BUSKER'S A.yUXUKtXT. " ' TIIKPA1LT MIIUI i jMiia.-h UiMKni; flaw) BiwtUy l i- t mt ? r MWkl llvrr.l to .r. -ii.w!'Sn nt fttceaU pvf lnoalk. tfttK WCLEXY Jul'UNAl. i- (M.l.i;,, . - mj Ttort fcj M IA per year i iHjmau. lor tratt tlr-firm tit mutt b Mkk l stair aw. Itejru lr ihfriiiw MnU wilier cullrrtrU 1roiupt!y a' thr inl ol rarh month. Cnuitiiilraluin oMiaiii:"..' n - ol vW etc it politic tn.rrt Mr miI'k . .1 No ntm MkaJlon Ult bf flp(. l U. If )ullh Ihfcl MHltAjil objcftifmiaUk ,! miiiji.iIm ,if wl.hi lh namr ot thi mi.i.m. Aiiii -lottTr t han halt a ci'hrim n.u-i l jt..l Mr Attvfrtirmrnti' umhT hr.l ( l)u .,bpm 1 cl Mid KoaiWt 1 rent i r ln- ir i!i - I overt ion, 5cd1s oaih ttl.-"cnt iv -n (.. Special rate lor exUiuleU time may person .. iiw KSi iotih rata coimniintc&lloa ran oM-im 'in- nmiif AAtl ltowtiig whrrcln tin1 Rrtr ur ri:- mt'LKM aikjn h itVTMK vn:m , An OM.NA l'KKv A Hs MIA f V The unto ol not I. i-it than t v t ut jrr l ui will b ch:iiv '1 Iwi 'Tunis ol tlirvnk.-, 're4lu tlunn Ot re-putt' ninl oMttisry pHr." '- forUitUry inIi. --i.' hi. : li:u t ' ' " I' tn eli1or li mi' ! I -'i i 1 m t " 1 ' t ,; rwiu iolK -v ol chi'H ) :hi.i . i i entcrtHitiiiii tiii iimu 1 derived will In- hai '"i 1 ' : " i ''' cent a a lint'. THE JWKXAL. e. r. eaete:, C. T. HAl'COCE, Fr::::c.::. L::i'. Importer. i.r,..,y. C, ' . Ol'R SEATOUs. The queotion tii beeu ankeil wliv Senator HanROiu, with all his or.i- torlal gifts and wide expe.-ii-ncc. ! , ' 1 has not spoken on the tunir. , His campaign speeches aiei matolilotw, and his tribute to Ynnce in the Senate is one of the jrems of; the Engliish langnp. l Senator ltAcsoru dues i. it bt-lievn in long-draw i:-ont debates iii the Senate. It is very tare that any toed is accomplished by speeeai-s in Con gress. - beoators unit iCep cKo: I c are not converted or even m:l . "ni -il I by argnroeots made in Cm Si n.t'e Chamber or on thp tl-ot f t'l-i IloDHe. 1 ii di fed Oorjg'eNs:er,aI i speeches are usually addressed to j far off constituency. Senatr K:;nueni le'.'evcK. or is reported as believing. li t' tij gf-od , can be aucomp! vhed iiy a coutinaa.' tion of the tariff deb.tte, b it, ;n the contrary, ho rcgardi it of the utmost importauce 'hut tt'e tnH;u;. are be pasted at the : ' i- - c t"--j aible moment. , Senator Jarrie has spi'keii, and, to the very general eat-s'iie'ion o ' the people he represents-. There was no impiopr etv in . i j ocenpying a little of thv Minn ol t Le i Senate. He is a r.ew ntetu e: from the people, and s w lor him to j;ive expn'-s-oi-honest convic' ons. Tl e-- is for Ransom to st-eik. He is serving li s m : v a people I'liiMifn'1'. ami ii. f esh ' ri,-ht ,. l.'si is ,i need i ' i i : v a-d h s 1 1 :. ii.. :e eiy i in dne time to ft ' e aicmtit of bis stewardship. We bel! v ' . be h North Carolina