Wm Journal. VOL; XHL--NO 48.- NEW BERNE, N. CL FRIDAY. JUNE 1, lhi)4 PRICE 5 CENTS 1 -BCSIXCSS LOCALS. TO WtlOSt it may concern! All persons that have ha accounts st&ndhiT on roy . booki lor one year and over, I hereby notify you thatln thirty riajs' from date if not settled I will advertise the . niu by plucing tliem 1b- a large: glias frame an I hang it oat in front ot mj - nine if businesj every day, to tbat it can ng re i wlio wears cloths nu. don't pay Tor them. - - --R. 6awybr, i, ; . . . 1 Fashionable Tailor. " XIONEY saved I money made. Buy Tour Medicinei at Mac Drug Store. Too will mti money on every purchase. Quality guaranteed. . A trial will convince yoa. IF yoa owe we nlcasu pat me. M AC'iISB and lnn.l wade brick in any quantity for tale. 3dtf -v.- . ,. Chas Rbizehstkin. WII1JN Uorjxinr is used according to direct on, n third, of the. labor and the coat of coup in orjinarv washing; it saved. Samples free at J. F. Taylor's. , TKV Onskill's Cream" Drink9, they are II iw. Nothing hat pure cream used in nuking thcui. Orange, Pineapple, Vanilla, Strawberry. Rasphprry and Bananas. Also Ice-Cream .Soda, tt. I rr!tVEJnt received a r.ew lo; of Spring and Summer samples from Wanamaker & Drown, Philadelphia, and samples ol silk Vesif " They arc cheap as the times are bald. Come and took at them. Jacob itiBTsriBLD, with J. B. Hol'md & Co., No. 13 Pollock 8t. LOCAL NEWS. -8KW ADVERT SRMKNTS. Howard. Brailham & Brock Dntilrice. W. B. Boyd Administrator's Notice. Ciur i nka Literary Circlo's meeting for 1 to-oii;it is postpone i until Friday even ing Ju.io 8, 1894 on account of the Col legiate Institute party. Lucy Slltcliell, col., was arrested yes terday on the charge of cruelly kicking a chiim. The case will lie tried this mora ine at 10 o'clock. In the Y. M. C. A. Hall are a tublo and plate left from ibo rose ftt'my and a couple of piatds left on the Disciple pic nic ae at the Journal office. Theown ' era will please gut the "same. The regular montlil) meeting of the Woman's Misnonary society ol'Centenary - M. & church will be held at the residence of Mrs. Fannie ILiy this afternoon at . 5 o'clock. t - , . J ,A goo I programme is: being arranged v for the entertainment of the members of the T. M-'jC. A., next Friday night. It .- is exclusively for members of ih Asso . - Ciatinn, snbscrihera. and ladies. One of our tubscribers at lVlletiers " Mills, Carteret county, Mr. L. Y. Pellt-tier wriUSv pa. that the flue rains have also : reacuea mat section ana crops are snow " iug their good effects, , Ooelof the workmem employed in building the new dry kiln for tlie Stim . 'son Lumber Co., received a ievero cnt on u the hand yesterday. An artery was sever- ed and the blood flowed profusely, but the " timely-aid p Dr. Duguid prevented any 1 farther serious result. , - ; Mr; as j Mrs D. 8. Aruan, of Palo Alto, .'catne in last night and had the pleasure . of aeeinj their wiccl Miss Viola Provo, .one of the pupils of the. Collegiate Insti .., tute presented with a scholarship in Ash - .eville Female College, which she nobly won by her industry - and good deport- mcnt during tba year. . FrpmTOitable' autiiority it .is learned that Dr. Geo. L.'" Blacknall, of Ualeigh. General S ort-keeper and Gauger of the Reveuuo Department . for " the Eastern District will canvass ihe principal towns ' in the State in the inlereat of the Teach-! er Assembly and the-Atlantic Hotel at Morehedd. ; - - . The face of ThoiL Bobbins, the polite . old colored man who for years baft run a huckster's stand oir' Middle street near : RailclifTs j-estaarant Will wieet his friends no more.Hp;dM 'yesterday, morning " , ttder ftbont two- weeki illness. Hi was 65 years of age, .The funeral wilt bd from St . Peter's church this ' afternoon at 8 . We are informed " that the meeting at Pollocksyillo being r condnctutl by Rev, - D. H, Petrce of this cityj Is being weH at . tended, and that the interest is growing. " There has already butn one conversion. Qur correspondent also speaks ol. Wed- nesday's storm and says that tb.8 bail Sform in that section : was quite severe, . tome of the stones teing nearly as lsigo as a ben egg. - - . . " Willi to-day's issue, , ''The National Cemetery" by Rev. "Edward Bull is con cluded.' .'As concise and "Well ; written history, it has received approlation His description of the artistic benlity of the grounds was well timed, hut fcu omitted to give credit far the major part of this to the culture tnd ruOne 1 tnst Of,theeffl- f ; cieiit BuperintcDilent, Jlr. -Thos.0'Shea, to whom much of the credit belongs ' : Xew Tork Truck (Jiiotalions by Wire. Jlesrs. Palmer Hivenluir- & Co., of -'.,.,'Sev! York, telegraphed tlie folPowiug quotations fur tlt:it city last, uiglrt, t w.... l'o! i .MS. . II f.rt iUU. till .. fiOp. , ?t.'0. Detus, L'reni aid wax, V- I -h l.t it..es, fl.Ofi' Aferat Us Cattoaa Hoas KemtTtJ. , As attested by the sign: ores of the loading basiness men of New Berne, with out respect to party, they -consider the contemplated removal of the Custom Hoase from new Berne an outrage upon the service, and a greater upon the inter est ol the country. Every month the office here pays nut to the Revenue cutter, and office employ. ee, about $3,400 in cash, the greater part of which goes into ihe circulating medi um of New Berne, making ita discontin uance undesirable from a looal stand point. Under an order from the Department, the salary of the Deputy heru has Wn reduced $180 at Washington to $450 while-the man at Haiteras, where alary was $800, but who got $1,380 under Har rison, haa been dipenscd with. This ''penny wise, and pouu I foolish'1 policy of tlie administration is too close to be economical in a govuruieutal tense. It would be robbing New Borne for the benefit of Wilmington: It would lie rob bing tlio government by a large entry of smuggled goods, which would likoly en sue as it removes the protection, ot the Revenue Cufte". Cause to Feel ttraternl I Considering tlie general depression all over the country commonweal armies, stiikes, and general dissatisfaction East ern North Cjrolin:i,'ind New Benie espec ially, should consider itself fortunate, and thankful alio has b eu so little affected by either. The prosperity and stability of values is attracting the attention of the outside world as one of the most desirable places in the South. Only recently Mr. F. E. Uege, of Salem, a business man of State leputation, attracted at the Fair by our advantages, together with oilier good citizens, ias moved here. Tim Journal is in constant receipt of letters of enquiry from parties wishing to locatj here, and there should be some means of giving proper attention to this correspondence. The number cf handsome buildings put up this year, and the universal ver dict of the traveling men attest tbat busi ness here is far abovethc average, and that we have bran less aflected by the money stringency. Superior Court. The following are the cases disposed of Thursday: State vs. Chas. Jones, goI. Lirceny. Gnilty. State vs. Haywood Guion(col., A. & B. Guilty. Sentenced to county jail for C months. State vs. Arena Ward, rol. Larceny. Guilty. Judgment suspended on pay ment of cost. Mary Moore, col., F. & A. Not guilty. Reuben Wiggins, col., A. & U. Guilty. Sentenced to $10 and costs. Washington Williams, practicing medi cine without license. Guilty. Green Atkinsou, col., aiding a criminal to