THE JoDRNAL FI B3T-0L AST BAUB E B3. There's No Choice in Bicycles. LOT! ClaXPKE&SO ': n What . .. . . . aaWA....k.. v ii a.ia,aaw.'w.. MAMAAMMAMHMMMMMMMiMHMHMHMfenWNMM Caatorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher! prescription for Infants and Children. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nr -; other Narfotlo rnbatance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrnps, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its eoaranteo is thirty years' us by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays fevCHshneaa. Castor!, prevent vomiting Soar Curd, cares . Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria reliayeo . teething; troubles, cares constipation and flatulency. , Castoria asslm!ates the food, regulates the stomach and bowCia, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torTa is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. i CaAmtetaaaaraUeatBMdletiM for ehll xam. NoUwn bar iwpadly told m. of U. I axxKaaCcpoa'tiateiiiklrMi.'' Da. 0. a Oescoa, ,. , Lowell, . - renowla li ttffl Irt-t i 'r i - ;-alahIamaeqiiatSSed. I hope the day Is cot rdktaBtvtawiBotMnvUleoiudJBrtlMnal tefcK of tbalr ehitdraa, and ass Caatoria In J acadef Uwvarioaaqnaekaoitniiiiainiicbai destroying (Mr V.wd ones, by forcing opium. ' ' aorphine, so. riffles' syrup and other hurtful twnta down their throaU, Uktrab? eeedic; . jsmtoimmatiirsgTaTia." Da. J. T. Kianm&oa, Conway, Ark. The Caataa Coaapariv. Tl Edwla E. Brown's Accident Issnrsnee. Chicago, IIL, April 10, 1893. Guarantee and Accident Lloyds, No. 15 Wall Street, New York City, ,- K T. . ' Gentlemen: I have just reoeived your favor of the 8th Inst., ooctainiog y mr check for 13,000 00 (this being th3 fao Talae.) in fall payment of polioy No. 71, W9 held In yoar eom naar br my Jate hasband Edwin E. Krown, who, was accidentally killed by foot-padain St. Louis a short time riaoe, toe partioalais of whioh are till fresh in the minds of the public. - Proofs were only oompleted and forwar ed yon about the first of this month I am somewhat surprised as well as pleased with your prompt aetion in this matter which is in marked oontrast with that of another company in which he held a similar policy. - , I feel that the courteous and prompt aotion of yoar representatives deserves more than formal acknowledgement. I therefore take pleasure in reoom- mending yonr company as worthy the oonndeaoe or my inenas ana soqaain tanoes, and any others who may be in want of aooident insurance. B-tspeotfully yours, .Signed Martha A. Brown. R0MULTJ8 A. NUNH, s Agent. BOOK STORE ' AND tt-atio nery. Blank Books, and new lot BUndard 'Works of Henowned Authors. Prayer and , Hymn Books, Ladles Parses, Pens, Pencils, etc Also, Late. Papers and Periodicals re eelvedd ally -v ' tf MANWELL COOK, Ensrineers. Macbinists . & Blacksmiths " Make and repaia Engines, Boilers -- - Bsw Mills, Oris' Mills and Pumps. Steam boat work of all kinds. . Ueoair Inspirators and Injectors, Gas, Steam and water pipes fitted in. In all their branches. . Shoo between ; loo factory and Ift-aiffht rinnot of A. & N. 0. H. E. ; (dwtf) Frdf-Qronirs: . is ft recognized authority in Prao ' fios.1 Fmit-flrowincr. Market Gard ening and every branch of the "business connected with the fro it onrl irArrAtAhlA induatrV. ItB COl umns contain articles from the hftut Infhrmed nractiool frnit- . ritaia in r.hia AnnntrVi Tr ia n. nit nnlnmn. eifirht-Datte all around fruit growers and -family journal. .It -is published at flobden. Illinois, the fruit-growing centre of the West, at 50 cents per year. Send for free sample copy 1 i , C-.