ITBllSHIR'S ANSOCSCZItST. Slt-o-l.-i TOE DJLILT JOVRXaL 1 imbUabiUd Dally iwiiauta;M.MitWi tMmt au aaoaiLa. D11tj4 t euj fsabaetibewa at TBI W1ULT JOCESAL to tmblth4 ray ntent tor Iranas I adrertlssusaula sauat a aea la rtruii . stagalaw advert s M wlU be MUaoted prouspUr at tne nd ( saea MBl. CosnsaunanatVais eontalnlag newa of sun) lent swbUe Interest are aolkh. So com MaloaMoa saaja se expected to be pobUaaed that wmito obiwttnabte pswaoaaitiea, or withholds the uu ol the author. Article oaf the tell eotuau auut ba paid tot. Adrertleeasents uadar hea4 e4 Buatnees - Locals aad Baailan seats par Uaa tor On! Insertion. seal each subsg.uent Insertion. ' Bpeetal rate tor extended Una. , Aaj Mi aua sealing- aty lerod at any anony aeons ooaaiaaainaltoa caa obtain the unt at tha author by application at Uile offlca aad ehowtag whrrela tha (Trie ran re tW). $l-o-U3 . SULKS ADOPTED BTTnE SOUTH CARO . OLXMA PHtm ASSOCIATION. Tha ana et not less thau Ira cents per line ' WUI swehara-ed lor "eards ortoaoks, -resolu tlcan ot rasp at f and obituary poetry." also lor obituary notices oUter than tboae which las adltor himself saaU glre aa a uiUcr 01 Xotiora of eharcb anl eoeluty anil all otlier aatfirtalnmanta trniii ahlrh rtimiiiin Ism be oiarlrad will ba chargwl lur at tbc rata t o osaUalina. THE JOURNAL. Proprietor. Local SeporUr, C. T. HAHCOCX, W Extend at the Pott 0(Ket tit Benu,H. C, a teamd-chn mutter. Xett THE CCM0.1S BISISESS. Joe Daniels, Chief Clerk under Secretary Smith, in writiDg from Washington to bis paper, The North Carolinian, on May 31st., ays: "There is a propooition to trans fer all the customs business in North Hamlino, tn thft Wilmington effloe. This would abolish the offl oea at Newbern and Edenton. Branoh and Graham are fighting the obange and both senators are helping them-" Whatever may be Mr. Daniels opportunities for knowing, we ques tion if he here displays his usual accuracy. We have not understood the proposition now before the House as intending to transfer all the cus toms business in North Carolina to the Wilmington office. If it has this scape it should be resolutely resis ted. Mr. Daniels says: "Brauoh and Graham are fighting the change and both Senators are helping them.1' We know who Branch is; but who is Grabamt Whoever he may be, we take off our hat to him, and re spectfully salute so patriotio a gen tleman. We might infer that Gra dy was intended instead of Gra ham, but it is no compliment to Mr. Grady that Mr. Daniels forgot the name of oar Congressman and in striking at it write Grabam. We know that Mr. Grady is interested in the matter, and we take it that the North Carolina delegation will unite in opposing the proposition. Mr. Alexander might (avor it ia the interest ot Wilmington, but he is looking ahead and is not likely to do anything that wonld be offen tive to the people of Eastern North Carolina. AVe do not believe that Wilming ton is in favor of the change. Her business men are alive to her in terests, bat her people are too noble and honorable to seak the augmentation of Wilmington at the sacrifice of New Beni.