escape. Not guilty. Alf Ward, coL, convicted of perjury was sentenced to two years in the peni tentiary. J. T. Harris, col., larceny; was sen tenced to two years in the penitentiary. The motion docket was called, after which court adjourned to 9 o'clock this morning. Coming and Going Mr. W. F, laallison, who has been for a considerable time at Nashville, Ga., came in ; on the W. N, & N., train last night and went on immediately by the A. & X. Q", tiam to his ho ne near Croa tan, where he expects tq remain for the sumn.er. - . Mrs. F. W. Underwood, of Newlon Grove, G, arrived to visit her aunt Mrs,"J."H. Benton. ' , ;; Mrs.- S. R. Phillips, who was. called away , by the death of her sister Mrs. J. H. Granger of Wils ra s . M ilby Jubnsnn county,';on ' the 89th ult returne I home last night. ' " ' . '' -". -V...: . v . SETEN SPRIStUCORREiP NDESCE Wheat " Crops -The Nense Highlands 25a Weeks Board FreeFlshing 'Farms are in a fine condition and pro gressing nicely with good seasons. j Notwithstanding ihe Citeapness f flour nearly every-farmer bas a wheat crop. In proportion lo his other cropsu . Mr. T. A. Whit field is" buUdinK a hotel about a half a mile above .here at the 9th Spnng.'-;v 1' " - '"''S ' The , picnlo season hits opened in full bloom, .have already" had three0 -or four uere.j. f v . r c '. , 7 r Yesterdav 'beinz the 4th Sunday Mr. nristo preached a very J. able sermon" at nney urove.- . i:,; "We hftxl the pleasure of going to tho Highlands of the Neuae. last Sunday. . It is about two uiiies above here and is irenerally known as Limestone because of tue ume rocjs uuu aoounas mere. ve think one would have to go to western North Carolina to see anything to surpass .-. :r..i . - . . tii. 'I. H, Fonville the hotel proprietor, has ottered a ;weeks board free ot charge to any man who , will show him a place of equal . population, where as many DrettV young ladies and as many of them can be seen as can . bo found here on Sun day evenings. : Bimember this! young men.-' -: '. - . v. r It was rattier-an amusin.x sight to us, noS being used to it, to see tho people at what they call skinning, Ihat is, holding a largo dip not behind a whirl, and thus ent uigled the fish. As large rock - and froiKl as wo ever saw -.were car, 'it .this way. ; ... ' rmmnoi of frizes Twelve Tale able Prises, Including Five Scholarships te the Tales ef $350 Bestowed Upon Imitate Pupil. At 8 p. m. the teachers and pupils and a large number of the friends of the school assembled to witness the presentation of priws. The prize for the best paper on "H;- tory," given by Mr. Wm. II. Oliver, was won by Linville Ilcudren. This was a volume of poeTS. Mr. Oliver himself made the presentation in b i f mldress, tho key uote of v! ic'i v . i, le Without Learuing is Death.1' Four of the prizes with a T- v appropri ate remark?, wi iv , : e I by Professor Hodge himself with timely, approving and encouraging remarks. These were the prizes for greatest bnprovement in penmanship during the term, given by Prof. Hodges, the one ou b, st reading and the one for punctuality both of w hich were gi veil by Mr. K. K. Harper; and the one fir best composition given by Mr. C. L. (iiiskill. A beautiful volume of Staudard Poems or other valuable work was the prim in euch instance. The winner of the prize for improve ment in penmanship was Miss Clara Green ynuugest daughter of Mr. T. A. Gruen. Honorable mention was uiade of George Henderson, Jr., I.ycurgus Cuttlcr and Hiss Sarah Meadows. In the contest for the prize on liest reading Master John Meadows and Miss Emma Patrik were so near equal tbat a prize was given each. Tho prize for punclualisy was won by Miss Bessie Parsons. Harry Allen, with