)aiiz Journal. VOL. XHL--NO. 43. ,NEW BERNE. N. C. FRIDAY. MAY 25, 194. PRICE 5 CENTS The D 1 BUSH ESS LOCALS. BARGAIN J at Private aU to-diy and to-morrow in rear room, at CatJiolic rec tory feather bed end pillow, cracky, hardware, clotla-'w ringer, &c Mas. Juiaa Poiaiaa. A NEW aupplr of North Carolina pepper cared In ma. Very One. uSStf Ldcab A Lrwi. 100 DOZEN egira at J. H. Fuiu'i, 117 Broad Ht. Price 15ct per doien. St MONET saved U money rrufle. Bay your Melltinei at Mace'a Drag Store. You will aava money on every purchase. Quality gmrantevd. A trial will convince you. IF yoo owe me pleaau pa n. C. E. SuiTKH. MAC lINE and hand made brick in any quantity for mle. 28tf Ohm Kbixkhbtkih. WHEN Boraxine ia naed according to directions, a third of the laltor and the coat of aoap in ordinary washing it aaved. Hamples free at J. F. T.ylor'a. TRY Gasklll's Cream Drinka, they" are fine. Nothing hut pure cream naed in making them. Orange, Pineapple, Vanilla, Strawberry, Ra'plierry and Bananas. Also Ice Cream Soil a. tl. I HAVE just received a tew In; of Spring and Summer samples from Wanamakcr & Brown, Philadelphia, and samples ol silk Vests. They are cheap as the times are bard. Come and look at them. Jacob Hartsfibld, with J. B. Holland & Co., No. 13 Pollock St. LOCAL NEWS. NEW AD VSIi TTSfCMS!fTS. llowarti. Mm Poiricr.- Bargains. J. H. Parker, jr. Pictures fiee. J. J. Diwaway & Co. Suve a dollar. Ri-v F. D. Swindell, Presiding Elder will pi each in tie Centennry Mrthodht churc.i Sunday night at 8 o'clock. In going along a public highway street or roail, to Inrn to the right is always right. The rule should ha remem bered. Mr. J. R. Parker, jr., announces that - he will give a very nice and pretty pic ture witli every pound of Sea Foam Bak ing Powder purchased from him. Mr. J. W, Smallwnrvl hai just had large refrigerator constructed for U9C at his store, according to plans of his own, which seems to be admirably adapted to hm business. Mr. Geo. T. Hudson has bought out the dry goods business ot Mr. Cohen at the market dock who has been doing business under the nom de plume of "Cheap John."' Riverdalc is getting a big share of the picnics. There, have been picnics there this week three days in succession, Han cock street Methodist were there Wed nesday, the Presbyterians Thursday,' and the Sabbath school of Biverdale Methodist Will have a picnic at the church to-day. Polk Miller, the jovial President of the yirginia Field Sports Club, and the in imitable delineator of 'Negro songs and dialect, who bas made crowded booses burst their sides laughing wherever he has appeared, will occupy the boards at the theatre Satuiday night. A bicycle club should be organized in New Berne. Eight or ten months ago when the sport was all a rage, there was , a club, and in fairly pood shape, but for ' some reason,' it is no longer heard of. We have now more wheals than then, and a pumber of good riders, but there is no organised effort at the present to get up ay intercst4tbls pleasant and healthful sport k "The aicmben of the hose reel team of the Mlantig lire Company will meet at their engine house this afternoon at' 7 o'clock for practice. It is hoped that the boys will be out in full at the hour . appointed for if they expect to go to Winston, the place appointed for, the : tournament this yearj and compete for the prizes they wast have practice at the hydrant , We would like to see the boys go and bring back the laurels as they "have done In the past with their quick . steamer. . : ; .. A Literary Treat To-alRht. To-cight in Y, M. C. A. Hall our pee : pie wilt have an opportunity of hearing one of the gifted men of the $tite, Mr. Walter B. Henry,' in his lecture on the gre it theme, "VVqman, Her History and Heroism, Her Place and Eowef.'l...,-"."' From bis college-days Mr. Henry hat borne fipe reputation for hi literary culture, and for the beautiful" thoughts, figyres and images whieh be weave" Into his jMB, lectures and orations. . ' ' During the las political campaign Mr. Henry was one of the foremost workers and he made a fine impression wherever he went. His speech at New Berne was not surpassed by any delivered - here. He spoke twice at Scotlan Neck and upon the second occasion he was greeted by an audience of six thousand, which Is said to have been the grandest demonstration in the State, except the one in honor of the Yice.Bresiditul candidate Stevenson . at Winston. . ,.'