NEW CLRN DAILY JOURNAL, NEW BERN, fi Gi TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 17J9U- PAGE SEVEN i. NOTICE: U etfni - Bar t TnuUctr . New -.--' Bern Graded School'? v:. There win be a meeting ot the Board held at the office of the Superintend ent, next Saturday, June 21rt at 3:30. Every member ia requested to be present, a -buaineaa of much impor ' tance , to. the acbooU ! to be .tran- acted. : vi.:. the ' election of 'teacher for the ensuing term "and the awarding of "the contract for the new ' acho j1 - building. 1 -r 1 " H.M.GRQVES, ; -5 . Sect'ry-and Treat. .1 Si m tin WILL STAMP IT OUT IN .' OWN IMMEDIATE " ' ENTOURAGE. HER - MORTGAGE SALE ; Pursuant to the power of aale con rained Id that certain mortgage deed -.."executed byjGeorg W. Bryant-and Addie C. Bryant,' his wife to the Land Improvement Company of North Caro lina 'a corporation) bearing date of . May 28tllr-19l2, and recorded in the public rec'ordi in office of Register of .Deeds' for Craven county, in Book No, 184 Folio 509," the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in New Bern, N. C, on Monday the 7th day of July, 1913, at the hour of 12 o'clock M.,, the following real eiate,' as conveyed in said mortgage, j to wit: All that piece or parcel of land situated in No. one (1) township, near Vanceboro, on Washington Road, be ginning at Edward Hoell's corner on the Washington road, and runs with hisine to Samitel Ellison's corner in his line; then with said Ellison's line to T, R. Frank's line then with said Frank's line tp Washington main road; then down said road to the beginning, containing forty (40) acres, more or less. It being the same land conveyed by the said The Land Improvement Company of North Carolina, to the aaid George W. Bryant nd Addie C. Bryant, his wife by deed bearing date of May 29th, and recorded in the public records in office of Register of Deeds for said county, in Book No. 190 Folio 457, to which leference is hereby made. This Sth day of June, 1913. THE LAND IMPROVEMENT COM- PANY OF NORTH CAROLINA. - By Rev.. William Sutton, R. O'HARA,. President Attorney. London, June 15. Queen Mary continue to prosecute her campaign against gambling among society women and demonstrated her determination this weec to stamp itbut in her own immediate entourage. It seems that the Queen's second dresser, Miss Ad elihe Chandler, lost $125 by betting during the Derby week. In order to pay this Miss Chandler sold a col lection of autographed photographs of members of the royal family which included those of the Queen, Queen Mother Alexandra and the Queen of Norway. Miss Selby, Queen Mary's chief dresser, informed the Queen of the fact and gave the name of the dealer who had purchased the photographs for $150. The Queen bought them back for $200. She them gave them back to Miss Chandler, but the latter has been sent to York Cottage, where she must remain for a vcar and a half an irJinary salary un'ess she re signs trom the royal service. lne Queen has also intimated to all the maids in the royal establishment that she hears of their gambling in any manner they will be dismissed instantly. 000 with 1300 tabacribed far by T. C. Guthrie CW. Taint. Jr.. and X'. C Guthrie. Jr. ( Germanla Manufacturing Company of. Wilmington; to deal ia real estate, etc; authorized capital, $200,000 with 1 100,000 paid ia by C M. Patterson and R. W. Hofftcs of Wilmington and George S. Patterson of Chicago,1 IU. Miller Hardware and Lumber Com pany of Brysou City, Swain county; authorised capital, $30,000, with $2,- 500 - subscribed for by Thomas H. Miller. Fred W. Baker and Robert L. Sandidge. The Wolf Mountain Lumber Com pany changes us office from Ashe- ville to Wolf Mountain. Little Dot had asked a lot of ques tions, and her father was growing im patient. Finally he protested: "Oh, Dot, I can't answer half your ques tions. EM INS lie 10 SEVERAL CHARTERS ISSUED Raleigh, June 16. The following charters were issued today: J. A. Tate Company of Greensboro; general merchandise; authorized cap ital, $25,000, with $400 paid in by Murray Metta S. and J. A. Tate Piedmont Sundries Cnmnanv of Charlotte: to riVal in nprsnnal anrf rpal I Market. Try it. property; authorized capital, $100,-1 Insist OlfThedforf'f. :"'"v":''.; v i" to-" ' '"' rj f - Ten-day excursion to asheville Black Mountain, Waynesville, Hen dersonville, Hot Springs, Lake Toxa way, North Carolina. North Carolina THE LAND OF THE SKY TUESDAY, JUNE 17th. SOUTHER N RAILWA 1 Priemler Carrier of the South Special Train Nice coaches and Pullman chair car. Schedule and round trip fares to Ashevijle and Black Mountain. Lv. Goldsboro . 7:00 A.M. Lv. Selma 7:55 A.M. Lv. Raleigh 9:05 A.M. Lv. Durham 10:10 A.M Lv. Greensboro 12:45 P.M. Fares to Hendersonville, Hot Springs, Waynesville, $1.00 and, Lake Toxa way $2.00 higher than fares to Asheville and Black Mountain. Rates in same proportion from in errmedtate points. .Tickets I imite returning to reach original starting point by midnight June 28th, 1913. TEN DAYS IN WESTERN NORTH , CAROLINA '-. Fpr detailed information ask your agent, or write, -V;i t ' J. O. JONES " " 'Raleigh, N. G'. - $9.00 8.00 7:00 6.00 5.00 HIS TROUBLE NOT 0F HEART Real Facts In Regard To F. K. Uuffman's Illness. Relief Ob tained By Coring His Stomach Ailments. Waynesville.N.C. Mr. F. R. Huffman, Of this city, says : " I suffered dreadful!? with what I thought was heart trouble, Ind tried various medicines in vain. After other remedies had failed, Thed- ford's Black-Draught restored me to health. I would not feel safe without Black-Draught in the house. I consider It worth its weight in gold. It cured my indigestion, and by fnis means I was restored to health. 1 can not express my gratitude for its benefits, Good health depends on the condition xf your digestion. Poor digestion and good health do not go togetner. Thedford's Black-Draught will thoroughly cleanse and set in order youi digestive system. It has done this for others, during the past 70 years, and is today the most popular vegetable liver remedy on the Phone 261 For Grown Hens, per pair $1.04 Best Print Butter 40c New Irish Potatoes, per pk 40c Town Talk Flour. 12 lb. Bacs 45c 3 Cans Square Brand Milk 25c Duffy's Favorite Brand Coffee.. ..30c lb. Fine Lemons, per doz 30c Full Cream Cheese 23c Full Cream Cheese 23c lb Best Lard 15c lb Best I.ard 15c lb Country Produce and Fresh Vege tables on Hand. Herring Roe, can 10c Hc.rint; Roe, can 10c PROMPT DELIVERY OUFFI GROCERY C. 105 East Front St. LOOK LIKE TAFT COUNTERPART TELLS OF EXPE RIENCES IN WASHINGTON AND ELSEWHERE. THE WISE MAN Price 25c.' MEREDITH COLLEGE One of the few colleges for women in the South that confers an A. B. de gree representing four years of genuine college work according to the stand ard of the Association of Colleges of the Southern States. Diplomas awarded those who complete the course in the Schools of Art and Music. Library facilities execllent. Systematic training in physical education under director and assistant. Courts for tennis and basket-ball. Board and furnished room in Main Building, heat, light, literary tuition, fees for physician and nurse, and all minor fees, $220.50; in the East Build ing and Cottages, from $47.50 to $65.00 less. Students not offering the necessary units for entrance may prepare in Mer- idith Academy, which is rated in Class A of the accredited schools of the State University. For catalog, Quarterly Bulletins, or fuller information, address, R. T. VANN, President, Raleigh N. C. a '.way prepares for the approaching dangers. Be wise and have one of the latest inventions out applied to your umbrella. It will protect you in time of electric storms that have been predicted for the months of June lulv and August. The hard rubber insulator. I have them at 25 cents I will put them on your umbrella free Special attention to all repairs. If the top is worn out I will replace it with any kind of top in the umbrella line. Price right and the work guaranteed. Drop me a card when you need my services. Yours truly L. Reynolds M. F. G. 23 Rountrec street New Bern N. C. i ill. f ict Chicago, June 16. Capt. Patrick Henry McCue of this rity, (or thirty- seven years has been the representative of a Vermont marble company, and has traveled so widely a- to be lirconu' known to every marble contractor in the United Stut s. He is a man wl o attends strictly to busine ami avoid notoriety, but in the pa.-t he ha been forced to suffer many cinban .i-no nt He is of a remarkably ood and has s smile that i- u in o:.i i . .11 i i .' . and so plea-ant a- to 1 1 1 r.i i the .1! tent ion of all who .ire loiii.ii.i'- 'in, ..J. to engage in on .'i -.11 ion unh His embarr.i-nirni i- d'.. t that he look- -o inn. h lik Tail , former l'r, o 1 State-, that he 1- li .i.-.-nt him. In a-lnni- 11 hi1 frequently em ouill. r. d desired to consult v. i:h and who explained tl-eii nil before he hid an o;-p-u reveal hi.- identity. "The tunnic.-t ihiie.; that in connection with bein for Mr. Tail," -aid ('apt. "occurred in a lit 1 e t 11 in New York -nmc time aj 1 sitting in the lobby of the hotel when a man about tilty year- ot .1150 came up to me and ra-ping my hand said: M am pleased to nu-i t yon, Mr. Pre -ident, I want to thank you lor what you have done for me. 1 have been postmaster of this town for the la-l twenty-ffve years, anil the salary I get is all I have to live on. When you placed the office in the civil service list you did a favor to me that I shall never forget." Capt. McClue finally cominccd the DIED . SUDDENLY f Q Former New Bernian Patei Away At Thomatfille, N. C. Friends in this city yesterday re ceived a telegram announcing the death at Thoma-ville, N. C, of Joseph Fife Wagner, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Wagner, former New Bernians. Mr. Wanger as at one time con nected with Davis' pharmac) and has a host of friends here ho will l-arn of his demise with regret. He hid been ill for several da- but his con diti.m was not considered serious and his death came as a surpri-e to all. BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Celia Fuller Celebrates Fifth Natal Day. Ml- t . lia 1' dler. daughter Little .1 Mr. tlebrate will ind I h. Mr tu ; nth. n 1 K. 1 .11- ,1 1.1 art In- 1 ter- II- p l iMO'lelle, n i -I akei e 1m . .rt hen 1 v 1 i-1 1:. 1 im. 1 ,; pitalii y l.upton, K.llhle, Klni.-. W at -oil linear. ...'I. I : Mas I 1 n W.1.-.1 i I 1 1 d 1 -' ' 1 1 , .,11.1 (., Ansel. . ! 1 . t a.,; Mi ,1 i . ill. loK,- t rue ol tin of tl COMING Y(M R WAY. An- titer thrilling detective story by i ) ,i..i a n. ,1 net ton, Out ,1 ;r.iti. '! "the fit -t big r.i-e" .;, ) 1- h --w :il i ie a ie u 111 e 1 !-.!,. ill ,-ii.H" 1 .Mag...:iif PINELAND SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (Incorporated) Fall Term Opens Sept. 9, 1913. A large, modern brick building, steam heated, baths, running water In all the bed rooms, elegantly lighted. Furnished with the best furniture. Good board, prepared under the direction of the Domestic Science teacher. Excellent courses in Domestic Science, