.. g:?--:;-' - Till PAILT JM'KXAt. i wMih.l.il 1MH Fspt flWMUr l I r )rr . -' -'or i ' walks DilTwrl to til) llWl '-r 1 I erst per aeoaite. - - HK WEEKLY JOlHNAl. t- rut-lLi ' tmrnan'lTU lift p year K' I Jaat IOTtrtil0rT)lrm. m nml Bala la klnm. lU-irul m . - anil wllljr cullrlrd ilrotupt! ' tin- n.l , (-attack BMMih. Crpwaianieatlon t-oMtaiiiit,-: ,,. - l -mr) . eiaut pablie inter! arc eoli. .'-a v eon. : - aaaairalJoa max u eifni. a to : ,ui.l-ii IBM onUlue obftiniiilil -i-inlitii . or r vrtlhuM. tha namr i.t tin mra.oi. Aiini - ' loaeTerthaa ball a rnlnum nnt 1" .,.-! i.i , AdrertiarnienlM iiniU-i hr-,-,,1 ot llu '.net I n , caln aail lloruli rs lu cvnt.. r lim- tor Hi : laewHotOcent.caib subsequent -!,-ii..ii. , fljNMilsl rate tor eAU-mleU time Aay prnion l4ltoK afilowl :tt .t saoaa communication can ot-t.wn . ol la ambnr by applicnitt.ii -it : aa.il .IiowIiik wln-rcin tin rii-i un .mii iintiif lllCC i A ! bH'LRm aik)Ith iivtiik .vi:ni OI.I.na l l:f AH.-IMJA it v The mm ol not than five . i-nt. per l.m will ! cliuo.'. -.1 li "t iinU ol llianks. 'roHiIlK Uon. ol rei.pix-1' itn.l ni,itn:tiy poetry," forliituAry noli, Ik . tlian l i""' "'' the eliloi liium a -!i i ' l Mi i - V1'!'1 aewn. Notii-i-i. ul r! Ii :ni,l .n -)S !" ' ; "' ! ' enUrt)iiitiiiriits limn , 1. ' ' 1,1 ' derlvwl will tv liiu u-'-",,' nt l!.r mtr "t cents a line. THE" JOURNAL. F::;r:c.::. I::s'. r.ep-:rer. fi. T. EAKCOCE, - - - f.fAV.7r7.ij tin r 72rr.(, .V. ('.. ii NC"iil ' 01' R SEATOUs. The qnetion t been unktHi wli v Senator HanROtii, with all bis or.i torial gifts and wide experience, has not spoken on the tan If. His campaign speeches are matchless, aud his tribute to VDce in the Senate is one of the gems of! lOV RUglinu lltllunr. Senator tjnom iIock i. t believe in Iong-drawi:-ont debates in the Senate. It is very tare that nny toed is accomplished by sneecat-N Con gress. Senators mill liep.eKi'a, - t eare not converted or even mil" mhviI by argnments made in the S' n.e Chamber or on the rk-or f t'i ! ilonse. hidt fcd Oong'essi.!fal i speeches are usually addressed to far off constituences. SenatfT ltnnnom bel eveK. or is reported as believing, iht no g'od can be acconip!:. hod by :t ct'iiinaa tion of the tiiriff deb ite, hat, an the contrary, ho regiinls it of the utmost importance 'h tt the map. nre be pusi-ed itt t h.' .. : i --t ;' sible moment. Senator Jarris has sp4 en, and, to the very general Batist'iie'Min ol the people he represent-;. There was no impioju etv in hit occupying a little of the irnn oi l he Senate. He is a i:w mm. her, f esli from the people, and w m lor him to give xre-K'np honestconvic"oi:. Tl i for K.insnm to speak. He is serving Ins p : - a people l'ai!.lifn"y. Ami '.: ii ri,'ht I 1,'S need I hs cdy in dne time to f, ' t' ill'I'.HItlt Ot his stewardship. We beliv 'be hoi r r North Carolina i h.i! n im- li 'ds of her ScnKto's t.d tve nb.i' ' feo' that State loans much whn t her of them retires from the place he fills so well. Wv may differ from one or both of them on some questions of nat ional policy, bu' in the grand aver age th-y loom up in migoitiii-'nt proportion". Jcilt'ii Waxeui'x li uvcrhs. "In God we trns'' is the 0 ''y safe trust a Nta'.esmnn k a Intv -Djthing to do with. When a statesman wn-ist gi's started roeg h. Bfniin to i'n-.r. -'.le way back. Vercher is i!s can rewnrd, In 1 sum congressmen don'f. seam to keer mnch about cla;m:n Iho re ward. The tariff is a good deel tiv a pig in a poke. Eftharwus a penn ilty on law makin as thar is on law hmkm it might be better fer Cue coun try. Liberty is sweet but it ain't with hnger. Fredom nv speach oughtent to mean anarky nv languidge. One drop ar corrnpshnn will spile s bucketful nv polliticks. This great and gloryus republick nv ourn haint got no use far par tisan polliticks after a oampnne is over. 0h, What a Cough. Will yon heed the warn big. Tha ignal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Oonramption. Aak yonraelTM If yon eaa afford for the aake of tBTlng 80o., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Care will Cure youroough. It never fails. This ez plaini -?hy more than a Million Bot . Ilea were told the peat year. It relierea oronpa and whooping oongh atones Mo then, do not be without it. For lame hack, aide or chest nee Shiloh's Portms platter. Sold by New Berne , Drue Co. i.-y;,- P. Draper, Druggist. Snriuvfiuld, Masse., writes: "Japanese Pile Cure has cured lady 7 years nfllicted; could not walk half a mile in the lost three years; i t now walks an; distance." A ItEXikhAbLt: BILL. n hat It I. t . Kurj a V m great au liter Tore ThuanJ Hollar a hon i'nm the Rrrord. LdithK Jovbnal: I hold in my hand if roarktble book, of th 43fb concreos, lt Reoaion, IIou of KprfnttiTi, Mi, Df. No -Ropor' of eifientllturoa bv th I'icrk ol ill- !lur of R'T,r'"''it' tlvcH. !t f'ltrd X' 'ltiHO!i. Clork ol !h: l!ivf I l!i"r, s ., tiv-i rom .'nne 1 J. ',t Jnti" MU h H-H to llu . I ' i I:n;t MjAkfr of l !i llona i' K :rr. eeDtatiteii. o!' ptU,:' '.'i ':! ul of i.'oo. .'. W. ."jfJI-kl-'IOil'. Laving out ' -,., ' ' " Imbairuiiic, Cifkttt, .i ii ii rwif, ini tu t final hazinr tlooi ' ." Towt-li ?J.7."i. -tin lirlt ff ."". Iin w hi tf t' "( ' clis, .r)0 II ... -:' mi .") Hill! MAHlit . lJolt whit 1; '.lori : li c.trrugtw '.(i t h i . 4 i i lL'.O.i li .tiber ci'Vi i I i t'a,i- I, I 1 .Ml I '.i.nuj In rn j AUe.iiUn. I V. c. I'l.r inefi" '. i !.!'.. h.'l i'ntf! I- .' I . y !":" I ,'iiii': if ! i !.':-tn.i;i .t Vi ., , . hi i.:' (i 1 : I i i.s: mi r I- 1, I 1 s !- ;ii - 1' k kiilt ' 'io :- ' : , ii h -' 1 Oil Notary ;' e. Expenben p.i'.d : tling acconitii i for innei a! eci ri Lasiter. Joseph Midland N. company t Utiiroad i To others as per statement t I Washington toGo'dsboro ' N. ('. in ' return of Cum mutte. Kent ot hmiM- No ; 1 7 K..st i ci;i:' i! s' ivets, . Services o! ipi-c.-il car Irom Washington io t i . UWaoi ,) ;:.('. and :a!ryi). SlS'MW Kebato w'n le'car vile at i Cioltb-' o 2 . v8, T ; 1 1 : l'or lunch teipished ;Ik con gi I'st-ieii ... I com m i t iee necoiiiMruiyi'ig '. he re ma ns ot the i'e P. i'i. .1. W. Sl'itrkiW I. I: drew l"f teirn !,' i Id -.r r-' leu:-:! ,-t of tn:b! ii-lii .tg.in- . .-in. i 1 :. ii" ii:' - ' 1 -II M'll' IT T I'M!,,!:! 1 11 I by iianevi missions, rr :i; 'I ' ' (!a' that ia J : i ;i a i inci'aa-i l.'n f-" r ..) If, 1 1-' i , i snec, v a-.Mv '1 . .-n ! il ' ' - Ire . il o i r. is ;v I'fLil JC.'il'""",d ,.-.)vs v,i!,. a,tr'i'i; i c li-'f'M (MHV l o;i of the to tiiu snr "i't on the wi-: ;i I, v Ai .il. .1 Gaza An wr." r.r-ii lias V f1:! mCT.ei'il is i!io co liitunK'U wl.'iii Taee anil llo its Dead S. a. i'w woro ta 'rcn t'V ' i 10 J?l' a a : i:.! ii i Irom ,,;:!: j . i1 fi'.iv yi ;1 "tii'ii. v. . --e 'NVii i I? : . ;'V and i ai y are .. a- up the is ,:l l.lMch on ca:" ; i 1 1: 'V wi'l'i' i to the Dea b famen Je "i. a request in'Er ae. The consul th nks it would be advantageous to trade- with ti;e Uas. Habbt Tppak, of RtmvMt, Etb writee: "For about two yean 1 was a con stant sufferer from dla . eases peoullar to my sex. 1 had to be carried: from my tied, had horrible dreams, sinking sensa tions, was very nervous and had little or no ap petite. In short, my whole body was racked with pain. I -had fre quent attacks of hyste ria, and was completely disoouraaed for IfounS no medicine did roe any good. At last I deter mined to try Dr. Pkroe' Favorite FrescrlDtion. I had taken but two Mrs. Tappak. bottles before I fait ao much bottr! I took eleven bottles. To day, I am w,-ll. I hare never felt the least trim of my old complaint in the last six yar. Wo uae the 'Golden Medical Discov ery' whenever we need a blood-purifier. With its uso, eruptions of all kinds vanish and the skin Is rendered clear and soft, almost as an infants." Sold everywhere. ' iaJn.1 .iietrirtiif attoaia launch .lutl -ter;U ; jJ OB the o.nn; nn.l V i-V iM rr arts. A, t i'. it l A. C'C- bv rSMVint ronn.l the .'i- i).-.ul i-y i'! from v:i ' Mon!i. ,! Mb r.llllll I! r'.ViiN Aru'ra Sa if. lh- o ,1 " . ; h .mi. i ii n. 'n il It. I nr. N. An; Hi. in I In' il UCM. ' I miUv iv f ro in, uiy as J'.,i)nO l,.il' in New Heme her d:iy that r ill. Throat m.'tiv. as it v. Iii-H .' hil t witevt-r. i) ;.nu of its v--,l -a s.tn- " wltM I'll il.-rl- in lilt' v S'trk an' ilivtf .1' Hi.' II tl hi pi e Itcrne I ; i-:- t uii, I 1 hera ! , iri ,,ii s ,! mi l; it ftiul ii K p'n Balaam . i-v -i .-;ni"ly that i, -n mi 1 1' mid is v- :u. i. i-iiio uli I hmuic i 1 A - ' : i j -,ri't frrr a i :.i, I . iel.i!'4 i-p ; . v j iiiir.itiUM-'i , i' I mil Arutf I ,.ii j -llul ('ti'lhiiinptiti uil 1 Ai, lima. Br.mctittiH I..ir bot'lMH ;' crs m.ir2'2 dood weow V. f X t T PRICr 0 CENTS PER BOTTLE. IDOt M illlliSU IHIOBSATIOII FREE. IOR t ALt BY DPUGliiBTa. (. :. i Tt:.y. KKST, 1 '. c v.t w . STAV!).M DUTIONAItV. ., ., , : : -.k : c i w.-inii-i-i- i 'I"..- im Iii.-cl ",i : in- th r.i Tli -'-of IV o 'I'll i. ililiC 11'. ii. at:, it ii'. C.iii.p:: :.. i w ,'l i i ' ('uiii.iin'. W.b-Vi 1: laiin ilc '. i . i-. , w-.ik ever pro- A!iici.. ;ai I 'out inonl. ot 1 -uai ol oi:- Million lol!:ir-. : lid ic-ii'l o years of hihor i. Io il :inil l"orlv-rvi'n eminent t:. i i., 'i a spuiii i-l in his ile- - n" : In' word-, old Mid new. li'U ,'.i l iii-ii isc. (.aiHi.tlOO.) Kj.IWO mock woriiR llcm ilei iiiC io.n'. am! 75,000 more inn: v. nt ii c'y Miiall advance on llio price ul llii) former, ami ill illmllt ore loiirlh the pure oi tile ..illcr. I,: tw.i v:.in;i- "i 'JidiiI I.I'M pice-; .-. ':. a I'll'. liff-iA HlMil.M.. with lv nr ..:,- :.' ul is l iKKii f.nck iMa . n p-i, I Si uii ' of a iu honU-iuukt-rs i iviii.ir in ix 'cii-y piiy- '!. ; li ::', d hv KliH Aim 111 1.1.. ii n I . . l!(i!.MA IA.liM2: Ilotol, Ilea II I'M ' . N. C., Or. W. V. Robinson, Prop. 1 r '.I' : i.i; o:inil ilinl t1:,1 Ori-:in hi-yiiml. tool lirri .i". nlniol witimut hilia-niision. liti-il .liiki- In I'lr.lMii t- m. I,. or (. olnliiel -e..il Trill i i li t Till' liouc Is tlioioiuiiii I ri'iveunlea, well lrni-lii -1 mill f:ui i-.l tl,r.i;ii.riunil. no- .: ii NEW BERIME HOUSE, Morehea tl City, N. C .1- II. I.V?SIV. Prop. Pleasant Loci; ' ma - Xew Mailftge iiieiit Qooii Aeeoniniodal ions Attentive Servants Terms lieasonable. Bathing Houses Free. MOUNT MITCHELL HOTEL. Rlaclc Mountain,N.C. Unsurpassed Scenery, Water, Air, and Fare. -J Terms Reasonable. Opens May 1st. 18!) I. W. I). SPUAdLIK, Prop. EPEailroad, Telegraph and Post Offices near the door. mlStf L5 I'-mlr t tha ami f i. of die. r ,i ss bUtoofrntmt '', iinthca 'Sktx Aminaw net, WfUaWaK. titl faW X. ih ( tJuij Of , F.'S. DUFFY, Drugget and Sole Agent. All Organized. We take very grrat pleasure in stutingthat Maj. H. II. ltogers. State Agtfor The United Bask ixn AND IlriLDINO Co., of Uich mond, Va., lias organizetl this strong board here. OFFICERS : K. I. .Ionks, Prosident. ,)AS. W. LlDDLK, Vie' 1'lt's. II. M. GlloTEH, Stc'y. iK: Ties. W.M. W. Ct.AKK. Att V. OOARD OFDIRECTORS: WM. Dl'NN, Ciias. Ukizknstkin ;N. H.Stkekt, Matt MaM.v, 1'. Dl'KK Y, liKN II AII.N, J.YS. I'.. 1M FKV. Al'I'i: MsKli.f: N. H. S.ivvt. J:ii. W. I'.kI.II.-. 1'. ) nl . I t' I.o;m; gi anied prom pt ly. i'1 1 :m j Wool, CANVAS Cloths -AND STORM rSKJ(Jt:tS. tt-o-Jf Ladies Drosftesol these materials will be very fashionable for Mount ain or. Sea-shore l his summer. We are olb i inur a line of lilaoK-, I'nv.v( l:ivlc ii iintl i-4Mii, ii to .il Miches wide, from I0r io 1.0 per yard I ?" Samples IVoiupiIy Maileil. iW. H. & R. S. TUCKER, & CO. II A 1-iKMiII, N. C. IJUST RECEIVED A Car Load ol Western Flour Direct from th8 Mills- A CAIt LOAD O h" New Orleans Kolasges, right off the farm in ILouisiamia. from first i hands. I Also a full stool; of oilier .Groe- ni-iou ,.,,a ( ,,.,,,..,.., .-,,,,,.1,,... I'.'.,-.,i., 1111,1 .,11,1 1 1 111, 1 .-, ' ' I 1 ' ' ' . '1, I " ' l .HI, cheap. Call aniKsee me, it will pav vou. K. R. J0NE& THE RICHMOND DISPATCH Daily Per Annum, ii.0(. .Siindav, " " 1.50. Weekly, " 14 1.00. l'aper- rem II N'e.v I!: flic on day ol'l'nb Ikittion, mill eon: a n lule.-l North (.'ar iii'aiii News, lojiethor Willi Telc;;nihii ISeporls of the World. SiiWs,- -iptiuns received hy A. HATCHETT, New Berne, X. C. A lilH-i;,V I.tjT on (iiooit Street, a.iii:iiin! Hie Suilion of the A. & N. (.'. li. It. Co. Apply to GEO. HENDERSON (Successor to Kaberts & Henderson,) General Insurance Agent. Representing In ranee Company of North Atnorioa of Philadelphia Home luKurnncH Comrany of Now York. Hartford Fun liiMirance Company of Hartford. Queen Insurance Company of Kng land. North Carolina Homo Insurance Com pany of Kaleic'i. Greenwich Insurance Company, of Brooklyn. Phconlx Insurance Company, of Brook lyn. Unltod Underwritera Insurance Com pany, of Atlanta. Boston Marine Insurance Company, of Bouton. REMOVAL. S. U. STREET, GENERAL INSURANCE AND KEAL ESTATE AGENT. HasJ moved to the Stevenson Building opposite the'.Cotton Ex change where he, will be gla-tl to see all those who wish Life or Fire Insurance, or to buy, sell, or lease real estate. LADIEl OR. FCUX tE BRUN'S STEEL P PEjram FILLS are tha original and only PBENCH, aata and r liable onra on tha market. Price CLOU; tent b mail. Genuine eokl atu bg F. 8. DUFFY, Droggiat and Sole Agent. THE WORLD AND, THE STATE FOR 1.35. ' t 1 We will send rtieTrw TonK WKKwit TVoni.i) and WgEKir STAyBjOne yeir each for f 1.25 or the Weekly Btatk two years for $1.. ' Address: Tlia Btate, (Bichmood, Va. Wm. H. OLIVER1 Life, Fire; Marine, Accident, Fidelity, Steam Boiler NEWBEUN, N. C. Av A Number of Time-Tried ami Fire-Tested Companies Represent ed. Over f 123,000,000 assets repre sentetl. NOIOUAUY 1'UULIC. Commissioner of Deeds for Xow York, Comiecticnt and l'ensyl- vania. rr-Ageut National Hoard Ma- rine I'nderwriters. PROFESSIONAL. DR. E. H. GOLDBERG SUEGEO-ORAL DENTIST. Ollice IJt'iiry liuilding. Miiidleslreel.liete,ii l'.ro.i.l and Pollni 1. North Kpiscopal eluncli yiinl. New Berne- 1ST. BRANCH OFFICE Jacksonville, Onslow ('oniiir N '. DR. G. K. BAGBY SURGEON DENTIST. Oflioe, aliddle street, opposite Baptist ohutoh, JooSdwtf NEWBERN. N. 0. DR. J. dT CLARK, DENTIST, Ofh-'t on (JrRvon Btreet. btttwoi-n I'olloah ad Bruftd J tf BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. Prftotlo llmlta tc OpeiAttv nd Me obauln&l lVnilstry nd Dent Hargery Teeth ez t r noted without pal ii by thf nse of NUru Oxldt Kverythlng In th line of Dentistry don in the beet myle. BatUfaotlon gutu-anteed. Offloe, oorner of Middle Htr etftnd Keden Alley, op poet la BDtUi l b"-" P. H. PELLETIEB, A ITOBNBt AT LA Yl . Pollock street, First room above Farm er's & Merchant's Bank. Will praatlm In the Conn tlm or liravcn irinret. Jona, Onslow and Pamlico. Dnltatl Htatea Courlat New Ilrne,n0 4nprema Ooart ortna Stata V7M. JS. CLAKKE, Ollice, 713 South Front street of., posite Gaston House. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Heal Estate Agent, JNcw H-aic, X. C. Connections. New Y irk Boston and Canada. Timber lands Farm lands,. Truck lands, . TOWll IoU.i Do yon want to baj T Do yon want to sell T WlilTE. JWRITE. SPK0IAI ' 1500 cros, Trent Koad, 6 miles of oitv. Timber and Truck land. TWO IRON SAFES, One weighing 1,000 poumla, Just from the Factory, but haw fallen into my bands aud will he sold at a GREAT SAC1UFICK. Reniemlxjr, wheoyounre iu want of anything in the BANKUUPT Line BIG IKE is the place to get it. You can always satc money by looking over the GKEAT AMEI1ICAX BANK IIITT DEALEB'S STOCK. . W. t C, WsjC Nent aad B-aia Tmrtmtnt own. u.ra, inmuTB wnnni fnwrnuitio. or aataor. ft-. ei.oolJ', to nre Wwik Meiuory; ! of Kenrottmw.; Laeslrade; au DmliK: Lrae of Power-' ww. v.,",..,' o yrtfuoa Ol UllHlir Mx. 08I1M1 OT pTMeiernjm; Tantfaftii Errors, or Exoengfre Ue et TnoMsry Opinm rr Linonr whl,h socb tead to MlM, CoMomptinjL InMnftyand Poeth. By mau. rorl6Mith wrtttf njrnimintKe to enreor nfmdmoneT. WEflT8 oi H.'dk HVKUP. A eerula SJry jT? t 'iriini. rijwian to take. I Stealt ele dlxjDttn,M: old .Vw.yC-n. pmi okl i .vf.j9,-uux xf druggist ana Sole Atfentv f : uy- , -v, f , n tm S j"- aE Mi 1 . : II AS .11, SI It K'l'l U N I SOitE. 0:. HANGING FHOM And Wcii-hiii;;- From Ll O Some e 'i ,1 line Dri er. Kxcept lonnlly line I ll'illl a Hi A full ami complete Harness always on ha We will hold Oil TllOSdaj KB To bo sold without est bidder. Don't fail Line I'lulit Sialiley. Tho Rt Shoe for the L.e:it Mouia Stin - .tlvl 65, UL DEALERS who push the sale of W. which helps to inacast: the sales on their full line of goods. Th?y can afford tt at li-ttf) prolit, lind we l-lifv' you inn Have luonry by buying all yonf footwear of ihv d ialer Hlvi-r( ifd below, i alaloffue freo upon application. For Sale by J. J. BAXTER, ?Agt. New Bsrne N. C. II AMS Farmers & Merchants Bank Began lmsiHcss May, l.S',11. , Ciipilol Stock. p;iii! n. - 7-ri,O0tl ml Stirplii". - - - . .-1,01 "tl.iii , riiiliviilcl l'o lit , - - o.'iliu.iio Diviilenil.- p.iiil, - Io.:, i no OFFlCliKS : I.. II. ( i Tiaii;. I n-,.!, tit. W. Co inn ii a., . . Vui'l'ii-. T. W. Dnvta .... r!n,r. A. II. l'owna Ti '.lor. K. 1'. Ma i Tin w, - - Collector. With well elab!',r!i.'.! . mmc-timi t'ni Ilauk is prepared to o;'.;v nil accoiiiino ' dations com-iMent with consen'ativc bunk i inir. l'tonipl and ciiiehil ullciilion ':ivcii in. COllK'tiotlS. We will lm pleased to cot respond with I those who may conlemphite making : changes or opcniui: new accotinls. J.BRtPrei.THOS ..! Kt'.Hfr Yw. li. 11 KOlOn. u iiitr The National Hunk, OF NEW BSEKE, N. C iNooarobaTia 1865. Capital, Surplu $100,000 98.108 roSte, UlBRf'TOHt? Ja3 A. Tin- -a . Tnss Jiiki.4. fjHAB. H. bUiih J ;t HiOKBTJRlI, JHO. VVSH, I. hAUVEY. G H. K01IEKT3 F. K Pisnor. THOfl. A. UBRKK, VTtm. Wm. Dona. Vk I'rm. C. K. Foy, Oashter. li M. Uaov as, Teller CITIZEF8' BANK or NEW BhaN, S- C. OO A (JBNKUAL BACKING BUalNliHK lte vooonnta of Bauks, Bankers, Corpora tions, ii'armers. Mercbanta snrt ot hero re oelved on favorable terms.v I'romt-t i. nd arefulaltanUnti given co Uie lulorcntiK oor ensioruera. BOABn OF DIRF.OTOK9. Fertltnao i nirlc'j, S H Me-'duwi. J. A' Meadows Oban. JJarT-, Jr Hamnel W. I pock, Ju ea Kiduiond, Obaa. il. Fowler, (as. Raiaenstein WUlLam Dunn, - Mayer ilabu, B. W. Small wood. TUosA.Ureen, Geo N. Ire. o K. Foy. 0, C' Green. TSE Journal is ft roooguiaetl authority in Prac tical Fruit-Qrowing, Market Gard etting jfthd very branch oCthe D8sines9 connected tHth the fitnit and rbgctablo indoitry. Its col tttiins contain' articles from ; the best informed i, practical ,; Xrait growera in this country. : --: It is a six column, clcbt-naffe all Around ifruit-gtowerff and . family Joarnal; It ? fs.-nublished - emi. monthlyat Cobdenj' Illinoi ; the irnit-growmg centre ol the tAycst, at 60 cents net rear : 3 ; i & CO., :i) i i:om i in. w i.si with ..- .-50 'S.V: I f ) 7 YKAHS OLD, 8;')0 to 1150 lbs. Each. --i'-.i .idajitcd la all purposes lino ml. of Buggies and and Wednesday, SALE llesei e to the high- to come OO- New Heme, M ddle S.iec!. N. C. h W. L. DOUGLAS GENUINE WELT. - T..,r:otliim Waterjroof. Rest Slioi; solil at the price. S4 and 83.50 Dress Shoe. .83.50 Police Shoe, 3 8olet. 82.50, and 82 Shoes, L iH-riinllni at llic price. Boys 82 ft. SI. 75 School Sho , An thi -Hot In Sirvlr.-. LADIES S3, $2.60 $2, $1.75 IW M onffolH, Myiinii, JrrrHit In the worm. All Htylne. liiHldt uon ha vine; W. L AJOI1R 1U hlHK. Aimfl prit etampiMi on aaj, ui 1 1 ii in unirnrua L. DouH.is Shoes enin customers A Valuable Town Lot and Silverware Fn? SaV. r i :i iiul riiini: oi tin- Sniic.rior i 'i - a i.m.iiiv. I will '.l at pnh- ii' i n-li nt i'ic otif . hou-c, in N. C , on .Moniliiv, .lulv 2ud I! l-ai-i. a -2 oV!iK-k M.. Urn brick lionss mid Im im lii-t from sii-i'i-l. in tko cily ot Xi v Hi i iv. I'l-i-ciitly occiipicil by Miss K liz r ict'i .ln.-i i c known a- lot No, T." A I. . tic tbllowitu: . ilvci Hitio' 1 (c p-.t. 1 -a:ir ili-h, 1 mill; pot, onp old. milk poi. 1 hulle. S hihlc -;ioons, 12 ilo -at s-poo'.H, 1 snssir lonu". 1 cream ladle, "i lei. in ic-, 4 oht teuspooiis. nml 1 ilt i-poon. CnAS. ('. Ciabk, May LIU. 1 !tl4. Conmiisssonef. - VITAL TO MANHOOD, HE t it Jittavfr. , JlEAJS rr Tysfftji C- WEST'S NERVE AMD BRAIN TREAT. ! MfcNT, a niieolflo tor Hyrtori, Btiitnene, Jits, Noo ralaia, Hcadaobe, Nervous ProntreUon caused hf t nlonhol or tnLaoco, Wiikof ulness, Mental Denreenlon. Softoningof Drain, oauBlng lniianitT, nileeir, deoej ileath, l'rmoture olil Age, Barrenness, Xom ot -Powar in oltlier pox, Iinpotener, Leuoorrboja and aU Female WoakuwHi , Involuntary Loom, Suerma : lorrhooa cunmtl l y over-exertion of bruin. Belt. ' abuse, over-Iudulirenoe. A month's treatmeot H. -r ' B for t, by wail. With oaoh ordur far boiea. witS . K will scad written guarantee to refund if notourod. ' 'i auarantfesUeuedby attent. WEST'S LIVEH ULLfl mrast't neailuche, liiiiotnaum. Liver Goauuaint. Sour Stomncb, ri-9P8la nud Oofuunatton, '": " i OUAilANXEES lasued onli by Z - t i F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and & Sole Agent. - MUSIC zziMUSia, CUT THIM)UT; ami with 10 cents send to ns, and ;' wo will forward you TniETYXWQ & page? sheet music six the prot- tiest Vocal and Instrumental Vln-i't sic published, printed in elegant style, with two large and four ' smaller pictures of the leveling' ' actresses of the dav ii each folio. - Adiess, Musical Echo, 1UV ' f Broadway, N. Y. S :mt:??::Yi4 , .r-;.;, t GQUiilER-JOURriAL V is icn-page eigut Column Demo-t ; cratic Nowsnaner. It containfltho 'V i best of everything going. HENRY v WATTEBSON is the Editor. ,. - Price $1.00 a Year. The,.. Weekly Courier Journal . makes very liberal terms to aironta i and gives free premiums for clubs. Sample-copies of the -paper and -fonr-page.. Premium Supplement ; sent free to any address. Write to COUKIEB-JO UKXAL CO, . liouisville, Krv . ' New:Ben ..Feeklv Journal ; And, the GQUE1EB JOUItNAL will be sent-one year to anv n,l dress for fl.75. Address. " JOUllJiAL,New Berne,'. O 4) "r- f . y Bend foe tree sample copy, ft . - - i" -if- . .. . ... j '-.

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