.Daily journal. VOL. XIIL-N 0,13. , NEW BERNE, N. CL SUNDAY. APKIL 15, 1894. PRICE 5 CKNTS BCSI!HS3 LOCALS. POETRY A few m tbe Standard Porta iaodsomely bound la cloth and full gilt - at reduced prica of SO cent each, . at Halt'. ' . . -, ? i FOR 8al Wkilc Roman hajcinth bnlba at om cent each. , E E. Dnoswar. ... at. 80 Eaat Frost PL CHIP BEEF, Sliced nam at Bologna Sausage and J. B. Puiu, Jr. VAN HtMica'a Cocoa at W. toc'a. Barring VV 81. FOR RENT, kiddle atrret. Rents and at ore, 17 - - Jim. T. A. Hmrar. . J. all BOOKS. A few that ere ebelf-wora wjll fee roa off at S9 eta. Tb y ara aUndard works, cloth boaad and formerly aold for ' 40 cents. Hall 'a Book and stationery store, near tba Poat 'Office, -v JUST received Ine line af latest Derby bale. - W. D. Baiumcxo. style . TIUS Haasea aad Norton van eiips aa be obtained through J. F. Taylor tl BOLTED Water-mill Barrington'a, Meal at W. TO LOOK nice, dreaa nice o to J. L. Hartafield, agent Ctr Wsnamaker A -Brown, Pbila., anl get yoo a aoit ol clotbea to Dt yon. ClotLing made to order. Suita from $8 op. Apply at J. B. Holland A Co, 83 Pollock Bu Resjiectfally, tf i ' J. L. HaBTsnsLO. .A FULL line of spring and cumtni" ' sample. It will be to yoar Interest toex v uniae my samples before purchasing tlsewbere as satisfaction is always ? guaranteed. If samples are from the argest importing bouses You can get sails at your own prices, aa one bouse lone occupies 15,000 square feet of space. F. M. Cadwick, Merchant Tailor, 43 Pollock street, near Pnstoffice. f23 tf LOCAL NEWS. SE:-7 ADVKllTTSKMKNTS. Howard. Hall-Poetry. M.Hahn & Co. Fine horses and mules . Bradhain & Brock. Prescriptions filled at any hour or nigiit. ' " A brick curbing is being put down in front of the baptist church, preparatory to x ; making a shell-rock payment. Similar work is In progress at Gaskill's Pharmacy ; and at Mr. H. B. Duffy's store. i ' May the 80th this year fella on Sunday, . ' This being so the question has been rais. ' ed whether the comer stone oftlie confed- , erate molument shall be laid on the 80th or not.' Open meeting at tho Y. M. C. A this afternoon. The delegates who "attended ' the convention will make addresses. Special mnsic has been prepared fir the t occasion. v Rev. D. II, Petree returned last night from Jacksonville where he has been fill ing his regular Friday night monthly ap pointment. ,. On this occasion he' received v one member into the church organization -1 there. ' Though their numbers are small, tlie Disciples at that place are desirous of S building a house of worship, and are like ly soon to make an effort to that end. ' Tba Hancock Street Coureh Meetings : Hancock Street M. C. Church bad three accessessioos to 'membership last night 1 two of the members were baptised at the time..; The meeting will be continued -next week. ?- : Will bj Bepeatef The excellent stereoptican entertuin ." meat which was given at the Collegiate Institute Friday night , by Mr. W. L. Ward, to a large audience, will be repeat ed, we are glad to announce. ' Tlie next time, it will be In the Y. M. C. A. Hall A week from to-morrow night is the date. ; " . - Toe entertainment has been highly complimented by those present It will be given as before for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum; ' North Carolina Rearmost, Cot. E. D. Uall, chairman of the com ' mittee to collect funds for Oie Jefferson Davis monument at " Richmond announ- , pes that this SUt will probably be the ; rearmost so &r a eoltoc.inntiie wM1n,befb electoral oom- lV- ' ' V ft. ' mission in 1876V lie baa published a This nositlon from the Slate "that moved moat mightily in that great strag gle is to be regretted. What part will . New Berne take towards making the showing different I , WlirSnethe State : A Charlotte Observer special from Ral eigh telU of a suit that is to be brought to test the value of the bonds which, in 1883 were issued by this State in aid of what was then known as Ilia Chatham 4 Co';ifld9 Railroad. - ;' T!e4e bonds agieale some ; $250,000. T.l' imMcrs rhiioi that they buve not the ! ' t of tlie r hellion," nnd that they are v.