The Daily Journal. VOL. XIII. NO. 47. NEW KERNE, N. CL WEDNESDAY. MAY 30, KVJ4. PKlCE " C.KM'S ,' 1? BCSI3C8S LOCALS. FOU extra fine veal, beef, and tomb go to Pam'l Conn 4 t?os tody. TO WHOM it may concern! -All persons 1 hat have bail necounU ttaiulina on my book lor one year Bnd over, I hereby D'rtify you that in thirty ln)s from date if n-t m-ttli-d I will ai.lverii.-e the same by placiiiK tlem in a luro glass frame an I hang it out in front oi my place "f busine every (lay, so that it can lie teen wln wens clotlis n.i Ain't pay for ihe.n. U. Sawvkr, Fashionable Tailor. WONKY wived ii money made. Iluy your Mc Heine at Mace's Drug Store. You will save money on every purchase. Quality gu ir.inte. il A trial will convince yon. IF you owe mo please, pav ine ('. K. SMVKB. MAC USE ami Inn. I mu le brick in any quantity for sule. 28tr " Cms Kkizenstein. WHKN 11: .1- .xine i" usc.l lUTonling to directions, a thinl ol ih. l.iixir inul the cost of soup in cr.lin:rv washing is s'lveil. Samples free at .1. F. Taylor's. TKV (iMskill's Cre nil Dunks, they are fine. N'utiiiiifi but pure cm n used in making them. r:mi;e, Pineapple, Vanilla, Rtriiwfoeiry, Hasp I a t ivnn:l Mammas. Also Ice Cream Soda. tl. I II.VVK jnst received a l ew lo. of Spring and Summer samples from Wanaiimkcr & Itrown, I'liil idclphia, and samples nl silk Vesls. Tin V are cheap as the lions are hard. Come and look at lliem. Jacob II.uitkfiki.i). with .1. B. Holland & Co., No. 13 Pollock St. LOCAL NEWS. A A' if ,1 1) VF.H TISKMKSTS. llownr.i. Sam'l Colin & Son. Fine veal. .1. J. Disoswav & Co. -Ilos.; Keel. H. Siwvir To Whom il may Cmice n. Ciu u'i liers inul son ilie.s have madi their a; i' in New I'ichi.' Go. islmro has ripe hucklel errics. and the Ar-us wants to know il Sampson county can it. We ni. lii e the gro.-erv iucr hauls ol Wilmington giv their clerks a half holi day every Fiiday, closing at 1 p. in Tlie A. iV N C. depot is re ceiving a thorough icpaintiug including even the rjiof. Hibbi S. Kisc'nliei.', his b.'i'ii ilccled rabh: of Ihc .Jewish congregation of New IJeriufoi the ensuing t Ache months. We have been shown some of i lie first potatoes of the season, by Mr. W. A. Harrington on his f irm in Xo. 3 town ship. Dr. Geo. Slaver's re-iiliiice will b- one more good building lor I'll on st.eet. It is the thinl w itliiu a recent date, tinni th tv to i he liver, only ohe block away. The river Neusj has been quite muddy lor several days. The waters are red with clay. This is the results of the heavy rains in the upper part of its cou rse. Mr. John C. Thomas found a young doe, about a year old. swimming in Trent river yesterday, and he with the assistance pi Master Dave Hensley, ran her down and killed her. A base ball game was played at the Fair grounds yesterday between the Superiors and Capt. Hiyner Jones' nine. The Superiors won by a score of 2(1 to 23. The banks of the city will begin the usual early closing for the summer months beginning 1st. From (lint time on till October 1st, they will open at 10 a. in., and close, at 2 p, in About two hundred and fifty barrels ol Irish potatoes went off on flic steamer Ne Berne of the N.N. & W. Line yes terday. There were quantities of beans and cabbages oa tin same boat To-day is Federal memorial day; four extra cars were attachod to the A. & X. C , train last night to bring up those from below who wish to attend the exer oises that will lie held One lone, solitary shad, a stray