The Daily Journal. VOL. XIII.-NO. 45. NEW BERNE. X. C. SUNDAY. MAY 27, 1M)4. PRICE r TKNTS BC81JCS8 LOCALS. BARGAINS l Private sale UmUv and to-tixtrrow is rear room of Catiiolic rec torj friLther bed and pillow, crockery, hardware, clotlira-vringrr, 4c. Mas. Julia l'oiaic. MONEY mvrd raowy nuulr. Buy Tour kfolicinm at Mace'i Drag Store. You will aave money oo every purchase. Quality gu irjnto-d A trial will convince you. IF you dwi' me please iv nie. C. E. Plover. MAC 1 S K ml liiintl maile briek in any qn iiitny lor mle. 2Stf C'uvs Kkizcnbtkis. WHEN Borjxine i uaeil according to direction, a thin' f tlie hnr and the it ofBonp i" 'r.liiinrv washing is saved. Samples free at J. V TiylnrV TRY Oaskill'a Crci.u Drinks, they are fine Nothing lull pure cream used in makng tin-in. Orange, Pineapple, Vanilla, 8tnib ry, lUsplierry an.l liunnnas. Also Ice Cream Nxla. tl. I HAVE jnst received mew lo. of Spring and Summer samples from Wanaruaker & Brown, I'hiladt-lphia, ami samples ol silk Vesis They nrc i-lieup as the times are hard. Come and look at them. Jacob llAn.TSFiui.ii, with J. II. Holland A Co.. So. 18 l'oll.ick St. LOCAL NEWS. A A' IF ADVKBTISKMKNTS. llowar.i. The runrml of Mr. N. A. Bray will lie held from Cuntenaiy M. K., church this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The spring fishing season is over. Wc hope all the fisherman did well. They oulit to at least ns all their profits are net. This week the last coat of paint will be put on Dr. F. W- Hughes store and then it will le ready for oociipincv. It is a pretty store and one of the Im sI business stands in the city. It will lie occupied by Mr. C S. Hollisier. Tin- atl'ray Ixtweeu lr. IcinsU-r Duffy an iar. C. L. Uiiskill nine up lor hearing before Mayor Ellis yesterday niornig. The former being ibo asssiluiit was lined $.5.1)0 and costs. Judgment was suspended in the case of the latter. Tho Progressive Farmer mid Tmboro Southerner each copy the stoiy, "In an Inch of his Liie." by Aruclnl, written for the Journal and published in lost Sun day's paper. The scene of the story, a trial for murder, based upon circunishuw tial evidence, was laid in Tarboro and the editor ol the last mentioned paper gays he has been searchm;; the court rec ords in vain for the case and fays: "l'rob ably some of our oldest citizens can throw light on this cae." Cuming aud lloinic Mr. (i. M. Koyall, manager of the La Grange.Salurday Times, came down to visit hbfrelatives. Miss Bessie Davis, of Beaulbit who has been teaching school at Closs, passed through last night returning home. Mrs. Aouie Pratt and Master Wilford Pratt who have been visiting Mrs. A. H. Alphin, left to visit at Jacksonville. Lieut. J. Johnson, of the Revenue Cut ter Winona, who has been in Washington on a leave of absence, returned last night. Collegiate Institute Annual Sermon. The annual sermon liefore the pupils of the New Berne Collegiate Institute will be preached by the Kev. C. G. Var dell, this evening at 8 o'clock in the Presbyterian church. The teachers and pupils of all public and private schools, and young people generally are cordially invited to attend. Beats will be reserved for all young peo ple, and whether they are in school now or not they are requested to occupy those Seats, Church Services. Centenary Methodist Church. John Stanly Thomas will conduct the morning service at 11 a. m. Subject be not weary in well doing, Gal. 6-9. Rev. F, D. Swindell, P. E , will preach at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting 9:20 a. m. Sunday school 8 p m. J. M. Howard, Supt. Christ Church. Rot. T. Ji N. George Rector. 12 Sunday after Trinity. Service at 11 a, m. Sunday 'scbool and men Bible class at 4 p. m. Sunday school at the chapel 930 a. m, The public are cordially invited attentive ushers. Presbyterian Church: Rev. C. G, Vardell pastor. Services 11 ft, in. and ft n. m. Sunday School at 4 d. m. The public are cordially Invited. Baptist Chureh Rev. Rulus Ford, pa tor, Services at 11 a. m. and 8. p. m; Sunday School 8 p. m. Church of Christ Rev. D. H. Petree, pastor, Service at 11 a, m, and 8 p. ., Sundav School at 4 p. m. Public invited Free Will Baptist Church Elder Wil son Lopton, pastor, Sunday School at 1 a. m. 0. C. Kateht. Sup't, Services at 11 a, m. and 8. p. m. , Y. M.C. A, 8)15 p, m. Young men mcetbff. J. L. Hurtsflld leader, Good singing. ' ' Sunday school at the Baptist Mission Pollock and Norwood streets,9:I8 a.m. Hew York Track Quotations hy Wire. Messrs. Palmer Bivenburst & Co., of New York, telegraphed the following quotations for that city last night. Stiawbnrrie. 8 (Si 13c: Cabbage. 75c, $1.25: Beans, wax, 81.01 1.80, green, 1.50 a .M.v V i - Pelk Miller. It is much to be regretted lint Mr. Polk Miller did not give bis entertain ment last night Mr. Miller tame in on the eveninl train from Wilmington. where the beat people gave him an ovation, ns they have everywhere be has been. Immediately upon his arrival lie as told that ai it was Saturday night be would only have a small audience. After 8 o'clock Mr. Miller was A the tlieatrc and there was no nudience. Be then stated he would give a free entertaiu mmt if a hall could be had for I lie pur pose, but would not charge a small audi ence, as would a professional who was traveling for the money alone. While we should like to luvn heard him, we admire his dignified action. Collegiate Institaie C'oslnr Exercises. Thursday, at the Collegiate Iusiitute, contests took place for the prir.s in spell and penmanship and on Friday I'.r read ing. It lia, of course been determined who are the winners of the prizes hut the results will not be mule known until Thursday night, the tune at which ail the prizes will lie published. To night at 8 o'clock. Rev. C. O. Vur dcll will preach the annual sermon in the Presbyterian church. To-morrow, at half past four o'clock, the contest fur tlie prize in" original com position will be held. On Tucsd iy nieht. ut 8 o'cloc k, Gen. A. Battle will deliver the annual ad dress. Wednesday niht the prize for decla mation will be contested for. Thursday night the prizes will be award ed. The only prize the winner of which is known, is that for the greatest nutnlier of head marks. Master Linn Ilendren is tne winner of that. Friday night at 8 o'clock the annual party will be held and this w ill 1 tlie last gathering of this scholastic year. The Teachers Assembly Stenographer, We tnentl ued in Friday's Journal a number of the students of the State Nor mal and Industrial school returning home. Another student from thif city, Mi.-s Rachel Brown, graduated at the school this year and received her diploma Thurs day. She will remain at the schiol how ever another month to take the husimss course taught there. She intends going direct from the school to Morehead City to attend thi Teachers Assembly, foi which she is the stenographer this year. Miss Brown, while at the Normal and Industrial school has become an expert stenographer and type-writter, and has recently served in those capacities at the Guilford county medical association and the State Medical Anciaion. It is a pleasure to see one of our young lady citizens possessing these accomplish ments iu such an eminect degreo as to cause her services to be thus sought for by such high representative organiza tions of the best professions of the Slate. TRUSTEE'S MEETING. Selecting a Principal Action In Kef ference to Fence At a meeting of the Trustees of the New Berne Academy the Secretary was instructed to correspond with the Presi dent of the University and the Presidents of Wake Forest, Trinity and Davidson colleges, requesting them to recomend some suitable persons for the Principal of the New Berno Collegiate Institute. The secretary was also instructed to advertise for a suitable person who will lie required to present himself in person to Hie 11 aid of Trustees. Action was also taken upon the matter of property enclosing the Academy green. It was decided to do away with a regular fence and simply put a good strong curb ing around tlie green leaving it an open park. List of Letters. Remaining in the Post Office at New Berne, Craven county, N. C, May 19t: 1894. ' B. Mrs. Lvnda Urvaut. Miss Nice. Brown, Miss Laura Brock. Mrs Rv hael Beatley care Mrs M P Itryun, James Boone, B R Blake. C. Mrs. V H Cooper, Miss C C Cariie, Miss Lamer. Udpton, it :v.- .N. At. Cooper, Mrs James Clnlds, Mrs Mi Ilia Carter. D. Mrs Jannie Daughtev. P. Miss Martha Fonville care of Miss Lisey Green. U. Mr. Bryant lirein. Mrs Letuice Good, Mrs Maggie Gastill, Mrs J V P uardoer. II. S J Hudson, D P Hudson, Mrs famine times, Mrs Tamer Heath, Miss Marie Uatson, David Hand, Z X Horton, uapu u w uobbs, Henry iamilton. j. Mrs Aietae Jonosoo, John A Jones, col., Miss Cora K Jooe, wm Henry Jones, mv nr Jones. . XL- urs Henry Knott, . u w Kitlette, uenj. JLennear. - , L. W G B Laae. M. Miss Etu Moore, Bryant Mil ler. - P. Mrs Carolina Peartree. B. Matilda Ryel, Miss Nettie Rog- eers. - 8. Cad Sullivan, John Sadler, Rufus Scott, Walter Buggs. " s .T. Messrs Bob, Taylor Bros, W. Cant. Ebe T Williami care of Str, MoCabe, Mrs Rosetta Willis, Miss Lottie West, Rev. JasJ Wilson, A. Witeover, Charity Whitfield, Miss A Williams, Joseph Washington, liennte Wallace. V Persons calling for - above letters will please say advertised and give , date i list . . ..- The Mentations now requlra that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of I each advertised letter. M. Manly, P. M. KOAXOKE again. Whence ike Naatr, aad Probable Beaalag. Eiiitor Journal: We have been haiulrd by your Local a copy of Patron and i leaner in which tlie e-dnor of that paper calls upon us for facts, nnd not a.rtions, in setting aside the Indian le gend published in his pier, deriving the name ol Uoanoke river trom the wonl Koao as applied to the color of a horse ow ned by a Tusearora chief, who, whi e swimming the river uuou Ins burse was snvel by the branches of au oak tree The horse being lost the tribe perpetuated :s memory by naming the nverKoanoke. Vr have to say that in .New lierne, a city that in times pist has mod ;!i - nanie theus ol Mi i n I iro . is m,t iK place to in. ike n- , . ul a n i si uric j 1 ualure; for here too wa. - nee 'he home I .John Ltwson, Francis X i, r Martin, inl Dr. Hawks, nil ihr e ol w hom have written histories ui .u...i Carolina that tiuih and resetir, h have not bien xeelleil. The history ol mosi n..tiuns commences remoteness, fable legend, tradition. These I ecoine en-'nlled into written his- orv and ure believed. The historian Niebuhr, introtluced a new school of historical criticism. He lays dow n as a rule that all failles, legends, aud traditions uuloss accompanied by subsequent tacts or w ithin the bounds of human r.ason me i lje dLscarded and thrown away. The Rjiimn people never could show the tiuriul place of Romulus the fuuuder ol heir city. They said a wind anil a loud took him ui) and they tielieved it. aud deilicd him. ilis translation is not accompanied by any subsequent facts anil s beyond i fie bounils ol human reason nil therefore untrue and not to lie la.-- ioved In sacred history wu ore uot to bllow this rule. We introduce a divine power; and when we read ol the trans ition of Elijah in a chariot of tire wc can believe be wint rilit along up and do no violence to reason cr truth. I'lic, mud Uoanoke seems to be a popu lar one. We have Roa-iokc Island to begin with, then conies right idling Kuan- oke River. R 'anoke cities nnd towns, Uoanoke counties, Kouiutke and steamboats, Uoanoke lior-es and dogs. Roanoke sla'e im n. John Kaiidolph of Uoanoke, &c. The name Uoan-oac (Roanoke) is purely It has under-'onc no more lin- ual change than other Indian naine-i in Ea-terii North Curuliuti. Ilu-te-nichs is lattera?. r iim-Hcougli (1 amlico), Cio-!o- on (C'i'oatan) am, so on. Tlie attempted coloniz ilion ol Uo.iuoke land was a iieiioil of bout six visit's. Sir Waller Italeigh was probably i eier ne. Ue r lo the Island than i lie West In Ins loin len .ns ol the colonists ill ulu lo him as i heir patron we get in the li est re port t lie uaine Koau ac. e also learn roni these series ot historic papers that w hen tiov. i hue came over w illi the last colony the Roanoke, tribe of Indians tied their island home and that they did not flee down Pamlico Found, but the general context is that they went up Al be marie sound anil it is quite reason able to believe that they went up Uoan oke river and took the name of their old home with them, thus naming the liver. The distance from island lo river is only about liny miles, n lieu New lienie seitiel the colonists here brought tliu name ot their old home over three thou-;-ii ui I miles. It is to be iiobd that none of the colonists to Roanoke brought any horses. A period of from sixty to seventy years now elapses beloiv any more settlement takes place in North Carolina, then the settlers from Virginia begun to drop in oil Albemarle sound and at Rath Town in Beaufort county. Also the Knglish drop in on the Cape Fear from Bermuda. A period o! 11U years trom toyu to luu elapses before we have any true historic account of things. Then John Lawson starts out from Charleston, C. on the 28th day of Dec., 1700, to make a tour ol the Indians and reach the hoglish in Virginia. lie goes up the coat of South Caro lina in a canoe, visits the Saotces, Con garecs, Waterees, Sewees and many other tribes in that State. Turns up the coun try and reaches the head waters of the Cape rear river. When he arrives up there be meets an English trader named Massey Ironi the settlements in Virginia. This man has a lot ( f pack horsss and advises Lawson lo turn his course from the Virginia trail as the Sinagers'or lriquois Indians from Canady are on the route, and would kill him. He ad vises Lawson to try and reach die Eng lish on Roanoke. He turns east and wheu he gets to Haw river there he meets the 1 uscarora Indian and that is the first time wu hear the name. As he came down to Eno River above Hillsboro he locates a town by name Euo of this tribe. As he gets near New Berne he finds a hunting party of over 500 ol these Indians and he states these Indians are so numerous it is hard to get anything to eat bis picnic basket gets empty. He crosses the Chatt ookau (Chau tauqua) wbicu he states is tne .north West branch ot .Neuso Kiver," buys twen ty barbecued shad for a dressed doe skin, and finally reaches the English at Bath Town, now in Beaufort county. This was m the spring of 1701. there was not a pale face in New Bsrne at that time, but you will note there were shad and we have them in abuudance every iprinir. You readily see how truthful his account -those shad Bayed his life. In this journey of 1000 miles, if John Lawson straddled a horse, or roue any thing save his mamma's colts, as we say in Eastern X. C. vernacular, produce the authority, Lawson gives as tlie names ot eighteen Tuscarora towns. In Tos-ne-oo we catch Toisoot on line of Wilmingion Railroad and in Con-tan-nah we catch Con'.entnea in Greene county .. We are thus enabled to locate the Tuscaroraa from Eno, about Hillsboro to New Berne, out not on Roanoke river . We therefore assert from historical facts that the TuKaroras were never, on Roanoke river until long alter the river was named, that the Indians or Eastern North Carolina bad no horses, or. any other domestic animals except doqs. aad that the legend of the Tuscarora Indians naming BoanoKe river trom a nooie roan horse and the oak tree is a myth and to be relegated to the status of a nursery tale. If vou look in Webster's dictionary you will Bnd the word wampum means tne sneu money oi tne inaians, out you won't find any Roanoke. Lawson tells us the Indians of Eastern North Carolina called their shell money Uoanoke. This was a universal term for it among all tribes in North Ciirolins. and U lanokc Island was the principal place at that time to get these shells and really means in Indian langu lge the money country. HAPFESIXU8 Or" THK DAY. Tennessee striking miners are euccunil ili?. Those at Coal creek me going to work as an alternative for starvation. The anuouii enient is tiunle that llrcck enridge has gotten control of the con gressional comuiittie of Itis district and is liavin Ihitis his own way. He has fixed on Saturday, S ptcinbiT loth as tlie day for a primary election. The ninety suond annual Commeuce nieiit of the Sulein Female collece was lieirun on Friday ni;;ht. the 'JMh, with a vocal concert, under the auspices of Miss Antoinette Tracy. Gov. Carr, on Fridav isc-ued warrants for the execution, at Louisl nn. Franklin county, of ( alvin and Thonins tolev. olored, for the murder of a iHildler, nam ed Tucker, oh iut a year ago. France has smul the World's Colum bian Exposition lor ifl.OiKl.bOO. The suit was bcnim Friday at Chicago in the United States circuit court. The litiga tion "rows out ol the r rench uovernrucnt hiim for damages to ixbibits of French subjects injured during the fire in the manufacturers building. The Rocky Mount Phoenix has this to pay of our former townsman Itev. F.I). Tlioma?. "Tho sermon of the Uev. F. I). Thomas on "Religion in Politics,' Sun day night is said to have beeu a strong and able cnorr, lu its moral tone liene fuling the consecrated. Christian character ol this clever and accomplished gentle man. The sheriff at Birmingham, Alabama. bus written to tiov. Jones stating that the civil power is unable to prevent further bloodshed with the rioting miners, and asking that the military lie sent lo Iris aid. The governor telegraphed him the iroops would 'jc sent lo ti e scene of action at once. The governor also tlisuk- ed sheriff Morrow for the courage and firmness w ith which he has acted through these trouble. The lording of the strikers against law officers is very bitter. The Senate Committee on the llrilx-ry case, have lound Buttz. the tool, guilty ot attempted brilarv of Senalors Ilunton anil Kyle. It exonerates those two Sen ators, and the newspaper men who pult lished statements involving high parties in the sugar schedule fraud, refuse to tes tily. They have more sense than Butt; and wont give give away their pali'oi s, but the public will look upon this relu-al as an admission ihey know of gr-al wrongs else wind motive not to tell. The I'oem on Vaiice. En. .Ioi'Rnat.: The pucin on Vanct in your issue of May 261 li, written by Mr Thomas Badlnim, ot Eilenton, N. C. would have immortalized him had h lived a century ago. It is not only a gj'anil piece of versifica tion, but it also breatlies the very essence of true poetry. Elegant versification We ill only admire, out true poetry we can feel as it is the languago or the soul. It cannot lie descrilied. 1 chuss Mr. liadliani with the best w riters of lugitive pectrv the south ever produced. Jonathan IIavk.ns. Sealed Proposals Wanted. Soiled proposals lor removing trash from Streets and Allevs of the City pay able monthly, will lie received by the undersigned until Thursday Mav .'list H94. The right to reject any and all bills is reserved. Hum J. I.ovH-K, Chmn. StreLs & I'unips Comm. May 25, 1894. The Discovery Paved His Life. Mr. (r. Caillouett", Druggist, Bears- ville. III., says; ''To Dr. King's New Di: covory I owe mv life. Was taken with L Grippe and tiled all the physician lor miles about, but of no avail and was niven uo nnd told I could not live. IInv- iug Dr. King's New Discovery in my store 1 sent for a bottle and b -gan its use and Irom the first dose began to get better and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house with out it." Get a free trial at F. S. Duffy Drug Store. 2 Habit is a cable; every day we weave a thread and soon we cannot break it. Don't form any bad habits, but Bret in the habit of coming to Howard's for what you need m Ulothine tiats or uaps. we have other things you need too. They are Shirts, Neckware and Underware. Just in a new lot of Balbriggan shirts and suspen ders, The suspenders are long cut. They will suit you if you are tall. New Collars, Cuffs and Windsor Ties. Childrens White Hats for little ones. J. M. HOWARD DID IT EVER STRIKE YOU To Have a. Dollar ? You may do so by getting OUR Prices OX Cast Iron Soil Pipe, TebbaCotta Sewer, and Dbain Pipe, Rubber Water Hose, Hosb Fittings, and Lawn Spbihklebs. Bath Boom Outfits Complete. J. J. DIS03WAY & CO 43 Cntven Street mlOlm 5,000 PENN MUTUAL TRAYLOR'S KEY WEST iast Received at BRADH AM & BROCK Drajt Co's. FrearripUon Drug Store. Honor Rob Jones Co. Arademj The Honor Roll of .buns county Male and Female Academy. Illockillc. A II. White and W. Ii Burn-, principals, for the month ending Mav 1-Mh i- ;i follows: Almmlii White Mwtli Katie Vernon. ( P. lUnuiti. Absolutely -Pure A oream of tartar bakinir powder Highest of all in leavening strength. ATK8T TjMTKO STATES OoVKHNMKNT Food Report. Rotal Baking Powdub Co.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. Ladies, if vim want a pure delii ate so.ip f the roinpleclioii. diuggi-t will alwav- 'Coiiimeiid .lohlisou's Miiln Toilet Soap. J. A. JONES SALE, LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Fine Carriages, liuggii-s :m, ains loriirr al reason able Best attention to hoarding Horses and Mules on sule uilt lor -I i or negotiable paper. South Front Street. New l!i rue, inb Ippositc ( Jaslon Hi SPKCI.r, STE.WlEHs. NORFOLK, NEW-BERNE and WASHINGTON, N. C, BirectLine ALL WATER ROUTE. Str. TV o"v Berne WILL SAIL Ti r.Sl)VS ,V l'KI DAY'S 1 1'. M. Stmr. ALBEM AHi, WEDNESDAY'S 1 I'. M , a;.d SATI l! DAY'S 7 T. M. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO N. Y. CITY. Delivery viaO.D. S. S.Co. ( teed. No Transfer Charces. 1I1LA. CLYDE I. INK, UALTIMOlMOllI.II BAY LINK, BOSTON PHOV1IIKNCK M. ft M. TItANS. (.11. WASHINGTON. D. C. NOlibOLK ft WASH- TON s. it. ci i. RICHMOND, Va. S. 11. CO. RALl'H GRAY, At. Now Iter ni, X. C. DAILY -FREIGHT -LINE. On aud after Monday April 10, a Steamer of this line will sail from New Berne DAILY (Sunday excepted) at 4 P. M., until further notice. THE STR. NEUSE Carrying the U. S. Mail and Pas sengers will sail as usual on Mon day's, Wednesday's anu .Friday's. GEO. UKJNUHiUaUiN, Agt. New Berne, N. C. April 9tU 1894. MY LINE OF Zeigler s Shoes HAVE ARRIVED ! ! ! How many hearts will palpitate with delight at this intelligence. A More Complete Line OF Iadies, Misses' &, (Jhildrens' Shoes High Cut and Low Cut, would be impos sible to find. ZJegler Shoes are lower in price than ever before, but sou they keep the same high standard of excellence. W . C Barnngton, 67 Middle St. J While. T. A Har riett. .1. E. Foscue, I iettl.iu-l Bell and. I.iiira W Inllbrd The. rinsing even i-i s n ,n..iiii.t t hnst ian college will Ih- In M .lu .e 1st, nct Friday Mnj Harding, ot bro-miUi- ml: deliver the inldn-c-at 11 a in Mu-u :d and literary riiini- will b- he'il at night. li w IlLJt m XsL ' V I Teatn rites. THE-:-BIG-:-IF! -t-o-m- II IF IF OU WANT THEBEST1 IF oi Want lie Cheapesq V IF on Want the Latest.! II F WE :a lvi-; mh n u: kin II THAT Possess all These o-QUALIFICA-nONS- II IF IF IFIF YOu Want n IF IF BEAUTIFUL PICTURE BUY A IF IF POUND CAN of ANTZ SEA IF FOAN and we will give ou one. IF IF mi- I n i pttdttdw o. wn t vm I lUAUiujuim a nuiijjhiii I I ... tA11 1- Ct i I -A- FINE LOT OF SHAFER'S Sugar Cured Tiist In. Small Pig Hams. CHOICE BREADS) STRIPS AND Small Shoulders. N. C Hams Beautifully Cured, 12 1-2 ONLY or Another lare Invoice of California Evap ated Fruits lust in. California Prunes 10c " Extra. 15c Pears 10c Peaches 15c " peeled. 20c Apricots 20c Fancy Dried Apples 10c Fane? Evaporated Ap ples 15c Another lot of those Fine California Peach es 31b standard goods 17 ONLY eta A CAH JOHN DUNN, No. 55 & 57 Pollock 8t