BRITISH CHOLER MSI3U ' Japm Ma Have lu lUrkon with a MOr .'H Fulssan', Kbdit Than China. London, July 31 i'lm StM'tfai ' deaoanoen th l pnut-we Hinting the Kow Shing. It. "Tun pre texts for ton wr are at flimsy as tnV ftver advanced. If a further and more disastrous ronttiot cannot belrevenied, 1c will unquestion ably be because the Japanese bave ( resolved upon war and nothing ahull divert them from that pol icy Tbe Standard warns the Jap- ene that if in tbe cm Iter stages of the lighting they carry otf tbe honors, there is a patient and re r Bonrceial endoranoe about the ' Chinese that is likely to embarrass and tire even a more powerful foe than Japan. Jt ad vises the Japanese m awake to the probability that Europeans will interfere, adding that if the report about the Kow Hiring is tree, Japan will also have to reason wbith Great Jtritaiu, which lias i'very reason to assert its position iu die most niico.'iiproiniHiut; man lier. The manager of t he Steam Navigation Company, which owned tho steamer Kow Hhuip, Stated that there is no room for doubt that vessel was in every re spect a British steamer, though nlie was in the Obinese government ser vice. She was manned, they decl are, by British ollicers and carried tbo British (lag. Besides tho Eng lish captain, the Kow Slung had fonr British ofliuers, thruo ot them engineers. The managers of the company eay that the action of t he Japan ese in attacking tbe vessel was most extraordinary, weeing that time negotiating for the obarter of Steamer. A. dispatch (o the Times from Peking, dated July say: "Chiu.t'n attitude, hitherto concilia tory, was completely changed after tbe sinking of the the Kow Shiog. The viceroy in an interview in Tien Tsin declared that if war was once provoked China would light to the bitter end." The Times says: "Huch explana lions as Japan has put torth are certainly not tho sott that will diminish tbe indignatiou of China or gain the sympathies of other powers. The Japanese may have excuses for the action of their sail ors; if so, it is high timo they pro duced them, as the world is getting anxious to know." art enemy to American liberty, nnd the rights and blessings of a free people; and that by Ins many wanton fxertioris o! power as Governor ot this Province, his hot tile and dangerous letters to t'.iw Ministry and General Gage, re plete with falsities and misrepre sentations of the true state of the Province, he has proven himself to hold principles alihoirent to the rights of limnatiHy, and jn-tly forfeited all confidence with the people of this Government. Ilesolved unaniimuo!,, That notwithstanding tbe very great pains that have b'en taken by those who call themaolves friends to Government, and th;r favora ble explanation of the i inphatical words between turned oomtixi in in the body of the abo n Latter, to make them speak a I...-;g-.tugc ilif ferent from their true import, they contain in plain r!,: ', and in every coustrnctioi. . l.ingu.igo, a justification of I he design o! ea- couragiug the s! "os io revolt, when every other means should fail to preserve tUn Kiug's tlovsru ment from opi-a and ilcol ireil rebellion, and the public avow of a' crime of so horrid and tiul.v blaok a complexion could only originate in a sonl lot to every sense of tbo teeling of humanity, and longj hackneyed in thu detestable and wicked pnrpose of subjugating these Colonies to the most ai'joo: slavery. By order K. CofJDKi.I., Mi.ur.ii N. B. These are ;'.!.. i Colonial jtocords, Vol. X. In 0) oSHOESHo -i- CD CO 2. lliiviir; received a lar;o stock of Roots mil Alloc s, sukalile for Iho Kail ami Win ler ira.h. I now oll'-r to the people of New IleriK' anil m 1 1 1 uroiind belter mrt'iiin.- than eer before. 'J fill LIUUIiST SOTCK OK GROCERIES, SHIP CHANDLERY and LIQUORS Ths Wholesale nnd Retail Furniture Deal ers still LEAD in LOW Prices. io be 1""' cMV lit rot A bottom J. F. TAYLOR. DO YOU DRINK? 'I'lMill- li iu;r (-'.I!:!? yi.ur . .-II .Iro.ipii . I Mill rt-iniiii-. mi :. lill'J, li:tk it;-; wt-.ll li ll.l.i K:i!-4 11. V II I: Will ilWHV ftlltl :' l,.,-l,llic.ri -.uliy, si iiik.iii id Hhck- i I - ( ii i'ii iu'Vi'i ii, m mil hi 1li.t-.i- ili-lifjlil ml. lii lii inn i ilrinl. iisi.. l iv Kriliik Mill- lln-.iv.-. :il tin- s.Mi.t y:(!.-r ( inmtiT i,i i;;isUiii'8 l'!i:ivm:u y. '111.- i-M ilill-.hmi-llt i:is lntro 'Iih'c.I I In' pri.'ii.i i .h inli-. lit Hit-M-iinn, iuiil i il'ill' li.iitli i..i".' -ii '-u- Atiii'ii;,' tin' ln--. rl :l;i-.-i lit.' -1 ji :i - -GaskiU's Pharmacy n- ilniil. Ilriili: ill I ' . : : i 1 1 I " 1 1 J 1 mi. I rEACH CEEAM pa a .I. i'i" CHEERY PEPSIN. lb. Japan A oloiriz s Itniiiip. toil Km .iologixo VKAK8 A(.. ot. Marlln's Kepl to the Charge of Iiialiiijr Slayes to Kclicllion Dc nuuiatioD of it by tbe New Rem '. C, t'omiHittee. Force's American Archives, 1th cjenes-voi ;j pn. Newborn (North 'Jarolina) Com mittee. Committee Chamber, August. 2 1775. Tho lollowing letter was wrote by his Excellency Governor Mar tin, to the Honorable Lewis Henry uejiosset, tisq., in answer to an information given him of his being charged with giving encour agement to the Slaves to revolt from their masters. As the sub stance ot this Letter is very alarming, bis Excellency therein jsiblickly avowing the measure of arming the slaves against their masters, when every other thine to preserve the Kings Government should prove ineffectual, the Com ' m ittee have ordered the said Letter to be published as an alarm to the people of this Province against the horrid and barbarous designs of tbe enemies, not only to their in ternal, peaoe and salety, but to lives, liberties, properties, and very other hnman blessing. Fort Johnston, June -4, 1770. "Sir" 1 beg leave to make my ac knowledgements for your communi. nation ot the false, mialieions and scandalous report that has been propagated of me in this part of the Province, of my having given encouragement to thu negroes to revolt against their roasters; and s I persuade myself you kindly intended thereby to give me an opportunity to refute so infamous a oharge, I eagerly embrace this -occasion, most solemnly to assure you that 1 never conceived a thought of that nature. And I will farther add my opinion, that nothing conld ever justify tho design falsely imputed to me; of giving encouragement to the ne groes bat the actual and declared rebellion of the King's subjects, and tbe failure of all other means to maintain the Kings Govern ment. "Permit me, therefore Sir, to refpiest the favour of you to take the most effectual means to pre sent the circulation of this most cruel slander, and to assure everybody with whom you shall communicate on this subject, that so far from entertaining so horrid ' a design, I shall ever be ready and heartily disposed to concur in any measures that may be consistent with prudence to keep the negroes in order and subjection, and for Che maintenance of peace and good order thonghout the Province. "I am, with great respect, sir, Tonr most obedient and bumble 'jservant. "Jo Martin 'The Hon. Lewis H. DeKoeset, Esq." Resolved unanimously, That His Excellency Governor Martin, by the whole tenure of his conduct ince tbe unhappy ditterenoes be tween Great Britain and her Colonies, has manifested himself TdKio, Aug. 1.- Th Government ban in -Hi Minister in Loudon to to Great linuin lirnc upon stud sinking the transport K'K'n Mining wlrlfl she was Hying th" Knl.iidi lUg and to milium Croat I;. that the comiiiandei of tho did not know that the Ku-.v t-'liiiiif; was a British vessel until ;-.fur the fight. Capt, (Jaleworthy, ol tho Kow Stiung, and many other puthons on boaid transport were rescued by theboats of the Japanese warship Xaniwa. MADE LIFE A BURDEN. Mian (J. F. Crawford, of LlmctUme, Me., wiitosi "For years 1 suffered moutlily from fxTiouie palus wtiicli ut iiiics wore so aouce ad torenderllfeaburden. I tieirun ualng Dr. Vlcrcc'fl Favorite Proscription. I ueed seven hottlcp in aa many inouthH uml do rived bo muub tienelHi from It and the homo treatment recommend ed in iilu TreatlM on Irisoaees of Wonivn. that 1 wish every woman throughout our land, sutrerlnir in the eamo way, may lie Induced to ?tve your meillcicesand rcatmcnt a fair trial." " Favorit Prsorir tion " is a powerful, ln- V daskill's Pharmacy ; .liilik i MlliI :lr lliur I Hill ii.... ili. till' HI-l-llU' 'In; i ln-i ry. "CasiiU'c Pharmacy I'i ne , in ill-. M ; :i iv I ii-1 1 . in,.; i:.. -I. i-ri ii. i 1y, iin.l in ii Mil i!:ii iil V I.I 111.- eiKlli iiii-r wImi u;iii'-i I" ;ri-l imil. ORAUas rnOSPHATES -Garkill's Phar'cy Sc. hi d iimi ln-1-uliiir In - iiu.l iliiiu ii-ii' iiiihl I i ;il in:: .-mil Ii . llii .li-.i I jiliim 111:: nly ll:i COS A COLA 5c. t.l .lili.- I i' hi i!rri--li t- :i fit Ii ii Oaskill's rharmacy A i : 'in m;-; i ! well :i i.i I l:i n-.lM Kno.v ii h' nil I - hi 1 1 i i ti !( in;' i m-1 t i :i f -h , prm lui t-s w uUHiihi'vsH uml 1 1 1 tT i 1 1 1 tit , thotifih ii Miir J iiilnit'iiW M. rEANK MATTHEWS -Gaskill's Tharmacy A rlitu in iiiT I i( ! )r .1 i mti m t C i.i nil i hi- ;jiJrmlit itriiilis :ii O J u 4 ,:ts' ' 1 ''s I'iiiiniiiu ii ml who ilHiiliH in uny Irnnhli 1 1ml bi'iii! lilcasiirt' Id 1 he ciKlumer. -o-GASKIIJ.'S l'llARMACV-o- 1 lrive niilv Funiture i;uiniii'.i' Kiilliin III! H 1' Ill ii-lcliill'i the l.ii-i: : Chair.-i. l'licy are wnitli ijli.fill e.u ti ninl us I will chimi tliem out. 119 1 houi;ht them in a juh hit. fur $2.."i(l one' All orders hy in;iil slnll lveeivc iimnipt attention. No. Middle 'w ISeme, N. ( . FOR RENT. flic himso, on .Mrtnill' Steet hili lv ocn pied hy A. F. J i i 1 .1 :i 1 . 1. Apply In. ii. I- liol.orls. NUNN & SVacSORLEY'S Miss CuAwrono. Eoratinir tonic aiw a soothing and strenfrtti- enlug nervine, purely vegotable, porfoctly 11 reuiiiHJs ana promoros on mo proper functions of womanhood, improves aigesuoTi, onnenos mo dioou, aispeis acnes and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and ro- stores tioaitn ana vigor. s the TIME! I'.i niiiKi- !"i, in l'..r f.ill Sin, l. .-nun lo Infill :u -. iiiL'. 1 will yive special huriiitis, mi (he I'Ouits now on lijinil. COME AT ONCE. .1. IIAXTEK. It is the only roinedy so 6ure if It dueso i oomolatnt.1 that it can tio uuaranUeA. oure, you bave your monsy back. "It thy habit lie as eotly w. thv puive can Imv." tn. Kr.spr.Aii. It is your privilege to dross well and when you nood any thing to complete your wardrobo call on us. Wo have just ;o coived a new and handsome lino of Negligee shirts, sashes, and summer Neck wtiar, 1'lcetcd Los om, open front shirts, 'i pleets lo the side. Tlie old roiiablo Dia mond shirt al way s in stoc!:, II to i;;. Collars M to s'. Lots of fixings yon need. .1. M. Iowai;i. Selected Stock! 2 OOOOOOOOOOIlOllOolHIOIIOOOii i I SAVE TOM MONEY, f g 00000(101 lOomilHlOOOOOdl.lllll S of "PREPARE TO KEEP COOL." J.CWIiitty Has .Just iU'ccivcd .iiSupiily SHE SARD'S LioiitniiiL' Ice Cream Freezers White Mountain lie Cream l-'reezeis. lee Cream Freezers I'd A liKKUKSIIINc' IM1INK '!' I'ineiijile Siii'i-lH't. hi' C':oniii Soilii, Sh:ivi-il Ice'.-. Cm ;i Culii, iimi Sml.i W'i,!. r on DiMiighl. I'll al.-n LTct om- ol' their Krelieul 'i":i!'-i Emborium -.-. 1 it Sill 1 K A kf Rl 1 BbmAftOXAL IXSTlTUTtOXS. M12WBERNE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Fall Term Opens Sept. 3d,'94 We will have departments in the f;tn-. sics, Miitheiniitics, Science, Music both iDstrumenUil and Vucal, ai.d Art. Tuorough unit systeiniitic iiistriiciion wIllbeL'iri'B iifeach of these di unrt- uientsbyan expeiieuce l, successful mid well qualilieil teaclicn. WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE For particulars apply lo S. P. liENDENHALL, I rincipal. Ufiiversityof North Carolina Includes the Cnllpsa. Ihn ITni the Law School, the Medical School iml the Summer School for Tcucher, College tuition tGO.OO a ye;ir; hnnrd $7.00 to $13.00 a- month. Session heniiis. "ept. (I. Ad.'.ress Puksioknt Winston, j30.l2w Chapel Hill N. ( TEE N0E7H ATIOLTNA. A I)VKM..N(i IIOUSK of Seven room.'. Also U'niiiy rooiii nnd KiU-licn, next loor to Jlr. C. C. Clink's rosiih lice. Apply to. Prices Lower Having . 11:1-1 'i 1 In 1.1 ;i i(iil. l'liriiiiliin..' Oi'O'l: uvrrs, shoe THAN EVEK. JS. J-i.'i, in fc tT Craven Htfoet. NEW BERIE, N, C. of V !. II k I' H' lieh.w Co ! I in I.M::i;Tin. I will nil. r ::i:-l to" nel 'I'm 1:1 , -i a .-. at mid 1. ; L. H. CUTLER. ATTENTION ! llniltling- Community lluw In lii:iitl l ion. 'u. F.nn.lH r itinji. my h.i . ui$ ut up iitl.ioininir luv j!:iniii! mills, i jun tl : pivparrd iu '.i-pply luniit 0o- i ijiiti.iiiiL,' ncili i ui ,- ,-rv ih-srrip WM. LORCH ESTABLISHED i 865. FAKilLf GEOOEREES - AM) General Merchandise. C-4:'"('aht-iiouhk An o win.. a j' ions, NORFOLK, NEW-BERNE ani WASHINGTON, N. C. DirectLineslillk ALL WATER ROUTE. Steamer NEW BERNE WILL SAIL TL'i:s)Y S ,VJ I'ltl -DAY'S 2 1 M. NEW YORK CITY. viaO.I). S.'S.Co. (Juiiniii- Dcllvery toed. No Transfer Charges. PltlLA. CI.YDK LINK, IIAI1'IMOIIIS OI.D BAY I.INI-:, BIISTIIN l'UOVlDKNCE M. & M. TKA NS. ( 1 1. WASIIINuTuN. I). C. NOKFOLK tt WASH- Ti )N 8. B. CO. HtlJIIMONDJVA. S. B. CO. RALPH GRAY, A.trt New Lcriic K. U. Moulding & Ceiling A SPECIALITY. i.i;r :m cxpt rii iift' yciirs u-. u pnu ti ;il ImuI.u (ill (irtlt th -..iTct ily. (H'-l-TS If n- T.umli' v -!:-.- ;i lilld! promptly, :m I :. (.. f umpt.ii'i.'ii' -i. lj ol I'w i.s i v vj-: ', 1 :tin liiiltlct to I "; in 1 in- rougli 0. J. BCIIEELKY, liinliliiiS'-Linnlicr Sni'jilii'.i, Cor ner At more & Gril'lil'lli ,St Jy'liW 13I2UNJ-:, X. V. o.;itiix,si. Mason's Fruit I have on hand a large lot of Mason's Fruit Jars that I bought early while they were cheap. Parties need ins: Fruit Jars and Sugar will do well to see me before buy ing elsewhere. Wr ui-n luv.. J. ii-, , i, f STlt.VW l!KKi;ii;s ii, Tu lUV. VM early fiml 'jot pnmi' luv th.. I., .( lime iis THIS FINE RATTAN ROCKING (JHAIK. At Suter's for $2.00. J'UHCIIASKD ST11AIGI IT-NO JOB LOT. Largest, Best snd Fast Stock of Furnifue of all Kinds Kvci- iiroiiglil (o I'liislorn North (Jarolina, and at ROOK BQTTQM 1 ' -T. Stater, Soutli Front Street, under ('liattawka Uotcl. J. It. NO. 7 l'arker, Jr 7 IiltOAD ST. SEASONABLE HELPS I't ii; and Mechanic Arts. Offers Time Technical Courses: THE UOUK.SK IN AUKICl'l.Tl'lJK; THE COUK.SK IN si:ii-:n,K; THE OOU1WK IN MKt'HANICAI. , CIV1I, KNINKKltlN;. Anil with onoh a koo.1 Aomli uiic K.liiriilion. Each course is broiul an tliormili, mi. I the instilulion is now riiii)pcil fin- cxr.-l-Icnt work. Expense vi-rv ninilrnile. Session opens Si-iti inlii-r 6tli. For Cataloijni s, mlilros ALEXANDKK IK ll.I.A V, 1'r. s. Itiilriuli, N. i'. THE ADVENT TERM 01' the Filly third Aiiiimil Sessitui -Ol' ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, Raleigh, N. C. ( HBO INS SEPT. 20TH, 1894. Address the Rector, REV. B. SMEDES, A. M. gALM FMALE ACADEMY7 The 83rd Aunual Session begins Sept. 4tb, 18114. Rugislcr lor lust jour ,14.,i. Special Feiiliires: Tne devi-lo'piiirnl of llealtli, Charnctcr ami Iutelleci. Iliiild ings thoroughly rcmodelln-l. Fullv einiip ped Preparatory, Coilcinie anil 'oSt Graduate Deparlmeiils, liesiil.-s llisi-duss sehorjlsin Mijsic. Art, Iji!i!;H:i"e. 'oin ini'rcinl nnd lniluslrial lii.lic s ' .1. II. (,'LKWl:r,l,. Principal, Silem, N. J. II. O. HYATT!H AKTATORIUM Itinston, IV. C. O-o HOiscases ofithe Eye and General Surgeiv.- Household Use. Rcfrigreators, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Wire Cloth, Windovy Screens And Doors, -AT- i'. jl'.Cm STffl BOILER INSOBANCR The boiler which mn nil' cvploilriil at Iaclsonvillc. N. ('.. carricil an Insurance of $20.0(10 in the Fidcliiv anil Casual I v IriMiriLUco Company of New Vork. MRS m 11 THE NEXT ONE. flic rif-id inailci o' i lie I'oilcrat Ihu ('onipanyV expense is al most equal tu amount ol premium eliar'ei. MlRAL: Insure at once. Wm.II. Oliver,, A.ent Fidelity iV CiiMinlty Co. Kewbcrn, S. '. L. H CUTLER & CO S. E. 8. STREET. pisiFH n KSTBLISHCED 1869. niFMRiinii n, nn Successor to C. SIPAL.MER. Wholesale Commission Merchants HJII THE SALE OFJ ISOUTHERN FRUITS & TRUCK. Berries, Peaches, Grapes, Melons and V ectanlcfvi. c t iiieionsiv; Btavyberrjes a Hpeoinlty 1111! lITlllDiiqinVDn niirv, T' ..... uniiiir, DUilKl, PMI IUKV. ItEKKItlvNCi;-; Ti'iiek .Sliiji T.i. -o o o o- - ( liailmni Niiiloinil Hank, N. y., Commercial Agencies and allPrlnclpal VAY TO SAVE J. ! BY MONEY! YOUJi BRA f) HAM & BROCK Iixi8' Co., ion Minu.m ST. Frcbh ami I'nic Stock of Dnys and IChemicals. lifts .lust Received A CAR LOAD OF WESTERN HORSES AND And Defies Competition Trices. as to FAMILY GROCERIES AT J. J. TolsorTs. WITH TH!- CASH Prices will, surprise you. ' Stables free to our Country friends. v ( ::Jy? 'A HOUSE & LOT cm Quocti Streel. adjoining the Station of the A. & C. 11. p. Co. Apply to . E. L,ArriIAIVI No. 3 CRAVEN ST. DEALER IN Lime, Cement, Terra Ootta Pipe for drain and Sewers . ail sizes in stock. Also lfttiqjjs, He sure to buy a barrel of ALIjM L1MG For Sanitary Purposes finest you ever saw. riFrices Guarantod. Trade Remember I have reduced the prices oirLorillard Snuff. - 1'5- Wholesale Grocer. La Fayette Military School A fligb Grade Preparatory School For Young Men and Hoys. We thoroughly nrenarc Bos uml Voiini'Meii for the Uimiviisitv. West Pcjiof aiid Auapalip. Give full and llioroi)Rh i.ifitruclinn i Muitic, Art, hnil Bpsiness. ' C)ur tuculty is composeil of nine gentli -men of large expevienee, Ull Cutlet Cornet limul anil (In hes. tia. (Jur mU-s lire vory low: In faet lower than at any other first-elans school we know of anywhere. Location Unsurpassed for BEAUTY ani HEALTH. For Catalogue containing lull particulars, Addrein, Maj.' J. W. YEHEX, Hup't. jyJ8 ljm Fujettcville, N. C. Foil YOUNG LADI ICS. Norfolk Colleie largest and host eqiilpiioil Collego in Eastern Virginia. 950 3TUBENT3. 1 23 TEAOHEHS, Healthlul gea lirooae. Near OM I'liint Comtort. Beautiful llnmn. ftllll Itfin 111.11.11.,., Steam Heat. Gas etc. Music, Ait, Elocution, .Stenography. He'll est Course ol Study in the state, tfxninises vury low. scnu ior uaiaioguc. Pupils wishing to pay own expenses, write J. A. I. OASSEDY, B. S.f Principal. fl7 2m Norfolk, Va. J. A. JONES SALE, LJVERY BOARDING STABLES. Fine Carriages, Buggies and Teams and Teams lor hire at reasonahlb rates. Best attention to hoarding horses. Horses and Mules on sale for cash it legotiable paper. South Front Street, New Berne, N.: C. Opposite Gaston House. PLUHBIUG, STEAM ' GAS FITTING. I haye Associated with me Mr- W (' Beasly, a practical Banilarv Plumber ..I. so Gat and Steam Fitter. - To those' contemnlatinff having t done m either of the above branelips prill cheerfully lurnish estimates. , jW'Brouiift attention will pe civeu tfl all work entrusted to us, . ' ' r D. G. 8MAW. . x . ,. iMm JMa.nlym -V ; ;i .",- . .. jVj. t.i . . : : .-. : : ..-r . y Jyl8 2m W C, BEASLY.

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