irJu.LZVA DAILY JOURNAL NEW EERN, N.G. TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 16, 19 V.. --I if Iff: II . X ... it ' t V o'.-r XXX3 si jB-. I! j Refer to This Bank - Amoni the numerous Adrantajrt which you receive by maintaining an account; I with a strong financial institution I .the priTllefce of referrlnj to your bunker when ever you wish to establish your credit j with concerns who are not acquainted ' ' with your standing. 1 This bank Is always pleased to hate Its depositors avail them es selves of thU advantage. Open afn'account todays sy'r--. - ' ' " " -Most central location in town. VOODOO mo?e4 9met I TIIEY COME AND GO J Into the Falrriew S.aeterium, corn LuaaaaaaaaaaaaA 0Be" GrUHth streets, and w w w T amBncee that while ha will coa- rJnae to keep up hla apcciaJ work A. D. Ward left last evening for will henceforth engage aUo nrofMoMl visit at Beaufort. la feneral practice. lmo. M. D. W. Stephenson left last even ing for a short visit at Morehead City. I I .ir wi h w r s i m aw r . . n v i i i iiIiIiiiiiiiiiiiim I NOTICE I Bids For Ditching U T f IVft lact vpnino fnr a .W .t Morehead Citv. i Bids wi" received up'to 12 o'clock of next Commissioner' Day, July 7th F.-rwrfM. nd Mra. O. H. Guion left ,913- bvhe County Auditor, for cut vniiiff for a visit at Morehead ,inK th following ditches: v-'ne o'tcn on me .orm saae 01 tnc irowicr ioao, aooui 1 mile long. i n m,j. ,.,-j i... Two ditches evening from a visit with relatives at Clayton. L?r.l?lracrill F. T. Brandt left last evening a short business visit at Havelock. for A. E. DannenWrg of Baltimore was among -the business victors in the city yestefday. Oar Increasing Safes of NORRIS9 Exquisite Candies Clearly Demonstrate Their Quality We have just installed a candy refrigerator which enables you to get a box of this de lightful confection in perfect condition dur ing the hottest weather. Wood-Lane Drug Co., Phone 153. 105 Middle St. Hugh Wood who has been in the city visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Wood returned yesterday to Coldsboro. one on each side of the Morehead Road from the North edge of the Newport Pocosin to the Carteret county line. Profiles and Specification swith the County Auditor, or may be seen in the Highway Engineer's office Jle June 2Uth. H. M. CRMVEs, A u lit. r Cr.v.rn Con nt K. 1-. SNOW DEN, Highway Engine, r C raven Coui'tv. L 7? 7H One Dollar Deposits Some people think that Dollar deposits are to small to have any significance. But if a depositor will bring in one dollar ev ery working day to this bank he would have the snug sum of $315.00 deposited at the end of th" year. This is an object well worth working for. Many a man has begun business on a smaller fund or has made a first payment on a homeg We cordially invite deposits of one dollar and pay interest on the money, at the rate of 4 per cent, compounded every three months. It 7!f C. S. Wallace - of Morehead City spent yesterday in New Bern attending to business matters. f J. H. Smith returned last evening from Winston-Salem where he at tended the Annual meeting of the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias. William Mann of Cove City was among the business visitors in the city yeasterday. Rev. J. N. H. Summerell returned last evening from Washington where he officiated yesterday morning at the funeral of Mrs. W. C. Mallison who was found dead Sunday morning. Mrs. J. S. Basr.ight left yestardey for Mesic where tomorrow she will attend the marriage of her son Don to Miss Daisy Riggs. i iim b w i win 1 1 1 ii i mi in ''"y'nirTTirzirrTr!!? i Mrs. L. Walinau and daughter Miss Minnie and son Edgar returned yesterday from a short visit at More- head City. PATRONS PLEASE NOTICE. Mails elose as follows: 1- or Jacksonville, at 6 .M) a. m. Sun onU " Beaufort, at S:.V1 a. ni. daily Goldsboro, at N:.?0a. ni daily Norfolk, at S:."i'.l a. m. daily Wilmington at :ll(t a. m. d. ex. Sun " Oriental, .it 9:00 a. in. d. ex. Sun Bridgton 9 (JO a. m d. ex. Sun. " Raleigh, at 1 2 :55 p.m. d. ex. Sun. Beaufort, at 4:50 p.m. d. ex. Sun. " Oriental, at 4:;0 p. in. d. ex. Sun. Oriental, at 625 p.m. Sun. only' Goldsboro, at 6:25 p.m. daily Night Express, trains Nos. 15 and 16, East and West at 12:00 midnight, Ex. Sun. All mail deposited in this office be tween the hours of 6:25 p. in. and 12:00 midnight for points beyond Goldsboro and Washington. N. C. will be dis patched on the Night Express trains Nos. 15 and 16 at 12:!):), midnight, exce; t Sunday nights. Respectfully. J. S. B AS NT GMT, P.- t nu- ter. Mrs. C. E. Foy has returned from a visit at Roanoke, Ya. She was acrom- j panied home by Mrs. E. W. Yick ol that city. NOTIC! Beautiful Crepe de Chines in White, Light Blue and Nell rose lovely for evening dress- 1 C. R. Thomas left yesterday for a professional visit at Beaufort. I Gecgre N. Ives spent yesterday at his farm at Newport. es. J. F. Rawls of Pamlico county was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. The pas heal "II, L.N.'' Ltvp3 foot of Pollock s'rett for Glvnlurnle Park evjry S :nriay at 1 and maintains an honriy -cheJu'e. Fare ten cents each way. Sp ci.lcara tak r. of hilir n. For wl i o peoi;U i nly. W. H. PARRIS. Captain. S Also Serviceable Ratines in White, Blue and Tan. : : E. B. Hackburn ' S, M. Brinson spent yesterday at Vanceboro inspecting the work now in progress on the Farm Life S hool. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. H. Blandford and children left yesterday for a short visit at Dover. Phone 190 Dr. G. S. At t more of Stonewall passed through the city yesterday enroute to Morehead City where he will attend the annual meeting of the North Carolina Medical Society. OCXXXXXXXXXXXX3CXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXV G. S. Cox of Cove City arrived in the city yesterday and will remain here until July 4 training horses for the races to be held on that date. NEW BERN SAN KING . S '1 C . Just Received At McDaniels, 41 Middle barrel pi m1 sour pickles. :::::: Robin Hood Herring Roe 10 and 15c. We -on Cooking Oil 55c. can E. J. P a- 15 and 25c. can Catawba Gem Butter 44cts. lb. Lots oi .). her (-.! thini at t i' can. Nice Dried Apples 6cts. lb. Granulated Sugar 5c. lb. ves Lima Bean 12 1-2 r. can lowest j'-:Me pnee-. i ICagle Brand Milk 15c. can! You;- t t ca-!i only J. L. McDANIEL, 41 Middle St. PHONL 91 New Bern, N. ( , Your Satisfaction Fairness is the key note of nil transitions be tween this store ard the rnib.k'. Dis?atist':cticn i ' :nip s. iolc nnur Che .system carried out here, wbien provides for i:ti instant adjustment of any transaction not perfectly phasing to the cmsIoivkt. It's a system that is sure to nieiit onr appvroal when, you find out abcut it. SAM LIP MAN 'i (.it n rlji t vth Ficr.t i-inelf Llnan liioc ii n. J. cnauwick ot rolloksville was among the business vistiors in thecity yesterday. I Odorless Garbage Close fitting lid is respon sible. Made of steel, gal vanized. Practically-indestructible. If you want the best, get Witt's Corrugated Can CALL AND SEC THEM AT Fair Grounds New Bern JULY 4th, 1913 Horse Races, Motorcycle Races, and Firemen's Tournament Admission 50c. GRAND STAND FREE Buy your Field Peas now. Our stock is fine, sound and clean, $2.00 per bu. Also fine, M. Y. Soy Beans at $1.60 per bushel. a- '.X I y; Just receivea a car or iresn sugar tiorse and ; Cow Feed. i Order yoiir supply now Ifjalso Hay OatsCorn, Hulls,; Meal, Etip. Farm? implements i.:-'j'-tv'.- T V-'"' ' :! 'r; 3UP.RUS"&C0. !! ; Vv NEW BERN, N; C. Mrs. J. K. Willis and daughter Miss Laura and Mrs. V. V. Mathews and children left yesterday for More- head City where they will spend the summer. Mrs. H. W. Simpson and son Arch ibald of Norfolk are in the city visit ing relatives. Gaskill Hardware & Mill Supply Co., 73-7577 Middle St. Phone I7. Prompt Delivery. Mrs. W. S McGreggor and Miss' Rosa Tolsori of Goldesboro re in the city visiting Mrs. John Watson. I Miss Margaret Newell of Rocky Mount is visiting at the home of her , brother, Capt. 'W. H. Newell, on New ftreet. LOST OR STOLEN A Collie pup,1 yellow, with, white ocllar. If found, return to G. H. Roberts and receive reward. ! KODAK FINISHING DEPARTMENT We glva your finishing prompt, personal attention, uae the best material and guarantee the best print possible. With every $3.00 pent In, finishing, -we give an "en largement from your beet film. ' '"' '7-i .;;; .: WOOTTEN-MOULTON 96 Middle Street, New Bern N. C. DIAIV10NDS A heavy tariff on Diam onds is now practically a certainty. : : We have anticipated a heavy raise in the price of Diamonds. : : Our modest prices on . Diamonds ntakes them a good investment. : We carry only the bet ter grades. An Honest Deal at Our Store. : BAXTER, JEWELER Pes: t? 1 SaSSS Auction Sale 6 OF VALUABLE PROPERTY In Heart of Business Section Opposite Gaston Hotel New Bern, N. C. Wednesday, June 25th, 1913 Sale begins at I I A. M. on the ground Immediate Possession S. R. STREET, Auctioneer. L. J. Moore, Owner. MR. MERCHANT: Advertising in The JOUilNAL means money to you always. Why not contract for ? j space at once. WE GET RESULTS. j i.v I--. i ' ! x .1 I? V. 1 i 4-

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