-, Eei, ton and Washington and other communities. Tne fact, it it be a fact, that the offices at New Bern, Edenton and Washington are not self sustaining is no argument that will weigh a feather in the minds of statesmen. It ia the duty of Govejument to protect the interest of the citizen. England would go to war with all the world in defense of the rights of her humblest citizen, and in this particular the United States is not far behind the mother country. Why do we have a navjT What warship afloat has paid expensed Not one. Druggist recommend Johnson's Mii.' netic Oil, the great fitmily pain-killer, iu temal and external. $1.00 size 50 it.: 50 ct size 25c t. GET THE BEST. The new. 8TADAKD DICTION ABY. Published by the Funk and Wagnalls Co.. New York, Tho most expensive work ever pro duced on the American Continent, cost ing the round sum ol One Million Dollars. The splendid result ot yenra of labor of Two Hundred and Forty-seven eminent literary men, each a specialist iu his de partment. Comprises all the words, old and new, aow In tl English language. (300,000.) Contains 175,000 more wopds than Webster International, and 75,000 more than the Century, at a very small advance : on the price of the former, and at about one fourth the price of the latter. ' In two volumes of aboot 1,100 pases each, ia Feu. BusstA bi.ndikq, with Oeoaison patent befebkhcb index, a very perfect sample of itue book-maker . art at $17.00, payable in six jeasy pay tents. : r.i - , k Represented by Edwaao Bdi.u , wkataFew Ktit Wert 014, v la the witter of 1832, Edmund Kirk had oocaaioa ' to eroa ;he MoontatM from Morri.tewa, TVa orwaor, to Ashevilr, North Gro Una. During hta journey ho foood ItimaeU ia the boose of a North Carolina backwoodsman. Ho thos describes tho experieaoe: After the customer' greeting the an drew a black nak fro a his pocket, and, picking H-a broken glatm trots the floor ' beside him, said to me; "I ay, n'raager, tke a little ample jock '; will warm yoa op; you're a cold ride before you." "No, my friend, I can stand the cold better without that kind of warming." "Well, I thought you was a Yankee wheu yoa cim-; now I know it." This waa aairt tn a fri -ndly tone, and not at all dir. - . "Dow do yoa kn ' 1 am a Yan kee T" "By you being to me with your meney, nrd knowi. : euongh not to drink before oa goiuto tne oold." "What do jou koo ib iutYan- keesf" "A heap. I was a prisoner t Johnson's inland, and afcer the sur render I stayed three years among them.'' 'Well, my friend, I am a Yan kee, and, whatever jou are, you re a very decent lellow; you ve only one fault and If you won't shoot me I'll tell you what it ih. ' "I won't; what is if he asked, ttmilmgiv. 'And you won't draw tliat butrh er knife you carry it iu tho back pocket of your trousers!" 'I d oo'i carry one. so I won't draw it,' he answered, now laugh ing outright. 'Well, it's that tliidk of apple jack in your side pocket, Throw it iiWity and there isn't anytning that you could not make of your self.' 'Do you believe that?' 'I don't believe i'; 1 know it.'' 'Tuen, I'll throw it away." Do it at once. 1'itch it out of the window and never touch t he cursed stuff again." l- took ihe flask from his pocket and guzed at it tixtdly lor a mo ment, and then said: "But how kin I do it, strauger! What other com fort has a man that bad such losses and disappointments as I've had! it's only when I take it that I feel like a man.' It's only a bogus manhood. No. man who takes it habitually has any real manliness It keeps him poor and mak's his wife and chil dren suffer. I wouldn't hurt your feelingn, but 1 cau see that that boy Sam knows it is ruining yon; so give it up on the boy's account if for no ether reasons.' The man rose and p iced the room with an austeady step for a few momenta: then he paused, and, turning to me, said: 'Be you a preacher?' 'No, I am not, and I have no dis pasition to preach to you; but I've seen a good deal of the world." lie took a few more torus np and down the room while I was speak ing, and th 'n, with a long swing of his arm he threw the flick of ap plejack out of the opeuing in the weather boarding, saving, when he had done so; "Sir, I don't know your name, aud I may never see you aaain bat I promise you, before the God that made u., neyer to taste a drop of the cursed stuff from this time forth forever.' He kept his word, as I learned from inm aud others more than a year alter the ocenrrence. He told me that he had often before come to the brink of that resolution, and that when 1 met him it only needed a feather tJ turn the trembling scale, which was my reference to bis boy Sam. 1 record this little incident simp- i ly to encourage those who wculJ 1 iio unobtrusive wo: k by the way--ide. We iittle know how much a few words dropped here and there, and fitly spoken, may help some fellow who has fallen and is strag gling to get npon bis feet again. Lippincott's Magazine. Specimen Cases S. II. CiiTunl. New Cassel, Wis., was trouble 1 itli Xeuralgia and Rheuma tism. Iiis S'.omach was d:6ordered. his Liver wu afllvted ti an alarming desree, ajipe'.ite fell awav, and lie was terribly reiiuc-eil in fi sh and . '.rendu. Three tiottk-s of Klectrie Bitters cured him. EJivard Shepherd, Ilarnburg. 111., had n running f ire r n hi? lee ot eight yeirs' standing. Used three lo:t!es of Electric llitttrs and seven Ijoxes of Buck len's Arnica Sa'.ve. a;id his leg is sound ail 1 well. John Speaker. Catawlm. O.. had !:ii 'C Fi ver f res on his leg. il.ctiirs said he was incurable. One liot . ? Kiectric B.tters and ODe hox Bucklen's Amu i Salve rr.rexl him cntire'.v. Sold I'V 1'. S. IXitfv. Dni'ist. w Berne. X. C " 3 The man who wears long hair, invariably wears a dirty collar. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. Tha signal perhaps of the rare approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if yon oan afford for the sake of raving 60o., to ran the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shdoh'a Core will Care your cough. It nersr fails. This ex plains rby more than a Million Bot tles were sold the past year. It relieve croups atd whooping oough at onee alother. do aot be without it. For lame back, side or chest one Saitoh' Porous plaster. Sold by Mew Be rue Droa Co. The Homeliest JSan In Jie Berne Aa woll as the handsomest, and others are Invited to all on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp'a Balsam for the Throat and Lang, a remedy that is selling entirely npoa its merit and ia gnaranteed to relie and core all Chronic and Acnte Cough, hnia. Bronchitis, and Consumption. Large bottle 90 or, aodll- .r mar23 deod weow r i IhmImM Trowara. . EL W. Taller, of Caniloharie, N. T- mt that bo ajwayt keeps Dt. En)r tw vaeorer in tne doom and hit Until? has always foood the Terr bast remlta follow iu oie; that ba Would aot be wkboat It, if proearable. -O. A. Dykrnut Drngirt. Catki!l,N. T, say that Dr. King' New Discovery it an donbtcdly the heat Cough remedy; that h ha ud it in hi family for eight jean, and it ha never failed to do all that i claimed for It. Why not try a reme'ly so long tried and tested. - Trial Itoule free at F. 8. Daffy Drag Sture. Regular ize SOc and 11.00. t One day at a time! It's a whole some rhv me; a good one to lire by, a day at a time. U. H. JtCitson. "Xmv i,D,id digestion wait on sppetite. An I lieulth on loth." mvs ill jirtal Sliakinpear, but