THE COSFEDlii iTE BOLDIEK. H DM xH Pit la Ti-Ta U fc tod Ik Oa'j Oar th Wil: Hi . Ue Life af the ral.a. Itvuatrange ami u '. u MtaaM aaeo ol the Sooib ! oi tba Nortk, abed each otber Mood. Thay apoks lbs Mint liigu-tge. tby wofahlppdattbe aae ir, tbjr bad beea school boys tBtlie r, Ibey bad abou'.ed togibfr ia ib , hock ot battle; and, together, tbry bd filled tbe world with their vintoriea of Denoe. Wa rT of liebt touched the glrj of their country, that did uot fall, witb iu benediction upon them both. And y-jt, above tht contentions of tbe White and Ked Koe, of Cavalier and Honod llend, of Boor ton and Jacobin, ttiere a ol earn grandeur in their nirugclf Can Ibe Union live by toro f Thf North answered, jtis the South Answered no. And tb' momentous question of government wan to te Milled in stormy Comma of arm. Etch thought be had "Iim quarrel jttnl'' and thaa thrice armed thej a(rnve. Two million of the men of the North stood to arm; jix humtml tboosand of tbe men of t'ae South stood to arm. How graudly thy trore, sbakiDg the ocean. with the tramp of monitor and ram, and teaching new warfare to the natiouo of the earth, liow they strove, while tbe strom of battle bowled op tbe valleys, and over the moun taius, and across the plaint), shriek ing and hissing into the ear of the pale wife as she knelt by the bed aide of her children and praed for tbe husband upon whose breast tbe pitiless storm was beating. Uow sbeo strove while theii Hocks and harvests perished, and their homes were consumed, and want and banger came, and, through tbe dreary watches of tbe night, tbe widowed wife sat looking, with wan and weary face, npon the dy ing child in ber arms, while the currents of its life lau dry in her aobing breast! Brave women of onr land, what tongue can tell your devotion! There was no soldier's arm yon did not nerve Shall we eay of the Confederate soldier that be died iu x.tin! Shall we say of his mighty struggle that it has no higher nieauni'' than deleatt Shall we stand above his j State the experiment, was aband grave and declare tbat all was lost;oned because it evoked opposition bat honor? From the Muokiu altar j n the part of the best cit zens. In of bis sacrifice, is there no incense j one or two .states other than De- to virtue? Does the world blesn linn only who wears a crown ot I unci Is there no beauty on i he tiro- that wears a crown of thorns! Were the oracles of God lust when his cUoseu people, to n.en ,ia-N"il uuder the yoke of lioru. laws and language of to tlu .rorhl when the ( W ere the K ) ne lost jth s'r-c'i t 'ro.ii u ell 'he 3' u, ii . dowu Ler Ivtglo f W .n lost to I!nt,tit; when ' buck to her throne? The Confederate soldi r h s not II I! the died in vain. History wil story of his death and . men may be lifted up lj ' pie of his devotion to 'tie of his fatbem. if they del in vain, who fell at .loor iiO.'i, ' II If I e rx.irii tiieitiory n.'r 'lie 's Creek Bridge, at Rial's Mv'iuta.ri at Guilford, at Germ itrown. a' lirandy wiue, at I'nue 'ton; then, their sons did not die in v -ui who fell at Bethel, at Mum-ixh, at Kichmond, at Sfiarpsourg, a: Fre dericksburg at Chanrellorsvil'.e, at t.i iruhn anil 11.1 ii-ur- ti..l.l where they sealed, with their blood, the covenant made with their fathers, that this should 1ij a l.'n ion of Sovereigti States, with a government of expretM p ;wers limited by the letter of :lie writ en compact. For this covenant they died. Tnat no sinfu'i hand miitht he laid upon it, they took up arms. That no jot or tittle of it might fail, t hey drew the sword. The canse for ojCsf which they diel is not the lost - $Sff omeo'' de1 ' xi'ed- -v. it it In tue vital CJU-ce of a h.' i,' Union; its soul and Mtreng h. its ouly hope of future iile,-and with oat which it will dissolve and pass away like the smile of a dream npon the wrinkled face d time. Tte Confederate soldier h is not died in vain. The lesson he has left as is the only counsel that can save the life of onr Union. When his tory shall call the names of those who have been truest to their Vrast, in the ranks of war, tbe men of the gray uniform will answer to their names and take their places in the world's legion of honor. My brothers, the memory of your comrade will not lade. In the twi light of the years to come it will be as tbe lumnioas star which led the Eastern Worshippers, where a new life had come to abide among men long enough to teach them how to live like heroes and die like martyrs. The daughters of North : Carolina will point our children and oar children's children to that Star. They will never turn their faces from the Confederate Soldier. They gave yon your battle flags wet V with their tears, and in that sign, and with their prayers, yon made the name of North Carolina no ble. With each returning Spring time the grave of your comrade blooms oat afresh as they lay their bands . . npon it. To-day they have embal- - med hit memory in Stone. They - have given you this token of tbetr - love that shall noc fail. Let ns lift ' ts'np this token of their love, my . brothers? Tbe light of the morning will bleBS it; the glory or the even log will hallow it; the patient stars will watch over it; and tbe calm face of oar comrade will teach ns courage for the day and hope for the morrow. Te men, who wore the fray, yon have been brave in peace as yon were ttraofr i war. You oara lif ted North Carolina op iayoararat, and mtde ber as trna to onr Unlo os tbe bnde is troe to ber aMrriage rows. ly ) onr ptiuc iraoi ardor and bopeare oors Elsewhere, id our Union, tbere is trouble. So cial dirder vexes tbe Bool of tbe patriot, and tbe cry of distress pains tbe heart of him who loves bis fellow man. Tech others the eMkn of your patience. Teach them to right the wrong, as yon have done, by tbe wisdom of the law and the purity of its adminis tration . Teach them to be true, eich to his sovereign State, as yon are true to North Carolina. And, by this shrine which ber daughters have consecrated with their love, let us today renew onr vows to onr Soverneigo Queen, the brightest Jewell in whom crown is tbe mem ory of her Soldiers whom she gave io the Confederacy Thon -a W. Mason. the w iurr;; rosr. What Northern Paperi Sj Ab ut It. The hartford Courant, referring to the crnsade of a New York journal Hgiinat tbe Delaware whip ping post, sa: "There's a set of gentle folk wbo think the road to popular favor and tender consideration is through breaking the lawn, bat the fact is, that there's a lot of sober, thinking people, wbo believe in tbe whipp ing post and who wish it could be re-established in other States. The Courant would welcome it lor Con necticat and be glad to see a law that provided a public whipping post lor every mau who beat on wife. Tbe tear of physical pain ml kei men on their good behavior when the prospect of an easy time in j nl at public expense is far away iroin deterring them; it rather at traCH."' When that "lot of sober, think ing people'' who agree with the Courant iu thin matter becomes a inxjonty in any State, they can set up the whipping post by legislative eiwtmeur. liui tne sentiment which calls fur tbi institution is i declining. Only one State in recent I yea's has followed the example of J IM .ware, so tar as to in. ike public : (logging the penalty for petty in- i irar ions of t he law, and in that j law, ne. ih ' Uw pr u'ides flogging I r wife dealers, but lor no other 'offenders, yet the peualty is rarely imposed, alt hough it is uot claimed that wile beating bus beeu aband oned or materially reduced. It is no pity lor olTeuders, es pecially lor men who thrash their wives, ihat pievetits the general a m of i he lash No crime has l-.-.i of toleia' cc than this. No in a i- more geuerally or heartily d' pi,ed than the wife-beater. I'l l ilii.. lew ol the men who are go :i ol murder would be found e ip ttiie ot heating their wives. But it ia believed that the spectacle of a public flogging, or even the exis tence of u statute authorizing such an exhi ntioti, is degrading to a ciiiuniuinf i and because of its t llec! on the pub ic generally, not on the recipient, legislative bodies decline to set up the whipping. poft . Tne expense of maintaining large numbers of men in jail who are committed for small offenses is an evil of growing magnitude and its abatement is one ol the serious pro olcins nidi which social science and practical legislation are con fronted The State ot Delaware, whose people are not behind those ot other Sta'es in intelligence and character, believes in and sticks to the lash as a corrective agency. This is Delaware's own business and outside interference is unlikely r a produce the irrended effect. But t ;ere is small chance that other C o ntnmouwealchs will adopt this peculiar local institution. Resolutions of Respect. Where as Almighty God in his great, wisdom, has seen fit to re move Irom among ns one of oar bright and shining light's, Sister Dessie Band, whose cheerful face was seldom ever absent until tbe sad accident which caused her death. Therefore be it Besolved, yet, that in the death sister Dessie the sunday school is called npon to mourn tbe loss of one of its most faithful and devoted members and the family one of its most cheerful and illustrious in mates. Kesolved, 2nd: That this San- day School bow in humble submiss ion to the will of Him who doeth all things well and that we all fol low the bright example and meet her in Heaven where parting is no more. Kesolvod .'3rd: That we tender tbe bereaved family onr sincere sympathy in their sad hoar of troa Ble and trust they will look to Jesus who can all tbeir sorrow heal. . Kesolved 4th. That a eopy of these rerolutions be spread on onr minntes a copy be sent to tbe be reaved family also a copy be sent to the Watch Tower and the New Berne Journal for publica tion. G. R. Brinsoa ' J.J. Brinson J. 0. Barrington ' Com. You have a splendid chance to grow in grace every time any body snubs you. People never come to know each other well until they have prayed together. Wil II COL9K1DO AGAIN. Tb CriffU Crk KlMia frly.Mf ike Ifeaattes btaa Me bbw Af tiat Thea, Cripplk Creek, Col. Uar 25 striking miners destroyed much properly nere to-day, and are getting very ugly. It is an out break ot the old trouble. They are sticking (or 13 for 8. hour's work. Twenty deputies were surrounaea ana disarmed by sUikers last ntarht four miles from here. Twenty-three others escaped, but were subsequently torcea to etacK tneir arms and leave or be blown up with giant powder. About 9 o'clock thfs morniDg when the train on the Florence A Cripple Creek Railroad came in sight of Victor, carrying the f'5 deputies from Denver, the shaft house of the Strong mine was blown up witb giant powd er, the machinery ruined and the shaft house subsequently burned. W hen the explosion occurred, the train stopped and the depu ties disembarked and went into came near the railroad tracks where they fortified their positions with lies and other timber to resist a night attack if one is made. There are about 400 miners untied with Winches ter rifles, and not less than 800 whose arms are pistols of im proved pattern, with an abund ance of ammuition. How lo Hare Thrift; Hodso-PUbU I prefer to keep house-plants in pots all summer, and to keep them on the veranda or under a shed made expressly tor them. One can be made cheaply by setting posts in the ground and roofing over with strips of lath, put close enough together to break the force of the sun, but not close enough to give full shade. Under such a shelter the plants get the benefit of light, tree circulation of air, and moisture. Because one knows that attontion in the wav of watering must be given, she will be likely to do the work well, as it is but little more labor to do it as it ought to be than it is to half do it, and the importance of thoroughness will be apparent. Her plants will be likely to be under coustaut attention because of their being conveniently located, and they will be pretty sure to receive the care they ought to get at this season. It is a mistake to think you can have good plants next winter if you negleot or half care for your plants in summer. The fact is, you lay the foundation for effective winter work at this season. You are looking ahead, or should be, and a little thought will convince you that it is foolishness to expect a plant to get along without care all summer, but devlop, all at once, into a satisfactory specimen when you get it into the house. Care for your plants at this season, and all seasons, with a view to their effectiveness later on. A liberal interpretation of that sentence means that at no period of its formative existence should a plant be without the care that comes of intelligent oversight. It may not require much care, but it will require some; and such care as is needed should be given, and given at the time when it will do most good. WOMEN WHO SUFFER pain each month, can find relief ana care In Dr. llerce'a Favorite Prescription. It regulates and restores the monthly function, braces up the exhausted. run-down, overworked and delicate: allays and Danishes all nervous Weakness, Spasms, Hysteria, Fits, Chorea, or at. Vitus' Dance; cures Weak nesses, Bearing Tin wn HmiuuMmna Backache, Catarrhal Inflammation. Ulcer. tlon and kindred maladies. For those about to become mothers, It Is a priceless boon, for it lessens the pain and perils of childbirth, shortens "labor" and the period of confinement, and promotes tba secretioa of an abundance of nourishment for tbe child. Thomas Thihlweil, of Aobsresdote, Po sers: "I cannot sufficiently express to you my gratitude for the benefit your ' Favorite Prescription ' has oonferred upon my dauxh- Of late she has suffered no pain whatever. It Is limply marrrliua." A BEAUTIFUL PAR LOR PICTURE with every one pound can of SEA FOAM Baking Powder I have also just received a lot of those FRESH Corned PORTSMOUTH MULLETS. The first of the season Come and get some be fore they are all gone. Respectfully, J. Tt. Parker, Jr. NO. 77 BROAD ST. ICE CKTAJI PAULOK. Sarah Ox ley has opened ber Ice Cream Parlor, at ber old stand on Broad street, near Middle, where she will be pleased to gee ber old 'friends and pat rons. Cboic' crearn furnished families; day and night, at reasonable prices. a r.:utJso:i's Rheumatism Remedy 67 mm ihtmm Mtmm . wma&m. lt P Mfctaf MlHteuyMrtW Ik body. Two ilia, kailtt AwlmHOIli'Hini lilt kaaMdtm. aac mm of vhtch irom tlx luiwll if Jlilm iliiii Hum i pUp)rt aML knlba vi l ihrtr Madml BvMfaBUoa. "TH fAMlLV DOCTOR." will a irlH k fm tnm fer mmbItImj im mmj mi mm aMiliiwi il K r wtou dtmpMataBt ymm ban mmk wttt la Ik part. i gaawliai wUlaaiaya. CAUTION 1 Xmt U aaaM alaaana t aaaUaaTwtta iaalaMar ''." lUNSOri MOiaOPATHIC MEDICINE CO, IS Arch Sua PfaUadclpalt, Pa. Apply Mo F.. S. Drrrv, Drucgi. New Berne, N. C. n8 3m HO T XL S. NEW BERNE HOUSE, MM City, N. C, JT. II. MA. I I . l'rop. Pleasant Location New Manage' ment Good Accommodations Attentive Servants Terms Reasonable. Bathing Houses Free. VIRGINIA I)Vlil: Hotel, Beaufort, N. G, Dr. V. P. ltobinson, Prop. Fronts the Sooml ami the Oeoan bryond. Cool Breezes almost wlUiout IntcrnilAMimi. Suited alike to Pleasure seeker or Comuu-r clal Travellers. The house Is thoroughly rojuvenulcil, wi-11 rurnlsheu. and oarpeU'd throughout, mr Sutl MOUNT MITCHELL HI a elf Mountain, IV. C Unsurpassed Scenery, Water, Air, and Pare. Terms Reasonable. Opens May 1st, 1S!M. W. I). SPKAC.rK, Prop. yRailroad, Telegraph and Post Offices near the door. inlotf "PREPARE TO KEEP COOL." jr.c.wiiitty Has Just Received a Supply of SIIEPARD'S Lightning- Ice Cream Freezers. White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers. A DTIf Ice Cream fA lY I l Freezers. Prices Lower TIIATV EVER. Craven Htreet. NEW BERNE, N. C. rlIN'T FORGET AND LEWIN' SHOES For Sale tj J. F. TAYLOR Here are some of the Good Things of life you can find there: 1st. Coal Oil, Johnny Soap the boat all round soan in the world. 2nd. Borax ine, the woman's friend. It cleans bleaches and makes washing easy. SAMPLES FREE, TRY IT. 3d. Sapo'ia always reliable. 4th. A new stock ot J.B. Lewis A Cos'shoes, the best ever brought to this market lor the moneysee them. 6th. For a tonic, try Hires Root Beer, Ba varian, Rienzi, l'ilner and Portner's Import ed Winger Ale, Brown's Stout and Basses Ale, alwayson hand. (ith. For Medical uses try Old Thomson, O. F. . Man hat tea XXXX Mo nog ram and Maryland AAAA Ryes, Pure mountain Corn and Brandies of various kinds. You.j Anxious to Please, JAS. F.TAYLOR. 18, 20 A 22 Middle street. NOTICE ! Until we can make other arrange ments, we will not send our CAKTS on the streets after to-day. Please send to the store Monday evening for your breadf CLARK BAKING CO. Trade Remember "S-EwilE-i," I have reduced the prices on Lorillard Snuff SEE ME. E. ULRICH, W holes a. le Grocer. TWO IRON SAFES, One weighing 1,000 pounds, u 600 " Just from the Factory, but bar Men into my hands and will be sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE. Remember, when you are in want of anything to the BANKRUPT Line BIG IKE is tbe place to get it ., , You caa always save money by looking orer Qm GREAT AMERICAN! BANK RUPT DEALER'S STOCK. The Red Star -sir CLOTHIER. It la not prices -lone that yon want BUT VALUES AS WELL The Season for Spring Suits, Neckwear ana Negligee Shirts is here and we are offering some exceptional Bargains, The Latest Style Searf, 2."c A Nobby Straw Hat, "0o Men's Fast Black g Hose, L'Oc A beautiful line Negligee Shirts, fl.00 SPRING SUITS In all tbe Latest Style ami Colors. iive us v CJj 11. SOL COHEN, THE KKD STAR CLOTH I KR 77 Middle Street, New Berne, N. ('. ADMINISTRATORS SALE Tursuant to nil (Hili r Of the Superior court ol'Cnivui Count v, the Midi riirned will sell ii' pulilic nuction lor t afli nt tlic corner !' Middle and South Front streets in the City of New Bcnie, N. C. en the '.Hli day of , lane, 1S94, nt 12 o'clock, M. the foliowiii;; personal property, lo wit: One line horse nlxiut live year old, one good oien Imgijy, one set of buurv har ness, one buyiM role, one Bold wiitch anil chain, a few nrucle of household finiitiire Slid propeity being of ibe eflects of the est.ite of C. II. Fled her, deceased. H. L GIBBS, Ailin'r. ('. II Fletcher, dee'd. This May tilth, 1894. VITAL TO MANHOOD. nau A, Bliouiuv iur nyMlttriB, aJlKZlHeM. J! IU, JeU ralKla, Headscho, Nerroo Prostration caused b funnhnl ftr tnhnnn Vkafiilnau V4ni ti UWtl a .uM.i a. i . , .. Hoftenlng of Brain, ohubIiik lunanlt", miser, decay dwtli. Prematura Old Aire, Barrennetw, Losi ot Female Weakneues, InToluutary Lowhmi, Hpernin abase, oTer-Indulgence. A month's treatment, 91 8 for Ifi, by mall. With each order for fl boxen, witt win tcuu mutvu Kuiuuutov i4i rpiuua u new cured auarante-i lMued by atrent, WEST'S LI V Kit PILLP miMilllAi ETuol njt, a 1 1 1 1 i-i r , . Soar Stomach, Dyspepsia and OouaUpaUoa. uuAwuiiAjia lHBuea ouij Dy F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. THOROUGH -o SANITATION. The Water-Works For New Rome will be In operation In a low days and I wish to announce to thoirUBXIO that I have secured he services o! an experienced SAN1TAHY IML.TJM.I3E11 and am thoroughly equipped lor All Kinds of Plumbing. BATH TUBS lor both hot and cold water, Wash-out Closets, Kitchen sink'1. Lawn Sprinkling, and IMpc con nection and fitting up tor water to any portion ot Residences, Work shops. Ao. i Good work guaranteed and as rea sonable an it can be done anywhere. J. C. iIllUli,IV. Good Stock-Good Work Thia ia the reputation I hv sus tained in New Berne for the past 33 Tears. Bead Mai. W. L. Palmer's card below as a reoent proof of the tact. I have now a workman of superior skill, and between the stook I furn ish and the work he does, I can guar antes the fullest satisfaction. Ke pairing a doecialty. JNU. MCSOKLKY, Boot & Shoe Maker. THE CARD : Six years ago John McSorley, of New Bern, made me a pair ot calt boots. I have worn them for all these yean and traveled over several Northern States; have had tbem half soled once, and I am wearing them yet, and they are good for a year more. W. L. PALMER. New Berne, N.C. Sept. .SOth, 1894. ' FOR HALE. The tract of LAND, known as the FOUR ACHE SQUARE, on South Front and End Btreeta, Whole or Pari Apply to Asa JoneH, Agt SPRING & SUMMER SPORTING GOODS..' In stock and ordered at . short notice. ." .' 'V i Air Biffles, Balls, Boxing Glo ves Brass Beels, Groqnets, Garden Sets, Fishing Tackle, Hammocks, Hammock Spreaders, Hammock Bopes, Dolls and Toys.' - v - t: Lawn Tennis Goods for -Boys and Girls." ' ' . ;.---; , Tricycles from fo.OO to 110.00. .Velocipedes from 12.60 to $5.00. NUNN & McCORLEY. Confectioners & Tobacconist. ? -Jul qfetfS ESTABLISHED 1809. PALMER. RIVEfJBURG & GO., Successor to C. S PALMER, Wholesale Commission Merchants rOW. THK SALE OF SOUTHERN FRUITS & TRUCK, Borriesj Poaches, G nines felons and Vefretnbles. lj-"VViitermelnM t Htti'vforiH i peeialty 16 KEAOF hTKEEf, M'.W VOIIK. KKKERKNl'K -rimilism Niiltnnul Hnnk, Truck 8hlpior. l : I 'll l!! ii Mil ). II. . in V1TH SAKTATOR.IUM o n Diseases of the Eye and General Surgeiy.- Yacht Sails Wo m..U- j specialty pvk-cs Miy much sail plans Send 6c. (sumps) for new Illustrated Catalogue of Sails and Marine Goods. GEO. B. CARPENTER & CO. 20? to 211 So. Water St.. CHICAGO, ILL. FOIt HI It I Weddings W. 11. & it. S. Tuckee & Co., lialeiRli, N. C. Are drstrou of particularly li reccing your attention to their excellent assortments of SILKS. Dress Goods, laces, Linens, Underwear, CorsetN. Shoes I'iirtxsols. and other outfittings that are by custom necessary for bridal outfits They send samjle8,orer sugges tions, send articles on approval, and make up your dresses in the most stylish manner equal to parts made gowns and at moder ate prices. R-ady Made Tailor-finished suits are also offered in more ap proved styles. Correspondence by mail or a per sonal call is solicited. Estimates furnished. OUli TUCKER, & CO. HToi 8ale A HOUSE & LOT on Queen Street, adjoining the Station of the A. & X. C. B. R. Co. Apply to M. Manly. J. J. BAXTER. lias Just Received a Fiue Line ot GENTS UNDERWEAR ... Including FLANNELS. A Nice Lot of Patent Leather Shoes. " A new lot of sample STRAW HATS going at 50 cents ou the dollar. " f&'Ladies Oxford Shoes a Speciiilt;. ' "J. Jfc UAXTEH. , " .:.lT-tr- is warranted tne Best in the World! Is more. Waterproof, ' ,v : ts Stronger, an4 ' .v will Wear Losani thin ny otiiet poods manufactured. Ask for th "FISH BRAND;" taks im otberw GEO, K ?IRCKa k CO. Sols Aptsti, Biltlmef II Slothing N. V., Cotnmorriiil Airor.rlo nntl nil Principal r I'l ! lil iil.nllillliLJ . ! and Rigging "I hii;1i-class Yacht Sails and Rigging at below thuse nftainacie on tne seapoara. aiso v H i i i: i Complete Outfits For Fishermen. Send us dimensions of your boat and we will submit and estimates on ner complete outtix. FIi3$S anl Tents Nets AV&ripe Goods. E. S. STREET. tt.ijM EOiS I lus .lust lieceived A CAH, LOAD OF iriftN HOUSES AND And Defies Competition as to Prices. JUST RECEIVED A Car Load of Western Flour Direct from the Mills. A UAH LOAD OF New Orleans Molasses, right off tha farm in Louinanna, from; first hands. 1 Also a full stock of other Groc eries and farmers supplies, for snlo cheap. Call and see me, it will pay you. SEASONABLE HELPS - FOR . Household Use. Refrigreators, . . Ice Cream Freezers, Water 'Coolers, Wire Cloth, 7! Window Screens ;. . And Doors, ' AT "L H CUTLEE&CO'S. in IC R. JONES. .. V. i '

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