THE JOURNAL VICTORS are Standard Value. TVIOIROW.- What is 0tt CUWWWkWAMk! Cohort is Dr. Samuel Pitcher! prescription for Infants ' aod Children. It contains neither Oplam, Morphias nor other Narcotic rubgtance. U lit hoxmleM rabstltnte far Paregoric, Props, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It ts Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Kl&ons of M others Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevCishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Soar Curd, cares Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relives teething troubles, cures constipation and 'flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bow siring healthy and natural sleep. Cas tor! Is the Children' Panacea the Mother's Friend. Cartoria. Ottfot-t I a r"Wlot medians for chfl iM. Hothen ha npedl 7 told ma of H food fleC5 ttptm bei ckudrea." Da. G. C. Omood, Lowell, CatMrU Is th bJL reraedjr for c-hildma of jhlch I n aeqaai4. I hope l'o day ij ot ar dl' out when mcttwrs will con l Ur tho n.-i 1 tstercat of their children, nnl use 1 stri.i in uimA of ttw rufous quack ooittnims 11 . h or 4 icttrojlnf thetr k.jd Oim, by forcing opium, worphiDa, aouihlnc tyrup and othir li:in'ui fonts dows their throata, thereby a-oaij stun to pramatorr frtvata." Da. J. F " TTFLOC, ltiu'. Art. TV Gaataar Company, T7 Murray Street, Haw York City, aWsWawWaWflaWWrJ S'JHS8a9awWWsTWaWaWaai BANKS, i. I BIHS, Prn. TRIM. UAMlBU.Vlce Prf. V. 1 KUHKkTK, Uhir.r. The National Bank, UK .Vlfiw' flKfiUli;, N 0 ifiOOBPUavarai 186B Oapits i , $100,000 98.168 OIBEOTORf J AS A BB7 THOS DaHIKLB Ohab BLJA J H H AOKBURS, J no Dnnit. L Habyst- Q. Q. Robbktb, E. K. Bisiior. Taos. A. Oaaaw, ptm. U. E. Pov. (laahler. WM. UOM, Vua-Hraa. H. M.Ukovm Teller riTmTTi T nt t vrrr or . . up Tar r i, ) kt IKJ A Q1!B1AL BANKING BDHINKSB. The iaeonntaof Hanke, Bankera, Corpora tion., Farmer. Merchant, and others rc etlTed on fkTOrabl terma. Prompt and ra(al atlentlou given to the Intereatof onr enatomera. BOAKD Or OIHIOTOKa Perdlnan i rjlrieta, J. A. ateadowa Hnuel W. Ipoi-a, flhaa H Pow -it. K II Mendowa, Ohaa. DnrTf.Jr Jii f, KMilmtnd, ''llfi. He'.'-Hli:pln lUf II 'in, I uo A . tlrMii, O K. Po .; wiiiini ifunn, B W. -inn! I wood O. O- (ireen. . THB Farmers & Merchants Bank Began business May 1891. Cspltal Stock, paid in, $75,000.00 Snrplnn, ... 5,000.00 Csdlrlded Profits, 8,500.0o DlTldosdsptld, . . 10,500.00 OFFICSB8 : t- B. Cutler, . President. 7f, 8. Chadwick. - Vice Pres. r. V7. Diwsr, Oaahier. A., H. Powbll, Teller. P.F.Matthrws . Collector. - With well eatablialmd connootions this Bank Is prepared to oOor all accommo latloni eoutiiitent with cnnoryatlve Making- - ' Prompt snd careful attention uiwan to lolleetiona, ' W will be nlAAJUi to nnrrnniv. nf) wit.h Mioee who may contemplate makiDfr . ihADges or opening new accounts. BOOK STORE - AHD sStaiiioxxery. - Blank' Books, and new lot Standnrd Works of Keaownad Author. ; ' Prayer and Hymn . Books, Ladles Parses, Pen's, Pencils, eto. Also, Lata Papers and Periodicals re oeivedd ally. ; if; J J , 10tf MAN WELL & COOK, Engineers, Hachinists & Blacksmiths : Make and repaia Engines, Boilers 8aw Mills, Oris Mills snd Pumps.: 8team boat work of all kinds. - . Repair Inspirators and Injectors. Qas, Steam and water : pipes 6tted In, in all their branebes. H" :-:-;; ? Bhop between . Ios Factor; ' and Freight Depot of A.. & N. 0. .1. R. (dwtf) , . -'v ;x x.V -s n n i o. 'TTM A PtTVTf Fnr St r sin boppHt O' "nn. writ t- . w "o hare hftrt n. su i ' f t t' ,i . A iturtHinri K iit iii "tl I ntrriH nd tiow to otv '. A ino a cft;:tiiueoi at&da a nfiit tMti. ABiprit nii, am ! til "I b:sf iu Uie r. lit ir. .Titrlsj i ni l. i- Of 1: ... , , , . , . . . , , . , . - A Castoria. " Castoria !a ao well adapted toehfldran that I neopnod Saatupariorioaajpnaeriptiaai known to me. n. A. Aacan,lL D, III So. Oxford Bt - nrooklfn, K. T " Onr phrakfens In Um children's depart merit ha apoken hitf "7 of their expert euce in their outakle practics widi Caatorti aiid although w only haw aroang 01 J medical aupplles whiU la known aa reguLi producu, yet we are free to confeaa that tha tiK'nu of Oafctoria hai won ui to look wlta favur uiton it., Ukitbd MourrAL and Dispsmsabt, Boston, Maaa Au.n C. Rarrn, Pnt , STEAMERS, lORFflli, REWBERH & WASBIHGTOI DIRECT LINE. 8emi-Weekly Trips. In order to mftk mre eon Yen Ion t mid oi.oiiilottl nne or ihe vcttgit now mploysd la -h North Ufcrollna aervlOA, miU ttiui to Rotter Serve the Iaterests of Shippers, lh. Clyde Ltne and Old Dominion Hleam hln Oompany have eonelnded t meria tbflrreapec ive ilnea between Newhern. N. II. and Norfolk. Va. Into one line, ttiu. gly inv paaaenxera and truoa atalppera tin re trlpa ach wee I- between Newhern and orrolk W.tlilDf Ion. NO ADVANCE IN RATES. un nd after MONDAY, OOT. I(UU 1KVI iDtll rnrtberaotlea. the Unoir NEWBERIE. Cipt Sonthpate Win aall from Norfolk, Va.. for New Kerne every Monday and Tbnnday dlrcel, "lunmi un wim the At anile and North Carolina KallrOad. IDi: the W.tAr llna.nn K.' . Trent river. Ketnrnlng, will aall K ROM NCWHKRN for NOHKOI.K. Va. VI. Rmn, k. I.l. ..., Tnea a) 'a oort Krldaj -a at 1 i. m.' amainR connection at Norfolk with IIHMd Hay Line, Tor llalltmoro. The :th ,ine, lot I'hllHde'phl', Tbe 11 Itopunliiu 4iei.niuip Co.. for ,ew York fli- Mei tnanta'and Mlnera' l.luef r and BoalOn. and The Water Line. f,r too, D. 0.,and Rlohmond, Vs., thna slvlna . H water route to all Northern nd Baatern polsta. i eonneeuoa maae with the O. A O. R. K., B. 4 O. M. B. and N. W. K K. for tba WaaU raaaentera will And a aood t.hi. ni,L able rooma, and ererr ooturteay and attan. Hon will be paid them by the offloera. Order all food., care of M. M. W. Dlreot liion, noniia, va. KALPH SKAT Aa.nt. E5- o. id: Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Kaat PaaaenRsr and rrelRbt Lin batwMa Kaitern North Carolina Polnta.and all eon nvonoDi of in PBNHSYI.VABIA SUILROAD, IHOLDOIHO New Varkt Palla4.Iphla, NJorralk, Bal tlaaare, Rlchnaawal and InMb. The OHILV Tri-WMkljr Ua Oat w.w mrat. THK NRW AND EliKOANTLY aXJUIPPIC.. ni&AHf.a Baila ,.om Raw Barn HON DA 8, . WBDHBMATI, :'i ritiDAVs, AT 4 P.SSM BtopplDK at Koaaoa iaiand aeb way and luruiDi eiuaw oonneovion Wlin Itie Norfolk A Konthern Railroad at Eilnhath City and ta Not folk and Wee tern Hmuroad atMojfolk. - , ! The Kaatarn CarollnaDI'teta Un, eoo alatlng of tne Btr. Nana. Norfolk aunlhern n. n., riew iotk, aoaana norroik H.K., tnd Penneylvanla R. B., form a reliable and eanlar Un, offerlnc anparlor faeilltl for ulck Daaaecgwr and freight t raneportatlon, no Lrau.ier xoep at aiiiaaoein uity, at which aolnt frelabt will be loaded oa emre La to through to deetlnatloa, - street all (ooda to b ehlppad win Baatara Jar oils a Ulapath dally aa follow.: From new xora, By ranna. K. K., nr 7T, North RlTeT. i - from Philadelphia, by RUla W. and B .to, B.R.,Dook 81. station. . T i rrom Baltimore, by Phlla WILi aad Hallo. B R,Prealdnt8t. Station. Krom Norfolk, by Norfolk Honthem R.B, From Boston, by Merehanta Miner Trana portatlon Oo.; New Tork and New Knit land L R. .. ajTKatel a low and time qnlekar than by ny other Un . - For further Information appiy ' i : - - W. H. Jovoa (Gen'l Frelfhi TraA A(Mt, P, K. B.) General Traihe Agenb dan. BTBPHBifB, Dlviilon rrel(ht Agaat P W. A B. B B., Philadelphia. B. B. Oooew, Oen'l Freight Acrai,, R. Y. P. A N. R. R., Norfolk, V a. O. Hddoikd Qenml Frelaht AKMtt R, S R. R., Norfolt. Va. - OKO. HKRDBRBOR. A teat .; , o -iw ,.-. ' NW Barn. N. O. vV a. s i sVVw.'w'j a it h r r I . . . I I an.u 1, ent eusmess condueutl lor MoocaaTC Ftr oua orncr i owosrrt U; 9. pTtwr omet nd we on secure paint In leaa time than ihoae remote 'rom Washington. ( ' F 3nd model, drawing of photo,, with decnp-i Hoj, We advise, ))lcnlbla or not, fro ul; clmrre. Our I ! not due till nulenti. secured. , a ..w.Mirr "Howtn'Jbioia Patenis, ' witli cosl ol same l.i the U. and loreacountiM., ;O.A.0nO7.GO. . pep wnTtur Orncc, Washington. f C - UflUt I aaid "Tomorrow I" ooo bleak windy d.y- Tornorrow I will Hre my life anew" And still "Tomorrow r while the winter. To spring, tad yet I dallied l.y the vr, Aid tweet, dear tint tint still held nte M their swat; 'Tomorrow P i Mid, while sgninter dayt wore through, "Tomorrow V while chilly autumn round me drew And so my soul remained the tweet ain't prey, 80 pat the years, and ttill, perpetually, I crj "Tomorrow I will flee each vile Tomorrow, auiely, shall my tool ttnnd free, Hafeltoi the tires roicea Uiat beguile ' But death mitt by me, with s mocking smile. And whispers 'Tea 1 Tomorrow, verily" Philip Rourke Mamtmi Til K SHU UF LOVE. r. I. BTAI.".0. Galea that Llivt ibr sliipi away Over li'iiuvs ol loncatmie sea, fcarob the drenry deep to-da; Willi Luvu's wandering aliip to me! Bnt the wimls reply: "Wc roam the sky And wo trouble and toss the sea; And thy Love'x ship Bails Where the black niylit wails, And comeH no more to thee I" Stars (lint liolit tlie sens nlnr. Where the mists and miuiiiinv lie: Blend your beams in one irreitt star I.iht Iaivc'h tviinilerii.o $bip to me I Mnt I he ftdrs reply "We light the sky, Far over the lonely sea; . And thy Love's ship dreams Where no bright star beam, And comes no more lo thccl'' MARSHAL MACM.i.O: A Brilliant Soldier But Li ck i ; Great Crises. MucMuhon was a si.rcii .rn nf :i class of warriors who, in fvcry n;; -, bive apprarod in Finnci'. iiimI of whom the highest by far may r haps he found in Vrivinytorix. the opponent of Ca'snr. The qualities these fine soldiers possessed in com mon are quick intel licence, un daunted courage, admii able skill in haiidliiijr troops in the field, but withal little wisdom in the greatest crises, a somewhat overstrained sense of honor, and a certain weak ness when brought to test by ill fortune. It is the character of the Gaul, through all his history; it was seen in Bayard, in Francis I., even in the Grand Conde, and very i i early in Ney; and it contrasts most strik ingly with the less brilliant, but mors solid and far more, useful gifts of trie men like the heroes of Nassau, Turenne and Wellington. The training of the marshal had a direct tendency to bring out what was most-attractive but least stable in a disposition of the kind, and to exaggerate, not to correct, its de fects. He was an Algerian soldier until he had reached mature age; and if this school of war fell in with his daring nature, made him excel in bold and daring feats of arms and fashioned him to heroic exploits, it unfitted him for the duties of supreme command in the great scientific war fare of Europe, requiring as they do profound intelligence, corrtpre.hen sivencss of judgment and real strength of character. MacMahon's checkered career is an illustration of this; he was an ornament of the Algerian army of France; his capture of the Malakoff shows energy and skill; his march on Magenta, if not very brilliant, was well conceived and completely successful. But when brought to the test of war on a great scale, and opposed to a man of the power of Moltke, the marshal proved a con spicuous failure, and his conduct was a series of disastrous errors. He fought ably a gallant fight at Worth; but he ought -not to have fought at all, and his subsequent retreat shows want of Insight. Scottish Review. Oa His Adsjoe Fiecly. Lady Ahl how fortunate that we should happen to meet you, doctor. Do you know, we have been suffering some time from from I think you term It congestion of the brain, and, besides, we experience (Treat difficulty in walking.-1 What would you. advise us to take now? i -.' Doctor A cab, ladiesj a cab! Da gensNyheter., . J 4 SbJloh'i CounptkHS Care. Thia ia hammd niaaatlnai th mat ueoeMhil dough Medicine w have -ror aoia, a raw aoae invariably aare the wont. patf Congh,Uroup and BrOnnhitia. sa-hila ita orniinhl mnMa iashe ear of Consumption It without a parallel ia the aiatory tot mad bine. Sines its first diaoovery it ha bum told on a iraaraate, a tMt whloa no other OMdioiB eaa.ataad.Mf i yea hare oough waaaraestly ask yeo. ta try it, Prioal0o.,60o,aBdM. If year lunn ar aor, oheat. e hack lame, ate Kii- loht Potoea Platter. , Bold by Nw aern,orng uo. .'-t . .., 4 -y.r;.; i ! il Don. 'puV'too fine a soot to jont wik for: fear it' should &t I k "CI ! When Wbea' toby was ak. we gaw br-tkatorav he ana a Child, "be onad tor Caatoriav m nw attm, iSw rluna; tn faitsra la. aa had Children, aba gavalhaea Oaatoria. Witea r. i I: Childrea Cty for Pitcher's .Casiorji Childreif GrV for Pitcher's Castorla. C!.:.'-lre.i.Cr'for Pitcher's Castoria. rn,-iCr; :.r r;:.' -r C 'r 'x 5wSasjjts ' 'MawBaMawS The standard price of Victor Bicycles is f 125.00. No deviation, and Victor riders are guaranteed against cut rates Uuring the current yc.i. OVERMAN OSTON. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAOO. SAN rnanciaco. W. D. HARRINGTON, A Faiorlte for Coughs and tolda. "Chamberlain's Congh Kemedy it the best medicine for colds and cold we have ever told, sayg 8. Keel & Son, of Coal Han, Ky It e favorite because i' can al ways be depended upon. It loosens a cold, relieves the lungs and el ects a permanent care. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy it freely given, as it liqae Hex I he tough macas and makes it ensier to expectorate. -" and ,r0 cent for sale by J, V.Jordan Irug gixtt. Tho avarice of tho miser is the grand sepulcher of all his other passions as they successively decay. An Old Song When .'iiint lived in : 1 1 n ieul linieM. in;; heii;h. inv buy, siim ho! In ;;oil old Kni:lainl, or t'oiviuTi i-liineN, Sim; heisjli, inv bev. ins ho! Thev eamoil tiling with :i hi'h i l I liaud. Nor Mtronu, nor weak, could Won- them stand, And they killiil whom lhr iiliii-xl throughout the land, Sin' hei'jh, luv hoy, injr ho! Hut tiie giants didnn't have things their own way when Jack-tlie-Oian'-killcr arrived on the ncne. You re mmbcr the Btory. K-collcct, too, that every age has its giant-killer. We have our giants in the form ot all sorts of dread dinnases, Nupiioscd to be inourablc. Our Jack in in the fovm of Dr. Pirn co, who has proven the expression "incurable diseases" to be a fallacy. Can you imigine more potent weapons to lisMBt a wo man in killing the giant-ilim-um:, than Dr. Picroe's Favorits Prescription? It's the only guaranteed remedy for all functional disturbances painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses ol womanhood. In female complaints of every kind, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, yoo have your money back. It's simply a question of the company yoo prefer the Giant or Jack! A person is always startled when ho hears himsolf seriously called old for tho first time. dhiloh 'a Oatar.'i Remedy. A marvel ous oure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, snd Beadiiche. With each bottle there ia an ingenious naaal Injector for the more sucoeeafnl treat ment of these oamDlaiat without extra ebareo Men are generally more care ful of the breeds of their horses and dogs than of their children. Croup and Whooping Cough. I have three children wiioare sub ject to croup, and have' found that Chamberlain's Cough Jiemedy will cure them quicker than anytiiing else I can get. If you do not believe that this remedy will cure ;he erup, do aa I did, try it and you will ssou be convinced. R. M. Chatham, itawey. Illinois. Whooping Cough is alao deprived of all dangerous conseqacnoet when Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy is freely given. There is nothin equal to it for cither of these ailments. For sale by J. V. Jordan Druggcrs. Trust not him with your se crets who, when left alone in your room, turns over v. Mir papers Chamberlain1 Eye and Bain Ointmoot Jaa certain cure for Chronic core I'.ves, Granulated Kye LirK Horn Ni Jiles, 1'ilea,, JUaeroa, -letter, i" Kheum and hcalrt I lea a, 25 cenis per boi, Fx sale by druggists. to horse owmnts. For putting z horse in a fine healthy con dilioA try. Dr. Cady'a Condition Powder. They tone up the syxtem, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorder and destroy worms, giving new life to an olu or over worked horse. 25 cents per package. Fox sale; br druggist Sold ny J V. Fodaa, New Berne &. C The- (rem cannot ba polished without friction, nor man per fected without trialsj : If - It -r ko rrT k'r B OTTLt. I - ir is nth H 1 f DBUIifll ITS , , - :: liX; M'rt?.:?r-! : T -.i I pi-OBejmX' s" 1 4 ?3 w-. , . i ,w 1 WHEEL CO. DSTSOIT. denvcm. Art. New Berne. N. C Walk boldly and wisely in the light thou hast; there is a hand above will help thee on. How a Chicago Man Was Cured ef. Rheumatism. Mr. John Hall, ol 92.15 Com mercial Ave , Chicago, met with a serious accident for which he used Chamberlain's Pain Btlm, Ireely, with the beat resolts. But now,'' sajs Mr. llall'-comes the best part of my story. Poe many years I have been quite a sufferer from rheama tism, with stiffness of the joints. Since the application of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, all symptoms of rheumatism have disappeared; in fact I believe that it has banished every trace of rheumatism from my system." Foi sale by J. V. .lordan Drnggist's. He draweth out the thread of his verbosity finer than the staple his argument. Answer This Question. Why do ao many people we aee around uaaeem to prefer to suffer and be made miaerable by indirection Constipation,, Lows of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when forT5o. we will aell them Shiloh'a Vitalizer, guaranteed to oure them Sold by New Bern LH-UK Oo. Most men, until rendered saer, will opinions tiy a wager. by losing buck their Par Over K'rtr tun Mus. Winbixiw's Soothing Syrup has been used for ohildren teething. It joothea the child, soften, the guma, .lla.s all pain, our en wind oolio, and is the beat rem&ly for Diarrbuea. Twenty- lv oenta a bottle. Sold by all druf leta throughout the world. Slander is coward, and defense. the revenge of a dissimulation his The Population of New Herns Ih .iliout nin thousand, and we would say at least one-half tire troubled wil'i some afTection on the Throat and Lungs, na those cniilaiiiU are, according to sta tistics, more numerous than otheis. We would advise all our readers not to ne glect the opportunity to call oa their druggixt and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal aam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial one f me. Large bottle 5c, and )1. Sold by all druggists. War is a game, which, were their subjects wise, kings would not play at. One of Mr. Jordan's Excellent IHedl lollies J. V. Jordan, Druggist's sells a preparation for rheoinatism that has performed some remarkable cares. Frank Shepardson an engi neer on the Southern PaoiBo By., who reildea at Los Angeles, Oal., was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. lie was treated by several physicians, also visited the Hot Springs, bat received no per manent relief ontil he nsed Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which is the snedicine referred to above. He says it is the best medicine in the world for a"henmatism. F he BaWflsomest Lady In New Berne Iinia44red tn a friend the other day that be koe iKmnp' llalsam for the Throat and Lunn sa a muwrlor remedy, as It 'stopped her aif!i,'h instantly when othet ooucrh re3euia,ii(l no enecc wnaterer Bo to prove tliU aud oonvince you of its saerirany druggiat jrlll give you a aam 4a Bottle free, uare sise duo. anai. I HAVE OS HAND A LARGE LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYh OVERCOATS. AlsSO A ' nnnt t tuti? ltOTB 847ITS.' WHIOn I WILL SELL AT X. Y. COST. Come early and get jour choice. A. J. SMTH. k Nov7 Middle 8L . a..a.1 ) -i in in..' '" COMMI8SIONEE'S SALE.'. Pnnnuititn a Aeeree and iraer. of the .Sn- neriorCoart, otOntreB ceanty In Mrtala mllMi for aal for Dartltion. entitled Joaepn i. tiaan, tb owuim a, AnMtwwv and John afatthewa, I wlU aell at tho Conn boose aoorva meetiy 01 new Bwnro, w un hhrheet bidder tor oaeh, on Monday the Mth dv Ma mat. at the a our ol is o'clock at. the following deaorlbed lot, aa aet oat and de scribee tn the peuuon niea in saia prooeea Imm Iwinn.lml and deaorlbed aa tollOwa: T.tttnir iuiiI bAlne aituate tn the Cltv ot New BemeTstate ot North Carolina, beginning a the Northwest oomer of lot number 368 on the nuih aide ot Oneen atraetarHl rannltur thenee anathwestwardly to the Northwest corner ot lot number Sfi, thence eastwardly to the southwest eorner of said lot number 6S thsnoe aorthwardiy tothe beginning on Qusen street. n out 01 April, liw. OWK H. UVIOH, Commlaaloner. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF Eastsn Norm Mil Marble Works M E W BERNE. N. a Onlera solicited and given proper at muuon, with aatiafaction Ktiaraulecd. KAIIjKOADH. Atlantic t N. C. Eailroad timk 1AB1.K XO '(!, la F.ITtf H H 00 A. Id 6. IbW. Mooilav tlx-., OoiVdEasT. SoHiuoLa. OoiNd Wisi No Paiiengar Trulnn. No. 4. Ar. Lt. Stations. Ar. Lve. Qoldaboro 1 1 10 am La Orange 10 !2 10 2b Kinaton U 48 9 r8 New Berne 8 17 8 forehead O1I7 am 6 47 lOHtDOLK OolNO Wksi No. 2. Mixed Ft. p na 8 20 8 &6 8 5 4 25 4 SO 5 50 5 5D 7 28 am QOtHQ El AT No. l.t Mixed Ft. Paaa. Train am A SO 6 87 7 06 7 80 7 30 7 48 7 hi 8 11 8 80 8 60 8 65 0 1ft 10 01 10 81 10 36 Stations. Ooldaboro Best's La Grange Falling Greek Kinaion (jaewnll Dover Oore Greek Tusoarora Clark's Paaa. Traic. 7 25 p m fi '.'4 B34' 5 54 6 04 6 24 5 30 1 20 "5 ro 4 00 46 8 25 S 40 2 54 R 00 2 24 2 80 2 08 218 10 32 1 30 41 9 46 88 9 8.1 Holl 004 B 17 H 27 8 00 8 05 7 47 7 f 7 17 77 U 00 11 05 11 17 11 41 12 15 8 00 Newbern 8 87 8 42 Riverdale 8 48 8 60 (Jroatao 4 08 4 IS Havelork 4 87 4 42 Newport 4 61 4 55 Wild wood 5 01 5 01 Atlantic 5 18 5 21 Morehnad Pity Atlantic Hotel 5 81 p ti liorelioad Depot a r MoniUy, Wednesday nnd Kr!dr tTaesdar. Tharadav an : Halurda .I Train I oonneotn wtlti Wllmln :li Wel oa Tratn biuinil Norm, l,vln. d boro 1 l:.V,a. tn . ami with Hlr'i inoti i ,v l.lllH I'Hll llle Train W. HI . 1 avlng (1. I ,la. .1 . : . tn. Train mmnrntt wl lit Klf'htnonil A liar llle Train, arrl v In t hi 11 .lri.ilii.ri. Ii I . p. n nd wtlh Wllmlncton a Wliloll rrln trni the North -l 2:6S . in H. L. DILI., 811 oorititHDtitiiit- TIMK TA IIIjK NO. I, To take eff.iot .Inn., 'JiKh, l.Hili, at 6:00 a. 111. SurierHmling T;um Tahiti No. .'I, Dated flow '.v.i.i. Qoinq South, wiiikdi ij-. (I.UM.NOHTn No. 1 Passenger Trains. 'No. 4 Wilmington, Newbern & Norfoll Railroad. , -sai-E" u Lve. A. M. Stations Ar. P.M. 8 40 New Heme 5 45 9 18 ar. Pollockerille 5 07 Karen wood 9 33 MayBvllle 4 5'i 941 White Oak 4 42 9 511 NortheaHt 4 1)2 10 06 ar laokaonvilla Iv, 4 19 10 08 lv " ar. 4 17 Jarmane 10 21 Verona 4 04 10 Vt Oedarhurat 8 r7 10 89 Folks tone A 46 10 48 dolly Ridge 3 :1T 10 55 Edgecombe 3 39 11 04 Woodaide 3 21 11 06 Annandale 3 17 Cyprees Lake 1116 Hatapetead 310 1135 Hootta Bill 3 01 11 80 Kirkland 2 55 1186 Bay mead 2 49 11 48 W.Sea Coast R R.croai 'g 3 37 11 55 Wilmington Lve. 3 30 NO. 8 PaSSENOKR AND FrIIGIIT No. 2 Lve. P. M. Ar. A. U. 3 00 New Barns 12 00 8 50 ar. Pollockeville 11 10 3 55 RaTenawood 11 05 8 10 IfaysYille 10 53 8 33 White Oak 10 40 8 85 Northeast 10 28 8 50 ar. Jacksonville lv. 10 18 4 20 It. " ar. 9 83 4 37 Jarman's 9 16 4 86 Verona 9 96 4 46 Oedsrharat $ 56 5 00 Folkstone 8 48 5 15 Bollyridge 8 81 5 86 Edgecombe 8 SO 5 86 Wood.ide 8 08 5 43 Annandale 8 03 5 48 Cypress Lake 7 56 5 63 Hemp lead 7 53 6 04 Scott's Hi!! 7 40 . 09 Kirkland 7 88 . 16 Bay mead 7 85 8iaw.8a Coast R.R. oress'g 7 10 40 Wilmington Lve. 7 00 Dktly Exeept Sandaj. H. A. WHITING, , I. W. M&RTBNIB. Qasral Manager Osa'l Vralght and Passg. Aft, Boot : & Shoe-Maker, 151 Sooth Front St Hear loot of Metcalf St OoitinaM Patronage.' ot ; old frifinds, and new oaBtom aolioitfd. Prompt execution of il! orders. : Repair work given special atten Uoti. ::v.v NOTICE Contractor! & Builders. We will continue running onr saw Biill at Dover and will manufacture all kinds of rough nine lumber. We will make a'specialty of framing bills, and heart lumber em to order and res pectfully solicit a literal bare of pub lie patronage. Can cut 40 feet lenn,.. Prices quoted on application. Respectfully, HINES BP OS.. Dover, N. C. mch 9 tl Jm wll Ths I Iatiicl ul--1 o tli. rt'l. tfix .-at II 'i- titt . M - ii i i,, I Kxt'iii-i nl on or In I I.jiiit hu duly -tHtt ttt lit nry 't it - Uiat he re I unit in art thr t- i- t prt?itt lulv HUtllfUtl .1.- if.f il iUy ot uill ) pli-sul iuulifi-l it Kv linn 's nil in n .1 Oh io tin in !. Ir id in l.t -.1 i,-,-. Hi -hi i. pt. .i i III l. liiv . I . -tali- uiii'.t pay IMMH.I.1V. I In.- Il T It' i ii' N i .Mi.n ti :ll-i KlKST-dLASS BARBKR8. l lt'il'. W II. SIIKI'AIU) and bis "oni.ri.'iit assiAtauU iu tbo tuusorial ait will 'jiv.' yuu a .0.1 jol. hhJ will pay M ru k f i trillion tn hU l.ruu. Ims of hair- CU! t UILr atl.l hliu Iti. t?5" 1 .1,.- in., u call, A: ' t.tii!i House Bitrtwr Shop. Tonsorial Artists. TI 13 tONSOlli.A i. I'STAKLISH M KflT ol TIMOTHY bOW.No.i III Middlo Htre. t is now prepared to do the best of work "1 its I inf. Expert l:oip, fiLarp razors ami polite attention, llnir cutting a specially. First Glass Barber ShoD ItltlCK Itl.f 0K. MIDDLE ST. Nearly .ippusile BapliHt Cliurcli. Aii.trt luentH it.'Ht and tidy, and oolj Tim; .-tent :t.--t;int.s emplnyed. Kirwl t.atli rooMia ouiincctoil with idlO.H II. L UaiSKS, ileeu Proprietor. ELLIOT & GREEN, Hair Dressing Parlor. Curofiil al t out i hi ivtr. tt nil branobdfl f tho biisjnt'Kri. Oliiliiron'rt (iittin a Hpcialtj Dr. E. C. Weivt s Nerve and Brain Treatment aiilti-n 'imrniilt-n, )y autbor -in -;ik MHiimr); Ims of r; I or-t hnihihHl: iiulrknASMf In pnld untl.T kii-iIiv llrnin mid N-n 1 i iMmtii-; Lin k f CiufltlflDCti: aSlM'.nn-IH' ; I al-r itit I 1 1 j 11 1 1 1 1 ; lfrtnl lVwr in iMlh-T M'i, raunat.1 b r-iii fi, or Kxt-4-st-ivn UkO of of tlm (IfinTfti i . t (M-fuii tiTr-'(rUt'ii; VnuiUful Tnhnrix. 0.tuin nr J,lcin Dtl"1l. Ili-'llitlv nml IloMlh llv moil 1 ti Ui; fi for l"i, wiih written fimrnntee U cure or n-futirl n.y. TS'l-SCl ICHII H . KIT. A trUln i.-r v.ntiL'n'. t .n-t, ABIhtiHi, Jir..iH liHlrt, Croup, itHtlaf 'HIKll, Hul l) TMriHlt. I'lDttrtlint to tk. Win Hiuill ili-.'oiifiiiiicil; ul.l, rii. pizM, iinw 'inc.; old F. S. DUKFY. Sole Agont. Druggist and 11 DR. HUMPHREYS' New Specific No. SeYenty-Seren FOR THE CURE OF GRIPPE Willi nil its pyniptoms of Infl.iennt, Catarrh. Pains ami SorrtPfis in tlm Head nn.l Ch.'st, 1'imnli, Soro Throat and pintriU Pmstrnticin and Fevor. Taken early it cuts it Bliort protinilly ; taken durini; its pmvidoniv, prevpnta its inva sinn; taken wliilo sufferinp from it, a relief is speedily realized, which ia con tinued to an entire cure. This beiii a New Remedy, if yotvr Dmp&ist will not et it for yon, it will be aent prepaid on receipt of price, 85x, or 5 for Jl.ixl. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO, Cor. William X John Su., hew York. IE BRUITS FOK fclTHlE 8KX. Thh iwilf hn injgctsKl dirMlr f Uw MSkt stf thio diaasw ot UxJ OwoiSavDriaVaTT 0 fstaa, raqiur no rtwnc mt slstJl m ttansMMta, mswenritj or fxtatmem mfe b ttk ItttMMUf M AS A PREVENTIVE it I, ' i I nulii it da;Wliiw vita OoaortfeM nS Ota s sf W Jt !. tautiai(. F. S. DUFFY, Druggint and Sole Agent. JACK. I offer the services of GAPT. JACK for the coming: eeaaqn at my farm. He is known for hia superior colts, they, having : re ceived tlie highest, premiams at the several exhibitions of the East Carolina tair?'vf He stands 15 hands high and is very docile.' - J03. BTEVEKSG, m n N EWN LIFB

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