A 8WEEP1SU l.EM IUTIC TIC , ' .TORY. ; - Mr. Dates' Majority m Alabama Be . tween 25,000 ami HO 00-Tho " lf;laUtiir li Hi-fiHlic by a V r.I Safe Mjuri,j. JIOHTOCOMBRY, Alit., Allg. 7. JNeHily tvary comity turns op with . a bt-avv Ions fir KolK as compared with his vote of 1002. For instance, Madison county in 1892 went for , Kolb by 298 Official returns give it to Oatea bv 1.14 !, a change of r over 1700 votes. Heury,. Mr. Oates' r-owD oonutr, went for Kolb in 1892 by ovur 1.500. This jearit goes for Mr. OateH over 500. Legislative letuiiiH indicate a Hate Democratic majority, even without Jefferson's delegation of six, though the pro spects are that Jellernon has gone Democratic. Later -Complete uuoQloiai, but reliable returns from counties injthe State, except two, make the Demo ciatio majority "0, 124. Those two counties are Baldwin and Coving ton, both small connties, which can not possibly change tbe foregoing result more than a few hundreds. The official connts in the counties take place' Saturday, and the resnlt will not be changed mateiially. The Democrats havu at least twenty two members of the Senate oat of thirty-three and sixty-one tnera bers of tlio II ouse out of 100. stuikeks1:mcole'EI). The Withdrawal of Troops from Pull, nan Hesu'ts in Demonstrations by Woters, OutAGO, Ang. 7. The places of the militia ou guard at Pullman were taken by police officers who patroled the railroad crossing and stood guard outside the ctr shops and packing honeeo. The withdrawal of the troops was followed by several vicious attacks on workingtnen. Two attempts were made last night in tbe .stock yards district to burn Chicago Erie cars. The second time the cars were smear ed with cotton wueta and oil: and wore Darning liercely wtion dis covered by a police. Ninehunderd men were at work in the repair shops of the Fallman Company thin morning. Tbe force is composed of new men by a large majority. There was a feeling of unrest, among the strikers when thel:ihtof the troops had disap peared. The police expect the strik ers will make some kind of a de mon !.r;ition at the shops now. The Oilds in Favor of Japan. T.V'OMA, Wash., Aug. 7. Capt. W. II. Bridgnian, who has com manded the United States cruiser Baltimore for the last two years, rut.nnied hero on t wo month's leave of absence, having left the cruiser at Chemulpo, Corea. ,lnlyl-th. He regards tuo Oriental war as an unequal contest, with the odds greatly favoring Japan, which, he says, I: is a splendid navy and an army as well equipped as that of any European country. Japan, he think, in mh o to win uuless Chiua is given time to make war pre parations on a gigantic scale. Enjoyed the Asheville Excursion, Ed. Journal: I desire to say a few words relative to the recent excursion from your city to the city of Asheville situated on tbe musical, historic French Broad among the towering peaks of the grand and magnificent Blue ltidge monntains, which was under the management ot Messrs. K' E. Pip kin and A. N. Daniels. The realization of my expecta tions for exbeeded my anticipation. Every part of the programme was carried ont to perfection in fact more information and pleasure, ac commodation and courtesy ware brought into reality than could have been previously represented or now enumerated by any one. My daughter, Faun's and my self, being the only ones from Beaufort county who took advan tage of this splendid opportunity; numerous questions are asked me in my travels relative to the trip, and I am sure were this chance again offered this county would furnish a goodly number ot excur sionists. Josephus Edwards. I'.VMLK'O roMTlCS. A Complete Change in County Otllcer Advocated. Ed. Journal: Well jou kindly give in space to make a few sug gestions about county officers! Oar county convention comes off Sept, 1st. Just one month Irom now and I want tu say who I think would make a good set of county officers; all new ones: VV. J. Parker, lor sheriff, J. W. Brabble for Clerk, Jonathan Per kins, for ltogister of deeds Brinson Campen for county treasurer, N. G. Brinson for Surveyor John. W. Muse far coroner, and W. T. Mayo, Paul. J. Daniels It. L. Woadard or 11. A. Keel lor representative, either of the four would be good men and I have got any choice. butwe better have a new set of county officers. The old ones have had it long enough for some one else to have a chance. If the oflioes don't pay enough to make a living in, then we do not want one set to work always for " nothing, tbey have done their sbare. If there is anything in them there re others that need the help just as bad. - I thall vote for whoever is nomi nated, if we nominate democrats "but beliom-Mfiair play, and there -forejay-gTves as a new ticket. A TRUE BLUE DEMOCRAT. HEROIC YOEMi L YMES. They Assist their Father In Reselling a Shipwrecked Crew. PENSAOOLA, FIh, Aug. 7. Last right the lull ngtcod Noiwo nu ship Catherine, (Jiipt. Hleven bou, stranded ou Sauta Rosa isltud nearly two miles from the lite Rav ing station, while trying to enter tbia harbor. A terrible nor) lnn.-it gale was blowing at the time. The Qovernment disbands the life Hav ing station from May to September, leaving only the'eanuiu in chaio. Capt. Broadbent, with ilia a -i -tance of his three daughter.- . ml one man, hauled their appAr.iiuj nearly, two miles, lired the lifts i;.:e aud rescued the crew of the vc im The fate of the vossol is very uu certain. She lies iu twelve feel water A ileet of tugs is eudoavur. Ing to aid the vessel, but the ble storm keeps tbc-m oil" Later. The veam now in w en feet of water . ..d UrMjudu going to pieces. Kolb Cluims lie Is ilit-i led. Birmingham. Aue. 7. Keuliou Kolb, tbe Populist, candidate for Governor, has furnished u the Ase-Herald a statement :a v. ,,.'. claims that he has carried lorly-ciie ont ot fifty white counties and that t le State ticket, of which he :g the bead, has boell elected by a I'l j .r ity of 1,000, and t ii:tr-en .i.'iu-: upon the Democrats. Siito to he Guillotined f;i IV i . Lyons, Aug. 7. (Ve:i. U- : the assassin of Protf.de;.! ' .: has persisted 1a !'-. ivi ;. ; make an appeal to t !t .-a Cassation and thi) tiaie .t:;'c. having lpsed the p-i;-;- -v. -v. sent to Pans to d iy t..x i. ture of Presidc-u: i fixing his exeiintnn '., hence. WOMEN IN MCDlOiC. They Are Takinpr First Pi.ic. n TV, ' Branch of S-!crn At thi-lvwut ..'..'niM-tiw ' na'ion !.;.! 1:; 1 iii.ndi :..r : i- TXiiitiiier.t of r'si'...-iits (l.i- dclphin lnv.pita i'.tn ''", i'. 1 were eighty-fm:r e.'ite.sUia'.H. eif,l. of whr-n v.-er v--i .men. Tht- h:i of obtaining fir-t rank over cuudidutes has boeu a cord'. !l Helen Baldwin, of Coii:.e;-ti. graduate of the "WninanVi n collegt of th. New Yoik Imii t th.-: ' I J... . r.t, a 'l;e;i! class of '01. Tr. Buldv.-in is graduate of TTciifslfv colleir, un she has served as interne in the N.t. England hospital fur women and children. She to-dc thce-:ir!V!-.!i in Boston, June, lei?, f(.r a-b.ii.. .:! -u to the Massachusetts mmlieiil co-.-ie ty, and here also she obtained the highest mark given by the exam iners. The present is the seeonri time wlthiu a few years that a woman has been declared "No. 1" in the BloV-kley examination, lr. Harrhrt Brooke, of the Woman's m-tlieal col lego of Pennsylvania, being the first to win this dis tinction. Two other women phv sienns, this year's graduates (if tho Woman's medical college of Pennsylvania, gained places on the Blockley staff this year, which num bers sixteen in all. Dr. Augusta G. Williams, of Brookliue, Mass., graduated In May from tho Wom an's medical college of Pennsyl vania, obtained tho ninth place of honor, whilo Dr. Caroline ITet rlck, of Pennsylvania, who grad uated at the samo time and place with Dr. Williams, ranks re No. 10. Those who take interest, and satisfaction in watching the achievements of women in the only competitive tests up to this time, in which masculine and feminine intel lects each have their fair chance to prove ability, will take especial pride in these thrue young medical graduates. When young women can take rank abovo the picked grad uates of all our high medical schools competing, ns Blockley hospital Is considered the blue riblxin among hospitals that admit recent grad uates as residents, no one can say that scientific eduoatlon is given them In vuin. Philadelphia Ledger. Paper Spindles. Tho Introduction of paper spindles for yarn spinning, thus avoiding the objection to tho great weight of steel as heretofore used, is said to hao proved a decided advantage, and the process of manufacture i. described as follows: A quantity of common pulp stock is run into molds the shape of a spindle, no attention being given to the whir! at this stagi, and the castof the moid:, is :. uch that & spindle Is produced about four times tho required sine in diameter. In tho process of hardening, t.ho r-ofr. flabby spindle Is placed m a c. im press, ns it ii turned, ft sort of ir, araulic device in widt h a lfivepumo is employed to ivc fin (Yiormovi.. pressure; the spindle is piured singi y In a peculiar shell arning.-nient, : ,i made that, by revolving certain screws in tho side compress ujwn the spindle from all sides, the latter is squeezed Into a compartment nbout pfio-quarter its original size. TIv bydraulio power is u-a d in maklr.g tho apparatus turn, which gives na tion to the numerous screw?. 'When compression of the spindle h com pleted, a perfectly formed, hard, tough, substantia! one Is produced, and, when dried and polished, tl: surface is said to be as hard as met al. Tho whirls are next made; again the molds are used," and tb.6 same method of compressing -is applied, the result being whirls of great. Btrength and firmness. jNpunese I.iver Tellets are the hppt family medicine (or liver complaint and constipation. 50 pills iD vial 20 och. U. w, Uabkill. L ' I I DOSTGB'S BILLS SAYED. f,. i ;f t n. TVwTOitrat Con OM DR. 1'iEI-CK. .'tirraie. K. V.: 1m kiv tht tho use of our " (ioJtlen Medi cui I (jsoovcry " has Ktv'-i! 1 ne many doo mru" 1 .Ufa, fts I hnvo for fi'-. y3t elevrn yoara, vJVrj vor nooded, licon 1: ;!. it for tho oryslp (."t : l Pi tl alpo Xorcllron i'- 1 nrrhca, find am r,Intl t'i tay that it faas ii'iT fniioil. I havo :..s ri-ooinuieiided It -i ?r iny of my neiffh l i'. ;tr- It is n ni4icino v. - , ( ! ri'i'oiTiinpndin j. JOSKi'H SMITH. CimCC3 D , vitalizes and iunpirnling tho a 1 .1. S.i ITl, ' c;fii r-i-z'- ri Om-.rl . 1 . ' 1, ; Se ...... :., j Vl ' ,.' I1,,: !;e v . .1. VI' ' ! t Ay "r'i'.i!i . ;: -Mlii, a'. I 1..' : r Mini of in..- lli.ii.: . , 1 ,;, m;,! every ;i:;i' e' ' i e 1 arod by 1 ii." 1: , '. ClliNVV. Sue:: : -.-i 1 i ,-. 1 in "l )''' 1 VKrnibiT, A. I). .. ' t . Hi1. ;. Tie lie. 1 nit Vitally 1 i :.ll'l Ml II - : !.c i' -- '' ;.... "ci CO C!) : o CD .. in- e'e el In iter iGRora:.;;: ship c -.VQjOES . ;-. i '.loin A Y LOR. UJvJIJl! V '. .-.-.'.' : ; mmmm 'Xl'rf'l . . DOWi'i CO TriH PRICES ; i'liAii:-; : " ' :.wd ll'Hlan '. -"1 .;. IV''lisO'l ! ;i'..k- ' ii:i .(.nlurv :.- .'ill i-aeli. .'.'i i is tvelity-live 'i . . ;-: i . r " io buy : I "d I'n.'hitlll ''. t Ufii.c. N. ( '. ne ' 'i:: . i -l i ,,n.i ' , 1 Tn.'iil.-li eel;' - l. ! . vo. ii j; i ;.;.' 1? 7 J ci: . , ; ;, Pi: . : ' - ....'INK OF i -e ( .f . u.i '.... a ,, ! .'a:i:;:i!. I Ise.-eent I '!::ars. v-" &j.-i'i-m.ym-ssmiu n wiii i:-V !" ." : i ():' it JERiES ---AT - J. Tolson's. Will! !;::; :'S'! i'iif. will surprise Stable c free to our Coyntry friends. jy3d. . t Li i" :. i;i.'i ... i ! I : i'. . ! I I" Tl Vh: ' ,i .' :. .--I'M t4 JAS. ESMOND, V'iee-Prcs. B. S. GUION, See. & Tress. OFFICE: i9 GRIFFITH. ST, OO0Ot)OOO ICE CO. Manufacturers of Pore Crystal Ice FROM DISTILLED WATER. CAPACITY: 20 Tons per day Dully delivery (except Ninuhij) by wagons from 6 a. m. to G p. . Sunday (retail only) (nun 7 n. id . to ' noon. Car Load lets solicited ami oi.lt-rs tit K1 promptly. For prices and oilier iiirormation. Address, B. S. GUION. nu'idwlf Manaukk. Selected Stock! ooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 SAVE YOUR MONEY. I ooooooooooooooooooooooo ll.ivin;; purcliast il the entire lucU ,ol (inn Finnisliiny Goods; HATS, SIi)l, of V. I. '.l!i!ix!Tx, I will oil' r said Sleek for the next TinH'i'v-! v. al ;n:d liclow CiM. ",: L. H. CUTLER. i in. Is the To e.ake room Coi l':dl Sin. i.. soon io lie-in ai!.' in:. 1 ttill ive -iiecial hai'i'aiii'-, mi lh.' oods now on hand. COME AT ONCE. .J. .1. HAXTKH. Trade Remember I have reduced the prices on Lorillard Snuff. 1' liolotsn .le jrroeer. .1. K. LATHAM ; N... :! Cli.WEX ST. . DEAL EI! IN Lime, Cement, Terra Gotta Pipe for drain and Sewers all sizes in stock. Also fittings. Measure to buy a barrel of j i j i j i liiviij: For Sanitary Purposes finest you ever saw. rpriee8 Quaranled. SEASONABLE FOlt HELPS Household Use. Llefrigreators, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, rirc Cloth, Window Screens And Doors, AT L. H CUTLER & GO'S. DO YOU DRINK? Tlioutfh your onllar may wilt nwiiv ami imr wjnrii nrnii as low as Lno 8ea lcvol.tlufid Hlill ruiiiuinw for vou. in thin liot. sniti-v. si- zlinn, ImkiiiK w'.uUior, a joy and pleasure thiit Hint llHinbo with his trillions ot shek- cis couui nt'vr (;iijoy : ono ol thono uolihl lul, delicious drinks dispensed bv Frank Mai thews at the Soda Water Conn tor ot UastiH's J'htmnacy. Itns ostabUshnnMU has intro IiiC(rd the popular drinks ot the season, nnd is a oie io introduce oLners. Among i- iuv erugos most called tor are: TEACH CREAM flaskill's Pharmacy 5c A delicious unnk made ol l'ure Milk, Peacli 1'tilp and Cracked Jcc. CHEER? PEPSIN, &askillrs Pharmacy A lricht, snarklinjr drink 5c. einbraeintr the mrc ntctii-i nal propertiesol !'( p:iii iiml in- owiMnni'hs iccui!ur to the Chen y. Gaskiil's Pharmacy SHESBERTS rine Aplo, stniwlici ry and 5c. 3 itasoerry .iieturiniis miii uuiu ty, ami in evety-:isf most satisiaetory to iiu- rM-itd- iner who wantn t . ORANGE PHOSPHAT: 13 --GasAiirs I'.".ar cy Knerval in; and i i-. nt ion- 5c. ally cooling, besides bedntr ol value to the nervous Hys- icin and uigcsiive organs; posesMii)K ft ncuilainly fla vor and relish. COCA COLA -Gaskiil's Pharmacy A revivifying beverage well r ami favombly known by all OG ,iffht drinking inebriates; produces wakeiulness and high spirits, though it rare ly intoxicates. FEANE KATTHEWS -OaskiU'i Pharmacy A chaiming littio ulsnonser p of all the splendid drinks at. Ot. Gaskill'8 rhannacy, and who delights in any trouble that bring pleasure to tho customer. -o-GASKILL'S PHAKMACY-o- WH. ETON, President. AU30aOTH5 Furniture -: THIS FINK RATTAN III 's i w I l'l.ltCllASi;i STUAIG1IT--NO .1015 LOT. Largest, Ebs! m$ Fm$ Stoek d Fy?siafua of all Kinds Kvi-i In iuiplii to Miisfcni North Pri.rs. South Front Stroi't. uiidrr ( 'h;lt ANATORIUM Kinston, IV. C. -Diseases ofithe Eye WM. LORCH ESTABLISHED 1865. FAf.1ILYGR0lllES AND General Merchandise. iSyCAiiT-noiiSE Accomodations. E and WASHINGTON, N. C. ALL W ATER ROUTE. Steamor NEW BERNE WII.I. SAIL Tl'L.Sl) v S A: 1'lil - SAIL Tl'K.Sl) v DAY'S 2 1 M. NEW YORK CITY. (teir-Delivcrv via O.I). S. S.C fiiiiimn- 111. ll. No Transfer Charces. PJIILA.CI.YDKI.INR, BAi.'l'HlOUK. lil.ji P, XV 1.1NB, B08TOX PUOVIDKNC'K M.A.ii. nUS'S.CO. WASHINGTON. I). C. NORFOLK & WASH ToN . It. CO. -.RICHMOND, 'VA.K. It. CO. RALPH GRAY, Agt. Xuv Uerue, N. C. " ,AHOLTSK& LOT dm ' (JuGcm 6tivct, mljnlning thn Htalion of the A, & UN-.' V. KR. Co. " Apply to . M, Manly, ""'. . -' '--'V' ,-;v?;V 'i.""l--j"'.Sv .' Emporium ROCKING CHAIK. for $2.00. CaroPiiii, .and at .J. Uv k;i Hotel. HOOK BOTTOM Snter, and General Surgeiv.- ATTENTION ! 1 J uiltling Community 1110 rine JLumbor Company having put up aivw ntiii ttujouiing my pinning mills, i am now bettor prepared to supply the borne de mand for building material ot every descrip tlon. Moulding & Ceiling A SPECIALITY. iliivinff an experience ol Twenty Ffvb years as a practical builder, I am enabled to fill orders correctly. Onlei s f or Lumber dressed or in the rough filled promptly, and at low prices. Jtrt correspondence solicited. C. J. SCHEELKY, lluilrti tig-Lumber Supplies, Cor ner Atmore & Grifflfth St., NEW BEENE, N. C. ' I'. . I!OX,4Sl. , J188m Mason's Fruit have un hand a large lot of Mason's Fruit that I bought early while they were cheap. Parties need inff Fruit Jars and Sugar will do well to see me before ' buy ing elsewhere. Respectfully, . . -y JT. It. -1? arlzer. Jrm ' - - NO. 77 BROAD ST. - - liiiiipM j 311! BD VOX TI0NAL INSTITUTIONS. NKWBEKNK COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Fall Term Opens Sept. 3d,'94 We will have departments in the dai sies, Matheui&tics, Science,- Music bolli Iostruinental nnd Vocal, and Art. Tnorouh and Hystcmutic instruciinti will be (iven ineach of tlicso depiirt ments by expeiicncel, ucceHslul mid well qiiuliliel tenclierx. WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE For particulars apply Io E. P. MENDENHALL, Trlnclpal. U niversity of M ortli C arolina Includes the College, the University, the Law School, the Medical School timl the Summer School for Teachers, College tuition fOO.OO a year; board $7.00 To $13.00 a mouth. .Session begins Sept. 6. Address President Winston, j30.lw2w Chapel Hill N. J Tii5 NORTH HATIOLINA College of Agriculture zzisi Ueiikie Arts, Offers Three Technical Courses: UTIIK COITRKK IX A(;lM:tII.Ti;iih : InTIIK C01JKSK IN K 1KNCK; nJTHK COUItSK IN M M II A MCA I. & 11 CIVIL KNtilNHi:i!INi. And with each ngooil AciKlrmic I-Miio:ilion. Each course is broad a ; throm;h, ,md the insiiiulion is now equipped for c.vi . Icnt work, expenses very moderate. Session opens Scptcnihcr Oili. For t'atidoucs, iiddre-s ALKXANDEIt. IIOI.I. VDA V, Pres. Kalcisjh, N. 'J. Kinsey Seminary KOK - GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES La Grange, N. C. Advantages in Literary, Art and Music Dcpartnicnts good. Not only competes in prices with other schools when advantages are (.onsidei ered, but excels. Jluildiiii; enliirgcd to meet demand. Dormitories furn ished with new furniture. For Culabguc, apply to Joseph Kinsey, Principal. THE ADVENT TERN Of the Filtythird Annual Seion of ST. HARY'S SCHOOL, Raleigh, N. C. BKOI.NS SEPT. 20TH, 1894. Address the Rector, REV. B. SMEDES, A. VL SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. The 93rd Annual Session bcirins Sent. 4th, 181)4. Register lor lust your 345. Special Features: Tue development ol Health, Character and Intellect. iiuiM ings thoroughly remodelled. Fully equip ped Preparatory, Collciate and P..M Graduate Departments, lRides lirst class schools in Music. Art, LanjHi;i''es, Com mercial and Industrial Studies. .1. H. CLEWELL, Principal. Salem, M. C. La Fayette Military School A iligh Grade Preparatory School For Young Men and Jloys. We thorouehly nrciwre flovs nnd YounK Men for the L'universitv. West Point and Annapolis. Give full and thorough iuslruction in Music, Art, and Business. Our faculty is composed of nine sentle- men of large experience. Full Cadet Comet Baud and Orches tra. Our rates are very low; in fact lower than at any other lirst-cluss school we know of anywhere. Location Unsurpassed for BEAUTY ani HEALTH. For Catalogue containing lull parliculais. Address, Maj. J. W. YEltEX, Sup't. jy!8 Urn Fayettcville, N. C. Norfolk College FOB YOUXG LADIES. Largest, cheapest anil best equipped Collea 1.1 IMIUIU VUllllli. 350 STUDENTS. . 23 TEACEEBS. Healthfnl 8ra llrnnzo. Konr ii.i i.i... Ooinlort. Bonutiful Homo, !W,000 11u1I11iikh. Steam Heat, Gas, et. Music, Art, Elocution, Stenography. If full est Course ot Study In tlio Kxpunscs only H'2 JO iwr qnortor. BcnU tor CatiUoj?ii. "r WI.UUH5 w imy own expenses, write J. A. I. CASSEC7, B. 3., Frinoinal. T7m Norfolk. Va. THE EATON A BURNEIT Business -M- Oolleffes Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. 0. Are prepared to give their student n.a benefit of Office, Bank, and Countiu". house practice in all their details. Long and extensivo espcrioitce has pcr 'ected fitcilitios for tho hiLdinst ment of Successful Business Men and In telligent Citizens. WkW lectures on Commercial Law. Current Events and Important Questions of the day. arUianA-4-TypeVV ris ing courses unexcelled, pay uchool open uic euiue year. -i,;-For further particulars call on or address, A A. H. Eaton, Baltimore & Charles Sts., Baltimore, Aid Or L. II. Dcbuso, 12th & F Sis , " Washington, I). C FOR RENT. The house on Metcalf Stect lately occn- '. e pied by A. . Ilibbni-d. Gt H Koberts . ,

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