i s.ite n in ol her Seiin'i)-, -.nd we nh that State loses much vrpn r.f ' .is!; fee l her of them retires from the place he fills so well. We may differ from one or both of them on some questions of nat ional policy, bn' in the grand aver age thy 'ii'im up in m.igoitiivnt proportions. Jeilt'i. Waxem'-i I'i uv.tIis. "In God we truut'' is the o-.'y safe trust a statesman k :i tiav ; DJ thing to do with. When a statesman wuast i's started rong h. Nimun to lo:". 'be way back. Vercher is its oan reward, bi t sum congressmen don'f seam :o keer much about ela:m:n the re ward. The tariff is a good deel uv a pig in a poke. Eftharwus a penn ilty on law makin as thar is on law brakm it might be better fcr t'ne coun try. Liberty is sweet but it ain't with hnger. Fredom nv speach ougbtent to mean anarky nv langaidge. One drop nr corrnpshan will spile a bucketful av polliticks. This great and gloryns republick nv ourn haint got no ase far par tisan polliticks after a cam pane is over. Oh, What a Congh. . Will yon heed the wmrnlpi. Thi signal perhaps of the aure approaoh of that more terrible dlaease Ooninmption. Aak yourselves If you ess afford for the 'sake of laving 60o., to run the risk and do BOthing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Oare will Cure youreough. It never fails. This ez plaine -rhy more than Million Bot- . oroupa and whooping cough at enoe Mothers, do not be without it. For ' lame back, aide or cheat use Bhiloh'a Porous p Letter. Sold by New Berne ; Drue Co. --(' ' mm-m ti W. P. Draper, Druggist. SpriuvfieUI, enrea lady 7 years amictea: couia not ' walk half a mile in the lost three years; mAB a 1 Ira anir f1!cfnta : A KEX1KKAULB BiU,. W hit it Co-. 1 1 Ilurj C(rfBia llirr Thre Thuaond. Dalian Miowi I'rva the KrpoHs' KDIToE JorRXAL: I hold ID en t haod trmtkftbl book, of the 4Stb con pre , lot Reiwioa, ilou of l-prfiittiTM, Ml. Doc. No. s Report of eTitn(i(Qrw th C'lvrk f( Mi'USeof Rfrpctiti tiveM. Hy KIird riino;i. CI'Tk ol thi f!i"tr I Kci' . -.it f M Tom .'tine "'ti 1 ',to Jii'i .Hha 1 "IS.1 to Hi' . J ('.. t' .r hna HH-.kcr f I litj IIoiuk1 of K irr. aeotatlfo. o: 'fc 'JJ, l- ar t ul of l.'on. .'. V. tihacfcclforJ. Laving ont : " "; I'mbaiiuinK, Cmkttt, I S.lver pl.i'o .uii: inrs'. !Dg 'ii(T, Bfid hu' i ii ' ' ckB, (i i il ,;(i ; 0.; .!) '.I.IMI i; .'" ! I.iii' ! If' I I j lirlft ff f." ". !.. tin wtiit p iviv 0" "l Milk l!.;t hifr ; '.ton - .")(; t! cirrugiM !) H i . Jl. : K . tller Ci'Vi i I n l'a.-r. 1 1 ."() I ' V;i Ji'li Hi rt!i i ' I 'i in l.t uf iiUfi- In I'd . t;p.iil.i:i.'f '.p !;';'hi.i;i I N.C. I'cr in f ! " ..t V.'i Iiln'i j '.;. Il.!f', tl.'l .it I , ' I '!...(. i 'die! b ,' v I ii. Mini ! VP":.-- 1 . ' si--I I.'inr!: rtr -i ' t ! i .(I 'I'1 lew-;1, I S., t.. ,; im:'' i.:t-.j Th ' (HI i I II 1 !..! ! y- Notary ; k kiiln "I0"- :-' '!- ding accomni ii r' 'i n for min-iai wo n Jn' Lumibt. Midland N. V. Knlroad cotnpan i hiWb , . ,, (M) t j Washington to (Jo'dsboro N. C. hi nVtr i of Com mutie. Pent ot Imiiim- Na 1T E.st ci il r.-ets, l Services ol T,-e, il 0 tr Itom Wash: ii'ok oil . itl'ioi ,i :'. ('. and ..:am. slS1) ()) l.'ebate w'r.'le car vl'e at Cto!d--'"-.-o J I - ye, 7- i . 1 l or !uuc!l IcT.'.slied '.lie eoiijji esuctii, I commitii-e ii ecu in' i,n ying ho rem a' n of the U-e II "I. .1. V. Shack. -il 1" riicw C te: rn ! -I em: in ' of T .3 : 1 in. 'le II r.-t rp b.nevi sinus, f Ly mis '. :V;i C:im. i : ! ;-onrr.Jiy i-ic:'-i i.n liiat i'i J f.'i r :-' ( n v ; ;i 1 'Me if's' r ). ;i'i i, e":y, IT , ;- c-' .;! 1 ,( ,im;. ' , in ft t:ti,i5 by i.." : v t s. ii'." Ai .-lis ,i l ':. oi Uaza, :: An iiilere s! r,)-j; witicii !i,ns r. c vi :v monoed is tlio co':ei bitumen wI.mmi i,-i Tace a",,( ilo its a Dead S, .t. i'w i s woro t;i Ai i' l-y : .-in 1 1 Jr,' ;. .-" t" l !-' M1PC. I' C . il 6 1 1' infill 'C. ii'Tid iws wiM. en:fjrp;i- c b-'ll (Mm- oil o tin tii the siii-i-t on t:.(- ; .- ,-'r a-; i 'mm ,J ;:::'a ('...iv "i ;! ' ti.-ii. v.- . :-e 'Wii I i'? : vor an-! i ai y arts .. a-.- up the is ,i i.i'ic'i fn car' i.i" , ! !, V vyeiv , , . to the Dea : s, n w enrrap-,',! : u ".'.'men v. ; . a request in'Er ae. 1'lie consul ill ni;s it would be advantageous to trade with li:e Has, Harbt Ijsr PAK, of RtwvMi, Klb write : "For about two years I was a con stant sufferer from dis eases necuilar lomrmi. I had to be carried from mj bed, had horrible dreams, Kinking sensa tions, was very nervous ,- and bad little or no ap petite. In short, m. whole body was racked with pain. I had fre quent t Hanks of hyste ria, and was completely for I found no medicine did me any good. At last I deter mined to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrMcrirttlnn. I had taken but two Mrs. Tappah. bottle, before I fait so much bcttr I I took eleven bottles. To day, I ain well. I hare never felt the least traci- of ay old complaint In the last six yars. Wo use the 'Golden Medical Discov ery' whenever we need a blood-purifier. With its use, eruptions of all kinds vanish and the skin to rendered dear and soft, almost as au infants." Sold everywhere. 8 i iilanl .iistrirHif Afteaia launch auJ tvrr;j ! Jj f-ni ivcr plarod o8 '!i$ 1 Ni -rr ncrpss thf: tirr-! r '.' . '., v!i'i is a un:ry r; -h a ovim!, fruit, HM'l o.f.; Atr -.-1 i: i. coc-vi.-v.i by i-a'jv.in roun;l the v, ,rl .. f. l is n tr .1 i"v of from .vn ' v Monl. i Ottoman v i 'stali- - ;' r.Tj-i i v . . i. ) J "UUu.VllI i-v I! Jf !cn's Ira n Sa c. ' ihf mo '.I . - r i'i , l ; 1. :i:h. i iniil' i !.. - ii Hi . ., I'll M 1'- I Il i- I l ii li.Mi . nl prr iw.x I (.in N. i M 1J.!,. .1 IIH'li'". A 1 1 iii). 