buck, was in market yesterday. lie will no doubt be the last of the season as the re gular run of shad ceased two or three weeks ago. . Capt Caffee, mate of the steamer New Berne, is erecting a commodious resi dence on Broad street next to that of his : fartherjnjaw, . Mr. II. G, StauU. Mr. ' Geo. nroadslree!. is building one near the fool of George street. ".. The case of Fred Douglass, col., for ex acting two intich pay for practice as . United States pension agent was finished before E. G. Hill, Esq., yesterday. The -. defendant was bound over to next term of United States court in the sum of150. . ; ." Two planing, machines belonring,to the ' Basnlght niill which a at burned ins Uroh pf lost year, have b,?en sold to Messrs. Lynn Bros,; of Set ma, N. C, who were : recently burned out, They were taken to " the railroad yesterday, for shipment:" . The work of lereling the1 ridge on the streets left by laying the pipe fa the . water works construction is expected to be finished to-morrow." The removed dirt has been used in filling in where needed. and several side-walks have been built up to good height with It. These side walks -eugjit lie ' curvet and covered with s'jell marl to nuKe the work permanent. , Superior Court. The following caves where tried in court Tuesday: State vs W. J. I'itts; assault with dead ly weapon; guilty. Stale vs Jahe Jasper, co1., F. &. A.; not guilty. Stile vs Arthor Rice, larceny; guilty. Judgment not pronounced. Joe Burncy, col, A. &. II; guilty. Judgment Buapenileil upon payment of costs. Stale vs Frank Collins col., an I Hen rietta Collins, col., F. A. A ; guilty. Judgment suspended upon pivmcnl ol cost. Oliver Small, col., and liabe (;rer:i,col. F. & A.; guilty. Suspendwl upon pay ment of cyst. Tbe Annual Address. There was a largo crowd out at tin Academy last night to hear Gen'l. Cuilen A. ltutlle's nd.lre.-s at the closing oxerriv s of the Collegiate Institute. After some go)d mii-ieon I he piano by I breo young ladies, Misses Vivia Wood. Theresa Kolierts ami Nina Ita'itight, mu sic students of Miss Ola Ferclax1. I'lol. Hodges introduced the (irnerjl. who from the commencing sememe, poured out most aprapos eloquence, in Chester-, lieldian stylo peculiar to hiin-ell', iimt aptly described by the remark thai il as "the combined nectar ami aaibro-ia of oratory." Frequent applaiis attested the favor with which his tributes to woman, and to Vance and North Carolina, were re ceived. At his conclusion, I'nil. Hod-is presented him in behalf ol the ladies, with a magnificent boquet in a neit and ll iiveiy speech. The (Jencral accepted in lew graceful remarks, and the exeieues i!i w.l till this evening at 8 p. in., when the cm -test for prizes between slu h tits will take place. Co in In if and (ioinic Messrs. Wm. ami Jacob llei.cnstein, of New Yoik are visiting their brother .Mr. Chas. lleizenslci i. Mr. (Jeo. (ireon and family left to spend about a week on their farm near Jasper. Miss I.idie Kodnian, of Washington, X. ('.. is visiting her sister, Mrs (. II. (omui, also Miss Oliva Cowpcr. of I! ileigh. Miss Mary Hry ,iu, who h is charge ol the telegraph office at New Heine, re turned last night from a visit lo relalives at Halifax-, and Mr. W. M Webb, of Morehead, who bus tilled her position in the office, while Miss Bryan was away, lefl for his home. Mr. John Chadivick, who spent three yea in in New Berne clerking for Messrs Roberts Bros., and who lell here