T j" r-"M . V.Ud every day t t-e rt e t;t Monday st 4S PoBock Street BUSINESS OFFICE PHONE t 14F.C1IANICAL DEPT. PHONE SO L t USD fMTlXS CCXfAXY ntomxTOU ". . : SUBSCRIPTION RATES i U oaths 1.00 Tim Mo-ths , .,' -1-00 .40 JUfvertlstag rates, furnished upoe tp fOc-don to thb ffics. Eatered t the Poet office, New Bern, V. C. as second cUm matter. GOING AWAY FOR THE SUMMER? Then you will want to keep posted on what Is going on at home. You will not enjoy your vacation without this Information. Let the Journal supply you with the news from home. Forty cents sin gle month, two months seventy-five or three months for a dollar. If you are taking the paper here, It can be for warded by mail without extra cost. Just give us your ad dress and we will do the rest. " With the arrival of warm weather there come whisperings of a willingness to knock off in Washington. But the Professor can be depended on to keep the boys at their tasks as long as there is any chance to get results out of them. One thing can be said for the Wilson cabinet. Every member of the body stands for somethng and has something that he thinks the country needs through his department. There are no figure heads in the whole outfit. - Just Say to.tho'Srottr'msa hznd hlnxa nickel and get a magic " package . direct from Ginger Snap v Land. So fresh they 'J crack with a snap.; To look at them makesyou hungry; '; , " So tender they melt in your mouth. NSKOHAL : BISCUIT 5 COMPANY had brains enough to be irppresued with the efforts of the Department of Agrioulcure to iacrf e production, and he was willing, to be Uught by the "book farmers.". The first thing he was told to do was to break land eight inches VleepV He had small plows and two ponies that were un equal to this task; but he borrowed a team from a neighbor, sad iastead of "making" three bales front twelve acres, he made" oac oa a' single acre, all that he had applied intensive cul ture to. He got alf a bale aa acre ia 1908, three-fourths of a bale aa acre ia 1909, and Tie expects ultimately to get two bales from aa acre. ; He is out of debt, has four', fine mules, and he has a son and a daugh ter in college. The - storekeepers, are chasiqg him around trying to sell him goods on credit. He was willing to learn from the "book farmers," and it has paid him well. by the disease in question is attributed ch'efly to thorough supervision of dairies and investigation of sources of water supply. The moral pointed for Other Commonwealths is so plain that he who runs may read. What Pennsylvania is accomplishing in the conquest of typhoid can also be ef fected by every other State in the Union. Like preventive measures will pro duce like results. Norfolk Virginian- Pilot. Japan signifies its willingness to renew its treaty with this country. To the man up a tree it would appear as he recalls all that trouble and ex citement out in California, that that treaty needs a little attention. Problems of health, sanitation and civic betterment are engaging the best minds in the country today. They are live subjects. Some valuable in formation touching them will be avail able at the Griffin auditorium tonight. Don't fail to hear Dr. Stiles. There should be a large attendance of New Bern people out to hear Dr. C. W. Stiles tonight at the Griffin Auditorium. Dr. Richard Duffy has a statement in the Journal telling of the high standing of Dr. Stiles in the medical world. From this hose who did not know it already will learn that Dr. Stiles is a man of unusual dis tinction. It will be worth much to hear him, North Carolina as a State and the towns, cities and counties within its borders are working towards a con tinuous reduction of the typhoid fever death rate. We do not have at hand the figures as to the death rate from typhoid in this State, but while it may not be so favorable as that of Pennsylvania we feel sure that by comparison with the figures of some years ago the showing would be found to be a very good one. The city health bulletin this week is on the question of prevention of typhoid and it should be. carefully read and noted by all citizens interested in keeping New Bern comparitively free from typhoid, as it is at present. SAVING THE CHILDREN. The country over thousands of bab'ei die every summer from pre ventable diseases. In some 'respects , the death of a baby is the saddest diath of all. Out side of the immedi- , 3 ite family circle it makes but a slight impression, but inside .that charmed circle it brings anguish of the most poignant sort. In view of that fact there will be a general welcome for ; the information that the Children's J Bureau of the Department of Labor is preparing a compilation of the steps ' ."- which various up-to-date cities are ' . taking to protect child-life and will a circulate it broadly over the country. I " This is bringing the government .. close to the people in a practical way. . Babies are as important as cattle and ; hogs even from theeconomic standpoint A WORTHY INSTITUTION The Journal has received the fourth annual catalogue of the East Caro lina Teachers Training School, located, it is hardly necessary to add, in our neighboring town of Greenville. This institution is we belive doing a great work in the educational life of the State. According to our information it ad heres rigidly to the purpose which its name indicates as responsible for its existence. In this way it is af far-reaching service in turning out teachers who have in addition to the information necessary to discharge their duties, the special training needed to qualify them for the specific work of imparting information to the young. The Greenville institution is one of which every loyal citizen of the State may well be proud. Better teachers mean a better State. LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION. Illinois, it is learned through a clipp ing reproduced in the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot from the Ohio- State Journal, is to have a legislative com mission which will provide for sys tematized legislation. This innova tion at all events should have the effect of eliminating the "joker." And it is an acknowledged fact that some laws are so drawn that much litiga tion is required to find out precisely what they mean. The Illinois com mission should serve a very useful purpose if by reason of familiarity with the routine of legislating it does not unduly influence the rep resentatives whom the people charge with the duty of passing their laws. I.. . - - : : ; - . i Lt. x iic oiduiuun ieauer, agreeing with the Virginian-Pilot, lays: The promiscuous way people "have of taking drugs for ailments without consulting a physician must wreck many lives in every community. Every man's being his own docti r is a very costly thing, and yet the idea back of it is that it is a saving of expense. If people would let medicine of all kinds alone unless forced to take it under direction of a capable physician, nd would follow sensible rules for eating and taking proper care of themselves, their stay on this mundane sphere would average up better. No man would dose or feed his horse or hog as recklessly as he does himself. Queer, isn't' it? The death of a Macon banker and the sensational circumstances surround ing it made a "good news story," and so with the other deaths from the same cause which followed: but no one has kept or can keep a record of the cases of broken health, resulting li death before time, ctused by the use of drugs for the alleviation of real or fancied diseases and ailments. Medi cine is a poison, used as an antidote for another poison. Like cures like. When, however, there is no poison or but little poison in the system, medicine acts as such. It injures the n;rves, the intestines, the blood or acts in some way detrimental to the system. The taking of medicine by a well man or too much by one suffer ing from the wrong kind of medicine in any condition is a menace to health and even to-life. The difference is that we know of cases of sudden death, but not of the slow, but none the less sure, process. Richmond Virginian. Headline says that Mrs. Pankhurst is in jail again. The lady has turned this trick so often that is' has ceased to be news. . Spanish mackerel and large blue Csh for sale today. George N. Ives and Son. "I know you can't papa," she re plied; "but I want to find out which half you can asnwer." Chicago News. CAPACITIES OF THE SOIL. The average corn production in this country is about 25 bushels to the acre. In a good year it may rise to 30 or thereabouts. Yet here and there, in many localities, we hear of farmers who get 60, 75 and occasional ly more than 100 bushles. The aver age production of wheat the country over is barely 15 bushels especially favorable for wheat raising. Yet oc casionally 74 bushels are raised. The MEDICINE POISON TO WELLAN The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot is in clined to believe that fewer lives are South does not get half a bale of ct- lost in the long run by the taking of ton from an acre, and very many bichloride of mercury by mistake for of its arces yield a good deal less, headache medicine than are lost by! Five years ago a Mississippi farmer taking the medicine. The indiscrimi- had 160 acres of land and a mortgage nate use of drugs, it thinks, ruins the of S900, and couldn't get credit at the health of those addicted to the prac- store for a pulg of tobacco. But he LAWN PARTY AT BRIDGETON. A lawn party for the benefit of the parsonage fund of the Methodist church at Bridgeton will be given on the lawn of VV. F. Watt's residence, in Bridgd ton Wednesday night, June 18.. Every one is cordially invitecf to attend, have a good time and also aid a very worthy csuse. A large attendance of New B m people is expected and for their convenience arrangements have been mule by which A. B". Pitt man will have boats at the foot of Pollock stieet and convey the. New Bern pe p'e across and back at the rate of fr e cents each way. There is more Catarrh in this section in the country than all other diseases but together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local. treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment, Hail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only Con stitutional cure on the market. If is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucuDus sur'acas of the system. They offer one hundred dol lars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY& CO.. Toledo, O., ... j Sold by Druggists ,75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con ' stipation. 'Adv.) WORTH ORCHESTRA Four Pieces. Open for high class engagements. Concert more a speci alty. Satisfaction guar anteed. No. 3 Pollock St., New Bern, N.. C. ' THE ROAD TO WEALTH from which so manv thinKsare looked at i exclusively nowadays. Why not save j j them and spare their parents the grief . T J . ttnirifKV rlicoauo allntrh tllnm (mm I T their embrace? OVERCOMING TYPHOID otx , years ago hity-iour persons out' ot every one hundred thousand' ia Pennsylvania died of typhoid fever. ' Last year the death rate from typhoid -was only sixteen and five-tenths per; one. hundred thousand of population.! This remarkable reduction is the year- J Jy toll, human and economic, exacted There is one door that always opens to the road of prosperity and wealth. You will find that door at the front of our bank. - Why not open it to-day? You will find a warm wel come. A checking account at our bank will simplyfy your business deals, your cancelled checks will be a receipt and Record of every deak It makes errors impossible. Better start right to-day. The National Bank of New Berne JAS. A. BRYAN, -President JNO. DUNN, Vice-President GEO. II. ROBtRTS, Cashier , W. W. GRIFFIN, Asst. Cashier ; We Keep Every -thing'YOU need in the Drug, Medi . cine or Toilet line come, buy what you need and if you find it "does not suit you bring it back, i get what you do want, or ' . get your money back. We are here to serve and ' please YOU. Bradham 1 Drug 1 Go The Reiall Store WW WW WW "w- W W-Wl W. O. Boyd, : "103 Middle St. -fSV: Insurance anfd : Ral Estate Ag't. LIF-V w- .?v---,wn ;ri'z?; ; r:' ; ' FIRlf ' "ik'lizr V" ?;;i;:;;SURETYB6NpS IN LEADING COMPANIES CONTINUED! On account -of the extremely 7 bad : weather the ;pastV;r.weei.rv: making it impossible for many : liof our friends and customers to attend the sale, we will con-ft itinueutherW shortfimei .Remember every 4 7i: flung' in t he store reduce i. i "i Many? tJdds andhds to-clbs out thisPcomirig Iweelfi XDOME; ftery- dayJthisnfextt Week. Something doing ialli f - 4 4J - 1 j-cJPBRDi fiijifrvO' ft Ultilh if Z ..9 1 Jf i ij MC.wasAi,' ..'V HOW ABOUT THAT LEAKAGE? No class of our community 'realizes , the importance of small things more than our business men and manufacturers. One brick is a trifle, yet a large aggregate is made up from single bricks and the ten dency is to eliminate waste. Your prof its are maee up of single dollars. Even in the best conducted business is a dollar leakage can be eliminated by carrying here a savings account. CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Foryour protection. Mrs. House- keeper, we have justinstalled SYSTEM " (The One Writing Method of handling ;aCwntsvV-Bylg J i -(;;y;. With eh porchw, out eooar rgceiTCi wJe ilip itiowiiif tlx mooi tm&me&t '' prick of Mch u tide m id ll bi mem praviotuly amdwl 1 foafd up. WttbtbeMcCmtnr Srt 100 ALWAYS KNOW WHAT TOU OWBy, . . . , ' -v . Your coomwitiow over nigJit Yea alinjr ha tb oppoitanitjr ofckcclaacK . hem horn yarn uU(ltoM thrterenrthiibubceadireredi end that the 1 price of army " :. ielaeomel. "... v , -'v - ..' , ., si ; v-: :;. i: 1 . w huniilt a upboldeT n aacn cuKomer. rueme mp u-wm noiaer. oie wei hipk ; maee aupa you wui nare we mm iw m. ( j; f -nea will Ullroo what jroa owe. By pmwi ini th AliU lt THE SAME BAND. WKITinU r . t V Wa ahaU be r d to explain Tae MeC y BrtUaa to yo. MM t.aitirffi Civ uvviy wu. . ir::r4:-" -a, t. v..vv-ir-.y; Fhe'Corisumers9 "Store :3 Two Phones, l46rand 156, ' t : ' 77 Broad Street. : V.r : 'I- V ' ''; 9" iWTOR - a . a ; -. ' ' 3fr v.3v-: 1 JtS ',;:;"JV;fi- for the aMnfami. ti'c ''''tKS': j:! ; WILLIAM T- HILL - mX:r ii . The Sporting Goods Man ! Vi 91 Mlcldle Street. New Bern.N. C. ! ' ' : i :5 .': V;- j?; - -. . ., '. , .t : -.: -

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