-'V i ... . 1 . v. -' r v f rty A '" rt ' r- r b t fin 1 1 wn.o to !', , . ., rV V . t L..- - t . '.A - ' " J . , .. t .,.,.! t ... ..iis . .i."...wl" kl ' " ',' ' ii r". r'- r . -. t .. , L. - - '- ft . -. - i 1 I. 1 1 ' 'O r 1 ' 1 ., .i ... .r. io Tbe Castoria. " Caatoria b ao weD aaapaadtoebBdraa thai I lu.i'iiwl naaaapartactoaoy preocrlytfcia kaowats am" H. A. Aaoaaa,af. D 111 Bo. Oxford at-- Brooklyn, H. T. ' " Our pliynicsens ta tb ckildna'l epart mant ban apokaa hlsC? of thetr expert asos la thetr ootakto praottoa wtth Caatori and altbni(h we only nave aawnc oia medical auppUas what la known as nffnla product, jtt wo are fro. to aiiafaai that ft merits of Caatorla haa woa aa to look vtth (nror ttpoa it." llama Roarrra an Duwoaaav, Auas C Sum, rVe, Mirray Straat, Hrey Tark City. STEAMERS. Eastern Carolina, Dispatch. rut PaaarBsar and fralg ht Una twtwaaa Eaitern North Oaroltna Points, and ail oon bhuodi oi ina PBRSSTLTABIA RAILROAD, TwoLimiae Kiw f irk rhlladalphu, Norfolk, Ba ttnaara, RlehanamS aaS SuUa, To, OHI.Y Trt-Weaklj Lima Owt Haw T1K NSW AND KliBQAHTLT K(OIPPaU nikiata Kal la Haw Born, TIOMDAkS, WKDNSISDATS, vbida vs, J3L.VP 4 F.Bot.,' Stopplnc at Roaneaa laiand aaeh way aad tormlnf aloaa coauaotton with tua Norfolk A Koaihuro Railroad at Ellaabath Oltr and the NotfolK and Waatora Ball rood at Norfolk. In, Kaatern OarollBaDlovateh Una, oon. atatlna ol to 8tr Naoaa, Norfolk Boathara A. H New York, ThUa. and Norfolk H, K.. .nd Pannsvlvanla R. H.. form a rellabla and niar una, ocarina snnonor raauiuea iot iok naaaaatfor and fralKhi Iranapoi rtatlon. No uranarer, axeant at klllaaboui rum. ii-HRUt wui a. rawwa w. w. 1 nrooi iu fjuuu. to ow.naippwv. via ooinn .lunllna DlonatA dallT aa SaUowa: from Now York, by Fanna. n. S., Fler tf, rSJS7?:.-.. w ... . I rmin rmiwwiwi.i .f mi., w. mmvt nm-wm i K. K ixok Ht.iauon. i rrom Phlla,, wu. mnt Balto.1 B R., ProaldantBt. 8 lotion. rrom Norfolk, by Norfolk Boathara K.B rmm Boatna. a af orehanta A Minora Tn portauon uo.; now zora ana xww aiiau WKatss as low and time (ulokar than by no For other Una farther information an IBD1T0 H. Jovoa (Owa'l rralght Trains Afoat, R. R.l Oonoini TmjBa Aaant. - t4no. STaPHnHS. uiTiaioa o-raigat ageaa r W. ., rnnaaoipnia . B. oookb, uon'i rraiKni Agwat., F. Y. P.lN.K, B., Norfolk, Vn . O. B trna 1X8. Qeoaral rralaht Agant H, K. a..orfolt, Va. . ukii. HanuoBMin. anih Haw Baraa, B. O. ORFOII, KEWBERI 4 W1SHHBT0I DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trinit. m nni.r ta moka mora aoBTsnlent ana ooonomleal as or tba weaaali bow amployad a IM Nona uarounaawviwo.oBo woo m Mtw SttTi tti lntmsls rf Slippers, the cirao tin ana oia Dominion etaam. ihla Company baTa oonolndoS til aim tbalrroopoeuvauaaa doiwoob mio.n o. and Norfolk, Va, toto on una, thun fjv r":rZXTloS(htb Eemedy, It cureatte worst a weaniDftoa. . - . . i . XO ADTAKCE IH BATES. Lmjt tl ninisir. OOT- ISth lBBll uui roruior nauoo. tho . . - ..ia oiinara I o il 1 tUUBtT ItiflliJIJO, ulJV MWHoll JtBUWT BEmiME, Upt. lUgeSS, t . 