.it '' 3 3 ' f A I;' if r j -.'.. I . ,V ' i What is ." , " V Castoria i Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prrscriptiou for Infanta viv ' V.i V Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor tler Narcotic ubxtaiice. li Is n harmless substitute ,v.,- - lr Poireoric, Drops, Sootliing Synips an. 1 Castor Oil. sV-.''''' It is Pleasant. It g-iinrantco is thirty years' use by -fir" J HT.Ut.ons of Mothers. Cxstorla destroys 'Worms aud allays ''.'" fovOlsbness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, r-----.'' cures Diarrhoea unci Wind Colic. Castoria refsves tectldnsr troubles, cures constipation ond flatulency. Castoria nsslmates tlio food, reg-ulutes the stomach find" Imhtw, givtnj; hcaltliy aud natural sleep. Cas tor is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. CaFtc.ia. Tijinri If au t-t licet mediMne for chll j "t Mother httvp rp.-3dl7 told me of iU V . l7HM-ii cbl.tlTPQ." Dk. 0. C Owiooi , Luvrt ll, Hits-. Cavorffc ! the ta remedy for childwn f 'bicb I m acquainted. I hopq the day is rut ar distant wbeaniott.:rt will con s-,. !er t h roa 1 nU?it of their children, nn 1 im i astoriA of the various quat n-ivnim iwn.ci. Jimmying their on--, i.r.iiioi,.i;.M, rent down their throats, i-heivi.y syndic;; j mm to nre mature graves " ; Da. J. F Ki.sTrnri-, C:iivav. Arii I Thm Centaur Compmiy, " FIRST-0LAS9 BARBERS. PROF W II SIIEPAltD and hin competent aisiHtaats in the ions i iat nrt will tive you a good job and will pay ; triok mention to all branches of hair outtitu and shaving. I t7Give me a call, j At Gaston llouso 3arbor Shop. Tansorial Sriists THE T0N3GRIAL ESTABLISHMENT of TIMOTHY BOW,No.M0 Middle Street i nw p'-aoirod to do the bfst of work its line. El pert h'eip, sharp razors and polite attention. Hair cutting a Bpeoiahv First Class Barber ShoD BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Baptist Church . Apartments neat and tidy, and ouly . mnostent assistants employed. ?irat class bath rooms . oonnocted with snops. - n. L. Banks, daoS Proprietor. - ELLIOT L GREEN, Hair Dressing Parlor. Y Careful attention given to all bra nobis of the bnsiness. . Oblldran's Hair Cutting a Speoialty 'BOOK STORE '"-. - AND ; :-V.. - .- Blaak Bodksptsd new lot SUndard Works of Keaownod Authors. Prayer" and - Hymo Books, Ladles lf Purses, Pens; Penoila, eto. -Aisd; Late Papers and Periodicals re oeiveddally;".,v'v. ; lutf MAN WELL & COOK, Engineers, 'Machixiists . - & Blacksmitlis- '''T'i n& repaia Engines, Boilers ; "iSftW Millsj Grur MiUs and Pumps, .j Steam boat work of all kinds,; , ' Bepalr Inspbators and' Injsetors. - .uss dwbui sua wiwr jiitB uucu In ; in all their branches, yr ' -' Sbop between loe Factory "' and t i freight Depot of A. & JTk O.JC JR. j-x c aV E AT S.TRAD E K" A rks i . . COPYRIGHTS. "s, -. .' , CA1 I OUTAIN A PATENT t Vm a -xjnn t answer and an honest opinion, writ, to - III t N A' I'O., who have but noarly rtfty yesrs - " eeennrti In the natent buwnesa, Coniraunica. . 1 ti ill. sinctly (sumilelltlal, A li nndliook of la. I :ni:e:uQ c.'inmiua 1'ateet.) anil bow to ob. t-.m iHi ro sent tn(5. Also a r?.THioguaoi meukau.. lual t:-il f:i-iiT ao IkxiI.8 scut tree. I'Te.ins t -:'n tliiiin;h- Munn & Co. Tecehre SPf- i.ii li.-t'o' m the lentilie Ameri.'nit, and truis ft 6 l i :t ut ;y bti-irp. tl.c puMtc wu a. O'lt t 1 tn ti.O iTUt'tllltr. '1 lOR 81!l'lt,l'll PHilfr, w" tiiv. p'-i jinny iniTHtraTi'U, hus t,y t:a- the i." -t t a of nv tK i I'll i no wu' le in Ui - I ; i . ir, t-;!- '- c wnt fii-.'. 1 t ! I',,. ! : I" w Castoria. Cutoria Is o well adapted to children that I recorttxiead it as superior toaoy pracrtptioa known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., II t So. Oxford - Brooklyn, N. Y, ' ur piiysici-Ans in tho children's depart incut have sjkjLcu of their exteri fiii-p in their outside practice with Caston atj.l HlLKott'h we only hare anionp o j tnedw-a! supplies hkt is known aa refjuLj pnlm ts, yet w are frre to confess that the ni'TiLii of Ca-'oria has won ua to look wita f;i- niH.n it." L'MTin Hospital and IhHPKNSAUT, Huston, Ma&s An.;.: t Shitii, Y, . ; SUoet, licxr York City. STEAMERS. , astern Carolina Dispatch. PM-ndr in.) f reight l.v tetwee?i IK 'iru Nonh C!arlir.K Potnto.aud ailroij nectlo: b o the PFWNYLVAJIA RAILROAD, N-w York Fit Had IphU, Norfolk, Ul (linnre. It Irlmiontl unit rtoatou. T ONLY Trl-A-kl Llue Out H4W llk-n. I T 1 RV ANn FLK(A"iTLY B'QUIl'PK. Halls ..om Nw Hern. 'lUIDtls, WKU1VK.HDAVS rniDA vs. A.T 4 r.ivt., stoppina at I oaaoae maml each way and f'irmInK nloae conreetlon with tun Norfolh A -outhern Railroad at K.ilsaheth City and tne Norfolk and VVeHlern Railroad at Norfolk. ni" Uurern CarollnaIlP',,aleh Line, eon alatlns ot tn Htr N'is, Norfolk Honihern ii. K... "ew York. Th':. ai.d "Sorfolk K. 11., ;n-l Penn.ylvanta H. K , form a rellnhlp nnd "nl-tr Hue, otforla:: uni rlor funlMlten !f 'ii'ch pfts,ieufr au4 frwielii i rrtn-imrtHMcn . ".o ir'.i.s'.i ,.xeipl ft. 1: in til CUv.al ii"ru potat f r.'lKh 1. wll! Vfl lop., led on enrs to tliroufsh to ilent natlor. )lrecl all goods to b. shlpptu v! r.R'ilem )aioltua Otspalh dally as fnllowHt S-roni New York, by Plans. K. R., I'lr Zl, North River, from Phlladnlphla, by Pblla., W. anil Ba to. R. R Donk Ht. Station. Krom Baltimore, by Pblla.. Wll. and Halto. R R., President. Ht Station roui Norrolk, by Norfolk Bon them R. R. 'ram Boston, by Merchants A Miners Trans portatlon lo.; Naw York and New Knland A. R. a- Rates as low and time qnloker tban by ay otber line For farther Information appiy H. Jotos (en'l Freight TraiUo Agnt, P. R. R ) Oenoral Trattio Agent, '.tao. htbphrns. Olvtslon Freight Agent P W. 4B.lt R., Pblladelphla. i. B. Oooki. Oen'l Freight Agent., R. Y P. N. R. R., Norfolk, Va 1. o. Hpooins General Freleht Agent N, 8 U. R., Norfolt, Va. GSO. UK NDE RSON. Agent Now Berne. S. 0 a ABSOLUTELV The Best SEWIN5 MACHINE MADE VfK OR OVIl DEALERS can aoll yea machines cheaper than you can get elaewhere. The NE W HOiUB 4 onr best, bat we make cheaper kinds, nch as the CI.IITIAX, IDBAL and otber Bleb Arm Fall nickel Plated Sewlnac naeblnes for $15.00 and ur. Call on onr agent or write ua. We want your trade, and If prleea, terms and square dealing; will win, we will bar It. We challenge tbe world to Srodnee a BBVTEB $0.00 Sewing aebtne lor $ SO. 00, or a better $20. Sewing machine for $20.00 than yoa can bay from sua, or onr Agents. TEE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Osuxax, yiM. BoRoa-Hisa, Uxioa Soriaa, H.T. . duosao,jru. St.louis,1o. Dallas, Texas. . .. BAxnuacnocCAb AfuxiA.aA. INJECTION a ...THTGrNTiniirftFBiniii fORaf ; ' : - t QUALE So Itala. No rain. PrcTcnta strlctara Fret. Hyringe. A 1 to 4 Day Cur. for OopnuaHUCA. Uu JET. JLki'cdkkhika, HrrjiMAToniiiroc. And All P'nbealtby Bexaal Ulschararea.. saT'A Sure Preventive ot all Venereat Diseases At Druggists, ot, sent to any address lot UIS Inlecttoa nalrdor Is "TIIK BCTT" of all Similar remedies. PS. HIMBSaBST,Sta4tfm,lM Unlr lar Co. UaeaUn Ohio. f. a. Caveats, nd Tratle-Mirk3oMa;ned,mill PAw ernt btiBiness conducted for Moderate FCC. Ou omce is Oposrft u. 8 . Patcnt Omee ana we can serin o piicu. i hw uhi usaau iuww rctnot from WaahinRton. . X . i tJoj. We advise, i Atentaute not, tree oil ciiarfr. Our tt no till patent in secured. A pamphlet. "How tnbt.in aatenis,' withf rost of same In the U. 11 and Jorifc'ncoiioLriesi psTtNT Orrics. V- -...irir.ON, O C. MONEY t J l . . i If THE SIXTH Or APRIL, 1866 rKRCT QBEO. It i a ua lion's death cry;' ye. the aoov is pamed The stoutest race that iier fought to-day luklb Iouj'IiI ita last. Aye! start anJ sliuddrr well Uiou majxt well veil thy weeping ejes Englaml. may God forgive thy part man rjnnot but despise! 4i', sliuddcr a', that cry tluit spmks the South" Mipreme despair Thi'U that couldst sated savet not that wouldst vet didnot dare; Thou that hadM n4;ht to aid tli riyht. i ami heart to Urook the wroni:: 1 Weak words of rotnl'ort the wejik strong ' ! haud to help the Mmnj. That land. Uie arleu of thy w.allh, one h.iu:ird wn-4e Hpj)e:.rs- ( Tiie if-lies of her iiinny li -iik ale slaked in patriot tears ! Tear- fur the -Ahi n ho diid in vain fur I Irii'iliiiii mi the 1 1 o 1 1 j Ten's trtirs of Imti r anguish still lor tlio.yj who lire to yield. j The cannon of hi.- country peid'd Stuiirf funeml knell ' I lis .niUliers' cheer- n:ii .- i,k eir- as Sionewall .' : e i - t inward o'er millant A-li'n'. :nu' swept war's sueees-ful ti:e- And soutoern hojes w 'e n,ngyet when l'olk and Si-,. ..;i !n d. Hut lie. the leader on who- wnnl those captains loved to wait The noble-t. bravist. U-st of nil, hath Ioiiih a hauler talc; I'npt alb'd liy -hot and steel he pass'd o'er ninny a desperate Held Oh! i"d. that he hatli liM -o lon' and only liv'd to yield ! Aloti the war-wdin, wa-ti-l ranks that lov'd him to the 'a-l "nil Kiddi n'd face ami weary p:ee the van'jiD-li'd eliiillain pa-s'd Their own hard lot the men forgo, they Iclt what his must lie What thoughts in that dark hour must wnni; tlie heart of ticaeral Iyiv The inaiilv eheek with tears was wet tin' stalely head was liow'd. A breaking from their shatter d ranks around bis steed lliey erowM; "1 did my lx-t for you'" 'twas, all tho-e trcnililiim' lips eouhl say. -Ah! happy tho-e whom death ha- -parcl the angui-b o to-day , Vcvi on, 'ir''iiu;i! wivp llo -o !ips 'jivt'ti to toy I'liu-i1 in vuiii Thf s.jis ho lio to wear oiiro niorp thf I'nion's "jiiHini; clmin The hollies whose liyht is j ut-in lit.! lor live -the giiives without u stone Thefol.ie.1 tl.i;; the broknl swoi.l-the hope forever llown. Yet raise thy hei.il, liur hmd, thy dead died lit-.ivt'ly lor the Kiht The folded litis; is stainless still the Lr.-k-en sword is hrihl ; No blot is on thy record I'oiind--no Trea son soils thy fame! Weep thou thy dead with cover'il head ne mourn our Knidnnd's -hatne INSECT LXTELLIGEXri',. DiscloBurea Which Are Disconcert ing to tho Kind-Hoartocl Sentlments Conjured Cp by the Thought That the Smaller Animals Are Siihject to Emotional Sen.atlons A Wasp's Reasoning Power. Wonderful are the discoveries of science in theso days, but we could cheerfully dispense with many of them. In particular, tho growm" mass of evidence which suests that organic tifo is always accompanied I by some degree of intelligence rouses tho most uncomfortable thoughts; for Intelligence implies a crowd of sensations from which, as wo hoped, the lower order of animals were free. That ants and bees and such liko have somo power of brain might be admitted without unpleasant con sequences. No one, in the temperate zone at least, wants to harm them, unless provoked. But to hear that beetles and wasps, spiders aTid flies are suspected of feeling terror, pain, anxiety and such emotions, is very disconcerting to tho kind-hearted. For they have always been treated as enemies of the human race, to be destroyed at sight. If the means of execution bo cruel, that is seldom taken into account; and the very worst of'it is that we must persevere in so treating them, whether they bo intelligent or no for, after all, the most of them act in a manner hostilo to our comfort, though their intentions may be good. Take wasps; who except a Bud dhist does not kill them at every opportunity? The bona fides of the Theosophist will hardly stand the test. But Mr. Belt made some observations that startle our com placency. That delightful observer ranked wasps next to the higher classes of ants in point of intelli gence, and he gives some instances. A specimen of Polistes carnifex was liunting in his Nicaraguan garden. Belt offered it a grub. which it promptly cut in two, left one-half in the midst of a leafy shrub and carried off the other, Before, starting for the nest, how ever, it hovored, over the spot and made small circles round, then larger ones, as if taking the bear ings. When it had got underway even, it suddenly sped back and re pea ted these operations, aa if upon reflection it did not feel sure that the place was quite fixed in its memory. , EeturninoT emp'tT in due time. the. wasp described but one circle and flew like . an arrow to the opening. " But the leafjon which it had deposited its prey 'was obscured by - another ' above, : and the wasp. running in, soon lost : Itself among the foliage. It cams out, circled round again, and descended-i-with a like result, gain and again tnis happened. "Always it alighted in just the very same spot, after repeating its observations, buzzing more and more antrrilv, at length, by chance, it found the morselflew straight away, and did not return.., 'Aa Belt says, a man seeking some object he had left behind would act in just the i same way. London Standard. VICTORS are Standard Value. The 5t.m.!..:.l ;U o ( Vi. t r IliryrKs is fiio.n. . .' and Victor tiikts arc fuorantct-.l a ::.in,t cut rates durin0' li.c cuki.; OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. W. D. BARRISOTON. The weather is getting warm enough for snake stories to crawl out. Croup mill H iKinpiiiir ( oiu-h. I have three children who are buu jeot to croup, and have fouud that Chamberlain's Oouph Hemedy will cure them ijutckcr than anything else I can get. if you do not believe that this remedy will euro the croup, do as I did, try if and you will soon be convinced, li. M. Chatham, Dewey. IllinoH Whooping (Jough is also deprived of all dangerous consequences when Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is freely given. There is nothin cual to it foi either of these nilments. For sale by ,J . V. Jordan Druggers. A woman is nervo'ts whon the train is behind time. A man swears. -l.in'h'ei :-.t".r. 