he did not have in iiiiml a cuatvd ionifue or torpid liver, wiib all llie symptom of billions mw, so runimon in this couotry. All tin', and more, cin I cured by Dr. Pier, i-e ' (tul.liti ilwlicul Diovery, a purely vejctaMc rompound, which restore the aition nl the liver, gives lone to the fla jliui: eiitrt;ie of the dyspeptic's stomach, uud thus enabli's "cxmI digestion tt wait on appetite, mid iieallli on loth." By druggist. AstliiLa, and Huy Fever eured by a new ly tre;Hmrut, Address for ininijililet, Woi M's Dinpeosary Medical Assix iation, Itutlhlo N. Y. The modern fishing parties bait both their hooks and their breath. A Favorite fur Coughs and Colds "Chamberlain's (Jough Kemexly is the best medloine for colds and cold a we have ever sold, "says 8. Keel & Son, of Coal Run, Ky. It is a favunte because i; can al ways be depended npon. It loosens a cold, relieves the lungs and ef fects a permanent cure. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy is freely given, as it lique ties the tough mucus and makes it easier to expectorate. 25 and 50 cent for sale by J. V.Jordan Drug gists. Receivers Sale of Water Works. Pursuant to the power conferred upon us by an order made by the .Superior iMuut ol Craven county in an action where in C Dellatield and others are plaintiffs and the Lewis Mercer Construction Com pany and ot.iersare defendants, which ac tion is now pending in said comt; WK WILL SELL AT 1TBLIC AUCTION" at the Court House door in the city of New Berne, on Monday the 4tb day of June at the hour of 12 o'clock M.. for -ah, to the highest bidder, all the proper- ' iv owned by the city of New Berne Water Com pan v, described as follows: That I certain tract or parcel of land adjoining the City of New Berne on the west con taining about two acres, and being the same which was purchased by the city of of New Heme Water Company from Jno. V. Zeblev, by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Doeds of Craven coun, ly. in 1 k pages , and the same whereon is situate the power house, stand pipo. and wells of the said Co.; also the stand pipe power house, engines, boilers, pumps and all other machinery and fix tures of every description now on said land: also all the pipes, mains, hydrants. valves, and all other property ol the said Citv of New lSeme. the same consisting of about 7 miles of pipes and mains, sev enty five fire hydrants, and all the neces sary gates and valves for the operation of the said water works system; the said j.roiierty being now & completed water works system, for the city of New Berne, as provided by the contract made by the City of New Berne, w ith the Lewis Mei cer Construction Company, on the 7th d ay of February 1893; also all the fraii thises. right, powers and pnvileges.grant ed to the said Lewis Mercer Construction Company, by the City of New Beme by the terms of said contract, which said contract has been assigned to the City of New Berne Water Company; including an casement in tlie streets of the said city of New Berne, lor Ihe purpose of using and oerating the water works system and a contract with the said City of New Berne, lor the purpose of using and op erating the water w jrks system and a con tract with the said Citv of New Berje. for 75 hydrants, at the price of fifty dol lars per year each, for the term of 80 year.-; also all the tools, and all other property ol every kind owned by the city of New Berne Water Company, in the said drv of New Berne: and all property of every kind,attached in the action above referred to. T. A. Green, Wm DrjKN. May 3d, Becievers. LE BRUM'S .J j tfUk stx. ftb M B:',,f Ua Mat atf t.o, a.erri:aa . mmmbi maV k uiv a aUm uetaiUa Whm hj C - 'klCpaanUfltVMaana a j ; beTl i'ut ia ttM mm f L- t utv't i.naiimT Imnai CURE; ui Gsovrtt tad tUeet aM i r f tra i-J wl, pom F. 8. DUFFY, Sole Agent. Dragglfit and ADMINISTRAT0E8SALE Pursuant to an order of the Superior court of CraTen County, the undt-rrfgned will sell a', public auction for cash at the corner of Middle and South Front streets in the Citv of Xew Berne, 2J. C. ru the 9th day of Jane, 1894, at 12 o'clock, M. the following personal property, to wit: Ooe fine horse about five yean old, one good open bugey, one set of boggy har ness, one buggy robe, one cold watch and chaiD. a few articles of household fuoiture &c .Said property being of the effects of the estate oft'. 11. Fletcher, decease! H. L. GIBi;s, AdnVr. C. H. Fletcher, decU This May 19tb, 1894. COMMISSIONEE'S SALE. Pursuant to a Aeeree and order, ot thtfin perior Coart, ot Cras;n County In a certain procedinga for sale tor partition, entitled Joseph L. Hahn, ts Hannah A. Xatthewa and John Matthews, I will aeU at tha Court honse door in the city ot New Berne, to the hiehest bidder tor cash, on Monday the 1Mb day of May t, at tlie hoar ot 14 o'clock M. the following described lot, aa aet out and de scribed in tlie petition tiled in said proceed ings, bounded and described ae follows: Lying and betmr situate tn the City ot Kew Berne, State ot Kortb Carolina, beginning- at the Northwest corner ot lot n amber 3W on the Soutli side of Qneen streetand running thence soothwestwardly to the Xorthweat comer of lot number art, thence esutwardty to the southwest corner ol said lotnaraberMB thence northwardly tot be beginntng oat Qneen street, TnUth day of April, 1H. : . , .; OWtS H. feClOM, Coramisstntw. . TWO IRON. SAFES, 7 Ooe - weighing 1,000 , pooodn, ."' . .' iy.., Joat from tne Factory, hot hare fallea into my band aad wlU be sold at a GJIKAT SACRIFICK. Remember, wbea yoa are hi want of anything Id the BANKRUPT Line BIG IKE ia the place to get it You can alway sare moner by looking over the GREAT AMERICAS1 BANK RUPT DEALER'S 8TOCK. All Organized. We take rery great pleasure in stating that Maj. II. II. ltogers, State Agtfor Thb United Hank iko amd Building Co., of ltieh moud, Va., has organized this strong board here. OFFICERS: K. E. Jones, President. Jas. W. Biddle, Vice Pres. H. M. Geovks, 8ec'y. & Tres. Wm. W. Clakk. Atty. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Wm. Dtjnn, Chas. Keizenstein N. II. Street. Matt Manly, F. D0FFY, Ben Hahn, Jas. B. Duffy. Appraisers : N. II. Street, Jas. W. Biddle, F. Dnffy. tLoang granted promptly. Good Hard Brick. We are prepared to till all orders up to 100 thousand per week. W. P. KUKRU8 MUSIC zz: MUSIC. CUT THIS i OUT aud with 10 cents send to us, and we will forward you thirty-two PAGES sheet music six the pret tiest Vocal and Instrumental Mu sic published, printed in elegant style, with two large and four smaller pictures ol the leetling actresses of the day in each folio. Adress, Musical Echo, 1441 Broadway, N. Y. all'tf VITAL TO MANHOOD. Dm. & O. WEST'S NRRVR iHnnnuvTuriT MS?T'J! P?lflI tor Hjrtoii., Dlninws, Fit, Neu rmlgU, Headache, Nerroua Proetration caused h loohol ortobjcoo, Wakefulnwus Mental Dsprou.ion Hortaalnc of Brain, causing lnwmlty, mlnory, decay Si Premature Old Age, Barrennew, Lm of Power melther tax, Impotvncjr, Leocorrlraa and ar Female Weakneaeea, Involuntary Looses, Hperma torrtKea eanaed by oTer-exertion of brain, 8eif abase, orer-Indulgence. A month's treatment. 1 B for ffi,bj mail. With each order for 6 bines, witt IB will send written -uArantee to refund if n t . ure.1 guarantees laaurdbr agent. WEST'S LIVKK PILLf cures Sick Headache, Biliousne Liver Couitlaint Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia and Constipation. OOAJLAKTEES assued only bj F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent GEO. HENDERSON (Successor to Roberta ft Henderson,) General Insurance Agent. Representing Insurance Company of North America ol Philadelphia Home Insurance Comrauy of New York. Hartford Fire Insurance Company of Hartford. Queen Insurance Company of Eng land. North Carolina H inw Insurance Com pany of Kaleie V Greenwich Insurance Company, of Brooklyn. Phoeolx Insurance Company, of Brook lyn. United Underwriters Insurance Com pany, of Atlanta. Boston Marine Insurance Company, of dob ton. REMOVAL. S. R. STREET, GENERAL HTSUEAITCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Has. moved to the Stevenson Building opposite the Cotton Ex change where he will ' be glad to see all those who wish Life or Fire Insurance, or to boy, sell, or lease real estate. LADIES PO IOU KKOW OR. TEUX LE BRUM'S STEEL BNB FEK3YEQY&L FILLS arotJMosigteal and only FBENCH, sets and re. liable oore on the market. Price (Uah sent be saaiL tiecaane sotd oulj by F. 8. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. THE WEEKLY GOURIER-JQURHAL Is a ten-page eight column Demo cratic Newspaper. It contains the best of everything going. HENRY WATTERSON is the Editor. Price $1.00 a Yar. The Weekly Coorier-Jonrnal makes very liberal terms to agents and gives free premiums for clubs. Sample copies of the paper and four-page. Premium .Supplement sent tree to any address.-. Write to (X)TJlUKIiaOURNALC04 .V ; ':,' tanisTfilfV Ky. , V New Berne Weekly Joornal And the" COtTRIER JOURNAL will be sent one year .to any ad dress for 91.75. ..Address, -: r- .-'- JOURNAL, New JBerne, N. 0 ;Wm IT., OLIVER; Life, Fire, Marine, Accident, Fidelity, - Steam Dollet UEWBKRN.N.C A Number of Time-Tried and Fire-Tested Companies Represent ed. Over f 125,000,000 assets repre sented. NOIOKAKY PUBLIC. Commissioner of Deeds for Iew York, Connecticut and Pensyl vania. Agent National Board Ma rine Uuderwriters. PROFESSIONAL. Dr. E. H. GOLDBERG SUGEO-ORAL DENTIST. Ollice Uenry Building. Middle si ni l. lu lwen Droit. 1 and Pollock North Eiivoi;il duiivh yard. Teeth Extnii-lcd Alisohilely without pain bv a now mul harmle." unpliratlon of TONTINE. Most Delicate can USE IT. All I'l'.inrhes ol the prolcsMlon done :it shortest notice. RaTSalisdaction (;u;inuiteed "8 CLAUDE M. BENT01T, M.D. Physician ill Surgeon, Ollice: No.K,7 Iitltlle Street, In Itioiiiert BuiMin, New Berne S. C. t an be .seen at any hour at nitflit In ofllco. DP.. G. K."BAGBY, 8URGE0N DENTIST. Ol'.loe, oliddls street, opposite BaptUi lharoh, teo8.1wtf SEWBEUN. N. 0. DR. J. D. CLARK, DENT18T, KV BERKE, N. O. Oflice ou Oraven street, between Pollock nd Broad JH. BENTON, M.D..D.D.S. Praetlea limited to Opeiatlve aud Ms ctianleal Denllalrr sad Dentft Surgery Teeth extracted without pain toy t"i use or Mitro uxlde Uas. Every tblng in the tin ot Dentistry dona b iae oesi aiyie. twtiaraction (naranteed. Otnee, eornar or Middle street and K ad era a.Uey, opposite Baetucbn P. It FELLETIER. ITTOBSEI AT LA Vt , Pollock BtrettjFirst room above Farm er's & Merchant's Bank. WM1I practlos In the Conn ties or CrsTts sru-rat, Jones. Onslow and Pamlico. I United mates Court at New Berne, en lusreme Oourt of liie Bl ale. WM. . CLARKE, OfiBce, 72 South Front street of i posite Qaston Honse. j ATTORNEY AT LAW AND lieal Estate Agent, New Bprne, N. C. Connections. New Y rk Boston and Canada. Timber lands Farm lands, Track lands. Town lots. Do yoa want to bay f WRITE. Do yoa want to sell f - - WRITE. SPKOIAL. 