Daily Journal. .. 1 HE VOL. XIII -NO 38. NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY. MAY 10, 1894 PRICE 5 CENTS. V 1 x i BUSINESS LOCALS. a E. NXL80X bu fall wpply of fct pring htmb for Satdftj dinnrr on le to- dij at bit asm. mtrkM oa uroa iec U . SALESMEN wtntecl. Fnt pretwid ootfit. On of owr agent, bu tned over 120,000 la Bra years. F. O. B is 1871, New York, FOUND. -Aa ambrelU Icftattbe enart bauw daring memorial meeting. Owner can receive aam by calling at Jouuul office ami paying lor tbis adrertiaement. FOR RENT The very dnirable rai- dHDoe oor. South Front and Metcalr tU., formerly occupied by Mr. 8. Q. Roberta. -Tmna mnrierate. Apply to unaa. is. Hill Eut Side Market Dock. If BICYCLE Caps and Hoae. The latest thing la bicycle cap, and hose just re- crived at sot I'obkns. aiui DO YOU want a wheel f Fur J 100 spot cash. I will sell a bran new 1894 "Liberty Bicycle just been ridden a little to -show it regular price $123 can be seen at Dr. mover a store. alOlw J. W. Watson. IF you owe me please pav me. 0. E. Slotcr. HOW to make money, ia to s-tve it and bny your medicine from Mace's Drug Stoic and save 25. A trial will con vince yon. tf. JUST BECE1VEDA lot of Graham aid Chocolate waters at W. D. Barring ton's. MACHINE and band made brick in any qnantity tor rale. a38tf Chas. Rkixkhstcin. WHEN Boraxlne is nsed according to directions, a third of the labor and the coat of soap in ordinary washing is saved. samples tree at J. F. Xaylor's. TRY-Oaskill's Cream Drinks, they are fine. . Nothing but pore cream nsed in - making them. Orange, Pineapple, Vanilla, Strawberry, Raspberry and Bananas. Also ice uri'iim Bona, u. I HAVE jnst received anew lot of Spring and Sii'iimer samples from Wanamaker A Brown, Philadelphia, and samples ol silk Vi'sis. They are cheap as the times are nurd. (Jome and look at them. Jacob Habtspirld. with J. B. Holland & Co., No. 13 Pollock St. LOCAL NEWS. HEW AD VKR TISKMKNTS. Uowaru. Salesman wanted. A fine rain is reported in the Broad creek neighborhood, Pamlico county. ' The weather Rureau predicted showers last night followed by cooler weather to day. Another rain seemed' alnvst certain yesterday, but the clouds rolled by with out it. The rose festival by the Kings Sons and Daughters will be held next Wednes day night. Advices Irom Morehcad City state that guests from the the hotel were out troll ing Friday and had fine sport They cap tured several hundred mackerel and cero. To.niorrow is Children's Day in the Methodist Church. Rev. J. T. Lyon's morning sermon will be specially to the children: . During the thunder squall on Thursday evening the lightning struck the tall China ' berry -tree on the sidewalk north of Mr. W. P. Burrus' residence scaring the trunk . from top to bottom, with a sort of rifle- twist which made a complete circuit of . the tree. ; The report was startling. . - Where the ovetflow occurred Thursday at the end of the Episcopal church side- - walk an opening was made yesterday for . dram age to the acquaduct on Pollock St The place where the water stood, bow v ever, wilt soon be too high for any trou- ble to occur just at the same place again, as the improvement work on the side walk will be extended still further. , The New Berne base ball team are pre ' pariog to interest the citusens' with good ball playing all through the summer sea con, and to do this they have got to put their ground, ia good condition cut down trees, fill up holes, etc. The boy, seem to be in dead earnest to equip them selves for. ball playing, and any donation; ' from our citizen to help then carry out their plans would .be gladly received. The rain which we bad Thursday - afternoon only reached about fir, miles from the city on the Neuse road and only about three miles we are informed, down ' the W. X, & N. R R, The rain farther down a little earlier in the day was be tween Maysville and Stella, but there was - none either in Jacksonville or Swans bo ro. J .- . Pamlico Superior Coart. - Monday morning ia the time for the Superior court of Pamlico county to be gin, Judge'Annfleld presiding. i Judge Armfleld has just held Hyde couuty court, end at last reports from there he was suffering so 'from a sprained ankle tba'. it was doubtful whether he could hold the Pamlio court or not He whs, howevor, to telegraph this afternoon as to whether he could or not so that the attorneys of New Berne who have profes sional business there could base their ac tion Hccoriliugly. ' ' ; Mr. W. T. Cuho attorney for Pamlico county 1, a yesterday for the court n's Oriental Soap is far superior " ' c so-called uie j'dnal soaps j t' a complexion. Caalif aa4 Gels Mr. H. B. Duffy who has been making a flying trip to Maysville, Stella and Swansboro, returned home yesterday. Mr. John C. Whitty returned from Jackson villa when he has been attend ing the Onslow county Sunday school con vention. Dr. Chaa. Duffy, President of the State Board of Public Charities, lelt yesterday morning for Raleigh to attend a meeting of the Board. Mr. W. P. Whitaker, of Raleigh who has been at Morehead fishing passed through en route to ils home. Miss Mary Bryan who expeeted to have left a few days ago left yesterday to visit relatives at Halifax. Miss Kate Vardell, who has been mak ing a brief visit to friends in Wilmington, returned home last night Dr. E. L. Cox, and wife of Jacksonville arrived last night en route to their home from Greensboro where Dr. Cox has been attending the State medical convention. Mr. M. P. Williams, soliciting agent ot the Norfolk and Western fast freight line who has been in the city on bis regular monthly visit left on the steamer Neuse for Elizabeth City. Miss Lula Delamar, ,of Oriental is visit ing relatives in the city. President CUrelaaa Not at Morehead Thursday the Buoy tender Violet, on which President Cleveland atarted on his second fishiug trip in North Carolina waters srrived.at Morehead or rather anch ored off Fort Macon in sight of that place. This was about 11 o'clock in the morning. That afternoon about three o'clock, she went off presuma bly for a frolliug trip, returned in an hour or two and anchored at the same place remaining all night and leaving yesterday morning at sunrise. It being known that Cleveland had been aboard this boat it was taken for granted be was there still snd telegrams were sent out to several papers accordingly. In tact some one on the Violet "a fat and handsome per son," was considered to be Clevelund. Pilots reported that they observed this gentleman "while the steamer was out trolling, pulling up the Spanish mackerel and blue flub as fast as he could throw out bis lines." But the President was not there at all ! The fat and handsome" gentleman was somebody else. Cleveland got off the boat when she was at Hatteras. WIU Summer la the Catsklll NouatiMi. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Hallock left by the Nense yesterday evening for the CatskiU Mountains in New York State, where they will make headquarters fur the sum mer, returning early in November. Mr. Hallock migrates as regularly as the birds he loves to writ! about en joying the pleasures and privileges of gen tlemen of wealth and leisure, without the auxieties and responsibilities of a house keeper who msintains a dual establish ment. He finds at all times congenial employ ment in writing up for publication the objects he discovers hi his travels. It ia ever a pleasure to have Mr. Hal lock and his wife about. The Catskill Mountains are a great re sort in the summer. There are about 500 hotels in the range, from the small ones that sccommodnte about a score up to the mammoth one 1,800 feet in length that accommodates three thousand. 'It is said that 60,000 visitors are there in th sum mer. Will Extend the Sldewa k Improvement Mr. T. A. Henry, Dr. Frank Duffy and Dr F. W. Hughes, who in the order named own the three pieces of property on Middle street just aimve the Episcopal church lot have decided to improve the sidewalk in front of them by building it up with brick curbing and shell lock marl to correspond exactly with that portion of the walk ajong the church lot. This will bring the work clear up to the Bangert line and that little portion will be all that will be lelt 'to complete :he square. '. -. - .. We hope to s the work go right! forward. For the combined qualities of beauty and good service, durability and cheapness, that kind of pavement cannot be surpassed. New B.'rne baa quite an advantage over nnny p taut in having the mate I'd out of which Ihry are con structed as handy' as St is and 'in such quantities. . It should b utilised more. Elegant Hartk Carolina Work. ":T j - Mn J. W. Stewart has jnst received at his livery establishment one of the hand somest carriage, tbat ever entered . the city. It is of North. Carolina make, be- j ing one from the - factory- of Tyson and Jones, Carthage, N. C, which makes u elegant .riding vehicles as are used in the 8tate. . ." ; -... -;.v The carnage is not only handsome now bat the beauty i, enduring, because there is no Imitation work about it Its mate-' rial and workmanship is first class all the way through. We are glau to see such high class work being .done in North Carolina ' and , glad also to ee the home industries of the State being patronized by onr people. - -: ' , Visa Llda Carr. of Durham, the accom plished daughter of CoL J. 8. Carr, will recite at the laying of the corner stone of the Confederate monument in Raleigh, on the 22 J, that grand poem of the Smith's let LaureateJFatlier Ryan, "The Furled L.muer." t . - THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION. IU Mala Object U Secure Fereln Trade for the Sooth The tlood Resalte Expected at Wllmlngtoa and Elsewhere Thn Star of Friday morning announced a special meeting of the Wilmington Pro duce exchange to be held that afternoon. Col. I. W. Avery, special commissioner ol the Cotton States snd International Ex position was to make an address in belialf of the Exposition. It is to be held in the fall of next y-ar Col. Avery seeks to p t Kxrliatii to endorse thi Expoiiui:i :m.i u the State authorities to make an rxhiMt. and to aak our Senators anil !! ptvsenlntives in CongreM to lav ran i';niriutinn ly the !;e"eral Government tor a national ex hibit. It is stated that the main olject ol' the proprietors of the Exposition is to sicure for this country the fin eigu I rude of all countries soutlih ol' us the Wist Indies Mexico; South and Central America whose trade amounts lo eleven hii idred millions of dollars, of which this niiintn now jrets soout oue-nmi; tuc nuuni-e io- ing to other countrie, when it onlit lo come to the United States. Alaliania, it is said is Hie lirst coal slate of the South, with Mobile a ku" l,or'i and yet her shipnivlils of coal to these counlries is very small, while England two thousand miles further, sends I hem annually t8,000,(KK) worth of coal. Snip ments of coffee from these countries to the United Stales annually amount lo $120,000,0(10. and of this the South ;'ets only six millions. Wilmington used to hava.some of this trade, hul has none now, and this exposition is to heip her regain it. Direct tiado is one of the reat purpo ses of this movement; and the State of North Carolina with her reat tobacco interests, her cotton nianuficturing, the second in the South, her established port of Wilmington, one of the oldest and best on the Southern Seaboard, will lis oneof'Mie chief beneficiaries of this in creased trade. II U'PENINdS Of TIIK DAT. The S natejis making a show ,of doint; itself and the country jiiiiicc-by having a motion to investiafate the charges of bribe ry ngaiuxt its members, and tho sugar trust ! roods. Buttz, the South Carolina renegade now living in Dakota, who attempted to bribe Senators Hunter and Kyle denies the charge, but the testemonv ol the two senators will prevail. Portions of Minnesota and Wisconsin were deluged by a cloud burst on the 10th. Several lives were lost, and nearly a million dollars of property destroyed. Senator Kyle, of South Dakota, h:is just unearthed some stupendous fnuidn upon the government in Indian claims. The frauds amount