empty. A woman is one of the best utennary surgeons in New Orleans. A. -he i- a wealthy woman, she does her woik tor love of animals, not for pay Asking lor a new trial tor a i mnu ted murderer on the ground that the pp-e-fiiiimr -ittornev was too cloollelit U a nniquc idea fathered by a .Mu lligan r.rni of lawyers. If the example ot I.ouN die. m ' xi" H- ng a member of the city coum il who took a bribe, should be generally bil lowed the councils of many towns would e without quorums. Advices from Jamaica l-tale th.it the js.i, vi.ehi Vitabr which sailed from Savannah with arms and ammunition to be used in overthrowing President Hypo- lite of lliivti lias heen capiurca oy me Havtiims, taken to one ot their ports and whole crew stiol by orncr oi uyppoinc. The report of the disaster to the lintisli columns in Abor Territory is continued by Inter advices and a dc.achmciit o! Jo men have been sent to me ueience oi in- belcagured party. It is believed tlio party wil! have some hand lighting to do on its own account tiClore tneir arnvai. v;,. President and Mr, Stevenson, have visited Vandcrbilts cstern 1 ., palat um! are astonished at what tliey saw nn stovpnsnn had no idea ot the vast scale on which Vandeibilt was working. The estate will, he said, be the hnest m America. Russia and China arc repotted to have I., mi im.lei-stiilii lllr V llll'll IS t Li. ill secret v it It regard lo ll.e I'amirs Ti w ut.oi.,1 ilii (louut Cassine. Itiissiau n,;,,',.inp i,. f'hinn has been decorated with the double dragon, an honor only IWred noon monaichs and princes ol reigning houses. No foreigner in China has ever been similarly nonoreti. You May Travel AROUND THE GLOBE And vou will not find such opportunities to save money as arc of fered at the - Mammoth - i I i Establishment OF Historical Literature for Song of tbe Revolution. The News Observer Chronicle mentions valuable donations by Hon. David Schenck of Greensboro, nnd Prof. Edward Graham Daves of Baltimore to the society "Sons of the Revolution," which is collect ing historical works " relating to the revo lutiou. The donations by Prof. Daves consist in the address delivered by him on the Maryland Troops in tbe Southern cam paigns, and bis sketch of the North Uaro Una Society of the Cincinn ati. Tbe volumes presented by Judge Schenck are his History of North Caro lina 178081, and the Memone ot Gml ford Battle Ground, recently issued. 1 Third Party Convention Advices from Warrenton state that some few of the prominent Third Party people met in Warrenton. to-day for mort comoleteorsanization. - There' -was a very small crowd in at tendance,; and only six townships out of twelve in the county were represented. The Alleahanv Star speaks that the lynching affair which occurred near that place is a source of deep regret on tbe Dart of everv citizen wbo loves law and order and aav there was absolutely no justification for it. .; It'was the first that ever occurred in tbe county and tne nope is expressed that it will be tbe lost. : Announcement is made that Raleigh's new evening paper The Press H to be is sued on the 28th inst. Messrs. McKay, WillUms and Womble will be the pro prietor. The two former nave Deen connected with tbe Raleigh cjhnstan id yocate for many ; yeais, ' and It Is said they thoroughly understand the mechani cal work ox the print shop. , ThA Raleizh 'Correspondent of the Wilmington Messinger ; says tuat Mrs. Armistead Jones, President of the North Carolina Confederate Monument Associe- tion has given notice that at Its meeting inRaleicrh on the loth inst the granite for the monument will be then chosen, and the data for the laying of tbe corner stone fixed. The ceremonies on the latter Home Dairying The beautiful golden butter exhibited at the East Carolina Fair is proof enough, if prool were ueeded, that this place can be made a great dairying centre, and the Droducts be as near perfu-.tion as any which are imported. An exchange statas that the farmers in the State of P