AJU VOL. XIII -NO 0. NEW BERNE, N. CL SATURDAY. -APRIL 7, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS 3 BCSISfSS LOCALS. FOR Fioo Veal and Eitra Fine Beef go to Bam'l Com ft 8ow .today. JUST recril fln line of late style DrHy ball. . W. D. BAitraaroa. tq Ladj'a Ylclor Htcjcle for nle wa down helnweml. Ilu heen ritlik SO mllrv Till it Ixrgain. Call ixl (ea iK C Oimmwat. 48 CrtTPti St. 'BOOKS A aplemlitl lot on band at waj down pricta. Anions tbem is one of the hmlonirt familbiblr ever carried in atnrk full Turkish inormcco binding, ami eloboratelj emlwlilifd, cost $13,00. Wilt be sold at a sacrifice. H. L. Hall. DO joa want a Bicycle I II so pat the caihjn your pocket and come down to No. 77 Miildle 8t , and hare a quiet . talk with me. I am sure we can, make a trade and jrou will lie mote than satisfied. My wheels are the highest grade and fal ly guaranteed by the manufacturers lw. J. W. Watso. FINE Human and Norton yam slips can be obtained through J. K. Taylor- tl BOLTED Wafer-mill Mctl at W. D. Barrington's. tl TO LOOK nice, dress nice ko to J. L. Hartsflelcl, agent for Wanatnakcr & Brown, Pliita , and tret you a suit ol clothes to fit you. Clothing roftdc to order. Buitsfrora $8 up. Apply at J. B. Holland & Co.. 53 Pollock St ReSjectfally, if J. L. IlAJtTSriELD. A FULL line f spring and rummer samples It will !ie to your inter to ex amine my samples before purchnsiug elsewhere ns satisfaction is always guarantied. M samples are from the largest importing houses You can get suits at your own prices, ns one house alono occupies 15,000 square feet of space. F. M. Cacwick, Merchant Tailor, 43 Pollock street, neur Postofficc. (3Ltf LOCAL NEWS. ,NEW AD VKIi TISRMEXTS. Howard. .1. F. Taylor By calling on 8. Cohn & Son Fine venl and beef. W. H. & R. 8. Tucker For spring weddings. Mr. J. R. Parker, Jr. has put in a chip beef slicer so as to supply his cus tomirs with the beel either in tans or cut to order as wanted. Mr. Hugh Wood, the clever collector of the New Borne Gas Co.. now sports on the latest '91 Columbia He says his patrons can't out run him now. The steamer New Berne brought in sjx horses yes'.erday for the Parmeleo Eccle son Company at Jacksonville. The teams are for the loirgiug work of the mill. The work ol making the alterations in the American House Mr. Nelson Vhit ford'l old place by the purchaser, Mr. O. Maiks, according to the plans we jeccntly gave, is in progress. Next Tuesday night investing stock holders in the first series New Berne Building and Loan Association will get their hundred dollars for each share, and borrowing members will have their in debtedness wiped nut. . The common building at the market dock alongside Mr. 0. T. Watsons block ol irou stores was torn down yesterday and soon a signtlyjone corresponding to those Mr. Watsun has already erected will occupy the spot - Id order to make the crowd ns lUjge as possible tin effort wijl be made to get the railoads, to give cent mile rates to Rileigh o.-t the occuioti ol the laying Qf the corner stone of the Confederate Monument. ' Mr. E. Pocz !t & Bro., merchant tail- ora, formerly of Greensboro, who were attracted to this locality, by the East Carolina Fair haye decided to make Wilmington their home. The gentlemen aro already there and their families leave thii morning. Twelve Carteret county fishermen who ' bare been spending the winter in fishing at Puuta Gorda, Florida came in on last night's Wilmington Train. The majori ty of them immeadjately took the A. & N. C. train to continue their homeward journey. . -,' v , ,' . The Beaufort Herald, nearly a year old now conies to us enlarged to a seven column paper; : It states its news Jacili- ,. ties will likewise be increased and io a ,few weeks the i -paper be printed with newer and better type. We ore glad to note these evidences of its prosperity. Being the only paper published in Car teret county it should 'gut a good aupport, and the statement is made that ifs list is constantly incroaaing. , . . .,; . , Coming and Going. . ' .- ". -7 Dr. 3. D Clark Misa Hannah Clark and Miss Leah Johea left for Wilmington yesterday to attend the T. M. C. A. State Convention in session there. , Miss Florence Williams, who baa been attending Miss Leah Jone's school, left for her home in Duplin County. , ; ' A FaTettev! le Inr. ntion Brings; $36,000. The cicftrette machine patented by Mr. J. B. Underwood, of this city, aud owned bv him and Dr. J. W. McNeil, has teen sihl to parties in St. Louis f r, it is said, s ki. 000. - Mr. Underwood lias Invented and patented many useful things, and his i"iod luck is deserved, and hia many L lends congratulate him. Mr. Under wood is a mitive nt Sampson, but has 1 "cn living here for probably 85 years. 1 ayuteviile Cor. Paiupson Democrat. WASBlNUrOK LETTER. Taaee'a III Health IppelatataU to Office oppealUaa t tlerslaad's Nejre Appelate. Wasbirotoii, D. 0. April 5, 18M. Senator Vance's fneod are agiin Tery uneasy about him. He is lar from being a well man. He baa sent word to the Finance Committee to go ahead n i'h Mr. Simmons' confirmation. Ilu has not been able to go to the Capitol since his return bere. The Williams ts Settle contested il.rt ion case is tho next one on tlie do.'ket. Mrs. George Kidder, Mrs. Adam Empir and Miss Eliza Potter of Wilmington, are here attending the meeting of the Colon ial Dames. Senator Hill of New "York gave notice in the Senate this A. M., that ne would speak on the tariff bill next month. A definition of his position on this bill, is looked for with interest. Robert F. Anderson of Rileigh was today appointed assistant messenger in in the nautical almanac office. Opposition to Charles Taylor, the Kan sas negro to whom Mr. Cleveland gave a 16,000 place as Recorder of Deeds lor the District of Columbia, grows here daily. Everybody wants a white mar. from the District to have it and "everybody " is exactly light. Forty-nine postmasters were appointed today. The democrats admit a sweeping re publican victory in Rhode Island today. Pandcmaniam reigned in the House yesterday when a futile attempt was made to pass the Bland bdl over the President's veto. It was nil Speaker Crisp could do to bring order out ol chaos. The Proposed Telephone System. A telephone system lor New Berne is greatly desired by those Ix-st acquainted with its advantages. It will be a great nid to merchants by enabling them to communicate with their customers leadily; and will be a great help to tho house keepers by enabling them to place their orders for groceries or meats without sending otP their scr vants for them, thus it will be not only a convenience but economy. A horse or carriage could be ordered from a livery stable without sending or going to the place Every biisir,e..s man will appreciate the advantages when he thinks of them. Now that a telephone system is being worked up for the city it behooves our citizens to give ilie matter thought and let each one who can further the scheme. There is one thing to be remembered ana that is the more people that take the telephone service the greater its benefits will be and the cheaper the service to each one. Observations of Mr. Bacon. Mr. Sam'l Bacon came in on the steamer Neuse en route from the North to the saw mill which ho and his sons run at Winthrop on Adams creek. He has been visiting at his old home in northern Deleware and to Philadelphia on business. Mr. Bacon slates that the lumber busi ness, which suffered with other industries from the depression is a little improved. Speaking of the results of the recent cold weather where he has been he tells us that in Delaware, noted for its peaches, that crop has been destroyed, and though apples are a little later i i blooming than the peaches, it is believed the same is the case with them. Still farther north, around Jersey city and upwards the fiuit not being so far advanced was saved and the people aie rejoicing over the prospect ahead of them on this account. In Maryland a partial crop ol the small ftuits strawberries nnd blackber ries will be saved, an I even these appar ently little things are a big item in that country. Mr. Bacon informs us that his station, Laurel, Del., sends out more of these berries tnan any other station in the world. He has seen as many as twenty car loads ot strawberries go off at one shipment. THB PEN93TLTANIA RIOTERS." Still Defiant but