OURNAL IP VOL. MIL NO 152. NEW BERNE, N. C , TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1894 " PRICE 5 CENT& V5' Local News-, yiVT ADVERTISEMENTS. llovvaru. ''. W.'B. Bojd Notio. ' ' ' . J. W. Messic Provisions; : :W D, Wallace City Tax Notice. -- A & NO, Puilroad Special tain. ' Cooler tins moruing and &ir to-day b . th prediction of the weather bureau. h Tbo ieainer New Beraa left yesterday aftmniion. -The steamer; Nenae arnw ' tins morning and leaves this afternoon at : n duck. ' . tavinia Merrick, n colored woman " dropped dead nn Bountwe street Sunday afternoon ' ' Bhe wat'onder the influence of liquor lit the time. i; - - -' "The "regular monthly meeting of the Fetii'l-.' Banrvoleut dociety will be held - tins afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the home Mil Miss Melts - We ire requested o state lhat those In UTt feti-tl In the formation of a bicycle club aroiiiviti-.l to meet at the office of O H. ..v. Guion, E., to-morrow night, at eight yt'clotk. ; ' ; . On the New York Cotton Exchange .' .Suturday morning both the October and - November cotton futures sold below six cents for the first time in the histo-y of r the exi hanges' : Gen'l. 0. A. Battle leaves this morning to speak at La Gratuvv IT- hi ..ppoin- ments straight ahead until Oct, 11. As . far as made they end at Barrell's store, Hertford County, The New Beme Eastern North Caro r Una Colored Baptist Association will con vene in St. John's Chapel, this city, to morrow. - Rev. A. J. Marshall is the secretary of the association. Tie minstrels which are to give a per formance for the benefit of the Naval Re- - : serreH. (for the purchase of new uniforms) are practicing every day with the determi nation to give a good entertainment. ' Interesting services are being held in the Presbyterian church. To-night Rev C G Vardelt will take for his subject 'Life or Death," It U the last of a series of three sermons based on John 3:16, A cordial invitation is extended toevery- body to attend. - " A large enthusiastic Democratic meet; , 'ing was held at Jacksonville Saturday, - the speakers being ' General O. A. Battle of New Beme and Mr. Rudolph Duffy, candidate from- Onslow for the legis'iture. They both made telling , speeches. . " " The Otaheite tree on the dividing line between Dr. F. W. Hughes' lot and the street was cut down jesterday. ; The O.Hheito is an unsightly and short lived tree &nd is moreover bad about running fnatl directions and sending -pp, many 1 biaj)ea;' ' They ojjglif to be exterminated. The JouBNAl'q publication of the law requiring all children in public schools to be instructed as to the effects of alcoholic ' . drinks and narcotics led to an interesting discussion of both ; intoxicating -liquors K and tobacco' in the T. M. 0. A. meeting Sunday. - Some hard blows were dealt to pacb by aevera of the tnemberj. . ; - Messrs, J. " Rv! Parker, J" r.. and W. It. . Slyron secured two of the prettiest bulid- i lug lots on Broad street yesterday at $700 each. They were a part of the Slade L property. Mr Parker purchased the one adjoining the old re;iden:e of the late Jin 8 J Dudley, ' Mr Styron's lot ad. 1 i !apr. ' pavid Hill, of, Washington, N, - C, has moVed to the city with his family and formed a partnership with his broth- V er-in-law, Mr. R. L. Duffy who recently - ' established a candy' factory and mercan . tile business here, Capt. Hid is living in one of the . Watson houses on Broad street. He moved over on his steamer a Guaelle, The New Brne Collegiate Institute re ceived ten ne pupils yesterday. :' If they continue to come in as they have been ' doing the school will very soon number ISO. - The graded school also received ten new ones. This tan' the total number of enrollment m the latter school up to 809 . Ti scholars ' are coutinutog to come in both scQO. J v yi:XT'. ' We were shown yesterday a picture of the Atlantic Fire 'Co., taken While at the Touruament at WinstoriSalom. Every one of the bojs can be distinctly recog nized. The Silfby and the rest of the ap paratus make a fine show, The horse, 4 "Knock-Kneed Jim" looks natural, also doo the driver, "Taflqr, The Pktflre Was tnken directly in front of the Sale . Ptiihale Academy, and givee a UU view of '. the building, - ' ' ' A Sudden Death, " v Mr. 1 Matthew Moore, a shoemaker who' . for some time had been in the em ploy of Mr. Jnoi. McSorley, was taken ill on Saturday night, and died very sud denly at his boarding house. The cause of death is- said to have been Brigbt jwvso. vi..;-.; ; : TI)o deceased was years ql(, a np of good traits, intelligent' and re";- ' ' t'y ih"t who best knew blin. KIbl.o , n V. Km ttther was a g .'