jn.-. t:.: i.TT. r i l.ll Ttyiiw to G" F'wlit -'.! Tin-1 luiuipitiH ' I'lHmailiin. , ' . Oct. 1. OuptGiori, j i .'ziainoong, Arthur fcr I Charlie Wb'.ts, met Jme J. Oct best's r tt llt Herald eloa to-;r- a. Cpr. Giori poeied a f r.'t lor Fitzsimmons to ; C ,1 -, ta a finish lor the Yi (' ionabip. Bray poeed ' r ;l,CjO nd futerrd a conn . r-i ..1)D7 to Fitzaimmooa ou 1 - Ji of Steve O'DomneJl, the i'.ian fighter traveling witb ,t. . ."W'-i; 1 111 yon cover Fitzilmmons j !" Lrady was asked, after a T and seated argument. "No" be shouted.. ;Yi:.u-V" Will you cover O'DonnsU monevl" Fitzsimmons was asked, an I be shouted "No so loud thai evwy o4 in the Herald building "'1 Ton. Fitzsimmons. eel oham f ' : p by default, will you stand i , - 'rto delend , it against all c -J ...... . ' I will." be replied, "nit any r : - in th world, barring Poter Jj- sea, and he isobjeottonabls to i ca the ground of rfor.",-' Tw;s leaves the Corbett men with " a us of the ' argument,, for ; If i i;zsimmina is declared the Cham I ion by default after money re mains np for thirty days, there is every reason to behave t bat he win have to cover O Oonnell's money Tre",1-n PbU of the Olympic oi iew-Orleans telegraphed to Corbett to-day: "We offer a 125.000 purse, the .winner to take all.' Fitzsimmons has complied wltn ' every requirement. If you will not defend the title. Fitzsimmons win, and will meet the best - man that can be found in the world in - Feb. rnary 1895. Ia the evtnt that yon do sot answer and accept the chat tangeef .Robert Fitzsimmons by Thursday, October 4tb, we will de clare Jiobert . Fitzsimmons ; the champion . heavy-weight of the ; world." K,i-.vl ';. The Democratic Bob fa Isw York, New Yobk, Oct. 1. A confer. enee was held this afternoon in the office of Charles & Fairchild, ex. Secretary or the . Treasury, which ' was attended among - others by Wm. B. Oraoe and Wheeler H Peckbam. It was held for the purpose of deciding whether or not the state Democracy should . nominate ' third ticket for the : Slate offices. : - Mr. Grace and Mr. Peokham ware closeted with Mr. Fairohild for aearly an hour. They refused to talk after they bad left him. Mr. FairoUUJ said that: nothing would be ooe until to-morrow night, when a committee of the uraoe- Fairebld Democracy would be ap pointed to r confer with the com mittee of aeventv. He also refused "' to talk about the possibility of a third ticket in the State. OatlowCSoaatyCerreiaoatleBee. r We had. a fine Dionle at Oak- Grove school, bouse. Friday, but .on account of high , water not to many people attended as other arise would have done so. r That day was also the last one of Mr. O. J. Benders mhool. He has. done good work since he has been teaching at Oak Grove school BOOSe. v.-rM- -t y.VS . ';-,') --v ' We also had the pleasure of listing to a "Jim-Dandy" speech from one of Onslow's smartest men, Mr. w. vv. Thompson, or Klch lands. MHfr ia chip . off . the old block". We want it understood that it was not Dr. Oy Thompson lor we don't bare third party men here, a third party man would not stay on North Kat. ; Mr. F. D.5 Eoonoe gave birth to the third party- here and I think be will, now soon give birth to a fuortb party, know-nothing party ' for be is Kicuog at tbe third party row. What will he in favor of t:x!ot what, will be do aextf ; ' ' ; . i m m m f m 1 '' - i Vaaceboro CorrespendeBiee. - The weather has bees very disa greeable for the past week, and our streets are in a terrible con dition. ' Cotton picking is in f uH progress, "but oh-the prices." 