Tli.Lt JOURNAL THE LAW FOB THE WOLVES. 13 i- A. "1 i Casrorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants" .'and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kar4tio mbstance. It li a harmless substitute? - for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. v; It is Pleasant! Its guarantee is thirty years use by B'fiiuons of Mothers Castoria destroys Worms wad allays ' tcvCIlslincss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, ' 'ri :ures ; piarrhosa and Wind Colic. .'Castoria relives ' v ; teething troubles, ' cures coustipatlon " and flatulency. : . I'nstorla assimilates the foxl, regulates tbe stomach -. ; and bowCl giving healthy ' and natural sleep. Cas torlx ia the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. i- There's No Choice in Bicycles. Cairtoria. i i OMUriiane'"Henimiaicta for ehfl ,:.:nw: M.ithern bAve repedlr told me of IU i; JC.Hi cffecT-Upon Hmfr ehildrea,1 ",,-: - ' sA?' ?y'r'V- O. 0. Osoooo,' .'K.Vi;AXJv-' 2 i cauorla to the test remedy for ehBdnsj ot I i acquatSed, I hop tha day to not ; v ' "nr dixuuit when motwrs wllleotuldar the real ; (Merest of their children, end use Castoria in If erad of the various quack noKtnuna wlilch ai o ' J 4nroytag Uwlr k..d ones, by forcing opt. im ? narphlne, souUiui syrup and other hurtful fi-fjanU down their- throats, thereby seDdlai ft', - Witf. 'P. Kractntion, ''."f 'ic'V " Oooway, Ark. Castoriv "Caatoria la ao well adapted to abOdrtn thai liwoiwnenditaaauperiorioaayptcripUOB bwwBtoins::''- ' ; -;.(, : ' H. A. .V ..If. V ' . x f . Ill So. Oxford S ,. "jUyn, K. T. ' ? nor puysiciaoa hi tbe children's depart ment have spoken niv'7 of their expert uuoe fat their outaide practice with Castoria, and although we only hT among out aiedieal supplies whet ia known as reguus products, yet we are free to confess that tha inerila of Castoria has woo tti to look With favor opoait."" '. . . s - Vsjtcd nosnrab a DiirnnatnT, Boston, Mass Au 0, flairs. jYe , Js;,trt j .Strta Itw York City, BUD t ABB KIFLIHO. I Now tbi is the law of the jungle, as old - aDd as trne as toe sKj, and the wolf that shall keep it may pros per, bat the wolf that shall breaK u . mnat din. r ..".::'-: . ... ..v '. x", ,- Am the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, . the law runneth forward and back; -For the atreneth of theoack istlie wolf. i . . , ,1.. ana trie ttrengta oi tne won is u . pack. ".,.-"' Wash daily from nose tip to tail tip; drink i deeply Dot never too deep: , I And remember the night is tor- hunting and torget tne day is lor weep. The jackal may follow the tiger, but, eub wnen thy wui8Ker are grown, Remember the wolt is a hunter go forth and get iood ot tny own. I keep peace with the lorda of the jungle, I ., uiecger, tuepantner, uerjear; And trouble not Hatbl the Silent, and mock not the boar in his lair. IWbeu pack meets witli pack in tbe jungle, and neither will 2 fo.n ilie trail, Lie down till the haiUs uv spoken; it may be fiiir words shull prevmi. When je fight with a wolt tJ the pack I -ye must fight Uim u une and alar, Lest others take part in the quarrel and the pack is diminished by war. I The lair of the wolf is hi3 refuge, and where he has mado him Ins home. I Not even the head wolf may enter, not even the council may come. I The lair of the wolf is his refuse, but I where he has dieted it too nlain. (The council shall send him a message, and so lie shall change it again. If ye kill before midnight be silent and wake not the woods with your bay. Lest ye frighten the deer from the crop and thy Mothers go empty away. '- The Victor ' Pocurnai-c tire has no rival. It is more durable than any other and the inner tube can be re moved' in i case of puncture in less than "five minutes. The only inner tube removable through the rim. All Victor improvements are abreast with the times and meet every requirement Victors are BEST. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON. NIW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. OCTROIT. DENVER. W. D. BARRIETGTON, Art. New Berne. N. C. A bad man can never own any thing that is fireproof. JOE K. VILLI3, . PROPRIETOR Of fiarbie.Wo IT i ; t n I ;'1Btss:, Ox ft MEW BERNE. N. LSOAL NOTICES ; Admlnistrthtor'8 Notica, The nnderaisned, W. II. Boyd Us duly qualified a Administrator of the estate o f Israel Fettiplier, deceased, tn-i lH-reby gives notice that be requires all persons having claims against toe t-state or the said Israel Pettipber to pieeent them to the said W. B. Boyd duly auihenlicated, tor payment on or tiefor J the srd (lay ot Sept , 1HU5, or else this uotice wui Da pleadel in bar of recovery. ' ' l'ersons indented to l lie estate must pay , without delay. "" v t it " W. b. UUl li, Aduilntslmior -This Sept 3, 1894 - 6w " . fhe Handsomest Remarked to u Lady In New Heme friend tlio other dav The Homeliest Man in New Berne Ah well as the handsomest, and others are inviteiljto call on nuy druggist and get tree a trial bottle ot Kemps tfalsnm tor the Throat and Luugs, a remedy that is sell'ui!' entirely upon its merits and is Orders solioited and given proper cention, with satisfaction guaranteed. at- Atlantic & U, C. . Railroad that Bhe knew Kemp's Balsam for the guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect what ever. 8o to prove this and convince you ol its merit any druggist will give you a sample Bottle free. Large size 50c. and 1. and Acute Coughs, and Consumption. and $1, Asthma, Bronchitis, Large bottles SOcts ninr22 deod wcow. J"IRST-OLASd lUHBJSBS. -tS2rMr quim no hanft) of ditt or uwMOUs. ncrrruiai or possomg raws icirS to taken InUrntull. VhM trmd kfi A ACDsTVrftlTlt0 j-t al mSM w r W aas 1 bv tlther sex ' It impc54bltoooBtraal Any vorersai J : , b.t in Um e ol ..t. fl.aiwA Mtwt fllaai Wl aTuAhAtai F, DUFFY, DruggiBt and Sole Agdnt, , ii . " . - - -prof, W. H. Shcpand and, his cpmpe: Iprit is8stantli in the Tonsptiai ari, vJIU i'ilwtoll agood johand will payttri(jt ;.;:,- sttentlon to all hl-anchea of hair, putting S'i 'i- and shaving.' ' :;'Vy-'iV:.;;;:',r "AV.iv'ji-'lS'QIwM call. " .. -i -f..k'&iii At Gnston House Barber Shop.' i' ;.y'v,,, ,w. , . ....... i i'. Ye miiy kill for yourselves, and your mates, and your cubs as they need and ye can; 12., Lill nnf fi,i vliaaniA iV trilllnrv and I f riW S. b"1 tor" I . seven times never kill tnan. If ye plunder his kill from a we iUer, de vour not all in thy pride, Pack-right is the right of the meanest; so leave him the head and the hide. To kill of the pack is the meat ot the. pacK Ve must eat where it lies; And no one may carry away of that meat to his lair, or be dies. I Tie kill of the wolf is the meat of the - wolf. He may do what he will, Bur, till he is given permission, the pack may not eat oi mat kiii. Lair ngnt is the right oi the mother. , From all of her year she may claim One haunch of each Kill for her litter, and np.p.e may ueny uer tne tame. Cub right is the right of the yearling. I 'Mm alf of Ilia naplf'ha mnv nlniin Full gorge when the killer has eaten; and none may retuse him tne same. to Love never tarns back because it hears a lien roar. vVhrn ts.i:iv va ,riek. av, tier WticD si:-- vu. a Chil... slu eriod for (fcst'ri.. Vlifii slit1 iH-canio Miss, sho r.iun tn (Jitsturih. '.;. hltv L.ul C'liiliira, aho Hvelheu: I'litUiria, mi, Sueli We teach thei iiarante evei .itlifnlir (Vie i '! mrely and ipeedlly loorease tt"lr earnings; then ean be no oneitioa about It; othem now at work you, reaaer, ean no toe lami narina buiinem that yoa hav ner bad the ehanoe to secure. - Yoa will make First Class Barter ShoD .v-i-.;'-;-;''V...,;'! Trtn- srw rvrtir: . MTTVfaT T 1 Om '-- . ..f-iVaarlr onuosils Banfist unurcu. ? :C v.-'a A nitrtnlnntfl rifiat' knd1 titlV. ' and OOtvt Aoartrdents Anmnntent assistants emriloved. Firstrflass bath rooms connected with hopV-,;."i;.;v, H. L . BANKS,. , r: r " Proprietor. ' ELLIOT &GREEM, Careful attention given to all- branchea ", of ll0 business ' , , . , Children's Hair Cutdng s" Specialty. STORE v Rlank Books, and riaw lot Btapdsrd Wnrka nf itooowned Authors. : " Hrscer and i' HlW BPoK"JLaala irliel. Pahi'PenWllteto.;:;.' - Xtio, l Pipers "si .Periodiosls t etvedd ally.' . ! : ' r : 1 ' r, l0" 7': ;;;-yi and1 rebsia Engines; Boilers ' Saw l:W:4'Tr 'Bteani boat work ofall kinds. f. '.vi nstratr Inspirators nd Injeoton. ' ; (39, Steam and water pipe fitted :? . in ta all their branches. : V: V talinn hatwsen Ioe '.Peatery X an IfMlirrit nnnt of A. & N. 0. H,J. E. ) (dwtf) WE TELL YOU othihg new when we ttate tliat It peri to engt a permanent, won neatmy ana pieasnu uu, a, that return! ? prodt for every dar't work ell U tlie bnaineat wa oner the working elan im how to make money repifliy, ant pry one wpq fnlo1 oar inttrnctlon miklnr aVUMMOO a month. kert;oae who take hold -aaw and ork wU. BLISS SCHOOL OF ELECTRICITY. Washington, D, C, If yon want to know what elec tricity is doing for the world, if yoa want to become a practical electrician or eleotrical engineer, enter this school, the only one of its kind. Laboratory completely equipped for demonstration and practical work. Students learu the construction of instruments and machines by taking apart and re constructing tnem, their theory from lectures presonted in popnlar form and their practical nse trom experienced instructors. Graduates are competent to install wiring, dynamos, etc, and to manage rail ways and lighting plants. Lectures by the principal who has had ex tensive experience in installation and construction, and by E. F. Lewis, Professor .of Physics and a. .i n . rvi.t I- r . uimiiuvii uueiueuiuc iu uuiuui. unuaren .ror. nicners uasiona. bian university. Scssnon begins Oot, I, IsiW, He who lives in the fer of death Terms lor oomnlete coarse lasting TIME TABLE NO 29, In effect 2:30 1'. M., Monday, tJct., 1894. Going East I Schedule Goino West No. 3 Pamnacr IVaiM. JNo. 4 Ar. p.m. 51) 25 50 7 28 No. 1. Mixed Fi t & Pass. Train. Daily Except SUNDAY. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. is already half dead. rave mistake If yon fall to give it a Mai at onee f you cram the attention, and act quickly, yon rill directly and yourself in a moit protperoui Minces, at which yoa can eurely make and ean arge iural of money. The mulU of only few louri' work will often tynevnef ynnsreoi .km no oiot fferenoe, ieaao u hui aiect yoa pertaneaor i at lj 3 at the ual e tell you, and ma vary itart. Meithet ea or capital aeoessary- i noce wn wors for U ra ewrled. TO f,vriW WflWm rail rrimJLAJ2 Cave right is the right of the father, hunt by himself tor his own; He is freed from all calls to the pack. Ha is juagecj ry me cou,uci v,ioup, because of his ase and his cunning, be. canse of his grino and his paw. In all that the law feaveth open the word of the-head wolf is law, FNow Ihese are toe laws of the jungle, and many and mighty are they; But the head and the hoof ot the law and the haunch and hump is Obey! ; nuns la all styiea and sfeat, lightft ;i , inKi it, eatlatt worktoir, safest, simplest, mort sccBrate, isort compact, and moat ; modern. Tor sale by all dealers In anna. j Catalogue! mailed free by . , " ' j Tha 1'arlin lira lxs& Co.,' ' Few Havt'. Conw., TJ. B. A. aw. .Va'ga,.'Aa.T-ft'' -'hV W-iTrX tterti, Unc good mother ia worth a hundred schoolmasters,'' laid George Herbert. Men are what their mothers make them. But if the mothers are peevish and irritable, through irregularities, female weakness,' and kindred ailments, they find no pleas ure, no beauty In the care ot tueir Darjes. . , . a I" 1 .11 V. A U ettortts torture, tj" ,' Kru' (' rI wBiorhed te'thei earth with Vyreakntes, & peculiar "to iheU ,tq their sex, try Pi'. j'ieTce's Favorite Prescription. They will find the little ones a delight instead of a torment. To those about to become mothers it is a priceless boon.' It lessens ihe pains and perils of childbirth, shortens "labdf and pomqtej the saBretion 6afl; abundance of noniiBqment ior tuo ouim. If I V, -.1. ' ... i-i ' i ' ' " I ' Baild Him tp. Ur.J. B. Lewis, oi" Atlanta; Ga.. had sflTnra dvsnensia. Phvsioians and sit other remedies failed to cure He Iptf InefH H.t8tepi Beme'dy, , and "afterwards" writes: "The first dose ears relief, l reoommena u as me best dvsoeosia remed v ever discovered. I have sained flesh ainee : nsing it. I voluntarily reoomraeod U ntr rerets wUtt s stomaclt: troubles'ii f9i sale by druggists at 60s per bottle, Johnsons Compound Cod iilver un makes rich blood, restores lost vitality. t Answer Thl8 Question. Why do so manv rieople we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made rftiscrable by indigestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, CuuiiDg up ii. i hi- FVoii. Yell iv Skin, when for 75c. we will sail uem Shiloh's Vitalize!-, guar anteed to cure them. Sold by New Heniti Drug Co. un tm a Life is too short to be made mi serable by misanthropy. Oh, What a Cough. Will vou heed the warning. The signu perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can aftord for the sake of saving 50c. to run the risk Mid do nothing for it. We know- trom experience that Shiloh's Unto will Cute your cough. Ifnever' fails, Tins explains why more dian a Million Bottles were sold the pnst vear. Tt relieves crouos and whooping " . . r ,, . .1. cough at once, moiners, ao uoi ue iu out it. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Poms olaster. Sold by New Berne Drug Co. No king oa ?ule olhers well who l . Mna.Am f Ikimaalt I 4o uua uiaobw vi uiiuqvi.i The lazy man believe there is no bill whioh is not steep. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. WiNstow's Sqothinu rivacp h heen ' used for children teething, it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays nil nain. cures wind colic; and is the best mmfldv for Diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Sold y all druggists through out tho world, -uuoawim 8 months, 150; payable $20 on re gistering, $15 Dec. 1, and $15 Feb. 1. For farther information ad dress. 'L. D. Bliss, Principal 3NT. jSMiri Boot & Shoe-Maker, 151 South Front St., Near loot of Metoalf St. Continued Patronage oi old friends, and new custom solicited. Prompt eapention of all orders., Repair work given special atten tion. W. L Douglas 53 SHOE ' ok IS THE acsT. NOSOUEAKINO. 5. CORDOVAN. FRENCH&ENAMEiXEOCALF. - 99.VP0UCC.3SOU9. 2.l.5 BOYiSCHOOLSHDES. LADIES' If 7S . -. St? MB FOR eATALMUE W'k'DOUOLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. TRAVELLERS OUTDB. 1st, Lve. 3 20 3 59 4 30 5 58 Stations. (roldsboro Lit Grange Kinston New Berne Morohead City Ar. 11 10 10 22 9 48 8 17 Lve. a. m 10 25 9 53 8 30 0 47 Stations Ar. . m. 6 57 7 20 7 48 8 11 8 50 Lve. 6 30 7 05 7 30 ' 7 5:1 8 30 8 55 9 15 10 02 lo 3i io m 11 00 11 05 11 17 11 41 12 15 p. in. No. 5. t Mimed Frt & Pans. Triu. Ar. Lvo. Goldsboro Best's La Grange Fulling Creek Kinston Caswell Dover Core Creek Tuscarora Clitrk'j New Bern No. 2. Mixed Frt. & Pass. Train. Daily Except SUNDAY. Ar. Lve. 8 25 7 24 0 54 0 24 5 30 a oo 4 25 3 54 3 24 3 02 P.ll! 7 34 7 04 0 30 G 00 5 05 4 56 400 3 30 3 12 2 30 Stations. p.m. 3,uu few lscrn 3 37 3 Vi luvemiuc 3 48 3 50 Croatan 4 08 4 13 Ihtvelock 4 37 4 42 Newport 4 51 4 55 Wildwood 5 01 5 01, Atlantic 5 16 5 21 Morchead iVity 5 81 M,arehead Depot a.m. 'Monday, Wednesday and Friday. tfTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No. 6 Mixed Frt & Pass Train. Ar. Lve. 10 32 9 41 9 28 8 59 8 17 8 00 7 47 7 20 a.m. 9 46 9 33 904 8 27 80S 7 52 7 27 7 00 NOTICE. The undersigned W. B. Boyd has duly ..: qualified as Administrator of ths estate of . -Anthony Harris and hereby gives notice that he requires all persons having clauna ... .. against the estate of the said Anthony ,. Harris to present them to the said W. B. Boyd duly autliencated, for payment, oo or before the 1st day of October, 1804, or else this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery, l'esons inueotea to pie wis must pay without delay. W.JJ. JHJXU, o'26w Public Admimstiator. Administrator's Notice The undersigned, Lawyer Slade, has this day.duly qualified as administrator ol the estate of Washington Blade, de ceased, and hereby gives notice that he requires all persons hnving claims against said estate, to present the same duly au thenticated, for payment t said wioiin- lstrator on or before tne autn aay oi August, 1895, or else this notice wUl be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Per sons indebted to said estate must pay without delay. Tins 30th ilay oi August, 1894. LAvVYKK SLADE, Administrator of Washington Slade, dee'd. Wm. F. Ci.arhb, Attorney. CASE IN ADMIRALTY United States of America, J Pamlico District of N. C. ( Marshal's Notice op Skizcbe. Whereas a libel hath been tiled in the District Court of the United States tor the District of Pamlico, on the 3d day of September, 1894, by Thomas E. Parkin vs the Steamer Lake Cruiser, and praying the usual process nud monition of the court, that all persons interested in the said steamer, uir t.icklc, apparel and furniture may be cited to answer the pre mises and all due proceedings being hud, tho same may be decreed to be sold and the proceeds thereof be distributed ac cording to law. Therefore in pursuance of the said monition, under the seal ol said court term directed and delivered, I do give notice generally unto all per sons having or pretending to have any right, title or interest therein, and to Geo. N. Ives and John li Ive9 owners of sairt 9teamcr, Lake Cruiser, in special to ap pear b; tore the aforesaid court, at tha City of New Berne, N. C. on the 2Snd day of Octnlier, 1894, at 11 o'clock io the torenoon, thi n :iml there v answer toe said liht'l au. I to make their allegations in that beh ilf. Duted nt New Berne, N. C. this 3d day of Sept., 1894. o. u. UAimoti., u. s. fliarsnau, By W. B. Boyd, Dcp'ty Marshal. Train 4 connects with Wilmington & Wcldon train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:55 a. ui. and with Rich. mond & Danville train West, leaving Goldsboro 2:00 p. u. Train 3 connocla with uicnmomi and Danville trio, arriving at Goldsboro SvOft p. m. and with Wilmington & Wcl don train from the North at 3:05 p. m. No, 1 Trail) also connects with W.N.& N for Wilmington and intermediate points, S. L. DILL, Superintendent. WHiBiton, Neita & Molt Mroai ess savemoney by purchaalna W. Because, we are tne largen nuwawnnm. . advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee by stamping tne name ana pru the bottom, which protects yon against the value t prices and the middleman'! proGta. Our 4 equal custom work In style, easy fcrtWg .oritur dualities. We have thenf sola en where at lower prices fcf the value given than any other make-' fake no. substitute. If your dealer eaflhot supply you, we can. ooiaoy rv. TIME TABLE NO. 3, IXTotioo. liilernnl Revenue Deputy Collector's UtTice. 4th District, 12th Division, Newborn, N. C, Aug. 80, '94. Having been notified by the Desait- meut of Internal lteveuiie, that tbe bill im which playing cards are axm two cents per pack became a law on Monday night August 27th, at 12 o'clock midnight, 1 am also iufomied, that dealers, and man ufacturers must list the number of packs of cards that they have on hand on the morning of the day that the law wens into effect, under oitth, to the CoJleetor of Internal Revenue and pay the tax of two rents per pack on each pae'e of Cards on. hand. Notice; is hereby given to alt dealers and masufac turers of playing cards residing within ihe 12th division of tho 4th collection district, composed on the counties of Beaufort, Carteret Craven,. Hyde and Pamlico, and all that part oi L'itt county iving on lh south and west side of Tar River, to make their sworn returns to me ut my office in New Berne, accompanied with the two cents per pack tax. Failure to do this within thirty .days from date of this notice will incuir the penalty ot the law. W. 1CBO, Uivei cures dyspepsia, creates flesh, and, is A tabjeftrlil easily taken, 1 Dr. E. C. Vv-rs Nrv nd B aji Treatment In sold un.tor p'iiivt) wrtiirn puarni:tet, hy Author iwd afftmtt (iiivt to cure W'nk Kfeniflrry; Lom ol lirflinaud Nero I'owc.-; I-oritinftiihoodMulknett, iilt Lofifhri; . ' II lm-im,: Lot k of Coiiliilmeej NnrvonMiem; J.n-'.itinin; ml Prftln?; lAwaof Powel ot the WwurtiiivH Om'htih in either box, oauped by OTr-jte'f'i.n: im.i'iu m (;rwpfi. or KxcesslTd Useot To6iooo, Oiiiiun tr J.kiut, which tKvn lead to Ult-er Ctltri nn-yLioii. Infiunry and Pftnth, By JpniL 91 a bo.f ; vtot $o: witb writ ton punrnntee fo oufQ uf rofmidmt.n.w. WJ-T'B v:t)iriil 'UW?. ipott; cure for GouphiA CS.iMh, -1lint, roiichitlfl, t)-- V- hooiiinii t!u.'Vti(i 'yhvttut Fleruant toh Bui ail Mz dixiii tinned; o'd, ffiti. efre, pow 4o. Old It sue, uuff 600. U4itAJ.TaUi luod only by . - F, S. DUFFY, Druggist and Solo Agent ' . CuBtom-Honse; New Borne. ia hprftbv t?ivet Dlirfluant to tbe nnta rt'P srVnrvrtQai in fliirh AASeft mado 'ft nd U S3 Ot VUUIVW mmm - - I I j provided, that the name of the steam Wg ' IICUV) . Ui -i.-WTVWM rj J "TfT" Tl -II inn3R nrosa 37 8MO0 tons, and owned by Ncuse River Lumber Company. "d duly bowsed at this office with.T.E. p,uli manbar. has boen ohanged to "Murylnnd," hV' autbonty of the Vmi missionrr of Navigation ol the United States. - r 6TKPHEN 1, L.AKH; - 2?lew ; giillc0ttir 0 UHSCnms, .'. 1 He Decline te Nomination and T' 'Hli Reasons Therefor. Notwithstanding the earnest solicitation ' of a host of friends and a sincere desire to serve any conntrv in any position ruy fellow oitiaens may see fit to ploeme,I am forced by circumstances beyond mv control, to decline ine nomi nation' for Congress in this Dis, trict for tbe ensuing term, I realize to the lau extf nt the regret ' tny V- ooarse will cause, especially to the many caudi-Utes in the field, bat my determination is Irrevocable ana oan noc oe changed. What la the paltry salary of J5.00Cj pef annorfl to a man ononnvins tne uobimvh m tue oomtneroial world, sooa as I hold! Lavinn aside all other considera tions, 1 could not afford to accept the place, as it wooid necessitate absenting myself for months at a time trom a great ; apq growing business yqwh a,m oonauoting in tbe interest of the toiling masses; i A it ia well known thronghoat this BonnT Soath Land, Big we, The Great American Bankrupt Dealer is always on the lookont for Bargains in tbe interest of his castomerr; ana naving- recently bronght - the immense Stock of (JothiDg, Bats and ' Furnishing Goods from F.' W. Thornton of Fayetteville, If. O., at snoh great eaqrifice, I am tfi oronghljr convinced Chat r oan be 'of more service; to my customers at my ' place of I J basiness, dealing out goods at urines never heard ot oeiore mis (lrat Slaoehter Sale, than I oonjd Dossiblv ba in thJ HV of Oon. . - T 1 ! press. " f'-y - Thankinz my friends for the ! -nor intended. JJig Ike T. G. A !". n.. can be foand for a wees or J. J. BAXTER, Agt. To take effect Monday Aiftjast 20th, 1894 Deputy Collector 12th division, 4th col lection district ot worm Carolina. Lur Easily, QtilcKIy. Permaatntf porU MARNFTIR NFRVINE Mfal at 5:00 A. M SuDersoding Time Tablo No. 2, Dated June, 14tu, I8y4. Going Sooth, scuedulk. Goino North No. 1. Passenger Trains. No. 4, Is sold with writ, ten emarantea to iroLsttMannoM. v;areawaaaneow.""n" . 1 .11 .ha H1- fmm Mriw ap lAUT OZ- eeeaeB, the reeulta ot overwork, worry, ajokneaa, etc. Foil strength, tone ana aerejopmani givw aA. i ii nine, ii nr nnniiin ill un nuui.. ..uuuaww ThOIIS. aoda of lettera ofpralao on file in oar orBoo, Cad be carried in vest pocket. Sept by p4iW .pa, or pncB, urn ni'r enred, GEO. W. (iAisKILL, New Berne' G rniiiMiniiiiiiiiiinimniimMiriuiiuTmiutiiurtlnj f H 1 1, on XeetTrlal anjwMte. Anv OttOAlf or I'lANO oa kitllli"iHaalMll mrm U 1 1 i a r n.. ........ TI.IH. &8 Wtefow yon Wirt U? Ssead at a !'; r;p. iiiM'4 ctli JH'KKVt : IMS aSdrew. CORNISH A. CO. . OTawer t IWASHIHSTOS, r Imy. auuiuiimuiuiiniiinillllli'lHi'im"" Lve. A. 8 85 9 10 0 24 9 33 0 43 9 55 9 57 10 09 10 18 10 27 10 80 10 44 10 53 10 57 11 03 1111 1118 1183 1150 M. ar. lv. Station. New Berne Pollocksvillo Maysvillc White Oak Northeast Jacksonville Ar. P M. 5 45 5 08 4 54 4 44 4 34 4.29. r, 4 20 4 10 4 00 3 51 3 42 884 Verona CeiirUarst Folkstone Holly Ridge Edgecombe Woodsido Anuaudale 3 23 Hampstead 8 10 Sccdfallill 8 08 Kirklund 8 04 liaymead 2 58 W.Bea Coast ait. aross'g. 2 47 ar. Wilmington Lve. 2 30. iNo, 8 Passkhoeb Aun FRKViwr No. Lve. P. 8 20 48 800 8 05 820 8 82 3 49 400 M. VITAL TO MANHOOD. ar. la.B. 0.WEB1"8 NKHVK AND ttRAIN TREAT MRVT. aaneelnofor HTAtnrla. rilKxInnna. VHa. Kaa- atoohol ortobjanoo, Wak;vruliieHi,'Mv.utal DepreHdon Hnruinin oQrHtq, oauMinv inMMUty, miory, oeuar Mth, vremature t)ia Ae, 'Jwrrenneea, ims ot 'ower in eimer ees. imnotenoa. auoorrno3e aaa au c (maie wmidoiwi, luvoiuncary jwsee, perma inrmffia eausea pr over-exertion or Drain, aetx abuM. over-IndnUronce. A month', treaonent IL 6 for by mail. With oaoh ordur for boxes, will 15 will send written guarantee to refund If not cured OuaranttenlnTOnd by apnnt. WKKT'S, UTVKB l'll.l cureBHU'.a Hftadiujbe, TiiUmKitB.l.lvrOou,r.iaint rionrttturu.n. vbt,eitin OUAltaJllJ lauea 40 too: 510 ,5 95. 5 88 '5 46, IM DBS ,03 H : i9 6 80 $(ew Berne DeBruhls PollockSville Ravenwood Maysville White Oak Northeast J,ackofivi!re V '. , Jarman's . . Verona t -T Cedarhurg . . Folkstone , HoUyge .Edgecombe "..-Woodside , .'oAnnaodale' i ! Cypress Lake w' Hamstead i BcOtt's Hill V- ;KirWand lve ar. Wanted! Karnes I FOB 100(000 Subscribers TO THE WEEKLY BEGI8TEB, Pnblished at Wheeling; If. Tit- ginia. The Farmer's Friead, A Home Companion, The Best Story Paper. Has already the largest Citeala- tion of any Newspaper in the tw Virginias, Eaatera Ohio, or West ern Pensyivaaia. ;, Tha Great Twelve Tun Weekly. - ' , Its woman's and (Jruwrea'a eo- nmns are ot nnuanai aomeatio ib terest. Its Sp-jcial Features ooak , . more money than is paid by.i iaHY ten other papers in tho same ter ritory. VSST-J Its news coinmns t jeoverli;iav world. Bill Nye writes for it: D . Talmage preaches for it: Wallac P. Beed and Bndyard fapliag- Richard Malcom Johnston, Ella Wheeler' Wilcox, Julian , Haw thorne. K. B. Wilson, Eider Hag- -card, Olive Harper. Ny Crinkle. 8 48 2 and the best litera-y genius of th Ar. A. M. 12 00 11 32 11 18 11 10 10 57 V48 , .10 3 10 17 9 87 9 31 , 9 21 9 11 8 58 8 85 8 93 817 811 ,8 01 r oo world contribute to. its columns. It is a magaziaet And every is sue an educator. "" ; ' " L Onlw tl.CD a. wear ! Aeents wanted in every locality ;V Money for, agents in working for It. Sentl Baymead 'l'i, 40 j j fbr'sample copies. Send six names. 4Q w.8c Coast Kfy cross'g. 7 giving thi addresses 1 of yonrsell - . xr:ii.n.. . it iin- o . . .. . . n VT lfmilliut t ' , Wt i Dafly Except Sunday aud live neighbors who want free copies. Write for .arjents terms. tXZZ&tt? ' 'ff. A" WHTTIN6i' ., i Clubs of six for five; d,Jhrs. "l,b' 1 y-i General Manager." A,i,i-r- . rrri ' T-. , Druiat and 1 jv w. MABTEN18, ; ; , ! " APC . Xhe Lie is-" -v i st his' store in Thornton s -. 'a voa wl!l always ad F.S. DUFFY, : f . i Lira. Sola

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