Discouraged -TLe Strike Considered a Failure There is a lull in the tempest among the Pennsylvania Coke rioters Tney are still defiant but discouraged. The su rest or tbeir leader, President Davis on the chanre of complicity in. murder is a serious blow to the movement and the strike is considered a failure. . Davii waa not present when Fnck was murdered, and it ii laid, he denounced the act. bat hit connection with the strike in the position he held ii against him.' ., ii- i : . Many Frlck employees remained at work and boldly declared they woald not come; out as they were . receiving better pay there than those at other work a. ... "' ..-v' The tragic events at the starting of the strike had sobering effect on tbe miners and it is thought there will-hardly be a repetition of such bloody work, t ' It is said a meeting of, misers will of ficially declare the strike eC ' JL; - ; v The Grand jury of Durham county Superior court had many young men and boys summoned before it with the idea of breaking np gambling and the selling ot liquor !o minors which has een going on-. It is said that about seventy-five cases have been found against deaires,and that when they saw the trouble against them brewing, all but three dis covered they had business away from Durham Their absence saved them from prosecution at this term of court. Straw Hais. A nice, neat, nobby '.straw hat for -men at 25 eents worth 5t, at Sam'l. Sdwards odd. K. B .Jones. : ,8t AUAIUST 8EARCHI.N HOUSES. Uphold ike Law, bat Away vl.h Sack Irltatla IadlKalties. Whatever merits there may be in the South Carolina Liquor Dispensary Ww, wanton houte searching whether justified by law or done or threatened to le done through a misconception of its provis ions meets with no t'.tvor. We cannol help I lit minuting the pluck of Governor Tillman, but that lie lias as sumed the eitieme U beyond all question ing, not in in 1 1 icr iti r to execute his sworn dulicsas the cliiel executive of S "Utli Carolina, but in empowering such otfiui rx of the law ns those at I L.igton and nuineri.us o! Ii r - .(uie Shite liuve proven tlun.s. i , - in 'm . h is a known Tact ili.it ni:tny cf these c i,ililes were of the louli 'eipi ni 1 uncouth in their approach to caucus. U Ins lenked out that one ol the spies v ho participated in the Darlington iitTair 1i:m! on a former oc casions killed lliri j men, anil tlr.it thev wele generally imulting and bulldozing. In order to know how the question is viewed in oilier places, we copy from a few of our exchanges: WIMIMirON MIlSHKMIKH. Tilbnan show s a lanatii al aud lawless spirit, llns is the lantl ol the free. Mn construe liltertv to mean license. WII.M1NUTON ax A it . There was a great deal ol mien st and much excitement inaiiilcsled here nv r the situation in sotiih Carolina. Tin sympathy for Tillman and his jaiiizaru was too small '.o be seen even with a microscopic eye. Hut there w as indig nation instead at t lie tyranny which final ly drove the oppressed people ol" our sis tcr State BAI.K1UII SEWS OHSKItVKU-( II KOMC'I.K. Assuming that the account ol' the affair at Darlington is correct ii is a very atrocious outrage. Mr. Norment who was killed is lepiesentcd by geutleinen herein Raleig'i. who know him. asa very amiable gentlemen; one who never thought ol carrying a weapon; a lovable mini and tiKich esteemed in Ins com munity. Air. Iteihnond as fir as we know was the same. They were mur dered, without warning by Tillman's men, and w ithout provocation. It is a bad system, an intoiierilile system that leads to such possible outrages. Gov. Tillman has much to answer lor at the bar of public opinion. The Governor's constables are very odious, and the mas sacre of the citizens ol Darlington by them has inflamed the people. A course tliat public opinion does not sustain will not be sustained by force o;' arms. We trust that such counsels nmv pre vail as will prevent lurtlicr loss of life. NORFOLK VIRGINIAN. The disturbance at Darlington, S. C, was over the question of the right ol search. Free men will always resist this inroad upon their liberties and their homes. In Monarchical Governments the people have frequently resorted to vio lence to