'JDhe Bmly OURNAL. X1 (LP 1 VOL. XIII -NO 18. NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY. APRIL 21. 1894. PRICE 5jCKNTS ir: r BUSINESS LOCALS. FOR th Bito-ai meal in the city go 8am 'I. Cubn A Hon1 lo-dj. E9TAI.ISHEI IMS.-Suit to onler rnvn $I5.0J U in ( iO.Oi). The liltem iliillar "it Hin-M; of '! vim-I, mut 111 al Wrllxtihe flily iMIar suit. II. W. Booh- lit I'o.fl Al'wl nf llie flrni of . H. W. Bnk!ff & Hons. Merchant Tailor. 7tn. 19 North IaU St., J Mii( ihe ISutaw House, Baltimore, Mil. TRY GaskiU'a Cream Drinks, the; ant flue. Nothing but pure civ-am nueil in making them. Orange, Pineapple, Vanilla, Strawberry, Rwpherrj ""J lUnanaa. Alan I -c Cream Soda, tl. LITTLE BOB, the .Frenchman, No. 23 Middle Street, near the Market Dock, is in the Swim with hi cooking. All the le licasies the market affords. Merval to auft the fiwlidious at 25c a menl. Try him at Cabtets JUST Receiretl a fine lot of Bananas at J. R. Parksb, Jr. I HAVEjnst receiml a tew loi of Spring and Bummer aamples from Waiiamnker A Brown, Philadelphia, ami samp'os ol lilk Yeats. The; are cheap a the times are hard. Come and look at thcin. Jacob Habtbttkld, with J. B. riollan.l & Co., No. 13 Pollock St. POETRY A few ol the Standard roets handsomely hound in cloth and full gilt at reduced price of 50 cents each, at Hall'. CHIP BEEF, Sliced Ham at Bologna J.R. Sausage and Parkkr, Jr. FOR RENT. Middle street. Re S and a.. ire, 12? rs. T. A. Henry. a!21w BOOKS. A few that are shelf-worn will e run off at 25 $ ts. They are standard works, cloth hound ami formerly sold fir 40 cents. Hall's Bonk and stationery store, near the Post office. JUST received u fine line of latest style Derby hals. W. D. Barb.ino.-on. tr BOLTED Water-mill Meal at Harrington's. W. D. tt A FULL line of spring and numnier samples. It will to your interest locx vninc 1117 samples before purchasing elsewhere ns satisfaction is alvfays guarantee. I. lv samples are I ruin the largest importing houses You can get suits at your own prices, ns one house alono occupies 15,000 square feet of spare. F M. Cadwick, Merchant Tailor, 43 Pollock street, near Postoffico. f25 tf LOCAL NEWS. hew ad vhr rrs kmknts. Howaru. Clark Baking Co. Notice. 8am'l. Colin & Son Fine Meat. L. II. Cutler & Cj. Saasonuble helps. Sol Cohen Ti e I asnn is licre. The State The World. and the State for $1.25. 'Salunlay lair and sight I v cooler." is the weather prediction fur to-dav. The heavy shower of rain last night about one o'clock was very much needed by the truckers, as dry weather has pre vailed for some time. Expressions of sympathy in her lie reaTemer t have been sent to Mrs. Vance from Pamlico county in behalf of the- "great common people." The subject for Mr. Petree's sermon tomorrow morning will bs '-Our Vance Yet Speaks." The, public cordially in vited. The Beaufort Herald snys that pieces ol wreckage washed ashore ne.ir Cape Lookout indicate that a large vessel has gone to wreck on the shoals. The steamer Thorn lias come up from Ocracoke with the engineers who have been at work making the preliminary work 'for the opening of the channel. They went on to Wilmington. Every thing is how ready for the work to' go for ward whenever Ihe order for it re ceived Gov. Carr has invited the Scotch Irish Congress which meets this year in Des 'Moisnes, Iowa, to hold its next annual conference in Charlotte. The letter of invitation was first forwarded to Dr 0. W. Graham, of Charlotte, for approv al. r. Mr. Elijah Taylor was up yesterday with peas from his farm at Adams creek there were also some from Mr. Robt. Whitehead's of the same place. They nicked at the rate of ten boxes to the acra which is the best we have heard of so far the peat on the vines are scarce. A love affair was singularly and abrupt ly terminated Friday. A young man ar rived in New Berne from a distance to marry the girl of his choice, and present ed himself ar.ue l with a license and with awdoister on ha id, but she told him she was onlv teitinfif didn't mean it and he sadly departed on tlie- steamer ' Neuse. "Poor fcllow, . f D W. Rob rts ! the Post-Offlee. Mr, Denard W. Roberts takes a posi tion in the post-omce Monday' morning as an addition to the force The increase of lorce- lias leen found necrssarv ; the work of the 1 office is con stantly growing--it . is nearly doable now what it was when Mr. Manly was nost-ntaster under Cleveland's first ad ministration and the olacing of a mail route on U VY. N. & Jf.v- railroad has ailtre'l its proportion to the dutiei, Jihaion M iouo Uil ourf urampi sntcoilo and tntarnal nenrai gi' and a backache andinatantly, 23 I 11 cent. G, W. GaskilL WATER WQBKH COMPLETED. The Uflleial Test Wl l Kpc4i 7 FoUw. The water work am now finished; U List pite was hid yeMsrda; 00 Elm street. The preliminary Bring up will le done Monday ami water h: tumel on Tui!aj with extia pressur as the company's test to sea thst everything is in right Blinpe the intention being il there is any weak ness or defect anywhere in the system to make it manilest itself right thvn. After this, if everything proves satis factory the official test before the It ard of City Council will !e maile This test is to throw five streams ol water one hundred lect high. This is the official test but the repre sentatives hope the Board will 'have I e tests ol their own that it may lie demon strated that eveiyihing is in the shape it should Iki. Then the works hiving been found satisfactory and been accepted everything will le ready for service. The lime is at hand w hen every one can have an abundance ol good, pure water wherever he wants it, anil when property will riveive the added pro lection which the works afford. Coming and doing Mr. L. J.Taylor returned from Balti more. His wife who is now at Johns Hopkins hospitid was extremely ill a week ago, but we are glad to learn that she h is shr.wn improvement liitely. Miss Augusta Crapon returned from Wilmington where she has been visiting a lew days. Gen 1 ('hnpiii left on the steamer Neuse lor a northern trip. Mr. J.JA. Jones came in on the steamer Neuse from a trip on which he purchased a number of horses lor bis livery stable. They will arrive by the E. C. I), line this morning,, Oth'T passengers 011 the Neuse wen) Mr. and Mrs. M. K. King and Mr. E. C. Potter. Miss Emilia Katie Jon ;s returned last night from tirahini, where she has been attending a wedding. The contracting parlies were Miss Blanche Williamson, of that place anil Mr. Jas. Harrison Spen cer, of Dunville. Broad Stroet Sidewalk Impioveiii'MiL Tim improvements which have been in progress for sevorul days on the Southern sidew.dk of Broad RUeet just below Han cock will b: appreciate ( both by lb. mer chants in business uking ll ero and by 1 tie public. The old time ditch drainage has Ixtii supplaiitcii In goinl iiuiler-ground pipe lraiiiage. A Inick eiiriiing is tie ng made at the cdjic ol'lbe sidewalk rod I he sidewalk it' elf is In-ill' raised hal'-i-foot or in iiu This mal.iv- il --o thai slni.s which liavi requued a step, can umv lie t nlercd with out that aid. Ami an additional improvement ol a style which wo ever delight to sre is the romoval by Mr. J. R. Parker, Jr., of the entrance to his cellar from the sidewalk to the side ef his s ore in the yard. No projection ought to encumber a public highway. This is licing realized, nnd gradually those in existence are being re noved. Press on with the sidewalk and street improvement. Quarterly Conferences Presiding Elder Swindell arrived from Goldshorn and held Quarterly Conference and preached at Hancock Street Metho dist Chnrch last l ight. To-night he will be a Brice's creek church to hold Quarterly Conference and will return and preach here again Sun day. On the fourth Sunday in May lie will hold quarterly conference in Centenary church on the morning of that day he will preach t Beech. Grove and in Cen tenary at night. Not Captured Yet The Aurora Progressive Age tells of the attempted rape of a young white giri near Vandemere by a negro man about thirty five years old, previously told of by us and closes its accounts thus: "Since writing the above we learn that the negro who committed the crime has been seen on Durham s and Porter's creek, al that a party from this place was in search of him but did not find him. If captured it is probable that the county will uave nat utile' trouble witn ms case." The Cruiser Raleigh Added to the Navy The Washington Star announces that the cruiser Raleigh ha been added to the navy. The Raleigh, a 8,000 toir cruiser. enjoys the distinction ot being ' the nrst vessel of the new navy built by the gov ernment. - She was built at the WortolK navy yard entirely under the government supervision and in accordance with plans and specincattons prepared a tbe Navy Department, Now that she' has been commissioned she will bo made ready for active sea service at nnor. Her career will be watched with interest as affording a basis ol comparison between the work of the government and the work) of. the private hip builders. " Death ef Mrs Josephs! Peed : It Is with deep regret that we anuounce the death 00 the iat'i Inst, of Mrs. Lame A. Peed, wite ot Joseph us Peed, Esq, She was a young woman in the first bloom of youth; a member of the Epis copal chnrch at this place. She ' with her little babe in her arms - was on the next day committed to the ground, but will rise again. Aurora froressire Age, The end of the Brazilian war ts official ly announced. A BOLD BKAR. Take His Si and la the Read aad IVBes ihe P assure ef fear Mra. Tuesday, tn steamer Carolina carritd up some colored hands from New Berne to the Lining nearest to where they .'ire getting i.ut lumix r for Mr. A. Doe, it being in Whilfo'd's l'acoin neai Vance bo ro. I'pon their arrivil Ceasar Beet on, col., started up Ihe tram-road rive miles into the swamp. On the way they encount ered a heir two-thirds grown which took his stand in the middle of the ro.nl with the dcterminali hi it appeared f staying riht Ibere m spite ! a" coincra. As th' Ix- : v 1 1. 1 i,,it yield and take to the swamp . I ,e .nen were bound to pass over the r iad, . 'n ilc was soon in progress. The bear's pluck was more to lie- ad mired than bis judgement. The men were armed only with the implements ol their work, axes and saws, but four men striking at once with such weapons was too much for any one Lear to with stand and lii'ele-s lliuin i now fur nishing Iresh meat I the vi. furious linn mien. TRl'SIEl'S MKKTI.NH. Four Vacancies in the Hoard Killed Action Towards Herurlng a Prin cipal. At a meeting of ill ; Trustee's of New Heme Academy held yesterday I lie lol- owiug named gentlemen were elected iiiciiiIhts of the I! lard to till vai am ir. caused bv deal!: and removal from tlie ity: Thomas Daniels, 1). II. (Iiihmi, W. H unit rctt and t '. K. Shiver. Prof. J. I. Hodges, the principal ol he Collegiate Institute, h iving de ided not to remain ill New 1! rue another year the matter ot si-urin-' his ih-eessni was liseussed and left in shape fur curres- poudence on tiie subject. AM who knew Prof. Ilmlgpi especially patrons of the school will rcrel his de cision, lie is one ol Ihe li.-st teachers New Berne has ever had and nut one ever gave more genual satisfaction. Important to Truck shippers. Noiikolk, Va , April llltn. l!ll (Jkokuk Hknokkson, Eso,., Ayrtit, New Berne, N. C. Dear Sir: Your letter is received and I note what you say about, the repn sen tatious b'.'ing made at New Hern , Il at delivery of truck at Jersey City will lilt in increased cost l i bipn rs. In that connei-tioii I am uiad 10 inforiii you that immediately following Ihe visil of the delegation ol vour truck irrowers o Jersey City and New York lo inspect Ihe facilities of the respect ve leniiinil lines, u similar visit, was made bv the I'icsiilenI, Vice President and Kxecutivc t'o inoiltee of the I nick I'ariners Asso- aiion ol C'h -irlesloii, S (' . I.n I lie pin- pose ol Mlllstv lllg tllellls Ives annul Ihe lelivery ot truck liy the I'etin It ol Road at Jersey City. They were shown over llu-si ne terri tory covered by our friends when they were there, ami also had an opportunity if oonlerring with some of the principal commission merchants. When returning home they said they were satisl'ml that their interests in New York would be best protected by the l'cnii Hail ltoad and they should not only palrot.i.e the all rail line Hut would use their influence to have every member ol their association do the same. All ol the party were unanimous in the opinion that Bay Street, Jersey City, is to be tho great market for truck at New York. Many of the commission men have openly declared that there will be no car tage charge from Jersey City and ship pers will have no difficulty in having their produce handled more advantage ously nt Jersey City, than it ever has lieen at any ofthe New York piers. Very truly yours, H. C. Uudoins, G. F. i P. A. The above letter explains itself uir deliveries at Jersey City will be much earlier than heretofore. Our steamers sail from New Berne daily (except Sun days.) reight received up to 4 u. m: on days or stilling. Geo. Henderson, Agent. A States Rights Bill. A bill has been introduced nrCongress to amend the act re-admitting this and other Boui hern States into the Union, the declared intention being to place the Southern States on the same footing in all particulars as tnose ot tile .North and West. The bill was introduced by Mr. Patterson of Tennesse at the request of Mr T. B. Egerron, a lawyer and great States rightsman ot Tennessee. Mr. Kirerton tbinks that certain condi tions imposed by the acts admitting these Slates reflect On the States and infringe tbeir rights. The amendment is to repeal each and all provisions ol the acts which relate to the elective franchise and the right to hold office and the provision pertaining to toe sctinoi rights and privileges and to provide that all laws and parts which deny the equality of these States severally with other states or the union art repealed. "Poor clothe make unhappy faces." It is a well known fact that a mans emotions and surroundings will in time have an .. effect on his racial expressions, i nat is to say if a man for any consid erable time wear a raw edge col lar hQ,...wilt look unhappy or . if his trousers are fringed at the bottom, or if his coat is too tight in thef back it will have the same effect. ' Now if you would avoid these things call on ua and- get you some new Clothes, ne w Uol IarS", new. Cuffs and Ties. : -t J.M.H0WAD.r SEN ATI) It JARVI. Will Not be a Candidate Before the Leghdatare for H nator Yaere's I'nexplred Term, bat Will be Ransom's Opponent - A Sketch of ths Senator. n Friday licfore (iov. Carr made the appointment of Thus. J. Janris ts United Slates N-nal'T, a delegation called on him to appoint lion. li. T. Bennett , another from Iredell county uiyed I he appoint ment of Hon. It. K. Armti-ld. Letters were received by the Governor roin friends ol Ihe following gentlemen: A. C. Avery, II. H. Armftehl, W. M. Rob ins, John S. Hi nderson,. Charles M. Slcilinan, Ixe S. Overman, Julian S. Carr, S. B. Alexander. T. J. Jarvis, A. M. Waddell, A. Lcazar. J. C. L. Giider, James II. Merrimon, Thomi.JIC Uolt,. F. I. Osborne, W. J. Court, K."T"Ttnr-4 nett, S. A. Ashe, Iv I). Latta ami W. E bernethy. A remark able e nt of tue day was that a delegation of colored men called ind titled the appointineot of Gov. lai us, of w hom they spoke in bigt.est terms. A special to the WilminitiMl Messenger gives their names as follows. .Th units Donaldson, - president of the colorvd industrial associationi Jas. II. Younj and W. S. MftcheR, editors of the Gazette, Key. C. H , Williamson, Rev. B. '. lVleraoq,' Js.'E ttaa.llu aflU Morris Wnlts. Governor Carr thanked tfietii for their kindly interest, They were in lur. ned of the appointment arid at once wenl lathe Yarbora house and congnitu lau d S-nator Jarvw, who1 expressed his appr .-ei itt0 ol so unusu tl a compllincnt . I ue 1 oriesponiienl slates that Ihe m-ws ol 1 .ox eriior J;m v i' appointment tiew fast and lie Keeived lilllldl'eds of eunin-atula- lioiis. His appointment gives great snlis la turn there. It is siid ben- that he will till out Senator Vance's time until the la -"islalure meets and will then be a candidate for Senator ltansnio's seal, 1 1 1 1 s letting some Western man be elected to lill the remainder ol Senator Vance's term, two years. In an interview Senator Jarvis said be stood on the t'hii a-i platform, vi:h alt III il me ins as construed at the South. I lis relations w ilh the administration, so f ir as he ran eontroll them, may Iki in ferred from Ihe fact that he was Minister to Brazil under Mi. Cleveland's former a I1nin1tr.1l ion. Thomas .1. .1 m is w is lioru in Cnni tuc': county, N (' , in January l Hi and is now fiH years of :c:e. 11- mairied Decern b 1 :lrd, 1M74, Miss M o Woodson, of Virginia. In llii IJonfede'afi army be wase iplain oft ompany H. of the Kiht North t'.tro liua regimeui and was a nieinher ol Ihe nislituiioiial coin, -1111011 of IXII.i from Cu nil ink. lie wase feted a I leino.Tal ic 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 a - r of l!ic I .i-oi--f.it n re IViiiii Tyrrell county in IHI'iS. Ib was a 1 in 1 1 1 ) cr also ol'lhe suc- eeding I. gish'.t lire and win made Speak r ol the I louse, lie was 11 nieinher of the constitutional invention in ls;,"i an 1 in 1 1 yen ful- lowino w as elected Licuti-minl Governor if the SI ate on lliehekel with Senator Vance and becan c. Governor in 1H75, when Vanic icsieiieil to become Senator. At the nct elect ion he. was chosen Govcrnoi and allo"elhrr oceuoied the ulcrn:t1oi ial chair lor more than six years. Ill 18M5 Mr. Cleveland appointed him minister to Brazil, where he passed the following four years with) honor to hiu -self and credit to the American people. Since l i.; return he has devoted himself to the practice- of his profession the law. President Geo. T. Winston ofthe Uni versity 111 a communication to the News- Obscrver-Chroniclc calls attention to the fact that there is a hall in the Capitol at Washington where Congress has invited each State lo place two statues in memory of her greatest men. The pedestals pre pared lor North ( arolina are still vacant, and we b "lieve that the people of the State will agree with President Winston when he says the statue of Senator Vance should grace one ot them for he was our greatest leader in the greau-si period ol history and his life an epitome of what is noblest in our history, lie has been our greatest public man because he has been our greatest North Carolinian and his statue should be there to show Ihe world the sort of man North Carolina loves and honors, Ihe genuine typical North Carolinian. TIIE LILT A lily said to a threatening cloud Which in sternest garb arrayed him: lou take my lord ihe sun away, And I know not wherj you have laid him." 80 it folded iU leaves and trembled, soi As the hours of darkness passed it, But at morn, like a bird in beauty shone, For with pearls the dew had dressed it Then it felt ashamed oi its detail thought And Tain in Ihe dust would bide it, For the night of weeping had jewels brought, Which the pride oi the lay denied it. Vatclosota (Ua.) Telescope. u o.,. ri ur rt Fender, writes that she will be in Raleigh Hay lOtli, - The lite - and aerrtces of Uer distirurulalied hnsband will . be the sub ject ol the address that day, by Walter A. Montgomery, Esq., woo Das secured a mass of valuable material. . Senators Pleffer and Allen, J populists, want CoXjv and his followers to hare a hearing. fhef say, though their . ideas may fa vit'.onary it is not beneath . the ditrnity ol th Senate to hear them in person and orally, Cl'LlIB ITE1S OP MEWS. A desperate fiht between the Daltno gang and FedeaJ marshals has ocrured in the Cherokee atrip. It is reporu-d ibat eight persons were killed.. All is quiet at the mines at Birming ham. Seventy new men hsve gone to work. The Presbytery ol North Alabama has adopted a resolution overtureing die General Assembly to appoint a committee on Presbyterian unity. Joe Pulley, a white man, of ltaleigh has lieeu sent lo work on the public road for six nionlbs tor b.-ating his wilr. Judging from our exchanges Hogg ami sugar as a comhinutrou is In-iog more talked about in Ti xs than "hog and hominy," the old-time winter favorite. If most of the revolts ag tinst the rule of political Itosses wero not mere attenii.s to enthrone a new boss more ol theoi would succeed. Il is said President Dole is at work uli a constitution for Hawaii. He takes a constitutional biacer every morning, and a constitutional walk every afternoon. Ten ol ihe fourteen applicants for li cense as pharmacists passed eiamioatioti, three being negroes. The percentage giveh license is unusually large. Mr Swanson, Democrat, of Virginia, has introduced a bill to repeal the 10 per cent, Stale bulk tax. Gov. Waite's difficulties in Colorado have Ik.'1-u settled by the Supreme Court ill his favor and the officials who disput ed bis authority have a heavy bill of costs to pay, besides perhaps being in daugur of oilier penalties for defying the Govern or with arms iu their hands. A voting boy in Mecklenburg count is reported as dying from the effects of a grain of coffee sucked into his windpipe six vears ano. The grain has finally lodged iu his lung, causing pneumonia ami abscess of the lung. The Charloile Observer has advices dial th 111 in Woody, charged with being the leader in the AlleL'haiiv lynching, for w hom a reward of i.'fiKI was olfere I by the Governor, has been captured. Bt iiiisitious have lieou sent to the Governor ol Virginia for all in that Stale who are said to have take 11 purl in the lynching. Tho foundation for the Confederate monument at Kalcigh has been laid oil. The base w ill Ik; '24 feet square. Mr. W J. Hicks' is the superintendent of eoe stmction. A Ualeigh man has been given the contract, for pulling down the foundation, which is two and a half net thick. A II will lie iu readiness in three week s Absolutely Pure oroam .if tartar baking powrlor Highest of all in leHvnning atrength. I j a'i' kht United Statks Oovkrnuknt Kood Hkport. ItnVAi. Bakino I'uwnKB 'Co., 106 Wall 8t . N. V. NOTICE ! I nth, we can make olhci' arnuii;f- inctils, we will not send our CAKls on the streets after lo-ilav. IMim siiul to the store Monilny evcnini; for your liread CKAHK HAKIM; '). THE WORLD AND THE STATE FOK 1.25. Wn will semi the Nkw York Wef.ki.t World ami Weekly statu one veur each for $1.2,1 or the Weekly State two years for $1. AiMress: The State, Richmond, Vn G It E A IM- s O I A To-IJny at 1 O'clock. Of - the - Season NUNN & MCSORLEY. THORUQGH -0-- SANITATION. The Water-Works ForHewlBerne will be in operation in a lew daya and I wish to annonnee to tlie'PTJBLIO that I hare secured the service a ot an experienced MAN1TARY and am thoroughly eqiilpped for All Kinds of Plumbing. hatit rrrns for both not and cold water, Waah-oo Closet, Kitchen links, Lawn Sprinkling, and Pipe con aotkm and flttlBs up for water to any portion oi. Besidenoea, -J work anops, c. 1- Good work inaranteed and as rea sonable as It ean be don anywhere. BRADHAM A BROCK ? PEKSCEipTIONS :,. AT AHT ... , uoxnt 6v moHi"-;;-'i.' Bakinc? The Red Star CLOTHIER. It in not pricfM alone that you vaut BUT VALUES AS WELL The Season for Spring Suits, Neckwear and Negligee Shirts is here and we are offering some exceptional Bargains. The Latest Style Scarf, i.V A Nobby Straw Hat, .Vtc Men's Fast Mack 4 Hose, A beautiful lue Negligee Shirts, 1.(10 SPRINGSUITS in all the I, ami ( 'nlors. ulesl St v les til. SOL COHEN, TIIK' KKI) ST A K 77 Middle SI reel ti,i tiii i;u New IJi-nic. N . ( '. SEASONABLE HELPS - I'dl! Household Use. Refrigreators, Ico Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Wire Cloth, Window Screws And Doors, AT L. H CUTLER & CO S. MY LINK OF Zeiglers Shoes ii.wi-: it 1; 1 1 ii' llov liuinv liKirt.- itiloil ah' willi ileliht at this iiitelli'jeii. : A More Complete Line -OI'' A:. CJIiilli'iiH" H1i?h ( nt ami I, tu 1 1 1 1 . 1 . V I III. Willllil ll MI- sihle Zie-jler Shue ale luwr ever befmv. hut .-till ilic hih stainlanl iil'ei clli-tii lllilll SllllC My Straw Hats Have al-o an iveil- liiil il ( 'old to mention them. 1- t.., W. I J. Hurrington, 67 Middle St. Good Stock-Cood'.Work This in the reputation I haVa aus- taioed in New Berne for the past .1:1 years. Roail Maj. W. L. Palmer's card bolow sa a rooent proof of the fact. I have now a workman of superior skill, and between the stock I furn ish and the wort he does, J can gu ar antes- the tallest satisfaction. He pairing a noecialty. JiNU. MOSUKLirJ 1 , Boot & Shoe Maker. THE CARD : Six years ago John McSorley, ot New Bern, made me a pair ot call boon. I havo worn them lor all these year and traveled over several Northern States; havo had them halt soled once, and I am wearing them yet, and they are good tor a year more. W. L. PALMER. New Berne, N.C. Sept. 30th, 1894. PARTIEH REPLANTING POTATOES can be supplied with Houiton Early Bose BY F. Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROOEB. NEW BERE, H. a -A- FINE LOT OF SHAFER'S Sugar Cured Inst X11. Small Pig Hams, CHOICE 3RFAKFAST STRIPS AND Small Shoulders. N. C. Hams Beautifully Cured, onJjY i 1 " ors Another large Invoice of California Evap atol Fruits lust in. California Prunes lOo " Extra. 15c Pears lOo Peaches 15c. " pc4ed, 20c Apricots 20c Fancy Diied Apples 10c Fancv Evapirated Ap- i pies 15o Another lot of those Fine California Peach es 31b standard goods 17 ONLY cts A CAT JOHN DUNH, .. : -. 4,', ' i.; : W-fV. i'i ...';,