7Z - VUaWlrnaorigu, ,T.rv Mondar aad Antaaar dtrrat and Wednesday tuL Waahlnfton making oonnoo- uon wlthtna AUantM and Norm Carolina lJ-?la - " . ... ..nil wwtilrDW fn aotnrnint. wui on w " 7 " ' , NORFOLK. Va., via Roaaoka Inland wharf, Taoa-iay y tss&srsr yoAr'm:: lt ia MUom that the Holy maklni YSJLIJJmtSSSSahati. and a kitchea cat on SManiabl Vo., ror wow oiiantr and Minor a' Una Boaton.and Too Watarl SMamahta Co.. for .Maw Tork. .tm i mot. RoaLon.andTba Watwr Unaa lor Waanlnc I toa.D. O..aod Rlebuonu, va. thoa alTlns I all MorUMrn I oa u waor reuw tan o-owu . n a o a bTbTa oik. a. ood N A W. R H. for tba roMnaarawtll and asood tabla. eonfort. ..i.nuL and aoorw eonnooy " . 1 1 1 iH utii h. II a ofllMll. 'rallaoodleir. of K. B. W.Wrwat Una, "orfolk.Va, Ralph SKA V Aroat. PJ. Uarlranhla nd. indiii I ! (t wet" ana i 1 uviv-.-i " - - - ' fcusine conducted ior Moot art Fcr- rwHaaVapiiV-iu-- T2d moder w poo., wit nv L ViTTdU ll Aientaolo or noU Ire. oi 'ra. Our i not ou. till pal'"' " I!'"1-, "Torn WaDinsiui.. 01 laaio in tin .u. 4 ,. ttni tiLO. AJdresa. . '1 . , ... , 0 X human sweetest note UBOCf tb Start strhun Are dull with rest; Tat sweatees chords adjusted by the . angtls An clogged with dust; We p!p tad pips again oar dreary Diuiie Upoa Um ssll-same strain, Wblls tonodf of crime and fear and de aolatioa Come back In aad refrain. On through tba world we go, an army marcblng With batening ears, Each longtng, sighing lor tbe beareoly mane He never hears, Each longing, sighing fur a word of com fort, . A word ol tender praise. A word ot love to cheer the endless Jonrney Of earth's hard, busy days. I They love as, and we know it; that suf fices For reason's share; Why should tiiey paiiie to )-ire that love expression With gentle caret Wjy should titer pnustt But still our n parts are aching With ail the gnawing pain Oi hungry love that longs to hear the music, And longs and longs in vain. I W love them, aud they know it; if we latter With fingers numb I Among tbe unused strings of love's ex pression. Tbe notes are dumb. We shrink within ourselves in voirele'" sorrow. Leafing the words unsaid, I And side by side with those we love tbe dearest. In silence on we tread. Thus on we tread, and thus each heart in silence Its fate fulfills, Waiting and hoping for the heavenly music Beyond tbe distant bills. The only difference of the love in Heaven. From love on eartn below Is where we love and know not how to tell it, And there we all shall know. Massachusetts Ploughman. THE 0RAXJE PEEL. T. B. MAOIt.L. Tbeie is not in this wide world a nui sance, For ao other I ken yon will find, I That's a source ol such fretful aunny- nnce Than to skate on an old orange rind. There is not in this wide world a uui- sance That creates in a mortal such dread, For I knaw you will have s sad griev ance If but on its old peeling you tread. I There is not in this wide world a nui sance That such a tremor of fear will awake. As the course of this orange peel nui sance. If a slide on its rind you but take. There is not in this wido world a nui sance, Just believe it or not as you may, BU 1 n yon w H par me lull Kllieil I When you fall where the orange peel lay. Then awav with this Deskv old nuisance LIT. - v nose presence oil. cauaeo us uoiu VnT VA :t to menance The loot oi a strouer again. Let it ran. and jour cough may end in something serious. It's pretty sore to. if tout blood is poor. That is jost the time and condition inai in- witaa tlonsnmntion. ine seeos re Sown and it haa fastened its hold niion yon, beforo you know that it ia near, ' . J. . . j It won't ao W uineanu uei.y, when the remedy is at band. Jfivery dianrrlpr that can he reached ihrongh the blood . yield. ..j.fcMjua UOiaen "."K- ties were sold the past year. It relieves Severe Oonghs, Bronchial, Throat "4 wb0or,ing,0ough atones and Long Diseases, Asthma, Borofula Uo,heri ao DOt be without it. For in every form, and even the ocroiui - ... .(r.t: lnnoa tliat'a nailed rtnnanmnlinn. in all ita earlier Stages, it ia a nositlve aad eomplete oore. . It u the onlv blood-eleanser, strength reatorer, and fleahbnilder ao effective that it oan be gnaranted. If or enre. in every lease. Tori have your money baok. r ' T a.. I Parfeetlou u attained in Dr.Bage a lease. Only OU oents; oj arng. guts. . -'' . i . Bjvery goodman is a light that lyt i . T ..... nnrvr tin. I uoa m ubiuk w uuw avmo i Wi hav k apawdy and positive euro lr. ...k Minhtharla canker mouth I ' , onnonion a T a DDn I and beadaohe. ia BEiLOH "8 OATABBH REMEDY. - A HSSal InjeOtOT free Vitb I . hn.tlo. rTaa It if von daeir health veat breath. PlioeSOo. bold by I u . ru. 1 now nm w 1 . . ,. weU tOKethef la th Same OnUTCD. ni..tloin'n Sva and akin Olatmeaa " Is a certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Granulated Eye LWa. Bore Nipples. PUea Ecaema, Tetter, Bait Kneum ana ocmiu imh 2o eenU per box. tcr sale uy arugEiMn. J im ffOKSS OWKKS8. ' For TJUttine s, horse lc a fine healthy eon- Idition try Vr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid difresUon, cure loss OI appeute, reueya iwoupuuu, w. - kidney Sordersd awnraa new hfe to an old or over worked horae . .U. - Vnr oslA hV llrilOVUt eenui per p'-au- v- ' Rnlrl nJ- v Jodan. JNew uerne MOBie f 0 USB nB Allow i conBB i ran nntil It gets beyond thewtohof medicine.. The, often say, Uh, it will wear away, . it weara them away but In moat f.Aii 1 it 1 h. indnnod tn trv the aucoesarul meaiclne nailed Kemp's Balaam, which is. sold at ''vniva Guarantee to oura taej woum lmtrjediately see the exoellent efl'eotafter the first dose, rrtoe 000. ana ,i e free. t all driir?ists, "The Victor Pneumatic tire has no rival. It is more durable than any other and the inner tube can be re moved in case of puncture in less than five minutes. The only inner tube removable through the rim. All Victor improvements are abreast with the times and meet every requirement OVERMAN WHEEL CO. PMILADCLPHIA. CMICAOO. aN rwANCiaco. HIW YOffK, W. D. BARRIflGTON, Art. Hew Berne.. N. C. A chronic grumbler can be set down as a person who loafs too much. Qod has filled the world with teachers for those who want to learn. For Vnr R'fly Tanra Mw. WlKSLOW'B SOOTTHNQ SYRUP has be-n need for children teething. It ooi has the child, softens tbe gums, '.'iIrjs all pain, oures wind oolio, and is thi' beet remcJy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-v- oanta a bottle. Sold bf all drua--iti throughout the world, )bW4w1t No man can live right for a dav who does not realivze that he is to live forever. The Homeliest Man In Se Berne Aa well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to all on any aruggisi ana tret free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling; entirely uood its menu and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acute Coughs, An lima, Broncnius, and Cousumption. Large bottles 60 era. nod tl mnraa deod weow It is better to stand still than to take a step in which God does not load. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75o., tofrea yourself of eveiy symptom of these distressing complaints, if yoo think so call at our atnre and Ret bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizr, every botiln haa a Drinted suarantee on it, sen accordingly and if It does you no irood il. will cot vou nothinK. Sold by New Berne Dun Co. The divii is afriond to the man who helDs to uut a bad man in ofhee. When it iliy v. as Kii'k, When Kin A Chil ft'hen Klie it-Hviiiii' Mi: u e jrnv.' hi- Cnstorirt , sin' ci i'il lor (!usloria. s Kh? elunj lo Uast ia. vi r"v sli IiiliI Uhililnn, she gavulliem tuMUiria, nl , rt - rv , n , ihiuuigh wij iui o vii Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Soma men loin churcn trom the same motive that others rob a bank. Oh, W hat a Cough. Will vou heed the warning, ine VOU beea tne warning. signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Ooaninpt ion. Aak wonrselves if vou oan afford for the -v-, 5o0" M rua the risk and do BOthinK for it. We know from .XnArincn that Shiloh's Cure will Cure 1 iRme b-aok, side or 0net use notion s I Pnrnna nlaster. Bold bv New Birue urua ' toron w ! Li X ooier an rrmt OFS SOTTLI X test si VAtiAiu isfsTiss rail. yon Sali bv ORuoaia-. - WE TELL YOU ithlnc now wlioo w atato that It pa ya to onoaf 11 a nermanent, most health; and pleaaant bo '.i... M..U.I.. nmSt for eronr day's work SCll 11 UK OHJIHOM WO ocr lire wwi... claaa. I, aud I .ulrnntee erery ono who foiw 1 our loatroctlons W toooft mem now 10 nw. mwi.e ii.,... iMinruuj m m-o . ,7j 7. . -in J&M5g&Zii& Si Jntoi ,bMit It ; otnero oow at work are doing it, and yoo, reader, eaa ao tne aawie. I'liia ia teat paring duohkm mop. u,. w had the chance to leeare, ion win niaae it you itraiip the (ituation, and act quickly, yon I ".A-ZZZV, .Ui ., 11 i . mo nrasseron. 1 ,,i,1Mo, at wliloh yon can aopeW niajo anS ill ST&7 i ,. ,..,. . 1,1 nun., man or woman, . T ., jiir.MnM An aa we tell vou. and ano. e'si ww meet yw ' l,rn " " txperleoeeorcaplial neorisary, .Thoat who work lor aa are rcwonied, Why jot write to-day foi full uarliculon. free' BC. A MEN A CO., BosMiS.AncaataIIa afSS JWorTKt.onp&M Victors are BEST. OCTWOIT. OCNVCR. RAILROADS. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME 1ABLE NO 20, In Effeat 8:00 A. M. Monday Dec. 6, 1693. Ooiva East. Sohsdcls. Ooinj Wrsi No. 3 PaatenonT Tram. No. 4. Ar. Lvs. Buttons. Ar. Lve. am 8 20 Ooldsboro 11 10 am 8 58 8 59 La Grant:? 