1Um: T ! I, r;!fs in n; flic 0:111,1-,. , I r;lilw:i v iii.mv as ' fro-, ,1 Vi 0 l in Yw Home ' " lier day that -.mi fur ill.- Throat - i-. . i.-r 'i'im,m! v, an it i wlimi it- b(.i :. , .-,?.-, I wlrtfVf-r. i , r. ' you f its " : k-n v,,,i -a s.n- IU-nri k V M, . f cl'-rk in tlio N.-w orlc ii : i r ili-af : I !:; Hi-- ii : A" ; i i;e lu. v-; 'ot frre a . !-r tl:r : ' . - .. : sei.i: ci-' .. v ;i;ir;itii'eii . n Hill Attl?H ( ilJ V t:i im Nr llfriie l m ..'iii'Nt, am! others .I. on .itiv lriiist and !- ii Ki'Tnp'K B;iUam ! . il v ! i-.-;nr'l that , ;l IIU llTS Ailil 18 v. :n.i. omo uli V hronic i. As lntiA. BroucLttis, xnd Co'iMiinpti-i L;u i! hot' Ihs i0 crs. m.ii 2'2 (iood wow V PRICr -50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. lm Of WIIHSU INFORMATION FREE. FOR ULC BY DRUGGISTS. 3 r i Tl:K K-ST. i: ST A ! DUTI0N AKV. -k : 1! I V.1If, . r.r':-.. ci':' irn- :i ' Air.i'i .,-,m I', nit inont. eosl ! -ii'ii ,.1 tin" Million Dollars. . Ii,l rr-ii'l ,, von-.-; of labor n il' il anil i'eilv--f'VPn eminent , p.. , 'i ; -Ki;a'i-t in liis .i- n- ih hi Tii -'' f IV o '.In :.: ::y tr ,.,il:,,i !'. C eel.: : - .r ' :lle oll-. ; i"' i eu .sli l.iivju iin- lTO.lt.ift Mi.i.K : l.'lirnia'ie.Vl. an. .'M i.n.l new. . i,:!0(i,iil)0. worns Hem 75.000 mere WW l:ian tliv ' 'iMUiuy. ''.a vi-'-y Miia'l a, lvalue on the price el liie iuinicr. and al al,,ut Di e I'.iiirih tin- piin o. the l.itli i . I, in - oi -I'l'itil 1.1"0 ji.ipes lll-IA IlIM.I.M.. uilll 111 llKFKHF.NTK INI, IX. 11 III).'- nl' :l ill l'.ink-mak.'I'S ,.i.ai'',!' in x 'ea-y pay- ", .1 nv T'.oiv.ni. Hi I.l. . 1 1, nr vi r , 1 il " I '." . .V. VIIK.IMA JA.11 Hotel, r. :',i,.i '. N. 1 r. W. V. Ilobiiison, I'rop. 1-- ,in,l an, I I',- ili-i-iin iHymnl. ( .,.,1 lltr. . alin.wt will,, ml iiilermis-inn. S lit,',! alike to I'I rjl Mil,' ,-rU,.l or C, U II 111 IT- . ..il 'l r:i . ilrr. Tli" linu-r Is lli,i,,ii'lil t epivi'iintoil, well !:a i.i-h. 1 an.l rai p. ',-,1 t!,r-,aii.iit. nil .:!! NEW BER7.E HOUSE, MorehGa ft City, N. C, .1- II. IM.YiN'IV. lrop. I'lcas uit Loett'ioa New launge lncnt Goo,: Aeeoinnioda! ions Attentive Servants Terms Kcasonablc. Bathing Houses Free. MOTTNT MITCHELL iioti: L.. 131aclc IMf)iintain,IN.O. Unsurpassed Scenery, Water, Air, and Fare. - Terms lieasouable. Opens May 1st, 1801. W. 1). SrUAOCE, Pro). GPKailroad, Telegraph and Post Offices near the door. mlotf i ".'. tit reflMrff nlr f tii ieU m ; Vrinary O. -"' I . . of diet or l-iifinoua mil -tUIy. Wlkfa ys;'.iU forrrrHrM -.iin tenMf L-iaiOLf ArTURtS ifrt, weulfn- a V nteiiAf.lwi',.,.