.I t C ' ' ' lur and fill' in battle, l.r. 1 i 11 from the bou-e Sim.! .? , ,; ; y. J TLyon, o--'- .til"!. Coueetleut Monument for Hew Berne Rational .Cemetery. The State of Connecticut has ordered a monument erected to the members of the 15th Connecticut reginvttit who are buried in the National cemetery at this city. : It will be dedicated by the Veter an's Association of that State about forty of wbom, some of them accompanied by their wives, are expected to come down about the middle of tbis month for the purpose. ' . ' Mr. 3. K. 'Willis of New Berne, has charge of the erection ot the monummt It is now on ' the way.".' Alter it arrives the time of the coming of the veterans will be settled with deflniteness. ; ' . ' The monument will stand about eight feet high and weigh between fifteen and eighteen thousand pounds. The (trading Contracted For. The County Commissioners yesterday increased the county's appropriation to the iund for macadamizing a portion of Neuse road from 9250 to $500. a good move which shows that the commissioners are in sympathy with the movement. Mr. Enoch Waiswortb, the supervis or, has contracted to have the ditching and trading of the road d ne at 12 cents per noring yard. The work is to begin at the railroad Thursday morning. All but about a dozen of those who subscribed have been seen and haye paid first installment of 20 per cent for the road...- In case any left are not readily found, it is hoped they will send the money at once to Mr. J. A. Meadows, the treasurer, Death of Mr. W. S, Styron. Mr. West S. Styron died at his resi dence in this city yesterday neat noon, aged 62 year! The funeral will be from Centenary M. E. Church this afternoon at half past four o'clock. Mr, Styron was a native of Portsmouth, N. C. He went into the Confederate army when the war broke out and rerved until its close, then made New Berne his home and married Miss Laura Cutler, sister of Mr. L. H. Cutler, who, with four children, two sons and two daughters, survive him. Mr. Styron's health has been broken for two years; he has been confined to his room for three months with a complica tion of diseases, the immediate cause of death was a parly sis which attacked him last week. Mr. Slyron was at one time in business for himself in partnership with Mr. S. R. Bali, but the greater part of his time was spent as a salesman for others. Being popular his services were much sought after and he commanded very lucrative salaries. A Burglary. Mrs. A. T. Baxters residence was bro ken into Saturday night, but only a small amount was stolen, the only things d are a rubber coat and an umbrella. In the early part ot the night the dining room was vacated for a few minutes and wnen u was re-entered it was iouau umi some rolls which had been wrapped up on the table had been taken out into the vard. but'the removal could not be ac counted for. :' That night Mrs. Baxter awakened after midnight and hearing something, started to investigate! she found both doors and windows open, and found the lock of her trunk in her room had been picked and this trunk opened, put nothing taken from it. Lying by the trunk was a earving knife which had been . taken from the kitchen. Whether the thief became fright ened and left hnrridely or what was the m that he stole no more ot course can not be told, at was barely a week pre vious that Messrs. Kunn & McSorley's store was broken into. Those disposed to violate the law in this manner should remember that they not only run the risk of beinir killed while at their- nefarious work but that it is a crime for which they would be hung if caught. .,' What Can be Done la North Corollna. ; The following notice from the' Balti more News is short but it is a very good and truthful mention of this State. The allusion to the eastern part is specially gratifying: v '!Mr. W. E. Patterson of New Berne, N. O.; is at the Howard. He is a young man and renresents the libemlviews andtlpro- arassivfa enevtrv of the new Sonth. ' I nave just made a 'trip through '- the Piedmont section of the Carel-oas,'1 he said, "and I found the crops in fine shape. ' Xou -don I hear as much talk about North Carolina as about some other States, but ue ' neT ertheless keeping in the Tan. Once upon a timo the best the ireosranhies could say about the Old North State was that she n reduced a ereat deal ol naval stores and lumber. But things.1-are lldifljarent'A now Twk fanning, for instance, has grown to immense proportions, auu au mo nu.ruiu and ataamshiD lines have more vegetable freiaht than tbev can well handle. Hun dreds of cases are shinned each year, wua told that a trucker who come to New Berne seven or eight years ago from New Jersey with a very smalt oapiiai ana a year or two ago be and his partner made 460,000 on early Irish potatoes, and how be is wealthy. Then see What magnifl- rnnt hnntincr and flahinn we have! Why, we are makiag a great winter resort out of me greater portion or the Btate. r - "We have a variety of climate that ijl only er-'.llc4 by California and. a corres. , " ; vrrioty of products, 1 1 dilations in the Uarelina' vr. 1 v y muoh in the' past Litis ' Vv noticeable v. ! i Eiiih Palatial Hot- i - s d The Albert' Mi1 ' .- i r t assured ot Comtar and Going, , . - Mrs. W. C. Monroe and children, who have been visiting her brother, Dr. N. H. Street, left for ber home in Ooldsboro. - Her. W. E. Edmoodson, who preached two edifying sermons' in Centenary M. E. church Sunday, left for bis home in Mor- ganton. - In about two weeks he expects to enter upon his appointment as a Naval Chaplain, fr-.-rr'i , -j.-v. .; ;.!.. Mr. Chas. Edwards left for Jones coun ty to work upon the cotton ginnery of Mr. Cyrus Fuscue. " . . Messrs. O. H. Guion, W. W.Clark, and . W. D. Mclver left for the Supreme court at Raleigh. The mrc upon which they are engaged is tnni ol the appeal from the conflrn n,:oi r the sale of the Water Works, Aiers. Clark and Guion representing the receiver are lor confirm ing and Mr. Mclver rejireseuis the oppo site side. Mr. P. M. Pearsall is also in attendance upon Supreme court He went up Saurday. Mr, and Mrs. Fred A. Ives, of Cheshire, M1., are visiting Mr. Geo. N. Ives. Mr. M. DeW. Stevenson went over to Trenton to effect the sale of the John Mercer lands, very valuable property. He returned last night having accomplished his olijwt Lt. E. A. Jack of the Revenue cutter Winona, left to spend a leave ot absence at Portsmouth. Mr. R. F. Broaddus left on a Northern business trip. Mr. E McKnight, a prominent busi ness man of Winston, is ii the city, and is registered at Hotel Chattawka." The steamer Hew iJenie brought in the following passengers: Mr. Sam'l Duffy, his daughter Miss, Alieejand Mrs. H. J. Lovick returning home from a northern pleasure trip; Mrs. H. R. Bryan returning from the North where she has been to enter the Misses Bryan in college, and Mrs. S II. Lane returning from her Northern trip to purchase her fall and winter millinery. Hotel Chattawka Arriva's L Cohen, city, S D Jones, N C; Chas P Bartling, Georgetown, Del, J B Brooks, Worcester; Mass; W. C Beasly, city; Chas B Hill, city; W G Forlong, city; Fred Osgood, Jacksonville, Fla; Mrs Henry R Bryan, city; H R Bryan Jr; S Roberta, city, J F Taylor, city; Capt E Harvy city; Miss Hngbes, city; Miss Hollister, city; Dr Hughes, city; Mrs Dx Hughes; Miss Q Hughes, C E Foy, S R Street, Mrs 8 R 8treet,E B Hackburn, Mrs J W Moore, city. Monday, Oct. 1st W II Cohen, L Cohen, Ed Cohen, city; T D Turner, N C; W E L Sperry, NY; NR Walker. Balto; J F Cowell, Bayboro; C F D Bell, Harlowe, Thomas H Hill, Phila; R B Pearam, Richmond, Va; E Mc- Kinght, Winston; W S Kingaley, N Y A F Midyett, Oriental, Washington Letter. The chief topic of conversation here the recapture in New York of Capt. How- gate the embezzling executive officer of the tucnat uorps alter tnirteen years oi successful hiding. It has always been said here that it would have been no difficult mattei to find bun bnt that there was little desire to do so on account of unpleasant developments concerning prominent per sons -that may result. Drummond, tne Kepuoiican ex-cniet ot the secret service, wno finally eneciect ttte capture 'has been professedly, working on the case lor years, lmi year ne was asKeu to resiori in favor of a democrat but beg ged to be retained on account of his prob able early success in finding the defaulter. it seemed, however, that he was going to nse this argument for retention indefinite ly, and be was displaced last February. wnen nis successor took cnarge ne rounu that all the Howgate papers were missing and Mr. Drummond will be called on to explain why he did not leave these pa ners on file. Howgate will probably be brouent nere irom J, x . on jnonaav. President Taylor of Wake Forest Col lege stopped in the city this week to see his son, who is living here. He was on his way to New York. leavina behind his two sons, who Will vrcu VT una ichuuw im 4-1 , v. enter school here on Monday. jadet worth isagtey ot Kaieign, nas n appointed chief petty officer of the navel cadet batallion at Annapolis. At its last session Congress approp riated JMOO.OOO to begin the work of fbrtij fying four ports on the Atlantio and Gut coast lines, to be designated by the Secre tary or War, Secretary iiamont, in accqrar ance with the recommonuation or tne engineers constituting the board Of fortifications, has designated Pensacola as one of the porU. The engineer in Charge of the Government Work in this hnrlor has been notified that the sum of $100' 000 baa been placed to the credit of Pen sacola and instructed to begin the surveys for a site upon wtucn to erect a Dattery of heavy disappearing guns and a battery of seacoast , mortars. The site baa1 tjeert selected on Hanta Hosa lsiano, one mm east ef Fort Pickens, ard a survey is now being made for a steam" railway upon which to haul the material for the bat teries from a wharf that will be erected, The estimated cost of the work is over 11.000,000 and when the batteries are completed it is believed that the defences ot the harbor will be impregnable. , ' Attention Ladles. ' Just Received at Sol Cohens' a nice line of Ladies Wraps and Cloaks all of the latest styles. Alo a full line oi Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels ana otner Linens for sale at bargains. . - aa5t Duncan M. , Williams, of Wilmlngtoi is reported from Raleigh to have gotten a verdict for (12,000 against the South, era Hell Telephone Company. He sued for 125.000. - Lst February while walk- idg along a street at Wilmington he was struck on the head by a class-insulator. dropped from the top of a pole by a line man. - tie was naoiy iqjureu, aau was ior several months in a physician's ctsa-e. HAPPENINUS Of THE DAY. Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Balti more, has been summoned to Rome, the Pope b'-ing. desirous before he dies of again ting the American Cardinal, The Federal grand jury has returned Indictments against strikers- at Oakl'ui.i. ' Sacramento, Duns Muir and Red Bluff. Application was made in Atlanta Sat urday for the appointmenf of a receiver for the Atlanta and morula road. The application was made on behalf of the Atlanta Trust company. Three white men and four negroes wer arrested at Newport News, Va , ly Special Incpector R. C. Culd Saturday noon on the charge of smuggling two barrels of whiskey from the British steam ship Alicia. The Lacawanna Iron anil Steel Co. has shut its south steel mill ut Scran ton for an indefinite timo because of no further or ders,, throwing idle 1,000 employes. This makes a complete closing of all the steel works there and the idleness of over 3,000 men employed. The threatened railroad tax war hi Kentucky has been averted. Collector Blackwell now declares that he will come with only his son Gip as a companion. A legal effort will be made to stop him on his first attempt to collect the taxes. The regular Democratic State conven tion of Nebraska, nominated by the Bry- tn convention with Populist nominees. W8s filed with the secretary of State Sat urday. The latter has not decide! whether he will accept this ticket or the ODe presented by the bolters. The Pitt county "Straight-out Kenub- lcann held ttieir county convention at reenville and nominated a full county ticket. There was great entuusia.sn anil crowd present Tho Thirtlitc primary was not largely attended and there was no enthusiasm. The Chief l'ostoffice Inspector has been axlvised of the arrest of Lloyd Wagner, Tice W agner, Judd Wagner, Macli Wag ner and Lloyd Danner, at Valle Crucis, C, for robbing tho nostoffice there several weeks ago of a large amount of stamps and money contained in nuiner our registered letters. Tne net earnings of the Norfolk & Western road for Augus twere 287,900, increase of $1,635 compared with August 1893. For the eight months ended Auaust 31, Itho net earnings were $1,699,061, a decrease of $91,479 com pared with the corresponding period of 1893. Every tin ptate plant in the United States, with possibly one exception shut down Saturday. That one was to shut down as quick as the work on hand, about enough tor a day could lie com pleted. This makes several thousand men idle. A dispute about wages is the cause ol ihe shut down. British troops are expected to start lor China at once. The Duke of Cambridge, commander-in chief ot the British army, visited the war office Saturday. It is re ported that the Duke was making ar rangements lor immediate despatcu ot troops to Shanghai in order to protect the British residents whose lives are said to bo in danger from the Cbingso popu lace. A fatal affray occurred tit Mt. CarmeL Pickens county, Saturday. J E Childress, lawyer of Pickens, shot at close range and killed J W Latham. There was an old feud between them. One witness says Latham stepped up and struck Chil dress with a stick and theu the latter shot him. Childress escaped, but was captured and jailed. The affair created great ex citement. BUSINESS LOCALS. THE finest Corned Beef in the oity at 8c per lty best Flour in 10 lb packages at a jc Ber lb: best Creamerv Butter just received at 80c' per lb; Three lb cans Standard To matoes, new crop, at s$c per can; aia canned apples, very best, at 10c per can. best 4 stg. Broom in town for 25c; 2,400 Blue Hen Parlor matches, the very best, for 15c; Arbuckles Roasted Coffee, in-1 lb. packages, fresh roasted, at 25c. job lots ot Tobacco a specialty from 15 to 35c per id wnoiesaie, ana io ouc retail. Respectfully, J. W. Messic, 40 Middle St BEADY ROOFING-2 and 3 ply on hand. Easily applied. Get our prices. 801w J. J. Disosway & Co. FOB RENT 3 rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs. W.K. Warters, 71 Hancock bt, DITSON'S MUSIC Ordered promptly and furnished tree ot all postage. '.'SweeJ Marie,'! only 40cts. tf J. Willie Stalungs. SPECIALTIES at Lucas & Lewis' Coal Oil Johnny's Petroleum Soap for the Laundry, Bath, Toilet, Shaving for hne Laces, Flannels, China or Glass Ware, its equal is unknown, i'nee 5 cents. Also Copco soap for tne bath, 3 cts per cake. WHEN Boraxine is used according to directions, a third of the labor ' and the cost of soap in ordinary washing is saved Samples free at J. F. Taylor's. A GRADUATE of Salem Female Acade my desiring a situation as Teacher or Governess. ' Best of references furnished Any one wishing to employ feithcr will be placed in correspondence with her by ad dressing box 507, New Berne post office. North Carolina Aaxicnltnral Fair AT BALEIOB.N.0. 00T23d to 26th '91 A. & N. O. Railroad Company, Passkagir Department, t xt n fW lei 1 aciA liqff 4JVIU, Al, v.. m, To Aeents and the Public: , Rate ot first-class tare for the round trip plus fifty cents for one admission to the fair grounds, are hereby authorized on account of the North Carolina Agri cultural Fair at Raleigh N- C irom points named below, : Tickets to be solq Oct., 20th to 25th Inclusive, good to re turn until uctooer win, iov. . Fare for Bound Trip when Tickets are . -fs-rrro Purchased! - -; R01f Moreh'd City 5 80 Wildwood Jv 4 94 Newport,- .. 4 85 IlavelocV; ;' 4 80 Croatan, ,.'" 4 40 Riverdalf ,T f .4 80 New Bern: ? 4 00 Core Creek; 3 45 Dover, ( Caswell, ' "910 Kinston, ; ; 2 95 Falling Creek, 275 LaUranee. ' 05 Best's, $ 40. Tuscarora, 870 --v Baptist Mission. Rev. Rufus Ford will conduct services at tho above mission, cornet of Norwood and Pollock streets, this evening at 8 o'clock. All oersoua cordially invited to attend. 1st Ward. Notice is hereby given that the Regis tration Books of the 1st ward are now opened at the court house. Registration will close Oct. 27th, at 12 o'clock, m. Ernest M. Gbeen, Registrar. J, F. Brlnson Deelines, Mr. J. F. Brinson of Carteret, has de clined the nomination as Senator of the People's party in 8th Senatorial district, on account of his wife's affliction, he not being able to leave her to make the can vass. E. L. Francks, Jr., of Onslow, has been placed in nomination by the Executive committee and has accepted. G. L. Hardison, ( limn. P. P. Ex. Com. 8th Sen. Dis't, CITY TAX NOTICE. The City Tax List for the Year 1894 is now in my hands for Collectinu. I will be at the office daily from 9 to 6 to receive your Taxes. Please come forward and settle the same. W. D. WALLACE, Oct., 2, 1894. City Tax Collector. Notice! We have purchased G ask ill's Phar macy aud in future the drug trade will Bud us at corner of Middle and Pollock 8ts.,with a select stock of l'cifumes,Toilet Articles and Medicines. BraOham & Broci Dmg Co. 63 POLLOCK ST. Wo aro now thoroughly prepared to sup ply the FALL and WINTER Trado with DRY GOODS ol all kinds, NOTIONS, SHOES, CAR PETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, ABT SQUARES, WINDOW SHADES, &c. Our stock ot DRESS GOODS cominenils itaoll to your special attention in variety, iiuality and LOWNESS Of PRICE. ALL WOOL TRICOT, lor 20c, ALL WOOL SUITINGS, yd. wide, 260- ALL WOOL SUITINGS, Win. ' ! ALL WOOL SERGES, yard wide, Wo And many other Bargains. Wo can show the best lino of Black Dress Goods IN THE CITY. Most com nle to assortment ot (roods ot higher grade in all the latest 9tyle9 ol plulu uuu muuy weaves. Full line ot Ladies Broad Cloth in all woights prices, 7So to ta.oo. ion win nna it t to vour advantage to exam lne our goods and got our nrlces before buy lag or oruering irom samples WE GUARANTEE to suit you in style, quality and price. In entering upon the Businoss of tills seauon we do it with tho DETERMINATION NOT TO BE TODEUSOLD By any House in the Stats. and we beliovo vrith our facilities for buying direct we can give the trade better satisfac tion in any goods in our lino. We will spare no trouble or attention to give to the noople of NewiBerne and viclrdty, wno we ieei suro recognize ine importance patroniEing our own homo business enter- jiunviiui viiinjiwuiy i o.'. nil., w their own advantage by dealing with u. Removal Sale! M-o-ttttt We desire tbis early in the Season to notify our friends all over Eastern Carolina that we will have BARGAINS All over our Store, between this date and January 1st, 1895, as we bitye tp close oat as largely as possible our stock, before mov ing into our own store, now occupied by Mrs. S. H, fcane. 4 BLEACHED3:D0LIESTIC . Watch ' this Column .. ........... .... . 1. ...... of prices that will ap-' ; par from day to day. . , ar Eespectfully, . - !, H. B. DUFFY: Barker Mills 7o Absolutely Fure A oream of tartar ' baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latbbt United Statu GovbuiimtI Food Hkport. Rotal Baking Powokb Co.. '108 Wall at., . x. JOHN -:- DUNN, Grocer N Confectioner Is Just Back From The North WITH A, FULL STOCK OF ALL THE Latest Goods. John Dunn. They are Fresh and ot THE- John Dunn Merchants EXAMINE OUR Wholesale Department V" . .' . '' Before Placing .Tour i t BEST T f ansa s52Ezszsesas2stsassaav mnflBaBMMi IN-TER-EST-IHG NEWS You will find IN ADVERTISING as wen as in other parts of the IS Another Item ID any part of the P&per as interest ing to the people of this section as THE FACT that we are looooooooooooooooooooooooeooooo The Leaders In LOW PRICES. 000000000 oaooooooooooooooooooo Z 3 '??.-' AND E ; .. n mmm l. -.l fTi v-V:-- m '-,I,.'1',v'H4i:!rt,.:tJ,' -i-giASi.'j; sij:k. ;;:A,X...;- .vi -14a j v(;i KP"':i'' ' ti.Ji !, . t, , "i , , 3 -' - An1

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