to hundreds of thous ands of dollajs. Pat Winston former Republican of the State, now living at Spokane, Washing ton, is out in a letter announcing his con version to the Third Party. There are loaves and fishes in sight, and Pat is after them. The State Medical Association elected Dr, J. H. Tucker, of Henderson, President of the Association for the coming year a moat fortunate election. A committee of naval officers, appoint ed by the Secretary of the Navy, are now at Homestead investigating the armor plate frauds in which the government has been largely robbed, and our navy put at the mercv ot foreitm war shins in conse quence of the defective material palmed on upon tne omciais. It is more than Drobabla that bv this writing that Utah has been admitted as a State. Some legislation for the preserva tion of the States alreaoy in the Union is more imperatively demanded than the ad mission of others for no better reason tlian to give more Senators aud members of Congress to bodies already too large to ba inactive for good. The Louisville, Kv.. Courier Journal. edited by Henry Watterwn, and thellead ing organ of the Democracy of that State, mukes as severe and caustio- arraignment of the conduct of our Democratic Senators as. parliamentary language permits, and ine puy ot it is, tue criticism ia tuny warranted oy tne tacts in tne case. Mr. Watterson says they have reached the lowest depth of contempt. "White caps" made a raid in Mecklen burg county a night or two ago, burst in the door of Mr. Johnston McClure's house snd attacked him with a fence rail, breaking his arm and otherwise injuring Mm Twi wtittA Mum naniul Q I ium 1 1 and Freeman, were the assailants. War rants have been issued lor them. The State convention of Kansas Demo crats has declared for free coinage, a tariff for re venue only and an Income tax. The third congressional Democratic conven tion of Tennessee favdre free and, unlimit ed coinage of silver, the Wilson - bill (original)! the repeal of tax on State Batiks, and tabled a resolution endorsing the administration. . : The nasi week has been one of manv prominent "gathorings. ; The Southern Baptists concluded their - convention at Dallas, Texas; the Southern Methodists are in conference at Memphis; the Episco palians of Virginia are in council at Richmond, , and their North. Carolina brethren at Qreeosboro; - the general as sembly of Presbyterians i, in session at Nashville, Tenn; the .North Carolina doctors met at Greensboro; the Populists of Georgia held their State convention; the Democrats on Alabama have held conventions, and there have been other gatherings too aumerotu for limited space, , . ; -.; ;' .V .. -'.'..';v ,,. The members of the "Superior" - Base Ball club are requested to meet at the Academy Green this afternoon at S o'clock. Hjebbbbt Moobb, Captain, - A RMI PLACE. A Partial Description of Ulrnoe Stork Farm, Onslow County, The Kpiscopnl cxi-ursion on the H'.ih inst. gave quite . nuinU-r ol New Herman Ihiir trip down New River and their lirst vi-it lo the grand fmk farm of l'rei.lent Tim-. A. Mi Intyrc. of tlie V. N. N. Kiiho-Ml. ihal n-ion hav ing at quite a recent dale liil lievii made easily acccs'hltf finm New Iljrne by the oetiing of Hie vailrnail and the runu'.nL' of a steamer on the rivir in I'omm tiou wiih the 1'nad. New river is li-.iiiy nmie ol an eslitirv than a river prosier. S'.'ven mile alivc .lacksouville is as high its it can be navi gated by land il i-only four miles from Jacksonville lo the lii'-ln'! navigable point. Tho view of the New river al .lacksou ville dm not lgin lo give a .fair iilea of that stream. Il n unite nairow then' bul it quickly widens out below, and at President M, Inl vres farm is l'lve u one and two miles wide. Il apprarx then pretty much as tln N'euse dies at N'ew Heine, and at the portion railed Stone's bay. Ill miles U-lov .l;irkson ille, it is a imm! three miles wide. Il is often called live miles, but we are informed by thofe faniil'uir h ith the river that the latter is nearer the correct liure. Near the