V 4 7 mi -s-' mm- : ,u CJ- ,.? What CttM'-onu is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrotic KuWtance. It is a li arm less substitute for Paregoric, Drop-), Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. (t is Pleasant. Its cuaranteo is thirty year' use by Mili.on o!' Mothers. Chstoria destroys Worms and allays f.-vf "islinoxo. Caftfiriii prevent vomiting Sour Curd, rurt-s Iiarrlnra ami Wind Colic. Castoria relisves tcotliing trouble. . iires constipation and flatulency. Cttstorla asioi"atcs the food, regulates the stomach :ind Imu. giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos- tor' i i- t ' "OfcrtH Ih an r .Mr. Iaiiiu ; r rhu I of ilh 1 i . j "rrL-'Tll I the -t r ,irti 1 111 nr'i iai- j -t .it tlfiiant Ti lit-u ni.-ii.--r' :.b-n-Kt 'f th' ir rhr ! , itr-.vin:; tli- ir V .. - !I n ,i.r ( h n-.i I I 1N i nu l,v r t- . 1 u.'rpliin". Inn: yp:p nl , is ,l..-n UMr tl.r. . t. ;i, r .-. 111 to fin-matur 1 ir. 1 1I( ! V : - The Contaur irrpai- 1''1kst-(;lass hakbkrs. INJECT ! il; ll&itM'i-(tL fl .!r: I'K'H'. V II Sil Kt lil and hm CrtlH..Mlt, :tssil.Hllt S II !u- 'oil-- .1 .4! ill t. will i;hv you a ;nu'l i a d wi'l pay KtriC1 : t,t."ii M : 11 ; '.r.nr'o'S o! llftir- nutt.ui Kri ! sh v IWU'Vo in.- a il'. t liist in II '.irher Shop, Tonsttrial rlists TO N 8011 1 A 1, Hfll A I U S 1 1 M VST oiTlMOrilY HOW, No.! HI Mldlo 8t.r :cr, H n r n i "! ' 't tl"' bHt of .V -'. , M-t '.'.11 Kxpert limp, shirp raiors and luo attonMoa. Iiir out ting a speculty . j m TH X. CH , JTirSL VlSt UdlOBr OllUU j UlUOK U!,i)C'v, M! DDI.K ST. Noarly opi:)slto Ba. !'. -Iiurcli Apartments neat and tidy, and 'mly 09n;)3tont asHistanl 1 1 ;upl.ii"l yii-st class bath r nit o inneetod with - shops il Ii li.NrCS. deoO proprTMor. ELLIOT & GREEN, flair Drssiug Parlor. Carofal attention tfiv.'ii to all branohia the buainoas 'Tliildren'a HVr Chitting a Specialty' BOOK STORE j AND "'Blank Booka, and now lot StandRrd Works of ltenowned Authors. " Prayer and Hymn Books, Ladles Fumes, Pons, Ponoils, oto. ; AlP, Late fapors and I'eriotioals re oeivedd ally. lOtf l:iMANWELL & COOK, J. Engineers, Machinists i-M a '--s ' - & Blacksmiths Mako and ropaia Knginos, Tsoilers Bw Mills, Oris Mills and Pumps. ' Steam boat wiirk of all kinds. Repair Inspirators and Injectors. -i':'J:rOBi Steam and water pipes fitted ; .-in in all their branobos. :v Shop 'betwoen loo Factory and " ?v ; Freight Depot of A. & N. 0. R. A. . , (dwtn;. . : ' il ,-",irlTv TDrinc llir.o" lCAVtfll0,irmui.lYlrlrir3 iur 1 ruuu s we CAS I OBTATW A PATBNTT for a -r itromiit opinion, write to m A- 4;O..wh0 hare miQ notwijiiiiy yea yeaiw I 1 . 1 natont MllUlMVaa. t lllllUUIlltaW , formation conceruinn Pa teata and hwtj tain tiiwn pent freeTAIw a eatalogueot tnonan l and MSlentlne bnnaa aent fttw. PaiimU takun throiwa "fainn a va.wttmr -. sneoial notion In tl. Mrlvnlilic "'? aS"; r tlaa are brought whicly Iwj tn",W0i5: out cost to tbe inventor. Tlilf Ptoidld -' felf wond :t i rear, hamnle onntee emit free. W n;,ud.n?Rfiti.nthiT.3.lsyear. Stnrte fc,m!Lwlthlaienanl.ibollaretoiihowtl Lu,.-.t ilraltiru. aad tfeoore orintra-rt. Adoraaa - is - ik the Mother's Friend Castoria. 1 tvnnri Uwwn Adapted to chUdrtothftl ,,i'iUf ad It mi, u per tor to any prucription atun to me.' n. A. kwcmxKlL D , U I So. Oxford St Brooklxn, N. Y. 'ii'' piiysiriiuw In tbe childreo't depart mil 3okea hifi'r of Uieir xpri i. r in Ui ir ouuidc practice with C&storia, ti 1 lji at .1 alihoiich w only haT ftmooc 01a 1. jfzi- 1 ni'st . v' siippliMf wlut is koowo aa raKulm I 1 . 1 yvi wf are fcoe to coofeat that th hurt'ul ' in f rivna has woo ut to look with j ) : :.i - nt-.n ii " l .vntu IIohpital AND DlBPClXUXT, a,,i, Bootoa, atua ik 1 i:wn 1 smith. I'm, , T7 M'itt. Street, How York City. . . jyV&VBnaVaVVaVlal----HHB STKAMEKS. 13. o. r: tern Carolina Dispatch. 1 - ir l'jM. ner md rreigbt Line between , Ka ifrn North OftroMna PolnU.ftud tllooD neottoni of t be I i H1SVLVA1IA RAILKOAD, twci.u niHO rv.w utU lllaiUlplila, Norfolk, Hal 'in.oir, lttt-liinond iitil Roitou. T Y Trl-Werklr Ltme Oat w Hrae. T NKW AN1 KLKUANTLY EUUlPPIt, HTKA UKH "KTeuse" Halln ..0111 Raw Barna I 'IIH, WKDNkluAYI, rmuAki. Ok P.AfX.. Hi..,,;.mi! t Koauoa. wand Mob w.y and perfection when it is in Its per forming oIomu oonneoltoo with am I r 'oik a Houtuoru tumroauti nnuoeui i." V ."T'. i110 Norfolk w.i.ro inroad l'n KHtern Carolina l)latoh Llna, eon-1 .i.,l i I ... utr Nana Norfolk Hontharn it R., New York, Tu:a. and Norfolk b. b.. enntvivania K, H., rorm a rauaDia ana onl .r Hue. ot:rlnr superior (Mllltlaa for n h i.a-. ;er and reiKlil iranaporiaiion. " rrolehl wli: r.a loaded on oanw uiih to dealmation. i 'ill leooiln to )u shtppad Tia uaatBrn 11 Dlaoatn dally aa follow!: Ktm New York, by Pdnna. K. K., FUr 1(7, North lltvar. F'om 1'hlla.lnlpbla. bj Pulla., W. and Ba.to. I i' tt no, ik m. .station. Krooi Bain.uora.by fblla.. Wtl. and Balto. U R Pr.nl.!tltHt Hlallon. ' nim Norfolk, bv Norfolk Boutberu K B. n.i .1 H,,Ki.on, by MarobanU A Miner; Trans- i.ori itloii oo.; Maw York and JNaw Kngland -ltit as low and time qnloker than by I ny otlief line vr r.trMior luformatlon aDDiT-o W. H. lovoa (tien'l Kralfbt Tramo Agent, I i !'. H K ) ueneral rramo akddi. 1 ,44 t. .-tfi'ncNH, Plvlelon Kretifbt Agent. n. (. il.ioxa. Uen'l Krelcbt Agent. , H. V 1 1 w It. H R. Phi ailalnhla i V. H K. . Norfolk. Va , u. : iiniuiNH. Uenoral Krelght Aaeni H. B K. K., Norfolk, Va. into. HKNUEKSOH. Agent. New Berne, N. 0. IT IS ABSOLUTELY The Best SEW1N9 MACHINE MADE WE OR OUR DEALERS can aell ron machine cheaper than rati can get elsewhere. The HEW BOMB la our best, bnt we make eheaiter !:, aneh mm the CLtHIAX, IOEAIi auad other High Arm Fall Nickel Plate Sewing machine for SI 1. 00 an Call on oar agent or writ na. Wo want roar trade, and If pit sea, torn and sq nare dealing will win, w will have it. we challenge wona to produce a BETTER- laO.OO Sewing Machine for (50.00, or a better (SO. Sewing machine for (10.00 than foa an hay frona as, or oar A genu. THE JEW HOIS SEIIIG liCHUE CO. Osama, Xiss. Boaroa. Ifua. a tjioow awiaa, a. X. tuiOAOo, lu. sr. uwu, an. luiua nua ataaaiason,CAi. tfum-t.rit. roR BALC v fflB via TffiGDmiittift raao Din Vf.a ' IT. mla Krr. Syrinre. A 1 to 4 Day Cure lor aonoaBH.ua tluai. Lkuoubrhika, HraaWAToaaaa ana nE Unhealthy Sexual DUcaarnas. mm'A an VMMnllvadf all Vanaraal Dmeeee i h..!.). n. mi to an addiaaa for SI a inirrtin wairi."TiiBW-rii naly4r Mfe. w I anler. OaJex I '.a.. Caveats, end TnKie-Mari.ohta'ned, sad all Ha. ant huunaai eonducted lor Modcratt rcta. JOtia omca t Oraoaira u.. f a-raarT Oeriejai aod we can sec... a p.bm leipotarraa Wathington. Oo j. We edTlse, ii patenlalrfe K not, free ai chanra. Ouf i not due till ileniie secured. lcoS ( saie In the U.3 sas foraac-ieuies' tn. frua. Address. " I - 'I . . u "HmvuiUDUiia i wcnu. wna K t m. ', mm a t tf. aa I UCs AsviliUvJ CaVWWei I 1 on fnomi,witCTiifcCj v SAVEtliiMi MONEY .lp Varfc'a'saaafajaiax i a iaai 'a' i - . sa T1IE JOURNAL T LADY BLEEPS. aATIII.KKN a A V A N A' -11 . You golden stars of night, It Dot t Li y Ix-ains of light Be auiet no wondrous bright W hile she, my lady sleeps I'ale, pale and silvery moon. Fair languid orb ol une. Hisc not bo soon, so soon While sle, my, lady sleep.- Blow, winds, thus gently Mow. With rjtlim soft nd alow. Through yonder lattice low While she, lny lady. sleep. White lilies of the vale, lied roses of the dale. Thy fragrance faint exhale. While she, my lady, sleeps Sweet nightingale. Ie still Hush, IivimIi that joyous trill, I fair, so fear it will Awake in v sleeping love. KAIN IN JINE. FUANK I. - I V.N I O.N. I Fall, gentle ruin, in liled. drops: Cool with thv Ui- tl i c ity's hu riling; streets! Moisten llie meadow where the hot sun heats, I Anil fall refreshing on the thirsty erups! The wurni wind for tliv cordial greeting stops. The panting flock a merry wel nine bleats; The fiunishol fields untold a thousand Sweets, I Tbe grass bends dimpling on the moun tain tops" Fall, gentle rain, while the rejoiiing land smiles tliankfal where en h radiant gem appears; I Fall like a henedit tion from His hniid. Who makes the storm and sunlight of the spheres; Who send thee lot refresh thejliving, ami To bless the dead with sweet memorial tears! FRIED ICC CREAM. Novelty Which a Philadelphia Oonfec tloner Makes Much Of. A Philadelphia firm makes a specialty of fried Ice cream, which is pronounced delicious by all who tasto It. A small, solid cako of trio cream Is enveloped In a thin sheet of pie crust, and then dipped in boil- ln(f lard or buttor lono; enough to cook the outside to a crisp. Served immediately, the lco cream is found to be as solidly frozen as when It was first prepared. Tho process of frying is so quickly accomplished, aud tho pastry is so (food a pro tector, that tho heat has no chance to reach tho f roien cream Baked Ice cream which has a meringue top Is another caprice of cooks that Is toothsome, thoutrh this tampering with ft delicaoy that Is loc&eu, nuruiui cuuuiuuu sofiut uu necesgar (J lca erc6m I8 M crrtCiA (ia enn hp I S1 " i BDeakintf or tno aisn, a woman re i ,. , . , . . caiiou Hie oiuer uuy lue iiki iiiui. iv fi Introduced at tho national capital by Mrs. Alexander Humll- ton. She used to tell with amuse ment of tho delight with which Pres ident Jackson first tasted it, and bow ho promptly decided to have Ices at the executive mansion. Ac cordingly guests at thoncst recep' . treated to the frozen mv- "On were ireuiwu w iuk, iruaeu mve tery, and afforded considerable fun to the Initiated by tho reluctance with which tboy tasted It. Those from the rural district, especially, first eyed It suspiciously, and then melted each spoonful with the breath before consuming it. Their distrust was soon removed, ho were r, and plates wero emptied with great ra pidity. Cleveland .Loader. A Skeleton in the Closet. How often do we hear of t'nis in domes tic life at this day. But what is more I appalling than the living liody made re- IpUlSlVe Willi SK1U U11U ."Villi MliWV.--, salt rheum, tetter, eczema and ecrolulous sores aud swellings. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the postive cure lor all of these diseases. If taken in time, it also cures Lung-scrotula, commonly known as Pulmonary Consumption. By I druggists. lveyscr, . Dr. B. V. Pikbck, Dear Sir: When about three years old I was taken with mumps, also had fever, finally I had that dreaded disease, Scrofula. The most eminent physicians in this section treated me to no avail. I bad running scrofulous sores on left aide of neck and face. I was small and weakly when eight or nine years old, and 'n tace was nearly a aaeie ton. Six bottles of Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery wrought marvelous chanees. Although the sores were healed I in eight months, I did not quit taking it until I was sure it had been entirely rout- edfrom my system. The only signs left of the dreadful disease are the scars which lever remind me of how near death's door I was nntll lescued by the "Discovery. I am now eighteen years oia ana weign 148 pounds and havo not been sick in.five years. Yours respecttniiy, Habvkt M. Hollman, Agt. for Beaboard Air Line. For constipation and headache, use Dr. Pierce's Pellets. The "bromoter'' is one who blows soap bubles for grown up children Fear Biff Successes. ' TTavinty the needed merit to more than make good all th advertising claimed for Uiam. tne iouawine lour ismmia i reached a phmornenal sale. Dr. King's Hew Discovery, tor consaroption, couua, and colds, each, bottle guaranteed Elec tric Bitterv the great remedy for Livei, Stomach and Kidnert. Bocklen's Arnica SalTo, th best ia the world, and Dr. Klne'a New life Fills, which are per fect pill. All these remedies are guana. teed to ao jua wnai is ciaioiou ioi una and tbe dealer' whose name ia attached herewith will be glad to 411 yo mora of them. Bold at f. 8. DoHryt JDrtg ttora. Before buying your new bicycle look the field over carefully. The superiority of Victor Bicycles was never so hilly demonstrated as at present. Our '94 line will hear the most rigid scrutiny, and we challenge comparison. There's but one best Victor. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON. NCW YORK. PMIlAOtLPHI. CMICAOO. AN fSANCISCO. W. D. BAERIUGTON, Art. New Berne. N. C. Chicago has '!S4 churches. Mongolia, Asia, has no hotels. One or Mr. Jordan's Excellent Mpdl Icioes J. V. Jotdan, Druggist's sells a preparation for rheumatism that has performed some remarkable cares. Frank Sbepardson an engi neer on the Southern Pacific Ky., who reside at Los Angeles, Gal., was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. He was treated by several physicians, also visited tbe Hot Springs, but received no per manent relief until be used Cham berlain's Pain Halm, which is the medicine referred to above. lie says it is the best medicine in the world for rheumatism. Public opinion is a tyrant and a coward. Answer This Question. Why do ao many people warn around uaaoem to prefer to sutler and be made miserable by indigMtion. Oonitiattoii Dizzineai, Lota of Appetite, Coming: op ot the Food. Yellow 8k in, when for 7.o we will aell them Shi lob. ' Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Bold by New Heme urug Oo. Carpet tracks are consumed at tlio rate ot fiO.ooo.ooo a day A Favorite for Coughs ami Colds- "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine for colds and Roldu we have ever sold, "says 8 Keel Ai Son, of Coal Kun, Ky It is a f vol' He beoause 1 can al ways be depended upon. It loosens a cold, relieves the lungs and ef fects a permanent cure. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy is freely given, as it lique ties the tough mucus and makes it easier to expectorate. 135 and 50 cent for sale by J. V.Jordan Drug gists. As long as the heart preserves desire, the miud preserves illusion. Marvelous RcsnltN, From a letter written l.y lluv. J, Oun ilerinan of 1 limnndale, Mich., we lire per mitted to make tins extract: "1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Hives Jiimction sue was urougnc uowu with Pneuinonii succeeding I-a Grippe Terrible paroxysms ol coughing wou last hours with little interruption and seemed as if she could not survive them A friend recommended Dr. King's Ne Discovery: it was muck in its work an highly satisfactory m results." Trial bot tles tree at t . S Dully Drug siore. Regular size 50c. and $100. 1 Wo should all be perfect if we were neither men not women," Chamberlain's Eyn and Skin Otntmont Is a certain cure for t'hronie Bore Kves, (iranulated Kye Lids, Koro Nipples, l'iles, Kca-ma, Tetter, Null Hheiiin anil hcalil Heai i) eenis Jier box. For sale by druggists. TO EOISEOWnEBS. For putting a horse in n fine healthy con dition try Dr. ( adv's Conililioa Powder. They tone up the sixlciu, aid digestion, cure loss of apwtitc, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy wonns, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. 2a cents per package. or sale by druggist " ,V -;- - - ' ' Sold ot r. lodan. New Berne . 0 WiBdom and woman are not homogeneous. Build Him Lp. Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Atlanta, Ga.. had severe dvsDensia. Phvsioians ana all other remedies failed to onre him. He tried Tvner's Dvspepsia Remedy. and afterwards writes: "The first dose gave relief. I recommend it as the best dyspepsia remedy ever discovered. 1 have gained nesn sinoe using it. voluntarily recommend it to all suf ferers with stomach trouble!." For sale by druggists at 50o per bottle. He who would exert influence must exercise judgement. Only the quickening of con cience can hasten repentance, How a Cbieaeo Maa Was Cared ef Rheamatlgm. Mr. John Hall, ot 9235 Com mercial Ave., Ohioago Jmet with a aerioM accident for which ha used Ohamberlaln'i Pain Balm, freely, with the beat results. "Bat now, aya Mr. Hall "cornea the beat part of m ory. Fo many yean I have been quite a sufferer from rheuma tism." witu ttiiineaa or in joinu. Since tbe applioatioa of Gbamber lain'a Pain Balm, all symptoma of rheamatiam have auappeaiea; in fact I behave that it has banished ever? traoe of rheumatism from ay system. Fot sals by J. V, Jordan. Druggist'a. , orrsorr. DiNvm. Public sentiment is a manufac tured product. l li. i. 1 M h. i. - .1 r .i i i.-i .na. ,n,' t.. I ,:i . I.L IV li,-i L. !..! I I, ll.lr.M. ,!,,. -in i'u-l..ria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Croup ami Whooping Coui;li. I have three children who are oub- jeot to oroup, anil havo found that Chamberlain's Hough Itcmeuy win cure them ciuicker than anything else I oan get. It you do not believe mat this remedy will cure the croup, do as I did, try it ami you will saou he convinced. K. M. Chatham, Dowey. IllinoU Whooping Cough is also eprived of all dangerous consequences when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given. There is nothin equal to it for either of these ailments. For sale by J. V. Jordan Druggcrs. .JAPANESE CURE A Nfw nl f'oinr i-ti Trent rm'nt, nm-islim: " 8l!Pl'(.)SlTOKli;s, i'i-ulfx nf i lindii.-iil im-i tw boiHHtlf DlUtlUt'Ut. A IU'VIT-fttilllll.' tin- f.U 1'tlr of evory UBluro tui-1 tli'ifrt'n. Il umko- un np'-riiti1' wiln tnt iiiiiH or iuji"miii mi t hi i u ar juluful and colduui perti.uueul rur. mvl this trrlb1 ).? W. guarantee fl boiM to cure anv oaie. V"" i,u ,,,r btjnuflU recolTtH). 1 a mi. n Mr -. i-y man (jruaranUwi lttoufil by mr iiK"titr'. PAfclOTiniTmil Cured. Pile Prevented IfUriD I IriH I lUll by iapanese Li.erPeltets theffroat LIVKK nod M TOJIAI II KHiii.a iiv hu nriWtii irikirir'H. MniHll. ml hi fiud Dl'"-"t l tavko. fwuuclallr BdaottHl (or i iiliiln-u'- lino. 0' iA&ol J& cttutd. aUAHANTtt.a lnsued only lur GEO. W. OAbKILL, New Heme N. C. NOTICE. The niHlfTMitfiH'tl John K. Mori W hit.- 'hi! mihfit'.l us Ktcilt! ot Hh: t;iU: nl M:ir ItniitH'llc iiiiil IutcIiv ffivt'- nut in-1 hat i tinirfS nil oevwoiiH iihviiiki m IllSt 11 cutiitv ol sjuiI Mary kuhiu-im " tin-in to tho saiti John K Mrric liuly m h. i.l entail, I'H" payun'iit on or lu-loiv t h- l'.i 'lit .hmo. lsiu. or ClHV tUH Duller Will lf i"':' in bur ot rccovrry. lVrsoiiM liidrptt'il to "'.-iiitif mu-i i wlttioul Urhiy. I.. ,M' ' 1 1 1 1 1 i r.inunn. ,J. K. D'lluru, Atlot m y, Hayin" tin ilificJ as Administr.itor the. estate of llenrv r . Abi l lv ilei ente. late of the city of New Berne, Ctuvi n C. N. C. tins is to notilv all person- liavu claims imainst the said Ilvnry F. Alvrly lee'd to nresent the siuie on or lielore Hi 23d iliy of May 1895 or tins notice w: lie plead in bar ot uieir lveoyery, an pe sous inileliteil to said estate are leipio-lc tn make immediate settlement. I his 11 2ltd day of May 1894. W. F. Abkkly, A.luir. J as. W. Watlhs, Atty. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified Jus administrator Jno. VV. Etlieridire. dm-aaid, late Craven county. X. C. tliis is to notify all nersous having claims aain-l tl estate of said doceiuscil to exhibit tliuin I tbe undersigned on or before the 1st la of Juno 1895, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. W. li. 1$U l, ' Muy 3, m4 .Administrator, AdmiDistraioi's Notice. Havinir oualifieil as adiiiiiiistrator of C. H. Fletcher, deceased, late of Craven County, N. C, this is to notify all tir sons having claims against the estate ol said doceaseil to exhibit them to tho un dersiuned on or before the 13th day ol May, 1895, or this notice will Dc piosvi in bar of recovery. All iiersons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment H. it. liloua, Aaminisiraior. This May 18th, 1894. talMlty and aarefaUr ssiasiei Bsairllas, aaed for ream in srtrata aneuos aad tor ercr thirty Tears by tho a special ear for tas naosas nasaed. Tkey ears wttkoat drassinc, purging or ndnclng InssissteaaiiilaiiHB fx I sal dnnil ihn flnnrrln et we. w aria. 1-Fmn, Canasitli InBanuaations.. It Weraie. Wens ftnr, Worm Colle. ... M a Tathla Colle, Crying. Waaafulneai .33 A-Dlarrhem. of CbUdraa or Adults M r-Caacks, Cokta, Bronchitis. .34 8-Naralia, Toochacha. Feeessha. 35 -Baaaaehea, Blek Headache, VertHro.. M la-DTennla. IHhyieanaai, OonsUnatloa. M 11-SiwtiMil erPalafnl Perlede... .S la-Wkitea. Too Profuaa Cerloda .3ft IS Crnaa. ajtrraaitla. Hosrsainea...,, .39 14-8als BMienai. ryalpalaa,KnipUooe.. . la-Kaaaaaatlaat. KhemnaOo Patna. M iasarl,Callla,FToraadane )-Cntnrrh, InSaana,Cold nttkeilead. .ti a-WhMlac Cam .33 ST K.MMT Diseases Jt -aara Debility l.a SSDliaar Weakaeat .39 S-ar Tkraat, WintoyAJIcaratod Throat .39 BVMPHRSVa WITCH HAZKL. OIL, The nia 04aaaMat."-Traal aiaa. aa cu - easier an bay r seat stams a misjt ar snM. lalaaaair aUaaalnra.)aaMaaaai , in a us was. su, snr yaaa. SPECIFICS. JOE K. WILLIS, Judgment Sale of Land "7 PROPRIETOR Of Mm M cwellu MarbieWorks .1 ! EW BERNE. N. C, Ssvcan ana iMaWqm Mar) aa f QmaMUm Jfaaraal ( ii ders s.il i-?r - il it. l ,-.fr !:; at tention. '.h a! -f.i- : i- i.i: .in " f 'i . i:ai!.i:o.ms. Atlantic U. C, Eailriad 11 MF. V.I HI t. y '-'., F.lTe:t 00 A V Monday Dec., 0 is'...,. QoioEaST. p-iLsr-rs (JoiNd wjqi No. :i 'oj :;c 7-vi. J" i Ar. Lve. ' Ar v nm 8 'JO (iiilrtsbcrn lli'J am 8 Tin a -Mi !.a Orar.es 10 10 26 a "S 4 HO KillM-jn t H 1 '18 7 ''S n no Mutnhn 1 l il a III (i IT QOINQ EiST IvIIltUtLK OoING WK No. a Mixed ll. Hiatioi. Puss linin No. I t Mixed Ft. ft Pass. Train m 0 80 8 57 7 05 7 90 7 30 7 48 7 5b Gl'.dfiOolu lirt 5 I.s i .rail?'' Fallint' Creek K i listen t li.H.- . '1 Uuv.r Corn Or. -ok Tui' ar- ! a Clark New b. in UiverisU l.;ri;a'.h H-.-CI- - Nl.W,.!.ll Wild wood Ati'ti. i MnreliPfiil Cut A ilautiu Hi '.el 7 6 i 5 54 5 -M 4 '.l,i 4 01 S 'J i .'4 a na in ;t n ar 8 CD 8 17 8 00 7 t; 7 :7 t, :,' i; 04 -. ;io 8 11 8 80 8 50 v r. 8 15 10 oa 5 .0 i if, . ',( .. a :' a la l ao t- 40 9 38 9 "4 N II 10 81 10 1 00 11 ()' 1 17 11 41 12 15 8 00 3 87 8 48 4 08 8 4 'J 8 Bfl 4 1'. 4 U 4 55 5 01 5 31 4 37 4 51 5 01 5 16 6 81 p d (ft a .a I nui UcD.iav . 1 Inn n.l-, Train t rutiiiPv" vv Weliou I rn'-ti tiorn 1 N" boflj 1 1 ""i li. Ill . latl't w - ! :,l!rii; ti -.--ii ; , i. a A 1 m n vllle Train Wi-m , : r.v . in . TrU'M C1M1H ft w I I. vllle Trallu. avn . - m .. KDti with Wllmlns' M A the NorlU ul 2.h p. S. I.. DILI-. Huperintoniit'iit. Wilmiiiaton, Newborn & Norfolk Raili'oal .. .. .-'id xnn; ! ..... - m). l. Tn tak ffleot ,!:U.. ,".:il, 1!I1, at G:00 it. m. SuperMeiluij; i'.-nc T,liU' No. Dated Nov. i' ' l' .. Ooino South. strKiai . Noi.ru No. 1 PaP8eni:er Trains. No. 4 Lve. A. M. buu.jus Ar. V 11. 8 40 New lU.r-.u I'' U IS. ar. 1;1oci:ji i !e ' U7 Kavtw.vnu.l 9 33 Mayavil!.- 4 .v; U4:j- WhiiaU-.k 4 4J 9 53 Nontic-Hst t 10 Oli ar Jackoonviil- lv. 4 l'J 10 08 lv '" r. 4 17 Jarmans 10 21 Veiona 1 04 10 'H OvdnrhutBt :i -i7 10 3'J I'olkjioiie ''l'i 10 4S Holly lii.lKP 11 ;1 10 f5 Kdeeoiube 3 1104 WoodBide 3 21 11 OS Annandale 3 17 Cypress Lake 11 16 Hampetead 3 10 11 25 Neons Hil! 3 01 1130 Kirkland 2 55 11 3C Baymwad 2 4'J 11 4 W. Sea roast R.It. cross'g 2 37 11 55 Wilmington Lve. 2 30 No. S PARtUCNUBll AND FkKKHIT No. 2 Lve. 1'. M Ar. A. M 8 00 New Kerne 12 00 3 00 ar. rotlockvil!e 1110 4 55 ltavenawoo.l 11 IS 3 10 Mayville 10 53 8 23 White (Jk 10 40 8 35 Northeast 10 23 3 50 ar. Jacksonville lv. 10 13 4 20 lv. " ar. 9 22 4 27 Jerman'e 9 IB 4 86 Verona 9 06 4 46 Cedsrhuret H 56 5 00 Folkstone 8 43 5 15 HollyriJue 8 31 6 26 Edifeoonioe 8 20 5 86 Woodsi.U 8C- 5 43 Annandaie 8 03 5 48 Cypres 1 ko 7 50 5 53 Hampst. ad 7 53 04 Scott's Hi'.'. 7 40 09 Kirkland 7 33 10 Bayruiad 7 '-'5 6 31 W.ea Coast K K. cross g 7 10 -8 40 WilminKi"Q LTt'- " 00 Daily Except Sunday. H. A. WH I T'Ml, l.W. MARTKNIK, General ManiMjer Cenl f might anil !'. Agt. 3NT- Arpin Boot & Shoe-Maker, 151 Sonth Front St., Near loot of Metcalf St. hontinned Patronage ot old friends, and new custom solicited Prompt execution of all orders. Repair work given special artea ho- N 1 1 1 II l IKOl.ISA. I r it. n ' 'unt . .. i . i 11 1 1 nu, la".'4. - 1. .I.ne? and 11.. M th. Sll Suptr- ( ' A 1 l'"4 ! w,- ,.n. .1. ' 1 1 M!i ' v, Fchrusrv I" '.i mulled t i -:! to 1 lie high la- court 1m.i4 i .1 N. " Perm-nu M'.Ii'lsv . li .; I J ... Ik M, the i.l ,.n. I - injii "eifa. fits Ihereon i . . , r . i i, " ' ie ilee.1 . i- ilte. I I. mil l-:Vr 1 v 1! A .1 . :.r el . I He .!- -JVh, 1- ' F.-W. ( :.r '..II .l.ini ind w:te K-il'.-t '-.T. .rdeil in iiltire of Heis ( ( ': ... . n ( ounty. in hook Saul Mortgage was' a- I- .1 . -,i I 4 in (Kilter on May' 17, ... M .!'. I . ... -"ii tin- plaipiiff in ... n I ;,. .nm-. ire ilolaj.! and ,r... i i K-SliaPins 1,1 I,. N. in r.ej.l at tile inter i I lli lumping Kun, : -I,. :i. . . .til li. :i r.Mv Mini Ki.st . u ' - ' , t! I '.;i pule-, tlii nee ... ... - .Iii'iipnri.' Ultn, th.nie i Jinn :o ilii U L-i oiling. Tluse I', .1. 1 1 .,; - I if. k and :u I -; n, ,, I',..,;, .l.il.n-on, Allen ,. . i -, in'l . ..ntains Fifty ". ' . , - i, -- W M. AIM'S'. . S. C. .(I PtjDusvlvaDia's . LEADING NEWSPAPER : t lit- a'tni'il i ii,l-e!.i-s l.i'i i that suffice to iy Join nal, The riiilatlephia RECORD Spare no troubl- ot .-xpense to pather sod pro-cut. i" us readers all tho news of ihe i i.. I and Sew Woild. lis -.'vi rnl I . p'.rUiients ea' h under th t vi ien -iit nf a ci.iiipelnt F.llli.r, i. .1 l'n;ly m.itters pei'aiiiinu t" Tho Household, The Farm. Woman'B World, Science, Art. LileraturH, Finance, The Ro.il Estate World. I': .--en: mi: a oinplet.- magazine etei y day sri;si;i;ii'ntiN Kates Dai!. D.u'v $3,M 4.00 1,1 . . ! I t . . V . 'IH1 V 1 Aimur-ss Record Publishing Co. The 'I'. T-'l".l II 1. - I'M T S'l llKKT, I'MIl '"'' I'lll l. McClure's Magazine, 1 OR iSi),. . Tin' Best Literature, v The Newest Knowledge, . ; 1' iiUy Illustrated.. A Home of the features are: TheEdire of the Future.- The Mrvc!s of Science and Aehi-' cvemcnt, i reseiited ' in a popular, way. Famous People. 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Conan Doyle, 11 L. Stevenson, ' Caaeles A. Dana,. . Abchibald FoBBEa, - aad naaatbertr.' i'a" i 15 OTS. A COPY. tl.JO'tBJJB. Remit by draft, money -order or.' registered letter. '.. 8i 8. McClure.vnmted, 7 1 :i ft T45 BroaJvray? SiTt, City-v 11AI IMllCJIt. I.OOO Uard Brick at j prices to suit.the timeawif . E.H. & J.A,AlIeu(lowi Co ( "it r 1 -V'

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