nnsylvania sell $20,000,000 worth of butter a year. This is a large amount to realize for one suiill item. And thev make this butter where it costs twice as much to keep a cow and teed her as it does in North Carolina. It ip a misfortune that our people have so long neglected prodcts of this kind consider. nt tl.om too small to bother with. While tliew has been some change in sentiment ou the subject. The time has been when many farmers would have considered it almost a disgrace to sell as small a thiug as butter. And yet judging from what is being accomplished in districts where dairying has been well developed the probability is that many a farmer, if be would turn his attention to this special branch ot agricultural life and employ the latest improved method coulds. make more money on a dozen or two good cows wen kept and attended to than be could on a whole crop of cotton or tobacco or average cropot tnai Kinu. QnaaVinnp nn ttiia HnA the Warrenton upbanLMQ, " ' - - lunnl that. it. knows family Which 1H.I.U , V. J " - ' more ihan paid its entire store account . . . . i a last yea", Desiaes using an anuounu t i ? 1 1. I.,.,, a- rim lli ruin nnm UOUJC, WlliU IUD UUbici ii v.u v.vw " Financial Depression Does Not Affect Him. The Charlotte News tells of former R R T.ittle drlvinir into that city with a load which he sold readily consisting of the following. ' C,- UitnnMl Kami nr & " 7 " f 1 i-A AFniM rtriMl tnn fJL A UUUUlU uuuumb w m I Jr ' barrel oi genuine oiu sutr kivuv wu U Baking- Hackburn ULAJjIII & Willett, Msolately Pure -o o o- A AMfltn .""if tartar bakinar powder nuut nt u in lHuvnnine strenirth. ' Latbst United States Government Food Report. Royal Bakino Powder Co , wo wan St.. N. i . NOTICE ! All Persons indebted to the late Firm of Barrington and Baxter are requested to come forward and SETTLE their ACCOUNTS, as farther indulg ence CANNOT be givn- I cannot carry on my BUS INESS without C-A-S-H. rafrainarl frnm TUlsVl. Sn tltAM nrhn awa m A. think: - ing they would come forward ana settle, dui j. am now uuui- pelled to resort to more ur gent means- TV. X. 13arrinsrton, SUoCESSOR TO BarMngton So Baxter 67 Middle Sc. GLOBE TAOTTERS Stand Iv us, and tlie man in the moon lacks it up, that no where in the CITY can Better Bargains OK OBTAINED. -O 0- buehela of bulled walnuts, eighty doeen ft., .hlnlrana anrl vnl W hldeft. Hil I nmrth mnrn than a bale of cottoa . mrl Mr. Little iv it was maae up oi tbinRS tbat usually go to waste on me farnw r, . . - - - Mr. Little bad on a home mado pair of shoes, and a grey jeant suit of woolen i..i.- .i.;,il h AaiH wu'mndfl at home. The harness on bis mules was . made by uimsclt ana oi nome-maue aeauier. . I'hot farmpr videntlv can aet alonff with but little spending money. The ..... . . l; I 1 1. ! charaoti" or mr ioaa ana oi m cioiuina toll. tli. itnn nf homa nrodnction of . h Dome supplies, ransom ire: wuniuj . . . . . i ! .n..j.rr..M. more ana more into mis moiuwu h itm inirand thev who bave trietl it are experiencing its gooa enecis. DON'T OONT DON'T Let soar child oat bis teoth oa a plated spoon. I am selling Qorham Company's Solid Sterling SILVER SPOONS ' For $4.00 per Set. I have a few Stick !Pins left at 10ota.-eaoh. TTnir Pins $150 and higher. ' Tbtvtd little- Silver - Souvenir Spoons at 75ots are not high. 17 Oome and aee me. -. y. . EAT01T.- The Jeweler. ; ; , : ' 97 Middle St. t Opp. Baptist Oharoh. Those who go from place to place, final ly, after loeVing every where, come back to us to make their Purchases, FOR THEY FEND THEY can not do as .well any T V AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Keut in a GKOCEHY. I ATT 2 T Tmi7 UNSURPASSED And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. Uy Lint is Complete aiid -FULL IK EVEHY DEPARfTMENl I - . 1 tt v . , JOHN DUnN, 47 & 49 POLLOCK ST. n0, 55 57 Pcllsci C occasion are to be made imposing. -.f-: ',:w'.J,is n;i ling on the 83d inst respect. 1.1

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