f c. Ac-'" :9C f f j ' 1 forlb i on't neglect the baby' health by keeping it cooped up at home he w e wonderfully if you will give him a daily outing in the bright iut hin e .i nd wl at you save in medicine and doctor's bills will more than pay or on jjjhefce diinty go cart or carriage. We have jut received an aasorted ahipl 1 of Reed body carriages, made of selected German reed, with hair filled kn. Every carriage is made with the best steel gears and xuthioa frub the most :ibstantial made. We have them Tanging in prices . n . $35.00. We give Pony Contest Coupons with every cash purcease or payments on accounts. J. S. Miller Furniture Co. 99-101 MIDDLE STREET, PHONE 229. A Glimpse of The New Seasons Styles In Ready-to-Wear Apparel For Ladies TyOMEN who appreciate ex clusiveness in Summer dresses will welcome this early offering with delight. Beautifully Made, Faultlessly Tailored and Stylish in Every ine. Ladies Dresses Linen Fabrics Beautifully tailored all sizes at : $1.25 Ladies Dresses Lawn Fabrics Embroidered and Lace Trimmed all sizes at". 1.25 Ladies Dresses Voile with Bulgarian Trim- irig all sizes at 3.00 Ladies .Dresses Ginghams Beautifully Trim- ed all sizes at 2.50 M Mitchell and Company. 126 Middle St., New Bern 111 I t l 1 i . r SHORT PASSING . 3.. t Him Anic YVMtty of . PoUokviUe pest Thursday miht here the goest of Urs. C L. Spencer Miss WWttjr H ooe of the honor graduate at the Start Normal Colleg this , year aad si ace commencement has ieea visiting a friend at North Wilkesboro, She V wur teach rausiceext year at the B tiles' Creek Academy. ;., .. miww ..... AaterLUic uppoant&mc UNHAPPY WITH MILLIONS !. Wealthiest Couple la Switzerland In Solcids Pact. Zurich, Switzerland, June 13. Eu gene Maggi and his wife, believed to be the wealthiest persons in Switzer land, committed suicide, their desper ate act being actuated by sheer lack of interest in life. Eugene Maggi was only 41 years old and his wife 35. The joint es tates of the man and wife were esti mated sometine ago at $10,000,000, while quite recently Maggi inherited the income from a number of exten sive factories. The couple had been married for a number of years, but were greatly disappointed because their union had remained childless. In a fit of de pendency they decided to end their lives. They retired to their bedroom in the villa here, turned on the gas and were found dead in the, morning. Maggi was the owner of extensne Hour mills in Zurich and other parts of Switzerland and had many other widespread interests. His wife was the daughter of his dead cousin, Julius Maggi, and was the founder of the great preserved foods and milk business known through out all the European countries. Julius Maggi left an immense fortune. - - Whea one of ths bralnltst editors of the world recently announced bit opinion that the AdrerrJainft Man would be the most conspicuous figure la the commerce of the fu ture, he merely echoed what buelneee men have realized for a number of years. ' To wrestle with the prob lems of material and labor and produce a salable article ; of trade, or to perfect a service such';' a transportation ' or banking, or orafnlxe a retail buelneee, are and always will be undertakings worthy of man'a best- effort. ' , But even more ImprOtant la the work of marketing the manufacturer 'a product, the railroad or banking service, or the retailer's stocks- and It la with the great work of dis tributing and selling that the Advertising Man has to do. SHAW ADVERTISING AGENCY " Ad-Writers. J. Basil Shaw Mgr. , Journal Bldg. P.O. Box 233 New Bern, N. C. KODAK FINISHING DEPARTMENT We gjve your finishing prompt, personal attention, use the best material ' and guarantee the best prints possible. With every $3.00 spent in finishing, we give an en largement from your best film. WOOTTEN-MOULTON 96 Middle Street, New Bern N. C. v,.-: Ji'.V.aiues P . In Summer Coats For-This Wek Only- : : ' Linen's 34 ancjf ull length to go at $1:25 " Silk Rep Q)at trimmed with black satin and some plain-tailored af - $2.50 " They cost morttq manufacture,. " How-: ever yeur choice while they ; last in all sizes.1".:- " v- V ';- ; MRSB. ALLEN it 8 Ladies Outfitter 85 Middle St. a . " Phone 752 lii!LliJ'Ll.1J!gJJ.Ll I 111 1111 . 1 " -' 1 -J Grandma Knows that no matter how good the v ressing nor how careful the pre paration and cooking you cant make tough meats tender. - We offer only the choicest cuts of the BEST METS. You don't have to worry about the quality when you;order of us. Try it. We give votes in the Dunlap Pony Contest. Every cent spend .with us entitles you to-one vote, also all money received on accounts will have the same value in securing votes. A. GASTET, -PHONE 239.- "The Home of Better Meats for Less Money." 1 The Standard Plumbing and Heating Company has just completed the plumbing in Dr. G. A. jj Caton's new hospital on the corner of Queen and Griffith Streets. one the largest plumbing jobs done in New Bern in many a year. Standard Plumbing and Heating Co. wwzwm This was Phone 717. 138 Middle St. BRICK in any Quantity CLARK BRICK & TILE CO., Clark, N. C, or call on ; QASKILL HARDWARE CO., Local Agents. Phone 147. New Bern. Sea Shore Evening Dress I Fixings DRESS CHART - From "The Shop That's Different" Coat-Tuxedo black. Trousers- white serge; Shirt-white silk or madras soft, plaited French cuffs. Collar-folded, Greyweed or Belmont. Tie-black bat wing. Hose-white silk. Shoes-white canvas, buckskin, oxfords or patent pumps. Jewerly-gold links. Belt-White Kid. Hat-Straw Yacht. This Dress Chart you will find carried out by Smart Dressed men at the large summer resorts and thewlnter resorts of ' Florida.' The Acme of comfort yet smartly dressed while at Morehead City. If it Comes From tne Shop That's Differ ent fts Correct. '. A. T. WILLIS CO., TAILORS I HABERDASHERS 1 ' !, HATTERS OUSUP PONY CONTEST VOTES WITH MCH PURCHASE- & 3 iVvWATm . a Practical 3 DfTSlMts 1 There is a great difference b watches When you give one I or? present you want k to be a good one ' ,,. .v We have die best that are' made and & ct oeunt joaeiect 1 TV prkea -you wB hft M more than satisfied . BAXTER, - JtXVOlGP. randy Fresh lot of RUBBER BANDS just received. Give us your next order. E. J. Land Printing Go. Phone 8. Notice To Those Who Fail ed to List Their City Taxes During The monthofMay,19l3 as the Law Requires. I will be at the City Hall a few days longer from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. for the purpose of giving you a chance' to -list your raxes and keep off the de linquent list. Not to list your taxes during the month prescribed by law subjects ytu fo a double tax and is also a misde- ' meaner. The' Board of Aldermen have ordered that I collect 25c. from . each person who . did not list -their taxes in May, 1913. ALEX JUSTICE, List Taker for City of' New Bern. TEST LETTERS FORM Their Part in notprmmind trio riiinol nriifanAco nnH KLcKAui iUiN is, by our System MEAS- ttnnn "till .i. ''jL-- i f.'ttt t .1 - ' ' : . :' ytvivi Dy ine mosc scienimc msirumenis sind corrected with proper lensesP y ' This requires the combined service of the Optometrist and Optician which you get at one cqst from . . SAM K. EATON, - Optometrist; Metal Sliinglcs AstiestoS Shingles v ; Rifierold Roofing h V ; Lime, 'CetnerrtM Paints and Oils SiippIyGb., .',,'17 Cravcn'St. New Bern Building Phone 163 T v. - f Mr t y , :,-r:' ri" '-V v . '