QURNAL. VOL. XIH-NO, 95. NEW BERNE, N. C. THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS BUSINESS LOCALS.- A GOOD pony for sale. Kay, 808, Pollock tieet. . J. Alex Ve st "TOR Pains, Sprains, Hheumatistinuid Congestions use Berry's ten tent Poroui Plotter. V jy85-lw. LUST. Between the Baptist church and the residence of Mr. J. C. Whitty on Sun day the 22d, a Ladies Double Case Gold Watch. The finder will be liberally re warded Uy leaving the same at the Jodb nai office. 83dtf FOlt KENT. House and Lot corner of Pollock and German streets. "Apply on the premises to Miss Lizzie Oliver. 23tf CALL at Once. I have received a large line of samples of Wall Paper direct from the factory. They will be on exhibition four days. Part'es wishing to order will please select Irom samples before they are returned. R. Bebbt. jy 21tf FOR KENT:-Dwelling No. 124 Pol lock stiert, adjoining my residence. jullHti B. B. Davenport. STENOGRAPHY and Type Writing Miss Rachel C. Brown tenders her services tt) die public as Stenographer and type writer. She can be found at the office of Mr. O. II. Gulon, nver the Citizens Bank, between the hours 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. jyl5 lm MACHINE and hand made brick in any quantity for sale. Apply to Chas. Reiz enstein, or Joseph L. Hahn. a28 tf. MONEY saved is money made. Buy yonr Medicines at Mace's Drug Slore. You will save money on every purchase. Quality guaranteed. A trial will convince you. WHEN Boraxine is used according to directions, a third of the lalor and the cost of soap in ordinary washing is saved. Samples free at J. P. Taylor's. LOUAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. llowaru. AV McKay Pony for sale. Owing to the lecture last night the singing class was postponed till Friday. Iinmediataly after the Presbyterian prayer meeting to-night a congregational meeting will be held in the lecture room. The Repblican judicial convention mcots at Rocky Mount to-duy. The Craven county delegates went up to it yesterday. Mr. C. Gerock Clerk of Superior Court of Onslow county gavn us a pleasant call on his way home from Morehead City where lie had been attending the judicial convention. s Mr. Jus. WinllcUl who has just been 4own to Smiths Creek says the crops (tliere te.the finest he has seen anywhere tlfis yeiir commotion and potatoes are all extra good. Iter. A. S. Ish'ula gaye another pleas ing lecture in Y. M. C. A. Hall last night and showed numbers of interesl'iig things from his native country. He made a good impression. Leg Crashed by Tre'n. A negro boy about fif'een years old named Alexander Tillett met with the misfortune of having his so foot crushed by the train, taking the colored excursion to Wilmington that it bad to be amputated a little above the ankle. Dr. R. S. Prim rose assisted by Dr. J. L. Rhem perform ing the operation. The boy had ridden through the city nirttil near the Hid Us and jumped off. Thea in attempting to jjet on again, he slipped with the result stated. The boy was not a passenger, had no right on the train, and the trainmen say they at one lime had made him get off. Coming and Going. The following New Bernians left for Black Mountain yesterday: , Mr. E. H. Meadows, Mr. L. J. Moore and family, Mrs. C. S. Holllster, Miss Kate Taylor, Mrs. J. M. Howard and Mrs. Bates. . Mr, B. W. Herrtng the Stieff piano man' is again In the city. -- Miss Bessie Guilford and brother are visiting relatives in the city. ' Mrs. W. R. Hooks and Miss Hattie Williams, of Fromont, are fa the city visiting the family of Mr. R. R. Hill. Messrs. J. H. Hackbum, and H. J. Lovjck lolt to visit the Wilmington Com- manuery oi xuuguw teiupmr. Mr. J. J. Baxter family went down : . . . . . . -i. r .'last Dlgul to spenu some nine hi win- head. ' j Mr. C. Follmin's daughter Mrs. in ITAnMwl r.r AIWrllln R. fl. ad her daughter Miss Mattio returned nome yesieruay. V Mr. H. L. Gibbs returned from Nags Head where he has been spending a few '-weeks. " ' ' i . . Mr. tJ. 8. Mace has left to join his fam ily in Hyde county where tliey are visiting TelatiTeSt ;:;V l i'i viff? '': Mrs: Eugeni Spivoy and , Miss Addie 'Coward of Grifton are- visiting at Maj. 3. D.Pope's. ' '. nntnl Albeit arrival y) A. Lyon, ' w TT IV,.. ' Diu(ai A A JlireeisDoro; it a j-w, ,,, McLean. Richmond: U V dot, Maysynie; ; 0 E Slover, city; W C Beasley and fami Jy. cftyj C H Kramer and Joe MeareaN - Y; Prof. E V Mendenhall and muy, city. ". . '' Rummer School In 'Art. 1 Miss Annie Borry, Art Teacner in Due tvui pmi roiinoe. S. C will take a Vw Berna at an earlv date. Pupils desiring to enter will please ihand m twir names at once. jimw Prof. Meadenhall Arrlvea. Prot E. P. Mendenhall, who was re-j cently eleeted principal of the New j Berne Collegiate Institute, arrived last night with his family, consisting of wife and child, moving to the city from Mt. Olive. Tbey are at the Hotel Albert. Prof. Mendenhall proposes to .com mence in a business-like way and to pro ceed at once to a thorough canvass of the city and vicinity for pupils. In this ef fort Prof. Mendenhall should have the encouragement and support of all our citizens. New Berne needs and should have a good well-conducted and well patronized school of the high character Prof. Mendenhall proposes to give us. We will from time to time speak of the school more particularly.' Lenoir Ceaatj Convicts on the Roads. We learned, from a gentlemahwTiolBas" travelled through Lenoir county, that as far as the county has worked the roads, by convict labor they in fine condition full eighteen feet wide, and thrown up round. While they are making slow progress when once they get around, it will be but a small job to keep the roads in fine condition. The roads are clear of stumps and roots and weeds, and cannot wash when thrown up higher in the centre. They commis sioners are utilizing the convict labor of the county, ith a small tax to meet the expense. Portable houses are used ior the convicts. A road machine has been brought into requisition and the work where finished is well done and enduring. Lenoir is, setting a good example to other eastern counties. Let us follow her example. Judicial Convention. Th Democratic Judicial convention of the 4th district held at Morehead City on Wednesday the 25th inst. was a very harmonious affair, and the work was quickly and easily disposed of. The convention was in session only about thirty minutes. Mr. O. n. Allen, the' present solicitor of the (list. ict, was renominated by accla mation. He was placed iu nomination by Capt. Swift Galloway of Greene county, and the nomination was sec.tndcd by Mr. T. M. Lee of Sampson. The Executive committee appointed consists of J. J. Royal of Carteret, G. M. Linsey of Greene, A. D. Ward of Duplin, T. M. Lee of Sampson, S. T. Bland of Pender, Hurbert McClammy of New Hanover, Rodolph Duffy of Onslow, C. n. Koonce of Jones, M. D. Pollock of Lenoir. The chairman of the convention was P. M.'Pearsall; secretaries, L. A. Bethune and C. L. Aberncthv. Kalsinir Good Melons. The Journal's sixty-six and a half pound melon, presented by Mr. Chas. W. Bray, was cut yesterday at noon and it delightfully feasted all the staff and force and as many of the neighbors as would come in.. Mr. Bray's 260 melons as spread out at S. U. Scott's store made a pretty display, Some of them reaching sixty-five pounds in weight wont down to the Atlantic Hotel, Morehead, yesterday, Of course good and intelligent culture must be given melons throughout their growing to attain such results, but Mr. Bray tells us that the proper growiug of seed has much o do with it, that a seed watermelon does not belong to be pulled at the stage of ripeness which fits it for being eaten but it should be allowed to remain on the vine as long as it will and mature to the fullest and then be stored away the same as is customarily done with cucumbers. He considers that to obtain the best results this is essential and as he is so successful it would seem that he is pretty good authority. MEMORIAL SEAL, Sir Walter Balelrh's Coat of Arms the Seal of the Baanoke Colony Memo rial Association. Maj. Gaham Daves has shown us the seal of the Rianoke Colony Memorial Association. The seal is a very beautiful one, consisting of the coat of arms ot Sir Walter Raleigh, surrounded by sufficient words with suitable ornamentation to make It apply to the purposes of the association. Sir Waiter's coat of arms is a red shield with white chevrons from right to left On bent dexter) with the crest, a stag standing, and below the shield his motto Amort et yirtuU. ' The above describes the coat of arm. What has been added to complete the seal Is the following: The dates "1589 and 1894'' on either side of the stag and the name Roanoke Colony Memorial Associa tion encircling all. '. - tT'- , . The date 1585 is that of the first settle ment of the Island, and 1804 that of the incorporation of the association. , And, by the way, would it not be well for the city of Raleigh toadopt Sir Walter Raleigh's colors, red and white. We be lieve the city already , has colon, red ana yellow, but what do. tuey -signify ? and what , wild be more appropriate than that North Carolina's capital city should have for its colon those of the distin guished man for whom it was named-; The Knox "express warehouse in Washineton City was burned yesterday morning, July 25th, and ISO bones were roHsted to death.' The loss is about a a quarter of a million dollan. SENATOR HILL'S SPEECH. His Remarkable Defence of Cleveland-r Better Outlook for the Tariff Bill, A caucus of the Democratic Senators was held Tuesday afternoon for the pur pose of endeavoring to reach some agree ment which would result in the final pas sage of the tariff bill. No conclusion had been reached when the caucus adjourned after three hours discussion, but it was felt that the outlook for the bill was bet ter than it had been for several days. Tiiere is said to be ground tor believ ing that a compromise can be reached on the lines of the 40 cent duty on coal, with a proviso allowing free importation from any country that reciprocates ii like lash ion for American cwl; a 45 per cent, ad valorem duty on u l st'ii with the dif ferential strickeu ou. ; aiul with the iron ore rates, like the coal, retu lining un changed. . v. k Toe caucus wa prrci-.lotl by r eompar stfTrtr-tfftBr-'SBWlotl of -the Senate, 1ft'WftrH. crop which Mr. Hill played a most conspicuous as well as a most remarkable part. Pres ident Cleveland could not have asked from his most (levo'ed friend and admirer a more ardent, earnest, and even lulsome detence than was delivered Tuesday by the senior Senator from New York. The speech was the pricipal feature of the day, and, although not equaling in dramatic intensity the powerful arraign ment ot Mr. Cleveland to winch beuiitor Gorman gave utterance lust Monday, was nevertheless of sufficient interest to hold the unabated attention of the immense crowds which again thronge 1 the gal leries and the floor of the Senate. Coining, as it did, from a man whose political enmity with the President has passed into a proverb and who, perhaps, more than any one man has been, in turn, the target for the assaults of the President nd the friends of the administration, the speech was a unique exhibition. 1 hose in close relations to the 1 resident were taking occasion last night to re hearse its telling points and were rejoicing that some one had the temerity to break a lance with Mr. Gorman, even though the champion of the President was an arch-enemy in a new role. MR. HILL'S RyUAKKAllI.E 8PKKC1I. Mr. IT' 1 1 seemed to have searched through every comer of his mind for mateiial with which to buttress the President auuinst the assaults to which the Chief Executive has been recently subjected. No lawyer pleading at the bar lor a client could have been more ex plicit in I is arguments or apparently more pleased when they struck a le-tpon-tive chord in the hearts of his auditors. He asserted that the much-discussed lettor, being private and unofficial, was not uncouslitutioial. de gave the l'resi dent credit for an honest effort to carry out the policies and theories ot the Demo cratic party: he eulogized Cleveland's fa- mous tariff message of 1887 as a grand measure for industrial relief; and, in short, made such a pal Ian t defense of the President, who, to use his own words, had been unjustly attacked, that one of bis closest lriends in the Senate, aftej vninly endeavoring to stem the current of his amazement, left the chamber. As it to make the contrast ot these enconiums all the stronger, Senator Hill undertook to deliver a characteristic re buke to the Senators who complained of executive interference when l.v their own confession they had liecn repeat!dly to the White House to learn just what the President would approve aud what would meet with his objection. This point, which was very vigorously presented, was emphasized by advice to stay away Irom the White House, as he bad dote; while the conclusion ot his speech, where in he likened Senators Gorman. Vest, Jones, and Harris to the conspirators who stabbed Caesar; evidenced a keen sense of appreciation for the value of historical parallel. Mr. Caffery, who followed Senator Hill, created something of a sensation by the plain truths which he told regarding tho framing of the sugar schedule, aud by his declaration, in response to a question by Senator Teller, that he would not help enact into law any bill that contained a provision for the free entry of sugar. HILL STAYS AWAY FROM THE CAUCUS, After all this came the caucus. Its purport and its lack of result hava al ready been told. Three members were conspicuously absent They were Sena tors 11UI, lrby, and murpuy, all three oi whom are now placed in the category of opposition to the bill. Mr. Hill was invited by Mr. Gorman to bo present, but frankly replied that as he was tryinir to defeat the bill with its ob jectionable income tax, be did not believe he ouzht to participate in a conterence which nau tor its obiect the settlement or threatening difficulties. Mr. Mills regar ding whose Dosition there is some interest, . -H . .. . . , ... lelt nis committee room w do present, but listened wltn evident inamerence to ttie proceedings, and frequently left the room and wandered about the corridor. Mr. Gorman, the chairman of the cau cus, called his colleagues to order but made no speech, contantinp nunseii witn the mere announcement that he would be slad to hear suggestions as the Senators present saw nt to make. mr. jarvis, ot North Carolina, afforded a text for the speeches by the presentation of a resolu tion that the bill be sent back to confer ence without instructions of any sort to the conferees. While no vote was taken upon this proposition, the remarks which followed during the three hours of the session wore decidedly in favor of affirma tive action. Washington i ost. Crisp Hew Voney. The National Bank of Wilmington has received from the Comptroller of the Currency $20,000 in $5 bills, and all day yesterday tbey were being signed, up by the president and cashier and put in circulation.- Each bill has to be signed and it consequently requires President J. S. Armstrong and Cashier L. L. Jenkins each to sign bis name 4,000 times, as there are just 4,000 5 bills in the lot. The new bills contain the profile of the lamented President James A. Garfield. Wilmington Messenger. . i. Water Worka Fire Alarm Signals. After an alarm of fire has been sent in, the following signals will be observed by engineer ot water worn: - - , 1 tap, keep siand-pipe pressure up, ' S taps, pump direct through main. ' S taps, . shut off direct pressure and pump in stana-pipe. i : : .. 8 taps, fire out, , . , - W. D. BAKRiNOToiri" - Chief Fire Department Capt. Sontbgate Is Recovering. Caplain Thomas A. Soutligate. of the Old Dominion Steamship Company, who came from Norfolk, Va., July 8, to have a difficult operation performed by Dr. J. P. Tuttle, is convalescent nt the Cauld well private hospital and sanitarium, No 43 and 45 East Forty-first street The operation was most successful, and the popular skipner expects his discharge from the hospital in two weeks. N. Y. Herald, July 19. We, in common with Captain South ale's numerous friends in this city, are very glad to get this cheering news fiora him. We hope to sec him at his old post ere long us hearty and jolly as ever. lIAl'PENISttS OF THR BAY. The Hickory Trews-Carolinian says threshintr is uroflrressui?. but it is verv of wheat is be'ng threshed. Ex-Queen Lilitio Ivihmi protests tgainst cert'' m Senate resolutions, and requests the United States not to recog nize the Hawaiian Republic. John Cash, while, and And'cw Thorn if, colored, were fatally clashed under a leiiick in Dinwiddic couniy, Va. Both men were employed in const action of the b"lt roa l of the A C. L,, around the city of Petersburg. Work has been resumed at the West Milwaukca shops of the St. Paul com pany, giving employment to 800 men. lhe llmio'S steel plant at Milwaukee has resumed with 1,01)0 men and tho fuller- Warren stove works with 400 men. The Hickory Press Carolinian speaks as toHows concevnng white wnsliiii!! shade t. jes: What a pity to have desc ended the shade trees in tle beautiful ceme 3iy wilh white wash. It was dis covered bv actual exiorinient 544 years uro that it :s a mis ake to white wash shade t'ees. Jui watch and see how thev will look about next February. Advices from Connellsville, Pa., state that a house owned by the II. C. Frick Coke company, at Leiseniing Xo. 3., was blown up on tin SMUi by dynamite The bomb was thrown in at a second story window. The lop story anil roof was torn away. The strikers stole over 200 sticks of dynamite inidolhcr explo sions are expected. The Southern Tobacco Journal says: "Col. J. S. Carr carries the heaviest life insurance of any one in the tobacco trade. His policies amount to $54u,50O on his own life and members of his family are insured for $ 2(10,000. Mr. I'ieire Lorll- lard, senior, is insured for &8 10,1100 and each of his four children for 100,tM)0, Mr. Edward A. McAlpin pays premiums on 8atK),tiU0. Tlie Wilkesboro Chronicle says: "Meredv Billings has lived in Wilkes over 40 years, within 15 or 20 miles ol Wilkesbno, but Saturday was the first time he ever put his feet inside the county sent of this great "State of Wilkes.'' Not only this, but it was the first time he had been in a town of any kind, except that lie did pass througn nparta one riiiny niglit when it was impossible to see his nana ueiorc mm. no saul we Had a mighty heap of people scattered around here mighty close together." Tho S.'iute Sugar committee had brief session July 24th and examined Ed ward J. Levy, the representative of Wheeler & Oo, on the floor ot the New York Stock Exchange. I.evy gave to the coiniiullee a puotograim ol what whs said to 1)0 mi order for sugar stock, drawn by Senator Camden, ol West Va. Senator Camden denies that he ever gave such an o.cer and Hint if such a rcpiesen tation was made to the committee it was a forgery. A special to the Times Union from Lnravillo, Flu., says: About one o'clock this morning a mob ot negroes, led by n negro preacher named Marshall, went to tho house of a negro named Jack Thomas to lynch him for committing rape on a negro girl. As the mob approached Thomas opened fire with a Winchester, flis first shot killed Marshall, the preach er. Thomas continued firing, shooting down six other members of the mob, f mr of which are thought to be mortally wounded. The mob fired at Thomas without erlect, and finally fled. Thomas has surrendered to the authorities. pure A oream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest Uhitbd States Government Food Bkpobt. Rotal Baiiho Powdvb Co., 108 Wall 8...N.Y. "Let thy habit be as costly as thy purse can buy." Shakbspbar. It is your privilege to dress well and when you need any thing to complete your wardrobe call on us. We have just re ceived a new and handsome line of Negligee shirts, sashes, and summer Neckwear, Pleeted bos om, open front shirts, 3 pleets to the side. The old reliable Dia mond shirt always in stock, sizes 14 to 171. Collars 14 to 181. Lots of fixings you need. J. M. Howard. FOR KENT. A DWELLING HOUSE of Seven rooms. Also Dining 'room and Kitchen, next door to Mr. C. 0. Clark's residence, ' Apply to, - , - WM. fSUivJTAPT. Xew York Truck Quotations by Wire. Messrs. Palmer Kivenbuig & Co., ot New York, telegraphed the following quotations for that city last night. Potatoes, $3.25, $3.50; sweets, yellow, $3 to f 8.50; red, $3.00 to $3.00; watermelon, 15c. to 25c.; grapes champions, 40c. to 60c .; Ives, 25c. to 40c. First Tank Steamer In Wilmington. The Belgiau steamship Iris is in below and will comd up to the city in a day or so to take on naval stores for ihe Ant werp Naval Stores comnanv. ol Antweru. Germany, represented here and at Savan nah, Ga., by Cupt. C. Schwarz. The Iris is a very large ship aud is a tank ves sel, the first, we believe, tliat has ever come to our port for naval stores. She will take all the naval stores she can get here, and will go to Savannah to com plete her cargo. Wil. Messenger. ooooooooooooooooooooooo a n i tt n ttattti lrniTtiTr r 6 4ly- VIIIIH H1IINU V o s uaiu luuii iiiAJUiii. c o O "HHWIAIVVVUVVUVUVI.!,!, , o Having purchased the entire stock of Onts Furnishing Goods; HATH, SHOJbitS, Ate. of W. I). Barkin'citon, I will offer said Stock for the next TniHTV-l)AVs, at and Mow Cost. L. H. CUTLER. tj'24 lm WM. LORCH ESTABLISHED 1865. FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise. USPCART-nousi: Accomodations. DO YOU DRINK? Though your collur ninv wilt awav tt.ii I your Hplrit droop as low n.s tliu nea lovi-1, then-, still remain.' for you, ia this hot, sultry, si, zllng, hafcing weather, a Jny and pleasure that King Hum bo with his trillion ot shek els could never enjoy : one ot thosn dtdiht till, delicious drinks dispunrd by Frank Mat thews at the Soda Water Counter ot OaskiU's Pharmacy. This establishment has intrn dnced the popular drinks ot the. season, and is able to introduce others. Among; the bev erages most called lor arc : PEACH CEEAM Gaskill's Pharmacy 5c. A delicious drink made ot Pure Milk. Peach Puln and Cracked Ice. CHESS? PEPSIN. GaskilVs Pharmacy A briifht, sparklintr drink Be: embracing the rare medici nal properties ot Pepsin and i lie sweetness peculiar to the Cherry. SEESBEETS Gaskill's Pharmacy IESBEETS r 5ci Pine Apple, Strawberry ami iiasocrry ;uciicious ami nam ty, and In every case most satisfactory to the cusio mer who wants to yet cool. OBANQE PHOSPHATES -Gaskill's Phar'cy hnervating and exception ally cooling, besides beinji ot value to the nervous svs 5c. tem and digestive organs, possessing a rich dainty Ma yor and relish. GasHU's Pharmacy A revivifying beverage well and favorably known by all light drinking inebriates . produces wakefulness and high spirits, though it rare ly intoxicates. COCA COLA 5g. rBANK MATTHEWS -Gaskill's Pharmaey A chai ming little dispense i Sg. ot all tho splendid drinks al Gaskill's Pharmacy, and who delights In any trouble that brings pleasure to the customer. o-GASKlLL'S PHARMACY-o- NORFOLK, NEf-BME and WASHINGTON, N. C. pBiri!PtT.iiiRpyKf ALL WATER ROUTE. Steamer NEW BERNE WILL SAIL TUESDAY'S & FIU SAIL TUESDY'S DAY'S 8 T. M. NEW YORK CITY. -Dcll?cry via O.D. S..S.Co Guaran- teed. No Transfer Charges. PIIILA. CLYDE LINK, BALTIMORE OLD ISAY LINK, BOSTON PKOV1DENCK M. M. TUANS. CO. WASHINGTON. D. C. NORFOLK ft WASH TON S. B. CO. IRICHMOND.IVA. S. B. CO. RALPH GRAY, Agt. New Berne, N. C. BRADHAM & BROOK Dxrag1 Co., 103 MIDDLE ST. Fresh and Pure Stock of Drugs ami Chemicals. I'M OOIEVO TO NUNN & McSORLEY'S FOR A REFRESHEG DBLNK OF ' Pioeaple Sherbet, Ice Cream , Soda, Shared Ice's, Coca Cola, . ; and Sode,;' Water on .Draught ; I'll also get one Of their Excellent Cigar ACCUMffl w Accumulated E Accumulated w Aw k r e A I A I- L. l T T T II I JI H Is the result ot Saving small things as well as lark 's the result of Saving- small things as well as large oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IS THE KKiSULT OK SAVING IN SMALL THINGS AS WELL AS LAKGi:. oDoooo.'inoonooooononoooooooflooo IS TIIEULSULT OK SAVING IN SMALL THINGS AS WKLL AS LARGE. (HIOOI ) MM () MM II l 101)1 10 WWW 53 l P t3 fH H H 03 P5 Ph o o O Pm Cm O t-J o o 0 525 2 o o H t! 1 Eh H d l S o S P o & Fm W M pq Ph S Cm t g C3 01 S3 OS M H W www Eh H CZ2 OQ OO l I I I ' M p M a 2 s o o o tZi 125 S3 O O o o o o www PATRONIZE PATRONIZE PATRONIZE m o P W o cr I p aT -2 a M o 03 W And You Will Save Money, And You Will Save Money, u'tl i ilTOUmSlTIIOM PAPEISB'DEYO, WHOLE8AL.K Commission erchoiits. MCSO & HOI-' Washington Ntreet, NEW YORK. 00- Southern Fruits aud Vegetables a Specialty Large and Roomy WAREHOUSES. Facilities for handling heavv ihipoenu unsurpassed by any house in the business. -RETURNS MADE EACH DAT OF BALES? National Bank of New Berne, N. C. GauwtToort Bank Now York. REFERENCE: Stencils &ad Pcstab can be obtained et john du::;i's. '-..V." A' Vt is:-: