lBI-sHMEE 'JOURNAL. . "I ' VOL. XIILNO. 91. NEW BERNE, N. C.: SATURDAY. JULY 21, 1894 PRICE 5 CENTS V: ; JTJZSS LOCALS, KOU the finest line of Meats In the city po to Samuel Coho an d Ron's to-day. ; Veal, Lamb, Mutton and Beat. . fs ' - VOCAL CLASS All those wishing to v" j. take lessons in singing and voice culture are requested to meet at toe i, M. u. a. FOB ftENT: Dwelling No. 124 Pol. lock street, adjoining my residence. jull8 B. B. Davknpobt. i STENOGRAPHY and Type Writing Miss Rachel 0. Brown tenders her services ' ta the, nuhlic as StenoffraDher and tvre- writer. She can be found at the office of - Mr. 0. H. Guion, over the Citizens Bank, between the hours 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. : -s4 JjIS U&dteilZiKWk&K '! MINERAL WATERS; Heving reoeuwl - the agency to represent the Colemansville v :r Mineral Spring Water of Cumberland Co. Va.V I beg- leave to Inform the public - ' that I have" ubw on hand mineral spring i . water for sale at 40 cts., toer gallon. iL . W. Chapman, Agt, 8? South Front St. KOOM8 TO RENT, Comer ol East Front "clvoH Pollock streeta. JU3 5L ; I MACHINE and band made brick in any f "quantity for sale. i; Apply to Chas. Bei. MONEY saved 1 'monev made. : Buy T vour MediciDes at Maoe's Drug Store. You will save money on every purchnw. Quality guaranteed., A trial will convince WANTED: Comes of . the Wbksxy ' Journal of 1894. One copy February T 1st - One February 18th and two - of r February 22d. Please send or address to , tbJ office. . . - . " WHEN Boraxine is used according to directions, a third of the labor and the cost of soap in ordinary washing is saved. Samples free at J. F. Taylor's. . -v,-... SlCW. ADVERTISEMENTS ;? . : ameaWpWateraiT-Mortgajre Sale.,; , ... v 8am'l Colin & Bon Fine Lamb, etc. ' - Tobacco caring has ,; commenced in Mayorliie is Bgain at bis post of duty.: H and the other delegates to the - Oongresstonai convention got uacK yes teyiMj:' pt . -i , J&1 'h Vft Onxt Wedneeday, July 85tb, the Democrtticf nom'nUing convention for r the aiilK" Judicial district , will meet at ;', Morehead -City. i ' The KinstoD Free Piesa thinks that if, .': there is no mishap to crop between now T and harvest time, that the farmeis will ,s Jiave to build larger barns. " Accessions to he ranks of the pleasure : seekers at Horehead are daily freceivedi . ' . Among those who passed through ; last 7f s "'K0':. 8laS down "was a , party -from 32ifXharietou;v (SjXfoUiiweTl and Peterson of Goidsboro ir ne have ijan so' many dollar excursions JfTfe-iTwathal city to Morehead will run an-'-- : '" other to go down Tuesday, jAngust'14tb and return the next evening. , '';-I , -!' The LaGrange itemisser cftbe Kinston Free Press aay twenty-three people ar- rived Monday seeking the healthful waters , ' - 'X ' of Seven Springs, and that there are new . V ' fifty boarders at the Springs. -v . " The members' of the State Medical ' 'V Board which has' been holding an ad ' " i. journed maeting at Morehead City to re V?. i ceiye and act npon appucationa, passed ; " througll' Friday morning returning to - their homes, t - -., , . '-:Mr.'-J. L, Habn who returned from w t ; , Morehead 'yetorday report that the big p? crowd there are haying greaf enjoyment, f . '" TTn ,.. mill, . nartv lllof aatliul AniMrn tn 1 . ) , . " ' iho tioht limlsfl thA nravlnua' dttv trolllna . a they went. , One sera caught weighed ;:. twenty pounds and it - took two men to ipnUhimln.j:;.Vr.--'5 ' TtCu ;-" . Mrs. Hill requests all children Intend- ng to take vocal lessons to meet her at - . the T. M. C. A. Monday morning' at o'clock Lndies .and gentlemen wishintt . to receive instruction in slghtinging and r"-; voice culture, are requested to meet her ' at the same place at night at half past "j;. 'eight o'clock. - ' . " ; , The Free" Press reports that J. B". ; . Darden has tobacco that measures six feet ."r ana tnree incnes across, xnat , . j . Hemby showed the editor two large bolls of cotton, one of which was grown and informed him that the prospect was good ; f r a big orsp, and, it also mentions that ' XL V.. I?.ouse has a turky hen which has :,, ; laid 121 e -a since February 1st, which he tlsinks beats the record ; , Eiaie Superintendent " of Public - In- - st ruction John C. Scarboro, states that , nine cui.i. n out of every ten never at . t"!id any private school but are depen ds :at upon the public schools for their a'.ion. Tills tbows the need of mak- . -ii j t'se schools aa i J a)J as plentiful ', ijiv r.i). ;.',, and of ( .V t'etimeof :!iool term to m 1 . i v., ,i laday.'July i : a period as rrof. J. Y. . 1 iitrial as.;... a teacher's I. r -Q t ) f t of tL J i ' i J tyi! ' . . h c gjrjm tVZSM II BJtATB.;; He Cemben Lost Their Temper Over the Tariff ElU-The Body Adjotrm f -;,-v Beeaase tflt i Spedal to JoxnauL'- ..." ' ;' , Wasbinsbox CmJuly: 20. There was a big 'fight in the Senate today ' over the tariff bill; - Hill," Vewr and others, poke with much temper. - v The Senate adjourned over until Mon day to give time for the excited passions to cool Off and in order also that the people might be heard from on the qoea- Unless there is a pressure brought to bear by the people there! no telling now When the tariff bill will be pasted. resting aa4 Goinr Mr. S: B Waters, of Charlotte, who has been spending a few weeks at More head came up to visit his father Capt. S. B. Waters. V; V lit.- 0. Dickinson, of Brooklyn, who has been visiting relatives in the city left for his home. : I Mrs. Battle Whaler, returned from CroatanArhere she lias been visiting- rela fives. , ' , r Mr. Nelson Whitford and family, Mrs. B. Holland, Miss Fannie Holland, Mr. a Woodard and Mis Madora Ireland left on the Virginia Dare last night for Ports mouth.. Mr. John Watson of Baltimore and bis son Pearey, and Mr. Watson's niece, Miss Jennie Watson of the city, came up from Morehead yesterday, and the two former left in the afternoon on the Steamer Neuse tor their home. " Mrs. . a K. 'Eaton and Miss Sadie Eaton left to spend the summer at High Point and other places in the western part of the Stats. . Mr. JT. Hecbt of Norfolk, who with bis family have been at Morehead for several weeks, came Dp and left on the steamer Neuse to 'make preparations for taking them to. the mountains. Mr. Thos. Simmons of Pollocksville, is visiting at Mr. C. E. Foy's. Miss Jennie Warren a society belle ol Ed en ton, N. C, came up from the At lantic Bote) where she has been spending several weeks en route to Old Point Com fort ' Miss Lallah Ruth Clark one of Wash ington's prominent society ladies left on the steamer New Berne yesterday going to Old Point and Virginia Beach after spending a month at the Atlantic Hotel, WiUOpea September lit. Messrs. Stewart ft Hughes Proprietors of the Chat tawk Hotel propose to have It open by the first of September. They have secured the services of a first class hotelist, Mr. O. W. Everitt, of Canton, Ohio, at manager, and have or dered, their ; furniture. : It is shortly ex pected to arrive and the work of furnish ing will be pushed with vigor. ,; ; Messrs. Stewart and Hughes go into the business with the intention of running the Chattawka as a hotel should be run and of giviug aattsfiiction to all.patrons. Hayors Ooart. John Blade, while under the influence of liquor created quite a disturbance Thursday night on Short street and on account ofjt was tried before; acting Mayor Ulrith yesterday on several charg es. : i.;"iv'ff'v''?'.i ? . On the charge ot being drank'and dis orderly he was fined $100 and costs for assault on Ella ' Hay wood, Judgment was suspended on payment otcostsj for as sault on Mrs. Wllbornel judgment was suspended on payment of cost.'; The otner cases were aismissed. , . ? Robert Lowe, coL, Alias Blackio was tried for,! assault on Lizzie Latham and also for, assault pa Ella Hinstv Judg ment was suspended in each case on pay- meat.or eostsvv - , ; w.. it the T X. 0. A. Hall.-. :;-vV.1 A very enjoyable evening was passed at the T. M. O. A, Hall yesterday and the entertainment was largely attended, The following Is the programme ren dered: , , . '. . : Orchestra. V'C-JiXa Solo Mis Roberta.': ; 'tsy'i. Instremental Duet , Misses Hughes and WbiUoro. ? Solo with Bute Mrs. Hill and Mr. Nunn. ;;':., ijx'jWs Orchestra. , " t ; Solo Mr. Stallings. ,7 - Recitation MUa Gray, lef Wife, - "The Gamb- Male Quartette Messrs Stallings, Harper, vim ana uartstteui. -v. . Solo-Mrs. Hill. '; Orchestra. , ; ;:;v ::;' Every rendition was tine but we will refer to bu two of those who partici pated, Mr. Hill, of Wilson, and Xlas Gray, of Washington City. Mrs. Eirunghted all with hei remarka. bly vocal powers and their perfect culture. ' Her voice is exceptionally plea irand she executes the most, dl-Seult notes with ease, aprearently without X Che Wis encore J r--': "y, I Gray, tut oae so yourj, : is a of i ..etfsn u J"S';. Cor ' t, a 1 1 f t . ha j I e." owsjV 'y tl jts'.s ' ' '' i v . 'iltfe THB fIBST II HEW BEBSE.' ? v- '-ri.- - 'y-- The . Joarnal Offlee Takes the Lead ia.UtUlalBf;. Water Power.;'; Little .but load was the exclamation when' water was turned on the little giant Pelton .water moter yesterday to drive the power press- on which the Jovbmal is printed. ''' ; , ; ;-,TM little thing, alt told, is tto Urger than dude's hat, but when the water 'is turned on the miniature bsine of iron and seel goes humming and the big press begins to revolve and shuffles off jit .a rapid pace, turning the papers out as fiwt as a boy can feed them. -rTbe motor was put in ami fitted to the press yesterday hi a very fewrrs-by our young ownsamDr Air. c. i. Doy, "0810688" manager of fie Water Works Co. When taken from the box in which it was shipped, it bad more of the appear ance of a toy than a piece of practical machinery, bat to prove its merit Mr. Foy Offered to apply it to the Journal printing press and trust to results. With all confidence in his mechanical ingenuity he took hold of the job and, contrary to all expectations, it was put up, connected with the water works, and put in opera tion by noon Its performance was as steady and near perfect as could be desired. A number of our business men called around to witness its runnii.e, and they pronounced it a success. Report Neglect of Our Carriers When Bate of It ' Whenever one of our carriers fails to give satisfaction to one of oar subscribers we wish to know, that the fault may be remedied, We wish every subscriber to get every paper he pays for and to have it left, if possible, just where he wants it and as early as he wants it. So if tbeie is ever any real cause for complaint let us know for we are more anxious to remedy any laxness in this Hue than even the subscriber himself. But on the other haod, we would ask each one when he thinks ho has cause for complaint to first investigate at home and see if the failure to get Hie paper when nnd where he wants it, is not due to -some member of his family's having it; some servant's placing it elsewhere than where be expects to find It, to some neighbor's borrowing or some similar cause. " We will cite two cases lhat have re cently happened which show the need for this. One gentleman whose people are away, told us of a failure to receive his paper. . By chance the carrier waraeen to have left it and wa consequently vindi cated irom this supposed neglect of duty. The gentleman being questioned, ad mitted there was a servant ab-mt. He did not intend to accuse the boy wrong fully, but he simply thought of the boy as . the cause instead ot thinking of the servant Another gentleman who thought his paper was not delivered until very late in the day, found a neighbor was borrc w ing, and not returning It until nine or ten o'clock or later. These instances will suffice. If annoy. ance arises enquire at borne hrat, and if the cause in not discovered there, let ns know and see what we can do in the matter. To Reach The People. Printers' Ink, a journal devoted to the science of advertising, in an article on what papers to use to reach the people of North Carolina, by Mr. J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh, says: . "In the east the Norfolk (Va ;A Virgin- ian-Carolinian, the Wilmington Weekly Messenger, tne Kinston Jrree rreas and the New Berne JotTBNAii (Daily and Winxiit) -should . be used. - Each of these papers reaches several goodly small towns and circulates well in the country." The time for another: cheap trip to the mountains is at hand. The six dollar ex cursion to Asheville next. Tuesday -will give an opportunity to view some of the finest scenery in the State,.' Mt. Mitchell therhlghest mountain we have can. be visited, Vanderbllts wonderful mansion and surrounding grounds fitted up in such grandear as is not approached by any other place of its kind in America if in deed, in the world. There are also other places which make It well worth While to take the trip. v." - i ,ihe citizen of whom we made mention in yesterday's Jcjjbsal, of moving from Pennsi lvania : brought .with ' nun . six horses instead of two as we mentioned, He has now another ear load of effects on the way. , All good citizens ar welcome to our State, and the resources In this section for future" development antold are therefore making a most desirable field for prospectors and all industrious class. The- Goldsboroi Headlight says the ex cursion to Asheville next Tuesday is now the all absorbing topic 'of the day and there is no doubt but what all will have a most enjoyable trip. Mr. Pipkin tells the Headlight that there wilt be ampl seat ing capacity, and that be will make it his special duty to look . after the comfort of ladles and children. An 'Otsorvation car, containing comfortable cane chairs, will ta attached, at an extra charge of $1.56 r prson. The mom' 'n scenery of ITorlh C, ' .hna is i " '.'y.Kran 3 ; I e la an c-portum-v : all to s t' l- v f re ol . )f. rt City Tax Levy. ' The Board of city council met in spec ial session and made the tax levy for the year 1884, the same as last year 60 cents on 11.00 valuation, and $1.80 on the poll. . For railroad purposes there was levied a special tax of 30 cents n the $100 val uation and 60 cents on the poll. This was in accordance with an order recently passed by the Board of county commis sioners which is as follows? North Carolina ) Craven County, Ordered that there be levied on the real and personal property subject to tax ation by the City of New Berne a tax ol 90 cents on the $100 valuation: and 60 cents on the poll, for the purpose of pay ing,, tne interest onto ooncla issued by the city of New Berne in payments for its subscription to the capitol stock of the East Carolina Land Railway company and to create a sinking fund to pay the principal thereof, Ordered further that said taxes be collected by the City Tax collector and by him turned into tlio city Treasury. NonfH C'akolina Craven County, I Jas. W. Biddle Register of Deed hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an order of Board of commissioners of Craven County passed oy them attneir meeting July Utn 1904. Jas. W. Biddle Reg. Deeds. Raleigh correspondent Messenger: Your correspondent is informed that a conference was held this week at Golds. boro by Messrs. Marion Butler, W H Kitchin" D L Russell, J C L Harris, and W T Faircloth. It is said they wish W F Stroud, Populist, of Chatham county, to retire as a congressional aspirant so J C L Harris could run. It is said that Stroud declined to "step down." Such is the report which Comes here. HAPPENINGS OF THE DAT. Uonaco, Kv. had a single shock ol earth quake Thursday morning. Bob Madkics. the negro rapist of Ala mance county is to be nung August lotli. The crime was committed May 20th. The Methodist local ministers confer ence is now in session at Rutherford Col lege. It began Thursday - and bid fair to bo of great interest to all in attendance. Prendergrnst was sann enough when he knew there was no longer any hope for saving his neck. Hanging is the right remedy for such insanity as bis. Hot words in the South Carolina Till man-Butler campaign came near resulting in a riot Thursday. Friends of each got excited and pistols were drawn but fortun ately passed on quietly. The Trustees of Trinity college have to do their work of electing a suc cessor to Jtresioent uroweii over again as Prof. Denny, of Vanderbilt University to Whom was tendered the position, de- ciinei u. A .Silver creek, N. Y., woman who started out to earn $1 for church purposes contracted to snave tier husband ten tiniesfor the money. In relating her ex perience she Siiid she was quite successful in her undertaking, cutting only a few gashes in his face, which she "puttied up witnout mucu difficulty. It looks as if Capt W. II. Kitchin were living up to bis declaration that he has Abated nothing of his Democratic pnnci pies. The reports from his campaign are that be is making Democratic speeches, except as to his treatment of Cleveland; and these reports are borne oui by the i that laudation of him is conspicu ously lacking in the Populist paper. Charlotte Observer. Mr. H. L. Grant, of Wayne, one of the Republican State executive committee, has called a meeting of the committee at Raleigh op July 80th. An exchange says: 'Eaves, chairman, did not want a meeting ot the committee. Those who desire a committee meeting before the convention want to make a fusion ar rangement with the Populists. The fusion idea, it is said, is to elect a mixed islature ana nave it elect J. u. 1'rit- chard and Marion Butler IT. S. senators. An electric railroad project of impor tance will, it is staten, soon be carried out in . western North Carolina. It pro vides for the building of a seventeen-mile road trom Kutnerlordton to Ubimney Rock. The former place is the terminus of the Carolina Central and the three C's. The route of the new road is through the rich valley of the Broad river, between lofty mountains with picturesque scenery on all sides. Heavy steel rails are to be hud and the "road otherwise built in a substantial manner. The building of an elevator to the - top of Chimney Rock dome, a height of 1,164 feet, is also a part of the project George : Mills, who on circumstantial evidence stands accused of the recent atrocious murder of his niece, Miss Iana Wimberlv.' near Apex. Wake countv. has for several weeks been in jail at Goidsboro for safe keeping. He was taken up to Raleigh on Wednesday the 18th Inst.. lor preliminary examination. It was held the next da v. There were some sensational and revolting develop ments. The girl, 17 years ot age was en clente and! since- these facta were devel oped it is generally believed that while Mill killed tbe gin it was planned and caused by members of her own family. It is thought by some ot the neighbors that one of her nearest relatives is the father of the child. It is understood that at tbe final trial, September 24th, much evi dence of a very sensational character will be brought out Mills, the murderer, has an idiotic face and seems entirely un moved. - 1 i - .1 Cheap Rate to District Conference. The White Oak District Conference ot the ME Church, South, will be held at Tabernacle church, White Oak station, on W N &-N Railroad, commenclgh July 18th and lasting until July teist. .- For this occasion the W N 4 N Rail road will sell round trip tickets irom NowiBorne to White Oak and return for $1.25. . Tickets on sale from the 18th - to ' 21st i 1 1 iv and good to return until July Si 1.J4 . J. W. Martknis, 1 1 - Tr" c Hanr- A State Occasion at Morehead. The echoes come up from Morehead that the banquet night before last in com pliment to the officers of the Colfax was one of the most elegant and successful occasions ever numbered in the history of Ibe Sir filmed Atlantio Hotel. Some very felicitous speeches were male, and among others we have heard the response of Col. J. S. Carr to the toast, "The State Guard," spoken of as one of the hanpicft of the evening. , . Another happy effort nn this occasion which we have heard much compliment ed, was the address of His Excellency Gov. Cair, in responding to the toat, The Old North State.'' News-Obscr ver-Chromcle. Jftsolufefy Fure A oream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St..N. Y. Summer School in Art. Miss Annie Berry, Art Toacnrr in J)ur West Female College, S. C, will lake a summer class in New Heme al an earlv date. Pupils desiring to enter will pleanj hand in their namcH at once. j It 1 v Water Works Fire Alarm Signals. After an alarm of fire has been .-onl in, the following signals will he observe I 1 v engineer of water works: 1 tap, keep s;anu-pipc pressure up. 5 taps, pump direct through main. 2 tans, shut oil' direct pre. me aiul pump in stand-pipo. s taps, lire out. W. 1). Baku i xerox. Chief Fire Department. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. By virtue of power of pale contained in a ueal JWiai? uorigiige execmeu oy Samuel Jones ami wife Elizalxith Aim to James W. Waters, and dulv recorded in Register Deeds oihee, book 1U7, tollio VM Records of Craven county, I will sell at public auction to tlio highest bidder at the court house door in New Bernc,Couu ty of Craven, State of North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M, en the 20th of August 1894 the following Real property, to wit: ' A certain piece, parcel, or lot of land in Craven county, North Carolina, it being the laud upon which the late Vf. M. Nobles resided at the lime of his death and same land doviscil to Ami lh Jones by will of said Nobles, adjoining the lands of Ipock, Fulchcr, Staplcfonl. and on the North sido of Neusn liivcr in number one townsnip; ou acres more or less. Terms ot sale Cash. New Berne, N. C, -lulv IK, 104. JAMES W. WATERS, Mork-aguv Let thy habit be as costly as thy piir -r can buy." Siiakesi'Kai:. It is your privilege to dross well and when you need any thing to complete your wardrobe call on us. We have just re ceived a new and handsome lino of Negligee shirts, sashes, mid summer Neckwear, Pleetod bos om, open front shirts, pleets to the side. The old reliablo Dia mond shirt always in stock, sizes 14 to 17h Collars 11 to 1S.1. Lots of fixings you need. J. M. Howard. FOR RENT. The house on Metcalf Sleet lately occu pied by A. E. Ilibbard. Apply to, (jr. H. Roberts. FOR REJN'r. A DWELLING HOUSE of Seven rooms. Also Dining room and Kitchen, next door to Mr. C. C. Clark's residence Apply to, NOBMK, Klf-BfflE ani WASHINGTON, N. C. DirectLiiie, ALL WATER ROUTE. SteameT NEW BERNE WILL' SAIL TUESDAY'S' & Fill SAIL TUESDAY'S DAY'S 3 T. M. NEW YORK CITY. .S.Co. Guaran- aDellvery via O.D. S. teed, i No Transfer Charges. PHILA.CLYDKLINK. -v - i - Baltimore old bay line. BOSTON PltOTIDENCB M. A M. Tit A NS. GO. WASHINGTON. D. O. NOKPOLK & WASH , . .. j i , TOM . 11. CO. . IRICHMOND.rVA-S-11. CO. J ; ralph gray; Afft; ; New Borne, N. 0. , BRABHAM & BROCK 103 1XI1jL.12 ST. : - . .. - . .1 i u.y " r-,- v;r( Fresh and Pure Stock of Drugs and , Chemicals. ' Po) Bakincr ACCUMULATED 4 w AccMlateii E Amilatei vv A w ): AA e A I A i. L. i. T T T H II s the roult nt Saviiuj,- snuil things a vd! a kin;v jls tht result nt Sh i n u." small tiling as well as l.iruv OlllHlll')IIOOIII)lMIOC)(MlilH)i;l)(M)IIOOOO IS THE i:i:si'l,T Oh' SAVINT. IN SMALL TIUNdS AS V.'K.L!, AS LA NO). 01)01 KM Mill II IO(M ll II 1i)i IO( Kill! 1000(10 0110 IS Tlllfi KKSl LT OF HAVINC1 IN SMALL THINGS AS W LLL AS LAIiUE. 001)01 Mil Mil M MM M )( H MIDI )l Kill! II II II MM Mil II) WWW 53 25 l t P H H H o o o Cm Cm Pm Cm Cm o o fe3 3 2 o o B b J J P o o a a S t 13 Cm Ph W rn pq S P3 S P 02 CO OQ www www H H H in co y-1 i i h-I H fH tH S a S o o o fe5 !ZS JZi O O o o o o www patronize mmii o go cr o p CP o td CD And You Will Save Money, And You Will Hi' .Save. Honey, . H r . j . i t.H''-i y-j V . . ' . st A v.'.-;j!- :w IlilYOIIini'SiVEEQM PAPEandDEYO, WUOLKISALK Commission Merchants. ri Ac HOI- WaHhington Htreet, NRW YORK. . Soutliern Fruits aud Vegetables a Specialty Large and Roomy WAREHOUSES. Facilities for handling heavv shipments unsurpassed by any house in the business. StiTRETUitNS MADE EACH DAY OF SALES" National Bank of New Berne, N. C. Guusevoort Bank New York. RI5F15UENCE: Stencils and Pc:tali i t can be obtained !at .',-j n;.' . Kjr mi a'H-iX", JOHN DIKE'S. V i- V; 1 ,'-'- '1