tin suliject "Agri culture," carried off tho prize on compo sition. Honorable mention was made of the composition by Ernest II. Wood on "Elictncity." The gold medal for the liest declama tion, which was ably Contested for Wed nesday night, was won by Miss Hannah Goldstein, whose effort sliowscd unmistak ably that she possessi-s marked elecutiou ary ability. Her delivery was natural and the impression uprm the au 'ii nce was pleasing in a hic.li degree, The presentation of tlie medal was It Mr. C L. Gitekill. The judges as to declamation gave hon orable meutiou to Misses Bessie Williams, Emma Patrick and Bertha Tucker. The prize for the grenatest number of headmarks in spelling dining the scholas tic yeir, as previously announced, was won by Linville Hendren. The prize was a Webster's dictionary. The presen tation was made by Mr. A. II. Powell. Then camo the the most valuable prizes of all five scholarships in different col leges, representing a cash value of $:i50.00 All the scholarships were given by Prof. I lodges. The Eastman Bi siuess College scholar ship. (25.00) Was won by W. E. Ward, ot South Carolina. This was for the best examination on commercial branches The scholarship was presented by Rev. Rufus Ford. The Trinity College scholarship, was for the young man making the second highest average for the scholastic year, in scholarship and deport iner t. John Meadows, son of J. A. Mcadows,was the winner. It was prcsnted by Rev. G. G. Haily. The corresponding, prize to this, a scholarship in Ashcville Female College, to the young lady making the second liighest average in scholarship and de portment was won by Miss Viola Provo, of Palo Alto. Rev. J. T. Lyon made the presentation. The last two scholarships were the most valuable of all. The one to the young man making the highest average in scholarship and deportment was a schol arship, $75.00 In Washington and Lee University. This was won by Linnvillo B. Hendren and was presented by John Stanly Thomas. Last and most valuable of all was the scholarship $150.00 in Weslcyan Female Institute, Staunton, Ya. This entitles the holder to one year's free tatton in English course, Latin, French, and German in music, on piano, organ or guitar; and vocl music and art, in this standard in stitution of learning. .. The presentation speeches were oi about ten minutes in length, and were not only eloquent ' am entertaining but abounded in humor and were withal, soundly practical. -' .' . .Thus ends the "work" of the New Berne Collegiate Institute r for the . scholastic year- now; ! closed, f lit point of numbers attending "the" school, has fallen short of what it should have been, :; In the char acter of the work' performed, the high standard (it hai, maintained should be a source of pride , to all connected with the school and to the citizens of ihe toira.-.2i t A party Jn the Institute building for the pupils - will be held at 8 o'clock this evening, and this will be the last gather tag. v' -l"- V ' ' Col, Jno.Lv Cunningham; of Person county- is prominently spoken of as the Democratic nominee for Congress in the 5th District, to run against Thomas Set tle, 'Republican, the present incumbent: Col. Cunniugham is very popular among the" farmers, is a large planter himself, and Is what may properly be termed an "Alliance Democrat in the full signifi cance of the term. Though possibly not Mr. Settle's equal as a speaker, he is a good worker aud will keep Mr, Settle suiticiently amused. .'