Journal. VOL; XIII.--SO. 50. NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY. JUNE 2, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS Daily HE BDSimS LOCALS. TO WHOM itmaycoocerai-All persons that have bad account 'standing on dj book lor one rar and orr, I hereby notify you that in thirty days from date if n4 settled I will advertise the mom by placing tbem in Urge glass frame an I bang it out in front ol my placd ofburfnev every day, to that it can (waeei.wbo we-ira clotht na don't pay fur I hem. V R. Sawyer, Fasbiocable Tailor. MONET saved h money made. Buy tout Medicine-i at Mace' Drag Store. Yon wl'l save money on every purchase. Quality guu-jnteed. A trial will convince you. IF yon owe me please pav me. C. E. Sloter. MAO ilNE and band made brick in any 'quantity for sale. HiUlf ClIAS ItBIIBNSTEtN. WHEN Boraxine i used according to direction, a tUird of tlio lalior and the cost o''i-'t m ordinary washing is saved. Samples tree at J. F. Taylor's. TRY GaskilPs Cream Drinks, they are One. Nothing but pure cream nsed in making them. Orange, Pineapple, Vanilla, Strawberry, Raspberry and Bananas. Also Ice Cream Soda. tt. I MAVlSjiMt received n i.ew In.of Spriug and Summer samples from Wanamakcr & Brown, Philadelphia, and samples ol silk Vests. They are cheap as the times are hard. Come and look at them. Jacob Harimfibld, with J. B. Holland & Co., No. 13 Pollock St. LOCAL NEWS. SEW Howard. A D VER Trs KMENTS. Lucy Mitchell, col., was fined $5.00 and costs yesterday by Mayor Ellis lor kicking a child. L Th- Beaufort Herald announces that there wl 1 be a large pony penning at the Diamond penning June 2d. Mr. Walter R. He-iry, of Henderson, will lixttare in Kinston next weak lor the benefit of the Vance monument fund. Kinston had a mad dog a day or two ago which in hi run down one of the principal streets, bit two other dogs and tried to bite a cut before be was killed. Tbe poles were erected yester lay to make fire alarm connection with the water works. The wires will be put up W- today, wbich will complete the worK. Mr. C. S Hollisler was nioving into his new quarters yesterday. The com fortable and commodious new brick store of Dr. F, W. Hughe adjoining the Gas ton House. 4 A aerie of meetings is in progress in the Methodist church of Kinston. Rev. Mr.' Shamburgcr the pastor, is being as sisted by Rev. J. E. Brtetoe" ol La . Grange, in conducing them. Q A little over half a crop of potatoes is expected around Kinston, according to the Free Press, and the shipment of cu cumbers i expected to begin in a few 9 day. " Truck is getting of in fiii rly good qnan titie. About 4,000 packages went off yesterday. The departing steamer of each line had a-good load, and at night some others had been brought in for to days shipments. : ' The Collegiate Institute party last night wa enjoyable in a high degree. All the school and a few invited friends were present. The time pissed merrily with simple play in which the young people ' engaged, with an interval for delicious re freshments. The party lasted about three hours, . The 8,nnouncetnent ol the winner of tliu most valuable scholarship, that of Wesleyaa Fe uale Institute, Stauntoa, Va. - wis accidentally omitted in the account of the Itivr Berne Collegiate Institute I' prize presentation. The fortunate win ner of this high honor wa Miss Bertha Tucker, and -the presentation, was mado A ' by Hon. John 6. Long, LL. D. We !n the. .free Press that Dr. i - Hyatt, of Kinston, has just performed a successful -surgical qperation on a little daughter of .Mr-; Jaues Johnson, of Pitt oountjtio strengljtea -. hit', fajt rThta I ' . another evidence of the worth of a liome " " institution - which gives the afflicted as good service as any and srves to"bg jour- ney. - : .- ' - We wen in some error a to the salary pi the flatters collector of customs when V fbe service at that place wa at it highest coat, was not under the Harrison, put previous Republican aduiinistration,: At ' w one time; tbe service at Hatteras, including . "j- depnty and. boatmen cost -$960 per annum -and the oae at Ocr-coke $1830, but " they -.