!f uncHor an Lire C'ooliuiml from pg lit. . ' r brrkfiw( thai momiot. Wall, about two tours aAenrmrbk mew cam to Iowa t t man had beca found tnurdrred and r sJxxu fifty tool tnm tx Inn J. ruaJ in an Mrur ouViau utv tu I'ooeta navi, mrse inijea fuuib or Iowa. Tle ahenll aunimooat- a pox anil lis coroner sunuuoutd a Jurr aial at oaet set out It the srerja. I waa ora of the tore, ner"! Jury." i V found plain erktrik-es thai Uk rana bad been drafted from lb main road into tlx cart-way and there niordared. Ilia throat wai cut and tut wockeu rifled, . Be waa kleatificda Jaoea w. iinxMnr, a well-to do cottoa planter wio Utc4 mr gparta, oa to road to tirceoTiUa. Ha was in town the night of Um slight-of-usal peifarmaara, and waa tWna, drunk and dieordeHT. and 1 thiak ha had aoma words with fctounder during taa acting f oua ol U trickn. lt proved, oa taa iniut, that Stonader waa aean on tba wain it reel go ing tcwarda tba hrer about 12 o'clork that night.- It was proved aixo tint tbe poliMmaa who had Broome in charge nleaaed him by order o( tbe major, on eonditioa that be would go straight home. This ha did about half-pant eleven o'clork. tiding honeback. He wm nearly aober at that time, and fall? capable of managing hia hone,' which wan notably h gcnile ,- - 'My ntgnt porter swears tint lie lot Stounderia that night, at one o'clock. It is to well known to necl no rof 1 Will SUM! UU CUVUIlVTt UUU. n uvu sober, was notoriously good natural. Now the only iierson who bad shown any ill will to Broome was Stoumler. lie b a passionate nun, as proved by two gentlemen who took lesaoui in magic from him - that night. He had high words with them at their room in the other hotel and also here in lu room about half peat eleven that atmc night. "Stounder tays he knows nothing of the aaarder tlut his walking out st 12 'clock that night was on art-mint of lieuil ache that the cool air oil' the river soothed him, and after walking about an hoar be returned to the hotel. "But tbe stroDeest evidence azninrt this man ia the finding of a bine silk handkerj chief with a red square in lite centre, Rioch torn and twiatxl, near the body of Broome. Spectators at the performance aay that they noticed specially this queer Iiandkercnier; lor lie used it in tue per formance of several tricks. Stouodcr Kiid it waa like his but was not liis. When asked to produce his, he mill tlint he hiul soialaid it and did not know where it waa. "4 w "The trial will be to icluded to-dav 1 13 o'clock and I hare no doubt but tliat ' tbe verdict will be 'guilty.' Painful thoughts came in my niiiul at hearing this recital. Somehow 1 did not believe that Stounder was guilty. 1 was, hi tact sure of his innocence. I wi-lied to do something for him but what could I do. He was a stranger here so was I. I went tip into tlie court room and , pushed my way through tbe crowd till 1 reached a place from which 1 could sec tbe prisoner. He liad an anxious core worn lace; but 1 saw no signs of murder there. He caught sight of me. i I is coun tenance brightened. lie evidently re membered me. Just then the jury came in with their verdict. It was "guilty." The poor (nan fell back in his chair and swoone I. A physician was called who soon restored the man o consciousness. Tbe judge pronounced sentence iind appointed a clay three months hence for the execution. I went back to the Intel sul n: heart and with gloomy feelings. Tint afternoon I obtaineupermission to visit the prisoner. He seized my kind with eauernis-. Hi countenance lighted up. lie v with rapid utterance: 'I saw you this moiriiiu m Hie court room. Your face showed belief in my innocence. 1 think L lime .en you 1 e fore somewhere Wa .t . Columbia. C. where 1 showed two month- alter leaving herejust liel'orc I was nrrc-i. tly" "Xo," said I, "it was lien at your pe; formance, the night ol' ti.ni- duitli." 