1600 icrea, Treat Uod, 0 mile of city, Timber and Track land. M WEELIAYOU sew wtiee we state that It pars toeeca, .. ucrmsaeut. Bust health and pleasant sua that retnrna pro it fur ererr dar's work Snch is the bsaieeaa we oCrr the wort ins class f we waea tnesi aaw to nuke snti rapidly, and Siarantee ererr on who folio S-lraetumr Ithfnllr tbeaiakinf e( $)30IMHi maaUs., -Oerj one who takes hold now sad works will snrrlr aad aperailr incrmse U-resruniga; there n be sootseaison about It; otneM now at work are dotes It, and roa, reader, esa do tlie same This la the best paring buainew that Tea hart bad the chance te seoare. , Yoa will make s nrre mistake if roe fall te fire it a rial at once It en grup the aitaation, and act quickly, yoa rill directly led yourself ia a moat prosperout aatness, at which you eaa sun-lr make and aare arge asms of mouey. The resuliof eely a few wure work will-often equal a week's wsges IV nether you sre old or voana, man er womsa. it makes uouifferesee.-de ss we tell vou, sad fn eeaa will meet you at the very .tart- liettliei eKperteneeoreapifaJ aeressary. Those who srort fnr us are reararded. Why sot write to-day lot ftiH aantruiara, tree ILCALLiiXkCO. . .. , - - - v . Box Na taa, Aua-uasa. ala mmm il.; HAS JUST HKTUBSE!) 50 aKdD o;. RANGING Finm And Weighing From Some extra flue Drivers in Horses also adapted to all purpouea Exceptionally fine Draft Horses and Mnles. T A full and complete line of Buggies and Harness always on hand. We will hold on Tuesday and- Wednesday, AN AUCTION SALE To be sold without- Reserve to the high est bidder. Don't fail to come. ISA. EC3c3CjNT OO. Bine Front Stables, Middle Street, New Berne, N. CT,V : The Best Shoes for grj 3 $5, DEALERS who push tlie sale of ...u:.,i. i. ..i : t. ... 51' . I Yeh 1 I I Vr.3l 1 ;Tiic- lcniM Tt"5?5Bs, la. 1 t imp io inn dfvt 4 -""aBssiss, :3k. w -a.."am-. m " .- ?rmk. m'. JW....J.V ,i -.fc..'. TT WBi. -vm. w men iiuius nKicubc luu saius uu lacir iuu line 01 goous. xney can affbnl to aH at a lnaa proOt, and we bellevo you can aare money by baying all your' footwear or the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application For Salsb J. J. BAXTSR, ?Agt. New Berne 17. C. BAiN K8 J.1BRU, Prti. THOS I'n.tlSLVite -tn . 6. B ROKKETS. ca hier The National Hank, OF NEW BERNE, N 0 iNOORPOaUTKP 1885. i Uapital. j ,5, , $100,0001 iui v ro3t, - 98.168 ! ! Dl'i kCTORH. . las a. Bar 1'hob Dikiku. j OB An. 8. Bl.JA J. a H sCKBUBM, i Jko Donn. L HaKvrv. G. H. Roberts, E K Bisnor. Thoa. A. Gim, Pres. W. Down, Voe-Pres. J. K. KoY, (laahler. H M.aaovaa.TeUnr j CITIZEN8' BANK ! NEW DtHN, 5- C. j DO A QKNE-.tAL BANKING I TSIS1CH8. The Aeoountaof Hanks, llanke-a, L'orpora- hods, Farmers. Meicbanis aud o' tiers re- I saiTsa on rsvorsoie lerips t-rmit end osreiui aiieniion given te tha '.nterosi ol our tniswmer. board or DiaioTORa Ferdlnan Ulrloli, K H ilesdows, J. A. Meadows. Chas. Duffy, Jr. Hsmnel W. Ipoek, Ja es Redmond, Ohas. H. Fowler. Chas. Kelsensieln 71111am Dunn, Wajer Hahn, K. W. Umallwood. Tbes. A. Green. Gen ft. It a o a;. Foy. 0.O-Green. THB Farmers & Merchants Bank Began buainess May 1891. Capital Stock, paid In, Snrplaa, DndiTlded Profits, DlrldoadopUd, omcsEs L.B. Ootlkb W. 8. Chadwtck. - T. V7. DaTWBa, 1. H. POWCLL. F.F.Hatthsws . $75,000.00 6,000.00 3,600.0o 10,500.00 President, Vice Proa, Caahior. Teller. Collector. ' WUh well established connections- this Bank ia prepared to offer all accoron-.o-lations con.litent with 0nMirrtlTe aaoaiDfr. ,t Prompt and carefnl attention oivnn tA lolloctiona. We will be plead to oorrespend with -Jiose who may contemplate makiaf thaagea or opening new acooaota THE V FroiNQronirs Journ! is a recognized authority la Prac tical Fruit-Growinsr. Market Gard ening; and every branch -of the oustness connected with the frnit nd Tegetable industry, ills col omns ; contain ; articles : from the best informed vraclical - frnit. growers in this country.' 1 y -' It is a six column, eight-page a'l around fruit-growers and famiir journal. It is published - semi. monthly at Cobden, Illinois, the fruit-growing centre of the .West, at 50 cents per year. : .: .- Bend for free samplVcopy. V ft CO.. FKOM I'HB Wl.ST wnil,r 1 T 850 7 YliAilS OLD, ; to 1450 ibs. Each: W. L. DOUGLAS SHOEcSE SqucaklesA.Botloin Waterproof. Best Shoe &ohl at the price. S4 and $3.50 Dress Shoe. $3.50 .Police Shoe. 3 8o!ea 11 est ill king bhoe ever in.tde, $2.60, and $2 Shoes, Unequalled si llie prK-e. Boys 82 & $1.75 School Shor LADIES' $3, $2.60 $2, $1.7 l tne worm. All NtTlM. InalHtapon having W.JU ana priit- atampea on. Maa. W. L. Douglas Shoes eain customers" - ii r ii f . e i Wanted! Names! FOR u 100,000 Subscribers TOTIIK WEEKLY REGISTER, Published at Whet-ling, W. Vir- K,um The Farmer's Friend. ! A ITf.Tiin rttmuaniAn The Best Story Paper; Has already the largest Circula tion of any Newspaper in the two. Virginias, Eastern Ohio, or West- em Pensylvania. The flreat Twelve Weekly. Pafjai Its woman's and Children's Col umns are of nuusual domestic in terest. Its Special Features cost, more money thau is paid by ANT TEN other papers in the sameter-i ritory. . Its news columns cover "the' world. Bill Nye writes for it: Dr.. Talmage preaches for it: Wallace -P. Beed and ltudyard Kiplingfc " Richard Mah-i(m Johnston, Ellsv Wheeler Wileox, Juliaa- Har thorne, K. J. Wilson, Eider Dag--, gard, Olive Harper, Nym Crinkle, and the best litera-y genius of the world contribute to its colamns. It is a magazine! And every, is-- tin A n n A, s.. a. - wuy i uu a years Agents wanted in every localitv. -Mnnow - for agents in working for it. Send for sample eo)ies. Send six name giving the addresses of yourself and five neighbors who want free- ' conies. Wi-itn Globs Of SIT far fitra AU Address, The Register, Wheeling, W.Va- OO PES? S WEEI WliLiSOWOSKEOO5 of ctht-r wx. say ng. U any psrt of tt,e eountrr. -at the -niploj meat wUcl, Wa furulsu. You nee4 aot be awayfrom tHM9mBjjfct.Toaeaag,TO, . JonrW1oletun,toth.workoroalTToarsrr.1o. Bienu. AscspltslbnotreotHredrourunnorkk. ' mpply yoa wUh aB that it Keetk. It wilt , Ki yos nottui, to tr. lis pedueav Anr one e do the work. Beginner. Jtmltc: money from . start tilttn toknownwlth oarworkers ery hour you labor yo. ea. eially n,aV ,, a lu ! 1 , Ko one who Is wfllim to work tWIMamakc 11. .1 mosey erery day than esa be made in three ,hn atasyortiiiaryemployBeat. Send for free I. "thufuneatuifonnaUoii. : H.V HALLETT fk C r " I Bor Pso, . ' X paTLAND M AS

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