10 22 10 26 4 25 4 80 Sinston 9 48 9 58 5 50 5 53 New Berne 8 1? 8 80 7 28 p ra aforehead City am 6 47 Ooiho East, johsdols Ooiho w kbi No.l.t No. a. Mixed Ft. Mixed Ft. Poos. Train. Stations. Pass. Train. am 6 80 Qoldsnoro 7 23 pm; 8 57 7 05 Best's 6 24 6 34 7 20 7 80 La Orange 5 64 6 04 j 7 48 7 nt Falling Creek u 24 o au 8 11 8 80 Kinswn 4 20 "i (0 8 50 8 55 Onswrl! 4 00 4 15 9 16 10 02 Dover 8 25 3 40 10 81 10 89 Core Creek 2 54 8 Ot) 11 00 11 06 Tusoarora 2 24 2 30 1117 1141 Clark e 2 02 2 IS 19 16 8 00 Newbern iu 8V 1 3d 8 87 8 42 Biverdale v 41 w 40 8 48 8 50 Oroatta 9 28 9 38 4 08 4 13 Havelook 8 ft9 9 "4 4 87 4 42 Newport 8 17 8 27 4 51 4 55 Wildwood 8 00 8 05 5 01 5 01 Atlantic 7 47 7 f2 5 16 5 21 Uorehead City 7 17 7 27 Atlantio Hotel 5 81 P Morehuad Depot am 7 0 Monday, Vvodnoartay inil Krldv. ITnoadav. Tnaradav wi Trolu 4 oonnootrt w,lh Wllmlnitnn A WelJon Train bounil Morll, leaving t.olilB loro lltWft. m.. and with Klchmnnd ADln; vllle Train west, 1 avlng Clnl.lsiioro p. m. Tram 3 oonneots with Richmond 4 Dan ville Troln. arrlvln at r,idiib(,ro 1J.I5 p. m. and with Wllmlnston a Woldon Train from tbe Norlb -.t 2.55 p. m. S. L. DILL, Superintendent. Wilmincton, Newbern & Norfolk Railroad. TIME TABLE NO. 1, To take effeot Jan., 29lh, 1894, at 6:00 a. m. 4 Snperaeding Time Table No. 3, Dated Nov. 19, IS!) 3. GOINOSOUTH. SCHEDULE. QolNuNOBTB No. 1 PaeseDger Trains. No. 4 Lve. A. M. 8 40 9 18 ar. Stations New Berne Pollocksvllle Ravenwood Mayeville White Oak Northeast Jacksonville Ar. P.M. 5 45 5 07 4 52 4 43 4 32 9 44 19 63 10 06 10 08 10 81 10 28 10 89 10 48 10 55 1104 1108 ar jaoksonviiie iv. 4 19 4 17 lv " ar. Jarmans Verona Oedarhurst Folkstone Holly Ridge Edgecombe Woodside Annandale Cypress Lake narapstead Hcotta Hil! Kirkland flamead W.Sea Coat It B cross's Wilminuu a Lve. 404 8 57 8 46 3 87 8 29 3 31 3 17 11 18 1125 1180 11 86 1148 1155 310 3 01 2 55 2 49 2 37 2 30 No. 2 No. S Passknobu and Freight Lve. P. M. Ar. A. M 12 00 11 10 1105 10 62 10 40 2 00 New Berne Pollocksvllle Ravenswood Maysville White Oak Northeast Jacksonville 2 50 ar. 2 55 810 8 22 8 85 850 420 4 27 4 86 4 46 500 515 5 86 586 5 48 548 5 52 5 04 609 616 10 28 10 18 9 23 918 906 8 50 8 43 8 81 8 20 808 8 03 7 58 7 58 . 7 40 J 7 88 V 7 25 , ar. lv. lv. ar. Jar man's Verona Csdsrhurst Folkstone HollyrUge Edtteoombe Woodside Annandale C press Lake Hempstead Boots's Hi!! . Kirkland Bay mead 6 8i:W.eeaOoastB.B.eross a 710 6 40 Wilmington Lve. 7 00 ; "Daily Except Sunday. '" '- ' A. . WHtTINQ, J. W.MARTBNI8, - Oeaerai Hanafsr Oea'l Frolfbtand FassR. Act, - v -r- Boot j& Shoe-Maker, 151 South Front 8fM Near loot of Metcftlf St, - " Continued ., Patronage " ot old friend and new custom solicited. . Prompt ezeention of all orders. Eepair work given special attention. I'R'IF. W. 11. SHEPAKI1 and bin compt'tent auiatanta id tlio tons rial art will Live you a good job and will pay strick r tteu'-iou to all bract lies of hntr cutting and sbaviug. tGive mo a call, At Gaston llouso !?arbtr Shop. First Class Barber Shot) I3HICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Baptist Church. Apartments neat and tidy, aud .r..) JTnjwlent assistants employed First class balh rooms Oouneeled witl. U. L. BANKS, Pioprnt'T. doc6 ELLIOT L GKEEN, Bair Dressing Parlor. Careful attention ehc:. to nil biancbit of the business. Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty Toi?soria3 Artisfs, Ilaving cliarKe of tlie TON'SG RIAL ESTABLISH MKNT ol TIMOTUY BOW, No. MO Middle St. we are now prepared to do the best of work "j this line. Expert help, sharp raiors and polite attention. Hair cutting a spceial'y. A. Jones, Jr., formerly with Y. 11. Shepard, is with us. RICHARDSON & MONJOHN. 20 Lust 28th., Street, N. Y 24 Hellevne Ave., New I' rt K. I Grand Union HlocU. Sariti(,'.i Siirings V n whing! on I ie.Hlqini tci n, 72." I.jiIi Slice!, N. V. Mr.--. Milei im in Y.i iiiiiu"'n I"i i a IVw weeks Weill!!- hof ilcji ii t ii r i lor Humpc. Shi' Ii is in slock nillUliiT l'l llillldsdlilf v.;lkilir; .Uni evening ilroM'B cc.Us ai.u v. r..: which ( tn: will :l it! II A 1.1 PR1CL. OrdfiM 1 iu it il c : i f uily atin.'l. il to. l'nce.i huu (U'scriptiiiii ot cm ments neiit on implicit mo. Simth ern Indies passing through 'ii.h ington will liml it to their iuteici-t to call at her htadiuai ters at t lie Oapit j1. 755, 15th Street, N. Y. LIFE Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and B -aia Tn Is gold tunler poMtico i;icn i.u:i.-:.n(f, , ited tiKfiitf only, to cure W .k Mi n - y;' Brain and Nerve 1'imt r; i. -l M.'i-ili. ,'!! Night Lopfte-'; Iwii ii;imi,-; I.1.1 k of ' lS'ervorjsiH'Ps; Ijl-sitii.ii-; J)n it: ; I l-;.-1 of the OfTiorativo ('mm in c-:l.i r t- . en ovpr-exertiou; Vou'tiftil Krr ij. .r 1 .i-:- -i 1 Tnbaccn, r,.iura or , wlii. li p..-n Misw, Couumptirn, 1 n-;nii;j-mul P :h. fl a box; 6 tor $.); w -it h w: n- u i-imi -(. t' refund moTioy. VI s l"s 1 1 1 ! Kl i". a cure for Otuij-'h-1, '"il-', A ti.t '. :; 'ui -Whipini( t..u.;hf Sun- Tr r...!. I : ' Hniall hiz cli-t'uLtinnt'.l ; ' - v . ; fl size, HOW two. UU All A.N il IN i-;. .1.. .. .1 iij ii ti F. S. DUFFY, Sole Agent. Inir2rist and GEO. HBNDERS0 1 (Successor to Roberta A H. ndererui jeneral Insurance Agent Representing Insurance Company of 5orih imerlca. of Philadelphia. tlome Insnrauce Company, of New York. Oneen Insarapoe Company of KiiKianJ. Hartford fire lnr-.rauoo CVrnpHny 01 Jfartford. North Carolina Rome lnsuracoe- C;mpauy Raleigh Orcenwltcli Insuranoe Oompany, of Now tfork I'benlx !nsai!Doe iiompAny, of Brooklyn Cnlted Itnderwri'ers Inkuraoco Company Atlanlo . 801103 tarlue insurance Oompany, o B ton lulriavrtf DA-IT. V A.KD WEEKLY JOURNAL I REDUCED RATES. Weekly. it yoai Sl.Ov, " for six raontn8 oi. Daily, per year $5.00 " nor six montbs t per three mouths 1.50 News given from all sections and on all qaestions. The aoove rates are payaoie in aovance, and can be safely forwared either by moneyorder or registered letter. UaaaaMO.aa rua kituek hex. tum naway KKllla'Sx lJ Hnolrt. lh. Uo BUUII Otb.diMAMofOi.Gnite4:nurTOr. pM, Mquin. no miip oi an. a. aMueoaa.nwKml.lor puiwMiml. kmatobl takes tourraaUj, Inl eow-wapw. AS A PREVENTIVE bw thar oari- it ta intossiblc k ocattraet tmy TCMrwal ditrattM ; hat in thw obm of Hnn ilrvair UawtntitTiLi Anuam AitiOoooriSraairdiJieet, weguaJ-aaa. CUREro. by mail, pott. UaU6lW(aW F. 8. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole A gent. 1000.00. Five flnndred Dollars each have J just oome lor two mt-rubers of tbe Safety InveNtmenr and iioan. uom pany of Syraoos, N. T.. who gave farm property for onrity; , Eight years' time "to pay the money back.' Iftfereat five percent. AH are invited to coin and join a Company which will not go back on yoo. ISAAC H. SMITH, State Agent, Kew Berne, H.C. m 5 NEW JCE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF Eastern Nortn Ginillu table Works SEW BERNE. N. QaJsan ana Aaaorwoa afar, awa . rs solicited and given proper at ii, with satisfaction guaranteed. . !: V nei for plants and flow li - i 1 1 i tUe verv lowest rates. McClure's Magazine 10 K iSi;.j. Host Literature, Tin Tin- Newest Knowledge, Fully Illustrated. Some of the featureH are: rhoEdffe of the Future. Tlie Marvc's of Science and Aohi cvemmt, presented in a popular way. Famous People Their Li e Stories told by word iinil picturee; the mateiials being in all cafOH obMim i I'r mi sources intimately eonncetcl with the subjects. 1 1 ' N.i: r.itui'S Hi'-. I.;i in'' and 1 1,11'iliU'i' , 1 -.-I ii ' in limiting in Northe n Af luiiiiiiu'in Algeria, Tiger India, Klcphant Ranting i ii' i. I .i lint, tin in Vine. i, A II li!in!a as. ventures in the Upper 1 ', 1 ! 1 t I'.w-iiu n Institutions. i l,r ', mi.'' -t railroail ill the World. II.. 1 .1 1 ill'',.',. 'I I'tlf I It. .t 1 '.ay Company. The .I The Kumocsb of :rchant (? 100,000,000 ! .1 v . I'. I rr uiuan JJocuuicuis IVi triiit- t' Famous People thf TrcBent D;t. from i.Mr.lii'.iu.Mi t Short StovioB the Hest Writers. Nociiblo Seviea '-' Robert Louis Stevenson William Ainoue the Dean Howells contributors for tbe coming J rar lire : I'l'iH KSSdK DKfMMtiNI), 1 : 1. 1 X A i: i: I II STl fill' 1'IIKI.PH, AUt IlIK.('i'N Fakuai:, I'.iM'.T II.V1MK. KriiVAlM) Kll'I.ING, ()( T.W 1. I'll AN Kl', AMUM'.W I.ANli, W. 1). Ilowr.i.i.s, (iir.iiKi: r I'aukki:, 1'. K. S I (M'K I c N, Juki, t "ii Amu. 1.1; J I 1: 1: J.s, CuNAN l)i l.K. K. 1.. s 11, . r.xsiiN. Camm.k- A. Dan a, Alii UlliAl.l) 1'iiKHKs, mid many others, 15 OTS. A COPY. 1.50 A YEAR. Remit by draft, money-order or roffistercil letter. S. B. McClure, Limited, 74.1 & 71") P.roadway, N. Y., City. TYI DESK CO., ST. LOUIS.MO Our Mitmmoth CaU.ogueof Bane Cotnrraraa. DasKs. and other Officb KuaiciTcaa tot lh:t now ready. New Goods Now Stylos In Desks, Tnhks, Chairs, Book Caaas, Cabi nets, and at matchless prices, as abov imlH-.itcd. Our goods are well- known ami sold f-cely in every country that tpeaka English. Catalogues f ree. PoataeolSe DR. HUMPHRBY8V New Specific No. SeYenty-Seien FOB THE CTJBS OF : j With all its symptoms of Influenta. Catarrh, Pains and Soreness in the Bead and Chest, Cough, ' Sore Throat and . general Prostration and Favor. Taken early it outs it abort promptly ; taken . dimog ita prevalenee, prevents its inva sion; taken while suffering from it, a relief is speedily realized, which is 000 tinned to an entire cure. This bains a Kew Eemedy, if yo"v DroKKist will not get it for yon, it i be' sent prepaid on neeipt ot price, '. '., rfiforlLOO. HUMPHREYS' MEDICOS CO, - . Oct WUliam a John s a, t-$ 7 ' . SI6 ijFfi $21 "rf. L tl '1. . . i-JOd www