Journal. The Daily VOL. XIIL-NO. 107. NEW BERNE, N. C. THURSDAY. AUGUST 9, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS A XT BUSINESS LOCALS. HOUSE MOVING Am prepared to move iuildiniR on short notice and at reasonable prices. Work done promptly siml guarantee not to break plasteriDg. Ai.fhbi Jones, Col. FINE Venl, Beet, and Lamb at FW1. Colin & Son's to-day. NEED PEAS and BEANS for Tail nl:in(inr. Call at Berry's and secure be in re all jone. Plant Beans Aug. 20 to Sept. 51 h, and Pens Sept. 1st to 12th. Those pliinted earlier than this will have to. he shipped before the fall frosts have cut oft' Jersy and Long Islttml crops and not wanted iu market. a91w JUST RECEIVED by Express some Excellent l'.-achoa and Pears, for sale Cheap this morning at Sam 11. Waters, 105 Middle St. (iKANULATEl) sugar five cents per pound in Un pound lots at J. W. Mesics. lw. MAVINIi iHiimuiirntly engaged the room ill' (lie Epworth League, lesson will hereafter bogivcn there. Class in sight singing will-meet evi ry Wednesday and Kri lay nights at half past eight o'clock. :U. Mas. W. B. IIii.l. KINK Coal Oil Johnny Soap lor toilet or laumlry. Only W: a cake. Lucas & Lkwib. STORE AND FIXTURES FOR KENT Siore and fixtures, corner Pol lock and Craven streets, now occupied by W. I). ISarrinnton. Possession given An,', llih. a2tw C. E. Slovek. MEXICAN Aniote Soap For medici nal ami toile t purposes. A superior soap for the most delicate infant. Entirely cmoliciit, superlatively detergent, in either soft, hard or saltwater. U. Bkuuy, Sole Agent. TO THOSE who asked for indulgenco.the thirty days expires this week and I shall proceed to expose bills as before with your pie i for indulgence attached to each Respectluily Yours, R. Sawykk, Fnshional ilc Tailor. FOR KENT: -Dwelling No. 124 Pol lock stiT'l, adjoining my residence. Jul 1st! 1!. B. Dave.npoht. STENOGRAPHY and Type Writing Miss Kachel C. Brown tenders her services to the public as Stenographer and type writer. She can lw found at the office of Mr. O. II. Union, over the Citizens Bank, between the hours 10 a. in. and 5 p. m. jyl5 lm WHEN Boraxine is used according to directions, a third of the labor and the cost of soap in ordinary washing is saved. Simples free at J. F. Taylor's. MACHINE and hand made brick in any quantity for sale. Apply to Chas. Rciz enste'iii, or Joseph L. Halm. n28 tf. LOCALNEW8. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ilowaro. R. Berrj' Peas and Beans. Alfred Join s House Moving. Sain'l Colin & Son Fine Veal, A runaway case was brought to light yesterday. A married man of Wilming ton, ran off with a young girl under fifteen years of age and came up to New Berne. Major Stanton pissed through yester day morning to inspect tho government improvement work near Morehead City which has lately been going forward uuder Maj. Chadbourn. Mr. Chadbourn wei.t down also. Messrs. G. II. Waters & Son are thor oughly overhauling the omnibus which was formerly run by Mr. J. W. Stewart. It will be made same as new, and used in connection with the Chattawka hotel as soon as it opens. The Messenger tells of the bold rob bery of. two adjoining residences; thoso of Mrs. Rosa Bivins and Mi. John Meier. Kitchens were robbed of all provision!, and from tire houses some ailver ware s little money and a bran new gold watch and chain stolen, One trunk was carried out into the garden and broken open with Streams Rising Damage Resulting. The continued ruins are causing the streams tributary to the Nouse river above New Barne to rise considerably. The water is over the bridge at Snow Hill and is two and a hall feet deep in the sloiiner ware-house and it was built, we are told, lour feet higher than water was even expected to come. The water in Swift creek is higher than it has been since M77, and it con tinues to rise. The Swift creek budge is a (lout, and would go down the current, but for the people there having manuged so lar to hold it at its placo by making it fast at each corner and in the middle. There is no passing except by boats, Tho U. 8. mail has to be transferred from the stage coach in a boat and lorried cross the creek into the village. All of the crops in the lowlands are under water and it is feared they will be a total loss. . ' ' Tirabermtn are losing quantities of their logs bp their breaking loose arid go ing down, with the swift current, $ , ; - ; Fears are felt that further trouble may be caused bat the hope is that tho waters will speedily recede. - Now York Truck Quotations by Wire Messrs. Palmer Kivenburg & Co., of New York, telegraphed the following quotations for that city lost night. -., ... Watermelons, '' extra lame, 1 to 20ci . medium 10' to 15c,;.. Gppes Del ware ,7 to 8, Moore early 8 to 10, Concord 4 to 6, Sweets potatoes yellow 42.50 . 10 CU, 3,VU 10 .&U. , " . The Cruiser For Our Boys. Advices from Washington read as fol lows: "The Navy Department has decided to have the new cylinder for the United States steamship Montgomery, to replace that cracked on the trial trip; made at the Norfolk navy yard, instead of allow ing tho contractors to replace it. This will be a work of two months and in the meantime, in order to permit the vessel to remain in active service, the broken engine will be compounded or run with two cylinders instead of three until the new cyliudar is finished. "It is possible that iu this way the Montgomery maybe availed of to hike out the North Carolina militia instcad.of using the Raleigh, which is not yet finish ed." A Mattress Machine Mr. Thos. E. (Jaskill who recently in vented a machine for filling niattro-isof is now having one of them built, aud will in a few days give it a good test and have it on exhibition. Heretofore nothing has been built except the model. If the machine works as expected, it wilt enable two men working with it to fill a hundred, possibly a few more, mat tresses per day. By hand it is a fair days work for a man to till ten or litteen undresses per day. The machine will work any mater- al used in filling and may cause epiile a revolution in mattress making. A lew lays more will tell the storw. Firemen's Tournament All die (jo. The Firemen's Tournament is drawing nigh.. It holds on the last three days in this month. The Allantics will probably enter four contests the horse reel race, the hand reel do. and the quick steaming and long distance throwing. The boys are perfectly satisfied ihat they will bring home the prize for quick steaming, and hoic tj do likewise in the band reel contest and possibly the others. They should practice with the hand reel well between now and the time of the tournament $40. is the pri for that, and with it goes the champion ship belt, which is valued at $75. New Berne is believed to have the two quickest steam ing engines in the world. This is due to modifications made in them by New Berne machinists of inventive talent. One cngino goes up to the tournament one year aud brings back the prize, and the other engine, the next year. Tho prize is f 50. Now as the boys toel so safe on this prize let them slmw their mettle and seo what they can do for the other there. Practice up and get in good trim. Tho Oily Council Dr. Frank Hughes, owner of Hotel Chattawka and Messrs. Stewart and Hughes, proprietors, are endeaving to in duce the city authorities to still further improve the condition ol South Front street in the vicinity of the hotel. A peti tion to that effect was presented to tho city council and the council referred tho matter to the Strait and Pump commit tee with power to act. This is one of the most travelled portions of our streets, and specially needs to be kept iu good condition. License was also e ran ted to the hotel to retail liquor The Street and Pump committee through chairman Lovick reported the streets in better condition than ever be fore and attributed it largely to the good judgment and oversight of the Mayor. The committee wisely advised further im provements with shell rock. The first town lot on the right bund side of the f walk as Cedar Grove cemetery purposes. The board of coun cil appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. T. A. Green, Geo. II, Roberts and L. H. Cutler to appraise the same. ComiDg and Going. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ives left to visit rel atives at Statcsville; Mrs. Ives' mother, Mrs. Barrel I, who has been visiting them left with them returning home. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Watson and their daughter, Miss Jennie, left f..r Seven Springs. Mr. Watson will return homo in about a week. Mrs. and Miss Watson, after remaining at the Springs awhile will leave for the mountains. Mrs. Chns. C. King and Mrs. F. J. Ilage, of Durham, came down last night to spend some time in the city. Their husbands preceded them by several months Miss Kate Pritclielt who has been visi ting Miss Alice bujitn lell returning nome. xne iouowing parties returned from Morhcad. The family of Mr. O. Marks the family of Mr. Chas. Rtizeiisfein, Miss, Laura Hughes and Mr. Ilalph Gray. Miss Iida Wilkinson, of Edenton, is visiting Miss Etta Nunn. . Misses Lena and Kate Hines who have J been visiting in Lenoir county Kturned J home; " 1 1 VFroni ' tpeciat telegram to tiw'Rich- uvood Sispatch from Balolgh we clip the following: "The haarrel between the fbsion and anti-fusion Republicans has beguni ' It -will- be hot Borne of the negroes are greafly. stirred up, because some Republican leaders, said that the white Republicans and tbe Populists were -aoia to oeieat tne uomocrata, la&T ing the negroes, out of the calculation." A CHARLOTTE SHOOTING AFFRAY. A Prominent Society Man, Jabez Myers Possibly Fatally Wounded by Fred Oliver. The Charlotte News tells ot a serious shooting affray iu that city on the sixth inst. Fred Oliver shot ami badly wound-' ed Jaliez Myers, twice. Mr. Myers' re covery is doubtful, but the chances are in favor ol it. Mr. Oliver is under a 95,000 bond. Both arc men ol' social prominence and both spent mqch time at Moiehead this yiar. It is supposed that Mr. Myers, who was shot was sulferiiiT from aberra tion of mind in fuel l.- had Miown such signs ol it that his Iricnds were consider ing the advisability of locking him up and the proprietor i.f i!,e I olel where he slopped were anxious lor linn to move as the guests were getting disturbed and fearful of some violence. His moving impulse was that two men , Mr. Oliver, (the gentleman who did the soocting) aud another man had mortally ollemlcd him, and he made constant and vigorous threats to have their hearts' blood, Mrom Mr. Myers' statement the ground of offence "as an occiirance at More.'iead. He entertained there in lavish style, t lio crowning social event of the month be ing a lavor German, an elaborate affair, given by him in favor of a St. Louis young lady, anil it appears that all the trouble, sprang from this (ierman. He was paying attention to the young lady at the time-, aud he charge.! that Mr. Oliver broke up the match by telling her mother thai Mr. Myers could not afford to give such an event as the (icinian was, and it was under thi beliel that Mr. Myers harbored tin: enmity. When Mr. Oliver returned homo lie ft as warned by bis friends of the situation anil he armed li'iuself. As he was driv ing at a trot along the street Mr. Myers who was on the porch of a friend's house prang excitedly towards him, swearing and calling on turn to stop, tor an an swer Mr. Oliver drew his pistol and fired. Myers staggered but resume 1 the pursuit, and Oliver tired again, when Myers slap ped his hand to his shoulder and reeled off and Mr. Oliver went on '.o the au thorilies and surrendered. The liist bullet struck Mr. Myers squarely in the chiu, shivered the bone, knockeil four loelli out, took a downward course and lodged in his throat, near the collar bone. It was extracted by the physicians. The other bullet shattered the right arm so that two and one-hall inches of the bone, near the shoulder, had to be removed and amputation was nar rowly escaped. Mr. Oliver is manager of the extensive oil aud fertilizer factory in Charlotte and is identified with other leading industries of thu city. Mr. Myers is a traveling salesman for a large Northern firm and makes Charlotte his headquarters and is a favorite in both social and business circles there. Mr. Oliver denies the charge brought against him by Mr. Myers and says he was not oven i.cquainlod with tho lady. Mr. Myers was considered by some of the people at Morehead to lm acting erazy-like before ho loft there. The latest from Mr. Myers is that h is much better, lie is at the home of Mr. T. L. Alexander, near whore he was shot. lie is to be taken to the hospital at the cailiest practical moment. lie has no fever and all his symptoms are favorable but he has to keep in a silting posture as the wound in his throat would cause him lo choke should he lie down. HAPPENINGS OF THE BAY. The Alabama Democratic rooster is crowing gamely. He feels his oates. The fall of '94, will witness a fall of predictions and politicians that promise to be unprecedented. Just givo me your votes, aud I'll do the rest, is the plain English of lots of "taffy" that is being given to the dear people these long summer days. Bullet proof coats are as plentiful as flying machines, and up to date just about as practical. The negro convict who was shot by guards and dangerously wounded at States- vi lie is reported ma critical condition and not expected to live. The views about the action of Congress on the Tariff bill are conflicting and B seem to be merely all guess work. Some II think a settlement near at hand, and othere tlmt tbe biU wlU be defeated .Fusion, coalition, co-operation,; or whatever the Republican-Populists call their combination show did not take in Alabama. Neither will it take in North Carolina. Boberson county correspondent of line rriiiinugiou oiar says: roiiiics high. Democrats well pleased over such nominations as John G. Shaw and N. A. McLean Pops all mad abent fusion with Rads. One Pop's wife told him he could sell no more of her chickens to get the fiftce cents dues to pay Boss Butler for voting tne .Radical ticket, sue nad been for the People's party, but no Bad." AU free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Drug cist and cct a Trial Bottle. Free. Send vour name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Lite puis Free, as well tta a eorjv of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor. Free. All of which is miardnteed to do Von good and cost you nothing. -. For sale at F. S. Duffy's Drug store. , OUR PUBLIC BUILDING. Senator Jarvis Appealed to to Procure Its Prompt Construction His Favorable Reply. New Berne, N, C, July 2otli, Mil. Hon. Thomas J. Jakvis, Senate Chamlier, Washington, 1). C,: Dear Sir: .Allow me to present, for your consideration the matter ol our Public Building, lou are aware that by- act of Congress approved March 2nd, 1X89, the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars was appropriated with which to purchase a situ and erect thereon a build ing suitable for Post-oflice, Customs ami Courts at New Berne, N. C. The site was purchased over three years ago, and nearly five and a half years have elapsed since the passage of the act, md allliougii during this period inaiiv buildings have been constructed that were authorized since this one for New liernc, nothing further has been done within our view toward the erection of the building. This eligible site, located iu the business center ot toe town, still remains un- ulorued. a veritable eyesore, rankly over grown with grass ami weeds a menace to public health and a reproach to official lolh. Our people have been waiting long md patiently lor a commencement of the work on! v to have their hopes deferred and to see the subject for a long tinio seemingly wholy forgotten. In regard to the matter we have had Mime coneqiond eiice with our rcprepreseutntives and the ollice ol' the supervising architect, the only outcome ol which were a few small uncertain assurances that show uo indi cation to materialize to anything suli stantial. In vic.v of the growth of our city, the yearly expansion of its business and a arge attendant increase in the business ol the Post-oflice here, a Public Building is conceded by all now to lie an absolute no'essily. We are told that large bodies move slowly and great undertakings require time lor consummation but there is Hom ing like a little push, and an occasional impetus will sometimes put the wheel in motion. On behalf of our people and in the in terest of this city and section 1 am con strained to aQk you lo give us the force ol your persuasive argument and influence in furtherance, of the construction of the Public Building at New Benie, We know full well we have a powerful Vulcan at the lorge, and will rest satis fied if we shall be so fortunate as to enlist your sturdy co-operation iu this matter that seems to require constant and heavy hammering. Awaiting your early reply, 1 am, dear sir. yours very respectfully, Wm. Ellis, Major. I'niteh States Sknatk, Washington, I). C, Aug- 4th, 18(14. Ho.v. V.i. Mayor, New Berne, N. C. My Dear Sir; In reply to your favor of the 20th of July, I beg to say, that we are informed by the Architect of the Treasury Department that the cause of the delay in commencing work on the Government Building in New Bern has liceu attributable to tho fact that the force in Ins office was Insufficient to pre pare the plans and specifications tor the rge numlier of buildings provided lor by the several acts of Congress, He in lorms me that he thinks be will be able to commence work on your I uildiug by the first of December next. I also made a special visit today to see the Secretary of the Treasury to urge thai the work be'coinmcnced on the New Bern building at the very earliest possible lay. From him I learned also that the delay had been caused by the iiisiillicient forco iu the Architect's ollice, and that this want of force arose from an insuffi cient appropriation with which to employ the necessary draughtsman. He, how ever, promised to do what he could to expedite flic matter. So I think our New Bern friends may rest assured that me work will be commenced within the next few months. Very truly yours, Jnos. J. Jakvis. A FAREWELL ODE. TO THB OLD "GASTON HOUSE." Farewell to thee, Home of my childhood, Farewell to Ihec, New Berne s old fun, Thou hast faced in thy life all its changes Of success, failure, peace, and War's din. Plague, death, birth, lire, marriages which have Iu turn been allotted a space In thy history's ponderous volume, Where the eras their records did trace. And now like a vessel thou aeemest, That s braved many voyages to sea. Then lacking some of Science 'new prow ess, To the past relegated must be. Thy name in itself was a mission Preserving integrity s say And 'tis sad but to think in tliv down fall, ' That thy tribute survived but a day. The hearts that enshrined thee most truly, No longer with earth s passions swell And she, of the few who still love thee, From a foreign chmo bids thee fare well. Farewell to thee, Home of my childhood, Thou structure ol mortar and clay, Tho' changes decree alteration, I'll cherish thy mem ry alway. Mas. J. H. Montgomery, Pcdras Negras, Mex., July 30th, 1894, Let thy 'rabit ,be as costly as thy purse can buy." Suakespear. It is your privilege to dress well and when you need any. thing to complete jour wardrobe call on us. We have just re ceived a new and handsome line of Negligee shirts, sashes, and summer Neckwear, Pleated bos om, open front shirts, 3 pleets to the side. , "The old reliable. Dia mond shirt always in stock, sies 14 to 174. Collars 14 to 18 Lota of fixings you need. . J. M. Howard. (TS t -ASTODHDIHQ- Absolutely Pure A oroam of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latkbt United States Ooveknment Fooo Hkpokt. Royal Bakinu St.. N. Y. The Hth Township Democratic Ex. om. are requested to meet at Ihc; ollice ol S. I!. Street. Saturday July 11th al : o clock p. in. liiisluess ol iinpoi'tanci will come belore you. N. Tisdai.k, 'Inn. Don. Iv Wholesale Market Live stall fed cattle 4a5c Iresscd beef 4a". Beeswax 20c. Com, ".i. Chickens spring 20a40c pair, lucks. Eng. 40a.l50c; Mas :ovv Eggs, lie a 12c. 'Jeese, Toe. a Mile. Hides Dry libit, : .Irv salt green I Jc, deer hides 1.1c. Peaiuts, ."li.i(i(li ts. Wool 10c. Lambs '$ laifl.-lo. Old Sheep, $ 1.20aif2.oO. Crown chickens, IV. Oals. :iin3" Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given of the Incorpora tion of tho New Berne Sanitary Sewer Company. That the names ot the Incorporators are: Reuben K. Walker, of Concord. Merrimack County, N. II.; II. I.. Cibbs, ofNcw Berne, Craven county. N. ('..and T. A. Green, of New Berne, Craven coun ty, N. ('., and such others as they may associate with I hem. That the name of the said Corporation shall be the "New Berne Sanilay Sewer Company." That the Enid corporation is formed for the purpose of maintaining and operating a system of sewers within the corporate limits and immediate vicinitv of the City of New Berne, North Carolina, with pow er to make contracts with the inhabitants and owners of houses foi Hie use of said sewers and to collect the rentals therefor. That the business of this corporation is to lie carried on iu the City of New Berne. Craven county, N. C, and the Company shall also have an oflice iu the City ol Concord, State of New Hamsphire. That the time of the existence of this corpora tion is limited to thirty years. .The amount of crpital stock of said corporation is Fifty Thousand Dollars, and the lumber of shares of which said capital stock shall consist shall be Five Hundred, of the par value of One Hundred Dollars each. The Stockholders shall not l,e individually liable for any liabilities of the corpora tion. Witnes my hand ami oui ial seal this 7th day of Aug., 18U4. W. M. WATSON. Clerk Superior Court. FOH icirs'r. A DWELLING IIOHSK of Seven rooms. Also Dining room and Kitchen, next loor to Mr. C. C. Clark's residence. Apply to, BjUDHAM & BROOK Dr ag Co., 103 MIDDL.E ST. Fresh and Pure Stock of Drugs and (Chemicals. For Sale! Two Most Desirable BUILDING LOTS In the City, Corner Middle & New Streets. Apply at once to II. L.. (jHUIJS. MILLINER? BUSINESS FOR SALL A Millinery Business :n a good locality cm lie bought on easy terms. Apply or write to Mrs. M J. Biiopkm, 70 Pollock Street, dciw2t New Berne, N. C. "PREPARE TO KEEP COOL." C.WIiitty Has Just Keocivetl a Smiplv of SUKPARD'S Lightning Ice Cream Freezers White Mountain PowDua Co., :ioe w.n j yf l J . ! l-.ilU. 'l.l-i It'll. II 1 IVYV l f I I 1 iilaiidc. Ice Cream Freezers. A DTI Ice Cream Ai I IV Freezers. Prices Lower THAN EVER, No. 3, S5 & S7 ' Craven Street. HEW BERNE, H. C. mmmu on) a a -r-'MPf-t - f n i ' "i ' s Mfe& hM 1 1 INTERESTING NEWS You will find IN ADVERTISING COH.TTIvTS as well as in other parts of the THERE Another Item in any part of the Piiper as interest ing to the people of this section as THE FACT that we are OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIXMM KtOOO The Leaders In LOW PRICES. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 2 AND O m H -i 47-49 PoM St S PAPEandDEYO, WIIOI .KHALK Commission I Merchants. WaHliingtoii JWtreet, NEW YORK. Southern Fruits and Vegetables a Specialty Large and Roomy WAREHOUSES. Facilities for handling heavv shipments unsurpassed 1 by any house in the business. EAC'II DAY OF SALES" National Bank of Ne Berne, N. C. Guusrvoort Bank New York. REFERENCE: Stencils and Postals can be obtained Tat JOHN DUNN'S. l - 'V