?."'.':; :. " .' -. : Mr. Henry's lecture On "Woman" is spoken of as evincing profound study, Bparklingr.with the srems of history and literature, and portraying the condition of . . . . v .r . . 1. r .1. .. woman curing tne uiueiwuejuaMi. ui wo world's history, and her triumphant emenrsncy from the darkness of the past. Tiie price of admission is 25 eta. "Tb It s'ture will brsrin at 8:30. All ministers til be admitted free. ' ; Cealar aa Gola Rev, T. D. Swindell, P. E., of Golds bora sd Rev. J. T. Gal tit, of Durham, went down to Beaufort last night. R;v. Mr. Swindell b just from the General Ooofcreooe. Mrs. Bettie Whaley and d-iogliter. Miss Booila, and Miss Myrtle E. Pope, went down to RiverJale to attend the picnic to-day. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kennedy, Mrs Matt. Wooten, and Messra. W. S. Herbert and Dempat-y Wood ot Lenoir county who went down to Morehead for a day 'a fishing returned home yesterday from an unsococssful trip the rain broke up the sport tliey expected to have. Messrs Paul Humphrey, Ernest Dewey, Edward Porter, Borden and several others from Goldaboro snd a lew Irom otlier places remain at the Atlantic Hotel to enjoy the fishing. Preskyterlaa Pie-nlc. The Presbyterian Sabbath School with quite a number ol invited friends boarded the steamer Trent yesterday suoming and went down Nense river, then came back as far as Biverdale and landed there for dinner about twelve o'clock. They were well pleased with the place finding it well adapted to their purpose. The sumptous dinner having been par taken of, and reveral hours spent pleas antly in rambling along the woods and shore, playing base ball, Ac , all re-embarked between three and four o'clock and came on towards New Berac. The lxat touched at tlie wharf to per mit those to get off who wished to do so and then lite steamer with the greater portion of the party went on up Neuse river for several miles, and then return ed getting back about seven o'clock. The day was a pretty one. The place selected was a new one to the school, it lieing the first lime they bad ever gone ilown the river and the picnic was enjoy ed accordingly. Advertising Pay. Says on exchange: Those firms, whose names you see constantly before the pub lic, know that advertising pays. They have tetted it , thoroughly. The reader may not Had every time the advertise ment, but lie sees it and he's impressed with the fact I hut tliat firm wants to secure trade and is willing to bid for it an impression is made and when he wants to purchase goods he just follows that impression. Occasionally a firm succeeds very well without advertising, but the proprietor has to split his throat and oftentimes shortens his days working for what advertising would bring him. The B. A R. Fire Co, Excu. slon The Rough & Heady Fire company, col., excursion, left here yesterday morn ing lor Wilmington. It carried about two hundred people. A telegram from Cbas. II. Ruwell the chairman of the excursion committee telegraphs upon their arrival in Wilming ton, the Mayor welcomed the fire com pany to the city and tendered them the use of the city Hall free. They bad an entertainment in it at night and they are reported as having a grand time. Net for Purchasing Purposes, We are informed that the statistics on traffic through the New Berne and Bean fort canal do not have any connection with a proposed purchase of the canal by the Government, These st-itistics are secured every year on every river or water way beingimproved by the government. The observations taken on the cum' meutionedarc for the "water-way between New Berne and Beaul'ort, N. C," and aie taken there because at that point a true record can ba secured. Disciple Meeting at Jaapnr. A week's meeting has just closed in the Disciple church at Jasper conducted by Rev. B. H. Melton of Pollocksville which resulted in thru conversions. The attend ance is spoken of as good The church at th&t place is weak as yet. It has only fourteen members and only three male member. The church building is so it can be used but has never been completed. An effort will now lie made to finish. H, Aboqt flity dollars was raised during the meetings fur the purpose. - ': A Card. In reference to the fact that the Chief Engineer' wagon was out in the colored firemen'! parade on Monday. I wish to state that I was absent from the city, and the wagon was obtained by false repre sentation made to my iw that I had promised it, no part of which represents-: tioa was true, i ne wagon is tne property of the Chief Engineer and is never used even by him except on proper occasions. W . V. iUBBINOTON,- May 24, 94. ::s, ...... Chief Engineer.:.;: POLK MILLFR AT THE THEATRE. Ho Tells (stories b4 Slags Songs to the Delight of a Large Audience-' ' The entertainment given at the Acad- emv of Music last night by Polk Miller, of Richmond, the celebrated delineator of the character of toe Old Virginia .Negro was one of the moat delightful, to which it has been the pleasure or a Koanoke audience to listen. . There was a good sized house and many of the best people of Roanoke were present. Mr. Miller s delineation of the ol I time "darkey" character is well nigh nert'ect and can be thoronofalv appreciated only by those who remember the 'good old Umes." Roanoke (Va.) World. TAHCB XOXUIESr Fl.ND Ladies Appoiatedto Canvass th City Far Subscriptions to It, At a meeting of the Central Committee of the Vance Memorial Ansociatio j held at tho court housj in New Borne, M;iv 24th, 1804, the lollowing commiaees were appointeJ to solicit subscriptions in the several localities named: South Front and East Front streets Mm. K. P. William-. Mi?s Maud Land. Pollock and Craven trect. Miss Lil lian Hob n. Mis Leah Jones. Broad and Mid lie streets. Miss Olivii Meet", Misb Fanuie Holland. New. Johnson n I Haiicm '. savcl-1. -Miss Sadie Manly. Mi V. (liivir. Mi-lcalf and (t-nr.v .ir lis di- Ktta Nunn, Miss H attic- I) nl E. II. Mkadows. 1i i s. .1 . I'iudi.k. Secy. Malaria Intiodured by Bad Water. Dr. R. H. Lewis, Seciet.iry of the N orth Carolina Board of Hedth, snys that the evidence tint iiialaiiul ilisi-tLso are mini dticed into the system, in many if not niOft instances. tlin.UKli the medium of the drinking-water is, t Lis mind, con clusive. The water containing the gu ms or plasniodia is surf.ice or superficial soil water. Those living m malarial districts who.cor.fine themselves to wati-r from cisterns or wells driven or lored ljeneatli the stmt u in of marl or impervious clav ill other words, beyond the water which soaks dow n from the surface lire to a large extent fne from attacks. Dr. Lewis says that if the people of our eastern counties could bo optierally con vinced of this fiet and thereby induced to act upon it, the health conditions ol this really line siclnm would I hi revolu tionized fr the liettcr. To biin this about is the object of the Hoard of Health. In order to do this fads must !, pre sented to them in the concrete not bv illustrations from "Asia ami Spa-ia ami t'other side o' Ilillsbnro," so to pcak, but by instances from anions their own neighbors. He asks if any one knows any facts hearing on this sulij ct 1 1 n I they will write them to him in detail at their earliest convenience. Give th j name and post-nftVc of the head of the family hav ing the experience. If not personally familiar Willi the tai ts send the nu nc and address, that the Doctor mnv write him direct. Hancock Street M. E Sunday School PIc-Mc The steamer Trent with the genial and accommodating Capt. Herman Dowdy at the wheel, pulled out of the foot of Cra ven street dock nt 8:30 o'clock Wednes day morning with Hancock Street Metho dist Sunday School and a goodly number of friends and invited guests f.n- Kivir- dale, under the charge of Mr. S. H. Hall the efficient Superintendent. The choir rendered good an I delight ful music on the way down, accompanied by nn organ played by the efficient or ganist Miss Jennie Qibbs, who knows how to finger the keys. Mr. Ed. Bangerl added considerable in the performance on the Jew's Harp, and alter about one and a half hours ride we arrived nt the whart which has been lately repaired and put m morougii coumiion. i ne cargo ni live stock, and baskets and boxes were landed, and the children and young peo ple scattered over the woods plucking wild flowers. Ropes were brought for ward and swings were hens' up in the stately oaks. Swinging and jumping the rope was quite amusing. About eleven o'clock we heard the distant muttering of thunder and it told of the coming rain which made its ap- lienrance very soon, to the displeasure of the school; it thwarted the plans to some decree for about two hours. In the meantime the ciowd gathered in the dwelling and had a jolly good time drinking lemonade dispensed by the hands ot the genial looker as every body railed him, the crowd np stairs began to play shufly lu, but a word from the Sup erintendent soon put a stop to it. i tie long looked tor nour lor dinner came at last, and a beautiful supply of wen prepared nam, cnictten, pies, cakes snd other things too tedious to mention were spread before the people, and every body seemed to be satisfied, contented and paid. We wondered where so much wu prepared eatahte, came from. The write) ot this article bas attended many picnics and must say that he enjoyed this dinner as well if not better than at any picnic heretofore. 1 will not forget to say a wont for Bro. Harley the efficient and polite pastor who was so caretui ana considerate to took after the welfare of the visitors. Alter dinner .the crack frame of hall took placebetween the Joe Parson Blues and the Herman Dowdy Grays, with a t r there nmnire trom Oriental whose descissions were fair. It was very hard to tell which side beat- The only way I could tell was by paying attention to Charlie Edwards who seemed to be under the hack all the while. Capt. Dowdy at the bat nay be considered a heavy hitter and very fleet on the heel. Hardy Lewis played bis part well, it he did have a cigar in his mouth almost long enongblor bat v' ; All praise to brother Ba.ll in his good and. positive management of the boys, we will m tend again next year. u. "One Swallow don't make a summer." But summer isTupoo us, and it behooves you to , lay in 'your stock of summer, underwear. Some people do not change their winter underwear until June 1st, if you are one of them, do not forget us if you have any to buv. New lot Collars and Cuffs, Shirts, Half Hose and Suspen ders. New lot childrens White Canvass hats, at 23o. See us for Clothing, Hats and Shoes. -I t in nnuriDn I ' VI MM UV IT AU1 II I'lMFEDEIUTE MOM'MEM'. The Comer atone Laid la the Presence of an Immense Multitude Im pressive Cereinoiil-s, Fifteen thousand people were pi sent at the cxen i-e-atlendii'L' the laviie.' of corner-i-tone of the Confederate monu ment at Ki'eih. Tucvlay. all trains run ning into lta'eigh that nioiiiirw were m k ed with visitors and many had pre ionlv arrived. The cl iv wa p. rlivt. the sinvt- were lined at an early hour and the windows of every liiiildiii' aloiiL' the mute of the pro cess. M wore crowde I. Owin,' to the cni-h the pr.n ck-,oii w as formed with difficulty but it was an ini po"iiia one si-ven bloc ks lone;. It wn lorn til on K.iyettcvT'le street and inarched thence, amid clieeiv. to the Capitol. The priHt-Mon wu composed ol: A platoon of police, with the hat in lommand and mounted member follow ini:. w ilh ( 'hi. f Mar-hall Stron u h at the hea I and thirty mounted marshals. The l!a!eih I'ard. l-'oiir military companies: Pitt KiH.'s. 40 siroii"; Granville (irays, 4n strong; Durham l.ijit Inl'raiitry, 3 -tron,- :ind the (iovernor's (iuard. Cariiaes with the (.overnor and nlher I i? t i n-r u iliL-i 1 men. The l-'avetville l.iulit Iiilrautry, the sec ond olilest military company in the I'ni te 1 Slate- in their splendid i;ni uniforms. II presctilatives of Ihy.in (iriincs camp, No 4.M iKMring the llau of that organiza tion. The lla; ol Ihe (Sh regimen!, . ( '. troops, Cook'-brioade. all torn and renl by shot and slrl, w Inch had Iwvn arriial ihronlioui the war. On it was in-cribui the chief battles in w hich it was (imaged. Kraier's Farm. Sharps' mi rg, liett..burg, etc. The column of veterans (alunit 2.111) l.sl bv Cl. I). Hall, who commanded Cooks I !: ii;ade in m arly every one n tin se battles. Mher battle ll i-s, anion- 1 1 1 -1 1 1 was one that had lain on the colt'ui ol'.Icll'ersou Davis. The Oxl'onl Hi-legation, The Ladie-of tin- tuoiitiini nt 1 1 asoc:a-ti-n. T h students of the Agricultural and Mechanical Collci;e in lull uiiiforu). mak ing a 1 lai Li i-s. n show. State oltli i is :ui 1 other prominent gen ttcmen. The Knleiuh Fire Department. Five Inin-lred momiteil men from Kal- eih and Wake county, with their horses gaily caparisoned with Confederate Hays. these made an imosing appearance and were vociferously applaudid. The stands were at the Ilillshoro street gale of the Capitcl sipiare where the cor ner stouu was ti he laid. One stand wj. tilled by a sp.eial choir of one liunili'cil ladies; it win a K-ileony of beaut v. (Joy Carrcal'edtlienicetiiiglo order and weleoineil Hie niiiltilitile. The Ncws-( Ibsi rver-Cliiuniele say s the scene m front ol the stand was one never to be forgotten. It was a perli-ct sea of uptir.ncil tacis on every sule 1 lie programme was carried out as lol lows. The choir rendered the Old Ninth State. Walter (Jriu.cs; who introducid the bill providing for erecting tie- monument made the opening address giving a history of the nmnuinent. liev. .lames A. Weston, who was a major in the Cnnfedcrate army and dis tinguished for his bravery, made an in vocation, appropriate in eon -eptioii and beautiful in language. 1 hen the choir sung "Let. us go over the River and Host I'uder the Shade of the Tree?. Then Capt. Thomas W. Mason deliv ered the oration with magnetic eloquence, an oration historic, patriotic and worthy of preservation in permanent form. Cjpt. Mason declared that one third of the military pnpulat ion ofXorth Car olina lost their lives in the contest and in vigorous language portrayed their hi- roisrn as greatest lu numbers, lust in bat tle, nearest the foe at (ietlvsburg and whose rifles gave the last salute to the flag when it was folded in immortal hon or. The contents of the corner-stone box were then announced among other things a lock of Gen. Lee's hair; a button from his coat; a strand from the tail of "Traveller," his horse; a piece of the a p ple tree st Appomattox; souvenirs from Continued on Page 4th. . C. I) Line. Notice Wo will have no steamer sailing from Xew Berne on Saturday May 10th. Geo. Henderson. Agent. New York Truck (notations by Wire, Messrs. Palmer Hivenburg & Co., of New Tqrk, telegraphed the following quotations for that city last night. Strawberries. 3 Gi 7c." Cabbnire. 75e. $1.12: Beans, wax, 81.25 (Pi 1.75, Turnips lc. 8c., per bunch. Pure . K oraara of rUr baking powder Blithest of all in lenvenlnir -strenirth. . Latest Ukxtbd Statbs QorvBRKKirr Food Report. . RoTai. Bajcnra Powti OolM Wall di., . v r , s. t,- v. i 1 xx Dsmxt9 at m' a a mm m m m m wt lUPPEM.NUS OK THE DAY. New Or'eans has lia I aiiothe. .l;-.a--trous lire. This time it was in the 1 i-h-ionable n sidence portion of tin- cilv Wett end." A large crow I i in attendant e at the einnnK-nccment eercis s of the S'ate nor mal school at tireciisboro. (lov. Carr in troduced the oral. .r ( ongres-iu m llrjau ol Nebraska. A certain cleti.tnl in Alubiuii w t r. opposed to Senator Morgan, but he got the cednisatioii ot the Stale Dcmoi raiii i onvi n t i ni in Moiitg.imerv on Wii1'h-s,:i . Nat (ioo.lwin has l.,.,, , r -. t i 1 1 1 w:ih m:i "z: "Wit is the power to s;(v wiiat i . I bo l would h.av i sil 1 if tie , h i 1 h.iiipi iie.l t i ll.uik ot :t. It i, the runawav knock at laiightei's door." Senator Mills sas the iiroln-tion amend ments to the tariff bill, w Inch he has b en ppns lig eliiiilinlicalh , hae yottrii him U-tween the - -1 . - v 1 1 ami the di-id s,, and lie is all aid lie will ha i to - -1 ., k. watt l as the i lioii e o evil-. uilote : i the h II as auieiidc l Ifa pioiiiincul newspaper is eoiicit, about double a many ( liiiiesi- have roiri-- tered as are in tliiscountrv and tiinii-lud l'liotDgrajih too. .lohn's idea is said to be to sell these s-irpltis registration papers to other Johns who may want to come to this country. Certain Senators are fraud ami brib. i Hid are being investigated bv a commiMc e of their ti-llows. It is hardly piobabV the Senate will being ; in a enbcl mist its-ll', but the couiiti will have its opinion. Col. W. C. dates, the Administration eaniliilatit lor liovcrnor got the nomina tion in the Democratic Slate contention if Alabama on toe 22nd on the first bal lot. The vote wasllatis. L'?2 Johnston 2:12. W. T. K. II , J I of Waco. Texas, lale lid Son I'lof W. T. to T'c as" with his of North faro I'm. Iv. Dell w h i inovt d finiily about a e lroin an ovi nlos: through mistake. ll'jn. illi d on the I si h of Mlotpliiiit- taki n Judge .Inn. II. Iica.