X' - .! ;;- y J A'UN A L if publl.-jhdud Dally v al si.ott pur your j i.s or ulx . l-uiivewl to 'UV rtul'Kcilbert t r mouth. . , v f.K.KL KNAl. in pubIHli.il .rainy at l.u l yw ' nt for transient ailverttsem ntl must In. advances, t tlegulat ' .dTertl8e i , .U be collected dromptl--attbe sod , .-iimuuloatiom containing news ol sufll- tmitpublle Interest are solicited,. Ho com munication moat be expected to be pubUao Uiat contains ob)ectloobla penmuOiUea, or wlthnlila the name ot the author.- Artloles onjrer than halt a column nus be paid tor. AdrertlaomeoU under head ot Business ho ale and Reader eente per line tor first naertloa. cents each subsequent Insertion. Special rates tor extended time. - ... ;K ... Any person leeUnt aggileved at any an any moos communication eaa obtain the same ot the author by application at this office and showing wherein the grievance exists. BULKS' ADOPTED BY THE NOBTH CARO- OLINA PRJBS8 ABHOC1AIIOX. , The sum ot not less than fly cents per line . wU be charged tor "cards 01 thanks, 'resolu i ns.oi respecr and; obttnary poetry," also lvr ebltoary notices other than those whloh tiis editor htmeeli shall give as a matter ot Notices ot church and society and all other entertainments trom which revenue is to be Uerlved will be charged lor at the rate ot 5 cents aline. . , ' ' THE JOUKNAL. 1. 1. mm, O.T.SASQ0CS, Proprietor. '- Local SepcrttT. IpfSnUrtditiVit PoU Offlei aLNnt Berht,V. G, at ttconMau matter. JABYI3. Senator Jarris has kindly sent ' ns the speeches made by him in the Senate, on Jnne 11 and 22, on . eotton bagging and the income tax, and for this we thank him, bnt ' we especially thank him for his brave .words In vindication of the people he so ably represents, fie has taken the first occasion that presen ted itself to speake tor" his people, tad the voioe of North Carolina is ' again heard in the Senate. A little wLHe ago the hearts of North Oar. llulaas saddened by the. death of Zebnton B. Vance. Heaven for. i bid that we should, ever forget him " cc in any respect be . false to his memory, bat it is matter of con gratnlation and rejoioing that the 7 mantle of Vance hs fallen npon the , shoulders of one worthy to wear, it. We cannot now give the speeches of Senator Jarvis io full but :we trust that the) will be soattered broad oast all over the State. They " are fall of patriotic sintiments and l brare irords, iandf whoever reads them feels honored that be has , such a Senator.: Speaking on the 22nd, of June, . on the Income Tax, Senator Jarvis aid: . N "The question that we are now discussing is simply and purely a - question of taxation. There, is, as very Senator knows, a certain mount of money to be raised for - the support of the National Gov- arnmanr anrl T haliAva snnh vnar. ' an timsi ralla on. the) amonnt to . be I raised Increases rather than dimin ishes. Where and how shall that eaoaey be raised is the ques tion. The Senator from Ohio says put the burden on Sugar. The Senator from New England says put it ; on manufactured goods. The . 8enator from New York, I belelvs, would say pat at least a reasonable por- timofit upon cuffs and collar's that the poor people wear. Mr. President, my idea is that, In Imposing these burdens of taxa 4iM, the heaviest burdens should be put . upon ' those best able to bear them, and the least burdens upon those leut able to bear them. , If you are going to make any die- tlnotion in Imposing these burdens npon any class of our people, those who strive and toil in the shop and In the field, the 80 per oent of peo ple who the Senator . from New York says, own neither 'real nor - personal property I say if any olass of our people are to, .be fav- nd in our system of . taxation , it does seem to me that they1 ought to be the favored olass, beoauae k of their inability to bear the bur. aens: y- : ' ''' Then they ought to be the fav. , 'ortd . class, because I believe it is , this 80 per eent of people in this country, who have been delving in ' the mine and working in the shop and in the field, on the farm and in U ths faotory, who are creating the wesith I of i the . country, and when the country : is threatened 'gm It is fronthif SO pet' cent ; of peo - glbvt$M$ ropertyf iSatl'Ithe T noldlery will oome whicu Is to - defend the honor and the . glory , of the eonntry; so, I say, If any dies . of our fellow-citizens are to rlw favored, It does seem to me that they ought to be the favored class. ;.k; .-p:;fi Wfit t fr. President, as I understand rsmocraoy it means i sympathy i :h the strussling people of 'this c isntry: as I understand Denioc- -y it nciartakes to protect j&e . ; . '.j t-f tLa tvUutrj; bat at the 6. ..a t;o it goes out into the high- ays and into the: byways, and pot its. great arms, around the laboring people, who ' create the wealth ot the country, and under takes to lift them ap Into a higher and better life. . : . I thank God, for one, that the Democratic party to day is in the hands of those who have the ' cour age to take tome of the burdens from the "people ! and' pot them apon the . accumulated wealth of the country, and Instead oTof8 bill sounding the death knell ol the Democratic party, -1 believe it Is bat the first step onward to a high er prosperity and a more glorious career, if it shall ';- only , have the courage to move farther on the line whloh has been selected. ' ,, t " ' I believe, Instead f our Bepub UcanTriends in 1897 ieeing a Ee pnblioan President inaugurated, that the standard of Democracy will be advanced still higher, and that oar .banners will again float over the House of Representatives, tne Senate and the White House when the next President shall be Inangorated. ' v Te ttroter Clereland,' President of These United Stat-the Hig-hest - - Office in the Gift of the People. Dear Sib: In these : trying times wben the scum ot every na tion on earth is allowed to settle in our midst and set their heads to gether to do all manner of deviltry and hellishness, to give others an opportunity to plunder and steal, it behooves every law abiding citizen to raise his voice in thunder-tones and exclaim "well doue thou good and faithful servant" of tbe people of the V nited Statee. Sir, in your recent message, call ing out' he United States troops, you showed no want of determina tion to uphold the laws of the coun try Hence Debs and his followers were soon convinced there was to be no compromise, no half-way grounds, and the strike was dec lared off. Tbe people of tbe south are with you; they appreciate your firmness in carrying out the laws oi the land to the letter, even at the point of the bayonet. How many uvea ana minions ot proprty might have been saved could this have been done at the beginning of Ooxev's march and when the strike begun. Notwith standing the criticism of ex-Presi dent Harrison, together with the destruction ot property, the loss of life and the failure of the Governor of Illinois to suppress rioting, it was your duty and y m did right in calling out the troops to sup press or disperse an uniawtm assemblages. I will admit that it would have been unnecessary for the President to call out the United States troops had tbe Governor of Illinois sup pressed the riot with his State military, which could have easily been done long ago, tsat tne crms came, something had to be done and the people were depending on Graver Cleveland who stands aB firm as the Book of Gibralter or Big Ike, the great American bank runt dealer. Yea, yerily, the strike is off, but don't torget that tne great aiaagnr. er sale of men's, youths', and boys' clothing and gents furnishing goods is still going on at tbe Thornton Block in Fayetteville. Newbern, Wilmington and Fayetteville and the surrounding country give us a oalL We will convince you that the excitement caused by this grand sale is Still unabated. - All diseases ot the skin oured, and lost completion restored by Johnson's Onen al Soap. G. W. Gasklll. Convention Dates. The State Democrat ic con van tion meets in Baleigh on August 8th. First Oongessional District at Greenville August loth, Ninth congressional, Asteville, Aueust 15. Fourth congressional, Baleigh, August 15. Eighth oongres8ional,'Vilkesboro July 25. Sixth Congressional, Lnmberton, August 25. Seventh congressional, Balis bury. August 1. Eighth Senatorial District New Berne Monday o my the vs. - Eighth judicial, Salisbury, Aug ust 2, i Sixth judicial, Morhead Oity, July 25. Fifth judicial, Durham, August 7th. Fourth judicial, Stnithfield July 18. Tenth judicial, Lenoir, August 2. - First Judicial,, Plymouth, August Fifth Judicial, Durham, August 7. ' Sixth Judicial, Morehead Oity, July 25. ' Eleventh Judicial, Shelby, Aug ust 1. . Twelfth Judicial, Dillleboro, July 20. ( . ,. i i,.r m m Johnson's Magnetle Oil kills all pain Whether internal or external. $1.00 su Wets; 50 qt. eize 25 cents, ' - ,: J -i-i-' Fortverttyearg' Mbs. Wihslow's 8ooTM.na Syhdp has been used for children teething."5 It soothes the child, rodent the gums, allays all pain, cures wind follf , and is the best remedy for Diarrho4. Twfnty-five cents a bottle. Sold y all druggists through out the world. j j r. -ju18dwlm- - tee r 3 . 1 ICt BO CENTS PER BOTTLE e imi u vsUaili mraiiuTisx rut, .. 4 ' roe Can by DRuaaiSTS. ' TTTTTTTTTTTTT"TTTTTfS?fw ' R.. 0 Tavlor'. Murfreesboro.;' Tenn write: - I have used the, Japanese Pile Cnre with great satisfaction and Success. ' 6. W, QASKH.L. Important to Truek Shippers. t Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, . , Transportiition Department, r KeW Beii), N, 0.; June 30, 1894. "Cir$CflLATl.' .1 I have the following from Mr. J. R. Kenly. Gen'l Maimgei' . A. O. laue All Ball , "I have received the followiug measiiga from Mr. J. D. Hutchinson, If en i oopt, l'ouna. Eailroad Co. "By arrangenients made with the Re ceivers of truck in New York we can re commence the- .delivery of perishable freight from. your uist. A. K rH.J.lt. K.) upon Tier 29, Kew York, In the name manner a9 waaone our'iigiue yeur inva beginning Sunday night. July 1st, 1894. S. L. Dill, 6upt. U niversity of N orth G arolina Includes the College the University, tbe Law School, the Medical School and the Summer School for Teachers, College tuition feO.OO a year hoard 87.01) to $13.00 a month. Session . begins Sept. 6. Address FRKSIDENT V INSTON, j30dw2w Chapel Hill, N. C, HOTKLS. NEW BERNE HOUSE, Moreliead City, N. C, J. H. , MANN, Prop. Pleasant Location New Manage ment Good Accommodations ' Attentive Servants Terms Eeasonable. Bathing Houses Free. MOUNT MITCHELL HOTEL, UlaAk Mountain, JV.G Unsurpassed Scenery, Water, Air, and Fare. Terms Eeasonable. Opens May 1st, 1891. W. D.-SPEAGUE, Prop. BPEailroad, Telegraph, lind Post Offices near the dpor ;rii - ml5tl EXECUTION SALE. Xobtk Cabowna, In the Superior Cmvcn County, J Court. The New Berne Oas Light Company ) VS 1 The Lewis Mercer Construction Co., ) and The JSew Uerne sowctngq (Jo. j NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. Bvivirtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior court of Craven county in tbo above entitled action, I will on Monday the 6th day of August 1894, at 12 o'clock M, in the city of New Berne, at the court house door oi said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ex ecution all the property of The New Bern Sewerage Company, and all : toe rights, interests, and properties ot every nature of the Lewis Mercer Construction Company in and to the said New Berne Sewerage Company, nd all property of evjery kind owned by the said Lewis Mercer Construction Company in connection with the said New Berne Sewerage Company, consisting of pipes. piping, mains, manholes of said the Lew is Mercer Construction, and The Now Beme Sewerage Company, consisting of aoout Ot Jiiues ui mijus uuu luaiuu running through various streets of New Bernejmd ' all necessary manholes and other contrivances necessary ior tue oper ation of the said sewerage svstem; the said property being a complete sewerage system for the City of New Berae as pro vided by the contract tiiade by the City of Now Berue with, the -Lewis M$rcer Construction Company on the 17th day of November 1891; also U .the franchise rights, powers A privileges gristed to the Lewis Mercer Construction Company by the City Oi Nev B.'rne by the terms of the streets of the said City of Now Berne, for the purpose of using and -operating the said Sewerage Systeuv and a contract ujifli tlin Biiid Citv of "Vew Bi-rnn-for flushing , ie said fSystem, also a lot of sewer piping about aooo leet, - now. in a lot ownep Dy tiames ueamond ou urn ve street in New Berue, , .N. C, now leaied by said Sewerage Companyt . also1, tlic lease hold interest oi the said SewerageCo in and to a certain lot and office on Crav en street for . live years from January 8d 1893 , with, pjid .-up rcnti to October 1st, 1804. The same leased by the said feewerage -Company from James Redmond-and now ocru'jfij bv said Sewerage company. ' Also- a tut ul tools consisting of shovels, , picks, etc, :; (and ' ' all. other property of every kind- ' belonging to the said New Berne Sewerage : company, And - the said Lewis-Mercer .Construction ' Company owned and tiscd in connection with said Sewerage company. .' . .. . r-,r Tins July 3rd, 1894. ' W. B. gberifl Cmveu County ,X.,LV, HA U) 1IU1C312. '$PaOjjMiBrick .at E.H.&J.A.IIcadoT73 Cd simp A efficacy rSI; ' I L J, i All Orr::;;iz:il. Wo take very great pleasure ig stating that Ufi). H. H. Kogcij, State Actlor The UNiTisn Katstc ino and Building Co. of Bich4Xll8"i.lIwffl,TlC5C5 tnond. Vft lias nrirnnwAill t.hial . V- mond, Va., Jias organised this strong board bore. , f r OFFICERS : . - K. B. JorTEa, President. ' . i v - Jas. W. Bidble, Vice Pres. i H. M. Geoves, Soc'y; & Tres, Wm. W. Clakk. Atty.- . BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Wm. Dunn, Chas. JisizENSTKiir H a.. isTEEET, ' MATT MANLY, - P. Duffy, , - Ben Hahn, ''! , Jas. B. Duffy. . I APPltAistfBS : N; H. Street, Jas. W, Biddle,.'. Daffy, ' ' ; . tLomfffgranted promptly." - . Wool, CANVAS Cloths f -AND" ' v ,-i-rtt-o-tt ; ' Ladies Dresscs.of these : . v materials will "be very fashionable for Mount ain' or ) Sea-shore this summer. We are. offering a liue of Olaclt, - ! IVavy Dark Tan and lireen , 36 to M indies wide, ftoni 46c to 11.00 per yard. j ISahiples Promptly Mailed. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER, & CO. r RALBIGH, N. 0. JUST RECEIVED A Car Load of WestilFlbiir' Direct from the Mills- A CAR LOAD OF Sfew Orleans Molasses. right off the farm in Louisianna, from hrst hands. Also a full stock of other Groc eries and farmers supplies, for gale cheap. Call and see me, it will pay you. ' ; If.R. JOnES. Daily Per Annum, fG.OO. Sunday, " 1.50. Weekly, " " 1.00. Papers reach New Berne on dy of Pub lication, and contain latest Korta Car olina. Hews, togotber with Telegraphic UeportB ol the WorlO. For lJale A UOUSH & LOT on Queen Street, adjoining the Station of the A. & N. C. R. R. Co. Apply to, . M. Manly. GEO. HENDERSON (Sacoaator to Roberta Henderson,) General Insurance Agent Bepresentlng Inrorano Company of Nortn America, ol Pntiaueipnia. , ' Homo -Insurance Company of Now Toik. , t ' . Hartford Fire Insuranoe Company of Bartford. . - . Queen Insuranoe Company of Eng land. North Carolina Home Insurance Com canv of Kaloish. - -? Green wieb -Insurance Company, of Brooklyn. ' Phoenlr Insurance Coinpany.of Brook lyn. I United Uaderwriters . Insuranoe Com pany, of Atlanta." vt .i.-.?-'-J i -- Boston Marine Insuranoe Company, of EEMOVAL. SK.i STREET GEIIEHAL . IHSimMICE ANt ' ' ' REAL ESTATE ' . ' - I AGENT. ' ' Has! ' moved t to. t he Steve nson Building opposite the.Cotton; Ex change where ho will be . glad to see alltliose who wish Life or Fire Insurance, or to buy, delVor lease real estate. LADIES ti 108 ; ; ' STEEl BSD FEKSTS3IEL PILLS srstheorigtDtiland only FRENCH, safe nod ro liabloor on the market. 1'ucs tLOUi sent b mail, (inouie sold only by - ,4 IV S. DUFFY,; Druggist and 8ole Agent. n r. j THE WORLD AND.THE STATE ' FOR 1.25. We vull send the Nkw Tons Weekly vVow4and Wbkkly .St aw. one. 'year each for $1.25 or tlio Weekly State two yertis for $1. Addrpss: The btiito, ' - iluchtnoud, Vu. V":;i. "I. OLIVER Life, Fir 2, Marine, iAcci lent, Fidelity, "l- Gteam Uoilet A Number of Time-Tried, and Fire-Tested Companies Represent, ed. ' - ; ' Over 1 125,000,000 assets repre sented. ' .'.''-. -4. NOIORARY PtTBLIO. 'Ai Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Connecticut and Pensyl vania. ' Agent National Board Ma: rine Underwriters. PROFESSIONAL. Dr. E. H. GOLDBERG SURGEO-ORAL DE1TTIST. Office Henry Building, ' 5 Middle fit-rect,1ctveon Broad and Pollock JNortu Episcopal church yard, ; - New Bemei N". V-s BRANCH OFFICE Jacksonville, Onslow County N.C, DK G. K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offloe, Sllddlestveet. opposite Baptist ohuroh, . -- j deo8dwtf NEWBEBN. N. 0. DR. J. D. CLARE, DENTIST, HEW BEBE,K,, Ofhec on Craven street, between Pollock nd Broad. ., r : J. H. BEUT0N, M.D..DD.S. Practice limited to Operative and , Mo clianioal Dent 1 s t r y aiul Dental Sergery. . Tooth extra a ted Without pnin by the uso ol Nitro Oxide Bvei-vthlnz in the line of Dentist rv done in the beat style. Satlfiiction gruuranteed. ' Ollice. corner ot Middle street and Federal Alloy, opposite Bnptlet church. i P. H. PELLETIEB, A T T OBX BT A T LA W! Pollock 8treet,Fir8t room fchove Farm. - er' Merohant'e Bank, jiy Will practice In th Counties bf uravsa irteret, Jones, Onilow and PamUoo. as, united states Uourt at New Bern, ana inBisme Oourt of tue Stat. . : WM, . . CLAfiKE, . Office, 1 South Front street of,. , posite Gaston House. ., , . ATTORNEY AT LAW . AMD Keal Estate As:ent. :. JPXvw B-rno, N. C : .i .. .v Connection. New , Y nk Boston arid Canada. - Timber lands. ' Farm Jands ; , ' 1 u Truck lands, . . J' 1 U Town lots. Do yon want to bay t v ' ' - s " WRITE. Do yofl want to sell ! , ' - f , . . JWEITE. 1 ; ' . SPECIAL. ; ' i r" 1500 Ueres, Trent ttoad, 0 miles oloity. Timber and Truck land. ,' I W.L Dquclag ,03 CJIIfllT' lTME BtWT.V!. yllVaV NOBaUEAKINO. 5. CORDOVAN. xrf HENCH&ENAMEliEDCALT 1 ' ..spFlNEOALF&kANfiABjai 3.49 POlICE.S SOUX EXTRA. FINE. . - ;ZAXf BOYSSCHOOtSHCEl l.AMJlE.a 4.:.. X S SEND FOR CATALOGUE ' W-l-'DOUC.l.AS i' -'BROCKTON MAS9. Yon cbd save money by pnrchuins W. Im Douirlafl flhoeH, . . : . Because, we are tbe largest manufacturers off advertised shoes In the world, aud guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protect voa against high prices and the middleman's profits. .Our shoes equal custom work la style, easy fitting ana wearing qu&liUes. ' We have thera sold every where at fowetvprices for tbe VHlue given thaa any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by j; l baxtep;; Agt. Uliving qanlified ns AdminlstHttot of tlie emtttc of licnrv Aocriy aeceasea, late of the: city of i ow Berne, Cm ven Co. N. C tins is to notify all persons bavins; Cluims against tlio said Usury F. Ab rly dee'd to prenciit the same on or bciova tne 83d day of ' May 1895 Or tins notice Will be plead in bar ol their-', recovery, till per sons Indebted to snid eslaU: are ltiHHu'cd to mnke Immediate settlement: This the 2:kltlnT0t'A: v ' ' . : V.T. F. An; an, Adnir.' - Win , At' v. 0 1 i " V- J s 50 ""HE AD ' HORSES RANGING FROM 4 1 & And Weighing From Some extra ffne Drivers in Horses Exceptionally fine Draft Horses and. ' " A full and - complete ... Harness always on! hand: . v' " v ; :'- Bine DTont staples, ':';."-- ,:.. i ' .We wkea speeikltv of high-class Yacht Sallf ind Rigging at . prices very much "below those obtainable on the seaboard. Also , I:' I '. ' X Qompiete sail pians ; Send 6c. (stamps) for new IUusttated Catalogue"of Sails and Marina Oooda,.-ftX'i. ; . ; -GEO. B. CARPENTER & CO. H -. :J we io j i so. water, SUK I twwwwr A CHICAGO. ILU m ' BANKS: Farmers ii Merchants Bank Began Msiness May) 189lVv Capitol Stock, paid hi,-' -8urpluv-fe ' ".:- ' ' Undivided PoQts,, tt ;: . Dividends paid, 4 i, h ; , :. fey.'r OFFICERS 75,000.00 ,-"6,000.00 '2.500.00 ,12,750.0a L. II. CCTi-EB,' f W. S. ChadwtcK, . T. W, Dkwey, A. . H.5 .PoWELISii i" 'i- -ij President . .Vice Pres. -W'? f? Cashier. l:&4:j& Teller.' ') '-."4 .Collector. V, F.Mattiibws, , With well established connections ibis Bank is prepared fo offer all accommo dations, consistent with conservative bank ing. y ik'.'s-tWr'sy Prompt and careful attention given to COllectionsi';''-;f;tw?sI.;:' We will be pleased ta coi respond with those .- who' mey , contemplate mak ing changes of opening new accounts.' , .;.; ' t. A.'BBTAM, ' : ;J TE05.. BASHM,';' w'fttiiaiauS - ' Vice Pres." " '"' - 0. 'fi. S0BEBT3, Cashier. ; ( ; THE ' HATIOHAL ; BANK Of New Derne, N. C. Capital, ' $100,000 Surplus Profits, i 98,168 ;-( 'I:''!,-7;',.1; , directors:,- . , ; ; Jab.; A. Bwan, . Tifos. Dajuelb, . CirAS. 8, Bbyah, J. II. Hackbubn, JNO. DrJUW; " l-.- h. HARVXY, G.Hi Koberts, . E. E. Bishop.' ; Tnos. A. Green, Pros. C K. Pov, Gashler, , Wm.D.uM!t, vice-Pros. H. M. Obovks, Tollor. CITIZEN'S BANK OP Xfiil wBaiBira, xr.p. i .' DO A GENERA Ii' BANKISG BU.blKESS. - The Aocounta ot Banks, Bankers. Corpor? atlons. Farmers, Merchants and others re oolvod on favorable terms. Prompt and care nil attention given to the iuteieut of our cus tomers, , , Fordinand Ulrlch, i J . A. Meadows, Bamuol W. Ipooavr Clius. H. Fowler , William Dunn, ;.; K. W. Smallwooil, Uoo. N. lvs,' ' E. H. Motulows, , Chas; lmily, Jr. Jftinos Itodmond, . Chas Reizeimteln, ' Miiyer Huhn, . Thomas A. Groen, c.a.rov, j : ' is a recognized authority in Prac tical Fruit-Growing, Market Gard ening and. .every ' branch- of the business connected with the frnit and vegetable industryi ; Its col. omns contain 'articles- from the best , informed practical fruit growers in this country. J It is a six column, eight-page all around fruit-growers and'' famil" journal. It is f published - set montL'y; at Cobden Illinois, i sit growing centre of the V ; CO cents per year. - : ; cad for iiee sampler , i't :'(..i...:r n j, i . , AND IIULEB"" 50 TO 7 YEARS ;OLU, 850. to 1450 lbs.. Ea'cL ? also' adapted, to all purpose ; "v Males. - . v- r. ' : , ii'v , .line of Buggies and ;'. . ttiddio Htreet,yjsew uerne, jf. u. . j vi-viSi :,y wii.VtvS JMJJ .'5oJS'?' Outnts For Hsnermen. : . r Send us airnensions of your boat and' we will Submit J v; ana ; estimates' on ner. comptetc : ouiw. v a- .. . and iGoods. ? VITAL TO MANHOOD. 1 'L.tW 11111 1 ISSJ- ' "V" AND BltAIN 1'KlSAf W MKNT. aflnnolno tnr KvtAvla i.i.h... v4.. - rourla. Hfiadacha. Nurvnna Pr,.itr,H..n ' n-.T?. ... ' alcohol or tobacop, Wakof ulnsss, Mental Depraniou ; Softening ot Brain, causlug hwanltv, misery, deosy 1 death. Premature Old Age, itamimeaa,-ijamTot Power In either sex, Impotunoy, LeuoorrhoM and at Famale Weaknesses, Involuntary losses, Sperma : , torrhes caused by overexertion ol brain. Hell abuse, over-Indulgenee. A month's treaSnent.fi V . - for s, by mail. With each order for boxeeTwitr' 1 V ' to wiU send written guarantee to refund If not ourwt ' ' Ouarantees Issued by agent. WEST'S I.IVKtt piij ':'-" eures Siok Headaehe. BilimutMwa rj.iKin(n . v -Sour Stomaoh, Dyspepsia and Ooustluatlou. ' J. i ' vr ' .uiuofl.aw hhhi giif n7r L-; r, T-) -'- 4 8. DtJFEY, Druggist and ' Sole Agent.. . . '.' - - - , CUT THIS OUT ? and with. 10 cents send to and we will forward you iniBTY-To ' pages sbeet music six-i-the nret- tiest Vocal and Instrnmental Mu sic published, printed, in elegant style.' with two,, large and four smaller pictures of i the leading actresses of the day In each folio. Adrcss, Musical Echo, .' 1441 Bjoadway, N. Y. .......r- - al2tf ,'i"'Wti.;...f.!fi fJT'-'.,'.".:v..-i;4-..;if 1 alifELilviv: Jtliiug now wlw.i u nnnv-tlnu) It pays to eapa, ii a iicrnianeiit, utost h'-iiitlry and pleasant bus ..fas, that returns r prollt for every day's work --noli is the buitinesi we olfcr the working eitu -iVe leueU theni.liow to make moacy npi Jlv, auu ,-uiiraiitt-i.- every one who folloi s our instructioiii riiithfully Hie making of MOO.00 auionth. ; ,' fcvery one who takes liold now ud work, wih mrvly.and speedily lnercuse th"lr eiu-nlngiii Iher. 'an be no question about It; others now at work ire doing it. and you, reader, esu do the sanie thin Is the best luyiuf business that yoa mt fvcrjiad the chance to smure.- -You will make i: ;r:ivc mistake if you fail to give It a fiat at once II you grasp the situation, and set quickly, you ill directly And yourself in a mojst pro.K-f,iu, luiuess, at whion you enn surely mak and suvt irgesuius of money. The resultsof oniyaim 'nun, work wiU often equal a week's Whether you are old or young, maB orwoi-i. it nukes no iliHerenco, do as we tell you, s ho .na will mcot you at the very start, r i -xperieuoeor capital necessary. TIkwc - for us are rewarded. Why not wrhc ' vi-rf fuU purtlcuiara, tree B. C. AIXKiv ', , . At. . n BojJjftsm J Or; E. C V w sold iwl-'r Ud aw. Brain a. -i Miit I of y, r