ANEURM F1EXD. Baa.tOy CltutM at ArUaftoa,s. AUJKOTolf, Ga., May 22. Fit day areninf tba 14-year alt 4nrV tr of WaabtoKtoa -Smith, iiwug rar here, iw Mtaolttd tad oat- raeed by a eTO while retorting from acbooL The arfro net wita deprate realstaaoe and after Ar te g hia piatol orer aer bead aereral tinea ke plunged a aaifeiato ker aide. At tkta moment Mr. Smith earn op oa hone back and the Bern fired three bullets into bis body and fled. Neighbora fooad father and dangb ter tneenalble In the road and took them home. Mr. Smith died Sua day moraine, and the daogbter is mow expected to die. Sheriff Wilkias captured tbe gor Sunday afternoon, and plac ed him uder a strong guard in tbe Miller county tail. AloO'eiocK yesterday morning an armed band of seventy-rive men etormed the jail and took tbe negro to aa oak tree tn the public square TaT bong him to tbe tree aud 11 red lolly five hundred boilers into tba body. ' Tne Bnniaa Famllj " tV-l 1. - t : 1 V, to-day consists of about 1,4."(),000,- 000 aonla not fewer, probably more. These ana distributed liter ally all over tbe earth's sari ace, there being no considerable spot on the globe where man baa not found a foottold. The extremes of tbe blacks and whites are as live to three, the remaining 700,X)0,H)0 Intermediate, brown, yellow and tawny in color. Exchange. We recommend Johnson'" Magnetic Oil for rheumatism, nt'iirulni, .-nruins. bruises, lame back; it quit-klr relieves pain. 25 and 50 i U. The tireat Seal of the Confederacy. Among the souvenirs of the Oon federacy offered for deposit in tbe oorner-atone was tbe great seal of tbe Confederate States. It is three iaobes and three quarters in diame ter, and beautifully cut. On the outer rim appear the words "The Confederate States of America: 2i February, 18!2 Deo Viudice The central figure is a soldier on horse back with his hand nised in aa easy position over the bead ol the horse, who is at a stand with hia left fore foot raised. Around this figure is a handsome wreath of cotton, tobaooo leave, corn and wheat and sugar cane. It is very handsome. It was re ceived from Paris where it was made, too late for use, ard nas never been taken from its case. It ia the only one in existence. It was offered by M. Cennett Smedes, bnt the ladies deemed it too his torically valuable to be laid away in a oonrer stone, and will suggest t) Mr. Smedes that it be given to the State for preservation. N O Chronicle. DEATH PLANT OF JAVA. A Botanical Beauty Whose Flower Continually Drip Poison. Java, the land of the famous and much exaggerated "Death Valley," has many wonderful curiosities iu the shape, of ornithological, geologic al, zoological and botanical oddities, chief among the latter, according to O. T T LI' i. .1 . "Ka I Mm.ih " nr "ilp.itli nlnnt " It grows only on the sterile soils of tho volcanic regions of Java and the ad joining islands, and is even there, reckoned as a curiosity on account of its extreme scarcity, being rarely met with even by thoso having a knowledge of its haunts and general characteristics. It grows from two and one-half to three feet in height, with long, 6lender stems, well pro tected by stout thorns nearly an inch In length. The ground leaves are of a delicate satfn-likc smoothness, lwsn-t-sliaped, emerald green on one side and blood red, streaked and veined with light buff, on tho other. The flowers of this death-dealing beauty are even more beautiful than tho plant itself, being very largo and cup-shaped, and of a color almost deathly in its white ness. The name of tho plant is from a characteristic of these splendid flow ers, which, beautiful though they are, continually drip with a deadly poison. This poison, which Is dis tilled in tho bottom of the cup-shaped blossom, has the sickening odor of