What is Cas'oria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta ami Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Props, Soothing Syrups, and. Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays I'evC.Nshiiess. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, Mires Diarrhoea and AViud Colic. Castoria removes teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assiii"ates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torli is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. i - fjwitoria Is an e!ellent medicine for rhii i . Mothers have repeaedlj told moot iU) ,1 .-.tit t uikju Vieu- children." Du. G. C. Obooou, Lowell, kasb. ' Cafiorla is the best remedy for children of hith 1 am acquainted. I hopn the day is not i.ir distant when motors will consider the ntul YU:rf st of their children, and use Castoria in iad of llievariouaquack nostrums wliic), cue 4ritroyinK their lo.od ones, by forcing opium, uorphiun, BouLbing syrup aud other hurtful routs down their throats, thereby tfeudiu' mu to preniaturr grtves." Dr. J. K. Kinpuklor, Couwuy, vrt. The Centaur Company, 7? Murriy KIUST-ULASS BARBERS. I'KOF. W. II. 8IIKPA.KD and ItiH I'ompntmit rmsintaiitB in the tout) 'rial art will iivo you a good job and will pay Htrick pttntitiuii to iilMirniitlioR of liair ciiUin ami shaving. IWOivn 1110 a call, At (lanton House 3nrber Shop. Tonsorial Artists. THE TONSORIAL. BSTA.HMSHMKNT ol TIMOTUY BO W, No. i 10 Middle Streuti i iii pnprfld to do ttio Im.st. of ork ' i its I'ldh. Kxpert help, sbarp razors ami polito attouf.ion. Ilair outting a specialty. First Class Barber Shot) BlUOK BLOGK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Bapt'iHt fltiniv.h ApaitmiuiU neat and tidy, aud only nvnoitoiit. assistants employed. fiiAt I'lanfl Imlli nmniH '..onnnoislnd willi UhOOM. It. Ij HivNKS, dficft Proprietor ELLIOT & GREEN, Hair Dressing Parlor, Gurofiil attention giver, to all brnnolus the bunintms Oliildieu'a Hair (Jutting a Hpecialt)' BOOK STORE AND stationery. Blank Books, and new lot Standard Works of ltenowned Authors. Prayor and Hymn Books, Ladles Purses, Pens, Pencils, eto. Also, Lata Papers and Peijodioals re eiveddally. 10tf MAN WELL & COOK, Engineers, Machinists & Blacksmiths Sitka and repaia Kngines, Boilorg Saw Mills, Oris Mills and Pumps. Steam boat work of all kinds. Repair Inspirators and Injaotors. Gas, Steam and water pipes fittod in in all their branobes. Sbon between Ioe Factory and Freight Depot of A... & N. 0. .H, (dwtf) ' i ; . , ft. ? COPYRIGHTS. CAM I OBTAIN ' PATENT t For a M U N N Hi CO.. who taTO hd sesrly fifty je" .. . Siertewi in the patent fcojlness. tin rnrlntl mnfMeHtld. A Handbook of In. formation ooooernlQK Patents sua now to or, j . s tin tbem entf7i. Alo ratlo(ruoot meclisq. 1 . . An.i niant ifu. rtfwibfl aant free. - ' -1 Pstento taken ttarowh Mmiij Co. tecelT speelsl notloe In the Solen tlfle A aierleiia, "d tti as era btouKnt widely before the puWIowltU ; . i i-SU . .i7 wnmtAr. This Dlendid paper. Enieit Qlreulstloo of anr Ktontlno wmk In We world, wi s year. Building KVHUo : copies, 'M oenta. on. monthlr. pM a year. l Evarr number contains Hindis NEXT ! m x V. , ; " tifni plates, In colors, and photosrapha or asw bouMia. with stana, eiiamina TVT." latent nOKlelM aUU RHOUTO OOHWIHa. D Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I rivoLiiusnd it m superior to any proscription kuowo to me." II. A. Archek, M. D., Ut So. Oxford St Krooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken hig'7 of their expert enre in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only hare among oil hiMm-a! supplies whet is known aa rcpulrj products, yet we are free to confess that tht nirriLa of Castoria has woo us to look with favor upon it." Unjtbd Hospital and Dispensary, lloaton, Mass AM.IN V. Smith, Y.-a . Street, Hew York City. STEAM EUS. j ES. O. ID. j Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Fast Piisscn;er and Freight Line liotwien New Berne, Kastern North Carolina l'oiuts, and all connections of tlio PENNSYLVANIA B- E. INCI.urilNCi New York, Philadelphia, Nor folk, Baltimore, Bich raond & Boston. The ONLY Tri.Weekly Line out of New Borne- The New mid Flcganlly Kirnippiil STEAM K 11 o-o-o-o-o-o-o NEUSE Snils from Now Bunm MONDAY'S, WEDNESDAY'S & FItlDAY'S. 4- IJ. M Stopping at itoauoki! ImIiuhI ciK'll wuy Ililtl tt.niiiinr clone coiint'ctlnn with llir Norfolk A Simtliern Ititili'iiiul til Kli.itl.i'tlt City anil f lic; Norfolk itit.l Wtint.tni lliiili-iiiiil ill NoiTolK. Tint Ea.iliM'ii Carolina li.smli:li l.inr i-on-Mistinr ol tlio Sir. Nioiso, NotTola .fc Southern It. It., New Y.r.-c. 1'hil. and NorlolK K. It.,aml INiiinnylvaaia K. It. lorm a reliuhle anil n ularliuc, offering fluperinr IsieilitieM for ijiiirk passenger and Ireiyht trunspoi-tal ion. No transfer eeept at lOlizahoth :ily, at whieh point Irelht will be loaileil on eui'H ! go through to destination. Iireet all J?oo1h to he shipped via l-iusl.-rn Carolina Dispateh daily as li.llows: From Ntiw Yorj, by l'enua. K. It.. I'ier 11, North Itiver. From Philadelphia, by I'hila., W. and ltaltn. It. It., IMiek St. .Station. Krnin Kill: imnre, by I'liila., V i I . and Hallo. It. It., 1'ivsideutSi- Million, t'roui Norlolk, by NorbilK Smithi-ru II.lt. From Itoston, by Merelmnts ,t Minei rf Trans- porl.iiiion t o. ; Nmv V.n k and New (Midland 11. It. Il-ltilles as low and I ime iinieuer llian by any other line. For Inrlher information apply to W. II- JOVOK (i en'l Frei;;ht Trullle AKelll, I". H. It.) (general TrattU; Aiifent. (;i:o. St'Kl'llKNS, Diyisinn Freight A;cenl, 1". W. A I!. K. II., l'lruadeliihiii. It. II. Cookk, tien'l Freight Agent., N. V. I'. & N. It. It., Norlol Vii. II. (J. lliilnilNH, Genei'iil Fre iglit Agcmt, N. S. II. a., Noi toU, Vu. , UKt). HUNDKItSilN, Agent. New llerne, N. C. SEWING MACHINE MADE MONEY WE OB OCR DEALERS can sell yon machine cheaper than yon can get elsewhere. The NEW HOME our best, but we make cheaper kinds, nch as the CLIMAX, IDEAL and other Illsh Arm Fall Nickel Plated Sewing; machines tor $16.00 and np. Call en oar asent or write us. We want your trade, and lfprleen, terms and square dealing; will win, we will have It. We challenge the world to produce BETTER $50.00 Sewing; machine for $50.00, or a better $40. Sewing- machine for $30.00 than yon an boy from ns, or our Agents. THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. 0Sio, Miss. Boerro, Mass, a) Vmm Sooabs, H. T. Cmuuoo, Itx. gv. Lomii, Ho. Paiaab.tuus, UAtf J'fcARCIHOO, OAUATLAUTA, UiU , AGENTS WANTED. CsTests,snd Trade-Mark!" oWa ned, and all Pst. ant huainess conducted lot modirati Ftrs. Iotnt emu is Opsearrc U.S. parcnT ornec Jodws So aectls piTenl in css Ume iMu loose InW Wo sdilss, H uatenlatole ol not, fresj bit charrs. , Our 1 s not Sue till paleni la seenrsd, ) iinnm. ... . j . " ' iiAn.nr,ihuin rarMin. wiiht 5 S s5i Tin lb. U.e sodforeirncountrlM, sent true, aoaresa, - . , . . ' - M mm 4 t ft $ C. aa iC.fl.aiiUU oofavr. S or PSTfNT Ornet, w-shirotoh, Ofc. AND iPlWS ABSOLUTELY SAVEiSram The Best THE JOUKNAL THE DEAD TRYST. Aa I went by lliu hailior wlien folk wire al ied I saw my dead lover in ihe lioat pulliiu: in; My leva hu came swiftly and kissed my vt liileuing head, And my cheeks so hollow and thin. And face to face we msllcd liy the wash of the foam, And after long sorrow the joy it was sweet. i combed his locks of hom y with my lit tle silver comh, And with my hands I wanned his feel. The sea fog crept around ns as white us the wool, And he lay on the sea sand with his head on uiy knee, No night wind broke the siluice, nor any shrieking gull, In that dead while log from llicsca. And then I crooned him over our sweet songs of old; Oi honc, I could not wai n Kim, anil never a word 1 c : o..n. I loosed my hca y ban then, the gray locks with Hie gold, And wrapped him in i liwng cloik. I never thought to Ian the wherefore he had come, Or if his heaven were earth so dear; lonely mid this that the I prayed wilh eager longing cocks would be dumb. And the nighttime last, a year, Ochonc, the cocks canu; crowitiL'. and he arose and went, His darling black head hanging, out through the sea fog's snow. Ob, wbcrtlore, darling, Oarling, did you break my dull content. And why did you come but logo? I Katharine Tynan. The Male Seal. "Among thr many singular traits of character possessed by seals," said Oliver L. Mason, a retired sea captain, "none are more striking than the devotion of the male to its offspring, contrasted with the upa thetie attention paid by the mother. The latter will at the least alarm' bolt away into the sea and leave her babies behind her, but the bulls mount guard over the swarming herds of .young and nothing can ex ceed their devotion and courage when called upon as protectors. The sense of smell possessed by the seals is very strong und will invariably wake them out of a sound sleep trven if you come upon them over so quiet ly to the windward, and you will alarm them in this way much more thoroughly, though you be n half mile distant, than if you itinie up carelessly from the leoward and even walked in among them, they seeming to feel that you arc not different from one of their own species until they smell you. The chief attrac tion In these animals is their large, handsome eyes, which indicate great intelligence. They are a deep bluish black, with a soft glistening appear ance, and the pupil, like the cat's, Is capable of great dilation aud con traction. Globe-Democrat. The Grand Old Man. I hear it very touehin account of the way in whieh Mr. Gladstone passes the greater part of lii.s day, writes thy parliamentary corre spondent of the London Daily Chron icle. He will not bo allowed to read or use his eyes for another month, and he lias to sit all day with his eyes closed and with dark spectacles Meanwhilo he is read to by relays of friends, who take each others places and give Mr. Gladstone some re markably varied samplos of reading. For instance, a lady friend read to tho ox-promier a novel, and she was followed by George Russell, the tin der secrotary for tho home offlce. Mr. Russell asked Mr. Gladstone what ho preferred. Tho ex-premier replied: "Read mo tho second -Eneid." Mr. Russell read six hundred lines, tho old man stopping him now and then for comment or to ask the read er to pause while he himself took up the recitation with some remem bered lines. It is a pathetic remin iscence, for the second JSneid has always been a great favorite with Mr. Gladstone, and he used it co piously in tho far away historic en counters with Mr. Disraeli. Accepted on the Spot. She You look disturbed. He I am. While I was on toy way hero, I lost a valuable ring. She Gracious! how did that hap pen? He I don't know. I put it in my pocket before I started out, and when I got here it was gone. She Was It a diamond? He Oh yes. A solitaire, throe and a half carats, and a perfect stone In every way. She Oh, well, I wouldn't regret It. You may find It, you know. But If you don't, there's no use crying over it. He That's true. But I needed that ring, and I may have hard trouble to replace it. She (smiling) Nonsense. If she Is a sensible girl, she will tell you she can get along without it. He Do you really moan that? She Why, of course. He Then, darling, will you be jnlne? . Suddenly displaying the ripg. I did not lose it It was only to test you. She (falling In his arms) Yes, dear. Aside. As If I didn't know What he kept his left hand In his pocket forHarper's Bazar. For colic-, soour spraios, , braises, spavin, swelllnjrs and all disease of horses sod cattle Johr.son's Magnetic Oil, horse brand, fltes excellent satis fsction. 1.00 lia BOotr, 50 o. 85 Ott, - - G, W, GA.smiA, - Before buying- your new bicycle look the field over carefully. The superiority of Victor Bicycles was never so fully demonstrated as at present. ( )ur '94 line will bear the most rigid scrutiny, and we challenge comparison Tl lere's but one best Victor. OVERMAN BOSTON. HEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. W. D. BARRINGTON, Our power to rosist the dovel bo comes feebler eyery time we look into'his faco Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets boyond tho reach of medicino. They ofton say, Oh, it will woar away," but In most cases it wears them away. Could thoy be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold at a!positive guarantee to cure, tlioy would immediately see tho excollent ell'ect after taking tuo nrst dose. 1 rico owe. and !i Trail size, free. At all druggists. mar22deod weow Henevolenco without lovo has no more hart in it than an auction block Knights or the Mncculiees, Tin: Stiiln ( i ) n 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 U-r v lite- u- IVmn Line . 1 1 1 1 , Ni'li., ns liillows: "Alli'i' t r inu oilier tin 1 it iut'S I'.ir wliitt MriiH il to hi' a very oliMiiutu couuli in our two rliilliiMi wcliiuil Dr. Kind's Now Discovery mi l ;it Urn fin I of two ilny- tlio roii'li I'.rtiroly lull tin-in. V will not In' without it hiTriillrr, ;i- our lAporii'iico provi's that il CIIIVS when! ;lll otlur llMlll'ilics fiil."- - Sisnctl I''. V. Stevens, State Coin. Why not irive this "rent iiieilicine u tnnl. us it is f,'iiui'iints'il ami trial hollies nre five ;il V. S. Dutfv's Dhil; Store. Ki-jular -ize ")He. anil isi.OO. " li what a commotion ot joy there must have been in Heaven on the day of. Pentecost. Sliiloh's Consumption Cure. This is boyond question the moat suooesetul Cough Medicine we have ever sold, s few (Iohhb invariably euro the wont casus of I'ouuh, Croup und Bronchitis, while its wonderful hucouss in the our of Consumption is wiihoul a parallel in tho history of inedi inn HincB itn first discovery it has f.,en sold on a guarantee, a lest whieh no Jther ruedioiiie can stand. If you have oough we earnestly auk you to try it Prioe 10o., 50c, and tl. If your lunga are sore, cheat, or baok lame, usu r..ii loh's Porous Piaster Sold hr Nhw Burn Mr uk Co. The dovil can no more hurt a Christian than mud can soil sun light. The Population of New Item? Ib about, nini) thousand, and e wmild s.iy lit loiiMt nini half iiro iroiiblt'd wit' sunn' uftVutiim on tlm Throat, and 1.iiii;;n, 88 thosn coniwlaiiit.8 urn, aooordiin1 to slu tisticH, niore Iiiiuinruus ilian ot.liciH. Wo would adviso all our iradmn not. ti ne iriwit tho opportunity to rail on their dniifL'itit and L'Ot a biilthi of l !' :i lial- sain for tho Throat and l,uii;'s. Trial oiiefrivn. Ijarsro bottle "illo. and Jl . Sold by all ilrumfiHt.H it must lie an unusual and peculiar case which o:ui require a Derson to so fair fortrivii and forget an injury as to plaeo himself in a noaition to mvitc arepetition of tho oll'ense. An Odd Collection, A man in (,'iiIoiiuIk linn itijiiiiiiit rollrc tion of botl.li's! It isilivhkil into two k lions. Sootion one is larsrr. Section two is not. Sort ion one coiititiiis lnuulivils d hotlles. the contents of whii h his wife swallowed hoping to find relii f t'roni her u hvsical siiltenni's. hcelion two contains a lew hottlrs that once were filled with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It was this potent remedy that ijavc the siillciir.r wile her health unaiu. It cures all irreL'iilnritirs, interniil inflammation and ulceration, displacements and kmd reil Irouhles. It has done more to relieve the sufferinus of women than any "tin medicine known to sceioncc. Pile Illinois., rupture nod llsliiln-, nidi, cully cured hy improved mrtliods. Book, 10 cents in stamps. Worlds I iispi nsaiy Modical Association, HulIah). N. V. The dovoil is tho best counter feiter and tho oldest hypocrite. It May Do an Much for Yon. Mr. Kiin I Miller, of Irving, III., " riles that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for iniiny years, with severe pains in bis back mid also Unit his bladder was alfeeted. He tried ninny .- called Kidney cures hut without iiuy 'ood riMilt. About n year :io he boRiin use ol'Klectric Bitters and found reliel'at once. Klectrie Bitters is especially niliipteil to cure of all Kid ney and Liver troubles and often yives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c. for large bottle. At V. S. Dull'y's I)ru Store, (i Cheerfulness is in the firs, place the best promoti r of hoaltht Repining and secret murmurs of heart give imperceptible strokes to those delicate fibers of which the vital parts are composed Build Him In. Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Atlanta, G., had severe dyspepsia. Phjsioians and all ether remedies failed to oare him. He tried Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy, and afterwards writes: "The first dose gave relief. I recommend it as the best dyspepsia remedy ever disoovered. 1 have gained flesh since using it. I voluntarily recommend It to all suf ferers with stomach troubles.7 For salt by druggists at 50o per bottle. WHEEL CO. DETROIT. DENVER. AH. New Berne. N. C. Imagination is what makes a butterfly of the grub callep observation. WI..-H It, IVI'.. M -.1, y it i ,:rl:. u i- p-jivi In fa .l..r;;i -I f. .1-1-11,1 II In u.e. ii CInM. si,.- cr In- .1 Miss. -Ii - . I.- Iiii.I ( lii.U-ii,.,li,- t Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Most women now adays are fair just in proportion as they are false. Emergencies occasion subsli tutes and nature is the first adopt tho art of substitution. Dyspepsia and Liver Complain!. Is it nor worth the small prioe of 75c, to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing; complaints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, evory bouln has a printed gusrantee ou it, accordingly and if It does you no Kood it will oost you nothing. Sold by .o-.v Berne Drug C i. MAGNETIC NERVINE r-mlif'l 1 Nervous Proetr.i lion. Fits, Dizzi ness, Headache, Neuralgia i"l ln 80inni;i. (ii"at .1 , air i'i !i;'i 11;.' nil De BEFORE: hility, SleeploBB nofio. Mental De pression, Softertinc Of tho Brain, Insanity ini.i ,ii hirti.il ruiMTithh ."mli. MACNETIC NER VINE j.t j-.'vts hJI Jh..-m in nilhiT .-i'i, hmu'wh vhuliiy iiml rtm r.'t Ii lo Imlli llu iiiiiHCiilur inui rmrvi ms sj -(nin , tutui-. iii iIih lirniii, liuihii up Kit' llfh. Iiuit:s infr'n-li- illi; Mllltlp, lllhl I'MsIlMMM IlKilllll illi l flllpl-illMt.4 to (do HiiJIimtr. A liliirilliB ( enf fin-lit in -.m piu ka,-" l' until I- miy mhln., fl.iM ix-r Inn; lur r.ii. Willi vwn -'.( il"i- w' tfivti a Wri tten Cuaranttee to i' mi- in ii-futi'l I hi' iiiiii'- . I'ii i'u l.i i I ii'ii. (Jiuiriiiitttoa intiKil onh lj our timit. GEO. W. M. V,. (JAhKlhli, New Jiciiio' MORTGAGEE'S SALE. liy viilui: of piiwi-r nf :ih' riiiil:iini- I in 11 Ural Ivlal-i Morluvo -i-.-n i . I Sniniirl .lours and viti l-lli.-ilH'tli Ann ! .hiinrs V. Walriv., :unl 1I11U n i-oiili-il in l!rislrr lo-(h ollirr, I k' HIT. I -. f i I . . I'D lleinlils of Cl:ivi 11 riilllll V, I will M'd :d plllllir ullrtiiill tu 1 1 If llil'llrsl liidili-r :l lliu i-oiirt huliHi iliinr ill Nnv llri nr,! 'null tv orCravrn, Slatr of North ('aroliu.i. al I J lurk M, on tin- -Jlllli ol' Aimu .1 l-'.l I tlm hillowili;; liral priiuilv. In wit: A ruil iin iiri(', parir!. or lid ol' laud in C'lavri: roiinly, Xnrlh Can. Una, il lirinr; thr land 1 1 1 1 1 which tho late V. M. N'olilrs rcsidrd al tin- linn- ol' hii ilei.lh :n 1 1 1 siinii! land ilm isrd to Ann K. .lours hy will ol' said Nobles, adjoining tlm lands of I pork, I-'iiIi-Imt. Staple fori I . and on the North side of Nt-use Uivi r in numlx'r oi lownsliip; 50 ai-n-s innir 01 less. Terms of sale ( 'ush. New lirrne. X. ('., .lulv ix, lsii-l. IAMKS W. WATKU'S,Morli;.i!i.i. II BRUN'S: t.. ti..- sr.a r iln-UnnaiytT. nre ot ill. -i or .ut,. e.l- Tiiully. Mien AS A PrTVEWTIVE Ijy cilli-1 :' ii 1 :'. : '.m 1 contract ICttl li . -.lyi:. any tlio CjO of . tli.HO .'lr ca.SI V ArVLICTKU I. et, we (Jujr ui III. I ftbO I'i-is MltllU.II F. S. DUFFY, Druggist Solo Agent. and HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch. Hazel Oil as a curative and healing application. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Pii.es or Hemorrhoips, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sues, 2c, Joe. and $i.co. Sold byDrua-gl'ta.or Met post-paid on receiptor price. WJirHUTS ID. CO.,'111 a 111 WUUaa St., Jfo Tort. WITCH HAZEL OIL QUE Haft THE GENII INJECTION D U Vo vtaln. No Pmln. Prmnia fttrirtnrc Ire,. Syrlmte. A I to 4 Day Cure lor Uonouuhik uu-jrr, l.KuamimiKA, Hp mu atohmhk. aud nil Lnln-nltliy Hexual Dlscliarirm A Sura l're ven live or all Vcnerent Dlspaiwa At OrugcHia, or aent to any wtdreaa tor l.o nlMtion Naljxtor Is "TIIK ItESTot all tiinilitrreiieilUH. DA. UEHftYRllHT(Blddaard,afa iUly iar Kr. Y-SV. Inf-aaXT.Ohla, f, AFTER' GaO !OK K. WILLIS. m OaroliM an vim P3 4-K' n in- '".'-.'.- "r" ' MEW ulh:' Ouici'M ri.i i. il : ion', 1 . .H -.-..I. Atlantic i. X. C. Bailr:aa; nut: lu ,-:t. I ., I V N - . .Vr. i. v. :. I.. . ." I, 1. I'l i I f, m n: !i .. In ::l In i i U on 11 '! I I , 1 1 1 1 ' I". I i I ns .; ; i I it.' N -I ! I " .'llll 'ill1 i; ', :;i i.. r, :il M..:r' Miiii.;i.. W ,! ri'm-i! . . ' i ' ; 1 1 1 - Tr.iin I 'iim' i- Wciilnll ILiMI In, i i, ,1,1-111,!,, I I :.'i', i iii. . .; v. i', 1 nidinl ,V liiiuv'iiir ti.. i, : ... I Milil-liiu'o ::imi .. m. T.llill '' l ,.lllr, , ,1 K l.N ! 1 ;illYl!lr llii in, :in .1 ' . : I . .1 ' :!;()ll i in. :iln t ill, Wiliiii , '', don t r.iiii li . 'in i lif N ol : !i it ; n.'i r. . I.. Ill. I.. S.,f. m i. ilmiiiirloii, Ncwlioni & Nril' Iiaiii'yai!. ' TIM :: !'..;! n; : To ink" f' : t .1 :':;. ; li;00 .1. tju;icrm"Iiiif; i . i.:- t , D. itoil No. . :.i, !...! OoiNUSui in ! . in"., , i ... . ).,i;i ; No. 1 run,. ..ii-..., , i . : 4 Lvo. A. M. f.-.i. I'.M H 4" M.-h- II-1... if, I .a vt i !'.-ii.i-i;t .in K'l. I'l' ,,i -l y :s;i n-..-,.- , , i J 4 1 V. !in. . v j :&:! ;.or.:..,-..t -, ! 10 UK r.r J.,c!. -..ivii .. i J'J 10 0U Iv ' i.f. -i, j !-:" ' I 10 21 '. :. . ,-! 10 L'.s '-',..1 ..-Lu.-L 10;lH i-Vil.si .-nn '4'', 10 4' JI-l.v !,i.I.;p ; :;7 ID rn'i ! .It,-...-...!;!,.. :--j 11 Oi . ..i-V .1 :'l 11 l)s . ::iinnili-.!f , j : i . .:fCt)ll I .rti. 11 K. :".i:ip?if iii1 ' id 11 2D . Jl;'.' ; HI 113', M.i icla:!.l ! :,."i 11 :ir. .! .m i-.i J 4! 1 11 41 VV. 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Its . vi al I l' i irtini'iitH, civil under Ii i'l ii,;i ;i iU'Mii ut' :i eonipnl.ent 'idltor, '.f.i' nil!' ni'tl It r.-. iioitHiiiiiig tt) The Household, Tlai Farm, cman s World, science, Alt, 1 literature, Finance, The Roal Estate World. Preiifpi'i-ir .1 " n.l!i ini.'fi'.lne ewy tlav. 1 i..'(il!ll'l'lON KATKS : llllil,. " .'V, - $3.00 ti!y ni'.'l '-iiioli'y. one jeftr, - 4.00 AUDI! ESS The Record Publishing1 Co. til7-0!U Ciimrrwr SmKur -'l v ruti.ADBt.rinA.

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