prevent it. In this country, how ever, they will never permit oi tolerate it It is in opposition to the bill ol riglils. The fourth amendment provides that ilie rights ol the peopld to be secure in their persons, honie9, papers and effects against unrca9ouaolo searches and seizures shall not ho violated. A similar provision is in the constitutions of most, it not all, of the States. BALTIMORE 6UN. But the chief objection to the law is its novelty and its intcrferance with Am erican ideas of liberty. To an inflamma ble people jl ike the South Carolinians it is particularly unsuiled. Fxcise laws have always been nnpobular in the Palmetto State ind elsewhere. The "moonshiners" of the Appalachian regvin have never be come reconciled to it. It will be wise therefore, lor Governor I'd 1 1 man to "go slow." In this countrv only sach law s as meet the approval of the great ma jority of the people can be fully enforc ed. SPARTANBURG, 8. C, HERALD. The Governor ol South Carolina has frequently boasted that none but men of the highest character were appointed con stables. We learn from a man who has just come from the hon.e of McLennor, the spy who killed Norment, some iacts t.'iat deepen the. shade already dense around the Governor's reputation for trutlifulln?ss. When that poor innocent and defense less negro was lynched at Denmark it wasjthig same McLennon who caused it. After conservative men had quieted the crowd McLennon mounted a buggy and declared that somebody had to die and might as well be this negro, and he was lynched. When tbe dispensary law camo into effect and made lobs for such men as these, this infamous scoundrel applied to Tillman for an appointment ss constable. He took his application to one ot the most prominent Tillmanites in tho coun ty ior his endorsement. The latter re fused his endorsement and wrote to Till man by all means not to appoint hi in as he was only fit for a murderer and was not the kmd of a man to execute any law. By virtue of his position this Tillmanite was a man whose advise certainly should have been respected by tbe Governor. Tillman nevertneies appointed nim and he is the roan who brought on tbe trouble at uarungioD, uj snooting a man wuu was not armed and was not molesting or threatening to molest him. . This only adds to the Governor's responsibility for this terrible assassination. fATUAHTA Journal.. -"Not only is brigade of spies scatter ed throughout the Stato but they have in many instances acted in the most ot fensive wsv toward oersois who proved their innocence ot any violation: of Jaw. Tbe homes ot peaceful and respectable citizens have been broken open on sus picions that frequently had no found ation in fast. ..Indignities have been heaped upon law-abiding . people in sev eral notable instances." - v -. "It is Bot to be wondered that a law which is represented by such methods of enforcement should be despised, evaded a id even openly resisted.'' Gen. Richbourg estimates tbe cost of calling out of tue trooDS tn Boutn caro Una at 2S,000. . - ' 4 SOUTH CAROLINA. liwl Status Restored All Ti'iMips Ordered Home. Coroner's Jury Kind I wo Constat) e Guilty of tlurd-r-Mcbeuiinii Orii(in.itd the right. C"I.VKII, erior Tdl oau lrnvin r- ilir I).irliu m aol At both plven 1 April .1 (iov- t liay mu.i I pro n tin civil iii i , in t"lorenc. The iroopi ill b. withdrawn to- morrow. Darlinutox S O . April ". The embarnJ on thfl Western Uaion Tele graph olll'.e was remove! this evecing. T.ie ttiaionv at the oorooer's in quest ooaflrmel what hat been previ ously repine t that McL 'onon fired the first thot and started the traiedy. The military oourt found exaotly the same vrdiot on the coroner's jury, al though 't h s no' been given out as vet olll lially. Columbia, S. 0 , April 5 The Gov ernor' proclamation was issued on the rnc irainendatiou of the officers In com- oaid at Dirliugtoo and Florence. Jjveruor Tulima wanted the leading out, jns of Dtrlington to pledge them- sfllv n that ih- S ate p)lioe should be psrinitte-l tv search trains and bouses suso-cieo ot vi'iiatiog the diipenaary law arid that the dispensary should be n c ltd an 1 oarridd on without mo location. Ths oiuz joa held a meeting auJ after o&roful consideration, re-fa- 1 to mike such a pladge, but wired ilu (ljv.-:uor thru they would do all in ttieir i ir to preserve order, and re iiuos'.ci ld,n to do likewitie. Tho ( i iveroor has today stated that thure. will be a o irtj plate reorganization of tho State Guard at an early data. There are 150 companies in this S ate and tho Governor Ins said be had rather have twenty-five that he oan de pend on than l"i0 tMt aro doubtful. The Governor declines to say whether he will mnk further effort to impress tha poliet) in hu service. A deoition of the Sjp-eme oourt to 11 cli i 11 n tbe legality of the dispensary law ia looked for tomorrow. All is quiot taniatbt ALL VDIF.T AT DARLINGTON. Darlington, 8. C-, April 5. There wan no i.. Merit today to disturb the peace of tii" place. No one thought of any furtoer trouble and business is ft getting back into the regular ohannel. It has been paralvzad einoe last Fiiday. Iho troops are making themaelvas al boaie, and, but for tbeir guard duty, would have nothing to do. Tbe oorooer's jury rendered lis ver dict to bold McLennon for tht killing of Norment, C.iin for the siding of lied mood and that Rjdmonl killed Pepper. Tbe military court will flrit submit its report to Governor Tillman. GOvitRxoR tillman's cabinet censure HIS COURSE. Charleston, S. C, April 5. It now transpires that Governor Tillman's offi cial family is most woefully divided in regard to his course in calling out the soldiers an t issuing bis recent procla mation. Every oiw of the Cabinet, ez- oept perhaps, Mr MajSnld, deprecates his conduct, and several of them are outspoken i:i their denunciation of his tyranny. In addition to this, Secretary of State J. E. Tindall, in incensrd because Till man isauod tha polioo proclamation and had his name sigoed to It, while he (the Secretary of 8 .ale) was in Charleston. As is well known all proclamations are nigoeu thus: B. It. Tillman, Governor. By tha Governor, J. E. Tindam., Secretary of ate. It is not a mere form, but the Secretary must sign his own name and affix the great seal of tiie State lo the. document issued. When lie talk of Tillman's Issuing his police proclamation first beg in Secretary Tindall exjirossed the most untmstnka ble dis ipuioviil of the scheme and.alter the proclamation was issued, he stated that his chief clerk had been given ex plicit orders not to affix the great seal of the State, except in his, the Secretary's presence. The municipality of Columbia openly and avowedly declare that they will not submit to the usurpation of Governor Tillman. KILLS ALLOWED At April Meeting- County Commis sioners. Stephen Oliver keeper of Nelson's ferry for March, $20.00; Thos. L. Wethering- ton keeper Street's ferry $18.00; R. G. Mosely house rent to C. Suiitbwick $2.50; Fannie Williams keeper poor house $12.50; Irene Cooley cook poor house $ 3.00; Caesar . Boyd 13 cords wood to poor house $36.00; J. J. Tolson, sg't, rations to poor lor March $87.69 Brad ham & Brock medicines to poor $17.80; Lainster Duffy services to poor and sup erintendent health $16.66; Dr. - Leinster Duffy post mortem examination Jas Rus sell, corouers inquest $13 00; ; Benj. McFrater burying body S'tsan Jsnes, pauper $3.50; J. JL. Meadow i hay fur nished poor house from August 1803 to March 1894, $30.84 James A. Bryan per diem, Ac., as commissioner $6.00 E. W. Smallwood per diem as commissioner and supervising court ; house , and poor house Feb'y and March $28 00: M. H. Carr per diem and mileage as commis- Continued on Page lib. CULLED ITESSOP HEWS. In the game of base ball at Charlotte between tbe Universities of Vermont and North Carolina the former won by a score of 7 to fl. Coxey's army left Pittsburg on ita march to Washington 207 strong. Their reception in the smoky city was a most eiillius'alic one. C'.ittleiiien slid In linns at,- lighting in Oklahoina. Thebi.ivts arc eadicrini; in in large iuiniliers, and there is i-aid to be prospect of a briefb.it blodv war. The government is blamed for not guarding the wreck of the Ketirsage. It is claimed tliut h:id even two Unit crews from the Kearsnge stayed on Guard, the vissrl niilu. now be laying at Norfolk. ('. E. Crabtrec, a