daily journal, new kern. n. g, Tuesday., morning, juxe 17 ACE TIDUC w 4. t-V- f -";- 'Viv i Li u Li O a ki L J For Infants and CMIdren. Tha Kind You Have 1H; r SHORT PASSING 5 EVENTS JJJ.!JJ.U,.!.U.!.U!.U!.U!.!.l.'.!.l.!.i Virgil C. Walker, who has been at Stewart's sanitarium (or several week with a case of typhoid fever, is im proving daily. AU.uh.vL J m tr. i S.L: 1:1 4 -ft i ,f wvfc Lot Narcotic. "-I 3s..). Aner&ctfemaV fordOM YxmroiraliknajmBw Always Bought 1 -Beafs' tKe tare of Mi AW 1 . ,0 In Use For Over Thirty Years win FOR MEAL, CORN, The baseball trust have a fair umpire. Policeman W. H. Griffin is able to be out again after having been con fined to his home for sevefal days with an attack of malarial fever. The Worth Orchestra will go to Beaufort Wednesday morning for an ebgagemeat for several days. It will play at the Inlet Inn and will also work for other parties. ULCERS AND SKIN TROUBLES If you are suffering with any old, run- ning or fever sores, ulcen, built, ecxerrfls or other akin troubles, get a box of Bucklea's Arnica Salve and you will get relief promptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones, of Birmingham,' Ala., suffered from an gly ulcer for nine nomths and Buck- len's Arnica Salve cured her in two weeks Will help you. Only 25c. Recommend ed by all dealers. (Adv.) P. Raftelis, proprietor of the Athens cafe, was yesterday placed in Stewart's sanitarium to receive- treatment fcr an attack of malarial fever. His con dition is not thought to be serious. A special meeting of the Atlantic Steam Fire , Engine Company will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the quart ers of the company on Broad street All the members are urged to attend The Philatheas of Centenary Meth odist church will give a sail tonight complimentary to the Baraca class of that church. Boat will leave the foot of Pollock street at 8:30 o'clock. The Sunday school .of the Christian church will have its picnic Thursday at Glenburnie park. The members of the school are requested to meet at the church at 8:30 o'clock. The boat will leave the wharf at 9 o'clock. ' " r i 'I Hi 'President Hit accompanied by sey eral other officials of the Norfolk South era Railway Company passed through the city yesterday morning enrOute to Morehead City where they will spend several days. FEED, HAY. See Jl vs New Bern, N. C. --FOR THE BEST it it m ill I 1 it i I ill LaS. The . picnic which was announced for next Saturday at Havelock has been postponed until the first Satur day in Jury according to a visitor from that place who was in the city yesterday. The condition of Mrs. R. B. Lane who underwent a serious operation at Stewart's sanitarium last Satur day continues to improve and sh will probably be able to leave that institution within a few days. Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR! A Ne at least should ' Bern Accepts the Evidence and Many Journal Readers Will Profit by It. Which is the more weighty proof a m words from a New Bern resident. bom we knows and respect, or vol u net om strangernin distanttom as? There an be only oe reply. Mrs. C. Pennington, 27 East Front St., New Bern, N. C, says: "I suffered in- ensely from backache, and sharp, thooting pains across my loins. Often was so lame that I could hardly straigh ten after stooping. I knew that my kidneys were disordered for the secre tions were very unnatural. I used just one box of Doan's Kidney' Pills that I got from the Brad ham Drug Co., and Another British defeat on Long land battle of Meadow Brook. Is Pant T D II i b i " i . i iinriaw. this was sufficient to remove my aches . whose fame is known in the seaports and pains. Doan's Kidney Pills have I of the world, will attempt to recover BEST LAXATIVE FOR THE AGED. Old men and women feel the need of a laxative more than young folks, but it must oe sale and barm lets and one which will not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pills are especially good ofr the aged, for they act promptly and easily. Price 25c. Recommended by aU dealer. (Adv.) been of greater benefit to me than any other kidney medicine I have ever tak en." (Statement eiven January 24 1908.) THE BENEFIT LASTED Mrs. Pennington was interviewed re cently andshe said: "I can still recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills, for they gave me permanent relief. You may cod- The Wall street tape is no nervous it jumps at every rumor. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Viziering is a very risky occupation in Turkey. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. org W. Koous, Liwtott, 'Mrch., says: "Dr. Uetc&eoa'tf Kefief fof Kfcetf matisra has given my wife wonderful benefit for rheumatism.. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv. The poison the sword. pen is flightier tha John W. Brooks of Raleigh, a broth' of F. E. Brooks, nianacer of the Se Shoe Store, has arrived in the city r. 1 have charge of the Postal -;p;i Company's local i fficc while . ': - E i ; i Johnson is away on her Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A '. !.c unday school of the First b ; 1 1 t . hurch will picnic at Glenburnie park tomorrow. The members of the school will assemble at the church at o'clock and the boat will leave the foot of Pollock street at 8:30 o'clock sharp. JusrliSteived a CaiLWdf ;;: Native Stall Fed dattle After this date our store willibejclosed every S day, except Saturday, from 1:00 to 3:30 p. m. Co., tsmot 'complete Ithout a yisJ tro tie 1 SiiQceantpafe. R; E LEProprietpr. ;Tte T3est of Everything T Private Dining Room. Lad ies Rest I&oitii EverbodyllaSBea cr Special f " ttjb arad41ng 8yerl New C:!:i cch, wee : tr.r 3 .will alay8 assui3you,of a I Liri; pricty, to liclect f riTien you want good . " 1 y.. t .t--'.',.; -""C y 1 ' .-!' . Tile Quality CakeBikeS Ye Still Make Blilk Lead- F. A. Brown arrived Sunday night from South Carolina where he has been building and remodeling lumber kilns. He will leave again this morn ing, going to Wilmington which place he will make headquarters while fill ing a number of engagements in his special line of work. The auction sale of valuable property in the heart of the business section of the city is advertised in today's paper by L. J. Moore, owner, and S. R Street, auctioneer. 1 he property is located on South Front street opposite the- Gaston Hotel. The sale will take place Wednesday, June 25 at 11 a m GURANTEED ECZEMA REMEDY. flic constant itching, burning, red ness, rash and disagreeable ellects ol eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, piles nd irritating skin eruptions can be readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Mr. J. C. Eveland. of Bath, 111., says: "I had eczema twenty- ve years and had tried everything. All failed. When I found Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the formula of a phy sician and has been in use for years not an experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. All druggists, or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co.. Philadelphia and St. Louis. (Adv.) J. Leon Williams, secretary of the Eastern Carolina Fair Association Com pany, requests all boatmen who ex pect to operate boats between this city and the Fair grounds on July 4, to meet at his office in the Elks Temple1 tomorrow night at 8 o'clock r Rapid progress is being made by the workmen who are engaged in the construction of the building on Craven tfeet which will be used as a garage by Eugene Williams. Yesterday the work of laying the concrete floor was begun and the contractors hope to have the building ready for cocupancy I by the latter part of "th'a month. : . Thirteen colored prisoners who were given road sentences at last week' term o Craven county Superior Court, were"yesterdaV"taken out and put at work or the roads. The "chain gang' now" has twenty-three members and under the excellent supervision Superintendent Provo is doing much work. ' - Spanish mackerel nd large blue fish for tale today.' George N. Ivet and Son.:;.vY.y' r '. - as . Even at trat the Senate is not reactionary as ' it once ' was. M Archbold assisted in clearing the at mosphere. Ml 'irU-; - : . ir would-be1 strange" if the next Presidential race should be between white wine and grape Juice, . " l.amc ducks ongress. will hobble aroun NEW BERN'S REPLY.' electro mm II RI CBESF COLD INGOTS TOO DEEP Iff BAY FOR DIVERS TO REACH DOWN. San Francisco, June 16 Having located what he believes to be the iron chest which contains $t5,000 in gold ingots at the bottom of the bay off Angel Island, 'thp lnrtnn K ...... . . . . .. I . . .. . . . . -. . j nivalis ui ail magnet. Thesafewas dumped from the hold of the steamer H. J. Corcoran, whieb was rammed and tunred trutle after colliding with the steamer Seminole in a dense fog four months ago. After repeated efforts Capt. White law now believes he has located the tinue to publish my former endorsement ' treasure box, but owing to the depth of this remedy." I of the water he hai been unable to send For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Really, however. Colonel Roosevelt hasn't much use for the courts, except when he has use for them. a diver down to make a line-fast so that the safe might te raised to the surface. Electro-magnets have often bene used in the salvage of 9pecie, but not on this cost. An attempt is now being made with an electro-magnet to raise 6,- OJ5,00 in gold and silver bars that were lost when the British frigate Lutine went down on the night of Oct. 10, 1799, off the coast of Holland. TAKE PLENTY OF TIME TO EAT There is a saying that "rapid eating is slow suicrae. u you nave lormea I u. e. Henderson is in Kinston on the habit of eating too rapidly you are professional business. tnost ukeiy suffering from indigestion or I constipation,' which will result event ually in serious illness unless corrected. I LICDUIPI1 vcgiua 111 1IIUUI.I1. 1 VWJ I should be thoroughly masticated and I ,, , . ... insalivated. Then when you have a' " Party wno picked up a package fullness of the stomach or feel dull "ntf"'nK a blue necktie at Brad and stupid after eating, take one of ham s Pharma,cy Saturday night will Chamberlain's Tablets. Many severe Business Locals cases ol stomach trouble and consti pation havs been cured by the use of these tablets. They are easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Sold by all dealers (Adv.) return it t the lournal office it will be appreciated. The loser has the collar but can't wear it without the tie. The end-seat hog is simply a victim of -opportunity. LOST OR STOLEN A yellow, with white collar, return to G. H. Roberts reward. Collie pup, If found, and receive STOMACH TROUBLE. Many remai-kablccures of stomach troubles have been effected by Cham- crlain s tablets. Une man who Had pent over two thousand dollars tor medicine and treatment was cured bv few boxes of these tablets. Price, 5 cents. For sale bv all dealers. (Adv). FOR SALE Typewriter Ol iver latest model No. 5 like new, only S40, cost S100. Will ship for trial prepaid. Reference. J. Stedd, Pl.iinville, Ohio. President Wilson's canned re better tnan tnc Ircsli one:- other statesmen. SORE NIPPLES. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nurs ing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth be fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by all dealeis. (Adv.) Sugar liobbyng in Washington will hereafter be listed under the hazardous professions. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Why doesn't the Senate tie that Dieating can, Jones, outside and go on with its business? MOST CHILDREN HAVE WORMS Many mothers think their children are suffering from indigestion, headache. nervousness weakness costiveness, when they are victims of that most common of all children's ailments worms. Peevish ill-tempered, fretful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all the symp toms of haying worms, and should be given Kkkapoo Worm Killer, a pleas ant candy lozenge, which expels worms, regulats the bowels, tones up the sys tem, and makes children well and hap py. Kkkapoo Worm Killer ia guaran teed. All drgugists, or by mail. Price 25c. Kkkapoo Indian Medicine Co. Philadelphia and St. Louis. (Adv.; it is well lor most of us that "man wants but little here below." That' about all be gets. CASTORIA V' ;l8r InfuU and CMIdren. . Tta UfllYoaHaiB Ahrajs Bought Bean taa. Signature of FOR RENT. One good house in Riverside with modern conveniences C. T. Hancock, Agent. FRESH ARRIVALS Cintclupo, toniabu-, we have all kind n every day the Rovall Kind speecln of most ,n am I HI. 11. E. t watermelons, pineapples and ini made Phones vail. Wanted to purchase a small or moderate-sized farm. Preferred on Trent river. Give short description and lowest price in first letter. Address F.A.R., care of the Journal FOR RENT front rooms in I to Athens Cafe Two nicely furnished lusiness section. Arply Says the Kodak 'coon to the Govern ment: Don t snapshot; 111 come down." FREE an extra hollow ground fully warranted, $3.00 razor or a $2.00 foun tain pen with two extra points with a three year's subscription to a 32 page paper, (72 copies) at 50c for the three years. Address Thomas & Co., Box 249, Columbus, Ga. FOR SALE A ten-room house. De sirable location. Will give good terms, ai.i tr. p r n 7o v... u nt r CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC .CHOL-, " v ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY I ... . , , ANOTHER fresh lot ot vegetable Every family without exception receivcd. i.or ootl 00(ls anf. n:ct should keep this preparation at hand delivery phone 449. E, Kisher cor. during the hot weather of the summer Burn and 0ucen months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ' and Diarrhoea Remedy is worth many 1 times its cost when needed and is al most certain to be needed before the . WHEN I start on the People's Bank Building anybody wanting dirt for filf insr in vards can act same bv railing H. summer is over, it nas no superior c unrrv-if anft n; a-. for the purposes for which it is intended. j- g Hancock By it now. For sale by all dealers. I (Adv.) WANTED A second hand bookkeenw er's desk. Phone 184. Burrus A Cw Our new Ambassador to Britain being six feet tall, the English see more VALUABLE lots for sale in BridgeKMfe in one Page than in a whole Eliot Apply to L. J. Moore, PolloksviM-o library. N. C. VALUABLE property for sale House CAN'T KEEP IT SECRET. 'and lot No. 15 Broad street. Desirable The splendid work of Chamberlain'i',ocation home. Apply J. K. Tablets is daily becoming more widely W'1119' Admr- 30 Broad 8trcet- known. No such grand remedy for atomachand liver trouble has ever been known. Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) Governor Eberhart says it was a great victory for Minnesota; but Bob La Follctte regards it as a mere Wis consin overflow. SHARE OFF VOUR TISM. RHEUMA FOR RENT Two story brick store No. 61 Pollock street. Apply to Mrsv C. W. Blanchard, Kinston. N. C. JUST RECEIVED Wire tre; guarde. They protect your shade trees. Wire front gates, both single and double. Lawn fencing a beautiful style. With right prices at J. C. Whitty & Co. Phone 98. 1 Now is the time to get rid oi your rheumatism. Try a twenty-five cent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and tee how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) The Standard Pressing Club will open for business Monday June lttb . corner Middle and Broad street. Work quickly and neatly done. We call for and deliver all work.. W. E. PERRY, Mgr.

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