about six years ago and has .since ihen been in Savannah, (la., the greater porii m ol his time, spent Tuesday in the i i'y en mute to his old Inline in Beau'nrt .in. I con tinued his journey tin re last night. He expects to remain there dining (he summer. The Revenue Cutter service. The officers of the Revenue Culler Winona, and we judge nil others in the United States Ivcnuo Marine Service, are walclnng mnutiy lor the action ol Congress upon a bill to promote the efficiency of the Hcvonnc cutter service. This object is to be accomplished by compelling the retirement from officeof all thoso who from age have been per mitted to cease active work. Such officers lire on three founds pay, but ren der no service, and yet under lie? present law continue to hold ibe position tb-. y were in when they become incapaciiat d. And as the law liniit-i tie: mini c- of officers this prevents the advancem. nl uf those actively engaged in th.-sjrvice :.n.l extends downward to the lower olhVes an I keeps vacant places Ironi being lilhd by new men. The bill which it is sought to h ive Congress piss allows the three-fourths pay to the incapacibib-d officers to con tinue but does not any longer count tlie;n as in the service. This will leave oppor tunity 'or every office to bo filled w'lh a man on active duty. The chances for tlie passige of the bill are considered quite favorable. Our cutter, the Winona, is now two officers (i he 2d nnd 3d Lieutenants) short on account of the state of affairs spoken of alwive We tender thanks to the Salem Female Academy for an invatatiou to its commen cement exercises this week This is one of the oldest and best schools in the coun try, fitting its pupils for the practical as well as the aesthetic purposes of life. Ber. i). II. Petree is spending this week preaching at Jacksonville. The meetings were begun Sunday night by Mr. B. H. Melton, an . lnodstrious and promising Theological student, who has but one more year to spend at tbe Bible college Qf Kentucky, before completing nis coarse. - - - The borne need by the mail driver be tweeq Stonewall and other points in Paiu pco county, was drowned one day last week in Bay river. ; A halt had been mide for another vehicle to pass , and tbe horse becoming frightened jumped overboard. The, cart caught on the bridge and bung there with, the horse's head under tbe water. Tbe, driver jump ed aver to try to free the horse and came near being pushed .; under and, drowned, himself. The horse belonged to a widow lady, aud the people made up $60 to wards buying her another, j. - v-: A Larfp Alligator Captured Alive. A live alligator lea feet and four inches in length was brought to the citv yester day. He wus captured six and a hall miles above tlie city, at the uiouih of Haywood's creek, Trent river, Monday afternoon by Cflpt. A!f Tillman and two colored men who wen' fishing with a drag net. Win n tin flit the alligator in the net they thought they had a sturg -on. The alligator was with difficulty pulhd up on sliure. made sei ure by three ropes around his body, kept there all night ai d then towed like a log h.-hind the b .-it to the Uy ves'crday. He was goilen u; on t't kitwh.uf and eslnbited to v along for ashnlt time, tlieli (r.!l ie I - ' 1 agai u and taken up to Mr. .Ill 1! n-ley's and placed in a pe i . ., ' . of the river. where w e uailoiM.m: I 1 I ! a Mi.all i.Iiii --ion 1'.- Il I- hoped ill It h -hown ju'l a- he is i will l 1 v n will live and I c Ihe next Fair; an alive wouM h- ;i Jr. illioui: II- III it allig ilor i I' ha! -:z good i vhi'.ll. Mr. John I . Tl ei six y ars ago hr -ho! an I killed an el en loot otic in Ilie s.lll'.e t leek. Mr 'f lioina.-sa -tie y in i is-f.-und in Slocuin''-1 teek al-o. hut tint ihey ale ini.-l int'.tlli-ii I, ike, of whii h wij us eiitly g ve a de-i r ption ami acciamt ot' a hunt on i'. lie ha-' kn iwu three al ligators to he killed at tlie latter place in one .'unit h a - ugh- sport-uian. To I'lbi.i' Ihc Hater Works I'llli . n or twenty of our l iliell- ale iiiw I iking w it.-r Ii mi the waterworks, and us fa-t as ih - work i au iloin- mini bcis ol o:h I- will follow suit. Two have l-iaii :iil Ii unta'.iis pliviug in thei, aid-, Mr. F. C. R ilicrls and Mr. I'. II. I'i lletier ts Vei l! pr. p i' illg to p i! i- w iter iiotots, M. --is, John Dunn, Nniuiand Me-soilev. Il.i kliimi .V and oth is to inn fly-fins, i h'v ;it chin. ry. 'the work of connecting Dockhain's n sideiii with work- was begun vesleidav. and ma Mr. C M. the w.iler The hoii-e. II i quipped one of tlr- new one--, was well for the w iii t H-rviec. and but lit! ie in i ills i,i In- . I Mile to lii e it in o per .. ion. The W. N. X.. depot is we 1 sup plied w 1. wal. r throiiglioul for dii king purposts, ,y liath- and for si riukling and lire extinguishing. IIATPKM NOS OF Til K DAY. The Hotel liurton. Danville, Va.. has made an assignment for the lieuelit of creditors Assets are laimisl to be near ly double the indebtedness. The l'c.puhsls o' the '.Mi Dis'.ii. I have c die I a coiiveiiiiou lo no iiinale a lundi i laic for I 'ongivss. I Ii s i- unw.-l. o ne u. 'w to Hib mi Hi I 1 'i'i li in. uli i ha II it lered hinise I he wo ihl get that vole. At Clippie creek, Colorado, en Samr day there was a fight between a -h"! ill's force and rioting miners in which several men were killed and many woundul. The Governor of the State has issue 1 a proela mat ion calling out Ibe troops to assist the Civil authniities. The pipers siy that Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cleveland will celebrate Ihe Stb anniversary of their iii i:r.age by going fishing together on June 2nd. For a wonder they do not say whether the children will go or what sort nl' bibs Ihey w ill weal . The commencement season is in full blast, and the papers tell of big crowds nnd some splendid orations, while others give us the periodical account of sopho inoric display and the loveliness of the sweet girl graduates. Terre Haute and I'ann, 111, are in a Slate of great excitement A moli of 700 strikers from Indiana have taken posess ion ol a Big Four train, and compelled lb.- laiiroa I to carry ihcin. The military are guarding the iniues and serious trouble appears imminent. Col. J. Hampton Ilogc of Roanoke, Va , who was appointed Consul to Anioy, China, but who got on such a jag, he was refilled before lie had proceeded further than San Francisco, got on anoih-r tear on Sa unlay nnd h id a fist liglu with Chas. L, Stewart ot the Baa nok Evening World. Nobody hart. though iht a.mosphcrj hud a lurid ap pearance and a sulpliurou. odor. In tne Pollard Breckcnridgc case, llrccKcnridge has lost his right ot appeal granted by the court, by reason of not tiling Ins Dill ot exceptions in tlie time specdied by the court So the verdict of me liny giving .miss roiiarit siii.uuo damages slaiuls ready lor execution. An execution lor the verdict of the people of his Congressional district will issue in November. Senator Caffery told the investigating committee some interesting news abiut private conferences held between Sena tors and Mr. Havemever, President o' tbe suear trust. Thev met at tbe private residence ot Senator Bnce, and lie, lior man and Hill were present, together with, as Mr. Caffery says, "other gentlemen interested in sugar," who are designated in Washington parlance as "tbe sweet set." The Light Houso appointments in North Carolina are irivinn considerable dissatisfaction. Our Congressmen whom charged with neglect of duty in the mat ter, put tlie blame on Collector ot Customs Renan, of Wilmington, who in turn transfers it' to tbe Light House board. In the first congressional district, which is a sea coast one, this matter enters largely in politics, and present conditions are not favorable to tbe suocess of Democ racy in the coming election. ..; New York Track Uaotations by Wire, -: Messrs. Palmer Bivenburg $ Co., of New York telegraphed the following quotations for that city last sight. :' Strawberries. 4 a 10c; ; Cabbaire. 75c $1.25; Beans, wax, L00 $1.25 green, tt.25 1.75. . . . ... Wild. MOVE TO N K W ItKR.SE. Mtssrs. lleH, ef -nlem, and Wm. Dunn of 'cn Itauip, to Run a 1'oultrj and I'et Animal Farm in the Suburbs. It is now I'ui I v decided ilni Mr. F. K. lege, of Salem. N. (' . lie- nolenl l'1-e lerol t un p.illllrv and pet nliillial-. to innvelo New Kerne. He will ri-i.le a'.d h;te his poulti an 1 p.-t animal farm on a portion of the truck f .1 u of Mr. U in 1 hi mi upon the lianks Neiisc n . i -, ni-t l-eioicl ihe . -:ly liinil-. V i Dunn w ill have a half interest in ihe lei-nie ; toe linn's name will I e F. ll.-ge & Co. A collige will l.ei-iis ti-l for Mi. liege -resilience, near w here the l.uii'litig- now on the larin stand, and -: acn-adii. . cut w ill be ill ide I bv w'.re .loth into breeding pens '."ixl.iii f, 1 1. Tin- greiler number ot the-.' pens will run oiilwai.l lo" feet on each -i.le of a ei n' r.d a - line I lit some will Ik- upon a i i" avuiue and lie al ri;ii! aluli s wit'i the otlnr-. The anangeun nt i- a ciy !a-ty one. ;m-i lliing w .11 U' constructid in the v. r I. -I nianii.-r po ible and in the vi r I.,-- -1,1-. Mr. ll.e l as. in Ihe p isi. had ipiitu a full an 1 aried -tick iif the i hoice-t ai- ii-lie- ol poiilir . phe.i-ants, etc.. tiselul lii.c I- ol dogs. iin, pet out -; rubhits, in great i.uiety, ami otlu r pi I-. He and Mr. Diieii int ml lo kei p. not unlv all thai Mr. liege ha- bred herelolore, bill lo add others so a- to make, their l.u-iii(s.s well nigh a coinplc'o one in it- line. The lo. alion uf ihe farm is one ol the I t for the lui-iin . Mr. Dunn i- a soiuid, -eii-il'le liu-iui s- man who has al w a - mail, a siii-. i ss u whal lie has un-'li-r'akeii an.! Mi. I legi is abieid.r ol lui ge ep i n in -, a good liiisim-s, man and a clcur genllcnicn. e lo.-k lor ll:ll l g 1 1 1 bill great -ue. e-s lo the fal ni. 1 UK NATIONAL CEMETERY. At New I! rue, N. C, on Day, IS!) I. 'fhis patt-rn il government of the I'nite.l Slates kn-ps "watch an I ward" ov. r ciglily-llii'eo Xalional Ccuielerie-. mie of which i- in the 'ity of Mexicc, and the oihei- are di-tributiil aui"iig twentj-liie slatt- ot llie f iiion. 'I'lu re ai'(: also plat- in tn;in ci! an. I coiintrv ceinetei i"s while solilicrs loiual liurial .bn'uig the . i i! war. which aie n t regir.ieil a. National t'eau-irrii-. That at Mexico comprises ,,niv a -'nail urea, about Iwo a. re-, and coiil-iius th, bodies ol lalia-r Ie th ill live hiludl d soldier- w in fell ill the Mexican wal. Among Iho-c established in tbe dill, i ent iioriions of the national doin.-rn. Ih.-ie is great diversilv in respei I of lie iiunil'i'i- located in Ihc several stai..., in n-sp .1 of area, inethod ol ai-ipiiiing litlc co-i, and nuniber ol iuli ruienl-. Vir ginia, Ihc great bailie ground of the ci il wai. has the largest, number, tliiiui'ii. I'diius-cc ha- -even. Kenlueky ha-six. and so on ilowu lo North Carolina, which has lour in addition In Ihc one named at the head of this ariicle, one at Wilinington, one al Raleigh, and one at S,ili-bii'V. , The la ge-t Ceiiu-lery is at Arlington. near aslungtoii. It ongnr.illv coin-' prised two hundred acres, but has recently been enlarged to an area of seven hui -drcd. Il contains more than sixteen thoiisind boilies, and the number U being constantly ini-iva-e.l. Next in -i.j to it is that al Cliatiiinooga, Tenn., having an aiva of sevenlv-tive acre-, then that at Nashville, of sixty-four acre.-. Anderson ville. (ia.. of forty thne. and Vicksburg. .Miss., tbrtv. The last four have had an aggregate of sixty thousand interments, tlie number in each being quite ncarlv equal. From Ihe-o large areas they di minish to small plats, there I'eing more than twenty of less llian three acres each. seven ol aiiuut one acre cacli, anil mi down to lialls Blulf, 'a.. which is the smallest one, containing only an area of 'J.'iO square yards or about one eighteenth of an acre. This little Held of (54) graves is a regularly constituted National Ceme tery and is subject to all the rules and regulations. The title was acquired in most cases bv purchase, bill also in several other ways. In numerous instances the ceme teries were es'ab'ished upon military reservations. Tliat at Beaufort. S. C, containing; tweaty-nine ac vs, was bid off at a tax sale for seventy-live dollars That at Mariett i, Ga., containing twenty five acres was the gift of a loyal citizen. The city of New Orleans donated the grounds (1J acres) at Lliahiiette, La., and the city authorities of Mobile, tbe three aero plat tit that place. I hesito of the National Ceme.ery at Haleigh was donated by the 9tate ot North Carolina. The price paid was quite variable. The highest relativo cost wits for a half acre at Crown Hill, Ind beiug $5,000 One acre at Staunton, Va , cost 4900. Ten acres at Knoxville. Tenn., cost $5,0(10. Five acres at Wilmington cost $2,000, aud seven acres at Salisbury $G50. In most cases the price was from $150 to U'JOO per acre, but in a tew in stances less than 4100. The number of interments is m no re gular proportion to tbe areas of the uTis not tlie clothes which make the man, but," Hats Clothes and Shoes civiliz ed men can not do without. We have got to have them. Now we want your trade on them. When you need anything in this line see us. We don't expect to suit every body and we do not get mad if you don't buy but we think we can come as near suit ing the ' majority as any one in New Berne. We are constantly receiving new goods. New Col lars, Cuffs, and Ties, Patent leather Pnmnn. Xrf.. ; . V J. M. HOWARD. ceni'tera-- Tin- -i' loin ,i o- m. t. r al Nashi i1!.-. Tcimi . and, a. n s at Vl. k-lnllg. M --. . o-g . n a -most txa.lly lie -..n.e :i rn' - , Ving il out Ii'.. 