-i'.Ul. Tlie owner want to apply the "war sialc'' to tliiiin thus taking off two tiiir.Ii, anj then have the Slate Issue tnn.U under the funding act at the rate ot'5 wutsj on the dollar. ThU will r '.a t'ie amount about tlS.OOO. , ; " ,". Ciiviu J. Cowles pill bring the t i. r. Ilins.lale, of Rileigh, ia tha at- i.!it years a v York, t ' t " v i !. A f r l I I WATER IEXT WEEK The Water Worka to U Complete Ula Week aa4 Water Tirae4 ea Hext . Week If all BaaaSHMtkly . Only 8,000 feet of pipe, equivalent to about a mile, now remains to complete the pipe laying for the water works, and aniens bad weather or tomatbiag unfore seen, causes boom delay, that will be fin ished this week. If everything moras along uninterruptedly, tba expectation is that the water will be turned on next waekwr , Saturday Hancock street was finished and the small portion of Booth Front, Easf of the 1 1 N. O. railroad, and the connecting link between the pnmp house and tba street main, was made in the af ternoonthe connection with the wells and with the water tower bad already been made. . . When the pipe laying is flniahed this week, the work will be practically com pleted. What remains to be done will be simply going orcr the streets again, levelling down and putting finish ing touches needed, tr is to leave every thing in satisfactory condition fur the city. The entire system, when finished, will contain 40,000 leet of pipe seven and one hall miles. Chireh Services. Centenary Methodist Church Services conducted by the pattor. Rev. J. T. Lyon, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting "at 7:30 a. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m., J. M. Howard, superintendent. Christ Church Rev. T. M. N. George, rector. 3d Sunday after Easier, Holy Communion 7:41 a. m. Service and ser mon 1 1 a. m., and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school and young men's bible class 4 p. m. Sunday school at the Chapel 8:30 a. m. The public are cordially invited to attend these services. Attentive ush ers. Church of Christ D. II. Petree, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sub ject for morning: '"Is it right to Dance?" Sunday school at 3 p. ut. Presbyterian Church -C. G. Vardell, pastor. Services at 1 1 a m. and 8 p. m. Sunday si-hool 3.30 p. in.' Prayer meet ing Thursday at 8 p. in. The public are cordially invited. Baptist Church Rev. Rulus Ford, pastor, services at 11 a. ni. and 7:80 p. m Sunday School 8 p. m. Y. M C. A. 4:45, Mixed meeting, ladies cordially invited, leader, J. M Howard. Coming and (Join Judge H. R. Bryan, and wife, li ft yes- ten lav morning for Kaveltcville to be present at th baptism ol their grandson, Henry Bryan Broadfoot. Mr. Wm. II. Oliver also went., to Fayetteville to be present at the baptism of his grandson, William Oliver Huske. Miss Wyndham Trapier, who has been visiting Mrs. Graham Daves left for her home in Raleigh, Mrt. M. Strasburger, ol New York is visiting her father Mr. M. Hahn. Mr. JT. J.Willey, of Baltimore, repre senting Q. &. N. Popplein, Jr., is in the city ' Rev. S. H. Isler, of Goldsboro. went down to Pollocksville Jto fill bis regulsr monthly appointment there. Seaater Yanee Paralysed. A special to the Charlotte Observer f.'oui Washington gives the following sad news: : ' '. 'Graduallv the raallv serious condition of, Senator Vance's health is becoming known. He is paralysed in his lees, in addition to the liver enlargement already mennonea. . - David Oodley Fle d Dead. David Dudley Field, the distinguished jurist and author . expired suddenly )o New York Friday morning at 8:80 o'clock of pneumonia, He had just returned ont Wednesday from Europe and pro nounced himself in splendid condition, Although 89 years old, be was hale and hearty and was considered good lor many years yet. ';' -."''.'. ';'-' '"; '.:'" Mr. ' Field was a Democrat In politics I number of works of high literary " value besides 'his great law books on which however his fame chiefly rests. u? The Encampment , . CapU T. W. Jones, of the United St ates army, assigned to duty id North Carolina, was in tne city te-oay lor a consultation with Capt. T. S. franklin,' ot the Queen City -Guards, tn regard to the encamp ment this year." Many of the boys want to go to Morehead : City, others . to Wrightsville and still others to some point in the mountains. Ch.rlotte News. We will all be glad to h ive the soldier boys at Morehead . agnin. : Those who were there last year seamed So enjoy it greatly, and this year the season at Morehead is likely to be a good deal more brilliant than lastlyear. ' f: S' Take the ocean resort and enjoy the sailing, fishing and bathing. ..f..;" Gold In the Streets of Charlotte. Jt Is not in uncommon thing for rich specimens ot gold ore to be picked up d the street where macadamizing is being one. ' if all the gold that is now on the sheets '-l it would pay for the city hall J tlie city an elegant park. That f i trt miners say. Charlotte n SEEKS A H0II II IXW BEKIK. A Sample af Kaay LUrt Received Here-WhatOsthtte keDeae la tke -Way of Bending Oat Iafer BtatlM ef the Kind Soaght A citiaea of Sanford, Me., writes for Information la reference to New Berne. His object for seeking it is that be wadfs to make bis home in the South. He gives bis reason for making the change, that five years ago be bad La Grippe, aad that it lelt him so. that whea North he is afflicted in winter with bronchial asthma which ditappears as soon as warm spring eaili- nett in. Tba past winter be p n at 'tY'rightaville, near Wilmington, and was all tin; lime perfectly well, but in tlir -e dnya after bis return home the oli complaint came back The gentleman states lu his letter tbst be has taken a trip through North and South Carolina, and through Georgia as far as Thomasrille, but h likes the climate better than farther South, and be lieves trom what he has beard that New Berne. would suit him belter than any other place he knows of. lie is fond of fishing, shooting, and of the water in general, sr.d has concluded that as soon aa be can find a nice place that suits him, he will more thero and buy or build s home. He wants information about New Berne, about tho climate, healthfuloes, pleasantness, freedom from malaria, prices of real aslato, etc. Those wishing to correspond with the gentleman can get his address from General C. A. Battle at the postoffico. This letter is out) a sample of many that arc received by members ol our citi zens. Il uvery letter of the kind could be brought directly to the attention of the business men, we think they would lie impressed with the facilan organization is needed wnose object is the collection and disremination of Information relative to New Berne and her advantages. The eyes of many from a number of States are turned towards'us as never before. They want further information and if it is made convenient for them to ob.ain a golden hurvttt of p'os itrity will be the result. We have u rlimute unsurpassed, and a health record that will not .suffer from comparison with any place. Our city U a Iwadtiful one, half surrounded by the rivers Neusa and Trent, hence the facili ties for spor's of the water are g?od, and game is sbundant in the woods and fields while for the manufacture ol wood or textile goods abundant raw material is at hand and the labor would be easily pro curable nod railroads and Steamers are at hand to bear the products to the markets of I he world. Organize and herald these facts abroad especially to those who are in quest of them. CULLED ITEMS OF NEWS. Coxey's army has reached Grantsville, Md. Yesterday was the day for the selling of the Raleigh street railway. Moody and San key nave been invited to come lo Releigh to hold a meeting. A tract of land containing 15,000 acres baa been purchased in Columbus county on whica a Swedish colony will be es tablished. Governor Tillman sent to Collector Carter at Asbeville in one week $3,600 in gold to pay for stamps on Noith Carolina corn whiskey he had bought for his ronw uaronna dispensaries. The Tennessee Populists and Repub licans have hatched up a fusion. The neoDles nartv have nominated A.T. Hims for Governor, and two candidates tor the Supreme court. The Republicans are expected to nominate tho other four candidates for the Supreme court. A large force of men is at work on the ruins of the American Glucose Company works. .' No bodies have been recovered. but it is considered certain that the twelve missing workmen are buried in the debris of the burned building. . ' v The Royalists of Hawaii stronglv ex pect tbe restoration of the oueen. and she counta on help irota the United States to that end. It is stated that a great majority of tbe natives so fulty believe in the early restoration of the queen that they will not dare to disobey Der orders or to take the prescribed oath abjuring thr monarchy, and declaring allegteoce to the provisional government. . . , Tbe river and harbor bill, as reported to tbe House, gives North Carolina $58,000. It gives $8,500 for Beaufort and New river $8,500 for the Northeast Cape Fear; $8,000 for the Cape Fear above Wilmington; $40,000 for the Cape Fear at and bilovr Wilmington; $3,000 for Black River, and $4,000 for Lumber riv er. ',",,".:." ' Miss Martin who wasjshot on a Rich mond and Danville train is now expected to recover. - It is thought the ball took a downward course and that she will suffer no disfigurement except the loss of an eye. Her assailant will have a - bearing ontbe 81st..,. .'..;.:".-,."; '. ;': John Clark the htad of the great spool thread company : which manufactures Clark's O. N. T., spool cotton la dead. His home was Largs, S-tland. His grandfather founded tbe firm which has been a household word In all civilized quarters of the globe for tbe past flity years and celebrated to some extent a hundred years ago. The house was the first manufactory of cotton thread. - ; A special tn tbe Wilmington Messenger tells of the killing of an illicit distiller by revenue officers While the officers were destroying bis property, the owner, Wm. Myers, broke aid ran, officer Ford shot at him and tbe ball took effect in bis b'" "k. tie is reporrtd dead. One of the r ers has been arrested. " WASHI56T03 LETTER. Fart Kali-Waltiag the Tim. ef Caa tress -C evlaad Going to the Ceaatry. Hon. John S. Henderson made a strong plea for tbe "Fait Mail" in the House in an able speech of about an hour. He showed it wss no "subsidy" aa its enemies ctaimei, but that the railroad carrying it earned every cent of money paid for ii. It woutd now have been adopted but for the. stnsekas filibuster in tbe House yesterday. Speaker Crisp ought to "count a quorum" under the eircumstances. There is no excuse for this failure to do so. Tom Reed might call him incon sistent, but the country would thank bim for taking this, tbe only course left by which be could expedite buaoesefin the House. With 817 members present, and answering to their names, tlie House of Representatives was yesterday compelled to adjourn after a brief and useless sesjion because only 147 wis willing to vote. . With such a performance as this the country has no sympathy whatever. It is discre litaHe to the party in power, it belittles the dignity of a legislative body, and it is unfair to the people of the Unite. I Statei who hare aright to ask and expect I hit tuo business of the coun try sli ill lie transacted with diligence nnd dispatch. It is not the first time, we re gret to s-iy, tb it valuable time has been wasted in the Fifty third Congress. Too frequently has the record be-n tarnished and blackene I with days ol an idleness, which is wore than criminal, because for it there is ro excuse. Seventy Kep-iblicans yesterday declined to vote. They are the keepers of their own conscii nee-; they are the minority, irresponsible tw the conduct of business, cist down from ilie liih Seat ofpubiic administration by a majority of the voters ot the Lnitc.l :-l;itcs. lo plead their presence and tlair silence is no palliation for the perpetration of a crime against the public treasury and the public con science. The very fact that they were present is in iti-elf a sufflcieut uigument to prove that in some way they should have been mad - to participate in the pro ceedings. Count a quorum Mr. Speaker ana stop;sucti tarces. The Senate bus confirmed the appoint inentofMr. H.-nry to b3 consul to Cura- coa, but he dcclims the appointment. Mr. Huf.li D irtch loaves here lo day to loin Mr. Jernigan in Shamjlmi. H litis un appointment under him, as, was inti mated in this correspondence several days ago, he would have. froiessor lloi nes, ot Norlli Carolina, i heie. He says in fp '.iking of the recent Waldensian colony of emigrants to the State: "We hope to get more of these people. They are not like the ordinary Dago peanut veuding stripe of Italians mostly seem in this country. They are a hardy, thrilty people of North Italy Protestants in religion, and so lar the colony, wnicn numbers about 4U0, hare done well in their new home. They un dcrstand truck farming, bui will also do a goodj deal of manufacturing later on. 1 he south needs just tilt h a class of un migrants and should holdout every in ducement to get tnem to come." Coxey's army is slid to be apprjach- ing tins city "ii schedule time. Major Moore, chiet of police, savs lie has the authority and the force requisite to arrest the last one ot tuo. army and lodge the whole crowd in jail. The House to-duv decided to I ry to im pose a fine on absent or non voting mem bers in order to put a stop to tho dis graceful filibustering that has been going on here for several davs, as the Demo crats were thirty-seven short of a quo rum. The, urgent deficiency bill was taken up in the Senate. Senator Kinsom and Mr. Henderson are trying to get this through, among other tilings to try and gtt money needed at Statcsvillo court, which meets next week. Mnishall Alli son and District Attorney Glenn were here this week to see about this matter. The President and Mis. Cleveland will probably move out to their country place this week. COMING TO A CLOSE. The Pollard-Brecklnrldge Case Nearly Eaded-YYhat thi Defendant Owns. Yesterday was the time for the Pollsrd Breckinridge case to be given to the jury. There has been talk about Breckinridge not htving anything from which Miss Pol lard could realize if she wins the suit, but the Cincinnati- Dispatch says this is not so, and that Breckinridge is the owner of lands in Kentucky worth at least 25,000 it is believed they would bring that if sold to satisfy a judgment, and that if the jury should grant Miss Pollard even one half of what she sued for, she would get at least $10,000 out of it, and the lawyers another ten of fifteen thousand. The bvge Coast line, depot at Fayet ville was burned Friday morning togeth er with two or three thousand dollars worth of general merchandise, M. HAHN & CO. M. Hahn just returned April 13th with Fifty Head Horses and Mules, ranging from 4 to 7 years old, and weighing from 850 to 1450 lb each. Some extra fine Drivers in Horses also adapted to all pur- Soses. Exceptionally fine draft Horses and ules. ; H - .." A full and complete line of Buggies and Harness always on hand. ' We will hold on Tuesday and Wednes day, April 17th and 18th, an Auction Sale, to be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. i A I -v ; . t: Dont fail to come. ' . ' ; J ' t. M. Harm a Co., ' " , New Berne, N.C. ORALtlUM i - , U & BROCK Bracr Co., FILL PRESCRIPTIONS AT "ART HOU OF RIGHT. - up THE CAROLINA NATIONAL FAKK. Why the Geveraaseat Sheald Satehlish Oaa at One Aasong Oar Mesa taias. It will be remembered by our readers that when tbe North Carolina Press As sociation met in New Bern last spring they passed a resolution urging onr dele gates in Congress to push tbe measure of establishing a great National Park in tlie mountains of Western North Carolina, and that Hon John Henderson has intro duced a bill in Congrew providing for its establishment. We are heartily in favor of the scheme and have written In advocacy thereof. This morning we take from one of the Western papers, the Morganton Herald, an extract from an article giving the reas ons why an Eastern National Park should be established, why the mountains of Western North Carolina should be se lected as the site for the park, and why tbe park should be established now in stead of ut some time in the luture. The Herald says : "The highest mountains east of the Mississippi are in North Carolina sml tbe tsuna and flora of this beautiful section can be pvscrved in no other way than by preserving in its natural state a large tract of land embracing some of our high est peaks. "The West has its natural park. The East ought to have one too, and no sec tion in the East has so many natural ad vantages for such a purpose as Western North Cardina. "There are now many large, practically unbrolien, tracts embracing our highest mountains and most Itcautiful streau.s, and rauging in a short ditncc from fifteen hundred to nearly seven thousand feet nb ve sea level, with all the hunJ reds of varieties of trees and flowers and shrubs included in that rmije ef elevation which could b - purchased by tlie (iov ernment at reasonable figures. "A few years hence the aie of the lumberman will have laid waste the full est portions of it all. Mr. Henderson's bill ought to pass." Jftsoafely Pure K oream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. Rovil Baking Powdeb 'Co., 100 Wall Bt. . H . X . Mlillin exy -:o:-AND-:o:- Sprinn Mlnery Openinii, ON WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, APRIL llTH & 12T1I. Having secured the services ol an accom plislieil DRESS MAKER, Miss Joyce, ot Balti more, I am prepared to make fine Uresnes and supply pretty and and Stylish Millinery at prices to suit the times. -Allaro cordially Invited. Very Respectfully, MRS. B. B. LANE. MY LINE OF Zeigler's Shoes HAVE AHKIVED! ! ! How many heart will luilniuite with delight at this intelligence. A More Complete Line OF La-dies, IVLisses' & (Jhildrens' Hhoes High Cut and Low Cut, would be impos sible to find. Ziegler Shoes are lower in price than ever before, but still they keep the high standard of excellence. My Straw Hats Have also arrived but it is too Cold to mention them. W. . Barringrton, 67 Middle St. JUST RECEIVED A Car Load of Western Flour Direct from the Hills. A. CARLOAD OP Hew Orleans Molasses. right off the farm in Louisianna, from first hands. . Also (a full stock: of other Groc eries and farmers supplies, for sale cheap. Call aad see me, it will pay you. ( , n. JOa.uS. THE -MAN A Throttle Pulls the Lever and and his Great Ma chine bouads ahead. We Pull PRICES A NOTCH OR TWO FURTHER And the Business Machine must take on greater speed than ever. Till: EXJIINK That Speeds us on to success is made of ANI IS FIRED BY OUR OWN Enthusiasm AND AMBITION. And travels over broad gauge tracks of FAIREST PRICES And BEST COOD8. If STOPS TO TAKE ON -0 0 0- Hackburn & Wiiictt, 47 ft 49 P0LL0CZ 01. A- FINE LOT OF SHAFER'S Sugar Cured Fust In. Small Pig Hams, CHOICE BREAKFAST STRIPS AND Small Shoulders. N. C. Hams Beautifully Cured, only 12 1-2 ors Another large Invoice of California Evap ated Fruits Just in. California Prunes lOo " Extra. 15c Pears lOo Peaches 15c peeled. 20c Apricots 20o Fancy Dried Apples 10c Fancv Evaporated Ap ples 15o Another lot of those Fine California Peach es 3lb standard goods 17 cts A CAtf ONLY JOHN DUNN, Ho. 65 & 57 Pollock Ct