'Ah," he sigheil, ' Then m ivlw. yoa can yet say a good word for mr." "But," said I. ' have you any objection to tolling me what vou did anil where you went that night, after the iieilbrmancc?'' "I have nothiui,' inorc to tell," he ini.--wered, "than 1 havfi already told to m lawyer, except this one thing I believe that the handkerchief found near Broome's bod) was mine. 1 bought it in 1'aris. 1 don't believe there is another one like it in the United Slates. The on'v lie 1 told in the whole matter was about that hand kerchief. I lost it that night of t lie per formance. Borne one picked it up some one who murdered Broome." Turning suddenly to me and looking me squarely in the eye, he slid: -Do you really believe tliat I nm inm cent?" My answer was prompt: l sncciei do." 5 ''Then," said he. "you can save an innocent man from death time will pro duce the real murderer.'' "Howi1"' 1 said. "Listen," said he: "Promise me to be here on the day set for execution and have with you, hidden carefully under your overcoat, an old large jacket and an old fur can. Keep close to the carriage in which I sliall be conveyed and when you hear an uproar in the crowd mingled with oaths and cries of -murder :' push up to tbe carriage and hand me the jacket and cap rhat is all I want promise roe, on the nonor of a gentleman, and I shall feel easy.'' I readily gave him the promise, and soon alter left him, in a quiet ar.d gentle frame of mind. Ill' Again in Tarboro'. Three months hare passed. Tbe town is thronged with people of all ageo, colors, sexes. As the time for tbe execution draws near the great mass of humanity moves slowly to wards the old field on the outskirts of the town where tbe gallows bad been erected. I did not follow them ; but lingered near the jail. About three hundred people had waited there. This number was more than doubled as soon as the prison doors were opened and the condemned - man was led forth. He was placed in a small, low, one-horse wagon, with his coffin for a seat By him bat the sheriff ' and four or five guards. A guard of twenty men walked, tea on each side, near the wagon. - The cortege passed slowly down the - street into Mam street - There m any more joined the funeral procession, so -" that now there seemed to be nearly a ' thousand ' peopled They pushed apd ' struggled and hustled one another, to get " afehtof the victim. They became very OOHrepwvus muu uuiutvr. iu niietui eould do nothing in the way of quieting : tnem, aad he finally gave it op. - 4 Tbtis paaaing along we came to a turn John T. MacBae, Druggists, . Raleigh, N. C Writes: - "Some of the cores made by the Japanese Pile Cure is wonderful and from my dealings with yon for .the neat rears. I know roar enarantee it pwfectllfood.", - i street, the lot torn, for fh galioa of ia a'ght. The pnsooer a' waa aow ia e'ght. Tbe prnoaer bowed dewa w:tb hia ku ia hia haao and elbows oa kueea. . II waa aot shackled. Tbi, 1 attcrvtanla kwraedi waa at hia earnest aad urgMt rqu be begiriBf to have his limba fraa jm oace store beftm h k-ft the wori J. - As I was looking at him, be rahnl bb head. Ilia eyra fell apo) roe, 1 wm eloae to the wagon with overeusl aa buttoe4 hoi arms folded over it. , A'Ule 1 was gtslag I brtud behind me a deep, mattered run", and the souad of a blow. (Jutba broke forth at once sod a aboulius and yelling ol "murderf" "moider!" Tbe waoa was halted. Ibe sberifl' iumrl down Tbe twenty guard H kwked lack. Utt a flaob ol ligbtoiog Sloaader leaped ftooi the WLgoa up m m. trarii-g open my overcoat and grasp ing tbe jacket andean dixipprared ia the crowd. I arose from the sronnd feeling somewhat ruffled t tbe lude condirt But lutHaeut's reflection showed me that this was a ruse to divert suspicion fiom me. The cries and onihs hud teased very suddenly; but now lie sheriff voics is ueanl : "Where is tl . prisoner !" luuietliate s .irvh through tbe crowd wu ouvle. Tin- people seemed as anxious to catch the i tan as the officers were. They were going to be deprived of Uieir exjiected sport. Ys l was walking about throuiih tlie crowd I came up n the aberiff who was baking questions uf a beut-up old man who was liooblini; with great difficulty, the slieriff bad asked him if he hud seen the prisoner pus along . L ''No,'' said the old m in, in a thin. piping voice, indicating gieat leeb'eoe-s. "1 liaint seen nolsxlv ss I don't know no pris'ner." And on lie went with head bent low and tegs trembling from exiienie old age, I glaia-etl at tlie old man care tully. tit wore a large oUtjaeJut ami Jar mp! 1 lie trkk liad.succeetleil- and tlie magician was now on the stage, peitorui ina ! I passed hi ill a tew Icet and turned to liave a better view. He noticed my stopping, and, misii g Ira head slightl. motioned with one arm for me to o m . I saw the point and walketl on. A lew minutes afterwards, on turning au-oii. 1 Could not see him. I lo iked lor hi in but aaw him no more. The next diy I was busy in my regular linj of work, ami the day following 1 w ent to Kocky Mount. Tin re I look the cars lor Baltimore. Going into ihe smoking car, I saw to my astonishment, the little old nmn in the lur lapuml jacket all btnt up on his scat, smoking u short pipe. I took a seat on the opposite side in trout of hiin ami locked 'j.u k at him. lie nas muttering lo himself, a old people will, and I caught these whims: "My ide oomaii svz I've got no sense si'Z 1 aileis tell everuliing 1 know: but Still I v don't know 'oout me. I km keep my mouth -hot and I want iiiyripi;ds to keep thern shct too." I took the hint and did not notice Inm any more. Wc weut on to Baltimore togctlar. A-t 1 piiNsed him when I was getting oil the irin there, I threw my car. I into his lap, lie placed los hand over it im mediately but ditl not look up. The uext day nbmit nine o'clock in the morning while 1 was at the s ore, it card was handed me with the address ' Jacob Koorbach, Berlin." I went into the ottice to see my visitor. A hand somely dressed man with black moii-lnchc anil sitle whiskers bowed as 1 entered. "Mi. Arat Iici. 1 -oppo-e,' he sa il. I bowed. "Knot buch. at present," lie ad ded, touchiiit! himself on the breast II s accent was (icrmaii evitleu'lv a nat e. lie stood looking tixeilly lit iik o Ioiit, in lac!, that I was linved to n-k : "Can 1 do aii)thlni4 lur yon. Mr. linor b tt h ?'' 'Ureal heavein! man." he exclaimed, "could yttii tlo any more than oii have lone? Itenieinber sitomider, the mugi cian." 'fhe tones ot his vo.ee. wIkii speaking these words. recalled tin escaped prisoner. 1 grasped hi- hands an I cordially congratulated him The next day lie sailed for Kniope. lHtore lie went. In; tell Ins J-.iuopean adores.-, with inc. A b jut a mcinh afterward;:. 1 rein I a long acci unt in the llailiuioic .un of the capture of the re d murderer of lirooaie lie v;.s tiied, condemned aud executed 1 wrote "H jorbach' i lie next day alter seeing the account in tlie Sun and sent linn me paper. In due time 1 goi a giatetiii answer, he wrote that he was inaktiig the lour of the continent a a magician and was "gathering in the shekels," us i.e. expressed it. He returned about twelve mouths al terwar.ls. 1 le c one at on. e ta llali inioiv and presented me with an cieoant gohl watch, lull jewelled, worth ?."U0. 1 took him down to Tarboio" on my next trip and intioiluced htm to I .e sheiill'. .Mr. Moundi-i- was the li-.ll of the day aud nceived coULri'atu.alioiis all aroiiud. Harbor In the Far North. Tho plan of constructing a large Russian naval port on the borders of the Arctic ocean, close to the Nor wegian iron tier, where the sea is free from Ice during the winter on account of the gulf stream, is not by any means abandoned. The 'plan also comprises the building of a new railway from Uleaborg, the norther ly terminus of the Finnish railways. to the port in question. This rail way wiil be about four hundred and seventy miles long, and its terminus will be either at the Peschang bay, close to the Norwegian frontier, or 'at Port Wladlmir. There are no serious engineering difficulties in tho way of such a railway, and as it will bo built on a cheap system, much used in Finland, the cost would only amount to some 2,700 000113,000,000. TOUR GOOD HEALTH, TJ it you're a suffering wo I 1 Jf.maa, demands Doctor f JSf Pierre's Favorite Pra J " it scription. There's no f fJ other medicine like It, J trt" for women i pecnliar I I tils. Ho matter bow ( f distressing your synp- I toms, It reheres your V aches and pains, and I tf faithfuUy osed will t I brins a permanent I cure In every ehroolo weakness or dersnse- ment, fa eatarrbal faflammaWon, and in the displacements of women. Wmt LOmtt,0. . Ds. B. V. France: Dear fitr Icea cberr- fnllj reeommttd rota raluable medicine, the revenie rnsjnpBoa," lo euirermf xemsies. Three rests in my beajth beoaine so poor that I wss eoarcely able to help with tbe house. now duties, i was penuadea to try tout medicine, end 1 parohssed six bottles. That, with the local treatment roa adrknd, aude me etroof and welL Myeiar has used It la the family with Uka ia tba THCT1KI AITEI III The vTaasea f Lexlaxiaa ' Taklac ' Active Keaaaraa Afalast Cat. ' r Bmkiaridn V J" Lkiinotox. Kj May 11. Th women of this city intend to dernonatrato their protest (ratnst the reuominationot VoL Breckinridge- tr arranginfr for a big reception in honor of Wm. C. Owen, the principal oppo nent of the colonel, when he comes here to address ths elec tors some day next week. - Fight boxes in . the opera houses will be filled ,with re presentative women of the Bluegrass region who seldom take any part in politics. A large delegation of the same sex will occupy the main part of the house. A petition is being num erously signed by the women of this city, who pledge them selves to atteml the meeting. Already the feminine oppo nents of Col. Breckinridge are boycotting the merchants who support his candiac and others are diamissing their family physicians for the same reason. A FREE TEST MUNSON'S Homoeopathic Family Medicine Co. WBl thraiffc their afrnta ia ihb city, diatribe m Dottles m incv RHEUMATISM CURE We claim to ban a poMlivc care for this pataM aa4 sou comBoa comDUiat. and ia onler t omva that our claim it gtaawe, w makt tS abm osar, aa now is yam oppanuntty, if you an a euffermT from Rhcumautm, to tt the raltw of th graatatt KiMiiav atiftm I'urt at the mat absolutely free. It Is cntircil hsrvilest, and does not contata any ol tne tnittnoai drags usually used in the treatment of this disease Th (r i.inKutinB will continue lur two weeks. Out aaenu will also dtsu-ibute free oo cttpies of our medio , i. n. . li. .1. I L .k. puDUCatlon. tnt runny iiuliu,, ntue www mm Will prove of great value in every bums. A'tl to V . IH'KKV, f)rujiyi.si. S'e IV i nr. N. ('. in 8 3m Admumtr' ioticB Iliivin (iuilifK-il us iKlminixtiHtttr of C. 11. rlctclicr, (Iol-ciw.1, lute ol t raven County, N. ('. this is to notify all er- sous laving flaunts ntuinst tttu estate ot t;il I lltK'P8S(Hl to exhibit 1 11(111 to (lie 11 H- (li-r-imied on or before tlie IStli (lay ot May. or this nolice will be plond in lur ot recovery All persons lndclite.l !o s.ihI cstitto will plrnsu linikc inilili'iti ate pay i lient . II. L. CIIIBS. A.lniini.-triilor. Tliii May 12th. 1891. WE ARE IN IT" ON THE FOLLOWING: Cast Iron Sewer Pipe. Terra. Cntta Sewer an I Drain Pipe, lialviiiiizpd antl Black Pie. liatlt I! 'Mini Oulits Complete. I lose -unci Ijian Sprinklers. In fart everything needed for littin! your house with venter. Get our prices before buying, and HAVE MONEY. J. J. DISOSWAY & CO. 43 Craven Street. mlOloi UYMGTHE CORNERSTONE Of the Confederate Monument at lialetjih May the 22d, 1894. Piussenjjer Department, A. .V N. C. It. Hd. To Agents: The following rates will apply lo the above from your station to Goldsboro and return. Tickets to be sold May 20th and 111 st, sjtiod to return to May 2ltli inclu sive: Knot Morehcad City Wilihvoid Newport, Ilavcloek. Croatin, Itiveitlilc, New Heme. Tuscaroru, Pkom Core creek 1.08 .1.08 3.30 3.04 '1 80 Dover, 1.40 Caswell, Kinstn;i. Falling cr'k i (intone. 1. 2l 1.04 .SO ..10 .36 ZM lies., 1.32 MHitarv conutanie in iniilVirnt or rnmi lar onT-ini'.-il ilsncilllions of Vplnrnno On or more on one solid tieUct, two and one nail cent per mile lor round trip, or one and a ipiarter cents per mile traveled. S. L. DILL, Sup't. MY LINE OF Zeigler's Shoes HAVK AUHIVKDJ! ! ! How many lieu Ls will palpitate ivith (tenant at tins 111I21 licence. A More Complete Line -OF Lrwlien, JMisses' & CJhiltlrens' Shoes IIu,'h Cut and Low Cut, would be impos sible to find. Ziegler Shoes are lower in price than ever before, but still they koep the same high standard of excellence. My Straw Hats Have also arrived but it in too Cold to mention them. "YV. JL. 13 arr ing ton, 67 Middle St. PAHTOTO. PLASliwOlNG PAPEEHTG. ; . - . , j Having permanently located in New Berne, I offer my service to the pnblic in the line of Painting, Plast:coing and all kinds of Pa per Hanging. . - .. . . ? ' Qooil work and reasonable prices guaranteed. . Ulve. mo a trial anil I will endeavor to suit you. i ' i . ' J .'. .. Address,' or Call, at Sesidence Ho. 78, corner Metcalf and 27ew Streets. . -' ' 0. C. KUfO. aiitf. Watlraala Xsrket Caaatrr Frwdsee lire stall fed eattle, S 1-Ial, mrm led. taSe irnanl beef taS. Boeeai -10. ( Corn, file. ' - Chickens 6taS5e pair, ' ttcka, Ebk. dtafttXk, Maaoory iOaBOc. 4 tm 7 So. - ftcld ptwAblaekxIajlasOk and apecUed B0 a 60 Mack-tye 75- ; Jeeee, ,&cs0c. - . Hit tea Dry flint, Scu irr salt to sreea Hc,:deer4iio 0c. . . ... , reaaarts. -OOafMcta - . Wool 10 to 15c. . ' - - , ' . ' Pork, fresh, Saec. " ' Potatoes, Tarn tOaCOq tfauiaa 80ca4a Lara lie laM (Xd 8heep, tSafS. Frrah Pork not wanted. ' That oily and rouoh skin (urrd. aad the fa- and hands beautided by John son's Oriental Soap; medicated and high ly petiamea. HOTELS. NEW BERNE HOUSE. 'Brntoil. H..CL..- 3. II. MANN, Prop. Fle&sant Location New Manage ment Good Accommodations Attentive Servants Terms Reasonable. Bathing Houses Free. VIltl.IINI A. DAltE Hotel, B-aufort, N. C-, Dr. W.T. ltobinsou, Prop. Frontn ttip 8omul antl the Oottan bcyontl. Cool Breezes almost without Intcmilaalon. StllteU alike to rtciunire attekera or Commer cial Travellers. Tile house 18 thoroughly rejiiveuutetl. well furnished antl caiitet43tl tliroujrhout. mr ttl MOUNT MITCHELL IIOTEI Illueli: Mountain, ?I." Unsurpassed Scenery, Water, Air, and Fare. Terms lieasonablo. Opens May 1st, 1894. W. D. S PRAGUE, Prop. lyUailroad, Telegraph and Post Offices near the door. ml5tf j( mmissinner's hi of Eeil PsUti, ParnDt to a judgment render ed at February Term, 194 of Craven Superior Court ia na action entitl ed Elizabeth Black v. C. Kenoedj tiatntlioD ec gia., tbe uodertigned Connnissioner will sell by public auction at tbe Conrt Bouse Door in Or avenOonty , N.0. 00 the 28th daj of May, 1891, between the h nr ol 12 o'clock M.andL' o'clock, P. M to tbe bigbent bidder for cash, tbe following described real eatate. to wit: Situated in the GUv of New Berne, in tbe County i.nd State aforesaid) beginning at the cornet of Johnson and Hancock Streets, running South 48 feet on Hanoook Street, then East 133 feet with tbe line of St. ijobne Lodge, then North 48 feet to Johnson Street, then with said Johnson Street to tbe beginning; being parts of lots No. 32C & 325 according to the plan of tbe uitv ot New Berne. This April 29th 18!4. H. L. Gibbs, Commissioner. Apr. 28 30 d TREPABE TO KEEPoi7 J.C.WIiitty Has Just Received a Supply of SHEPARD'S Lightning Ice Cream Freezers, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers. A DTIA Ice Cream r m I I mf Freezers. Prices Lower THAN EVER. No. S3, 25 & 87 Craven. rSfeet. NEW BERNE. N. C. 13 'JN'T FORGET Boraiine AND; LEWIS' SHOES For Sale ty J. F. TAYLOR Here are some of the Good Things ; of life you can find there: ? , 1st. Cool Oil, Jolmnv Boap the best aU round aoaD In the world. Sad. Boraxina, the woman's Mend. It cleant bleaebaa and make wumng eaay. ; ; SAMPLES FREETRY1T.H ad. Saim taalwwr rellalile. ' -4th. Aanwatock oM.il. I.nwla Coa'shoe. the best ever brought to iliia market tor the money aee them. ' . 1 Mh. For a tonio, try Hires Root' Beer, Ba Tarian, Btcnii, Pilner and PortneT'a Import ed Oinger Ale, Browa'i Stoat aad Basse Ale, ajwayson quo. . - i . HI. V S ,1.1 Mm tin.AMUH O. 1. C Man battel XXXX Monosjram and Maryiana asai teres, rnre moaniaut Cora aad tfranaies 01 ranoas ainaa. . v vv. . lour Anxloui to Ploaae, . J AS. F. T ATX OB. U4 a Middle street. . - NOTICE I ' UktiIi we can make other arrange ments, we wm not send oar. CARTS on the streets after to-day. - Please send to the itore Uooday evening for jour bread, ;t'i t, 1 CLAlUi BAKKQ CO. : The Red Star, clothier; It Is not prices alone that yon want ;.,.?',-, : v;--: " . BUT VALUES AS WELL Thfl Season-for. Spring Suits, Neckwear ana . Negligee Shirts is tere and we are offering some exceptional Bargains. The Latest Style Scarf, 25c A Nobby Straw Hat, 50c Men's Fast Black i Hose, 20c A beautiful line Negligee Shirts, 11.00 SPRING SUITS (In all the Latest Styles and Colors. Clive u n. Jall. SOL COHEN, TUB RED STAK CLOTHIER 77 Middle Street, New Heme, N. C! Trade Remember I have reduced the prices on Luiillard Snuff. SSB ME. Jb". ULRICH, Wliolesixle (irocer. THOROUGH -0- SANITATION. The Water-Works For New Berne will be In operation in a tow daya and I wish to announce to therPUBLin that 1 have secured he services ol aa experienced SANITARY FJL.X7310EK and am thoroughly oqnipped for All Kinds of Plumbing. BAT II TUBS for iKth hot tuin cold wator, Waah-outi losots. Kitchen sink Lawn Sprinkling, and Pipe con nection and fatting up for water to any portion ot Kesidencea, Work sbopa, Ac. tir Good work urunranteed and as rea sonable aa It can bo Uono auywlicre. Good Stock-Good Work Tnifl ia the reputation I Lava soa tained in New Berne for the past 83 veara. Bead Mai. W. L. Palmer'a eard below aa a reoent proof of the taot. I have now a workman of superior skill, and between the stock 1 furn ish and the work he does, I can guar antes the fullest sati&f action, lie pairing a eMiecialty. JNO. MoSORLEY, Boot & Shoe Maker. THE CARD I Six years ago John HcSorley, of New Bern, made me a pair ot calf boots. I bare worn them for all these years and traveled oyer senral Northern States; have had them half soled once, and I am wearing; them yet, and they are good for a year more. : W. ti. PALMKlt, Hew Berne, N.C. Sept. SOth, 18M. SPRING & SUMMER '.' . SPORTING GOODS. Ia stock and ordered at short notice;. :, r ' Air Riffles, Balla, Boxing Gloves Brass Beels, Croquets, Garden Sets, Fishing Tackle, Hammocks, Hammock Spreaders. Hammock Hopes, Doll&and Toys. ' i f Lawn Tennis Goods for -Boys and Girls. ' . t t,-.-., '. I Tricyojes from 15.00 to tl0.00. Velocipedes from $2.50 to 15.00. flUNN & r.lcSORLEY. Confectioners & Tobacoonist. FOR SALE.C 1 The' tract of LJlND, lcuown as the Vom i ACRE SQUARE, ha South Front and End Streets, Whole or I'art, f Apply to Oommissioner's Land ; Sale. 'The undersigned having been appoint ted br the , Superior 5 O'urt . of Craven oouQty its (ommi&Biutier to sell the landr described In tbe complaint in the action Dendine therein where Macon Uryan is Plaintiff and Lafayette Dudiey and wife are, Defendants, as will more fully appear from the judgments in said action, will offet for sale at the court Bouse floor in tbe city of Newbem, on ' Mondar June 4.1894, at the hour of twelve M. to the highest bitlder for each, the land, describ ed in the said jttdirment to-wit: T5 acres adjoining the hinds of Freeman II. Gas trins, Joshua for, and other?, lying in Craven county. 1 - ' ; ' ' ' ',' f t V ? This May Oth, 1894. - .. .. . ,1 - . ' W. D.McIVEIl. ,-, i.;t r": .! i .' Commissioner. Yacht Sails Li X . : I l . Send 6c (utamps) far new Illustrated I . ls Tl s t,a. V . H .S. CEO. B. CARPENTER AV YO. 207 to 211 So. Water SU ESTABLISHED 1809. PALMER, RIVEfJBUlla & CO., Successor to C. S PALMER, Wholesale Commission Merchants FOB Till 8 A LB OF SOUTHERN' FRUITS fc TRUCK. Berries, Peaches, Grapes. IMTalons and Vegetables. 3Wntermelons JSc Mtawberriea n. Kpocinlty 186 REiDE HTREEf, PKrT YORK. KKXF.RKNCKS -Clialliain National Bank, N. T., Cominerrial Affpnrtrn ami all Principal Truck Slilpppm. 13 it. II. . HYATT'S SAKTATOR.IU1H JCitiHton, rv. C -Diseases of the Eye Received A LAROK LOT OF THOSE N. C HAMS That I am selling at ' 13. 1-3 cts. per lb. tVT.fin TRY A RRI. CV MY ! hjs a atv x stub jji v m PLOUB, IT ONLY C03TS YOU $4.50 PER BBL And there is none better made. To my COUNTRY friends I would say drive right in the rear of my store, where you . will find STABLES FEEB. My prices are low,' my dealings are just give me a trial and I will guarantee . satisfaction or refnnd ail money, -t A Respeotfully, J." H. Parlcer, Jr. . . NO. 77 BEOAD ST. Weddings. . ... . -00- W, fl. & B. 8. Tuckeb & Co., . r i- i. ; . Ealeigh, N. C. Are destrons of particularly di recting your attention to their excellent assortments of .. " slL.Ii.s.. r- -1 JD re s s Goods, , ' p s. . Underwearr,S; 4 CJoraets, Bhoei ',y , Paras ols and other outflttings that !are by custom necessary for bridal outfits i They send 8arrnics,offcr sugges tions, send articles on approval, and make up your dresses- in tho most stylish manner equal to parts made gowns and at moder ate prices. " ; ; Keady Made Tailor-flni shed suits are also offered in more ap proved styles, i ' . - . ' r Correspondence by inail or a per sonal call is solicited. Estimates furnished. - - " - . f.I-Jt'E.S.TlICffl.&Ca J; J. DAXTEll. -' Has Just Received a Fine Line of QEIIT3 TJNDEET7EAE r , : - Including FLANNELS. - - A Nice Lot of Patent Leather Shoes. - A new lot of sample STRAW DATS going at 50 cents ou the dollar. ' JIaldies Oxford Shoes a Specialty. J. J. lJAXTEItaT and QifTfiiif Wc nialc a sptcaltjr ol h.gh-clisj Yawht Sails and Rlintlnf it ' prim very much rlow those oblsuublt on the Jcibuaid. Also Comrlcte Outfits For Flsncrmcn. C .4 a. Ji.us.iUM rJ Hntir tSaft&l rA taVs mill OlhfDll ..a .t . m Aas, ha rVsmnk4 aftaal laf Flags arxl Tepts n-L . sAVariijc - tGoods. v CataJogus of SaOa and Marine ' CHICAGO, I UJ and General Surgety.- E. S. STREET. Has Tast, Xtecoivea A n k T W t A T aO Westebfi horses v" AND And Defies Competition, as to Prices. JUST RECEIVED A Car Load of ' Western Flour BS . JS a... H M . . . illlClili UU1U IlllO iik, I i IP' lltllAAV fflATM . thA Mff.lISS A. CAR . LO A O OF New urieaas iLiolasses, right off the farm in Louisianna, from first hands. ' . "Also a full stock of other Groc eries and farmers supplies, for sale cheap. Call and see me, it will pay you. : SEASONABLE HELPS. . . Lfou Household Uso. Refrigrt tors, Ice Cream Freezers, . . Water Coolers, Wire Cloth, ' Window Screens And Doors, AT- l n c n. Z. GO'S. 111. r ,r If J V

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