'pin e.i. !i. :,. :o. il. p it i -. veil acres at Nfi-'-un io 'I i- s- ,i, contains o , i- 1 '. ""ii. Th, : e , -. ;i 1' i i ' i -large numb i -,- ili..i tl., i, - i -I . k,.i 1. ir pri-oni r-, an I ! e : !e o-ii : nearly ail 1 i I . ep' ''J lt. , ., , .-. II . . !,! f... . ' M .. .. . -In .-::, "I t .-rv -.ill,.-! : s ! , ; i - 'A i : . i i i ' 1 . - l-ol1. l ilt llo .l;' ' Il , - - I ; ' :;. - 1 1 oil w I I e II -i . 1 ,-: I tin III- , 1 i ' ' : lillll al U.i 1 I'i III". p. -.1 ... I W I'll a 11 J '.- 1 . ' o ' ; , . 1 : ' 1 : ' I I lie uukn.nv u Tlie wli ,1.' nu i,l. : .e . 1 N He'll .1 ( Vllietcl I. - I- i ! ' r . ! i . I ...II". all. I I In- 111 . , II : I , ' . I ..- I.-. e. i e, Is OH, , , .1, . . .. . Ill Nollh I ,,.i,l is s , p., - To ',. I ,.- i , . Fo I'lienton n mi . v mi", ' r I K j ,r, - - N, ., i 1' -, . 1 ' . , , Tiilirs,.ll , 1 ,-! v. , 1, ; , leu .Ilk i ' - - eh. - ; . ,. , ,. i . , . pel s. ,, - - , , i.l -, , v - ; , , ; i -, In a 1 ! i nli . i,- -i ,'i I , :, i . . lire d, s, m.hi j I, ,-.,!,'.: :., . ; later it r ,h ile I w ;! Ii ,i !',,,:- r. p, i t and all hiiir wcii- kn,-. k- -, ,- ! w ere msi n-i i ,1, !, 'i' s. , ; , 1 1 1 u i . . ii', wa-parl;allv p-iv il i-l. N.-.i lb -i -. ,- ati i ,x. kil led i n -I .in: I . , i ii- . k -, i , not punot ui'i .1, imr - i i : ' i- -nroki n. W lli 11 the e p'n ,-iini o II i 1 1 was no 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 i, i; .hi. 1 i II - ,-: lord epr. -s. Absolutely Pure cream of tartar baking pow.'er Highest of all m Innvemng sti.MiLMh. IjATKBT I'mtfh Stai ks IoiVKIINMI N I Fold UF.roiiT. RoY At. liAKlNIl PllWDKK Co., 1 1 I'i Will. St.. N Y. UOSK 11KK1 . PKii i; si.imi J. J. DISOSWAY & CO. TO Ol l We Need Money jxikI jIist IIiivo it Those who owe lis will gr.-.lix "h liv settl'iig tin ir accounts al n:.. -. Iiospeclltilh. NUNN & McSORLEY. SPECIAL SIKAMI.i;- NORFOLK, NEW-BERNE and WASHINGTON, N. C, :DirectLinei ALL WATER ROUTE. WTIT. S A 1 1 1 TlKSims x ri;i DAY'S 1 1. M. Stmr. ALBEM AItii WEDNESDAY'S 1 P. M , aiel SATIT! DAY'S 7 1". M. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO N. Y. CITY. JDelivcry viaO.D. S. S.C'o. (Juar.iu teed. No Transfer Charces. piiila. clyde link, baltimokkulu hay link, boston pkovidenck m. a m. tkans. co. WASHIN'UTON. D. C. Nultl'ilLK A WASH. TON S. 11. Ci l. RICHMOND, V l.S. IS.C.i. RALl'H GRAY, Ajjt. s New Borne, X. C. DAILY - FREIGHT - LINE. On and after Monday April lfl, a Steamer of this lino will sail from New Berno DAILY (Sunday excepted) at 4 P. M., until further notice. THE STR. NEUSE Carrying the U. S. Mail and Fas senders will sail as usual on Mon day's, Wednesday '8 and Friday's. GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. New Berne, N. 0. April 9th 1894. BakiiJcr vv fin wder 1 PAPEDEY0. W IIOI.KSAI.K Commission Merchants. 'jissliin4( on !.t i-M't , m:v YORK. Southern Fruits and Vegetables a Specialty Large and Roomy WAREHOUSES. Facilities for handling heavy shipments unsurpassed by any house in the business. j "r KKI'I i:x- MA nr. IIAUI DAY nl' SA 1. 1-'V, X ilioiial li ink ol' N. w lleMIc, N. ('. (.aus.-vo.'rt ll.ii, k New Yolk. Kl i i:i:i:m i:- Stencils and Postals can be obtained at JOHN DUNN'S. THE-:-BIG-:-IF! -nf; ii !,' IF ii IF IF ,! !. ,ni I KIM 11 IF ll I Al1 m all OUALIFICAriONS-0 II IF IF IF -IF "V'Oii V:mf :i II IF BEAUTIFUL PICTURF BUY A I F IF POUND CAKT of GANTZ IFl IF SEA FOAM land we will give you one. IF IF HACM&wnm 47 49 Pollock Street. IF YOU WANT THE BEST IF Yon Want the Cheapest IF You Waul lli:i Latest WE mm: