fer ft if 1 ft 17 hat ig xt,.-j..v.k. t nfciftj'- i.-mV-iii" - -iti, itmt r-nnfcfMTm mmum Timri if Curia 1 Dr. tUuiuel Pltchera prescription for IafltnU . od Children. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor ; other arotlo pnbstaoce.' It Is a barmjeas substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It U pleasant. Its enarantee is thirty years lis by , BUluons of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevOlshness. Castoria prevents -vomiting Sour Curd, cores Diarrhooa and "Wind Colic Castoria relisvea ' teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. : Castoria assinvates the food, regulates the stomach : and bowCla, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cat : ' tori ts the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend, Cartoria. i OuMto Is aa smellent awdioloe for ehO M Mothers aavarepeeMly told sie of Its o4 affecj upon ai oaUdrem." - - i .. . , " Dm. 0. 0. Oeoooo, ' : . -t. '. '. Lowell, I'll Cafcorla Is the beA remedy for children of rhlco I u acquetSed.' 1 hope the day it mot ar dtatant when ndMl wttl oosdJar the real Marat of their children, ud me Ciatarla In- ' ad of tbevsrionsqaac aoetrtnflswoleh ar ' Jeatrortaf their W.ed one, by fore in opium, : eorphine, aouililTit syrup and other hurtful gents Sows their throats, thaihj sendics an to premature grave" ' .-.- .. -- Pa. J. F. Xmnn, . . A v Oneway, Ark. Th Oatawr Company, T7 Murray Straet, Hew Tevk City. 'BANKB. 1. 1 BIT1H, fit. TIOS. DWIKLo.TiM Pres. M MERIT, CM-lw. : The - "National- Bank, ; OF IIEW BEBNE, N. 0 I OapitaV - $100,000 irpin p.-alT,, - 98.168 :L-".w- Ua, 4, m?b ' Thos DaMaxa . Ohaa l; i J a HaouuBii, 4s Jso Dr vi.- L. HaBTir Q. H. Roberts, ' E. K. Bishop. Taoa. A. QacsS, free WM Ovnm, V'ae-rree. O. tX rat, Oaahler. H at. UBOVas.Tellar CITIZEN 8' BANK 'T-' V'-T"0 A OBIBBIU B ISKINQ 8DBISBSS. . - ' The Aeooonuof Banks, Bankers, Oorporm ; i- - : tlooa, Farmers, Merohants and otners re e.lred on favorable terms. PMmpt and earefnl ettentlon siren to the Intereslof oar ' .-.'.?'': anstomers. r . ,r-... .C. v.-... - boabs or pisbotoiis ' FerdlnanTJlrloh, . J. A. Meadows. . Kemoel W.Ipoek, ' Cbas. H. Fowler, William Dnna, B. W. Bmallwood, ' . Oen R. Its r 43, C-Green. 8. H Meadowa, ' , Chas. Duffy, Jr. ' Jai as Kedmood, Ohaa. ReteenstelB ' - Mayer Behn, Thos A. Green, O B.royJ ' Farmers & Merchants Bank s 'y- Bean bosiness May 1891. . ; Cspltai Stock, paid in,." $75,000.00 i narpiDS, 5.000.00 UndiTlded ProflU, - 8,500.00 . 10,500.00 Presideai, Vice Pres. - Cashier. Taller, ' Oolleotor. Dlrldodds paid, - - i ornosBs: t 8. OCTUCB, X ff. 8. Chadwick, . --j T. V7. Dswsr, a H. Powill . F F.Matthbws With wall established connections this J Bank U prepared to offer all scoommo. Utlons oooalsteDt with e nserratle ? - Prompt and oaretul attention given to : tol lections, f " - We will be pleaW to oorrespend with : those who may contemplate making thaoges or opening new aceounts. BOOK STORE ANP stationery. 1 - Blank Books, snd new lot Standard Works ofKenowned Authors. Prayer and . Hymn Books, Ladles Panes, Pens, Penoila,tfc , ' i Also, Late Papers and Periodicals re oelTedd ally. , ; ; Wtf ; UANWELL & COOK, Engineers, Machinists & Blacksmiths.: Mk and repais Engines, Boilers Saw Mills, Oris Mill snd Pumps. Steam fcost work of all kinds. ' Eepair Inspirators snd Injeetors.: na. Rtnam and water nipes itted " 1 . T in. in all their branches. VV ; Phnn hetwenn Ice Factory Snd rrdi 'lif. Tlflnnt of A. & N. 0..H. B. r r r r,r a Castoria. - Osatorla b sa well adapt to eUkbsa that I roooruDand Samrparlorloany praorlpUoa kaowa to Be." . - S.A.Aaaan,lLD 111 Bo. Oxford St-BrooUTB, K. T. "Oar physicians la tba ehlldrea's depart mast hare spokaa slaT1? of their expert nee at their oataide practice with Castoria, aod although we only here among on medical supplies whel Is kaowa as regulat product!, yet wears tree to oaf eat that the merits of Castoria has woo of to look wtta (aror opoa It." Usrran HosrrrAL ass Diamaurr, Boston, Haas ausa 0. Bam, Prat , STEAMERS. NORFOLK, KEWBEKX h WASHIIBT01 DIRECT LINE. 8emi-Weekly Trip In order to make more convenient aae economical nee of the veeeele now employed to the North Carolina service, end thns to Rtter Ssrri the Interests of Shippers, be Clyde Line and Old Dominion Pteam. hip Company have eonelnded tn merae their reepeoMve lines between Newborn, S. O. and Norfolk Va. into one line, thus slv- lnc passengers snd trnek shippers three tripe Men weer between pewoern ana -oriolM wsshtDrtnn, HO ADYAKCB IN BATES.' en end after MONDAY. OCT. lain 1CHJ mm farther aoUee. the Sinner NEWBEEXE, Ctpt SouthaU Will sail from Norfolk, Va.for New Hern every Monday and I'hnnday dtrtot. makinc eonnaouon with the Atlantis - ' and North Carolina Railroad, end tba water lines on n ease and Trent rivers. " v Ketnrnlng, will sail r KUI NKWBKnn roi NORFOLK. Va.. via Koencke Island wharf. Tnesiav's and frldav's at 1 a. m. masina eonneetion at norroia witn l'heOlS Bay Una, for Baltimore. .The Clyde une. ror rauaaeipnia, xne uia uomimon Swamablp Co., for New Tork, The Mer- uante' ana Miners- uns rr rroviaenoe ana Boston, and The Water Ldnes for Was' lnr ion, D. 0.. and RUhmond, Vs., thns ilvins en "11 water tout to all "ortherv nd Km! era pouts. - ntwo oonneo'ion m.ne vita ins f R.B.A O.H.R.audfl A W. R K for tbs Wsst. ..-.- resseniers will And a rood table, comfort able rooms, and ererv eonrtesy andattea. tion win Da nam tnem by ire otn oere onter an aooos. ears 01 , N W". Dlreel iu, nonoiK, va. ftALPaORAT Anent. Eastern; Carolina': Dispatch. fast Passenger aad freight 14ns hetwaea S NZIW" BIQB.M"I!I, : Eat tern North Carolina Points, and allooa .--,- . neeuooaoiuia . . PKKSSYI.VABIA BA1XROAD, , r XBTOXtrniB0 V," Hew Terk rhUadeIphJ,rlarrelk.Ba tleaere, Rlchmea aad aatoa. , The tLT Trt-Weekly Lljte Oat v --. ' Sew Berate. -.- " . - Tl RXW AND BI1BOANTI1T HTJlPPaT BXaiAMAlS it Balls ..om New Beras ' ViOlfDAlS, VBDMUATI,! aW-T -O. P.XkX., Stopping; at Roeaeae island each way and forming eioee ewnntioB witn :h Norfolk t'onthera Railroad at Elisabeth City and the Norfolk and Western Railroad at Norroik. . , - rne Kaatem OarolinaDlavateh Line, eon' sietlna ol tne 8tr jeenee. Norfolk Boothern tfc, tt new ion, 1U'4 ana LoriotK z. n,, end Pennsylvania R. R., form a reliable and esnlar line, offering superior facilities for jnlok paaeesger and freight transportation, No trenafer except at Elisabeth Olty, at which point rreignt win se loaaea on ears to 20 tnrongn loaminMwn. Jlreot all aooda to be Shi pped via caatara Atollea Dlspath daily as follows: a-rom New York, by Fenna. R. Ru rler 71 N Art It River. Prom Philadelphia, by PaJuk. W. aad Ba.ta. R H.. lHMtHI.HtAUOQ. Prom Baltimore, by Pblla., W1L sad Baits. ft R., rresldeni B. rjcaiion. u B ... 1 W kaVmhlkflilflthMI R W Prom Boston, by If erohante A Miners Trans. portauon (JO.; new loraananew ems 'ana Si- Rates aa low and tuna qoloker then bj oy other line ' V. H. Jotcb Oen'l Prelfht Trarhs Agent, p, R. R. ) Gvneiai Tramc Agent, -tjso. Btkphkns, Division Freight Agent p W. B. R. B Pbliadeipnia. B. B. Coosa, ben'l FrelKht Agent,,. X. X D a IV R U Norfolk. Va 8. 0. Hodoiws General Prelaht Agent. N, , B-BnNorfolt. va. quo. HNDERON, Agent V ., New Berns. N. 0. 'I .: 1 r ! (.,nvpli,and I ratlc-Mork.nma tieil.an hi business contiucud lur wflor9i 1. (irmt n CO81TI u. s ht, .,ti rr ; .1 we can snire r neat in lcai, Uu.fi aiu . 'rom V nhl' i'ion. J- :u.i g of pi-x, e-ith 1-"w-rtn- lalcr'rti. e ot not,litWI hie till p'Ur'i ii sf. inni. t r to'ji- . 11 I .-..us ' '!! U e advise, 11 pa 1. area. Our I : not (I' . D.umtr, "llo.fto t 11 unit in il U. a"t " . . r- ' " J ? e . r Omct, THE JOURNAL ; , IEB TAKCE U DEAD. . , if ' Bow strange the aoood U Und ying is ftm J Immortal memor; thrrj came. a proa oct oi nis own, nu sauvs soil. ReTrrewrd and loved by every son of toll Zeb Vanes I The very same is honor's -" wa its loyalty into all bearta-have grown; No other titled name, in koeor ken. Coo Id e'er supplant this simple oogno- . men. Bis asms was synonym for nope and song, For beei and laughter, and for truth so stroatr. The pet, the idol of the Old North State A beartAil man whom none could ever bitr. A sterling, gr n'rousJiearted friend, Sincere and honest, faithful to the end. I But now 'tit true that o'er bit restful bed His native pines will whisper, "he it detdl' 'Neath beavrn's g'Tit rotunda, laid id stslr Will lie thib I on. si, ma? go true, so great, And o'er him nmna't obesequlct will roll, And cbsnt t requim for hit noble soul Iu many a little school-house, by the way, When lessons shall hare ended fur the dsy. The pedagogue, with awe, will bo his bead, And tell the children that ,-Ztb Vance is dead." And home, witb voices huehed and awed they'll go, And tll, with wondering, the news they know; The very cow-bells catch the strain so dread, Aod alowly dole the news, "Zeb Vence is dead." And when his life's good angle shall have brought Him safely to the paradise be sought, And led him to the threshold of the gate- Not long the servant of bis State will wait. Nor Governor nor Senator will lie The signal or the rank ol his degree; But loud bosannaa, Welcome, welcome home. And loud the welkin ring, Zeb Vance is come I Edward A. Oldhtiin hi Charlotte Ob server. At First : . Penelope (triun.;.!i:i 1' last nlffht that .l.-n .i v,., lit'ail over ears in love with rax. Grace (lealouslv) You cuiiuot be lieve all you hear. Penelope No, but I should not won der if there was something in it. Orace Why? Who told you? Ponelope He did. Vogue. Alweys Carno True. Little Dlck--Does wishing with a wish-boue ever come true? Little Dot I wished ten different times, and it came true every time. Did it?" 'Yes. I always got the short end of the bone, and everybody said wouldn't get what I wished tor, and I never did." Good News. An Eaey Race. I've heard," said Farmer Corntos- Bol, as the conductor of the accommo dation train called for his ticket, "that ye her a good deal of trouble with peo ple thet try to beat ye. "We aa" "WelL I should think thet it ud be purty easy ef ye don t go no faster'n this." Washington Star. Too Tlvtd a Rendition. M. Pianothump I hear yon achieved a brilliant success on yonr last concert tour. The papers say the audience was frequently affected to tears. Mmc. Vokal-t-Yes, Indeed. Why, sometimes when I was singing "Home, Sweet Home," half the audience would get up snd rush homeward. Chicago New -: - Not Taken aa Be Meant It, , ' Miss- Highflier O, Mr.. Sappy, how nice it was of you to name your new hunter after mol What Is she like? Young Sappy Well,, she's a regular stunner; Miss Highflier.3 Not-much to look at, don't-eher-know, but very fast. And he cannot make out why she is so cool to him now. Vogue. - A CLEVER DIPLOMAT. pita William I don't want to go- lot anrjpoee that ugly old-" woman should slo ths dogs on ? . V l sk ,' J. -J i Dusty Khodes Tell her you, called tq see her mother. mek. -v - -T i . ' 11,1 1 1 :"-'il. 1 'X " . . rtnaaetal Iteaa, -. . 1 want to know when you're' going to. Bay this bill, l ean t be a-runnm here every day Is the week," said the collector to Dudley Fewscads one morning recently. ' ' . ' . "Which day would suit you bestf "Saturday," v..' .-.. . , ' ': MWell, then, you toayf eome very 'Saturday, from now on."--Alea: SweSt, ;ln Texas Sittings. ; -x f She Had Seea Him. Toev .' ' Donald (after the baU) Ma l eall on Jrou occasionally, Miss Lester? " We seem as old friends. Have I not seen you before? ' - Miss Lester (cuttingly) Yesf you saw mo hanging on to the strap in the oar one day last week 'while you were sitting down, Vogue., . ; AoeordlOE to Hie Light. ; "IIow do you like that colored valet yon imported from Alabama?" "Me won't do." '" h "What's the matter" " ' k "I told him last nijfht to get out what I needed for the ball and he brotK t rripy raTior' Life. . ... " i et VICTORS are" Standard Value. The standard price of Victor Bicycles fa 15.00. No deviation, snd Victor riders are guaranteed against cut rates during the current year. OVERMAN BOSTON. MEW YORK. PHI LA DELPHI A. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. W. D. BARRINGT0N, A PaTorlte for Coughs sad telds. "Chamberlain's Oongh Kemedy is the best medicine for colds and colds we have ever sold, "ssys S. Keel & 800; of Goal Ran, Ky It s s favorite because n can al ways be depended upon. It loosens cold, relieves the longs and ef- ects a permanent care. Whooping (tough is not dangerous when this remedy is freely given, as it liqne ties the tongb mucus and makes it etsier to expectorate. 25 and 50 cent for sale by J. V.Jordan Drag- gists. The first of the new in our race s story beats tne last or the old. An Old Song When giiiutx lived iu ancient times. Sinsr hciL'b. inv bov. uns ho! In good old England, or foreign climes, bin" heiirh, my bov, nng ho! They carried things witli a high old hand, Nor strong, nor walk, could before them still id. nd they killed whom tbcv nleaHeil throughout the land, Sing heigh, my boy, sing ho! Bat the giants didnn'thave things their own way whoa Jack-the-Gian'-killer arrived on the scene. You re member the story. Recollect, too, that every age bus its giant-killer. We have our giants in the form 01 All sorts of dread diseases, supposed to be inourable. Our Jack is in the form of Dr. Pierco, who has proven the expression "incurable diseases" to be a fallacy. Can you imigine more potent weapons to ast,ist a wo man in killing the giant disease, than Dr. Pierce's Favonts Prescription I It's the only guaranteed remedy for all functional disturbances painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses ol womanhood. In female complaints of every kind, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, yon have your money back. It's simply a question of the company yoa prefer the Giant or Jack! Excess of grief for the dead is madness, for it is an injury to the living and dead know it not. rlbiloh's Catar.h Remedy. A marvel ous oure for (Jatarrn. uipntnuria, Oanker mouth, and Headache. With eaoh bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more suooessful treat ment of these oomplaints without extra sbarge The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man per fected without trials. Croup and Whooping Congh. I have three ohildren who are sub- jeot to croup, and have found that Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy will cure them qutoker than anything else I ean get. If yoa do not believe that this remedy will care the croup, do as I did. try it and yoa will soon be convinced. R. M. Chatham, Dewey, Illinois. Whooping Oongh is also deprived of all dangerous consequences when Chamberlain's Oongh Remedy is freely given. There ii nothin equal to it for either of these ailments. For sale by J. V, Jordan Druggers. ' He who has never been tempted has little right to boast of his hon or bis honesty. Chamberlain's Bye and Skin Ointment Is a certain cure for Chronic Bore Kyes, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, l Eczema, Tetter, Salt Khenm and .Scald Head. 25 .cents per box. Fcr sale by druggists. - - it.-' m 10 EOXSI OWNEKS. ' For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try. Dr. Cady'a Oondition Powders. They tone np the system, aid digestion, cure loss of ametite. relieve constipation, correct kidnev disorders' and destroy worms, giving new lire to aa old or over worked horse. 2i cents per package. 1 or sale by druggist Sold ot JT. V. lodan, lew Berne U. 0 ...... vl w - l 1 -, v Four thousand.million postage stamps were issued bj tne U01 ted States in 1898. - ; : ' aaaSaaaaaaA POCrNTSPrq -OTTLt. "f Ylli.lf l" 4 Him, wvS4 nn e iv Dqo;r..-.T. e I ( I ' .1 " X - ComtkiniutiUw T . ifi.-poejiu-y v- X 1'fficacif e WHEEL CO. OETSOIT. DENVER. Art Hew Berne. N. C The hours we pass with hap pv prospects in view are more pleasing than those crowed with fruition, Hows Chicago Man Wu Cored of Bheamatlsm. Mr. John Hall, oi 9235 Com mercial Ave., Chicago, met witb a serions accident for which he nsed Chamberlain's Pain Balm, freely, with the best resales. "Bat now, says Mr. Hall "comes the best part of my story. Fot many years I have been quite a sufferer from rheuma tism, witb stiffness of the joints. Since the application of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, all symptoms of rbeamatism have disappeaied: in fact I believe that it has banished every trace of rheumatism from my system." Fot sale by J. V. Jordan. Druggist's. To be a man's own fool is bad enough; but the vain man is everybody's. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around ueseem to prefer to sutler and be made miserable by indigaation Constipation, Dissinees, Loss of Appetite, Oominc up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for75o. we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalize, guaranteed to oure tham. Sold by New Berne orug do. Our greatest glory is never falling but in every time we fall. not in rising Ver Ovar P.njr Years etas. Winsuiw's Soothing Sybup has been used for children teething. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, -.liars all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty- vr oen is a bottle. Hold tj an Sru rists throughout the world. janOdotwlr The Population of New Berne Is about nine thousand, and we would say at least one-half are troubled wit' 1 some affection on the Throat and Lungs, ss those complaints are, according to sta tistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all onr readers not to ne glect the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial ooe free. Large bottle 5(c. and $1. Sold by all druggists. Life, I repeat, is energy of love, divine or human, exercised in pain, in strife and tribulation. One of Mr. Jordan's Excellent Medi iclnes J. V. Joe dan, Druggist's sells a preparation for rheumatism that has performed some remarkable cares. Frank Shepardson an engi neer on the Southern Paoirlo Ry., who resides at Los Angeles, Oal., was troubled with rbeamatism for a long time. He was treated by several pbysioiang, also visited the Hot Springs, bat received no per manent relief until he nsed Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which is the medicine referred to above. He says it is the best medicine in the world for rheumatism. Strength is incomprensible by weakness, and, therefore, the more terrible. fh Handsomest Lady In New Berne Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as It stopped her oongh instantly when other couch reaiedies nad no efleot whatever. So to prove this and convince yoa 01 its merit any druggist win give yon a sam ple Bottle tree L.iree size 500. andSl. I HAVE ON HANH A LARGE LINE OF MEN'S AND BOIb . OYERGOATS. ALSO A GOOD LINE OF pots' smiiifwiticii:i will SELL AT N; Yi COST. g Come early and get your choice. v A J. SMTH. . ; Na 79 Middle St.;; v'i ' ; - . COBiMISSIONEK'3 SALE. Pursnant to a decree and order. At the .Su perior Court, ot Craven County In a certain proceedings foe sale for partition, entitled Jmnnh I.. Hahn; TN " Hannah A Watt hewn and John Matthews, f will sell at the Court noneeuoorintne-euyoK new nemo, 10 me hiKhest bidder tor eaeb, on Monday the Mth day ot May 18M, at the hour oi la o'clock K. the following described lot, as set out and de scribed In the petition Sled in said proceed ings, bounded and described as follows : Lvina- and being situate in toe City ot New Berne, State ot North Carolina, beginning at the Northwest eorner of lot number SN on the South side of Queen street,and running thenoe souUiweetwardly to the Northwest eornei ot lor. number S74. thenoe eeatwardtv to the eontb weet eorner of said lot number 309 thenoe northwardly totbe beginning on Queen street. Xlils vtn aay 01 April, inv. . , , . QVTim. tiVIOh'i (MBIalSetanaw. N JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRICTOR OF ESStBTl-'NOirGplill Marble Works MEW BERNE. N. a QaslfHw Jfi Orders solicited and given proper Motion, with satisfaction guaranteed. RAILROADS. Atlantic & 11 C. Railroad TIME TABLE NO 20, In ErTest 6:60 A. M. 6, lb93. Monday Sours East. Bohsddlb Qoinj Wcbi Mo. 3 P asssnger Trains. Stations. No. 4. Ar. Lvt, At. Lve p as 8 30 8 66 8 50 4 85 4 80 5 60 5 5") 7 88 p m Ooldsboro La Uranus Kins ton New Berne forehead City 11 10 10 82 9 48 8 17 a m a m 10 25 9 58 8 30 6 47 Ooma 818T. No. l.t Mixed Ft. ft Pass. Train toasooLB QOINQ Wkhi No. 8.' Mixed Ft. Stations. Ooldsboro Pass. Train.' 7 85 p m 6 8 4 6 34 k 6 80 6 57 7 05 Best's 7 80 7 80 La Grange 7 48 7 6 Falling Creek 8 11 8 80 Kinston 8 50 8 56 Caswoll 15 10 08 Dover 6 54 6 04 6 24 5 30 4 80 " CO 4 00 4 IB 8 ?5 3 40 2 f4 8 00 2 84 8 30 2 08 8 11 10 32 1 80 U 41 9 46 W 88 83 8 69 V H 8 17 8 27 8 00 8 03 7 47 7 5i 10 81 10 86 Core Greek 11 00 11 06 Tuioarora 11 17 1141 Clark's 18 15 8 00 Nevbern 8 87 8 48 Riverdale 8 48 8 60 Oroatan 4 08 4 13 Bavelook 4 87 4 48 Newport 4 51 4 55 Wildwood 6 01 5 01 Atlantio 5 16 5 81 Morehead City 7 17 7 87 Atlantio Hotel 5 81 p x Morehead Depot a m 'Mondey, ftedneaday and Krlday. 'Tneader. Taaradar an Hatardar 7 0' Train t ojnneota with Wllaalntnn a Wei 10a Train bound Noun, leevtDg lios boro il:55a. m., and wltn Richmond A Dan ville Train West. 1, avlng Qoldaboro i:.i.i p. m. Tram S oonneoti with Rlohmond A Dan ville Train, arriving at Qoldaboro 12.1;'ip. m. and with Wilmington a Weldon Train from the Norlb l J: 55 p. m 8. L. DILL, Superintendent. WiliiiMon, Mm TIMETABLE NO. 1, To take effeot Jan., 29th, 1891, at 6:00 a. m. Superseding Time Table No. 3, Dated Nov. 19, l.S3. GOINaSOCTH. 8CHKDCLK. GOlNuNORTH No. 1 Passenger Trains. No. 4 ' & Norfoli Railroad. Lve. A.M. Stations Ar. P.M. 8 40 New Berne 5 45 9 18 ar. Pollooksville 5 07 Ravenwood 9 83 Maysville 4 52 9 43 White Oak 4 42 9 53 Northeast 4 33 10 06 ar Jacksonville Iv. 4 19 10 08 lv " ar. 4 17 Jarmans 10 91 Verona 4 04 10 28 Cedarhurst 8 57 10 89 Folkstone '8 46 10 48 Holly Ridge 3 87 10 55 Edgeoombe 3 29 11 04 Woodside 3 21 11 08 Annandale 3 17 Cypress Lake 11 16 Hempstead 3 10 11 25 Sootts Hil. 8 01 11 80 Kirkland 2 55 11 86 Baymead 2 49 1148 W.SesCoastR.R.oroes'g 2 37 11 55 Wilmington Lve. 2 30 NO. S PaSSEliaiR AND FBSIGHT No. 2 Lve. P.M. Ar. A. M 8 00 New Berne 12 00 S 50 ar. Pollooksville 11 10 s 55 Ravenswood 11 Cj5 8 10 Maysville 10 53 8 22 White Oak 10 40 8 85 Northeast 10 38 8 50 ar. Jaoksonyille lv. 1018 4 20 lv. " ar. 9 23 4 87 Jar man's 9 16 4 88 Verona 9 06 4 46 Cedarhnrst 8 56 5 00 Folkstone 8 43 8 15 Sollyridge 8 81 5 26 ' Edgsoomtw 8 20 8 86 Woodside 8 08 5 48 Annandale 8 02 8 48 - Cypress Lake 7 56 5 88 Hempstead 7 52 6 04 Boom's Hi!! 7 40 08 Kirkland 7 88 16 Baymead 7 25 6 81 3W.Ra Coast R.R. cross g 710 40 Wilmington Lve. 7 00 Dafll Sxeept Sanday . . a. a. WBrrnto. i J. W. KABTIENIS, General Manager i Oen'l Frelcbt and Passe. At. INT. Boot & Shoe-Maker, 151 Booth Front St., Near loot of - i-' - y MetflaltSt. . , -1 . Ooueinaed , Patronage . ol old friends, and n cuBtom eolioited. Prompt ezeratlon of all ordera. i v Repair work giren ipeoial atten- tion. NOTICE Contractors & Builders. We will continue running oar saw mill at Dover and will manafactars alt kinds of rough pine lumber. We will stake a'speeialty of framing bills, and heart Umber cot to order aad res pectfully solicit s liberal thereof pab lic patronage Can cut 40 feet lengths. Prices quoted on application. Respectfully, HINlS BROS..' Dover. N. C. mch 9 dim wit. .rriji-. The un.l.T-itfit.'il ualir)i-,l u. K.- 111. rt. iiu.'H' ami In i.-li quirva Hi I n-rw nUtl'DI 111,- .,; I M till 111 IO III,' -,,.! i-lll,".!. tor ia in. nr , Mtirvh. t'.r . I-. eil In bitr ol ri'ini . t I H111 1,-1 Kane lien duly nil tin- t-Htate ol Henry iriv,-. notice Uiat he n lim linr r lit i ma ajrlnet lur r - i.mrle to preeent . . uior .Inly auUienll 11 ..1 I.. i..i,- the II day ol l.i. nut). . will be pleal- IVrton. in. 1, . 1. .1 i,, ai,i ,.ia! must pay without .l,-hl 1HMU I ANK. I: Hi., 1 in ll .'.1.1 K i-ciiTor. in-. Attorney, , I St. Srw II.' , V ( l F 1 K S 1 ' ( ' 1 . A H S 1 i A 1 i B E R S . I'ROK. W II SHEPAKI) and bis competent iis-immiIs m the tons rial art will iive jnti u L'noil job and will pay Btrick rttetr.ion to nil brnucbes of hsir cutt inir and llAvlt. Z e me a call. At liaston House Harber Shop. Tonsori&l Artists. THE TONSt.lU A I, KSTAHLISUMENT ol T1.MU1 11 Strei-t i-i in. best of orl. F.XIicrt I r HO v , No.i 10 Middle pi . nnn i! In do the lt line. i.)iarp razors arid polite r . -lining a tpecialty. I attrllln 111 First Class Barber Shoo l'.KICK lil.iK'K. MIDDLE ST. Nemlv i'i'i -'V.te t'..ii.ti.st Cliurcli. ,, Ainu tui'-i 1 tidy , and ouly lorni'Mem , 1'inyeil. First i ! - I. rli r nn ciiuocled witb II. 1. IIa.NKS, Proprietor. HllOpB ilivf, ELLIOT & GREEN, Hair Dressing Parlor. Careful attention iv!. to all branches of the businosa. Ohildreu's H.iir ('uttin a Spocialtj NEW LEFE Or. E. C. Wests Nerve and B-ain Treatment is mild uu.ler "-iliv. vii n:. ti u'tiii) .nit'p, by author ized admits t'liL', t i (tiu! W. i li Monmrv; Ip o Ilraiu and N.im ,w, i Mimh.xnl; gui-'kness; NiKht Loi'-; hii lir.-iiin-; I.mk of OoiifMeuoe, hrvonsn.-; l.n--itti.i-; ml Ii:,:m-; J oss of Power of the Gi'in raiu o (itL--,i- u oni! r wi,rHUrMd by over-fmrUoii; V-ui lif-n J.rrr-, r !-'.iv-siv( le of Tobacco, Oj.itini t.r 1 i-ni-.r, whi h nn lead to Miser, Cou-uii'!n '1. 1- mly m-A lenth. By mail, a Nix; 6 fur t-K iUt v. u L'nurnntt'H ut cure or refund money. V1 I' s t m till Hi 1. a certain euro fur Comrhe, t N, A i !tnn, I'.r- n hit i-, Croup, Whooping C.iiicfi, S r- 'Jin ..t. l l.-a-nnl tot-uk.-. Rmall size di- -ui :ipi" f: oM r,. 'in-, mm old ti elze, now 5uc. oi AJ;A.vn.r i u.-d '.;. t.y F. S. DUFKV, Solo Agent. Druggist and DR. HUMPHREYS' New Specific No. SeYenty-SeYen FOR TH'! CURE OF GRIPPE With nil a symptoms of Influenza,. Cntarrii, l'-iius and Soroness in the Head ami Chi't, Cmiuli, Sore Throat and genmil l'Mstr.itiun and Fever. Taken early it cms it slirt promptly ; taker during its pi - -1 u--. prevents its inva sion; tnki n w in!.'. MifTerinp from it, a relief is spenlilv n- liid, which is con tinued to an ontii- i-iire. 'J'his heini? n New Hemedy, if yonr DniRKist will not pet it for you, it will be sent prapaid ou receipt of price, 25c. oro for$l.(H). HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Cur. William & John Sts., New Tork. a es nAHftaM fea irmi six. nia leai & ironi-5jtaiB, iixi diiiir th. Lt IMIelta tboMdiMMoruKiawtomtiaairei. I f .11., imiuirM no cfcuiija ef Sit ar D.awoiu.nraaruior psMDeiaM. kinto Uliaa attaiaaUa, Vaea AS A PREVEHTIVt breittirtxHlfli wKbOiil aMtOla. VeV fa JflaaarStaaailB8t.. NEXT! 77 P. S. DUFFY, Druggint and Sole Agent v it ' JACK. ;j ---i,--u. -si--i w-t--v-' . .-v I offer tbe !. services of CAPT. JACK for the coming seasoa at : 1 my farm. He is -known for nis superior -colts,' they having re- : oeivedhe;, highest premlonlS at the several exhibitions ofthe East ;s Carolina Fair.; viT , v-'t v He stands 15 hands L igh an 1 ii very docile. "" . . - 4 Jos. STEVError, , ,-.:.i.u..Ml(iiik.i . v - ,- 1 V Ui.J-'.v1! .