prominent Icjsinei man ol Dii'lian . ho fur a loitniglit h is lieen missing and searched lor by him dreds of people, was found Tuesday near Chatham, Ya. He U ins.inu mi 1 bud wandered away. The Washington police arrest lhoe who protane the Sabbath by playing basc- ball, liut Hoh tngersoll Sunday night lectures there are never interfered with. The newspaper reader who docs not daily rejoice that he lives in North America instead of Central or South America must be peculiarly constituted provided he skips the news from South Carolina an I Pennsylvania The statement is given to the pulilir that the Blarkwcll Durham Smoking to bicco company has orders for fittO.OOO worth of tobacco to be delivered Iit May 1st. Kev. W. S. Creasy, I), f) , of Charlotte accepts an invitation to pvacli the hacca laureate sermon lie fore the Agricultural and Mechanical college. The date is June 1 7t li. The General Assembly ol the Presby terian Church in the United States will convene at Nns!;villc, Tenn., in the Moore .Memorial Church on the third Thursday 1 17tb day) of May, at 11 o'clock. About tcu days ago Mr. .1. Ii. Wall committed suicide near Clayton, X, (.'., about ten days ago at the bouse ot A. II. Ccok, Ins son-in-law, and now thu soti-in law has ulowu out his brains with the same pistol. It .III men were well-to-do rulers and no reason is given for either suicide. On the third inst, a negro desperado murdered the sheriff of Monroe county, Aln., by tiring from ambusli as th; sheriff was approaching Ins house to arrest him. Two weeks before he murdered a deputy henfl' lie is still at lar.-.-d heavily irme I. Absolutely Pure A oream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Ueport. Royal Baking Powdkb Co., 106 Wall St..N. Y. Ladles' Hats. A nice black sailor hat for ladies at 10 cents at Sam'l. Edward's. Opp. K. Ii. Jones. it IJ V JAI..L.irV ox J, F. Taylor Toucan And lew ol llio "(iooil Things" ol this Hie. 1st. Coal Oil, Jolmey Soup tin- best all rouml soap in the worM. 2nd. Boroxino, the woman's lricml. It ciean8 Bleaches untl makes wunhhig easy. Hamples Free. rl?vy it rd. Sapolio always reliahle. 4th. A new stock ot J. B. Lewis and Cos'., Shoes, the best ever brought to this market tor the money see them. oi n. ror a ionic, rr inres itoot liecr, a varian. Renzi. I'tlnsor and Portner's Imnort ed Ginger Ale, Brason Stout and Hushos Ale always on band. etu. ror Medical uses try urn Thompson, . P. C. Manhattan XJCXX MonoaTralim and Maryland 4 A Ryes, Pure mountain Corn aud brandies of various kinds. Yours Anxious to Pleawe, JAS. F. TAYLOR 18, 90, A 2-2, Middle Street. Weddings. 0 o W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co., Raleigh, N. C. Are destroas of particularly di recting yoar attention to their excellent assortments' of Ureas Goods, Laces, Linens, Underwear, Corsets, Shoes Parafols and other outfittings that are by enstom necessary for bridal outfits They send samplegjOffer sugges tions, send articles on approval, and make np yoar dresses in the most stylish manner equal to parts made gowns and at moder ate prices. ::; Ready Made Tailor-finished aits are also offered In more ap proved styles. Correspondence by mail or a per sonal call is solicited. Estimates famished. 1 - . i & b. i mm, &ca A- FINE LOT OF SHAFER'S Sugar Cured -MEATS-Just IlX. Small Pin Hams jp ulls tlio Lever and - - j , UHOIGt BREAKFAST STRIPS AND Small Shoulders. N. C. Hams Beautifully Cured, ONLY I 4 I -siors Another lare Invoice of California Evap- ated Fruits Just in. California Prunes 10c " ExtM. 15c Pears 10c Poaches 15c " peeled 20c Apricots 20c Fancy Dried Apples 10c Fancy Evaporated Ap ples 15c Another lot of those Fine California Peach es 31b standard goods 17 ONLY cts A CAN JOHN DUNN, IToa 55 & 57 Pulbcfc Si THE-IV. AW AT TIIK Throttle and liis Great Ma- chine bounds ahead. We Pull dowint ! PRICES A NTCH OR TWO: FURTHER And tbe Business Machine must take; on greater speed! than ever. That Speeds us onlto success is made of A N I IS FIRED BY OUR OWN Enthusiasm AND AMBITION. And travels over broad gauge tracks of FAIREST PRICES And BEST COODS.j IP STOPS TO TAKEION I EVERYBODY ! Hackburn & Willett, 47 & 49 F0LL3CH ZZ