-Vl" were redtired to one man at each place at ' "to: $1.00 a day whichTv the case, we are 4- $ql4, f be Harrison came in, . Afterwards . T -' I' ' reduced to simply one at Uattera ; r and now be is dispensed with. v ; Among flie early contributions seal to Chairman E. H, Mes'lows, tif the' Craven : ?- County Central eommittev, to mis funds ' i'r:: for tbe Vance monument,' is one from ,; Isaac H. Smith, col., whoi In the letter In ': '-' ; "which the contribution was enclosed, said he-would never forget that the Republi pih governor ' who held the destinies of -"'. '(be people of North Carolina lor twelve -V. years, entirely failed .to inaugurate or . 'Recommend a system of Nqrmal scbjOols for the colored people, but that ftenator Vance, iij less than three months after his : Induction into office .recommended and ; drew I'1" ' P,an fr present sjstem of : Iformal schools. . , ! THIRD PABTT-1TES IT IT. Sklaaer, Kitchen Mi Batler la U Field -Ayeoek Watehisf Te. The following telegram announces the beginning of the Third Party campaign, Wilson being the starting point: Wilsoii, N. C, June 1: Skinner, Kitchen, and Butler, Populist, are to speak here Uwnorrow. Citizens say there will be a tremeu tous crowd. C. B. Aycock, Democrat, will also be present, but joint discus-ion not expected. IUtchett. The speaker will visit some of the eastern and central cities and possibly one place in the West. The talented A)Cock, though having no engagement will be ready for any oftueni if opportun ity offers. Comlnr and Going, Miss Annie Katie Betis, of Oriental, who has been visiting Miss May Caho, lift on the steamer Neuse for, Norfolk Fe male Collpge, to see her sister graduate. Misj Daisy Rumley, of Deaufort, who has been visiting relatives in the city, re turned home. Mr. J. II. Mann, proprietor of the New Berne Hon, VIorcbekd City, passed through returning home from a buines trip. Misses. Vivia Wood and E nma Quil- ord left for Chocowinitv to visit relatives and be in attendance to tbe closing exer- ises of Tiin;ty High school at that place. Mr. A. Ha'.chett, left to rcporc the ser ies of public setches now be;n made by Col. Harry Skinner, in the interest of the Third party, beginning at Wilsoi. Mrs. Edward N. Bakur, of Norfolk' and M'.ss Daisy Schank, of Brooklyn, ore siting Mrs. J. J. Disosway. Tuey came n on the steamer Neuse jesterday mom- Mr. T. (Jr. Hyiran left to spe-d abcet a week with friends at Goldsboro. Miss Annie Bo den, of Wilminglou, is in the city to spen I a few days wuh Miss Augusta Crapon. The family of Mr. Goo. Gresn retureed from their farm. Miss Mary Bnyrd Morgan, niter an absence of two yearp, returned home last night from the State Normal and Iaduf trial School The previous year she spent as teacher in the art department of LilJe Rck, Ark., Deaf and Dumb Institute. Miss Carrie Yeoman left on the steam er Neuse to visit relatives in New York. Superior Court. Friday's proceedings. Hyatt Smith Mfg. Co. vs Ralph GraH and Ira E. Ilicks. Compromise veidict Barrington & Baxter vs. Skinner. Action to recover debt. Judgment for. plaintiff. Smith vs. Boyd, administrilor. Judg ment in favor of defendant. Daw vs Jones; judgment for plaintiff in snm of $24. . Merrick vs Merrick, col., divorce; judg ment in favor of plaintiff. -f Capt T B. Rowland Dead, The Beaufort Herald tells of a telegram from Philadelphia announcing the death of Capt. Thos. B. Howland, a former resident of Beaufort. He was a brother to Mrs. Joe Gaskill, Mr. W. R. Howland and Capt. Sam Howland of that town. Capt. Sam was with him in his last hours. Mr. Howland was 47 years old at his death. Trinity and 0. F. C. Commencements Wednesday and Thursday, June 6th and 7th, is the date of the commence ment exercises of Greensboro Female College. The baccalaureate sermon will be on June 6th, at 11 a. in., by Bishop R. K. Hargrove, D. D., of Nashville, Teun; tbe address to ulumnne at 8 o'clock that night by Bisbop O. P. Fitzgerald, D, D., of San Francisco, Cal.; the graduating exercises on June 7h, and the literary ad dress in connection with thes.9 exercises by Seuator Jarvis. The annual concert will l on the 7th at 8 p. ro. The commencement exercises of Trin ity college will be held on Thursday, June 14th, at 11 a. m. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. L. A. Steele, D. D., of, Nashville, Tenn, on Wednesday June 13th at 11 a, m., and the literary address will lie dellvepfci by Senator George Gray, of Delaware, at 4 p. m., on Wed nesday. . " ; SOUTH' IKMIHRATIOS CO KG BESS Measares Proposed fol-tbe Accomplish- , ment of ltnTbJeeai. In tbe Southern Immigration congress Thursday the oomniittee- oa resolutions reported plans Tor tiiorough State and county organization for inducing immi- granoT). - f -' It aavocateo. tne wonereas oi uie uniiea 8ttes Drovidinz for a permanent exhibit at Washington of all the resources of the States. . it racommenuea estaouaning a train of cars in which shall be exibited tbe products of the South, and that, said train shall be run to every, important point of the Northern and Western State and is soon as praciicauie, sucu oe none io Europe. . : -' : ?-i :; '-.:"'' '.'::.' V It provides for the appointment of a committee to confer 'with the- railroads' and steamship lines on the subject of rates oa Southern proauctr, .; The' man who', dt fined true politeness as courtesy to a shabby stranger in a tiuHlic nlace made a heavy , lunge at the vital organs of many who consider them selves paragon of poutenesSi " : P80?PECTI 5tt TO LOCATE A Walk Tkroack the City Ceavlnee a Tisltor of H.w Bene' Good Pros pec:. Mr. J. J. Shepard, of Darlington, S. C, was in the city yesterdar DrosDec ino ith a view ot locating a young man of his town, Mr. J. N. Brazenstine hero in businaHR, each of them to have an interest in the buiine-Mi. Their intention is t. en gage in a mercantile business and a little manufacturing in the way of shirt", pants and whitever else in that line they may find a demand for. It took but a little tim; s 1 n obser vation to convinr Mr S .i I that lie had found a goo I i. : ;rcsive busi nesi place. Coming in o:i i n . :.t .oil which entered the city kv c ..ui a year ago, he found their several handsome and com modious buildings for the transaction of the work and business of the road ou each side, the last one, the round house just liemg completed. Walking two squnes fr mi th.'ro he passed the A. & N. O. R. H. dept, re ceiving a thorough repainting. ,Ju4 across from there he vitweil tlu addition to his residence and the other improvements Mr Wm. Colliunn is making. A squaro farther dowu he lo iked aerosi the Aciulemy Green and viewed the three pretty dwelling houses built a few months ago by Mr. Gjore II Ribe-ts, and he learned also of th ; recent d lies of which the four residences west of the Methodist Church were built. Then a bio k below the Academy he found the two houses ot Mr. Juo. Hanffonone side of the street, the two beautiful places of T. J. Turner oppo site, one of them his residence; next to them the residenco of Mrs. C C. Green. ind was in forme I how recently all of the-e had lieen built. And ou ilroad street mar the dividing line between the residences and business part he took a look at the fine two-story- and-mansard roof one, future residence of Mr. O. H. Guiou, a good place before, but now being doubled in 8!ze and tastily remodelled ao thut the appearance of the old building is lost in the new. From Hancock street dowu l'.roiul street bi Middle au 1 theaee to the mirket, Mr. Shepard viewed that much of the busiuess portion and was as well pleased as with the rcsideut part. He comment ed very favorably on the character of the stocks in the stores and the other evidence of good business. lie saw the st eet im provements, he was told of the admirable water works and sewerage systems, com pleted last month and now getting into operation. He viewed the new hotel on Broad street jus', completsd, not yet oc cupied, the remodelled American House, the i -on stores and Hullwhich Mr. John HantTis building, tluw Gaston House in the glory of its recent impiovements, the fine brick Siore nearly finished a'ongside and then he weut on to the market whaif and saw where inside of two years Trent river had been encroached Upon and new land been made on each side of the mar ket dock equal in length to one of the city blocks, and every foot ot it except the walk and drive way occupied by sub stantial business houses-filled with dealers carrying on a general merchandizing business, grocers; dry ftads and clothing men, fish-shippers, nretSurants, a bakery, a granary, cXc. J, Mr. Shepard made some inqulnes upon reaching the city as to the prosperity of New Berne, and m tributary couutry and as to how the city was standing the financial depression whch is being com plained of all over the tSuntry, but hav ing exa this much of the city he express ed himself as satisfied lhat in that brief time lie bad acconiplfsiied as much as he caaxo to do this tiithd, making ar rangements for corresponding, i should their plans mature btTtook his departure. This is only au Jpitance of fjjimbers that ore ging on. ykfi, a monrh passes but what New Eetne is favored with desirable additions to her population. Many have moved here business men, professional men and mechanics, and some of the best mechanics have moved here from places noted for their enterprise, and thnctrly always have plenty to, do. Theyimprovements, which are always in progress make this so. We have not the amount of manu- facturinn we would like, but we are doing something in this line and it is only a question of time when more will follow. Oar knitting mill, ice factory, carriage lactones, fertilizer factory, foundries and kindred industries, all contribute their portion to tbe prosperity of the place as do other things not necessary to enumer ate here, and a a natural consequence real estate both in tbe city and adjacent farming property is advancing in value witheveryyear tbat posse. New' manifold resource, varied but sound and solid, r what is bringing her to the front, and they will keep her thereV; Her future j ecure. V; , vTade Shore Cama-Meetia;. Great preparation an being made for the Wade Shore camo-meetmff that 1 held annuallv on Wade Shore.- The dat of tne is June ai. .v : . The sit lor the meetinz is. a beautiful spot near the ocean. All are invited to attend. A large delegation of ministers will be present. -h' . "v v.--; .K The New Berne Journal 'and. other papers will, please . copy. Beaufort Herald. ;-v : , ... A COHIOX HCISiSCE. He Ida Evidence Everywhere, and He is Known as the Croak-r. One of our cxclianges is prett y severe on that reunion nuisance known as the croaker. It aks that saints have pity on a tow n or city with a croaker in it. If it has two three or half dozen cioakers living iu it, it is to be commiserated that much more. The croaker always comes in two forms dead and alive. The croaker lias mo on the north side of him, no matter whctticr the winter le mild or seven-. The moss indicates nothing especially, except that he should bo removed Horn the community at once. The croaker nl ways views Ins own town from a pes-i-uiistic point of view. He has no word of praise for any one nor anything that tends to assist in the progress of the community He is the first to expect benefits that accrue from the united efforts, energy anil enterprise of others, but it the lsst to lend a hand. The croaker is a pusillanimous, insignificant, inconsistent encumbrance. A New Potato Pest. Gernld McCarthy, entomologist, N. ('. Experiment station, announces that several complaints have reached the St itii n from Columbus county concern ing the ravages of a hitherto unnoticed insect upon growing Irish potatoes. Mr. A. B. Smith, of Armour, N. C , writes: "Thousands of these bugs have suddenly appeared on my potatoes, there Iwing an average of 3 or 4 to each plant. They do not oat the leaves, but puncture the growing tip causing the plant to wither an I s -on die. What is it and wluit shall I do for iff'' Mr. J. 11. Chadbourne of tlio same county sends specimens and writes in much the same strain. Mr. McCarthy says the insect is LephHjlo$H phyloput a tiue bug closely re'ated to the predaceous thick-thiglicd soldier bug Aeanthocephulia fenwrata. This insect is not common in this state and has lieen considered lieneficial because it fteds upon thistles and occasionally at tacks the terrapin hug of the cabbage. In Florida it attacks the orange: now that :t has changed its diet from thistles to pota toes, it is likely to become u troublesome pest. A9 this bug does not gnaw the foliage it can not be poisoned by arsenates, and the only remedies remarks Mr. McCarthy, are the kerosene emulsion and hand picking. The latter will prove upon the whole most satisfactory. Use shallow pans con taining some water and film of pure kero sene. Hold the pan under the vines and jar or shake the bugs into it. The lest ime to do Uiis is before sun rise iu the morning wliilo the insects are still torpid. The n' ove information will no doubt prove intcrciting and possibly beneficial to our lenders, many of whom arc large potato growers. Though nothing has been heard of the insect in this region as yet it is well to be forewarned. HAPPEMXHS OF THE DAY. Thtrtcon Stales are represented in the Au- Southern Congress now sitting at gusta, Ga. Don't say the world is crowing worse when you are doing notliicg (o make it better. Fringed bottom pants will continue to be worn extensively until times gets bet- teen, says an exchange. There is one commendable thing about the quarrels of the Senators. They near ly always make up as publicly a3 they quarrel . It seems that Senator Gorman was in error when he said that tlio majority of the Senate was ready to vote on the tariff bill. If Gorman survives the show he will go down in histroy las the only man who ever succeeded in driving protection and free trade as a tandem team. Senator Butler, of S. C, is trying to get another term by following the meth ods by which Gordon, of Ga., was elected capturing the Farmer's Alliance of his state. A gentleman who lias been doctor, cler gyman, and lawyer, declares as the result of bis experience that men in geueral will spend more money to fight each other in lawsuits than tuey will to save either their bodies or their souls. Copenhagen, the battle steed which carried the Duke of Wellington fourteen hours at a stretch at Waterloo, has been honored with a monument at Strathfield- save, the country seat of the Duke, Three negro men of Burlington were found to have made insulting remarks in reference to Miss Mary Phillips ot that place who was recently outraged by the uegro -Uoo MacJKins, ana tnereupon tney were promptly taken in hand and sound ly whipped by the indignant white citi zens who made no concealment of their work. It is a curious tact, remarks the New York Post, that at the same time when industrial armies ot tne ' unemployed' are marching through various States, em ployer ot various classes are lamenting their inability to secure workmen, and men who are employed are frequently striking for higher wages. There could hardly be greater anomalies than are pre sented in these facts, and yet the apparent inconsistencies spring from tbe same gen eral cause. " k smart coat U a good letter ot intro duction." Dutch Saying. Do you' need a full drees Coat and Vest if to we can order you one, price from $13.50 to 918.50 the latter are full satin, lined. Just received a new line of soarf pins, . Cuff " buttons v and - stud buttons. . They are cheap ; and durable.- Remember as for cloth insr, hats and shoes." pur f'Big Six" shirt at 50c is the best in the market Call and see us. .s v t : J. M, HOWARD, ; flAl.EM ACADEMY. Closing .Exerc'ses Or t Ions Diplo mas Graduating Cass to Put !d a Yanre Memorial Window. The t2d annual session ol Salem Fe male Academy, one of the oldest and Ix-st leinale schools it the Country, dosed Thuday the 1(0 lb , with highly int.-ri-t-ing anil creditable ixcrci. A strong and appropriate oration ni dehe-cl by R: v. Kohl. Nraugr. oi Wil mington, "lliviling the Viilons of Life," was die theme ol hi-, address. llisliop Kontlinler. of the Mmavian Church, pre vti'ed the diplomas to the graduating el iss, romp"-' ,,f i h i -1 v-se v en mcidnTs. About twenty voting ladies were al-n awarded diplomat in v iral and instni inental uiuie, elocution, bookkeeping ami phonography. Mii-i, was furnished by the Salem orchestra. Phillip il Clevn'll s.ud that thi- was due of the Nt and hrigM.-st fi'iiiiiienremenls ill the history of the ihool, The next session opins S pteiiiVr 4th. The class which graduate 1 Thursday have decided to raise a fund sutlit ient to put in a handsome memorial window in the Salem college iu honor of' North Car olina's late Senator, Zebuloii Band Vance who was a warm friend ol the iu: tilutioii. Constant Advertising Pays Res', From Printers Ink we take the f 'Hutt ing and commend it to the attention of each busiiHss man: ''Some men catch more fish than other men do. It is supposed that this is be cause they are more skillful. Those who take careful note, however, observe that the more successful fisherman devotes more time to it. lie begin? earlier, sticks more closely to if, and quits lati r. The conclusion is that the man who catches inn.. I tish, lishes most hours. i is pre cisely the same way with advertisers. Some are skilllul. s'Hiic are not. The most successful advertiser is always the one who does tho most of it, and keeps it up the longest. Xew York Truck ((notations by Wire, .Messrs. Piiliner HivenUug ec Co., of New York, telegraphed the following quotations for tint city lust night. Potatoes, Sfl.oO (" $1..1i. Cabbiges, 75c. (n, $1.00. 15o ins. gro-n and w ax, $1.00 () 1.50. Absolutely Pure k cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength Latebt United Statrs Government Food MsroKT. Royal Uakino Powdkr Co.. 108 Wall 8t.. N. Y. J. .1. IJVL'l lli. Uas .lust Received a Fine Line of GENTS UNDERWEAR Including FLANNELS. A Nice Lot of Patent Leather Shoes. A new lot of sample STRAW I1ATS going at 50 cents on the dollar. SST'I.adics Oxford Shoes a Specialty. .1 .T BAXTER. TO OU It Cxi8"toinex?s : o-tt-o We Need Money $ $ $ $ find Must Have it i : i i i Those who owe us will greatly oblige by settling their accounts at once. Respectlully, NUNN & McSORLEY. Have You Ussd DR.CHAPIN A. HARRIS' DENTIFKICE ? BE AD HAM & BROCK Drag Co. MY LINE OF Zeigler's Shoes HAVE ARRIVED! 1 1 How many hearts will palpitate with delight at this intelligence. A More Complete Line OF JLad.ies9 Aliases' JSC OMldrens Shoes High Cut and Low Cut, would be impos sible to find. Ziegler Shoes are lower in price than ever Defoii "but still they keep the same high standard of excellence. -TV Barrington, 67 Middle St. XBakincr PAPEIndDEYO, WHOLESALE Commission Merchants. Washington Street, NEW YORK. Southern Fruits and Vegetables a Specialty Large and Roomy WAREHOUSES. Facilities for handling heavy shipments unsurpassed by any house in the business. See-RKTl'RNS MADE EACH DAY OF SALEsr National Bank of Xew Berne, N. C, fiausevoort Hank New York, REFERENCE : Stencils and Postals can be obtained at JOHN DUNN'S. '- THE-:-BIG-:-IF! I I 'A I I- - - 1 1 i i - IF II IF lYOrj WAHT THEBESH IF IF Yon Want the Cheapesti II IF m Want the Latest, IF II WE ".IV1- YOl 111 1L KIND rri iat Possess all These 0-QUALIFICATIONS-! IF IF IF IF YOit Want a. IF BEAUTIFUL PICTURE BUY A IF POUND CXAJNTojEl GAM rFl SEA and we will give! lyou one. IFI IF lEACKEM&mml v I 47 4Q Pollock Street " r. . -----