What i m mm m m mm m w r a . a mm b-jbm k . f. ' m x M i m. IV I II If a a s f j fiwst 3 f - mf i i T'-x t y Cas'orta U Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants . and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute .for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrup, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guaranteo Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays ferOlsbncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relisves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla asslm!!ates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowCia, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas tori Is the Children Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. J Casuals Is an fTl'"Tl medicine for chll , M(Ahm hare rerx-illy told aim o( iu IMd eSeCt npuo "telf children " Da. 0. C. OeoooD, Lu well , l.ad.. Cea-orta to the hmJi remedy fnr rliiMn4i of .'hick I am aeqtalj.Sed. I hope the Jay u r.ot ar tlhrtfi' when motors will notui Vr t he iral Aterestof their children, ad J wv i .-.ton nn- ad of theTrkmquar nostrum win, h.ne J,troiof UleirW..ed ones, by form:: uj.jinn. norpaioe, soulling syrup and oil,, r hurtful emu down then throats, there! ) fuJi:.,: jMb to gtamaturr gree." Da. J. F Ki - nil ir, IV -; . Ark TkS Contanr Coiuj . FIBST-0LA33 BARBICK8. PROF. W. H. SHEPAHI) and his competent assistants in tho tons rial art will give you s good job and will pay stride ftten'.lon to all brnnches of hair outtln? and sbaTini;. tS"flive me s oall, At Gaston House Barber Shop. Tonsoria! Artists. THE TONSGRIAL ESTABLISHMENT of TIMOTHY BOW,No.H() Middle Street ii now prepared to do the best of work vi its lint;. Expert fceip, sharp rasors and polite lieniion. taair eutiiug a speeiuiy. First Class Barber Shorj BRIOE BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Baptist Church , ' Apartments neat and tidy, and only Competent assistants employed. First class bath rooms connected with hops, h. l. banks, deo Proprietor. ELLIOT & GREEN, flair Dressing Parlor. Careful attention given to all branobj of the business. Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty H.. Hall, BOOK STORE AND Blank Books and new lot Standard Works of Kenowned Autnors. ; - Prayer and Hyinu Books, Ladles Parses, Pens, Penoils, etc ": Also, Late Papers and Periodicals re eeiTodd ally. 101 f MANWELL & COOK, Engineers, Machinists I . & Blacksmiths Itke and repaia Engines, .Boilers Saw Mills, Gm Mills and Pumps. Steam boat work of all kinds. Eepsir Ingplrstori and Injectors, Gas, Steam and water pipes fitted in, la all their branches. - , Shop between Ioe Fsctorj and Freightt)epot of A. & N. 0. R. (dwtf) ' ' f ,vj FATS TRADE MARKET , COPYRIGHTS, nil OBTAIN A roipd oDinion, wi 4 n,,whohYehd anrt Bttl e ti f. :;rsmAii.v.is: i v .nt'erninit rWB" y- - i free. Aluoe eerii" no book aentfree. 1 'nl53" ;. and , ..t wide y airnrethe enWiowitb . a inVw'tor. This liilld paper, ''?i.XTlydrated.ha,byfcth. , ,n of any sclent, ' 5 mtliTT. Si.SUsyear. Viry nnnrTTer contains U.n ..,l,,rT and plinrnermphs of new '"iireonntrarte. Adtj Xohm, Sol BaoauwAT. is Castoria. " Caatorta ! so well adapted to children thai I recornieDd It aaauperiurtOaUiy pr.au iption kuowo to rue," n. A. Aaceea, M. D , 11 1 So. Oxford St - Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our piiyiciiu in the children's depart merit have spoken blc'r of their expari eure in Uieir otitakle practice with Castoria and althoiiih we only have among on nietiir! supplies ihit is known aa rnfruLj product, yet we are free to confeaa that the ini'nu- of (Castoria hat won ua to look witn f.iri.r uooo it." I'NtTKU HOAIMTAL AXD DlSrEltSART, Itoaton, Ida&a At-Len Smith, iVrj . Tl Jurray Straot, How York City, STEAMERS. E3. o- id: .Astern Carolina Dispatch. t-aal Fasftt-nKer and Prelgbt Line between KTSXrCr BEIII.N'E, Ka-tern North Carolina Points, and all con necllora of tha PKKinHl'LVASIA RAILROAD, IKOLUDIHO j ork Fhlladalptila, Norfolk, Hal tlinnre, ltielintond and Hoclon. THi I1.Y Trl-Weekly Llae Out Sew Hern. NKW AND ELKOAfJTI.Y Kttlll t'PK.. HTKAMKK T I TVTsa.1 1 Salla ,.ora few Bern nonnits, WEDKKSnAVS, FHIDA ITS, .A.rr 4 r.ivi.. Htopplnie at Koannaa laiand aaoti way and tormina oioae cooneoiion with lua Norfolk A i-outhern Railroad at Kllaabeth City and tne Norfolk and Weatern Railroad ar .Norroia. rna Kaatern OarollnaDle"jUih Line, eon slating of to Htr Nanse, Norfolk Buntbern A. R,. New York, l'h'la. and Norfolk K. R in,l Pennsylvania h. K., form a reliable and egular line, otTrlna superior faollltteit for inlck poaser;or and freight traneportat'lon. No lr4iifer except at KllBabeth t'.lly.at hlcli point freltHt will be loaded on oare to o through to destination. fLiireot ail cooaa u oe snipped ! Kaatern Jarolma Ulspatb dally aa follows prom new iora by Penna. K. H., Pier 27, Norm mver. From Philadelphia, by Phi la., W.'and Bs.to. B. R., Dook St.SUtlon. From Baltimore, by Phlla., WIL and Balto. R K., President Ht. Station Krom Norfolk, by Norfolk Bonthern R.R. irrom Boston, by sfarehanta A Miners Trans portation (Jo.; New York and New Knfland tt. R. S Kates aa low and time qolekar. than by ay other Una for rnriaer inrormaiion appir - W. H. Joros (Oen'l Prelsh n& rn raine Agent, P. R. R ) General Trame Agent, Kino. Stephins. Division rrelgnt Agent. P W. A B. K. R.. Phlladelohia. B. B. Oooks, GenM Freight Agent., 1". Y. P. A N. K. R., Norfolk, Va. H. O. UonoiNS. Oeneral freight Agent. N, 8' K. R Norfolk. Va. (JSO. HKNDKRaON. Agent New Berne. N. 0. ' IT IS ABsounur The Best SEW1N9 - MACHINE MADE WE OR OfJB DEALERS ean sell you machines cheaper thaa yoa eaai get eleewhara. The NEW Bonal la oar heat, has we make cheaper ktaaa. sack the CLIMAX, 1DBAL bbS aa other Illgh Arm Fall Nickel Plates! Sewing machines for $15.00 tag uav Call oai oar agent or wrlto vs. W waat yoar trade, suaal If price, term and eqaare dealing will win, wc will have It. Xr challenge tho worU to Srodnee a, BETTER (fiO.OO Sowing; aehlne far tSO.OO, or hotter t0. Sewing naehlne fhr gSO.OO than J9m can har-frona no, or oar Agent. . TEEIEWH0IBSEIDICI1CBEEC0. Auiiaasonoa.Ou. AsunwOA. , ' - rOHSALK BV . h ttaln. Sto Pnln. nwnti smnn, Pre tiy tlnire. A 1 to 4 Day Care for aotfOSKHOM. Uum, LitocoaHHOtA, spKRKATORaHab,an4 nil Dnneaiiny Bexuai a . , oM 9M,.W.nf All Venereal Mliaatai At Uruggllta, or aeni w any muvwmm taleellM Halyaor Is "TIIK. Bt.s f of aB tlmuar raniadlea. na.nn atalySsv BMk mmtrntmrntmrn. oases . a., . CaTeats,andTtilo-MsTlrobr!ined.arK!ll Pat ent business eonduoteil tor MoocaaTC rtta. oua omci rs Oeeosire U. 8. tcnt ornet md we a sienre patent iu lets Urn than thoee remote Torn v isamiii-o. .i.,,, - Pd model, drawing ot photo., wit demtp. itte. We .TT. 1" WawSIst "iS; to Mi -i-aiema. " with 'east cS aaSeTit U. & and forn oouauwa c.A.snow&co. .,rT OmCC. WHtNBTOH, O. CV money willria -,' SKBa mm TILE JOURNAL IV T WlXPZKSEflE. ADELfc X. BliW. "Until we next agaia, " O dearest one, I clasp thy band without s kiss, a tear, A low-breathed sigh H reiki thro' thy lips sod echo from my own. And in my soul I feel it ii good-bye Good -bye that mesas ODmeamred dis tance roll Between as sod the life that might hare been; Tbat means the teparalioD of two souls. A paradise we maj not enter in. "Until we meet stain," thus let it be, Nor yet dispel the illusion brief and sweet, I could not fiamc the words good-bye and know Tliat never here strain our hands would meet So let it be 'twas like a dream of heav en; Tis ended we saaken in the bour e looked into rncli others eyes aiiu felt That mighty .uwr That draws congenial souls in nearer tourh. And spite ol iluuh tuakee sunxliin in one spot, That spot to each is where the other K Tho w..rld forgetting by the world for- We know we love; we know it data not be; Forget 'tis so forget the moment's pain Hope, love, nor kisses are for such as we, But juit the simple words "Auf W'oder sehen." UNBELIEF Thprn is no unbelief; Whoever plantr a seed benilli the 3od And waits to see it push awny the tuxi- 1 1 o tnists in (rod. Whoevc- says, when clouds are in the sky. 'lie patient, heart; li'lit breakctli by and by. Trusts the Most liti;li. Whoever whs 'neath winters held of snow The silent harvest of the future ltow, God's power must know. Whoever lies down on his couch 4o sleep, Content to lock'cach sense in slumber (hep Knows (lod will keep. Whoever says. -To-morrow," "The un known,'' The l'lilure" trusts that power alone lie dares disown. The heart thai looks on when the ulid close, Anil dares to live when life has only woes Cod's comfort knows. There is do unbelief; And day by day, and night, unconclously The heart lives by that tailh the lips deny Oml kuowcth why. far Over l"ty Taara Mas. Win blow's Boothino avsuf has bean uaed for children teething. II soothes the ohtld. softens the gums. 'ilaia all Daln. oursa wind eoliu, and IS the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty' Ivm cents a boUle. Sold Dr an arus lsts throughout the world. jaaBdftwlr Scratch yourself with your own nails: alwavs do vour own business, and when you intend asking for a service go to a person who can appreciate your merit. Oh, What a Conrh. Will yoa beed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure spproaoh of that mora terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if yoa ean afford for the asks of saving. 60o., to run the risk and do nothina? for it We kaow from experience that 8h lion's Cure will Care yoar ooagh. It never reus. Ante Dletns vbv mors tbast a Million Bot lies were sold the past rear. It relieves eranneand whoo Dinar ooagh at onoe Mothara. da not ho wltnout It. ror Isms baok, tlds or ekast use Shlloh's Porous d taster. Bold. By new xwrnw Orac Co Great men are thev who see that spiritual is stronger than anr material lorce: wiai thoughts rule the workl. Dvspepsla ssd Liver Coaaplalnu la is not worth the small orioe of 75o to free vemrself of avorr syjnptom of tbeeo distrsesniK complaints, if yoa think to. call at. our stora aad get a bottle of ShUohl Yitaliser, swory bottle has a printed guarantee oa K, ssa aooowtiagly and if It does yoa no good it wUi east y oa nothing. . SoM T New Berne Drug. (J . Man ia an imitative creature, and whoever is foremost leads the kord. Ball. Him tp. Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Atlanta., Ga., had aevere dvsnertaia. Phytioians and r. a ... . vr all ether remedies lauea W oore aim. Hs, triad Tvner's DvsDeDsis Uemedv, and afterwards writes: "The first dose rave relief. I 'recommend It as tns best dyspepsia remedy ever discovered. I have gained flesh sines using; ' it, I volnntarilv recommend It to all: svi- ferers with' stomach troubles." For sale by druggists at S0e per bottle. s Write it on tout heart ? that every day is the best day in the Tear. No man has learnod any thing rightly, until he knows that every aay ib uoomsaay. A TavorltB for Congas aid Colds KJhamberlala'a Congh Betnedy in th best medicine for colds and ooldawehave ever sold, ny8. Ka1 & Son. of Goal Ban, Ky. It ia a favorite because 15 ean tsl way be depended upon. It loon a cold, relieves the longs and f feota a permanent care. Whoopitifr oough is not dangerous wbea this mmedv Is freelv eiven. as At Uqae lies tha tough mnens and makes it naainr tn eiTnectorate. 25 and 50 cent "for s:Je by J. V.Jordan Drug- gists. '.'. SHALL YOU RIDB Victors are the leading bicycles of the world the best If you want the greatest amount of enjoyment you must ride a Victor. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. OSTOrS. NSW TOSH. PHILADCLPHIA. CHICAGO. SAN MANCISCO. W. D. BARRIETGTON, Atrt. New Berne. N. C. I could hardly feel much con- flddnce in a man who had never been imposed upon. Croup snd Whooping Cough. I have three children who are sub ject to eroup, and have' found that Chamberlain s Dough Kemedy will cure them quioker than anything else I ean get. If you do not believe tbat this remedy will cure the croup, do as I did, try it and you will soon be convinoed. K. M. Chatham, Dewey. Illinois. Whooping Cough is also deprived of all dangerous oonsequences when Chamberlain's uoogh ilemeuy is freely given. There is nothin equal to it for either of these ailments, for sale by J. V. Jordsn Druggcra. Sav not you know another, until you have divided an inher itance with Inm. We have a speedy and positive ours (or catarrh, diphtheria canker mouth and beaoaohe. in 3C!LOB U CATARRH RKMEDY. A nb;Al injeotor free vltn each bottle. Use it if you desire health ano -week breath. Prloe 50o. Hold by New rjrna bra Co We all bear the misfortunoes ot other people with an heroic constancy. Some Foolish People Alio a cough to ruu ur,li! it gets beyond the roach of medicine. 1 hey often say, -Ob, it will wear away," but In most cases it wears them away. t.,ouio mey be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold at ajpoaitive guarantee to cure, itjoy wouia immediately see me exconeui miutmi taking the tlrst dose. Prioe 50c. and Trail size free At all druggists mar2'.Jdeod i Ma oninvea much who 18 thankful for little. A grateful mind is a great mind. PRICE BO CtNTS aER BOTTLC. HI tf vaiiAin iroMTit uti. rna) rtlf nv DRUGQIST8. 0 i Life and love are made up of trifles and most of these are sacrifices. Vh-n If 'hy was sit!;, we rrav hr- Castorla When slw was a t'hllj, sliH.n.sl Mr Castoria. Wbna .-.In- iv-fnini. Miss, i.Iip rlunu to CasMria wav rtie had Children, she Rare them Castoria, bhfldren Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria, Children Cry fer Pitchers Castoria, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. it twnntv vears of aee, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment. Chamberlain's Bye and Bkin Ointment Is a certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, Piles, Ecaema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and Scald Head, t5 cent per box. For sale by druggists. TO soman 0WHKK8. jfm mittlne- e. ham Is a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's CondiUon Powdeis. Tkr tnna no the system, aid digestion, cure loaaol appetite, reneTo wuitMij v. . VM A anrders and destror worms, giving new sue iw v-- , . . oeiilanerDackagn. For sale by druggut" Sold ov.J. V. Jodan, Hew uerne a. w MAGNETIC NERVINE la twaatael e eon Nervous Prostra tion, r ire, uuii ..... Haadaohe. H.uralarln aa4 In omnia. Oiaatea. kiaMa la the aje of to- haonk. ooiam. aleoaol. ul In diiee Uoas, anngiaa taue BtKE - AffEr Dlllty, "'epiaja naaa. SSental Da- nreeaion, 0'nf2,A"aiSViMg laaia ovir b j ear aaaata. GEO. V7. GAlsKILL, Ifey Berae, N.O. Ja in 5 muuites Mficacy X 1 r I", ' J SI T ... TUB BEST? OITSOIT. DINVt. The highest exercise of charity is charity towards tho unchan table. One of Mr. Jordan's Exrellont Medi- Iclnes J. V. Jordan, Druggist's sells a preparation for rheumatism tbat has performed some remarkable cores. Franc Hbepardson an engi neer on the Southern Pacilio Ky., who resides at Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with rheumatism for a long time, lie was treated dj several physicians, also visited the Hot Springs, bat received no per manent relief until be used Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which is the medicine referred to above. Ilesayn it is the best medicine in the world for rheamatinn). The Homeliest Man iu e Berue Aa well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to all on any druggist &nd get free a trial bottle of komp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guarantieed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acnte Coughs, As.'hma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. Large bottles 50 crs. nd 81 mar'22 deod www McClure's Magazine 1"0R iSiM. The Besl Literature, The Newest Kuowledgp, Fully Illustrated. Some of the features are: TheEdire of the Future. The Marvels of Science ami Aclii cvemcDt, presented in a popular way. Famous People. Their LKc-Stones told by word and pictures the materials beine in all eases obtained from sources intimately connected with the subjects. Tiue Narratives of Adventure, Darin'' and Hardihood. Leopzrd Hunting in Jiorthe o Af rica, Lion Hunting in Algeria, Tiger Hunting In India, IMepbant Hunting in Africa, Adventures iu the Upper Himalayas. Great Business Institutions. The longest railroad in the World. The Hudson Bay Company. The Rank of Knrlacd. The Business of the Greatest Merohant (100,000,000 a year.) Human Documents Portraits of Famous Peoplo from Childhood to the Present Day. 8hort Stories by the Best Writers. Notable Series by Robert Louis Stevenson and William Dean Ho wells. Among the contributors for the coming year are : PPOFESSOB DRUMlUpND, Elizabeth Sturt Phelps, ARCHDEACON l' ABRAB, Bret Harte, Ktjdtard Kipling, Octave Thanet, Andrew Lang, W. D. Howells, Gilbert Parker, F. E. Stockton, Joel Chandler Harris, Conan Doyle, R L. Stevenson, Caarles A. Dana, Archibald Forbes, and many others. 15 OTS. A COPY. $1.50 A YEAE Remit bv draft, money-order or registered letter. 8.8. McClure, limited, 743 & 745 Broadway, N. Y., City, THE Fruit-Growers Journal la a recomized authority in Prac tical Frnit-Growinsr, Market Gard enin&r and every branch of the business connected with the fruit and vegetable industry. Its cot nmns contain articles from the best informed practical fruit crow-era in this country. - It is a six column, eight-pace ..round fruit-growers and family journal. It is published semi. . - A T. till.. . a V - monthly at uoDaen, iiiinoistne fruitgrowing centre of the WeBt, at 50 cents per year. ' Bend for free sample copy. JCE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR Of Mm Noil! Giinllu Marble Works NEW BERNE. OsaMasj s Mt Orders solicited and given proper at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. KAILROADS. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad . e - . i.tsr-v r'2( asnwaaw hi i i i-. a. im TIME 7 A H I. K SO 20, Effect 8:00 A. si Monday 6, 1-393. Deo. OOIVOEAST. 80HEDCLB OOINjWlSl N. No. 3 Vauengtr Train: No. 4. Ar. Lts. Buttons. Ar. Lve. nm 3 20 Ooldsboro 1110 am 8 r,6 St V. La Orange 10 10 26 4 25 4 80 Kinston 48 9 58 5 50 5 5-i New Berne 8 17 8 3i 7 28 p m Uorehead City am 6 4" Going Kast .oheduls Going Wsc No.l t No. . Mixed Ft. Mixed Ft. Pass. Train Hlations. Pasa. Train, am 6 80 UoldsDoro 7 25 prol 6 57 7 05 Best's 6 24 6 34 7 SO 7 80 La Grange f 54 6 04 7 48 7 5 Falling Creek 5 24 5 30 8 11 8 80 Kinston 4 20 5 CO 8 50 H 55 Caswoll 4 00 4 "5 8 15 10 0 Dover 3 25 3 40 10 81 10 8" Oore Greek 2 54 8 01 11 00 11 05 Tuaoarora 2 24 2 30 11 17 11 41 Clark's 2 OS 811 IS 15 8 00 Newberr. 10 38 1 80 8 87 8 42 RUerriale 1 e 8 48 8 50 droaua V 88 8 83 4 08 4 13 fUvelook 8 89 0 4 4 37 4 42 Newport 8 17 9 27 4 51 4 55 Wild wood 8 00 8 05 5 01 5 01 Atlantio 7 47 7 5! 5 16 5 21 Morehead City 7 17 7 87 Atlantio Hotel 5 81 p n Morehsd Depot am 7 0 Mfniiav, vVedneaday and frlday. Tn1aT. Thnredav an Hutnrd Train 1 oonneott wltti Wllmlnzton A Wnl ioa Train bmiml Norm, leavlnt! tsoiaa boro il:. Via. m . and wltb Richmond A Dan ville Tram WeBt. l avlnK (Joldelioro 'l::.h P- m- . . a. I ra'n i connects wim nirmuuuu vllle Ttu. arrlvln at (Jililitoro l.' la p. m. and with Wllmlneton a Weldon train Irotrj the North :l p 8. L. DIbL, Superintendent. TIMH TAHLK NO To take I'tTout .Inn., L".KIi, 1 Sill, at 0:00 a. in. Superseding T;ui Tallin No. 3, Dated Nov. i'J, '.v.i:;. WiMnston, Newtern & Norioli Railroai . i. Going South, sciiedi i.h. OdimiNoktb No. 1 Passenger Trains. 'No. 4 Lve. A.M. Stations Ar. P.M. 8 40 New Heme ft 45 9 1SJ ar. Pollocksville 5 07 Haven wood 9 33 Maysville 4 52 9 4.'i White Oak 4 43 9 5a Northeast 4 32 10 06 ar Jacksonville Iv. 4 19 10 08 1 " ar. 4 17 Jarmana 10 21 Verona 4 04 10 2M Oedarhurst 3 57 10 39 Folkstone "8 48 10 44 rlollr Hidge 3 37 10 55 Edgeoombe 3 29 1104 Woodaide 3 21 1108 Annandale 3 17 Cypress Lake 1116 Hempstead 310 11 U5 Hootts Hill 3 01 1130 Kirklaod 2 55 1 1 36 Bay mead 2 49 11 4H W. Sea Coast R B. cross 'g 2 37 1155 Wilmington Lve. 2 30 No 3 PaSSKNOgR AND FREIGHT Nj. V Lve. P. M. Ar. A. M. 2 00 New Hems 12 00 2 50 ar. Pollocksville 11 10 2 55 Ravenswood 11 05 3 10 Maysville 10 52 3 23 White Oak 10 40 8 35 Northeast 10 28 3 50 ar. Jacksonville lv. 1013 4 20 lv. " sr. 9 28 4 27 Jarman's V 18 4 86 Verona 06 4 46 Cedsrburst 8 66 5 00 Folkstone 8 43 5 15 HollyrlJge 8 81 5 26 Edgeoombe 8 20 5 36 Woodside 8 08 5 43 Annandale 8 02 6 48 Cypress Lake 7 56 5 52 Hempstead 7 52 6 04 Scott 'a Hi!! 7 40 6 09 Kirkland 7 83 816 Bay mead 7 25 8 31 W.&a Coast R.R. oross g 710 8 40 Wilmington Lve. 7 00 Dkllj Exeept Sands j. H. .. WHITING, J, W, MARTKNI8, Oeneral Manager Oen'l Freight and Paaag. Agt, 3xr. Boot & Shoe-Maker, 151 South Front St., Near foot Metoalf St. all Continued Patronage ot friend9, and new custom solicited Prompt execution of all orders. Eepair work given Special atten tion. v basks. i. i mil, rm. fin. iuixu,tiM tm. 1. 1 limn, cult?. The National Bank, Or HEW BEBHI. V. 0 IscoarosAi INI. Capital, Surplus ProSU, $100,000 91.168 DUBCTOSS. Jas. A. Bs-s, Taos Otsiaxr. Obas. S. Bit as, J. H. B.cssuaa, Jso Dens. LHiivii, , (J. H . Roberts, K. K. Bisaotf. Taoa. A. Oaaan. Pres. C. S. For. Oaahlor. wn. uoan, Vwaa-Praa. ll.at.UBevBn,aUal CITIZE58' BAKE NEW BLrfN, R. C. IX) A OBSgaAL BARKIHO BUHlggna. The Aeooonuof Banka, Bankers, Osiaaiai tlona, Farraera. Merehaala aad othara ra eelved oa favorable tarnts. ProaaM aad earafnl attention given to laa lata r torf eat enatomera. aoABD or pranoToaa. rerdlnand Ulrloh, J. A. Meadowa. rtemuel w. Ipoek. Thaa. H. Fowler. William Donn, E. W. Smallwood. (Jeo N. lee 0. C' (Ireen. k H Masdowa, Ubaa. unary, jr. Janaa aedsaaod. Uhaa. aataaseta Mayer Hah a, Tboa. A. Oraan, O a. Foy . THE Farmers & Merchants Btnk Began business May 1891. Capital Stork, paid in, $76,000.(14 Surplus, 6,000.84) I ndiTlded ProllU, - S.aOO.a DlTldcasspild, 10,600.00 OFFICERS : L. H. Cutler. , President. N . 8. Cuauwick. - Vice Pres, r. W. DswgT. Gassier. A. H. Powell. Teller. F.F. Matthews . . Collector. With well established connect iona this Bank is prepared to offer all acoommo lations coiisiHtttnt witb cinaervatlre sanking- Prompt and careful attention given to tollections. We will be pleaaod to correspond with hose who muy contemplate making ihanges or opeuing new accounta. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain TrtataiMi li "old under pittvf. written fruftrant, by autbor tf.d KiiODtH only, Vt cure Weak Memory; Lose of Brain and Nerve I'owpt; Manhood; QulrkMM; NlKht Loim; Kvil DrwaHia- I M-t of Confldeooe', lStrvorjfmetw; TAKtutul; all Dralim; LoMof Power of the lnratlvB Orcan- Id elth?r x, osnsed bjr over-mrU'Hi; Youthful Krrorn, or KxoewdTe llMof Tobacot, Otiium or Liiuir. which eooa lead to Misery, CciDhuniptiort, Insanity and Death. By mall, fl 6 lor - with written iruarant to oore or n-fuud money. WKsT'H CDI'OH 8YBHP. Aoertala cure f-T Couth1. Asthma, Broochltla, Croa. WhiMtpliiK ('uirh, Horn ThronU FleaMUit to Ukn. HiiirII mze dlfOJiitlnue.l; o!.l, fjikc. irlw, nowo.;old 11 iu Duw 50c. OUAltANTKEH lamed only by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agont. iMTIC15. Hi.- i iiniiiiii' iniltrsiu'ii' .1 Kx.m -i .1 tinii-l I.uili- IlKH duly lor nt tin; ftntv ol Henry by t;ii' luttlrtthat he re- i nt I.- itinl lit-1" illli-S nil )i ,-ivoim lm in clahns agltiRtthe I'inr t lh.- srtl.l llciiiv s. (irael to present iliti to tin- sui.l Kxn itm- ilnlv anthcntl rtti-0. lor piiviui'lit on of iM'tor' the ai nay ot Mutvli. isit'i, or i lsr thiMiiotn c will be pleatl oil iu bar ot rri'Oi crv. lVi-Hons imli'pu-il to said estate must pay without llflllY. DAMKI. I. ASK. Ejci'illol . ( bus It. Thomas, Attorney, Ni w Hi t ni-.N ( Mnri'li :llst, 1S4. NOTICE Contractors &!Builders, Wc will continue running our saw mill at Dover and will manufacture all kinds of rough pine lumber. We will make aVpeoinlty of framing bills, and heart lumber cnt to order and res pectfully solicit a liberal share of pub lie patronage. Can cut 10 feet lengths. Prices quoted on application. Respectfully, HINES BROS.. Dover, N. C. mch d'2m wit. 11 DR. HUMPHREYS' New Specific Ho. SeYenty-SCTen FOR THE CURE OF GRIPPE With all its symptoms of InSnania, CaUrrh, Pains and Soreness in the Head and Chest, Cough, Sore Throat and general Prostration and Fever. Taken early it cuts it short promptly ; taken during its prevalence, prevents its inva sion; taken while suffering from it, s relief is speedily realized, which is eon tinned to an entire cure. This being a New Remedy, If yonr Druecist will not get it for yoa, it will be sent prepaid on receipt ot prioe, 25c or fir $1.00. I'UMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO, Cor. William a John sta. Hew Tors. I S RBIIterC tan. Imtl diratlr ta tuan.jf a. VHI1 mm r nflk Manias II ISbbsBT Si bus, nMim m tehf w StlMSt 1 as a pttEVCfrnvt breMrniaa . ii.ii ia 1 ieHaaeeMet CUREs:rari.?ar' M" NEyV Xakiirk Gi-G F. S. DUFFY, DmgxM and Sole Agent. JACK. I offer the services of OAPT. JACK Cor the coming season at my farm. He is known for his superior 'colts, they' having ' re- : ceived the highest premiums at of the several exhibitions of the East old He stands 15 hands high and is very docile. yi;;'V'.; "S JOS. STEVENSOX, ? Bellalr,3Sr.J.

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