-.in of 'I'cva-. who-, camliilacy for Ooveinor js announced in Press dispatches, was toiimr I'osi Mas ler Oeneral ol the Conledi-rate Slates, verv Hilar in Te iis. and an anti-Clcvi- iand llemociat. Senator Ibrinan made a se.e,eh mi the tariff mi the -:!th elu- idat ing that subject and attempt ing to explain I in- posit ion ol' Ihe Democratic parly m le'eniuc to il It. mav silisly s.nalois, lait will the unit ry agree. Acniial man w tiles to a .k wli-. it is that legislative bodies seldom los- :m op porlunily to invistigale chatgis made aga.nsl wealthv t orp'iial ion i. Ill's cynic can guess as well as anvo'ie. bm we w ill give him a stint by suggo-iing 1 1 1 : i L he ask a lew Congressini n . The Alaiiianee (ileaner .:i. that Mr. W. D. Holt, lias invented and had paten ted a riding plow which takes rank with any labor-saving implement of the kind i vcr placed on the market in this coun try. The ladies of Lexington. Kv., carried sentiinint too far when they refused to lecnriite the graves ol the Cnnlei h rate lea 1 "because ( oh iiii-l l'ireek'uii'idge was a uieml-er ol' the Yettratis Associu mn." The heroic dead of the ' Lost ( .nise" arc not responsible for t lie action of any one unworthy man who may bring disgrace to himself, but w ho cannot all'ivt their glory. The vole by w hich the Senate continued the Kansas Negro Taylor as Register of the District ofCoIumbia was 111 to 11. The papers do not give the names of Ihe ayes and noes as they should. The peo ple and the party have a right to know. and will til id out. If the party is going to give its best olliccstocolorcilinen.it is dead in the South. The Senate has given another serious blow to the Democratic party in the South by the confirmation of ihe negro Taylor to be Register of Deeds lor the District ol" Columbia. Dow n here the only thing that has made many loyal to the party was the idea that it was a "w hite man's party," and this departure will not he advantageous to tLo party or the coun try. Free A BEAUTIFUL PAR LOR riCTURE with every one pound can of SEA FOAM Baking Powder I have also just received a lot of those FRESH Corned PORTSMOUTH MULLETS. The first of the season Como and get some bo fore tliey are all gone. Respectfully, J, It. l'arker, Jr. NO. 77 BROAD ST. DID IT EVER STRIKE YOU 'JTo Save a. Dollar ? You may do so by getting. OUR Prices -OX-Cast Irqn Sou, Pipe, Tkbra Cotta Sewer, and Drain Pipe. Rubber Water Dose, Hose Fittings, and Lawn Sprinklers. Bath Roojt Outfits Complete. J. J. DISOSWAY & CO. , , 43 Craven, Streai. mlOlm 5,000 PENN MUTUAL . . AND - - TRAYLOR'S KEY WEST ITS, Jost Received atBRADUAM & BROCK .Drilj Co's. Prescription. Drug 8tore THE-:-BIG-:-IF! -mn'-mn- IF IF IF YOU WANT THE BESTi IF III pfoo Want tie Cbeadi F IF Yon Want the Latest. IF 'A. c,ii; ni nu; kixi IF IF ii i ,vr Possess all Tliese 1-QUALIFICAriONS-o- IF IF IFIF "V'On V:mt n BEAUTIFUL riCTURI IF IF BUY A IFl IF POUND O of I mi IF IF SEA FOAi and we will give you one. IF IF - .' 3- p13, t k - WE i HACM&WILLffl" 47 4Q Pollock Street -A- FINE LOT OF SHAFER'S Sugar Cured I list- In. Small Pig Hams, CHOICE STRIPS A v I ) Small Shoulders. M. C. Hams Beautifully Cured, i rs i ONLY I wW I ttZvr Another lare Invoice of California Evap ated Fruits lust in. California Prunes 10c " Extra. 15c Pears 10c Peaches 15c " pe.'led, 20c Apricots 20c Fancy Dried Apples 10c Fancv Evaporated Ap ples 15c Another lot of those Fine California Peach es 31b standard goods 17 ONLY ctsACAXT JOHN DUNN, No. 55 & 57 Police!: CI .1

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