. . ' '--:' TnE NATIONAL CESETERY At New Berne, N. C, on .MeuiorlV Day, 18V4 (COSTIM'EH.) The numlier of persons originally bm"iel in the Cemetery was 591. of w ho n 49 were soldiers of the " C. S. A," (17 North Cnroliniiuisi who wire all R-moveil and reintcrrtd in Cedar (irove Cemetery. The principal ilaces iroin which the greater numljer were removed for tiiml sepulture here, are as lie)"v: From Btanlv Hospital, near the cil v 1 from Cedar Grove Cemetery 145 Inun New lJerae liattle ground and 1 1 n 1 1 141 from Kinston liattle ri I I ami vii in ity 14ii from Morebenil ( it v ( enn leu and vicinity 2(X from licanliiit (.Vme- tery 221 from Koanoku Nland 'Jl.'i from other places near by 5 J 4. Tliis ro- presents tlie true uuiuuer ot grave to ! 8 298. Of the occupants of these giavo 2.72S were white soldier.'. 24 ol whom were V. S. commiesioncd otlirt-rs 427 were colored troops - I3n were citizens -14 were women i wire children. Among tho-' ilcsignatcil aUive as citi zens, were eiirks, telcgnili opeiator, blackMiiithv carpenters, -uiler-. teani- sten". lulairei", etc. To tlii- li-t umt be ailib'd the nanie of a patriotic citizen an t eininent lawyer, Mr. li. K. Lehman, pei- 111 s(ioi) lor niiose lairial Mere was sivurel through an Act of Congress; and that of Hon. David Heaton. who came from lowj, and wns sent to this stnte in the service of ihe Treasury Department, and alterward n'presenled tlie 2.1. li-lriit in Congress. He died ill l7i', i.iul bi burial was permitted here bv ica-oii of his coimeetion during the war. Our knowledge ot' the women whs, bodies found sepulture here, cxteii Is onlv to a small number. One was tlie widow of Mr. Lehman, w ho for a few veil's sur vived him, and wa laid to re-t by hi side, throiiL'h ieriniion ol the War 1 parhiieiil. A tall and handsome granite m immient marks their resting place. Another w as the widow of Congi-.'s-nian Heaton, whose death occurred in Ohio, and who was placed here Ikido In r hus band, on a permit from tho (. M. ti. last October the last inli rmenl. A beautiful marble muniment indicates their place of burial. One other may be mentioned -a young lady from Mass. . b the name of Carrie E. Cutter. She was betrothed to Charles 10. Colcdgo (note initials) of tlie 2")lh Mass. Infantry, who lei! at Uo.'inoke Island. She went soon after bis death to visit his place of burial, having a preeulimcnt that sin; would not return, and leaving a request that ir such an event he might be buried beside him. Overcome with grief, sin- fell life less upon his grave, and agreeably to her request the Sec. el' War gave pei mission that she might be removed hi re w illi bun. They rest side by Mde, under the. shade of au elm, about midway front front to rear of the enclosure, net the northern wall, her modeyt head-stone numbered and lettered exactly like that of her lover. Tho children buried here, arc an inthnl son of ore former Superintendent and an infant daughter of another. The ground is laid off in sections of a size to contain each two hundred graves. In these sections the six Eastern St-Ucs are all represented, the n ost numcroii-ly by Mass.. and Conn , the lonncr by nearly CiiiO, the latter by about 200. The Midlife States are represented by X. V.. Pa.. Mil., and N. J llic first named occupying four sections, nearly tHKand the second about 2im. No Southern State has re presentation except N. C. in who.-e allotted section are 8'.). Nine other state, O., Ky Ind., 111., Mich., Wis., Mmn., Ia., and Mo , have representation, hut none of them to the number of .100, and most of many less, and some only a few. In one section tlie head-stones are lettered "U. S. N." and the numbers run to 178. In the sections lettered -l'. S. C. T." arc, as already stated, 427. Thus the buried ones are accredited to twenty states in which tliev enlisted. but every one who knows something of the roving character 6t our population, and the largo foreign element embraced in it, will readily believe every state in the Union to be represented and as Sup't, Shea suggests, '-every civilized country in the world.'' Year by year as Spring returns to cover the earth with living green, and "Un locks the llowers to paint the laughing soil," tho thoughts of the pcopio arc turned to - them anew. Though ever borne, and to be borne, in perpetual re membrance, on the 30th of May, fixed upon by suggestion of Qen. John A. Logan, Commander in Chiel of the G. A. R., aud constituted a National Holiday by Act of Congress, and christened ''De coration Dy," we gather Iroin city, and town, and village, aud hamlet to do honor to the memory of our dead, and lay a tribute of grnutude and affection upon their low resting place. "Then on their faces so quiet. Then on their bravo hearts at rest, Then over hands folded ever Pulseless on soldierly breast." "Scatter the rtddest of roses, Red was the blood which they gave, Scatter thj fairest of lilies, Fair was their record, and brave." And I would that this benison of flow ers bright symbols of the resurrection, in the sweet hope of which we lay our tnenda to rest, to sleep in dreamless slumbers through the intervening" years strown ; with tender' devotion and watch ful, care upon tho faces 'of oar dead to-day, throughout so large a portion of the national domain, may, in unison with those so recently (10th) bestowed by other hands, cn those who once In con flict . with us, now sleep in perfect peace, cover end hide forever every vestige of hatred, and all feeling other than of kind ness - ana good, - wiu, mat our common country, as a glorious heritage recei ved from, our lathers, may go forward in a career of honor and prosperity, till we in our tnrn shall leave it unimpaired as to its institutions, and bright with the holy light of freedom tj those, who shall come' after us. .. v-y;" '--'-'? ?' ; " -1 4 :i X. -.'wiVi V. 0 k i: Edw ABD, Both' ; Administrator's t Notice. Having ''Qualified as administrator ol Jno' Wi.'.'Etherldgei : deceased, late of Craven county, Jt. U. this Is to not ay all persons having claims against the estate of mid deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed on or before the 1st day of June 18t5, or this notice will bo plead in bar of recovery. : AIJ persons Indebted to Said estate will please make immediate pavment. - ' r :" W. B. BOTD, - i This May 31st, 1894.-'"' Administrator, HAPPENIMJS OF THE DAY, The Bertie Ratlin. ,i Third Party paper published at Alexander, Ifertie county, has su-pendid publication. fcn. Ite-cr'- i-is-ech at Hichmond on the 3ntn of May. wa- uitirely iin-n -constructed. It i published el-cw here (icneriil W'-,ici was noniiimtc.i iur Congre b ihe ninlii bcia 1 1 -t i n I Coii- 'onoiial l'npui'-l i oiivenbon at At.an on the 1W. I'p to date, one -i!h ot tlie force irT the War Department has leen ill, barged. II I lie- rem under t .in do the work, yiuit' U'dv ha l a I an ea-v mi i r -d raw ili t.inc o t. 1. Lou - i . to b.i , an :oil -:ri:-t . e. :. r ctte l.a toi on a l.i rtfe N.siii- ! the leldillg td, ,c.;o 1: 1 n . - ) tin Wi ! il i ia it. ltoion. -inceliic pi--iugol . 1 1 ; i -i I., lei- Ih-i'ii dioppin bu k ji 1 1 ii iiimo -- sum. but a iva' iu. 1 w.'ii p m -.At i i- and the -.piibM; .I -an it.c ' .o I ! : i- pu-i i - ell the tou n to ihe t: "n! a i n. I n. ; ( liai a v D.ri.i .1-iniM .i.I.l to , motto Tin- vun -.bin's lor all "Ihr I'rieii de of. Dmd l!ei,ne!t II ' . ' i:' he wi-lie- to be Iriithlir. The Coinptr iller ol 1 li.- cur;, ncv !:- declared the i b di idi lid on i I cm- :i- iin-t the Kir-1 Xiiiion il r ink ol lo p, . t-iit . making . i a! , ."id pel n it on . ',:mi- pros -e.1. That Si n de ,n.-i ,t !u '.i .!.. ha- liown a ili-iii- U'l.'cla- respon-i b.l il v and il- vo?;, epai i!i. new-paper corrc-pondenN. A i:o i Ml 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 c'el k a' W.i 'it c! liln- to be alee o -upp' t o ! - oh demand and be want- I n in;, n.ty sonic. A l.'IIU a- till' "I 1 in. Ill !l:v (' p. gn on his hand-, an 1 there ; i o pi,.s pect of h - -J.t lllll'j li I of it be II Il lM no use f. .r a:l ' hllc iiioic :'id'. The !'. ;grt rale which.- g. ..i. . :i ! . Iwecn the dill'ereut i:iili..,i.l ai d -1. ainbo.it line- h i- oivaiiy rcdu. . d lal. - ... ad lead ing Southern poii 1 -. I: -.in.' in-tactc-the r i;.' f". I'u-t : i-- ' c Ji! ii.n I ... n -dllccd, from ,'ll p. 'J a , , in -. ( "'ii.i !'.- -1 1 , S. ('., being e :hc . h , ; I .ci. 'a M!ic me Ihe ,c ..in. and I"'! w '.lillu'v pay the piopo.ed l.i " w ; il"- i -ul.scrib-cr. If llicre is an -u'.-i rib. .' li:i in' llic Income who wi-he- to iriu-lc it lo avoid payiiu-the I i. In -b. uldsi a.l hi- nana and addiV-- to lie- oili. e it .1' ... in ....ici that the transfer may I e nc, !, Ml i iu iln t i lieconii opi rallvc Wcdnc-da , tli .;oli "I i. thcic wa-a -erioii- accicciit on the All. in and Col I Mill .1 .1 branch ol'lhc S. Hi i e-tel II ra ll- ruad near Macn. H i., in ulii. li ''oi'v pei-ons wci' miiii.d -iieial kilidiy. (In --anic day I he re w a- an ace .1, nt on the Wi-(onsiu road bctweiu I'iu'i and Mllwallkc; pi'.pa. w, killed all 1 a iiiiiubei ol oilici-M'r'.oiisly woundc'l. Tile horiibleploi of negio In ii'ls in Florida to ulmge ii miiiilicr of whit, women, reported in yesterdav s .loi unaj. Is among the mo-l ( obi blooded o! then' ocnirrenees which the paper- chronicle ahno-i t'e;" da liieu Ihnejli the avt i.'iging iiciih -i- i- iilwav- iiiirk t" pcr loini his dul'. to -ocict,the inhuman billtalin M.rnis l.i b ' on tin aicl.aM'. Absolutely A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavoning strength. Latest United States Govsknuknt Fooo Report. Royal Baking Powdkb Co., 106 Wsll St.. N. Y. 'A smart coat is a good letter ol intro duction." Dutch Saying. Do you need a full dross Coat and Vest if so we can order you one, price from $12.50 to Sts.50 tho latter are full satin lined. Just received a new line of scarf pins, Cuff buttons and stud buttons. They aro cheap and durable, lietnetnber us for cloth ing, hats and shoes. Our "Big Six'' shirt at 50c is the best in the market. Call and see us. J. 51. HOWARD. Have You Ussd DR. CHAPIN A. HARRIS' DENTIFRICE ? BU AMIAM & BROCK Dm? Co. MY LINE OF Zeigler's Shoes HAVE ARKI VED ! t ! How many hearts will palpitate with deugnt at tins intelligence. AiMore Complete Line '' of - iladiesV Misses' & CMldrens' Shoes High Cut and Low Cut, would he irupos- iZiegler Shoes are lower in price than ever before, but still tliey keep "the .same high standard, of excellence. itj:' d7Middle 8V:: ; PAPEandDEYO. Commission Merchants. V;siliiii t on Nti"'4, NEW VOKK. Southern Fruits and Vegetables a Specialty Large and Roomy WAEEH0USE3. Facilities for handling heavy shipments unsurpassed by any house in the business. tWKKTTKNS MA UK KACII DAY or SAi.i:s-ri National Bulk of New lSonic, X. C. tiausevoort l'eink New York. RKI-'KUKXCK : Stencils and Postals can be obtained at JOHN DUNN'S. THE-:-BIG-:-IF! -t ttm- IF IF IF yod want thebest IF II Yob Want Ihe CheapdiF IF Yon Want tlie Latest IF WE IF t:di i mi; kind IF IF TI I AT Possess all These - QUALIFICATIGNS-0 IF IF IF IF IF YOu Wiint a. IF BEAUTIFUL TICTURE BUY A IFl IF POUND OA.3VT ofl GANTZ IF IF SEA FOAM and we will give wou. one. IF IF . t. - i muwimm i 4 47 .4Q; Pollock Street. :.pii 'am.

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