'J Cas'oria la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor . other Kairotic Mibstance. ; It 1 a harmless substitute for Paroeic, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor, Oil. :.It is Pleasant! ' Its guarantoo 'i thirty years' use by ' K Millions of Mother. CastorladostrdysWorms and allays -' fevOishncss.' Castoria; prevents Vomiting Sour Cord, ' - cures Jlarrtaoca and "Wind -Colic. Castoria reHsves, - teething ttoables, cures constipation and flatulency.- 3aBtoria assimates the food," regulates the stomach 5" and bowCis, civlnjr healthy and ' natural sleep. Cas toti is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend Captoria. ; . . "CMtorta Is on Cellcnt medicine tor chil i " Kin.- UnthcnhtTe roptMedljr old me of it r. . ,od cff3 pon heii' children." jt ' ' . , ' Do. 0. (X Omood, ' "Cattorla l the hex remedy for chiMron of y 'irhlch I am acquitted. I bope tbe Jay is not - at distant when motors will oonddor the ruul ; ' -atK8t of their children, and use Custom hi-ft-tul of the rariousquacK uMiruuistriiiuli are jleatroying their lo.ed once, by forclniropiiiin, - norphlne. southing syrup-and other buriful ; . tents down their throotiv thereby sdndius : tm to nremauus graven." - v . T Da. J. F. KmmiLOx, . Cunway, Ark, Xh Centatir Compauy, Tl tlu: FIRST-OLASS BARBERS. PROF. W H 8IIEPARD and his Competent assistants in the tonsnrial art will eive you a gond job and will pay strick rttentlon to all brunches of hair r cutttni; and shaving. . Hf"Give mo. a oall; At Gaston Uouse Sarbor Shop. " A ' , - mm t , , THE ' TON8GRIAL KSTAliLSHMBNT id TIMOTUY BOW.No.110 Middle , Street is now- prepared to do the jtest of work Its line. , JKxpert hoip, 'sharp razor and polite , jttflQ'to"nv li tif. outting a spooiilty d iPirttt oiasa Barber ShoD "I BRIOK BLOOK, MIDDLE 8T. ' . Xfearly.opposite BaptiBt Uhuroh. Apartments neat and tidy, and only eonpetent assistants employed. ' 4. VIm jinaa hath innmi crtonnentod with ;hOP'':'V "H.LBAflKB, i" l 1 J r i , , - Prnnrintnr ELLIOT 21 GREEN, . Eair Dressing Parlor. Careful nttention give toU branohas ' the business.' ' " Children's Pair Outting a Specialty book: store AND Blank Books,' and, new lot Btandwd Works of Henowned Authors. - ... F. Prayer - and Hymn Books, Ladle Purses, Pens, Penmls, eto.. V . .. . -; " Also, Late Tapers and. lnriodioals re ivoddaily, - - .' ' - MANWELL COOK, Engineers, ; Machinists & Blacksmiths. Mtke and ropaia Engines,. Boilera 8aw Mills, Gris" Mills and Pumps. ' 'l. Steam boat work of all kinds. 1 ! BepairInspiratorB and Injeotors. . . Oas, Steam and wator -pipes fitted "ilu. IB U their branches. , vvv'v Shop ' bfltwotm loe-.Factory and freight Dflpot of A. & N. 0. H. R. (dwtf) r--y r a J.li, .1 an i :m have tn A . hi a Oil i in ft To, i A iiicr -.. ice pm" 1 f T' - h In i.,- :1 t!..iH- Castoria. " Coetori is so well adapted to children that I reeoFuoend tt sssnpariortoaiir pnaeriptioa known ta me." - " H. A. Aaean, 1L P., - 111 So. Oxford 8t-Brooklyn, N.Y. " Our physicians in tbe children's depart ment hare spoken lug"; of their expert once in their outside practice with Castoria and although we only hare among on mnllca! supplies whet is known as regultii products, yet wo are free to eonf ess that the UK-rite of Castoria has won us to look with fbvor upon It." United HoavmL inn Dispubut, Boston, 1 Aijjh C. Burni, Prst . r7 Strot, How York City. STEAMERS. Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Kast Puaenger and Freight Line between isr El xv BEizt-itT-ra, Ba itera North Carolina Points, and all con , neetlons of the PERRSYLVANIA RAILBOAD, moLiroiiie Nw York Philadelphia, Norfolk, Bl tlmere, Richmond amd Boiton. The ONLY Trl-Wekly Lin On lew Berne. T'lK NKW ABD KLKOANTLY BQUIPPK Salle ..om New Berne nosDiis, WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS, Btopplng at Hoaaoae island eaoh way and tormins eioee eonneoiion witn '.ae Norfolk A Hon them Railroad at Kilsabeth City and the Norfolk and Western Railroad at norroia.. I'be Eastern OarollnaDlatoh Line, eon slating oitne Btr. Nenae, Norfolk Southern n. H new lora, xo'.a, ana norion n. n,, nd Pennsylvania R. B.. form a reliable and tegular line, offering superior facilities for inioK passenger ana ireigni iranepoTiauon, No transfer exoept at Kilsabeth City, at which point freight will be loaded on oars to gn tnrougn loaeetmauon. .JireoK ail fuwi mi d aniitpvq ti. jvi.rr iaiollaa Ulepath daily ae fuliowa: m New York, by Penna. K, K.. Clnr 1!V North River. Krnm Pblladelpbla. by Pblla., W. anil H .to K. R., Book at. Station. Prom Baltimore, by Folia., WU. and Halto. K. R., President St. Btatlon. from Norfolk, by Norfolk Bonthern K. B. rrom Boaton. hr Iferehants A Miners Tram- portatton 00.; New York and New England ' It. B. " - 4Gi-Bates as low and time qnleker than by ay other line . Kir fiirthur Information anm v to WY H. Joroa (8en'l Freight Tramo Agent, P. R. H.) Qeneral xramo Agent. ito. Btbphs8, Division Freight Agent, V W. B. . rnueueipnia. B. B. Oooki, Qen'l Freight Agent., N. Y. v. A M. R. K.. Norroik. va. ft. O. Hddqins. General Freight Agent. N. 8 H.R.. Norfolk, va. , ' ago. HSNDKR80N, Agent, ; . ' New Berne. S. O. IT IS ABSOLUTELY The Best SEW1N3 -' - MACHINE MADE SAVE1 MONEY WE OR OVU DEAXEBS ea aeU yea machines cheaper than yon can Set elsewhere. The NEW BOMB le onr beat, bat we make cheaper kinds, neb aa the CLIMAX, IDEAL and Other High Arm Full Nickel Plated. Sewing; machine for $15.00 and np. Call on oar agent or write ne. We want year trade, and If prjcee, terms nd square dealing will win. we will have It, Wo challenge the world to produce a, BETTER gSO.OO Sewing naehlne far $60.00, or a better $40. lewlng machine for $30.00 than you an boy front na, or onr Agent. -: THEREWH0KSSEWKGEAC1UNECO. Oauroi, sues. BosrarXua. tt XtTcni Sqi-abm. B. Y, , Ciuuiao.nj. Br. tovu.Ho, biujui, nus. . -AGENTS'l WANTED; wT M lilit..lktA.MiilllrttMiJ tea.., itMALT. No -Hal. Ne Pain. Prevent Sltrtrtnr, Vrn. k.rtn... A 1 tn 4 IJftV flUffl for GONOKKHUi:. X.KUOORHHOU, 8lXUUATOBRHHvaud AN DnheBltliy Huxuul Lll.chnrirKl. mm-A GnrA Prvntfvnf All Venerttal DlReaaea At Druiglata, or sent to any aadreaa for St. 00. Inleetlsn Malrdor tn "TieK BTOf ab IIBilM tutllu. bS. HENBT BEST, BUMWrS.aU MalyderVfk euelr, hlo. '... . nd'i'rde-Wrm ohU'ned, and nil rM-1 iiesa conducteu lor wonrTC Ftr. tnrrm 0po5iti U. b. p.tent orrier J a,,, uie pmentioltiSUme uiaulhuwl : turn v Rsninaiwu. - v, c fi if paientible oi not, !re oil (.j.n I :s due tit! paicm is sccmcu. t THE JOUENAL ON IJIE LIKE BHOBE DBIYE. ";.lAXocturne.r '?;.'; " Athwart the pier tbe lake is roaring r . Zi& naughty challenge to the night, . And like a stormy petrel soaring i The sea gulls wheel in splendid flight The BwallovrakknB tbe brawling billow ' And vaults into the ambient air, Or poises on the swaying willow . Capricious, with a jaunty atare. How gray the water gleams and tosses : And throws its cap into the air, A spendthrift heedless of its losses It revels in its liquid lair. ' Ilark how tbe weary wind is wailing As, flying frotn the musky gloom, It shudders likes pigeon failing, : Who flutters to untimely doom ! As pickets all the trees are standing, Beleogured by 'he ghastly fog, Which filtew in to find a landing And chokes the baying of the dog. It 8tretchc8 forth an arm to cover And muffle up the dying day. The moon is mourning for her lover . Ana palely luniB uer tace away ! James E. Ketsella. too much for mar. He was a mnn of giant frame And muscles trrou'jlit il steel, Anteeus, Atlas, litcuus JJid ne'er sucn Btrcugth reveal. lie could up-root a giant oak "With little strain or fuss, Hold out in either hand a full- Grown hippopotamus.' He'd climb the Dhawalageri, And on bis shoulders hear A tierce or two of good old rye . And never turn a uair. He swam across the sea and towd A frigate in his wake, He could, when healthy, teir in shreds A hotel sirloin steak. And yet poor man, he met one day A task tliat took his life, He grew o'er confident and went A fliopping with his wile. Bound to Get the Train. A vountr woman, iauntilv dressed, . wearlntf a natty suit, rushed Into tho Ta-h a. -ai . 1 UU1UIA BliUWUU vUg UUIW SIWIUUW, I , , 3 aaL 11 S .111 1 . rt n. .j I a I vi tue room, aao aiotuiy uisuuvorou the timepiece, and with an audible ' Oh! ran upstairs as fast as her already weakened strength would permit. She was nearly overcome by her exertions as she reached the exit to tbe platform. A large box and two bundles were all the imped iments she carried. She was climb ing aboard a train for Springfield, minding not the drops of rain that were drenching her costume, at the same time telling the brakeman, with spasmodic gasps, how sho feared tho horrid train would leave before she arrived, adding that she had an engagement in Now Britain that she must not break. Ort learn ing that sho was not on the New England side of the station, and had not timo to go around, she tossed her luggago over the fence, and with an athjctlc bound sprang after it Sho landed all right, and, making ft dash, succeedod In boarding ' the train she sought just In timo. Hats were off to the New Britain maiden. -Hartford Post. The tirat Chicago Strike and Blood Shed. The country is in a fearful condition, hundred thousands of men ijecoiuinfMrau tio over the labor situation in tho West. Trains blocked bv strikes and cannot be moved. Steam Boats sailing with half Irei Jit. nconle suffering in some narts of the country on account 01 uncomataoie transoOrtation. With such state of affairs the countrv is in a tearful condition, es- esnccially the Northern and Western states. Wars, strikes, and bloodshed, are not the proper way to adjudicate matters, there must be some compromise between tho manufacturers the money kings and the laboring man At tho present prices the manufacturer North cannot increase wages and compete with the manufactur er in the South, hence tbe cut in wages. In the near iuture seven eights ot tne manufacturing in the United States will be done m the South. Legislation alone can settle this matter. Emigration must be prohibited for a tew years, and prevent the scumbs from all parts ol the earth frnni fiatttins amnnc us. ' But why need the South be troubled? This is no nght ot ours, it is a question that we are not interested in. There has been no day in the annals of history that the South has been more prosperous tiian ihn tirpiaAiit flnv Whiln mir nmnkn hous es and corn-cribs are amply filled, and the cjops bid lair to bo Uie beet wo Dave naa 1' j, 1 . 1 .1 1 ' ior years, men wnv buuuiu wo oinnei The strike made by the breat Ameri can Bankrupt Dealer is sufficient for the demands of the South. Then in the name of peace and common sense, c why : don't everybody strike for BIG IKE,! who has bought -the ; iilteen thousand dollar stock of Men's and Boys' : Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods of Frank' W. Thornton, at such great sacrifice; cl Mer chants and fhrmerg of Fayetteville,. Wil mington and' surrounding country,: why not stike while the iron is hot and Jay in your supply for tbe coming year at Seventy-five cents on tho dollar of New York cost! The hard, solid cash .accounts for the above strike, and the great bargains accounts for the great rush every- lay, and people nro dntl y convinced that all onr advertisements are true. ; '-. ' ; v We-respectfully call your attention to our immense stock of Touug men' Youths' and Boys Clothing, Please see us. 1 Dyspepsia ana Llyer Complaint. - Is it not worth the email prioe of 75o., to free yonrself of every symptom of these distresaiag complaints; if yoa think so cell ' at 'oar store and net a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on It, sen sooordinKly and if It does you n ood it will cost you nothing. Bold by New Berne Drug Ot. ' . s .: ', ' All diseases of the skin onred, and lost complexion restored by Johnson's l)rien tal Soap.- 6. W. Gasklll, i - r We have a needy and positive cure for eatarrh. diDhthprfa cnier tmnnm andhBAdanhe, inSiilLOa'B OATAUa EKMEDt. A nfisal Ic1.fir free rifh "h bottle. U it if id 'it - -i wet-t breath. Ii. o j. t.i ty VICTORS are Standard c Value. The standard price cl Victor Bicycles is $125.00. No deviation, and Victor riders are guaranteed against cut rates during the current yen . OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. AN FRANCISCO. W. D. BAURINGTON, Sometime genius may be bound or barred for a time, but she will out. Once your friend does you an ill turn he will never foregive you. Healthy Chllured. come frnni healthy mothers. And moth era will certainly be healthy if they'll take Dr. Pierce's Favorate Prescription. No thing can equal it in building up a worn. an's strength, in regulating and assisting all her natural functions. It lessens the pains and burdens of child-bearing, sup ports and strengthens weak, nursing mothers, and promotes an abundant se cre'inn oi'nourtshment. It's an invigorating, rcstomtivo tonic, a soothinc and bracing nervine, and a guaranteed remedy for woman's ills und ailments. In every chronic "lemale com' plaint'' or weakness, if it ever fails to ben efit or cure, you have your money buck, Delicate Diseases, affecting male or fe- male, however induced, speedily and por- manentty cured. Illustrate! book sent sealed tor 10 cents in stamps. World's .; nog l; ui. ttlcuiuui jXTatiuiitliuu, ouj iuaiu oiiuui, ' No one know the right way so well as one who has once been misled. Shlloh's Consumption Core. This is beyond question the most successful Cough Medioine we have ever sold, a few doses Invariably cure the worst oases of UongbXroup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful suoouss in the oure of Consumption is without a DaraHel in the history or medicine Sines its first discovery it has bven sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medioine oan stand. If yon hare a oough we earnestly ask you to try it Prioe 10o., 0O0, and tl. If your lungs aresore. oboat.or baok lame, use Eui Ion's Porous Plaster Bold by New Berne Drug Oo Imagination is what makes a butterfly of the grub called observation. Air Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now tne opportunity to try it Free. Uall on the advertised Drug- gust ana get a Trial uoitio. i roe. oena vour name and address to II. E. Buckltn & Co., Chicago, and get a sample lox of Dr. King s New Lilo Tills f ree, as well as a ooviv of Guide to Ilcnltli anil House hold Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do vou good and cost you nothinc. For sale at F. S. Duffy's Drug store. 4 Longing for its pendent in past. the future has regret for the The Population of New Berne Is abont nine thousand, and we would say at least one-half are troubled wifi some affeotion on the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are, according to sta tistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all our readers not to ne fflnnt the onnortunitv to call on their druggist and get a bottleof Kemp's Bal sam for tne inroac ana Liangs, triai one froe. Large bottle 50o. and . Bold by all druggists. Most women nowadays are fair just in in proportion as they are false. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicajyo, ana get a free sample box of Dr. Kmst'a New Life Pills. A trial wi i convince you oi weir - :i rm 1 tarlv efifective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache... -: For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved in valuable. : TUey are guaranteed to be per fectly free from everv .deleterfoua sub stance and to be purely vegetable. Tliej do noi weaken by their action, butbj giving tone to stomach and bowels great ly Invigorate the system. Regular size 25c per dox.; sow . py t. a. vauy, Druggist.-V'- . : . ; 4 libosen your grip on others sometimes, but nevsr upon yourself. .- .;: , . Vy-; Bucklen's Ante Salve. The best salvo in the world for cats, bruises, sores, ulcers; salt rheum,' fever cons, and all skin eraplions.and positive ly cures piles, or no pay requirwi. is is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. ? Price 25 cents per box For sale ty F. b. uuny, new uenie, ft. C. . - - ml6 13m. Inherited wealth does not necessarily render a man despi cable. . Build Him tp. . - ' Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Atlanta, Qa.. tiad aevera dvsDenaia. Phvsioians ana all other remedies failed to core him, He triedTyneri Dyspepsia Eemedv, and afterwards writes: "The first dose gave toiief. I rceommond it M.Vthe best dygpepsii remedy ever discovered. I have gained flesh since Using' it. I voluntarily reeommend it to nil mf forars with stomach troubles.'' For DETROIT. DENVER. Art. New Berne. N. C A borrower of books is gener ally a thorough bookkeeper. The greatest gift we can bestow on othors is a good exam ple. I-(. A " 'I.V. jJ038U) OJ 2unp Oliw 'SM .'i;.l;.v,u Mount) j.im aB3 a !:.;; A Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Most men are willing to die for their country of old ago. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets boyond the reach of medicine. Ttioy often say, 'Oh, it will woar away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they he induoed to try the successful medicine nailed Kemp's Balsam, which is sold at expositive guarantee to cure, ilioy would immediately see the excellont effect after taking the first doso. Price 50c. and SI Trail size froe. At all druggists. mar2!3deod weow JAPAKESB A New anil Com et Trentmoiit, roufistiiij: of SUPPOSITORIES, CuiiMilm of ( Uritlneiit mid two Bozos of Oiuttueut. A novor-ftiilin; Curo for Vitus of every nfttur ftnii rioureo. It inula1 an oporatiou with the knife or injection; of airboUc- arid, which are painful nnd seldom pt'rn.iiiiout i-uro, nnd often reflultiug in death, unucctsiny. Vhy onciure this terrible dlseaeo? Wc au;irnntae 0 boxes to oure any oaee. V-u only iny fr benonts received. a dot, ti for f.rt. Sent 1-y i:: .'.!. Guarantees insued by onr ucntt. rnWQTIPATIHM Cured. Pi!es Preventod, UUnO I ITH I lUrt byiapaneseLiverPeilets the great LIVER and STOMACH KKHllLATOK nnd BLOOD PIIKIF1KR. BiniUI, iniM und pk-iiMnt to take, especially odunted f "t.'liililn:ii'.i uu. WJDijhue cuntH. G U A HANTEEH issued only bj GEO. W. OAbKLIiL, Nrw IU-i no' , N. C. Thf! undorslnoil ,Jolm I I. Moi ii-' Ikw i ?miiirttl us Exocntor ot tlm cMiiti-nt UmiKilUi anil hereby Klvi's noi w that, h inly ::uy au ires all noixoi.N having claims -a--in s1 eatatcottho saiit Mary Uunnc!! them to the saiil John K Mon ie iluly cated, for payment on or befoLv Uie r)l;iv''t June, 1815, or otso this noUeo will ho jiU-nl-el tn bar ot recovory. Persons liuleptcil to said esluto iiumi pa; without delay. JOHN E. MORIUM, I-lvci ntoi J. K. O'Jlara, AtLorm y, THE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURL Is a ton-page eight column Demo cratic Newspaper. It contains the best of everything going. HENltY WATTEUSON is the Editor. Price $1.00 a Year. The Weekly Courier-Journal makes very liberal terms to agents and gives free premiums for clubs. Sample copies of the paper and four-page Premium Supplement sent free to any address. Write to CO UKIEli-JOUENAL CO., Lonisville, Kv- New Berne Weekly Journal And'the COUKIEE JOUENAL jiraibo sent ono year to any ad JOUENAL, New Berne, N. O LE BRUM'S :'VX. This rsniedf . -(rily to tho Mat of -'"Dit-iJriiuryOr (tin i'H change of diet or , :iion mial tr fMinnoui Tited bo taken hiteraiilly. When AS A PREVENTIVE hy wither box U 1 impojaiMotocontrwt ay vnerttl ihoasc; lutin tliecaMo' UMn0Birov1y Ui.yjiiTcnvt Anunts 1 TT Vft TC te a euro. Prioe .y mil, postaeo paiM 0 VX--C-tlprla,oru.scalUr(.. P. DUFFY. DruarffaRt and Sol Aent. HUMPHREYS' WVETEEMYSPECIFICS " lor Sorsai, Cattls, Soeep, Eogs, Eon ' , i AHD POOLTBT.- , -(0Fat Traatnent .f animal . aaa Chan Beat t ree. eaai(WererCaacntlaa)fiiflaaimatlaa A. A.I Bpil Ueainiiti., Milk J-ever. B. BMrataa Lmuuh, Khe.m.tUm. S.O.Dlneaiaeir. Masai Discharges. .DBsts ar Orabs, Warns. . 5. B. CssthSt Besets, Pneansala. r.F. Clio r Urisei, Bellraeks. 6. G.Mlsearriaa, Hesasrrhsiss. B.H. Urissry mni Kidsej Diraasea. I.I. Krn.tlTB Diseases. Mssgc. .KH-lilHtMr Digestiss, Paralysl. slnl. BotU. JTO 90 doXi v 9 . - ? , v.60 Stable Casa. with i BpeM. Usirasl, V atari uary Oin 0U ud MsdicXor. SY.OO Tar Vetsrlaary Cera Olb 1.00 nMili w. whim f Willi BiisPiuts'iu. ce., mailt uurnnnxs! HOKSOPATHIO fiff SrtXERSldll' Th oc W woa f iq rtmadj for 1 iiMi 1ST ROM. II: t. -v or tkaa wo ire Ttai oowdc. for M. xHF CURE btiMr 'j JOEKaWlLLIO. r PROPRIETOR OF Mm Nora Girsizi. ierbleWorko MEW BERNE, N. O, Ooffm mnd Amwimm ItmSk mi J rrYTfnr a WmtmM Oi Jm s solicited and given proper at ceniiou, with satisfaction guaranteed. RAILROADS. Atlantic & ST. C. Kailroad iSi;2.'Ju.C- TIME 1ABLE KO 27, In rV,.,-l r,.0u A. M.. Th:ir-liiy. .l ilv litli IV) I. io!Ni: Kst Si i i 1 . 1 i I . I '. Ciii.m West No. i Vfx Tnt,, Xn. 1. Ar. I.vc. Statioss. Ar. I.vu. i.ni. .'.(I iidlilslxiro 1110 it. in l Hi; ins I( Uran-.i! 10 22 10 ' I 4 "Hi liiistoii !I4S !l i; (in r, Os .ov IJonic S 17 ISO 7 s .Mnirln ail Cily ! 17 Nc. ."i. Xi.i. iJ. Ar. r.vc. .Stations Ar. Lvc. m.iii. 7:17 (miIiIsIjui'o 4 l"i p.m. w 111 8 11 I,:i Oi.'inui; 4 di'i i litl S X, S :i7 Kinsion ". .'I 42 !l .V !) Nrn llrnii- 2 2s 2 :iO till MonlnMil City 1 12 . 1. , No. 2. ' Mi.ro1 r,'. '. ,y I'iis. Truh'.', Sri tii.n. 'fi-'iih. Ar. l.w. Ai. a. in. il .'!() Ii i-1 in i'i 7 2"i p.m. Ci "w 7 ii." 15( st V 11 24 (i 4 7 2 7 .11) l. vliranirc 5 5 I (1 04 7 W 7 r,:s Filling Crrok 5 24 5 30 S 1 1 H 40 Kinston 4 27 "00 I) HO '.I ():! C'aswtU 4 07 4 12 (I 25 10 02 Dover '! :-!2 3 47 10 HI 10 IH! Con: Criok 2 51 3 07 II 00 1 05 Tiisenroru 2 24 2 110 1 1 17 1 I 41 Clark'd 2 02 2 12 12 l.i ; oil N'w I'.oni 1 1 OC, I 3(1 3 :!7 '! 42 Kiverilalc 10 11 10 20 is :: :.o cmaiuii o 5s 10 on 4 (IS 4 l:', llavelork '.I 20 0 ?A 1 :!7 I 12 Newport 8 17 S 57 1 51 4 55 Wililwooil s ::o s :;5 5 01 5 01 Atlimlif X 17 H 22 5 10 5 21 Mon-hcii.1 City 7 50 7 57 5 HI a.m. Morclica.l llrput a.m. 7 .'!o '.Miimlay. Wivlm-alay anil Friday. jTursday, 'l'liui'silay anil Saturilay. Train I romnirls ivith Wihniiiloii t Welilnii train kouial Xoi'lli. KaviiiLi (lolilsljnro 11:55 a in. ami witli Jtirli mniid A; iMiivHlr train Wisl. l,; mj. Coliltoro 2:'.i5 p, ai. Train :i (ainnrii: witli Kiclinnunl and Danville train, :u riving al (.'uliMr 1245 p in. and with riliniiii;liiii : W ei dun train frnni tlie Norlli at 2:55. s. I.. DIM,. Snpi riiiO ndenl. WilniiniTtBii, Newton & Norfolk Railroad. TIME TABLE NO. 1, To take effect Jan., iMMi, 1894, at 6:00 a. m. Snpersedtng Tithe Table No. .'J, Dated Nov. i'J, 1,S!)3. Going Sodtii. schedule. GoiMitfoirrn 'No 1 PauseiiKor Trains. No. i Lve. A. M. Stations Ar. P.M. 8 40 New Berne 5 45 9 18, ar. Pollockaville 5 07 Raven wood 9 Si MayBVilio 4 52 9 48 White Oak 4 42 9 53 Northeast 4 aa 10 06 ar Jacksonville lv. 4 19 10 08 lv ar. 4 17 Jarmans 10 21 Verona 4 04 10 28 nedarhurst 3 57 10 39 Folkstone 'S 40 10 48 Holty Ridge 3 37 10 55 Edgecombe 3 29 1101 Woodside 3 21 11 03 Aonandale 3 17 Cypress Lake 1116 Hampstead 310 11 25 Bootts Hill 8 01 11 30 Kirkland 2 55 11 86 Baymead 2 49 11 48 W.Sea Coast B.R.oroas'g 2 37 11 55 Wilmington Lve. 2 30 No. 8 PASBBNQBtt and FnudnT No. 2 Lve. P. M. Ar. A. U. 12 00 11 10 11 05 10 53 10 40 2 00 2 50 r. 2 55 310 8 22 3 85 New Berce PoliocksTille Rivenswood Msystitle Wblto Oik Northeast Jacksonville 10 28 1018 9 23 9 16 9 06 8 56 843 8 81 8 80 808 8 03 7 59 7 52 -1 40 mv 3 50 4 20 427 4 86 4 46 500 615 5 26 5 86 5 43 5 48 5 53 6 04 09 616 8 81 640 ar. lv. lv. ar. Jarman's Verona ' Cedtrhnrat Folkstone HoliyriJue - ? EdKoeombe Woodside Annandale ' 1 Cypress Lake :' Hampstead Stnu'i Hil! --V ' Kirkland Bavmead ,,''-. .7 85 W.Ba Coast B.B.oroes i 710 Wflmingtoa .ve. ?? 00 i-.PBmHj Except Snndaj. t 4 ! a & ;,'.V;;.- h. a. wnrriNo. ,. " - - " General Manager, v . EXE0TJTIO2I Nokth Carol n A 7 7 "'r-5i ' -,-, ,. ; i Craven Countjy -i ( In SuiieriorCoort IX O. Smaw;.' ;;'") K--'--- T9. .-':" Notice of T!iih TTlA U.w T? WY flan. I .1am k.' I.." crnge Company, j , ,--''5 5-'. By virtue of an execution directed to ' tlie uudersiirueu irom tne superior Uourt ot Cmren county in the above entitled action, i win on aioncyiy uie otn nay oi August, 1894, ut 12 o'clock, in, in die city of New Berne, nt tlie courthouses dour of said county, sell at public aqct tiuii u Uie Highest umder lor casn to satisfy said execution, ull tbe property !' the New Bertie Sewtmse company, con . sistim. of about 5J milis pipe, piping, iiiuins, and manholes, running tlimub various streets of New Berne, IV.,- C., of tlie said New Berne Sewerage Com- , iany, consisting of about miles ol pipes anil mams and ull necessary nian lioks and oilier contrivances, necessary for the operation of the said sewerage system. The said property being a Com plete sewerage system for the city of New lieruc as provided by tbe contract made by the City of New Berne witli the Lewis-Mencr Construction Company ou the 17tli day of Nov. 1891. Also all tlie franchise, lights, powers and priviliges granted to the said Lewis-Mercer Conslructioii Company by the City of New ISeniu by the terms of said contract including an easement in the streets of (lie said city of New Uorne for tbe pur-po.-c of lining and operating the said sew erage system, and a contract with the -aid city of New Heine for Hushing the siid system. Also a lot of sewer piping about 2.oo() feet now on a lot owned by James Keduiond on Craven street, in New Berne. N. C. now leased by said S-werage Company, also the leasu bold inti ro4 of the said Seweraire company in and i" a certain lot and ollice on Craven street I n 5 years from -Ian. 3, 1893 witli laid up reuis to Oct. 1st. 1894, the same leaded by faid Sewerage company from la Keduiond. and now occupied by said Sewerage company .and all other proper, ty of every kind belonuig lo said Sewer aje company. This . I line i'.oih. '. I. YV.rli. I.am: Sin .rill' Cloven County. X. C. Judgment Sale of Land Stat'K "I' NollTM Cakousa. I ( 'raven County, Siiie.r:or court. FeOruary Term, 1894. Martin , Law-on v.- Kigdon .tones and Willi. l'ur-uaiii to a .! ndMi eiit of the Super ior conn !' Cra.eii county, February Term. A. D. Is'1!, in lie almvn entitled action, 1 nil! ihoicmI to -ell to the high-r-t hiddi r for ca-li ai the court house il.ii.r :n die city ot New Berne on Monday August (iili, l'.)t, at 12 o'clock M,. the track of land and improvements thereon dociilicd in a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted .lanuarv 25tli, ls'.m to K. . C'ur peiilcr bv ltiudon .lone- mid wile Esther . .lone-, atlil I'ei ordeil in ollice ol IteglS- ter oi De d-of Craven County, iu book 102, page 105. Said Mmlgage was as- ned bv Mini ( urpcnliT on Alay 17, Is'.K) lo Martin J.awson the ilaintift' in lis ai lion. The lands are diisclibed aud irtiiif.l follow, to nit: lieginning at tlie point on the .W use road at the inter- -ecl urn o! - ml road w ith dumping ltllll, ruiuiin.; thence sunt liwanlly and Kast- wardly with said road 155 polos, theuce Noitli 150 i,,ii s in -J u in l t ii Hun, thence up Willi siKl linn to lite beginning, lliese and.- are near b itchier s Creek and ad joining the lands ofFleak .Johnson, Allen V'eutKSsaiid others, and contains 1' 111 y live i55) acri ". inure or le-.-. W. M. WATSON, C. S. C. Atlantic & North Carolina B. R. ! ' A S S H N ' 1 : 1 1 D K. I ' A K T M K N T . New I'.cme. N. C, May 2Htli, '94. I'd Auents A. N. C. R. 1!.: Through mle nf lare limind Trip rickets (neainii if Irnm ci'lilinli stil- i inns taken tu iumt named mi tlie, A. & N.C. It. I!. Tvkit-eii sale June 1st, to Scit. :(iuli If-1.) I. inclusive, good for retiun pa- eji ,i before (Jet. 31st, 1801. : ! I w r I i I 5' T" I ' I H 8 ? i I 2 Hickory N.( i:i..vi .-s l.'.:.ii $ II. In a 10.60 Morsiuitou " 1 1 ;i,r. Il.'.n ll.-IS dm Foil h i;:. i.i.as li.s lllaek M'tn " ia.-'ii i.".,.1!) Dl.so 1:1.20 A-lii-ville !; I...S.-. I4.4.'i ):l.S5 liol SprluKs" 1-:!.". I I7.:i.'i 15.115 15.3.r Kates to all other resorts in Western North Carolina or Virginia tun bu furn ished uiiiin ai)iicalion. Children under five (?) years ol'ai,'e free. Childien ot five (.") nnd under twelve (12) years of age are lia.lt' of the nliove named rates. S. I,. 1)1 J.J,, G. 1'. A. Pennsylvania's LEADING NEWSPAPER Iu all llio attributes that suffice to make ,t llist-cliiNs family Journal, The Pliiladepkia RECORD Spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of tho Old and Now World. lt several Dopartineuts, eauh under th in mtigoment of a competent Sdltor, treat fully matters pertaining to , The Household, - J The Farm, . Woman's World, Science, 1 . Art, Literature, - i Finance, The Real Estate World. Presenting a- complete macazlaa every day,;,; ::,.' - - if- 8CBB01WPT1OJI RATL3 1 - Daliv,rne'yoar, s-' - $3.0u Daily and Hnnday, one year, ' - " 4.W ,c.yt'.'-'t..)?.r i ....1 'i fi'i -A.DDRE33 The , Socord; PuDllshiugr Co. 4 1 917-918 CnEBtHDT Btrrbt. . ..j.iS-V"V;-'ii'iU'-(''!'':"'-''i -' ''' salt by draiata at 50o per bottle. Wm briurMUfOr Ba postpaid on rmlpi of Brio. bsfc.uir.jBc Gcn'L, Fit. and, Pass.ljAgti V c "ON. O C 1 ,1 w i.a? bri Co. . .Avi:,-'-U '- :.

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