5 and 6. Can the farmers pay their gnano bills at such pricesT I answer no. . ' ilessra Lela Lancaster and Rosa Lancaster, who have been spending tbe summer witn relatives la the of Maple-Cypress, section returned Saturday. They are jolly young girls. r.. .: I'SjJ--Koii.:-' ' Mr. E. A. Lancaster of Maple cypress passed throngh our Tillage LViday. Drummers have been f -rce as "hens-teeth" bere, this i s.3on, guess they consider the ' wd times," - : !r. WilUe' Buok has recentiy ed from here to Beaufort,. X C. :v- N. L. Seabolt preaobed Saturday and Sunday, but T to the exceedingly bad er, , the congregation Vwas :1. Messrs T. B. Ipock, and y I'oberson,. Miss. Pearl D. cf CLre. and thatT beautUul -'.iehed Miss ' Jennie 7, cf Trenton, attended the izzz'-ivg bere last week. Seitpss. E, Loel-Kaice. ' .V T- r '.'(intry schools of the 8th,' District "y y will be - opened first ( 1 November L . Teachers will .Ives. E. H. Meadows. dsirmao. r;!f erit'eTowa orta Domingo De- ' -,- - s'rojed. Pahis, October 1. The Debats 'ifi a dfcpat "i from Sn Domingo "2 tat nan or ina own was 4.C -oyea by the recent cyclone, Havana, Ootober, 1. The ter rific storm whioh raged throughout the island of Cuba from early in the evening of September 23rd on til the following . night destroyed forty-seven houses ia Santa Cruse Del liar. A pier there was also wrecked. v Oae Hundred and Six' Moonshlaers v arrested - Ashland, Ky, Oct. 1 Thie after noon UnUed states Marsbsll Greer and his deputies left for Louisville with ICS moonshiners just from tbe Upper Big Sand v iitfiriot. The party Is made bp of" woman,' boys and men, some of i lie latter typical desperadoes. - '--' - THE SCHOOL BOY . h nftm a'anffarer " JT from headache. The f' i TVl ' ratosick headache " - , -TV- . una in tha brain, for cV ' A vmi vMnilaia tha atom- V ' ich and bowato you'll , core n. 100 muca hraia-work and braia art brine on run cJ Moral to tha baad with hmdachs. disd- KM Btotha wom Of Dayton, Cottorowif St., IT. r- writes: I aatrared from loai of ppatlla, OMtipatloiij . sauralrla, and ret waakoeaa. and hid tcr- Pbla attaoka of alok adaooa very fre- aaeotlri aio now Slaed. healtb waa ot abla to to to aohool fn two year. I took for. Ptaroa'a Pjn felleta and "Golden SladloaDlaooTwy.' and woy. Aral and ftnlden . woaa Mivj uavv wi v? mm. v Prompt SetUemeat, Mr. E. B. Cox, who recently . died at jSewDern, A. V., nan a policy ot insur ance in the Connecticut Mutual Life In surance (Jo- of Hartford for $10,000. In lees tban ten dnyi after proot of los was received. Mr. William H. Oliver, eccnt of the company . at Newbern paid the tamiiy 01 Mr. Joi ten tnoneana two Hun dred and sixty-two 70-100 dollars. The $262 70-100 being a mortality dividend or tne insurance interest in the accumuiat ad anrpuM. aostoiine roucy: i ma policy nau