-tr;. F. 8. DUFFY, DrugglRt and Sole agent. All Organized. Wt- lake vt-rv great ilfnrc in stating that Maj. H. H. Uoger, State Agtfor The United Bask i:m and HriLDixo Co., of Rich mond, Va., lias organized this strong Uourd here. OFFICERS : K. K. .Iones, President. lAH. V. LlDDLE, Viee Pres. H. M. G ROTES, Sec' v. vt Ties. U'.M. w. Clark. At'tv. BOARD OFDIRECTORS: Wt. Dunn, Chas. Ukizenstein N.N. Street, Matt Ma.Si.y, 1". DtKKY, 15 EN 1 1 A UN, Jas. 1!. Dl FKV. Ari'i: isk N. II. Sn. ci, .!:is. W. lii. I, Itr. 1'. ) ul. I (V'Louiis frran it'll prmiipt Iv. ill tin Wool, CANVAS Cloths AND STORM KKItCilifS. u-o-tt L.ulies Dresses'ol these materials will be vei riisliionable lor Mount ain or. Sea-shore this summer. We are ollerin a line of IJlucU, 'nv.v( Inrlv 'l'lltt Olid I tM'll, "(! to 51 inches wide, from I0r lo 1.(HI per yard fc'Samjiles PiompMy .Mailed. - jW.H. &R. S. TUCKER, & CO. IjEKiN, N. C. JUST RECEIVED i j A Car Load of Western Flour : Direct from th8 Mills. jY CAIILOAD OF t ;New Orleans KolasEes, Ij right off the farm in jLouisianna, from first t i hands. i Also a full stock of other .(iroc- .,,,,1 (... , i ; . ... r."... ..i.. . in,, . , i , i i .1 1 in, i .-, i j , j 1 1 ii r,, 1 1 ii ,sm cheap. Call ainKseo ine, it will pay you. K. H JONES. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH :: Daily l'er Annum, i;.on. .Sundav, " " 1.50. Weekly, " " 1.00. l'alier-rraill NY.v II: rue on day ni'l'llls. Iieation, and nin:a n lalf-st Norlli Car olina News, tnui'thur with Ti-li'.;ranliii Kejioiis ol' lie World. Sii'n-i iption- l'ereived by A. HATCHETT, New Berne, X. C. A lit)Li;.v LOT mi Queen Street, a-ii, lining the Siation of Cue A. ,V N. C K. It. Co. Apply to 31. IVIanly. GEO. HENDERSON (Successor to Iuiberts & Henderson,) General Insurance Agent. Roprenentinr; Imui-ance Company of North Amorica of Phtiiidulphla Hoina IasuninoH Coaii'auy of Now York. Hartford Fire Insurance Company of Bartforil. ' Queen Insurance Company of Eng land. North Carolina Homo Inaurauce Com pany of llaleiti'i. tlraenwich Insurance Company, of Brooklyn. Pha'nlx Insurance Company, of Brook lyn. United Underwrite Insurance Com pany, of Atlanta. Boston Marine Insurance Company, of Boi, ton. REMOVAL. S. 11, STREET, GENERAL INSURANCE AND EEA.L ESTATE AGENT. Has$ moved to the Stevenson Building opposite tlic;Cotton Ex change where he will be glad to see all those who wish Life or Fire Insurance, or to buy, sell, or lease real estate. LAP1EL ,.;uw DR. FEUX LE BRUM'S STEEL BHD PEHHYEOYEL PILL3 are the original and only FBENCR. safe and rs liahls em on (he market Price fLOU; seat bj mail. G wiuins soki only br F. 8. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. I THE WORLD AND THE STATE FOB $1.35. ' , -l f 1 We will send the-NnTV Yonk WEwa't TVom.n'aod Weekly Stab , one yeir each for f 1.85 or the Wkbklt Btat two years for $1. Address The Btate, ; (Richmond, Va, Win. H. OLIVER' LlfeYFIret Marine, Accident, Fidelity, Steam Boiler NEWllKUN.N. C. A Number of Time-Tried and Fire-Tested Companies Represent ed. Over f 120,000,000 assets repre sented. NOIOUAUV PUBLIC. Commissioner of Deeds for New- York, Connecticut and Pensyl vania. regent National p.oai.i Ma- rine Underwriters. PROFESSION A L. Dr. E. H. GOLDBERG SURGEO-ORAL DENTIST. )llice Ilenry Building. Mi.i'lli- si reel. I,i-i Hoeti l!rna. anil PoII.h V Nortli Kpisropal elnireh yur.l. Now Berne. 1ST. BRANCH OFFICE lacksonville, Onslow Coun.y N C. DR. G. K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Office, iliddlfi Bevt, oppoaite BapiiBi okjuroh, JooBdwtf NEWBERN. N. 0. DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, RV BKKNK. . I'. OnVr on (Iraven fltret, bwtwoen PolloeB utl Br.iail J H BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. Praotlo 11 ml tea tc Opeiftttv od M cnanlofcl 1 tn 1 1b t ry nd lni Margery Teeth extrnoLoO without pulD by tif one of Nltro Oildf Um. KTerything In iha line or lntlilry done la the bett mvle. BUfaot1on auaraotfd. Offloe, oorner of Middle !itr iel ftnd Kederft Alley, opposite ttaptut i nn P. H. PELLETIER, A TTOHNEY AT LAW. Pollock gtreetjFirnt room above Farm er's & Merchant's Bank. Wilt praotloe In tbeeonntles or Oravas rloret. Jons, OnHlow and Pamlico. tinned Stales Coiirlat New llrna,ad 4nireme OourtortUa Htala. WM. J3. CLAKKE, Ollice, 72 South Front street Of., posite Gaston House. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Real Estate Agent. JNcw 15 ""lie, N. C. Connections. New V irk Boston and Canada. Timber lands Farm lands,. Truck lands, . Town lots Do you want to hay 1 WHITE. ;write. Do yon want to sell 1 SPECIAL. I 1500 crea, Trent Hoad, 6 miles of oily. Timber and Truck land. TWO IRON SAFES, I One wcie-hing 1,000 000 pounds. Just from the Factory, hut haw tullon into my hands ami will be wild at a GRKAT SACRIFICE. llememlier, when you are in want of anything in the BANKRUPT Line BIG IKE is the place to get it You can always save money by looking over the GREAT AMERICAN) BANK HUT DEALER'S STOCK. . C wsst Nsrtt ad B-al TnatntM is sow mxler pnsltfrs written guarnutea, by author. tea agent, only, to or wik Memory; Im el Brftln and Nerve Powr: Utet Manhoud: unkknav Wwn Lombb; Krit Iroa.u; TaoI; of Confldeoca: " 0 y' .'"" m iu.r sex, eawea 07 Ofer-eierUon; lacllifal Krron. or Exoengrre Uas at Tobaseo. Opium or liquor, which sow lead to MUer, CcMumptl.m, Ii8Tilfy nnd Dcth. By mail. H abox; StorSd; w.th wrmenjranrmiteo toonreor rerrod money. WKSTIBaiwia SYRUP. AoertalB enra for Oonyhiu Colds n-tfim;-, Hr,.nchlUj,Oroun, Wbooptag Oowh, gore ThaC l 'jwnrt to Ui? Smalt auw dlMuDdnaed; nU.V.,, nmShe old Slslaa.aowtuo. Q0ARjL,l1 Va onlyK? T ; F. 3, DUFFY,' Druggist : wd Sole Agent. : ' . i LI HAHlxJ & CO WAV A has .icsi ki-;ti KNi:i 50--4tK..iiJ fji RANGING FROM I And Wcii;hin From Some t Vila line Driver. Except ioiiiii!y line I trail :i II, A full ami complete line Harness always on hand. ' . Wn wl 1 1 hold on Tucsdar and Wednesday, AUCTION SALE To be sold without IioserTe to the high est bidder. Don't fail to come. ISA:. HAJ-IiM cj OO. llliie i'i out Stables, M iblie S; reel . New Hei ne, N. (J. Tho R Shoa for the Lect Mom ) . 65, DEALERS who push the sale of W. L. Doupl.is Shoes gain customer&i which lub)s to iiKicase the .sales on tl'.cir full line of goods. Thry can afTonl tn H.-U at a I.-mh profit, aod we tM-llcvo you 4 An fla.e money hy l.uying all JOUV footwear of th- 1 aler h.1v.-i-i iweii hclow Catalofrue free upon application. For Sale ly J. J. BAXTER, ?Agt, New Bsrne N. C. 11AMS THE Farmers & Merchants Bank Began busiHcss May, 1S;U. Capitol Stork, jia'n! .11. Slliplll9. I'mlivuio. 1 roii; , Dividends paid, OFKICKHS L. II. t 1 n.r.n. W. s. ('11 um 1.1,, . T. W. Dkwi,-, . A. 11. l'ovi.i.i., F. F. M a i thi: s, ;7.ri,i00 OO i.'li'ii.oii a.aili'.i'ft l"",)C'ii r . lie Pr . tvhmr. T. Her. - Colll'llOf. ililll.-lions tills all nt'cnmino- With well esla!ii;,!i,-,! Bank is prepared to oiil dalions consistent with loasenativ liniik inu. l'ronipl and eaieliil alli'tilioii ';lveii l. collections. We will lie pleased to col respond with iho.w who may contemplate making changes or openiu new aciounis. J. ABRtiH. Pres. THO .... 1 Kt ..i:cr tic. Ii. Ii K0IIlKT!. uwimr The National Hank, OF NEW BSEKiS, N. C InooarohaTii) 1965, Capital, 8urplu $100,000 98.108 OIItKCTCRl Jas A. Be- Tnoa Dmieis. OHAB. B. lL!ih J -t Haokbcrn, K.1 !, Hauvby. G II. HoiiF.H-rs F. K Eisiror. Tbor. a. UBicit, eres. C. K. Fov, Oash'er. fs. UONil, V" 1'res. 11 M Gboves, Teller CITIZENS' BANK OF NEW BLdti, J?. C. DO A OHNKBAL BANK1NO BUHIMiHH. The vooounts of Hauks, 3nnlers, Cornofa- uons, i' armors. Hcrcnania ana oineis re. Mlved 00 favorable term.s I'r., ir.i t .. nd oare Oil auantlrm given to iha tntorostof oar ouaiorasr. Boxed of DrRr.oTOKS rerdlnan 1 Plrio, K H Me-.dow.. J. A. Meadows nnas. Daffy, it Hamnel W. I poos, Ja as Kodinond, Oh as. 11. Fowler, Unas. Kulaensteln William Dunn, Mayer tiahu, B. W. Small wood. Thos A.Green, Sen K. Ivea o E. Foy , 0, C- Ureen, ; y. Tan Fruil-Orswsfs Jaurtral is roeoguuetl authority ia Prac tical Frait-Growing, Market Gard ening ;bii(J very branch oLtbe baBinesa connected with the firttit and Jrfcgctable' indaitry, Its col .uttViu' contain'-'artldes' from; the best " Informed ...practical ' ftuit growers in this country, -i ; s It is a Bix column. ciEhtriaVe all Around fruit-grower and family Joartal: 'It ; is published enii. raontmy-at uoDdenj Illinois, the fruit-growing centre of tho vAVest, at 50 onts per rear .:.'.,. 3 ; L'- Bend foe free sample copy ft fko.m 50 VKARh OLD, 8;")0 to M50 lbs. Each. purposes i t..l "Ii of Buggies and i w i.r with W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENUINE WELT. Squi-:iKl.f -;,noUoin Watcrprtvf. Rent Shoe sold at the price. $4 and 83. OO Dress Shoo. 50 Police Shoe. 3 Soles. 62.50, and 82 Shoos, L'iK;vi:ilUti at the piH-r. Boys 82 ft SI. 76 School Sho LADIES $3, $2.60 $2, $1.75 FittinKund NTviwiihlc.Urt In the world. All Htylrft, IiiHlflt upon having W. I loiifcl'ai Sho. lS's-m Sil l lll lil HIBIUlU UII bottom. Urorkton Mass. A Valuabti Town Lot and Silverware i'.i -.ii 1 in.! .'in. ir ..I ine Superior Ci , 1 . .ii.ni . . 1 . 1 . 1 a 1 nun- I, l ,r ia-!i .11 1I1,' r.itir heii-e, in N -w ii- i. i' N'.C, .11 Monilav. ,T u I V 2ud .-iM . ,.i lJoVlork Jl.. lln. hriok house nd l,,i on Hot Fi'ini sii'eil. in the cily 1,1 , w 1;, i,v. iTi-entlv o, ,ti)id hy Miss r,,!',. .i.r-i . e known a lot No. 7." Al .i lb" tolliiwini; .- ilverware- 1 tc P"t. 1 s-.ijr:ii .li-li, 1 mill; pot, one old. milk pol. I ladle. 8 table -;j.xns, 12 ilo -,.-rt i-pnon-t, I supir ton. 1 eream ladle, 5 Icaspo ins, 4 old teaspoons, and 1 wilt spoon C'nAB. c. (.'iauk, May -y.i. lsl)4. Coiuniisssontr. ? VITAL TO MANHOOD. " an. j, vy jl? m. a r-xi v e A U iJHAIfl TUiiAT MENT, a npeclflo for Hyf torta, DlzzlneM, Vita. Neo ralfrtn, Houdnobe, Nervous Prostration oaiMed by 1 Vn ai i-i wDantio w. . Softunln? of Drain, eovMag insanity, misery, decay . Power in either c oj, Impoteucy, Leuoorrhosa and all Female Weainw.,-, IuTulontary Loesaa Hoerma . inrrncoa ci.uwl ny over-eiertlon of brain. Self abuse, over-lwialiience. A month's trMtneat. tL -e for IB, liy mail, with oaoh order for S boxes, wltS B will snad written Kaarantue to refund if iiot7mra ' uutMHtrwuNw, aKeut. wjusr-Hiivsaii'iLLa cure, skk ITcaiiurhe, UUi.nn.auiw, Liver OaUDlaint, SourStouiacll, Uysepsia and OonetlDaUonT OUAllAKXEUS iaiwcd ouiy bj " ' " j." r.o. utf f 1, uruggist and Sole Agent. M08IC nz MUSIC, CUTTHIS0UTt and with 10 cents send to us, and ; wo will forward you TniUTT-tWO PAGE? sheet nuisic six the rvrer. tiest Voeal and Instrumental Mn sic published, printed in elegant: style, with two large and lour smaller pictures of the lcoding7 ft.etreuuju nf flia ,ln,r 1 .Ant rl; Adiess, Musical Kcno.'tllU"' Broadway, N. Y. .. ,al2tf. THE WEEKLY.- GOOHIER-JOUnriiL Is a ten-page eight column Domo- - . . w ujfui i( VVUVulllr HIUT oest ot everything going. IIENRY WATTEES02( is the Editor. . - Price $1.00 a Year. ThOi Weekly Courier-Jonrnal makes very liberal terms to agents and gives free premiums for clubs. Sample-copies of the '-paper and fonr-pago. Premium 8uni)leinent sent free to any address. Write to COUEIElUQUltNAL UO- Louisville, Kv-. ; THB-. . . New Bpnw Week (v Journal And .the COUEIEE JOU1INAL will be sent one' year to any nd dress for $1.75. Address. tj ""awik- ' JOUB5TAL,New Berne,'N. (J .--.: : ' V -v :

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