nioulh of this river grow ojsjers which many de clare n'Y Hie lines! in the world, and il lish are nf the li i test llavor. The sceiiery aloie' the river is qaile pretty, and a! o'l" of the most desirable sif'S thrcii 1 1 mi ' w'ioIo ! n-ih lies the magiiilii nai farm an I elegant wii:l.:r home of Mr. Tli New V, I The fa. has, ill nil whieh are tell m i . A. Mi Inlyre, who is now in i is ., . I ! soul In i ii bank. It .Kb I :n res, four liundi'ed ot in eu iaation. I5y water it is from .lac", of.v !. th,; liean-l point on .in; W. N. X N. Kid. iad a ce sihle in t !:- w;iv; !.y laud it is live miles to tho ik a re.-1 station. Y.-oiia. To a p.isse.- on t'.i- iver tl-.' farm show but little, Irjeaii i s .irt. m woo U !: is liecn left iilon-.: the -'une wl; n iil al v hide . even lie' -lea iv ''iiiloin ; . A pier a war.-iinu-e oo .lie end juts out li oin I h;' In ' l- !'iig lo deep water. The land here . ronsiiV.abiv hiiier than the river. A road wvii proper slope leads to the li ;lt ieve ground above and then on lo the biillu.nu-. while slrotiu' rustic steps are at t lie rii ht for those who choose to uc them in making the as cent. The lodge or residence of Mr. Mi hit vie and family is at Hie right a few hundred feet hack front t lie river, near enough In give a view of it through the trees and ;ct the breeze from it. The building is unique, pretty and well designed, and it is not in any field, neither is II lion oil. il is rigid in lb wooix w.ih Ihe exception of clearing i-noii'h around it to give a medium sized yard. The family boing absent, tin: main portion of the house was closed, but the cmi-ervnl'irv w itli its ehoirc aud rare plants was thrown open l.i the visitors. A little further luck fnun the river and on the opposite side of the road is the home of tho snperiiiteuilciil, Mr. I.. A. (iuy and his lainilv, a commodious place in keeping with Iho character of the farm. A little further on straight ahead lie the poultry yard, barns, stables etc. There are eight roomy, well planned stock-barns, one being devoted to the cattle, tho others to tiie horses, the stalls of tho high broil ones being lalielled in large printed cards with tho name and pedigree of the animal that occupies each. Tho beautiful standard-bred Ken tucky stallion Wiseman, with Alxlallah and Ilamhlotonian blood (lowing in his veins is a magnificent animal, llo was at the last Kast Carolina Fair; there are also four thoroughbred mares of as (ine pedigrees as can bo obtained. The work horses of the firm aro choice ones of their kind. ' Mr. Mclntyre is breeding a superior strain of mules, lirst cla.'tt animals on each side being selected. The sire is the unusually fine jack, Monarch, one of the best in the South, We can see no reason why the raising of horses and mules should not liocome a prominent industry with us, snd a stop thus be put to the importation of so many Kentucky or more distantly raised ones. With tho exception of two gtailo Jer seys, all of the cattle on the farm are thoroughbred Holsteins and are perfect beauties. The poultry yards are divided off by wire fences. Besides the chickens a good number of turkeys and ducks aro being Continued on Pago 4 th. JIhsoIatelj : pure k eream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latsst TJnitod Statbs Govawureirr fooa Rbport. RotaL Banna Powdkb Co 100 Will 8t,,N, Y. ,. .;, . .. , l MTAKF ( ORKK8POMIEX K Hyde County Superior Court-Tlie At tenilanre, and Cases -Oilier Xews. En. JiiLhnal: Ijcaving New Itenie at 12 o'clock on Friday night last, in coinpkiiv wilh Mis-ih. I). F. Jam-, W. I). All Iver ami oile rs, on the schooner "Varena.'' with ( apt. J. I,. Williams to helm with thu wind dttid uliiad. we heat our way to the mouth ot itic river, at aliout 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon when we si t our course, and at II o'clock we anchored palely at the bridge one anil a quarter mill- from this place, Mi I ver and I packed dust (tor there is nothing but dust in the air here.) lor the county seal, where after some little banging wu woke the proprietor, and were soon eouitortn bly quartered, and you can imagine bow sweet we slept after having Uvn tun,, I about for 'IS hours on the si I iin. To-day court convent d at !l n'i ,i. k. Judge Armlield presiding with -nbci-tcr Kloiuit ul his jmst. Tiie grand jury w as soon elio-n ,tli 1. G. Sadler foreman. The following attorneys present. T. U. Skinner, Hertford: I.. ('. Latham, lin-enville; M. M. I ton. I, Kdcnton. .1. IL Small, W. li. Hodman, K. S. Sin ni, and S. T. I!ei ksmith, Washington; A f. Simmons unit .1. S. Mann. Hyde.- V. 1 1. Mi Iver. New Hei ne. There is quite a lull docket hut omiiil' to Hie -erinus illne-s of M rs. Win n n. a niimlier ol cast s weiv continued, ns Mi Warren could not lie prc-cni. Two iniport.uit can's were di-posi d of to-day, viz: Stale vs Adams :! ea-es f,,i !,l l leli'iidant subiiiilling. judgment -impended upon payment of cti-l. .State vs. lb .lit. Mann for larceny, in. Ye meni 2 years instate prison, the said Mann broke nnl ran when ueir tho jail, and alter a lively chase wa- captured in the i reck in a drowning . "Uil.Hon, and socurelv locked up. There is one other me oi -onio liilli mteiest to cenic up e- "low -Si ali Vs licnj il ii i il Donnell, for a null mi a i olon.l w ouian. It is thought court will adoiirn tomor row. I.ATKli, Dounell wa- convicted and sen tenced to live years in the peni:enliarv. We note the polished ami smiling edi tor of the (Jiizette. and the c uirlh and pli asjiil ,lai obsoii of the I 'rogn --: eai li are soliciting and collecting lor their pa per. Al-u Mr. ( rei cv ot the I'., oinMiu-l of l'ilizalielh Cily. I am j.; ul I,, !Vp.irl that Mr. Henry Wahab is '-ulliciently re covered lo be mn, after quile a continued spell. We are needing ram. I never haw wit nessed so much dusl. The first Irish potatoes 1 have -een wi re served for dinner to dae. .1. ,M. 11. May 15th 1!M. Do You Use Water? (id (H it I'lices on ;.vI,'vnizi:i I'li'i:. ' vs r 1 iiiin Si vvi.i: l'l ci . Ti:iti; v ( hit Si: i n. ami I) i; , i n l'i l'l: Hi uiiKit W.vi i : it Husk. Husk Fiti iMis. a m Lawn Si'kinki.kks. il ATIl UODM DLTKI'I S ( KM I' I.I .1 l J. J. DISOSWAY & CO 1.1 Craven Stren. mlllli 1JUAU1IA.M & 11ROCK Ixixj4 Co., FILL PRESCRIPTIONS AT ANY HOUR OF NIGHT. SPRV1A L STh'AMKJIS. -NORFOLK, NEW-BEME aid WASHINGTON, N. C. EBirectLiiie, ALL WATER ROUTE. St f. NewBerne WILL RAIL TinCSIVVY S & 1 TU - DAY'S 1 P. M. 8tmr. ALBEMARju WEDNESDAY'S IP, M, and SATUR DAY'S 7 P. M. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO N. Y. CITY. J-Delivery viaO.D. S..S.Co. Guaran teed. No Transfer Charces. phila. clyde line, Baltimore old bat line, boston providence m. & m. trans. co. washington. d. c. norfolk a wash TON 8. B. CO. RICHMOND, Va. S. B. CO. RALPH GRAY, Agt. New Berne, N. C. I C. ngf DAILY - FREIGHT - LINE. On and after Monday April 16, a Steamer of this line will sail from New Berne DAILY (Sunday excepted) at 4 P. M., nntil farther notice. ; . .. : -THE STR. NEUSE Carrying the TJ. S. Mail and Fas senders wilt sail as nsnat on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Friday's; GEO. HENDERSON. Art: i New Berne, N. 0. April 9thl8tU. f Stirring upTrade 3 .11 f l o Is Not so A'eiy Hard when we make THE INDUCEMENT VERY BODY Is Astonished AND PEOPLE WHO Buy Are Immensely Pleased. STIRRING Is kept up constantly, although things are or dinarily dull at this time. THE REASON Is that People , na turally come where they are sure to get VALUE THEIR MONEY. No Forced,. Cut or closing but sales nec essary at the Stores ot TEAT BO Ae -A- FINE LOT OF SHAFER'S Sugar Cured -MEATS-Tust In. Small Pig Hams, CHOICE BRBKFASl STRIPS AXD Small Shoulders. N. C. Hams Beautifully Cured, ONLY 12 I "2 or Another large Invoice of California Evap ated Fruits Just in. California Prunes 10c " Extra, 15c Pears 10c Peaches 15c peeled. 20c Apricots 20c Faiicy Dried Apples 10c Fancv Evaporated Ap ples 15c Another lot of those Fine California Peach es 31b standard goods 1 7 ONLY cts a:cau '& i',fv- vj gjoiin d: I'-1:" i 1

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