been in force 27 years, (he premium on it ana. Dr. ' wns 9201. age at jrcurei 280 x 27 $75.67.00 Each and every year a dividend was paid, which amounted to ' 2759.70 Which-reduced the amount paid, to 1 ' $4627.80 Being $178.90 per annum on $10,000, or S17.87 ner annum on si.uuu. The dividends paid by tbe Connecticut Mutual are larger than those paid by any otner insurance company, uonsequentiv the same amount of Insurance can be ob tained lor less money tban from any other company as shown Dy above statement. WILLIAM 11. OLIVEB, Ae't Conn. Mutual Lii'e Ins. Co. Newbern, N. C. Wholesale Market Country Prod nee Live stall fed cattle, 5 l-2a6, grass led. taoc dressed beef aao. Beeswax 20c Corn, new 45. old, 60c. Chickens, joun?, 25a40 RrOwn 45a 50e pr. Uucks, Jng. t5a40c.; Muscovy OUaSOc Eggs, 12 a 19C. Oeese.75o.a80c Hides Dry flint. 3c: Jrv salt 3c tcreea ic,aeer-niaesuc reanuta, esaoucta. JWool8al0c . f Lambs $la$1.50. Old Sheep, $1.25a$2.00. . Oats, 32fa35 Onions, $1.25a$1.50 Potatoes Bamans. 40c: Norton yams. auaou; nea yams, 70c sweet potatoes Yams. 50; Hamana. 40c; Red Tarns, 60c. Cotton, 5Ja58-5. Seed cotton, 2c. , J, F. Brinson Declinaa. Mr. J. F. Brinson of Carteret, has de clined the nomination as Senator of the People's party in 8th Senatorial district. oh account of his wife's affliction, he not being able to leave ner to make the can vass. JS. Ij. f'rancks. Jr.. of Onslow. has been placed in oonrination by the .Executive committee and has accepted. U. 1 tlABDlBOK, Chmn. P. P. Ex. Com. 8th Sen. Dis't. When - travelinz, always take A cake of jonnsoo s oriental Hoap . with ' yon; diseases are often caught from using hotel oap. , ' . j- -. .-h. : - '- - Kotlce. Notice is hereby eiven that the Board of Commissioners of Craven County, at their meeting on the 1st Monday in Sent. 1894, passed an order changing tbe poll toe place at Fulcher's No. 8" Township in said county to TruUt'i kchool house in said Township.. And also aa order chancing the polling place at Conner's in No. 7 Township in said county to River dale; mid polling places will here after be known as Trnitt's School House voting Precinct and Riverdale voting Precinct. By order 01 Bd. Comm. of Craven Co. 51m . James W. Riddle, Clerk. ' Notice to School Teachers, ' There will be a meeting of the school committee ; of No. 1 township to be helj in Vance boro at the public school house on Saturday, October 20th, 1894, for the purpose of employing teachers for the different schools. ' -. v ' . Those wishinz a aohool will make an plication that day in person. . Meeting for white teachers at (9) nine O'clock, a, m. Colored at (2) two o'clock, p. m, ; a. A. A8eiit, Uhm a com. GOOD WATER: P. J. Hardison well borer.: InexhaustibU ' supply of : clear water guaranteed.' rump repairs a spec ialty.. Old pumps made good as new. Charges moderate Leave orders at E. w. Bmauwooa's. , saw WANTED: Agents- Women or men, srnnicn irviFnrvnl va nannnas lUv n ViorH somely fllusirated, Inexpensive patriotic 1 l- Til I , . 