mrm A. i ... t 5 I I.iU.::': V. What is T11E JOURNAL MY LADY SLEEPS. Cwo'-uria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ami Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nurootlc substance. It is s harmless substitute for Pareporic, Drop. Soothing Syrups, ami Castor Oil. It U Pleasant. Its Kuarantco is thirty years' use by Milt. oris ! lotlir. !i-stori.i destroys Worms and allay f.,v"'i'i!'n',q- nvtiri;i preventi vomiting Sour Curd, riir-8 Iiari-lwra an:'. Wind Colic. Castoria reliaTC teething troubles, ures n nsliiiution and flatulency. astori: assimilates the food, regulates the stomach healthy and natural sleep. Cas Iamwe:t the Mother's Friend. anil li.tu. tor' i i- t' t'ivin- i'-!r. i: kAllll.KKN HAVANA. .11. You golden ittis of night, I.t not thy Umnt of llit B quiet so womlrous briylit While she, my lady lee v I'ale, pule and silvery moon. Fair languid orb ol .fune. Itiae not so soon, so soon While slie, my, lady sUx - Blow, winds, thus gently bl.m Willi rjtlim soft and slow. Through yonder lattice low While she, my lady. s'ee White lilieii of the vale. Red roees of the dale. Thy fragrance faint exhale. While she, uiy latly. sleeps. Sweet nightingale, le still Hush, hush that joyous trill, 1 fear, so fear it will Awake my sleeping love. RAIN IS JI NK. Before buying your new bicycle look tlu: field over carefully. The superiority of Victor Bicycles was never so hilly demonstrated as at present. Our 4 line will bear the most rigid scrutiny, and we challenge comparison. There's but one best Victor. JOE K. WILLIS, Judf mnt Sale of Land w -r . , . ... V .IM II I i V. f i t T V 4 ) PROPRIETOR Of M CM! MarbleWorks 1 1111 lilll.INA. J " I'nni I Hint I . ' 1. 1 !. i. in., irt4. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON. DC YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAOO. AH mANcmco. orrsoiT. DtNVlR. ill:. , -1 I t : .: 11. 1 il 1''1 I""'" cil I. inn :. r t v K I -. :,l ,: ! HI I I.V - M .i . 1 ,. i riiANK i. "Camilla ' i'. .,. M.'hrral.. . misl'-sn-- iV.Ur UJJ i v :r. n lm. 'i- C ' 1 .tw- Castoria. ('a..r!a -.!ie 1 .1 r- '"'Il I - rf Mrh 1 " '1 lai- '' ' ' ''"I" t'"' ' .if ili.Aut when in. .11.- r-i 1!! .' M .1.1. .O n St "I th.'lr rl,i ' ' 1 ' , , 0.1 ,.f il.i-T.'ini.ur ; ' . .tp.'iri." It'' r I' " I ' ,,..r;,liin s Inn; -on p m 1 ,. iIik .l.m tlii-ir Hi" : IL 1 iu to lire mat ur j t r.i l'n ! i : The Centaur ,":-...i... ... of il '1. I .. I Jf r.uruiria 1 xi wi-11 adapted tochfldrao thai 1 r.- ucud ilaiuperioranjiraerlpUoo Luown to me." n. A. Aaca, St. D.. U I So. Oiford M Brooklyn, K. Y. u- piiysi. in in the ehilJran'a depart ,n. i.t U.vo sicken bl '? -of Uieir xp .ii.T in Ui. ir ouuido pracUco with Caatorla ..i m...iiL-h onlr h atnoo ou ,m..: . i1 ..,rl'" la known aa reguUt - .!. i . ,-i wi. ar fcoe to coofaaa that lh . ' I 'Ttona has woa us to look with : . ui -.n ii " l ntu IloneiTAL ad DiapaaataT, Botftoo, Haaa . : .s I ' Minn. I1 . 'nr- Street, Hew York City. The wunn wind for thy stops. The panting flock i bleats; The fiimished fields untold a The grass bends dimpling on Ihe mom tain lops: FlltST-CLASS l'.A KI5 KR8. STKAMEKS. 13. o. : i.5 IrA IT 1 V '. "A . -V?J&ii4V- .1. ;tern Carolina Dispatch i rmii. nKor and PrKht Line betwaan NEW BBH.N'H, , Ka i-rn North Oarollna Polnta.and allooo DAOllona or lua I i KIIStLV.OIA RAILROAD, 1NCI.IMUHO IV... v.,rk l'lillailelihla, Norfolk, Hal Ktclimond auil Boaton T . I.V Trl-Weeklj a.l Oml Haw Hraa, V I'KF. V" II SMKCNKK mid ln r.ftin.ii .Mlt. :isitant:. n lir mi'.i- i .tl .o t ill .'ivi' you :i ;.ud ! ' d !' '' -1 N I ON. llli-ed. I !. lily's . inimlnp luiniinu Fall, gentle rain, ii uroix: Cool willi tit v l,i- streets! Moisten Uie meadow where the hot sun And fall refreshing on the thirsty i rop! W. D. BAERIHGTON. Art. Hew Berne. N. C. Chicago has :ss churches. ! Mongolia, Asia, has no hotels. One of Mr. Jordan'. Excellent Medl- Iclnes J. V. Joidan, Urnggist's sells preparation for rheumatism that has performed some remarkable cares. Frank Shepardson an engi naor on Mia Ronthsrn Paciflo Ky .. who resides at Los Angeles, Oal., was troubled with rheumatism for I a Ion a r ima. He was treated bv Fall gentle nt,.., while the n-joicing land I several physicians, also visited the Public sontiractit i' turotl proiluct. a DKlMUflK cordial gristing inerr welcome tlnnwiind atrio1; :-tt.--ii. outtui i v '. ! tWtiivo mi At i hau ls! i II i H.irlwr S!i. Tonsarial Artists Siliiles where eicli radiant gem Q Ittaal'ir' Fall like a lienediction from His linnd. Who makes the storm ami auungni 01 the unheres; Who tend thee toj refresh llie.livinR, and To bless the Head witn swuui 111ra111n.11 tears! FRIED IC3 CREAM. Novelty Which rhlldlphl Oonfec- tloner Makot Much Uf. i a PhllnylnlnhlA firm makes a specialty of fried ic cream, which Is pronounced aonoious uy mi wuo tasto It. A small, solid cake, of tho cream Is envelted In a thin sheet of pie crust, and then dipped in boil ing lard or buttor lontr enough to cook tho outside to a crisp. Served immediately, the Ico cream Is found to be as solidly trozen as wnen it was first prepared. Tho process of frying is so quickly accomplished, and the pastry is so Rood a pro tector, that tho heat has no chance to roach tho froicn cream. Baked ice cream which has a meringue top Is another caprioe of cooks that Is toothsome, though this tampering with a delicacy that Is nerfectlon wnen it is in ns per uot Rnrinira hnt received no per manent relief until he used Cbam-Kai-lain'a Pain Halm, whioh is the medicine referred to above. lie says it is the best medicine in the world for rheumatism Public opinion is a tyrant and a coward. I NKW ANI KI.KUAMT1.Y ElaUlPPB" "Neuse" Hall ..out Raw Barn WKDNtllDAfl, Fall OA Vt. . ui unm.nKA inland aaoh war and '.'.niViiig oloao wnnoHoo with aa I .1 .AnIIMnn onoma tin .rlol A Houtliarn RallroaJ at B1IWW'" I uuiiuiuwihii.i tae Norfolk and weaioru muruu i neceBSary. (iood ICO Cream IS OS THK TONSORlAIi l-l'AU of TIMt)niV HOW.S f v I's '.in Kspert l-.eip, slurp nuorn an I ; .ito attoutiou. Hair cutting a apec'.alty 8t.r.i bmt isiim i;nt ; to M iiiic. t., .ii tin- First Class Barber Shoi) umoK B!,(ct, m:pi;.k ST. Noarly opijslto Bii,'' .' I:ir. j Apartments neat ant! tidy. a"'! ""'y 8lll?3tont a.sHii;t;tnt; i 'i" I ?;i-8t Class bath r.) mM cunmietod wiih ,l,0P9 ,1 I, H.'VN ir. deeO tr...rIM..r. Kl, 'I'loi...., iianMna1ljatoh Line, eon-1 rmnA aA Oftn be. Tir&vtoX; fSnJSfSffSTC! Speaking of tho dish, a woman re- called the other day the fact that It ! vasB.:er and (retain iranaportation wa8 grgt introduced at tho national AZCllW capital by Mrs. Alexander Hamll- .. .r.. lodj.-tiiiatum ..,.,...,. ton. She used to tell with aniuso- u k.m, ii- ....... i.n- 1 . . ., , .. i, ltV, ,l,i..V, Trnu- meni 01 mu uuhkui m Idnnt Jriokson first tasted it. and Norm ii. v t.i i , . , K'anv I'hilailelphla. oy rniia., w. .! o. i jj0W bo promptly OeClQCa TO uove toMKaM naor'.'.'by "phi'ia.. wu. and Baito. 8t the executive mansion. Ao- II It.. Vrai.ieniHV u.o- Hlnolv rfuests at tho nCXt recep mm Vorfnla, by orioiaDui.iii . w....v r - f M No Auswer This Ooestion. Why do ao many people weaea around uaaoem to prefer to iufler and be made wi k inilioraatinB. Oonitiatlon. Dmineaa, Loaf of Appetite, Coming op of the rood, xeiiow oaio, wuou -in aall them Shi on'e vitamer guaranteed to oure them. B019 Dy r Berne urua (Jo Carpet tracks aro consumed at tho rate ot .ni.uuu.uuu a uuj A favorite for Couirlis and tolds "Ohamberlain's Oough Kemedy is the best medicine for colds and colds we have ever sold, 'says H Kul & Son. of Goal Run, Ky It is a favorite beoause can al ways bo depended upon. It loosens a cold, relieves the lungs and ef fects a nermanent cure. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this rminii'i 14 I reel v eiven. as u i"t) lies the tough mucus and makes it easier to expectorate. uu cent for saie oy d. v.orunu ju6-gists. SEW BERN E, N. C. iun'm atari mi l 1., ilirs s. 1! 1 !Ptn :.i:', " '.li IT . Uli. 1 I Wh. 1. Vt I.. . . KAH.KO Atlantic ill, C Eailroad .,-1. . , Mi ,.l 1 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. (Tout) ami W lumping Cough. I latrn tlirpp children who are sub- joot to oroup, and havo found that Chamberlain's liougn ivciue.iy .u euro them quicker than anything else I ean get. If you do not believe that this remedy will cure tho croup, do as I did, trv H and you will eoou he convinced. K. M. Chatham, Dewey. Illinoh Whooping Cough is also deprived of all dangerous consequences when Chamberlain's Cough ;a (r... v a vnn. There is notuiu c. um tt tl fur pithflr nf these ailments. For sale by J. V. Jordan Druggcrs ft l IMF. -l M l.t. AO y Monday Unc. ' 1.1,11.1 tit : ih. Supu , . 'I'.'v, Kehrtiary 1 . 'mivi- nutled .i -.1 10 the hih lie court ln" 1 i. New I'cnn i'U M'.ll'luy t l-'l ,; I J M, the' n,i .in. I niM.iM'itnrlli'theri.iiii , , , 1 ., i"c deed v. . ,- -'.:h, I'-W. C,r- ',,n .Imii 111. 1 w:te l.-i I i-i il Tif.irdiil i ntlice of I tti;. .1 Vi 11 n I miDtv. 111 book S;iid Miili;ae was' as 1 I ( aini.ier mi May 17, ., I i -..11 the plaiptifl' in '1 , '.ue iksU'v' :ln'' -. in w.l lk;uiiiii; at N. ii-. 1 .iii.l ;tt tUc inter .. i l m i!i lumping Kuu, 1 , Uy mid Kaat- u , . ;. . .-I I 'i.'i "li. lln m e ,.. , , - !., Illinium; Hun, tin m e I i;uu lu ill'' iKL'inniiilf.'I'hcai I', ,!i i, ..; . ( ir k mid :ul ,,, , !- ..f 1'.. J. .I.11-011, Allen ',. 1 - ,ti.'1 . ..n!;iin Kill V , . ....', I. -W M. W A I M 'V. ' s- PenusyivaDia's , LEADING NEWSPAPER In F.iTe:t 8 00 A fi. 1'.. OotbiuF.T. pii.Brrin No. :t r"- :-'' T "' Ar. p m 80 (;..Mab?ri 8.r)B a Mi I.-.i 'irant e 1 25 t 0 Kinit'iM 7 28 p m Q01NQ EaST No. I I .JAPANESE PIUS CURE As long as the heart preserves desire, the mind preserves illusion. vrt.i .1 St.wlun, by Marolianta .im" tlon Were UeUtlKl 10 tne iroieu H1VB ,,ul,.;,.;(,,orI.La..". . nalrlftrnhlB fui ELLIOT & GKEEN, Rair Dreasiug Parlor. Caroful attention ,riv.& to all branohaa the busincax Ohildren'a Hit Out.tini; a Siiootaltj- H. 31-. 2Ictll BOOK STOKE 'it-HiX s ai low and ttma qtitokar than b ly oilier ltn , W. H lovia (Oen'l Kreliht Traijlo Aal, !'. H K ) tinneral irauio .H i-nenasi. Division rraiauv iIU ' w II. U R., Philadelphia, n : iIi.uki, (4en'l KrelKhl Agent., H. I. V N. H. K., Norfolk, V 11 Hi nuiNH. Oeoural Kralght Atent H. RH-NOifo.,HUltB9Ot..A. New Barna. N. 0. ntlV vawvv" ' " tery, and affordei considerable fun to the Initiated by the reluctance with which they tasted It. Thosft from the rural districts, especially, .,nA If aiianlntnimlv. and then 11101. tlfW v " 1" V"-' J melted each spoonful with the breath kfAra Knimnmlnir it. Their distrust ijy. 1 v v -v' q - was soon removed howurer, and plates were emptied witn great ra pldity. Cleveland .Loader. Mornhra 1 I'ity ji'iikbt . Nn. I Ar I.v. U ; 0 am 10 r: 10 2ri It 9 Mi S 17 HJi a m 47 a'! the ai'.iii.'i'. .1 1 :l-clrs l.i'i" m ilia; suffice to ly join nal. The Mixed Ft. ft Paw. Train a m S 80 6 57 7 05 7 SO 7 30 7 48 7 5b 8 11 8 SO 8 50 a 5 j 15 10 OJ 10 81 10 "1 U 00 11 11 n 11 41 12 15 8 00 3 37 8 42 8 48 8 50 4 03 4 1 4 37 4 42 4 51 4 55 (01 bill 5 16 5 21 til. iijRiiljl lir.-t S I. i .raTi?" Falluii.' Creek K 1 usu..n t.'..'! it IJolNll WK."i ko. a Miiod Ft. Pass Itnin r. 7 rr. 6 :c4 (. -14 riiilatlcphia RECORD Sp.ire in' ti inli'... hi i-xpenae to gather mil ine-cia 1.1 iih readers all the news of the 1 il. I and New N "ild It id 6 54 5 24 4 2,1 4 0) a New n.l ("iii- rlr..iitiiii-iil. oiii-li-linu 8l)ri.llSlTOKll:s, I'Kii-ule. ol on.liii. nl aii.l t H0XH11 hi oiuimi'iii. ui.... ol evury iinlure iiu.l ilngri'i.. 11 uiiiki- "IJ'-oil ' riwulliiiil In ileath. auui-tMii. Why ""aula ih". rrlbl. diaaaaa? W.,""',, boiaa to out. any oaae. V..u o , . y . CONSTIPATION S;rU-P.u..a 51kJecl"lly dptl Mr i lilul. .'a'- u.. i id eiiuu. OUABANTEM Issued onli I GEO. W. QA-bKILL, New Heme' N. C. 5 81 n ii M.:o.iav . rt tTnetdfcv. 1 km Ooru Tun. ar- i a Clark's New l.i rn Kiveri.A'. c 'iJlsii -el. 'ShW ,: 1 1 W.ilwoid Ati -ii. . . Mnreheail i'ltv A ilatilio Hotel Hi a i'2 '.0 :.ia b i at ty 8 17 8 00 7 47 7 17 I) 04 ') ;io 5 (0 1 if, ;' tn iii' 2 ;to 213 1 30 t 40 9 8H y i4 l), i...rl menta. ea'.di under tli ti' m t 'on '-nt "fa einiietiit '.iiuor, ii .1 lu;iy ni.itters . r ' : 1 1 1 1 1 iii to The Household, The Farm. Woman's World, Science, Art. I,t tern turn, Finance, The Roal Estate World. 8 0' I' n'. no; urn pill'' magazine eciy Sli;SUKH'l'HN HATKS l)ail. ''in 1 1 .ii' v nnil $3.ii'' 4.00 ...i. . sd-i -I a in 1 I i Vila r 7 li a i i i; a The Rocord Publishing Co. iir-tMU I'nrsfM T Stiikkt, 1'MII ll'i ' l'lll . Train I nonnr Wel .'ou lTnl ii 'c boro ll:'."m. in . a vllle Train Wn d. in. yllle Tram, an I . " anil Willi Wllmli'S" Hie Norlb il -.Si p Marvelous. Result, v.- i.,ii..i. ui'ilioii l.v Rev. .1. (Inn denntui, of liiiimidale, Mich., we lire per mitted to innke Uiis exinici: i u.iy; hesitation in recommending Dr. Kinjis New Discovery, as the results wei-e ainiosi marvelous in flic nwo of my wife. While I was pastor of the lluptist Church at liives Jau tenon sue uioua..i. ....... .i. n . tii....linir I.a OnoDC. rr-...'.l.l nnrnvvamn ol" COllLdlillil WOUld last hours with little interruption and it seemed as it sue count inn suiyivu ..i..... 4 r: 1 rn..Am.i.w o. Mr KlIlfTS lew .'V irieim iwuiiiiiiv..." ea in . 11 unirlr in ill Work lllld i.w'.hiu aaVisfae.lorviu results." Trial hot- tie's free at V. S Duffy Drup; Store. Resulur size 50c. and $1W. 1 NOTICE. The iimlcrnlKiic.1 .mini K. Muni- li" '"'V nnallnixl aa Kxccnlor ol Urn e-lal . , V lllllinclle anil hen-liy Kiviw mil lice 1 h.i In quires all perRoni naviiiKi-laitiis atMi.Hi Ii CHtllte OI llic aimi '.mi litem to tlilisaiu Joun r. ... cali il, lor liayincnl on or lii lnn- II . 1 .nl.i I June, W.".', or elaetum iiuim' i oil In liar ol recovery. i .,. Teriions inili'ineu in .i"' ' 1 williontilelay. w.,w JUII. r,. .ui'ivni J. K. O'lliim, AH'M iu' , II t Nr ,1 W '. I rt. wi I', Kl. Ii ,tlH 1kIi.iI .. I i P. 1 i - i .Ion l'riM fn in . S. L. Dll. I.. Huperintemient. NOTICE. Having iiuilified as Administi-.ttor o .i ..!.. ,.ni,.nri. P Mn-rlv deceased tile cmuii; ..v... j - late of the city of New Bern.', C ravi-u ( o. n i i c ic In iintil ill I DPinn-' in- Willi, Newljprii & Norfolk Eailioa! TIMi: T NO. 1. ism, at To take efleut ,1;n., - :ti G:00 it. di. annerHedum i'.'i'" T.ilili Dated ov N'o. 10. t..'.i U. una to to iioin. i -i claims against the said Iknrv I . AU-rly QoiNaSODTii. AND MONEY S A Skeleton la the Closet. How often do we hear of fuia in domes tic life at this day. But what is more appalling than the living body made re pulsive Willi SKIU aim ' salt rheum, teller, eczema and ecrolulous on,ii!i.a Tlr. Pierce's Golden BOICQ UIU . p,. ' vrt;oi TVmonverv is tlie nostivc cure lor -in:. i H ..i - i . . . nil of these diseases. If uiken in time, it w0 eVimiM nil ho norfect if we were noither men not women. tlec'd to present the same on or More Uil . . 1 - -ma- . 1 ilrt- tl.!. Will nJ.I .Ifiir rt tVl'lV r I IP U'lii-i' itin 4UU IUIY Vi i-aj . - - i ; 1..H- MCih.'ir nvovorv. Dei iiirirhUMl lo sum vamhv a. i ;., wii'ii,. nt pini-nt. I i iue l(J 1I1UIVU 211d day of May 1894. W. . A11KK1.Y, -VUlili. J as. W. Waters, Atty. 'Blank Booka, and now lot Standard " Work of Renowned Authors. ' Praver and Hymn Books, Ladles Parses, Pons, Penoils, oto. ; Also, Late Papora and Periodicals re eaivedd ally. 10tf AN WELL & COOK, Engineers, MacHimsts r -v " - - & Blacksmiths ; Mk aad rcpaia Enginos, Rollers Raw Wills. Gria Mills and Pumps. wRt.ain boat wark of all kinds. ?v? ltBpartMpirators and InjMtors. Stowtt and wator pipes fitted ."IB tu all their branohoa. " 0 6hop 'hetween Ioe Factory and ": Freight Depot of A. &J N 0. R. . . (dwtn '. . ..: ' SEW1N9 MACHINE MADE nrv as arn ami.KaS n aell too machine eheaper than r " get elaewhere. The NEW HOMB la onr beat, but we make cheaper hlnata, nch a the CLIMAX, IDEAL, ud other Hlch Arm Fnll Nickel Plat Sewing; Machine for il 5,00 sal Call en onr acent er write na. we want yonr trade, and If Jrlea terma andaq nare dealtns wlU win, we will have It. Wt challenge the world to produce a BBTTBB. S&O.OO towlag Flachlne for 50.00, or a better SBO. swing machine for 0.0o thaa yoa ean ear irona vr " , rOR MLI BV r riniEcnoN UP rclVEAlWDEMARi lur i ruvii a w Ktala. WO lan. . rrevennt ejta letata KrVs!tm" " l4Day care lor OonoaaBiaa ' Unhealthy IWiaal piMhawa. '-, IT DraigUla, or aaat te any addraae tor abee. tlml MalySorMia IT IS TLID.. Ulso cures Luug-scrotula, commonly lllcDcSl known as Pulmonary Cotiauinption. By uniggisia. Keyscr, N. C. Dr. B. V. PlKBCB, Dear bu: When about three years old I was taken with mumps, also had fever, finally I had that dreaded disease, Scrofula. The most : i nkiitna In this section treated euiiuuun i'.ij o..... me to no avail. I had runnin? scrofulous I sores on left side of neck and face. I was small and weakly wnen eigui m m... years old, and 'n face was nearly a skele ton Six bottles of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery wrought marvelous changes. Although the sores were healed i . -o. t .Uil nni nuit. takincr It in eiRiiv. luouuis, v i . " i-.i T ...m it lia.l Iwn entirely rout- uiii.ii a nw " - . - . - edlfrom mi system. Tlie only signs left ot we oreauiui uiaa ", " r ever remind me of how near death's door I was until lescued by Uie -jJiscovery. T .M nnn AlntltAAtl TmrH UIU KUU " -itt" 148 pounds and haro not been sick in.five VAarn. Yours respecuouy, Hakvet M. Holxman, Agt. for Seaboard Air Line. Vnr constipation and headache, use Dr. Pierce's Pellets. No. 1 Passenger Lve. A. M. 8 40 ar. rjtaliuua New Ikr;iu Ohamberlaln'a Eye and Skin Ointmont Is a certain cure lor Ulironic rjore r.i., firanulatril Kye l.ida. Sore Nipples Piles, Kiaerua, Tetter, rwlt Kheuiti anil St-alil Hcait 2.5 ceiiia per box. Per Rale by druggists. Trnaau nsnnTRS. . i.rco in n line heallliv con dition try lr. ( ally's ('onditina Powders. They tone iiniue ajmeui, iu uinuii"-, Ions of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidncr dfsorilers and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked home. At cents per package. or saie or 'llllr i n.vmcnt. Sold dv J v. jTdan,ewirne. - Tilia May 31t, 1W Arlministrator's Notice. Ilavins qualified .as :uhniiiistnitor ol Craven county, N. C, tins is to not it y ll ..nK.r.a linvin.r I'lllilllS :iJ:llllt till1 . 1 .1 .l U i.vln nt llli'lll tO eslaie oi sain uicoi;ii m v." the undersigned on or before the 1st day of Juno 181)5, or this notice will be plead in iv.r nf roroverv. All persons indebted :.! ii will nlBfian make inuiieiliiite Adminii-lrntor. 9 18. 9 33 9 4:1 9 53 10 Ofi 10 08 10 21 10 '.' 10 3'J 10 4S 10 r5 11 04 11 08 ioci:jv i le cnwuuil 11 16 11 25 11 30 11 31! To! Ha- Mayvil!i' Whit6 O11I; Norvticam Jnokaonvilli Jarmans eiona Oidiirhurul r'oikHIiino Hol'.y Uidjte Kdei-mube WoodBiile Annaudale Cypress Lake Iv ar. Ml NOKTU No. 4 Ar. P.M. ."1 i: ri 07 4 .V- 4 42 1 :w 4 l'J 4 17 I 04 ,i 4; 3 3' 3 29 3 21 3 17 o ATWT V1JIIUMU, f Ten 1 tlau A ii.ii......- frl,m tnln tlioin sem. irx. n. " "lv " , fcal and xnentiao booka sent rrr. nmir puiita takon .thronsh ViJSiimo KCTkSferi;; the ermion, e",tiriS" obotonrapba of dow tiia "niinmritAr'' ia one who iL. KM,1A1 mnvif tA mTO that! Za oil i.aA of1vArtin(T claimed tur them, the folkvwtag four es taw 1 j . -1 n,al aalA. , Dr. Kinz a roavueu a uimiwiw" " . New Discovery, for eonsomptlon, coughs. Wisdom and woman are not homogeneous. Build Him Lp. Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Atlanta, Qa.. l.j Phvataians and nau auvcio jauvi. j all other remedies failed to cure him. He tried Tyner'e Dyspepsia ltemeay, and afterwards writes: "The first dose it as the best dyspepsia remedy erer disoovered. I haye sained flesh sinoe using it. I . .1 J 1. all an f VUluuuuuj . v. fererawith stomach troublea.' For sale by druggists at &0o per ootwe Tin -urhn wnnld exert influence must exercise judgement. Onlv the Quickening of con cience can hasten repentance 1 A ll.lnf.ninvli. Mrtt-IP.A mill 11 ki. a 11 1 . v. muu 1 auuiiui... --- ,1'no. 5 1 Havms qualified as administrator ot Lvj M C. H. Fletcher, ileceased, late ol Craven I 2(u) County, N. C, tins is to nouiy an 1'- sons baving claims agiuusi un; :j Jo.l In ovhillit them tO UlC 1111- M1U UBWWH.M v dersigned on or before tho 13th day o May, 1890, or mis nouee nm r, - in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will piease iitnae n.u..i.. ate payment. r 1 it T lTDDQ A ilniiniclriltor. 1 , Jj, UIUU This May 12th, 1894. Ill t J I l " 1 4 mew uiawraji J T.f ... and coMa, each, bottle guaranteed-l.lec- ,,MdaaPa.y Bittefa. the Kreftt remedy fot Livei, wainirunoa. w ""J.; wHh oaaorava leAVESfR tiiu.3 aud fc.wau.lrta. I tent trua. Ad arena, tha U.S aodtuwooaualrtaaj iTiovi&coJ nau wtuoa wvu vwa d : - T . trio Bittervthe great remedy for law, n. -v a cr.iru.oa Tlneklen's Arnica rfltnuiHlin.H'"wT-. , Si.W, the best in the world, .and Dr. Kind's ew wte ruia, wniuu - r to pill, AU th remedie. teed to 00 juw wtai w vii ---: and the dealer' whose name is attached herewith will bejlad to 4all y mors of them. Bold at jr. 9. xonj- in.B... H.w a Cbiean Maa Was Cared f Bheamatlsm. u. ui.. nail nl 02.15 Com aiivvHK - meroUl Ave., Ohioago met with , . . L:.t I. n null Ohamberlaln'a ram caim, ironi iv ka haat raaolrJI. "Bat HOW, ... nr. noil hnmM the beat part B.JQ a... - r au-: Va mint vaara 1 nave Ul 111 mr J a- been qaita a annerer irow ttam.'wtta itiffneati of th jolnta. Qn tKa anniinatinn of Ghamber- aiHuii -f r . lain'ii Pi-in Balm, U symptoms or . . . a. a. a . k.aUliAl1 faot I Delieve inat. 11 na easwun ..nt. tnana aF rhanmatian from BY ayatom.? Fot -ul by4. Jorda- Uruggt' - Hatnnetead 310 N-ntta Hill 3 01 Kirkland 2 55 Hnvmuad 2 4'J .1 ,m nr I'nut R. It. cross 'a 2 n ii Wilmington l.vo. 2 110 M.L v.r McClure's Magazine, roK is.M. . , The llcst Literature, Tlie Newest Knowledge, . 4. ; fully Illustrated. . A ;ome of the featuren nre: TheEdsre of the Future.1 Tlie Marvels of Science and Achi evement, presented in a popular ay. Famous People. Their Lite Stones tnld Dy wotq and pictures; the materials being in all" cases obtained from sources intimately connected with the nutijecw. t Ti ue Nai idtifS til " - : Ailu'iituiv, Paring 'and llai'iiiht'oil. Lcopurd Hunting in -North. a Af-1 rii a, Lion limiting in Algeria, Tiger lluntingln India, I'.lepnant nuntiug in Africa, Adventures in hc Upper lltirjalayas. -' Civat Hu-iiH'ss Institutions. The longest railroad ill the World. The Hudson l!ay Company. Ihe Hank of England. The Uusincss or. the Creates! Merchant (lOO,mJO,UV, a yoar.) Human Documents- priroita nf Famous People frbm Childhood to the Present Day. Short Stories by the Heat Writers. s pasbknuku and Fbuiht No. 2 Notrtble Series . s ii tm i a aiilafllaaj-ailTT ajnil SlraUapana itaaadlaa, oaM tm J" ' aaopia wiaa mw anastal en tat tke dlaMa. Darned. Taar ear. wiwm waB" k -. . - taaanMmaiidanla fart art deed U Bmerel. a Uaaedlaa ml la Wof I. aa. mm- '"Jl 1-Ferea OentaMona, InHammatloM.. ,!3 V-Wann, Wona tmt. Worra ColKi.... M 4- Dlarrhea. ot GhUdraB or Adalu M -CaafBs, Com. BroDohltia. 5- Nearalda, Tootaael. t)-Bea4aehea, Biek HaMtocba,Velo.. M 10- Pmeaalaa BMoaawaa. ConattpaUoa. M 11-aaaaraaaad ar Palatal Partial... M 14- Wkllea, too Profoa. Paloda - M 15- Craaa, Lavraaltta. BoanaDeai . la-eaw ataaaH, jfw 7.Z lS-KaeaaiaUeBj. Rbanavute Patae. JJS lB-ataiaria, Callla, Frror and Afrna...... M i 5-CatmrrT CoU t. la Uaad. M Ba-Wkeeatac Caagh UT-4LMaey Dlaeaaea JJ 8-Kerreaa Veauur SO-Drlaary Weakaeaa... 4HaarTfcraat,rlaiiTrCTo.rat4Iioat.i BVatTHKBTB WITCH HAZIX OIL. . The Pile' Otaf aat "-Trai Siaa. a Via. - M f Sranaa. ar mmt anaaW a. na af arte, a. maar BUaaaa H ml aiaa paaa Earaas tr amavoa, iu a ua tsasaa aw saw vaaa. GPBOIPICS. 2 50 ar 2 115 3 10 3 22 3 35 3 50 4 20 4 27 4 86 4 46 5 00 5 15 6 211 5;; 5 411 5 48 5 53 04 09 1(1 New Kerne rolloekaville Havenswood Mayiville White Oak Northeast Jacksonville Jarman's Verona Cedtrhurst Folkatone HollyriJue EdneooruDe Woodi-ide Annandaln CypteKa 1 ke Hampatead Bcott'a Hill lv. ar Ar. A. M. l'J 00 It 10 n tr 10 53 10 40 10 23 10 13 9 23 9 16 9 06 8 56 8 43 8 31 8 20 8 08 S 03 7 56 7 53 7 40 7 33 7 25 Pacnu kit 6 81 W.&a Coast K K.ero'ii 7 10 in Wilmington I m Daily Except Sunday. m a WHIT1NO. 1 W MARTKNIH, (!ial Managor an'l Kretghtanii faa. ARl. bv Robert Louis Stevenson and William Dean Howejls Among the contributor for tna coming year arc : 1'1'OFEtiSOE DKUlIMOND, Elizabeth stukt x-jijL,r, Archdeacon i'akba, P.KF.T 11ARTE, RUDTABir KIPLING, O-TAVE TANET, Andrew IiAno, W. 1). IlOWELLS, Gilbert Paukkb, F. K. Stockton, Joel Chandleb Habbis, ; CONAN JJOYLK, 11 L. Steven son, CAARLE8 A. lUAK-A, . ABCHIBALD JcOBBBS, . and man UrerV " 15 OTS. A COPY. I liO'ATEifBi -a: rc,K.u.. v- .A.fij ir.1 Ronth Front St.. Sear loot of . iiLaiiiL-J. MetcalfSt. llAlttjt)4 B1C7K:. hnafinnnT Patronatro ot old XvaavauHwu o friends, and new cnatoin solicited, Pmmnt exeeation of alt oraera. Bepait work given speoial atten- tioK. aOQ.OOO Hard Brick t prices to suit .the tuaeowjf V ' t J ' 4- r- -:. I." I i 1 ,"r"'!'' tyT'".'-.'--'" ' -0