'i Heiiiedy. A marvol oue eure fo- Catarrh. Diphthuria, I'rtr.lo r lO'-oo anrt Hi-adnehM. Wiih tii:h hotto- (.to ro is an ingenious nitoil Itij.i '. tr for Inn more succrsfol ir.-sr m el A thee oouiniamtp without extra chsruf Tho smart Alecks in a small town all collect in tho barber shops. W j. i W 1.-1 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The way to live lonp is to keep breaching. A lazy man never has corns on his feet. Chamberla F.y- ;eid Ski-i OintTen, Is a c-.t-.o . ' .. f..r I ! 1 1 --1 1 i . i v.... Oramdat.-.! : !.i.k S Mi .-'. -, I il. -. iv.'ema, 'I el 1 1 I', S..lt I onilni :rnl S, :: 1,1 I !.:!!. - i eell..- v r Co . I v l' oi ne, c' TO HOTtSK OWK.!.l I-'or pnililur i". Ici-e i:. a !:! !; .''le' eon- tlilioil trv ir. a.h's ' ': c..!,'. :; l'...lers. I'le'V tone, up the s -lem. :i id i !ir-i Iimi, cure los of aplK'tile, ivlii Vi eon-lipalion, eorrei I kiilnev .lisonh'i-s anil ile !r a' iioin-., Kivini; v life to an ol.l -r over w .i lo 1 iioi -e. Uo cents per jiaekay . For sale bv di ugi Sold nv T I'idan, New Kerne N, C A naturalist is a man who is out of a job looking for bugs. liuild Him I p. Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Atlanta, Ga., had severe dyspepsia Physicians and all ether remedies lailcd to cure him. He tried Tyner's Dyspepsia Kemedy, and afterwards writes: " The first dose gav relief I recommend it as the best dyspepsia remedy ever discovered. 1 have gained tlesa stnoe using it. 1 voluntarily recommend it to all suf ferers with stomach troubles.'' For sale by druggists at 50c per bottle. Men who smile at a humbug will scratch for a bed bug. The Population of New Ilerne la a boat nine thousand, and we would say at least orle-half are troubled wit', some affection on the Throat and Lungs, aa those oomplaints are, according to sta tistics, more numerous tban others. We would advise all our readers not to ne gleot the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Hal sam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial one free. Large bottle 50o. and $1. Sold by all druggists. Answer This Qnestlou. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by indigestion Oonatiy ation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming; up Of tbe Food, Yellow Skin, when for 73o. we will sell them Bhiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by New Bern jurug Oo At under taker likes tolive in a dead town. How a Chicago Man Was Cured of ' Rheumatism. Mr. John Hall, ot 9235 Com meroial Ave., Chioago, met with a serious aooident for which he used Chamberlain's Pain Balm, Ireely, with the best results. 'Bat now," Bays Mr. Hall "comes the best part of my story. Fo many years I have been quite a sufferer from rheuma tism, with stiffness of the -joints. Since tbe application of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, all symptoms-, of rheumatism have disappeated; in fact I believe that it has banished ever? trace of rheum attsm lrom my system." Fot sale by J. Vt Jordan- UraggiBt's. ,r . - DETROIT. DLNVLR. An New Berne. N. C A traveling man is no goml when lie los.'s his grip. A tailor made man in't lit for much in actual business. One of.Mr. Jordan's tcelleiit Miili icines J. V . Jordan, Druggist's sells preparation for rheumatism that has performed some remarkable cares. Frank Shepanlson an engi neer on the Soot hern Facile; Kv., who reside at Los Angeles, ('.il., was tronbled with rheumatism lor a long time. He was treated t sevetal physicians, also visited the Hot Springs, but received no per manent relief until lie used Cli.nn berlaui'H l'.ini li.ilm, winch is the medicine referred to above, llesavs it is the best medicine in the woild for rheiima'Hin. A smile is the kidm v cordial. Iiv, I'he Handsomest I, ml) in New Iternc Kemailie ! t . a h i !.d the other . lay that she knew krinp' l'..i!.ini 1", r I h" tin oal ami I, uiis was a Mipeiinr leiiie.ly, as li stoppeil her eeuli intanllv when e l:ei emieli rr.'.iedies had no e(T,'i t whatevi-r. So to ii e this and convince yon of its merit ai:y druist wi.l ivo yoa a sa'e plo lii'ttle rreo I.ari'e sie TiOc. andl. Castor oil is the be-t thing known for keeping lea'her plia ble. Never wash new silver in soap suds, as that will tum it white. Tl Dmir-ut.-f .fiViV-tc' jfsk'tjniiJ A .:-rtr,f. r..f cjicacy PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. iOOK OF VAlUAdt ISFORMATION FKIE. O FOR LALE BV OBUGOISTS. .rAPAIsIESS A New nii'l t'"'it i-t Tr4'it1iti--;iT, c n-i-t mt: "f Rri'i'DSrt'oltn.s, Cuieiiii nf lintim-nl nini tw-. Hoiks i.f Olntiii'Mil . A lit-vfr-ficnip,' ( 'in f"i l'ilt --f everj' inHiiii an. I .I.m-i-. It tu.-ik.-- mi i ! ;iti.n with tin k ni ft i.r iiiit-ciiiii- nf ii l-ln- in M, wim !i uro piiinful anil r-i'lilniii (i iii-riiiiHit'ia .n . mu nfien D'-uHiuir in ilt-ath, tuuii-iH-sin . Why endui n th-8 terrible disense? We Ruarnniee 0 toxes to cure nnv cnea. "u - iny U r n-nrfitH n'o-ived. fl n lo, C fur "). SitiI -y uiiul. UiiiH'iiuti-fsi I inil 1'V our aj,''!!!1. CONSTIPATION U y Japanese Liver Pellets tho prent I, TV I'll u,. S't'l-M AH Ki .ill, VT'OK i.n 1 lil.OOI l'l'KI KII.IE. Stnail, iu iin.l ?lt ii-iinl t tiki', i'sK-t iiiil aaaptftl f.r chlhlivij'- v.o. oO Du5Ca OI'AHANTEUS iriuoiI oali 1 GEO. W. GAbKILL, New Berne N. C. Peansylvanii's LEADING NEWSPAPER In all the attributes that suffice to make a first-class family Journal, The Philadephia RECORD Spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all tho news of the Old and New World. Its several Departments, each under th management of a oompetont Editor, treat full; matters pertaining to The Household, The Farm, Woman's World, Science, Art. Literature, Finance, The Seal Estate World. Presenting a complete magazine every day. SUBSCRIPTION RATES i Dally, one year, ... Daily and Sunday, one year, - vTV-; address $8.0o 4.00 !Hie . Record Publishing Co. ".. ' - AIR hin ... o . s?, .t lTUi; DTftSttT, X . v ., .'.PmiVs.DBLPaUs ?.1'' M Kv f ormls'tiics&i'i o in 5 ...-. 1 f tlosr i S$y c ORE JCE K. WILLI3, PROPRIETOR Of EastBrn Norm CjtbIui lorbleWorks a. "an ' wm m m EW BERN E, N. C, () Ut- s.i oi -vii l it:mi i r. ; r al- UAII.KOADS. Atlantic a II. C. F.ailroai 77.1 a: iahi.f. '.'(;, In K.!Te::t 6.1.0 A. M Mon.iay Dtc, li. ls'.i:;. Doii ti Kxm . 8oiiKuri.il Umin Wicbi No. '.tst.,it,''" V r No. I. Ar. Lvfc. n:ieuiup. .r. I.v . p hi H 'JO U .: !,..r. 11 1. a n-. :).' J 5i) ;.Or',;-f IU'.'- 10 'JP 4 i 80 pCtisioi '.i Is 'j v . ',0 .". ." :ii H..i .. S 17 s ,to 7 js p ru Morehe.l t'its a di tl 47 'h t'j nvt.fl i iso Vt :s.,. I ' No. i ' M.x.H 1".. & Min i Kt. Fss Tra;a Ml..'..iar, l'as;, Tri-.i a r.s 6 80 Ho s.,r.- ". .S pi 6 '7 7 ll.'i (.vt '. ti U 1 I 7 VP) 7St: I. '.riTiri !. '-4 ii M 7 4'i 7 .: FallinK Creek f, J4 : s. ', : - ' ' Kim.'. n J j "i i ;i M aO 1 . t aswoll 4 OU I "', II If) 10 CD D..v-r 3 J :l H 10 HI 10 .:' ro ..;. J r I a 1 1 00 il f r. - -.rar 3 34 S H( 11 17 il il L'lart'H 2 t 2 1 Vi Vi t Co Ne i:rrn 10 1 :J0 II :i7 C t'i Uiver iaU 9 41 tf 46 3 48 8 &0 uroatsn b S U K;j 4 01 4 1 J 1-UvHoc!; S nU tl i4 4 o'. 4 4'i Newport 111 S ', 4h 4 rS A'.;.ioj'i S ot, S ,i . 5 01 5 i)l AiSntie 7 47 7 'u 5 10 6 21 M.jrehMa.t t'-.ty 7 17 7 2; A tiantie Hoiel I 581 p u M-.rehead tlri.o: Mi Gilay. t l'ass(!iv l':;'irH.,v ftti -c,' ;i rils ris'ii I eon.-. -:s Wi1 i,,n I'm' ii i. .in n ! l.oro i ! i. -i. le .ii: I n . vi,!,' 1 i ii , -.: . Vs' , mi ti.'l 1 en ! n i: i . '.enon 1 A ... .!.: ro p, in. Tru'n It'.mn'rh uli i H .-ienon.l A- ean vllle Trv ii. arrl i :i i .1', i i 1 J. I ; p . m ft Mil una v 1 1 ail 11 o in V . Inn Ir: f fill Ihe Norlti .1 J j i p S. L. DILL. Superintendent. ti TI.ML TALLK NO. 1, To take eflVet Jan., L'H'ti, LS!!1, at (i:(H) a. m. Superseding T.'ne Ta' do No. ,!, Dated Nov. id. .vi::. QdlNU South, seur.ni 1.1 . li- i.n.i .noutu 'No. 1 ra-.sf.njr Tfiiuiri. ' No. 4 Lve.A. M. Htiiious Ar. I' M. 8 40 New Ber-.e .'. -ir, 9 11 ar. Polloeksvulo !) 07 Kamnwiiuil 9 S3 Maysville 4 5J 9 41 While Oak 4 4J; 9 5:! Northeast 4 33 10 OH ar Jaohsonvd:;) Iv. 4 19 10 OS Iv " nr. 4 17 Jarmans 10 21 Verona 4 01 10 vs Oedw hurst 3 57 10 39 Fulkstnne '3 4B 10 4S Holly HidKt' 3 37 111 S5 Kiiktecouib-i 3 29 1104 Woodsirle 3 21 11 OS Anuaudale 3 17 Cypress Lake 1110 Haispstead II 10 11 2S scoti. Hit! 3 01 11 30 Kirdland 2 515 1130 Kayinad 2 49 11 4S W. Sea Coas. R R. cross 'k 2 37 1155 Wilmington Lvo. 2 30 No. S Passknokk and Freight No. 2 Lve. P. M. Ar. A. M. 2 00 New Heme 12 00 2 50 ar. Pollocksville 11 10 2 55 Ravenswood 11 15 3 10 Maysville 10 52 3 22 White Oak 10 40 8 35 Northeast 10 28 3 50 ar. Jaoksonyilie lv. 10 13 4 20 lv. " ar. 9 22 4 27 Jarman's 9 16 4 36 Verona 9 06 4 4(5 Cedsrhurst S Sfl 5 00 Folkstone 43 5 15 HollyridKe 8 31 5 2(i Edgecombo 8 20 5 30 Woodside 8 08 5 43 Annandale 8 02 5 48 Cypress Lake 7 56 5 52 Hampstead 7 52 6 04 Soott'e Hill 7 40 6 09 Kirkland 7 38 6 16 Baymead 7 25 6 81 W.8a Coast R.R. cross k 7 10 6 40 Wilmington Lve. 7 00 Duily Except Sunday. fl. A. WH TING, J. W. MARTENI8, General Manager Uen'l Freight and Pkssk. Agt. Boot & Shoe-Maker, 151 South Front St., Near foot of MetoalfSt. Continued Patronage ot old friend?, and new custom solicited. . Prompt execution of all orders. . rRepatr work given special atten tion. ;;' Q..; S;? S V- 'k McClure's Magazine 1 OR iSM. The Best Literature, The Newest Knowledge, Fnlly Illustratrd. Some of the features are: TheEdtre of the Future. The Marve'g of Science and Acbi evemtut, presented iu a popular way. Famous People. Their Li e Stories told by word and p'etur"-: the materials being in all cases ohtai DuJ from sources intimately connected with the subject. TllU' .Vil'I.iUW- ot A ! cntuic, I'.inno an.l ll.ll'llhool. Lcop -.-d Hunting in Northe.n Af rica, Lion Hunting iu Algeria, Tiger Hunting iu India, F.lephant linnting in Africa, Adventures in tho L'pper Himalayas. die it Business Iihiitiitiiins. 1 he longest railroad ill the World, lie Hudson Lay Company. The Lank of Fngl .r ! . The liu-mess of the lir. at, st Merchant ( ? llKI.OOO.OOO a year. ) Human Documents- Portraits of Famous I'tople from Childhood to the Present Day. Short Storios by the lltst Writers. Notable Series Louis Stevenson and William Dean Howclls. Among the contributors fcr the 'wit!ir j ' ar are : I'l'.'l I'.-s. o: Dl.'l'MMiiNIl, l.i.i. vni.'i n Sir ' i; i' I'HKi.rs, i:i n nr m n I ' m; i; i:. I: i; i:t 1 1 i: i i . Ill ii-i m: i K i i i. i ". i ;. t h i v l. Tn m. t . M'i: r w l.Mi. W. 1). 1 1 " w i : i i -. (In ni l; I 1' i;i.i i; 1'. I.'. S 1 1 o k 1 1 . .loi:i. 'n iMii.r.i: 11 m:i:is, ( '. 1 . . i i'.. I; I,. Si i. r.N- .in. ' i: l ks A . I m n , A i: n i i! a i i l'..i;i:i. and many others. j 15 (ITS. A COPY, fl.50 A YKAK. le inil by Ira!'', nioi,e order or ; registere i 1. ' t. r. IS. S. McClure, limited, 7 LIS 7L". P.roa.Uay, N. Y., City- Or. E. C. West s to lS Fo' I U!.!,T 1" - Ji IV 1' . lIMl r.".!l! 1 1 1 ' J , III': II: nil) in , I Niti 1'. iu . Mtfi.t 1. -: 1 va Co ..T 'll-!;.ii-; 1 :. ... el li, ,..,... oViT-CXiTtl. 'i; Vni.i'. ;l 'I iliii-. ', li.ui-i or I : 1 Jii-.-V, t'.iii' -p'.i .,, !. tl ill- ; .t?-.; ": I : m.l Ii;.-Ti,.y. U I i ilf f r C.- icll . t 1 h Hi itik' ( .;i h. ; 1 Treatment '. 1 y MMbor : 1 ss ol i: : ' kni'Bw; : .'.: liilcuce: I ..f Tower , e.'.u.-eil by :e L'soof k u 1 nail to a! a. .y mAll, '. lo rure or .' 1'. crtAia .iii-.Croui .1.1 lo tut.'. . ! v.- old tl MZe, lij.v 0",:. CiL .:.'.' .:, F. S. DUFFY, Drucrist and Sole Agent. Administrator's Notice. 1 1 iv:ie; i :;i ,!i lie. I .. ...tiiiimstrntor of ('. II. Kle'ile r. .Ie..a-.il, l ite, of" (.'raven ( iinnty, N. ('., thi- , to mitily all per--i n liavino i l:i. in, ;.: up-i tin' estate ol" - ti.l "leeeasi .1 to exhil a! 1 In 111 to the un il. r-ioiiiil on or liel"ie the 13th day ol M.i . Is'.i'i. or this pi'ii .- will lie jileitd in !.,,r.'l':iT vety Ai' i.i i-nns inrlebteil ti.-iMesi.itev.il: .le.-.- make iiiinivdi ate 1 1 iii. iil. II. 1.. i:i llllS. A-lministratoi'. This Mav I'Jih. is;. I NOTICK Contractors & Builders. We will continue running our saw mill at Dover and will manufacture all kinds of rouh pine lumber. We will make a specialty of framing hills, and bean lumber cut to order and res pectfully solicit a liberal share of pub lic patronage Can cut -10 feet lengths. 1'rices quoted on application. Ke.spectfully, HINES BROS.. Dover, N. C. mch 9 d2m wit. DR. HUMPHREYS' New Specific No. SeYenty-ScYen FOR THE CURE OF GRIPPE Tith all its symptoms of Inflnenzn, Catarrh, I'.uns ami Soreness in the BeadT nn.l Chest, Conoli, Sore Throat and general l'rostration and Fever. Taken early it cuts it short promptly ; token duriAyjt ita j.reval ence. prevents its inva sion; taken while Fnfforins; from it, a relief is speedily realized, which is con tinned to an entire euro. This being a New Kemedy, if your Druggist u-iu not p-t ;t for you, it will be sent prepaid on ii ceipt of price, 25o -or u for $1.00. 1JW,PHREYS-ME01C1NE CO, Cor. William A Joan fits., Sew Tort. THE WORLD AND THE STATE FOR $1.25. v We will send the Nbw YoBKTWttaXY World and Wibklt Statb - one year ' each for $1.25 or the "Wtxxvt Btatb two jears for U , .. ' Address: Th 6tato, ' s r-;J-s-!!.:';!' -r.;iC'iA-. Richmond, Va,.v m f?':,:l.:W BCFORE ' -A t" T E R' li Si i