1 1 1 A3 "now Meed." DuuK. uiuerai per cent, nnoweu. au dress Women's Washington Book Arrency W L! . T . . Not es ib hereby givvo that the Regis tration ' Books of the 1st ward are now opened at the court bouse. Registration will tlose Oct. 27th, at la o'clock, tn. r-. .. . Ekhest M. Gkebx, Registrar. i 1 Sad.lvard. "', ' I Notice is hereby given that' the Regis tration books of the Sad ward are now open at my office 157-Middle Street and will be for 27 days ending Oct. 27th, 12 m. W. B Boyd, Register, . Third Ward. ' , For the convenience of voters I have moved the Registration " Books of the Third Ward Ironi Middle Street to uiy residence, No. 41 East SkIo Hancock St New Berne, N. C, BepW STth, 1SS4. tl . Thos. Stahly, Registrar. Fourth Waid , " The 4tli Ward tbgistrntlon: bonks 'are opened at my store; corner Bragits- Alley and Primrose street. . Ttegistralion. .will closo Oct 27th at 12 o'clock M. . . i : - John R. Thomas, Registrar 4lh Ward Fifia Vfard-8t Philip's Preelnet. The regis! lalinu books of St Philip's Brccinct are opt-n at niy residence, corner M. Uliuca null X ll'CV oii.t:i. xiiv t.tiw vyvv. 27th at noon, . . : , - J, M. ITaboett. ; Fifth WaH-Hcrarlhj's Precinct The rfSstni:i .n I'Ooks. McCarthy nrwinct liflh war." lit e now opened at McCarthy's slir- '' Norwood atreet. ClfSe Oct. tbe 27th m noon. , J, E. Gaskili., R.gi8trar. ckiIaIi'o r.ilumi1i Tlnmroli A imirvi'V UIIIIUU, VOMIII.N ....... v.. j. . - " oiiscare4or Catnnh. DJpihtria, Canker . ii 1 rr 1 1.. u :n .1. mOUlt). RlMl nWUIHUUO vw nil trit1; (1 uutnc Al ! amaa nnl TnuintAP uiere i nu iuucuiwuo wwi aujvw va tbe more (successful t.eutment of these Notice of Dissolution. The Firm of S. E. Su'livsn aud Com pany baa this day dissolved by mutual consent, I. N. Huey retiring fiom said Firm. All debts due the Firm or- owing bv it will be paid and collected by the re maining partner?. 8. E. Sullivan and Fernandas Davis, who will continue the business at the same place and under tue same naaiejuid style. Femamles Davis. S. E. Sullivan. 031 ni. I. N. Huey. Notice I We have purchased Gabkha'b PnAn mact and in futare the drug trado will Bod us at comer of Middle and Pollock 8ts.,with a select stock of PeiftnneSpToilet Articles and Medicines. BraHa & M Dint Co. si m ed EH B a O S5 M S5 w M m . Q u o Ola p Q vf o W. 00 n CO w 14 ' H aa w A Q :.. 00 o S a CO CO cd o Cheese !!! ( have Just Received ' .. 12,000 lbs Of the beet Cheese that ever -: made its appearance in this market, which I am offering , f low down for Cash. I can sell it to yon at wliat ) ' tSf it will now cost you in tueV-St 1 tJIJiiW IUU& MAKHJIT. J ? ' T- IF1. Ta3rlor- To the -TRADE- . VI AKE AQEXT8 FOB Stock Diadem C:!tt:i BEST PATEtlT f!:r.?:rcil FI:ur. Nonpareil is the best Flour rriitdn '; WK CARET IS STOCK- ' -- AT ALL TIMES A 4 . ' ':. 'i LARGE 8UPPLY OF ' PROVICIONS, Coots and Chocs. &c. Wft hnv k11 our-aroi1a from flrat hnnds ior CAH1F, th(rtoitt van yivo tu our trado UEDKOCK IMUCK4. EQUALITY OFUOOas OUAHANTr.KDa Roberto T; Erj., tJouth Irc t : t. Mi $!fif! r-iKS!! Briar, Mecrchaum, and Apple Wood, Si OOA.CJt3C, ii ODACCO, C jewing and Smoking; IGARK, , ? The JTineslL-nc Jn the City, 4 A fresh lot Cakes aud Crackers just liootiivcd. '? j v NUNN & McSORLEY. CO Q. 4 '5k CO o OL S3 M " I mm S 9 0. 00 si H is tm" U H A Mat mWm I f mmm 1U m mm Sj 3 n O f LI'S a i o .2 ry c 0.1 cog 111 o a to ft h (S U fe fl S h . 2 ? Is 1 H a r In U n o CO j. is. i-iArii-A-M: No. 3 CRAVEN ST. DEALEli IN Lime, Cement, Terra Cotta IMpo for drain aud Sowers all sizes in stock. Also fittings. Be sure to buy a barrel of ALUM LjIIMLE For SanitaryJPurposos j?ine8t you ever saw, EricesiGuaranted. EEPA1IILNS-01CYCLFS, mm, STEAM'g CAS Fin, -o-LIGUT MACH1NEEY-h - Copper Work, Gun Work KT ALL W0M QUARANTEEIT&i W. O. BEA8LET, No. 44 Craven Street, nearly opposite City Hall, Now Berne, N. C. M Carolina Apniral Fair AT EA1EISH.K.C. OCT., 234 to 26th '91 A. & N. C. Railroad Company, ) JrASSEffGXR XIEPABTJtENT, V - New Bern, N. C. Oct 1st. 1894 T To Agents and the Public: Rate ot first-clan tore for the round trip plus fifty cents for one admission to the fair grounds, are hereby authorized on account of tbe North Carolina Agri cultural Fair at Raleigh N. C, from Soints named below. Tickets to be sold ct, 30tb to 25th inclusive, good to re turn until October 29tli, 1894. Pare for Round Trip when Tickets are : :v? -,v- .Turcliascd:" , . - -FROlf- -PROM- Core Creek, Dover, Caswell, Kinston, Moroh'd City Wildwood, Newport, Ilavelock, Croatan, -Rivenlale, New Bern, . Tuscarora, 5 20 4 05 4 85 4 80 4 40 4 80 4 00 3 70 3 45 825 810 SOS Falling Creek, 275 LaG range, . 2 55 Best's, 8 40 8. L. DILL, G.P.A is Your Life Worth Anything to. others ? Are ttere not . ix.- n on s dependent on yt,tr earnings for their - " supfwrt? Are they pro ; ' vid.'d for in case of your .;':,- death? The simplest and - safest way of assuring their protection is life in fc. surance. 'Business,, pro- , fessional, and working ; men generally, should in sure, for ( their hrnin v or - 'their r i.rc t'reir ' capital 1 t v. ' 'uo. .Death sUtpa aiC.xi .both. " Insure in the - "- ' , Equitable Life aud death cannotstopyour salary or steal your capi tal, aud your loved ones will be safi from want ' m m i A 9 6 u.,' I U LiM I m aa. ' ; jf " THIS FINE RATTAN At Suter's Also the Large Rattan at $2.50 for $1.75. PUBOHASED STRAIGHT KO'JOB LOT. ' Largest, B$! end Fiflist " - w . Stock of Fu.nitua off ell Kinds Ever brought to Eastern North Carolina, and at ROCK BOTTOM Prices. - t 5 South Front Street,'nuder Chattawka Hotel. , , A: G. HOYT, EECHASDISE -0- BBOOB. BEPEESENTS THE Norfolk Flour Milling Compmy. - J, E, & Hj,, d Eil, nashville; temn. V -Jli RENT New Brick Hotel. Also Suited Tor n-CJltib f- House. Offices or v ? . . filtores. - TWO HOST m AST BASEMENTS. ' " LS3AT SWZLLDT9 APPAErHEOTS. Anew fonr-storv brick Imilduiff, near the comer of Broad and Middle Streets, the beat business location in New Berne. Its apartments contain all the modern improvements gtaliomur wash stands. in each room, and bnth tuto.all Supplied with cistern water In pipes, to and from same. -- Imnroved water closets on each floor.- Electric lights, bells and speaking trumnets to ottice. Iront -Joor. Uaaemen a and dumb waiter. A grand observatory. dininir or Bitting room in'upper story, commanding a fine view of the ' city and h its majestic nvcra.' It Is one or the most r nnmnlKtn hnildinnn of its aizn in the Rtatp. ' for a hotel, club house, first chss board ing bouse,' restaurant, dwelling apart ments, sleeping rooms and tor business purposes, 'a ' Bent very reasonable, for separate ap partments or as a whole.' Apply to, . E..W. CARPENTER. YALUAcitymmi FOR SALE.- One IIoum 'Ei','lit Rooms) -and large Lot situated en Enst front Siret. - ' . One House and Lot situated on Met calf Street. . ; . ' Both pieces of property In excellent neighborhood.''. ". a ;?- For price and particulars, apply to IJ. II. J?elletier, . :8tf : Office over F. & M. Bank. srnav;-:aTTi::D3! We have about 15 ro!l8 Of StraW Mattinir, which we wish to close out. If - you need a Matting take ycur p::1: of the lot at 11.7. t. We l 1 1 will clc ROCKING CHAIR. for $ 1 .50. Advertised else wb ere . - .T; renter, EASTEENCUA JUS LINE OLD DOMINION S. S. CO NEUSE and NE WBERNE ;On and after October' 1st one of the above named Steamers is ap pointed to sail from Nevr Berne as follows: " ' -L'-vvfv y-' ;;'i-:' Monday's, . , . Tuesday's, . . . i Wednesday's, Friday's, at 6 P. M: SUNDAYS 4 P.M. ' ' ' ' - . . -: Freight Received Daily Except gun(Jay. ; , For farther in formation, t Apply to, GEO. IIENDERSOU, Agent. J. A, JO.JES SALE, LIVERY i - AND - BOARDING STABLES. Fine Carriages, Buggies and Tenuis and Teams lor hire ut reasonable rates, v : -Best attention to boarding horses. Horses mid Mules ou salo for cnsli or nt'goliablo paper. Bu11i Front Street, Now Berne, N. 0, Opposite Gaston IToiiKe. J I. 1 V. r i'.r C. v ' m o LJa, Clptli, AND '.' Mason's Fruit Jars that- bought -arly trhile U.ey wer'; , nheap. v p i; ii a. nee J ioff Frmt ; Jrsi and ;ugar will io well to' octj iuh Difvra du inehe where . . ; . - - Respeotlully. - " ' NO. 77 BROAD ST. , FOR 113 NT. K DWELLING HOUSE of Soven roomi. : Also Pining room, and XUclun, next ioorio-jiir. u. c. Vtark's.rcsidciicQ, - V. Apply in-,' WM. NULTAN. T j. BAXTER. ; v ' I have just got in a mc lirw r - p "m n aw? ar v c" - v . 1 CHILDRENS Clothing ,.!: Than was ever sold in New Berne, Also a new line ot )ate Slyle Hat!, shoes, ' &c . You will save money by seeing me ' before buying. . v. .. --, , , " Ittspecttully, f .'jr.- a.s UAXTEK.V- Trade Remember I have reduced tbes prices on torillarrt " 'Snuff ". : SEE ACJES. ,Vhol6sa.I.e Grocer. Robert -; Hancock, KEAL ESTATE AGENT. ' " v Collection of Rents sud Claims a' spec ialty. City lo.s suitable lor Rtwidences nml Business for sale. Finest Saw Mill sites ia the Slate for rent on Ion" term lenve. -- Trucking lind Farming lands tir sale. No. 81 Craven 8t, New Berne N: O.' WM. ETON, , JAS. EEDMOOT, X'resiuent, ; viee-l'ies. i : B. S. QUI01T, Sm, Tread. OFFICE: 19 GRIFFITH. SI; ?. - ooooS5'ooo .. 7 ICE CO. Mannfactnrers of Pare Crystal Ice FHOM. DISTILLED WATEK. . CAPACITY: 20 Tons per day Daily delivery t (rxeept . Sumhiv) liy ; wagons from C a. m. to 0 , n. ) 1 Sunday (iXiLiil onlj) Lmm 7 a. m. 13 " noon. j. - .-. Jnr Lad lots soliciled and orders lUl. d - promptly. For prices and oilier iiilonnatmrt', . ' -. ddtcss, . - .. , . . B. S. GUION. , ngSdwtf ' Manaii- it. F A ri r" o J. J 11.1 1, u. I t Amlmr"' . ..Wood i-r leads all oiIhts , woilit ol ina- iiUi.ii't'Hioal. w aauuigivn, a, v. nu.v,.ia

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