chloroform intensified a dozenfold, it being powerful enough to over come a full grown man in a few seconds, even when Inhaled in open air. The perfume, if 6uch a pungent odor can properly be so called, pro duces insensibility in the form of convulsions, distorting the face, especially the mouth and ejes, Into a horrid, crazy-looking grin. Re covery from tho effects of inhaling this odor is 6ald to be very slow and ,to be followed with violent headache, ,ringing in the ears, and sometimes ,even partial or total deafness. , It is said that Mrs. Madison Black, of Savannah, Ga., owns the only plant of this peculiar species ever brought alive to America. Phenomenon of a Well. In the grounds of Livesey Hall, near Blackburn, there is a spring called "Mother Livesey's Well." The curious thing about this well is that the water only flows during nine months of the year, and is quite dry during tbe other three months (June, July and August), however wet the weather may be. The water always commences to . flow on the same date each year, and, never Ironies even during the hardest frost. r-Leedsgew4, ; " ;tivt;' , ; ' " v-.- ' CITIL BIRT1 0fc V. la AaMaiaMSt If Ten te It by Br. , En tiert Tbrwgh tbe leaaa. Wabbxotok, May 23. A nb stllnte for Mr. Daaphy1 Joint ro eolaUoj was reported front tbe ecmmttteo oa ralea to-day la the Hoose providing for an laveatiga tion of 'be alleged armor-plate fiaad by tbe Carnegie-Pbippe Company. The Honae proceeded ia com mittee of the whole to consider the legislative, executive and judi cial bill. Several amendments to the civil aervloe provision were offered, and debated at length. Mr. Enloe moved to strike oat the paragraph carrying an appro priation for salaries of the eommis sionera and clerks amounting to f.t.J.940. It jraa finally agreed to on diriaion. On demand quorum was shown to be preset i Mr. Dingley gave notice tbat it: tbe House be should demand a s parate yea and nay vote. Tbe committee then rose and the House adjourned. CHEROKEE- OK .NORTH CAROLINA. About 1,600 Keditklai Whs SUU Cm Biowgaas and Bow and Arrows. One of the most interesting places in North Carolina and yet one of tne least known, even by the people of the Old North State, is the reservation of what is termed the "eastern band" of the Cherokee nation. The history of the reservation is a strange one. When the Indians in North Carolina were removed by the government to the Indian Territory by far tne greater part of the Cherokees left their old homes forever, cut a strong band retained lands in three of the western countries, in what was then almost a wilderness. A great tract of land was set apart as a reservation by tne State, and voluminous laws governing these Cherokee lands wero enacted. For three score years or more these "Cherokee land laws'' formed a large part of the various codes, etc., and only recently have been dropped from the pages of such publica tions. They form curious reading, in their effort to mix American law with Indian ideas, customs and rules as to land tenure Originally the tract of land held by the Cherokees was far larger than at present. It now comprises 713, 000 acres, and some of it is th9 very best land in western North Carolina. It is mainly in Swain and Jackson counties, right among the moun tains, :and the enure country esat of the Mississippi does not contain a more picturesquely beautiful region or one better suited to Indian tastes and requirements, with its cold, clear streams, full of fish, its mountains, well wooded and abounding in game, and its comparative remoteness irom the beaten track of white people The wolf is yet a rover in this section and there is a county bounty for his scalp, not only in the counties above named, but in several others. The bear is more abundant than anywhere else save in the great swamps near the coast of the State. Deer are also abundant and the pheasant or partridge is found, though long since gone from other parts of tho State. The eastern band of Cherokees are an interesting race of people. The Western North Carolina Railway passes within ten miles of their reservation. BryeonCity being the nearest railway stat ion. The chief Cherokee town is known in English as Yellow Hill. It is a rambling place, through which rushes a bold mountain stream, the Ocona Lufiy. The Indian houses are nearly all nlike in design. They are built ot logs, well ntted, with a porch on one side. They are built to stand the cold, which is great there sometimes. So high is the altitude and so encircled by mountains is the reservation that there is no hot weather. The Indians are mainly enerae- ed in farming, but do not do an extensive business in this direc tion, though they raise plenty of food, The present number of the eastern band is about six teen hundred, and it is certain that they are increasing. The healthfulness of that region is remarkable and many of the Cherokees reach a great age. The oldest inhabitant is "Big mien, wno asserts tnat his age is H5 years. A recent visitor who talked with this venerable Indian on a Sunday found him SLEEPLESSNESS, Ferrous V- tion, Neural gia, Paraly sis, Locomo tor Ataxia, Melancholia. and kindred ailments, whether resulting from over anxiety, overwork or study, or from unnatural habits or excesses, are treated as a specialty, with great success, by the Staff of Specialists attached to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, S. T. Personal examination not always necessary. Many cases are success fully treated at distance. S ornTTir A A new and wonderfully AO 1 11 Da A. successful treatment has been discovered for Asthma and Hay Feror, which can be sent by Hail or F nasal - - It is not simply a palliatiT but a radioed cure. r . For pamphlet, question blanks, refer ences and particulars, in rahvtioa to any of tba above mentioned diseases, address, with ten cents in stamps, World's Dispsntv mrj Medical Association, MS Mala Skat Buffalo. H.Y. ;- .i : . making moocaaina oat of the Wo of a groundhog. v lbs Cherokee vote and are on the same footing as other ciiixens of the 8tate. Daring the ute war tneir enter, was a great believer " ia the Confederate 8tatea and a fine battalion or legioD .was raised. This, was commanded by Colonel Thomas wno years later died in an in sane asylum, and ft did effeo-i tive service, being known as the 'Thomas Legion. - . c. Lamest efforts are being made to educate these Indiana, Those educated are very intelligent, speak: English well, and are fond ot white people and do them favors. Many of the Cherokees. however, do not speak English at all, and are as wild in appearance as any Indians in the far West There is some intermarriage with the whites. Hunting is as of old, the favorite pursuit. The smaller kinds of game are not ignored. The rifle is the usual weapon. but the bow and arrow and the blowgun are used. Some are very expert with these primitive weapons, lhe blow trans are nine or ten feet long and are made of a kind of reed, with a bore or diameter of about half an inch. Twin City Sentinel Jolinsnn's Aromatic Compound Cod Liver Oil with hvpophonphitee is invalu able in all acronilous s flections, purifies the blood, builds up the appetite and makes sound nesh. lint bottles 11.00. ICE CREAM PAttLOB. Sarah Oxley has opened her Ice Cresm Parlor, at her old staii'1 on Broad street, near Middle, where she will be pleased to see her old ,'triends and pat rons. Choice cream furnished families day and night, at reasonable prices. tt. Ladies, if you want a pure delicate soap for the complection, druggist will always recommend Johnson s Uriental Medicinal Toilet Soap. MY LINE OF Zeigler's Shoes HAVE ARKIVED! 1 1 IIow many hearts will palpitate with delight at this intelligence. A More Complete Line -OF Ladies, Misses' & Uhildrens' (Shoes High Cut and Low Cut, would be impos sible to find. Ziegler Shoes are lower in price than ever before, but still they keep the same high standard of excellence. My Straw Hats Have also arrived but it is too Cold to mention them. W. 13. Barrington, 67 Middle St. NOTICE ! Until we can make other arrange ments, we will not send our CARTS on the streets after to-day. Please send to .1 1 1 l : r 1 j iiiu Biure mummy evtuing lor jour uraui, CLARK BAKING CO. Commissioner's Land Sale ! The undersigned, laving been appoint ed by tbe Superior court of Craven coun ty its Commissioner to sell the lands de scriled in the complaint in tbe action pending therein where Macon Bryan ii nd J.. I. Willis plaintiff and also McRoy iukI others are defendants, as will more fully appear from the judgments in said action, will offer lor sale at the court house door in Xewbern, on Monday June 4th, 1894, at the hour of 12 m. to the highest bidder for cash, the lands de scribed in the said judgment, to wit: 217 acres lying on Maul's Swamps being tbe lands purchased by John McRoy, deceas ed, of E. Cleve. This May 9th, 1894. W. D. McIVER, Commissioner. For Sale A HOUSE & LOT on Queen Street, adjoining the Station of the A. & N. C. It. R. Co. Apply to I. Manly. TWO IRON SAFES,! One weighing 1,000 pounds, " 600 " Just from tbe Factory, but bavv fallen into my hands and will be soil at a GREAT SACRIFICE. Remember, when you are in want of anything in the BANKRUPT Line BIG IKE is the place to get it You can always save money by looking over the GREAT AMERICAN! BANK RUPT DEALER'S STOCK. Trade Remember I have reduced the J prices on Lorillard ; Wholesale Oroioer. A FREE TEST MUNSON'S stanaeopatBic Fanny ftanciac Ca.' fra aaajsMkiiadTaahsi sa RHEUMATISM CURE W, ctaMB fcmvi puidn cm t Tm aMBtuafcy, V yoa apt a mMmm aval W i tintf b a) tmm mm n I aaa ml auaaaa aaal la tka aim il at Uaa aaat laa aaa aambaaaa aiS cu.liani tm tmm mt ill U afaatt awl aba Aambwai htm 90a caaiaiaf aarawoM Sa carina, -la raaia baaar." a ante Was laal ail ppvaa ff gnat aaaat ia aaary haw. Apply . to FJ B. Dvtty, Drogglst, New Berae, K. C. n8 Sua Do You Use Water? Get OUR Prices on Galtamiibd Pipe, Cast I boh Sbwsr Pipe, Tebba Cotta Be warn, and Dbaih Ptpk. Rubber Wateb Hose, Hose Fittikos, and Lawh Spbiiklebs. Bath Boom Outfits Complete. J. J. DI8O8WAY & CO. 43 Craven Street. mIOlm HOTKLS. INEW BERNE HOUSE, Moreieail City, N. C, J. II. MA.TV1V. Prop. Pleasant Location New Manage ment Good Accommodations Attentive Servants Terms Reasonable. Bathing Houses Free. VIR.OIIVIA. riYTK Hotel, Beaufort, N. C-, Dr. W. P. llobinsou, Prop. Fronts the Souuit and the Ocean beyond. Cool Breezes almost without intormtssion. Suited alike to Pleasure seekers or Commer cial Travellers. Tbe house is thoroughly rejuvenated, well furnished and carpeted throughout. mrSOtt MOUNT MITCHELL - HOTEL. Olaclc Mountain, N.C Unsurpassed Scenery, Water, Air, and Fare. Terms Reasonable. Opens May 1st, 1894. W. D. SPRAGUE, Prop. yEailroad, Telegraph and Post Offices near the door. m!5tf "PREPARE TO KEEP COOL" JT.C.WIritty Has Jnst Received a Snpply of SHEPARD'S Lightninsr Ice Cream Freezers. White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers. A K5TI 'ce Cream Jmlm I I Jf Freezers. Prices Lower THAN EVER. No. S3, S5& S7 Craven Street. HEW BERNE, N. G. r 1JNX FORGET AND LEWIS' SHOES Fir Sale tj J. F. TAYLOR. Here are some of the Good Things of life yon can find there: . 1st. Coal Oil, Johnny Boap tbe best all round soap In lie world. tod. Borazlne, the woman's friend. It cleans bleaches and makes washing easy. SAMPLES FREE, TRY IT. M. Bapo la always reliable. ! 4th. A new stock oi J.B. Lewis ft Coa'snoes. the beet erer brought to this market for the money see them. 6th. For a tonlo, try Hires Hoot Beer, Ba Taxian, Rienxl, PUner and Portners Import ed einger Ale, Brown's Stout and Basses Ale, always on hand. th. Tot Medical uses try Old Thomson, O. F. C Manhattei IX XX Monogram and Maryland AAAA Ryea, Pare mountain Corn and Brandies ol various kindn. jtouij Anxious to rieaae, J AS. r. TAYLOR. 18, M ft tt Middle street. PAHTTIUQ, PLASriCOlNG PAPEEUUG. ' Having permanently located in New Berne, I offer my services to the public in the line of Painting, Plaeticoing and . all kinds of Pa per Hanging. rv'--;.-r ; : Good . work Tand reasonable prices gnaranteed.- Give me a trial and I will endeavor to suit : Address, nr Call, at Residence Nb .78, corner Metcalf and New Streets.' . . 0. 0. KMHM, mmm Can !. sac irwf MBulHr The Red Star CLOTHIER; - It Is not prices alone that yon want ' BUT VALUES AS WELL The Season far Spring Suits, Ueckwear ana Uegligee Shirts is here and we are of ering some exceptional Bargains, The Latest Style - Scarf, 25c A Nobby Straw Hat, 50c Men's Fast Black i Hose, 20c A beautiful line Negligee Shirts, 11.00 SPRING SUITS In all the Latest Styles and Colors. Give us a, Jall. SOL COHEN, THE BED STAB CLOTHIER 77 Middle Street, New Berne, N. C, ADMINISTRATORS SALE Pursuant to an order of the Superior court of Craven County, the undersigned will sell a, public auction for cash at the corner of Middle and South Front streets in the City of New Beme. N. C. rn the ytu day ol Jane, 1H04, nt 12 o'clock, M. the lollowing personal property, to wit Doe fine horse about five yea in old, one l?ood open Imgey, one set of bupgy har ness, oue bu2ey robe, oue cold watch and chain, a few articles of hous'hold funiture &c. Said property twing of (he effects of the est ile ot u. 11. Kletrher. dereaaed. H. L. GIBBS, Adin'r. U. II Fletcher, dee'd. Tliis May 19th, 1894. VITAL TO MANHOOD. D-B. a WMTJ8 NKRVB JLND BRAIN TBEAT HENT, s spasUlo lor Hyuteria, DisHnaj, nta. Kit ral(U, Headaoha, Narnms Fniatratloo eaosed bi loohol or tobaooo, Wakafnlnsai, Msnlal ttopreaikm Softeoina' of Brain. oaoslEal Insanity, mlaair. daaar dMtb, Pramatnra Old Aga, BarrenniM, Lom oi Por tn lther sex, Impotanoy, Laaoorrboaa and al' rmla WaakneaMa, Inralanurr Loam, Sperms torrbcaa oaoaed by ovar-axartlrm nf Kr.t.. uai. abOK, OYeMndnlgiraoa. A month's treatment SI S for as, bj mall. With each order for boxes, Wtl IB will send written guarantee to refund If not onred Guarantees Issued by airent. WBHT'HI.IVRkptt.ta cures Sick Headache, BUlonsneM, XJyer Complaint Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia and OontUnattoa. GUARANTEES Issued oulf by v F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. THOUGH SANITATION. The Water-Works For New Berne will be in operation in a lew days and I wish to announce to the;PUBLIO that I have socared he services of an experienced tjANlTAKY PLUMBER and am thoroughly equipped for All Kinds of Plumbing. BATH TUBS tor both hot and cold water, Wftah-out Closets, Kitchen sinks. Lawn Sprinkling, and Pipe con nection and fitting up for water to any portion ot Bealdenoes, Work shops, Ao. tr Good work guaranteed and as rea sonable as it can be done anywhere. J. C GUi-fcLJlilV. Good Stock-Cood Work Thii ia the rennUtion 1 liava nt- tained in Saw Berne for the put 88 Tears. Bead Mai. W. L. Falner'i card below as a reoent proof of the I have now a workman of superior skill, and between tbe atook I furn ish and the work he does, lean guar antee the fullest satisfaction. . Re pairing a Soeoialty. Boot & Shoe Maker, THB0ABD: Six years ago John MoSorley, of Hew Bern, made ma a pair ot call boots. I have won them for all these years and traveled over several Northern BtaUa; have had them half soled once, and I am wearing them yet, and they are good for a year mora. - " W. L. PALMEB. Hew Berne, H.C. Sept '.Soto, 189i. , FORMALE. The tract of LAJfD, known as the FOUR ACRE SQUARE, on South Front and End 'Street, Whole or Part s Apply fO ?.. ; :- ,:v r Asa JoneM, Agt. SPRING & SUMMER :r'-: SPORTING GOODS - t In stock and ordered at short notice.' !,-: - Air Riffles, Balls, Boxinir Gloves Brass Reels, Croquets, Garden Sets, Fishing Tackle, . Hammocks, Hammock Spreaders, ; Hammock Ropes, Dolls and Toys. : Lawn Tennis Goods for Boys and Qirls. -. v - ' Tricycles from 13.00 to flO.OO. Velocipedes from J2.E0 to ta.OO. f'l""l A ."" Wl.llUl.iWk w aaa I ' : Confectioners Sc Totacconist, ESTABLISHED 18G9. PALr.iEn, nVEoone:& co. Successor to C. S PALMER,-. Wholesale Commission Merchants -." " - - -',f FOB TUH SA1.K Of " .V;.C;' . .-, SOUTHERN" FEUITS & TRUCK:. Berriess Peaches, Grapes 'MfJons , and Vegetables. . - . ; ' 1. ir"VViitormeln at: Ktawberrlen it :- pecinlty 16BEAftF8TKEEr,yEWY0Bf. ; . !. ",- . a a o e " . ". " REFEREHCES.'-OiathaiB National Bank, X. T, Commercial Arencles and all Principal Track Shippers. ''.'. ' . " , imA Wit fpgaSSg:,"M 1 -gt ..f,ffi,'&!4 Uli. II. . IIV ATT'S S T O RI XT lUT Kington. IV. C -Diseases of the Eye Yacht Sails We make a specialty pnees very mucn sail plans Send 6c (stamps) for new illustrated 7ft V . 5E? B- CARPENTER & CO. 207 to 211 So. Water St. CHICAGO, IL.U Received A LARGE LOT OF THOSE IV. Cl. HAMS That I am selling at IS' 1-3 cts. per lt. vLSO TttYABBL. OF MY 'Best on Earth" FLOUR, IT ONLY COSTS YOU $4.50 PER BBL. And there is none better made. To my COUNTRY friends I would say drive right in ihe rear of my store, where you will find STABLES FEEE. My prices are low," my dealings are just give me a trial and I will guarantee satisfaction or refund ail money. Bespeotfal'y, , : NO. 77 BROAD ST.- JEO It SP RIIS I- Weddings. W H. & R. S. Tcckee & Co., : . v , ':.': -': ..Raleigh, N. C. Are destrouj of particularly di recting. vour .4 attention to their excellent assortments of -. r r ' JDress Goods, S i' i- ; Laces j Linens, r .Underweari -," is CJorweta. Shoen and other outfit tings that are by custom necessary for bridal outfits '; They send samsplesjoffer suggest tions, send articles on approval, and make op your dresses in the most stylish . manner equal : to parts made gowns and at moder ate prices. ; ; V ". " - . Rady Made Tailor-finished suits are also offered in more ap proved styles. H , Correspondence by mail r a per sonal call is solicited. Estimates furnished. - X , W. E & R S. TUCKO, & CO. :J. . BAXTER. 4 Das Just Received a Fine Line of" 1 0EU73 ITNDr?.T7IIdll Including FLANNELS. : a nice Lot cf Patent Leather Shoes. ' A"nerlot of sample STRAW." HATS l?olng at SO cents on the dollar. ; tLadics Oxford Shoes a SpocioKy." and General Surgery.- and Rigging of high-class Yacht Sails and Rigging at Delow tnose ODtuniDie on tne seaDoara. Also Complete Outfits For Fishermen. . Send us dimensions of your boat and we will submit and estimates on ber complete outlit Fl&gS arxi Tepts M 4 .vrtf 5-G6ods. Cataloge of Sails and Marine Goods. E. S. STREET. a UUis aiVUi VA - W EaTERfl k IIURSES AND JUST RECEIVED A Car Load of i Western Flour A. 1 J T T i k A W-fk. ; sew uriftan r.inh)cA9 , ngni on ine larm in Louisiaiina, from first Vinsirla r;:-. . .--' Alan a Aill .fAAi.'.rAi.A.: r.A . DMA. Ul UliUC UTLUU- Cheat).:7 Call And baa m it mill . pay you. - lit II. UUI.LU. SEASONiBLE -HELPS ' : hM.Qphnlti Ilea: ' - w w wa. w a aa Wa Ketnsrreators. - ; : ' -. -w vjv AL A WiLiina r - r "Water Coolers. Wiro;CIotb, ; Window Screens , ;. And Doors, -AT- r" l. n c: " CO'5.