The Daiiz Journal. VOL. XIIL NO. 57. NEW BERNE, N. C SUNDAY. JUNE 10, 1894 PRICE 5 CENTS I ($1 BC8I5E8S LOCALS. HARDWARE of all kinds to t oliJ for the uext sixty days at cost and les in some caws, no reasonable offer refused. Call and tee me and be convinced, this is no humbug sle. 1. M. Da a vet, tf. South Front 8t. FOUND. An umbrella, owner can have by proving property and paying lor ad vcrtisciiidnt. ('. C. Ci.akk. It FOUND. On llroad mreet. A small sum of money. Owner cunhavc I y prov ing property and paying for advertise ment. J. C. Scales. -t Mlt. B W. Herring, travelling salesman for Stii-ff piiinns fciltiinore, will time and re..iT u few )in tlii week. Leive onl t at Fu'f ird li n- . MUS. I)l(;l"II II . t met II li niil pure ex Jt. FOUND. A i ul n thu .tireet. Owner can have the mine iy provinsf property at officii; a id piijinif for mlvertiso nient. TO WHOM it may !! irerni All persons that have had .mcouiiW sUuiiliiu on my books lor one year and over. 1 hereby notify you that in thirty days from date if not nettled I will advertise the s.imc by placing them in n large glass frame and hang it out in front ol my place of busmcus every day. so thai it can lie seen who wears cloths aiu don't pay for them. H. Saw ykh. Fashionable Tailor. MONKY saved is money made. Ituy vour Medicines at Mace's Drug Si.ce, You will save money on every purchase. Quality giuiMiitecd A trial will convince you. THY Uaskill'a Cream Drinks, they are tine. Nothing but pure cream used in making them. Orange, Pineapple, Vanilla, Strawberry, Raspberry mi l lt.inaiias. Also Ice Creum Soda. tl. WHKX lioraxine is used according to directions, a third of the liilmr and the cost ol soap in ordinary washing is saved. Samples free at J. F. Taylor's. MAC iINK and hand made brick in any quuuliiy tor Nile. a2tf I'll AH ltKlZKNKTKIN. LOOAL NEWS. A li W A U VKIl Tfs KM EX TS. llowarii. F. M. Draney Hardware. B. W. Herring Piano tuner. J. C. Scales. Found sum of money. C. C. Clark, Jr. Found an umbrella. J. E. Latham List your city taxes. Hon. W. T. Caho lias removed his law office to the Dufl'y building over Nunn and McSorley's. The Presbvterian pulpit will be filled th-day by Rev. J. E. L. Winecoll'. of Dover. A baptism of the Free Will denomina tion will bo held at the foot of liroad street this afternoon at lour o'clock. Mr. Will Hay takes the situation at the A. & N. C. R. H. foundry office vacated by Mr. J, B. Richardson. He entered upon its duties yesterday. Mr. R. P. Hinton, druggist, of Jackson ville is critically ill at that pkice, Mr. II in ton was one of the civil engineers w ho made the survey for that port:on of the Vr N & N Riilroad laying ketweeu New Berne and Jacks invill. The appeal to Superior court, is to de cide as to whether the confirmation of sale shall stand. The taking of the case to ex-judge Conner as refree is tor examina tion into facts and the law t see how the purchase money shall be applied. Mr. Ed. Gerock hits started two build ings on Change street between his resi dence and that of Mr. C. S. Hollister. They will bu handsome residences, sup plied with all modern conveniences, (.'apt. J J. Laswiter is also starting l build on bis recently purchased lot near the foot of Hancock street. The Dover itemizer of the Kiuston Free Press says, a petition was biiing num erously signed there, asking President Chadwick of the A. & N. C. R. R., tJ furnish that place with a large warehouse and a waiting room for passengers, both of which .they say is badly needed. We hope the improvements will come. Thu Goldsboro Lumber Company is moving its planers, &c, down from Golds boro to their plant at Dover. The mill is temporarily stopped while this extra work is In progress, "bat in a week or such a matter, we understand, it is expected to be all ready and then the running is ex pected to bj resumed in all departments on full time. The Einston Free Press tells of anoth er successful operation at the sanatorium there. It siys "Sheriff Dillahunt, of Jones county, was here Saturday and curried bit father, Mr, -L. Dillahunt, borne. ' Mr, L. Dillahunt had a very diffi cult surgical operation performed on him at Dr. Hyatt's Sanatorium and went home in good condition.'' The Executive Committee of the State ' Fanners' Alliance met in R.deigh Friday, .and called the State Alliance annual meeting at Greinslioro the second Tues day in August. This is the third time in gaocession Greensboro has thus been ' cboam. President Butler, of the National Alliance, is one of the committee, - ; Notice -Atlantic S. F. E Ct. jTo. 1. ' There will be a special saeeting of your Company held to-morrow night. Mon day Jane 11th, at your rooms, at 8:30 o'clock, sharp. .A there will be busineae of importance, ft full attendance is re quested, :Vj '''"-- t Xi By rder of Foreman, ' : , ; Go. D. Roberts, Sec'y Com lor and (Join Judge H. R. Bryan, who has !ceu off holding court returned borne last night. Messrs. R. E. Walker and W M. Mason prominent attorneys of Boston, arc regis tered at the Albert. They are in the in terest of the Sewerage Co. Mr. Jon. McSorley, of the city, and a law student of the University, returned home last night and Mr. J. E Mattocks, of Pollocksville, another student arrived en route to his home and is registered at Hotel Alliert. Mr. Fred L. Hunter, of Hcndeison. came down to visit his father-in-law Mi. N. S. Richardson. Mr. W. 10. Clarke, went down to Ileau fort on account of the death ol Mis Annie Bell, of Harker's Island, lor who-e estate he i the administrator. IIo ex pects to return Wednesday. Miss Annie Patrick, of Institute, arrived to visit at Mr. J. M. Hine' an I Mr. W. K. liiuriugtou's. Mr. A. Uatcliett relumed from a tour in which he has been following up and reporting the Third party speaking. Mr. J. M. Mines returned from Onslow County where he has lieen canvassing for The Journal. Ilev. J. E. L. Winecotl'iil Dover came down to conduct the service in the Pres byterian church today in the absence of the pastor at Davidson college. He is the guest of Mr. C. 10. Foy. Hon. K. M. Simmon", returned to Ital eigh. Miss Emma Simmons and Miss Mary Middleton left for the home of the former at Oliver. Miss Anie H.tiray.ol Washington City, aniveil to visit her cousin Mrs. C. M. (iil pin. Hotel Allien Arrivals: -S. N. Brick -house, Norfolk; A. (i. C. (iihlcy, Boston, C. I'. Brooks, Poughkeeisie; W. S. Chadwick, Beaufort,' W. 1!. Coodwin, W. N. , N. II. K.; .1. E. Mattocks, Pol locksville. Action of C.iiirt in the Water Works Case Clarence Delalield ct als.. vs. The Lewis Mercer Construction Company et ids. Motion to consolidate with this cause the actions of Snow Steam Pump Works and Riter ec Conly. Motion denied. Motion to make new jiarties and for leave to issue summons. Motion granted. Affidavits tiled of Snow Steam Pump Works to be allowed to set up its claim specified in affidavit iu this action, and become party defendant for said pur pose. Motion granted. Order tiled. Report of receivers, T. A. Cnvn mid Wm. Dun, 1 tiled. Affidavits tiled. Motion for continuation of report of sale of receivers. Motion for time to file counter affidavits. Counter affidavits filed. Motion lodged for removal of receiver upon the grounds of hiving interest in the subject matter and the purchase of the property. Judgment of confirmation, sale and order. Appealed by the Chattanooga Foun dry & Pipe Co., and Snow Steam Pump Works from judgment and order of con firmation. Notice waived. Bond fixed at (J25. Order of reference to Hon. H. G. Conner. Hot for the Mountains An excursion will be run from New Berne to Mount Airy, June 26th. Leav ing New Berne atj7:00 a. m., over the W N & N Riilroad and reaching Mt. Airy, over the C F & Y V Railroad at 8:30 p m, thus giving the excursi onists a de lightful ride in the day time. This is an opportunity of a life time and none can afford to miss it, Two days ill be allowed pleasure seekers for taking in the beauty and grandurc of the mountain scenery, Train will leave Mt, Airy on its return at 7:80 a m, June 29lh,J reaching New Berne at 9 p nv Fare for round trip has bet n placed at the low price of $1.00. Special reserved seat cars will be attached to train and the small charge of 50 cents additional will be made for each person occupying a reserv ed seat. This is to be a first class excursion in every particular. Postively no drunken ness nor disorderly conduct will be allow ed on this train. Will Yards Bear Inspection t We are informed that the Board of City Council will soon appoint a "Sanitary officer," who will begin his rounds ot in spection at once. It will be well gentle reader for you to "stick a peg down here," and if your premises are nrt in good sanitary condi tion get them so at once. "Good Clothes open all Doors." So says a Danish proverb, and in a measure it is so. Now when you want Good Clothes call at HOWARD'S and buy a suit. Our aim is to sell only good ones and at the right price. You need have no fears' of paying more for an article than it is worth. With Clothes you will need other things. Such as hats 8 hoes and other , fixings. V New lot "Big Six",, shirts at 60 eta the best in town for- the money, t ' J M. HOWARD. MISS LEAH JOXFs' SCHOOL. Prize for Compositions on North Caro lina Historical Events Miss Xinale White Wins Sold Xedal on Spelling. Prof. Eilwird Daves, of Baltimore, takes a great interest on the children of his native town. He is csecially desirous that they should have a thorough know ledge of the early history written and unwritten, of their on State; and tlial they sl,,ii,l glory ill the mine. To stimulate the y oung people to this slud,Piof. Davis has teen, f-r some time, oll'eiiiig a e irh p 17 r tbe Iwwt composition on 1 1 !l 1 . , -t.n 1, al subjects During the mIio 1 t. i :ii, li hi offer ed this prize twice t 1 the m;m of Miss Li ah Jones' scho.,1. 1 1st subject be ing 'I'lie .Settlement of Hoanoke," for which Misses Mable Hughes, Addic Clay poole, Mary Cuion and Maud Kinsev, and Master liayner Jones contested. Though only live contested for the prize, die greater part of the school lias lieen making mi especial study of both the geography and history ol North Carolina. They have lead Prof. Davis' "Raleigh's New Fort 111 Virginia," also Prof. Weeks' 'I.o-t Colony of Uoaiioakc," and hue written compositions on "Sir Waller Kal eigh," "Lost Colony of Koanoke hland," "The Lost Colony" etc. Ill this contest the pu;iils had not the slightest help in compiling the informa tion gained from their reaoings and I'jom histories. The teacher even refusing to correct their work as to spelling and pun dilation. The comio-itions were sent to Prof. I Lives, and he handed them to Prof. Adams, w ho is iicifi ssor of History of Johns Hopkins I 'niversily, who ,1 cided Master Kayiier Jones' to lie the Ik st and Miss Maud Kinsey's the second U'st. The young people of New Berne dioiild appreciate Prof. Daves' kind interest irjil strive by cultivating themselves in body, mind and heart to make the history of dear old North Carolina what it has ever been, the pride of her sons and daughters. It is but fair to slate that Prof. Adams knew nothing ol the children, not even their names. In the contest for spelling Miss Minnie White ably won the gold medal which Miss Jones ottered to the best speller. I'll 11 roll Services Centenary Methodist Church Kev. J. T. Lyon, pastor. Services 11 a. 111. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting It. a. in. Sunday School 4 p. ni., J. M. Howard, .Supt. Presbyterian Church Seivice 11 a. 111. and 8 p. m., conducted by Kev. J. E. L. Winecoff, of Dover. All cordially invited Sunday School ,'i:l!0 p. 111. Christ Ctuireh Rev. T. M. N. (ieorge rector. 3d Sunday after Trinity, Holy Communion 7:1") a. in. Service and ser mon 1 1 a. 111. Evening prayer (i:l" p. m. Sunday school and young Men's bible class 15 p. in. Sunday school at the Chapel 0:110 a.m. The public are cor diallv invited. Attentive ushers. St. Paul's Catholic Church. Mass at 11a. in. Catechism at 4 p. 111. Vespers and Benediction at 8 o'clock p. m. Rev. P. F. (uinn. Church ol Christ 1). H. Petree, pastor Service at 11 a ni and 8 p m Sunday School at 4 p m. Everybody invited. Y. M. C. A. 5:15 p. m. Rev. D. U. Petree will speak upon an old testament theme. All men are cordially invited. Sunday School service at the Baptist Mission 9:15 a in, comer of Norwood and Pollock Sts. Hood Work. Car No. 17, one ol the A. & N. C. II. R., company's last purcliased passenger coaches has been in tbe shop undergoing as thorough an overhauling as could lie give 1 to a car. The interior wood work, beautiful oak in natural colors, everywhere except the windowsills has been varnished and the latter stained in imiUtiou of walnut; the brass work has been burnish ed and rclacquered. The exterior of the car has been repaint ed in Tuscan red and trimmed in coach black and gold. The painting through out is a beautiful piece of work and re flects great credit upon Mr. Joseph us Brinson, whose work it is. The finishing touches are now being put on and the car will soon be brought out for the summer travel. We notice the fish air built at the shops and painted nearly a year ago, and see that it looks better to-day than the one purchased by the company from outside ol tbe State and put into use for the first time the latter part of April. New Berne bas good workmen, and the products of their skill are not easily beaten. New York Truck Quotations by Wire. Messrs. Palmer Riveoburg & Co., of New York, telegraphed the following quotations for that city last night. Blackberries, twelve to fifteeu cents: Potatoes, Rose, $3.50, 1400, $4.50; Chili Beds (3 $6.50. Cukes 1.25 $1.50. Beans, crates green, 60 90; wax, 75 $1.25 green and wax, baskets il.W (2) 11.23. List Tonr City Taxes, Having been appointed Tax List Taker for the City of New Berne, I hereby give notice that I will receive game at my office No. '3, Craven street, lor twenty days beginning Jane 11 tb. Office hours 8:30",to 1:30 p. m., and 8 p. m., to op. m. s vry wespecwuiry, . J..S. Latham. JuMlOOy'M..'-.,' ; ,r , ..- ; Death of aa Estimable Lady. Mips Annie Bell, a very age. I and lienoveljnt Northern Prisbytcri m ludy of considerable mean, who ha- done much valuable service lor the cmise of educatiou and religion ah tig the Mnnie diatc coat of this part of the Slate, died at Harker's Island Friday and will le buried at Ile.iufort to-day. Though Mrs Bell was a Presbvterian, the Northern Methodist . hun lies, now about a dnz 11 in number, of that region, and the tl iuiisbing school at Mar-hall-lierg. ul which Presiding Ehler (tr.ihain is Presl.lrllt, uiilly owe their CXUleln e to her. 1 Kning a visit about the close i.l the war she tliscovcied that the people of linkers Island, to attend church, had to go about six milt s by water and she gen erously built a good church, the one known as Free (iracc church for them, and gave it to tbe Method'n-ts, as most of the people were ol that denomination, but In'ing of the North, she gave it to the Northern instead ol the Southern blanch of that denomination, and from that Ik' ginring the work has grow n to its pres ent proportions. Mu. h of the tintu since her lirst ac ipiaiutauce with the people she has made the island her home ami devoted her ser. i' vs. as we said, iu whatever way she could to advance the cail-e of educatiou and religion among those in the vicinity. She w is highly esteemed and greatly lie lovod bv all the people around, and her death will carry sorrow lo many a home. Card or Thanks and Appreciation ElilToK Joi'HN.w.: Please allow us the space ill your valuable p iper to say something 111 regard to the t'ape Fear Fire Company, and also the l'lneiiix lime Reel Co., No. I, which appealed in our city. May Js,,,u the W. N. .V N. Railway. They were met at the depot by the Rough ainlR' idy Hook and Ladder Co. No. I., ami marched to the Unity Lodge Hall and a welcome address was delivered by Rev. J. S. Johnson, alter which he was followed by our worthy townsman, W. W. Lawie-icc. He was followed by the foreman of the Cape Fear Company. Alter which lie was followed by Capt. Kd. Brown, foreman of Pho nix Com pany No. 1. Alter which the foreman, S. J. Taj lor of New lieine. addressed them with a few rein irks. Alter which dinner was served by '.) of the fairest young ladies in the city, in which we re turn a vote of thanks aud hope they will do so again. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Now Mr. Editor, allow lis to say to the city authorities, that we thank them kmdly for the kindness rendered us on the 21st of May, and also return a vote of thanks to the orBcjis in charge ol the Water Works for the kinduess rendered us in regard lo Water Works. We returned our visit on May 24th. arrived in Wilmington at eleven o'clock 11. 111.. accompanied bv the New Berne Cornel Band. We were taken in charge by the loreinan. Valentine Home, and Capt. Kd. Brown, and marched up to the Caie Fear engine house, anil then was Ukeu to the City Hall, where we met Mr. S. II. Fishblute. Alter being intro duced by Foreman Home, then he deliver eil us a welcome address, and of which we never tired 111 our lives. He spoke m high terms of the firemen's duly, which w e highly appreciate. A vote of thanks was tendered to above named company for this gallant work, after which an ad dress was delivered by Rev. Clegg, pastor of St. Lukes Church. A vote ol thanks was returned to him for the man ner in which he spoke. He was followed by the torcmaii, b. J. Taylor of New Berne, lie spoke in a very lew, briet remarks, accepting the welcome address, after whicli dinner was served bv 10 of the. lair-face ladies ot Wilmington and we hope to meet them again. Lett there on the -oth ot alay aud returned home all safe, and had a good time. Mr. Editor, we hope that the Wilming ton Messenger will copy the same as it being one ot tbe grandest parades ever known ia Wilmington. We close by saying the following named persons was committee on excursion: C. H. Russei.i., Chairman. Aaron Bryant, C. H. Kinsey, Sec'ty. S. J. TayIjOH, G-ncral Manager. Committee on Publication. Aaron Bryant, Cbairmau. Thomas Viiite, C. H. Kinsey, S. J. Taylor. Foreman. New Berne, N. C, June 7th, 1894. Water! Water!! A Stock of Galvanized and Black Pipe. LL necessary fittings. TERRA Cotta and Cast Iron Pipe. OILET3. ELEGANT & chcau bath room outfits. XCELSIOUaud Arclaw Sprinklers. RUBBER aud Linen Hose. EELS. Get our Prices on the above and Save Money. J. J. DISOSWAY & CO. J. Turner & Co. Have Just Becelved, On June 8th, the Handsomest aiul nicest line OF BABY CARRIAGES that ever we have had brought to this city. aoa wiu sen mem oneap ior oaso or on time. rail and see us at onee before purchasing elsewhere and be convinced ol the tact. Mo. 77 MIDDLE STREET, ' NEW BERNE, N. C. Have You Usid DR. CHAPIN A. HARRIS' . DENTIFKICB? (BBADHAM & BBOCK Drug Co. H APPENISliS OK THE DAY. Kifiy disheartened gamblers annually commit suicide at Munte Carlo. Kxd'rwidciil Harrison is still so shy. and yet every IkxI v realm s tlist he i in it all ucr. Human coins have U-i-n found ainon rums m Suitli Atncn. Tlic underground elei trie railroad in Iindnn Is in pi icrs sixt-tLivc lert Ulow t lie surface. In lieriiunv ti pristim r is ucipntted ou 11 tie viit' by jury. A vote seven to live lrats (be decision with the court, while a vols- ofeiM to f.ur means eon 11 Hi hi . Some lilisrliievolls person in Zanesv lie, ., placed a dumuiv on a trollev traek. and the nintorinan, thinking In had run over 11 human U 111. fanned. Striking miners are huniiic bridges in Ohio mid -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : trains. Troops had to chaise upon (bein and their wives to allow trains to resume niniiiiej The sKuatiou is a'ai ming. Victims of the talking habit will lie plentiful this year. A l'eison may lie cured of the whiskey habit, the morphine habit, and even the cigarette habit, but never ol the talking habit. An opera glass h now on the market than can In1, by, pressing :l button, be con verted into)a photographic caineni. I f Congressional talk could le utilized for irrigating purposes as easily as for irritating purposes there would not lie an acre of arid land in the country. Administration made g 1 lei iiatoi i it tii kets have seldom suceee led in gelting elected. The lact that a coxevile was drowned in the IN tomac river, while in swimming L'ives a hard blow to the idea that t In v are all tramps. "A contest of silence" is the iimcl en tertainment to be iriven by the members of a wonian's sew'ing sMieiet in Indianap olis. Last ear the first woniatij to speak was quill for only nineteen minutes and twenty seconds. (Haulier of Light.) The record will be lowered this year, while the woman pietion is U-ing agitated. Gen. A. W. ireely, one of the highest authorities on polar exploration, will re view, in the June number of Mcl'lure's Magazine, the chances of success lor the three important North Pole expeditions now in progres and di s. rib:' the phv iscal conditions which hinder the ex plorer. A fourth pally has been started. II is called the Progressive American party. It claims :10ii,ihiii members already. It started Iroiii a meeting in I'Htsburg, l'a., and mechanics seem to be the prime movers. Their platform campaign eon tains sixteen articles. The orignators mean lo start a vigorous campaign. Absolutely Pure A oream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest Unitrd States Government Food Hkpokt. Royal Baking Powdkb Co,, '106 Wall St., N. Y. Those thin, pule, weak, nervous peo ple continually losing tlesh, steadily, buk surely otng into decline and consump tion, should not delay taking Johnson's Aromatic Compound Cod Liver Oil the great st.ength and flesh producer. SI'KCIA L STKAMKUS. NORFOLK, NEW-BERNE and WASHINGTON, N. C. ALL WATER ROUTE. Str. New Berne WILL SAIL TUESDAY'S & FRI DAY'S 1 P. M. tStmr. ALBEMARli WEDNESDAY'S IP. M, and SATUR DAY'S 7 P. M. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO N. Y. CITY. Delivery via O.D. S4S.C0. Guaran teed. No Transfer Charces. PUILA. CLYDE LINE, Baltimore old bay line, boston providence m. a m. trans. CO. WASHINGTON. D. C. NORFOLK A WASH- TON S. B. CO. RICHMOND, VA.S. B. CO. RALPH GRAY, Agt. New Berne, N. C. DAILY -FREIGHT -LUTE. On and after Monday April 16, a Steamer of this line will sail from New Berne DAILY (Sunday excepted) at 4 P. M., until farther notice. THE STR. NEUSE Carryiag the U.S. Mail and Pas sengers will sail as usual on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Friday' GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. New Berne, N. 0. April 9th 1894. Bafcincr PAPEandQEYO. WHOLESALE Commission Merchants. Washington Street, NEW YORK. Southern Fruits aud Vegetables a Specialty Large and Roomy WAREHOUSES. Facilities for handling heavy shipments unsurpassed by any house in the business. ftS-UKTl'RNS MADE EACH DAY OK SALES'! National Bank of New Berne, N. C. Gausevoort Bank New York. KKFEHKNCE : Stencils and Postals can be obtained at JOHN DUNN'S. THE-:-BIG-:-IF! -ttffl-o-ffltt- IF IF IF nOU WANT THE BESH IF II on Want the Cheapest IF You Want the Latest IF IF WE G1V1- YOU Till-KIND lb IF THAT Possess all These QUALIFICATIONS-0 IF IF IF IF IF YOu Want a. IF IF BEAUTIFUL PICTURE BUY A IF IF POUND ANTZ IF SEA FOAM and we will give IFl lyou one. OF HACXBUEN & WLLLffl 47 49 Pollock Street.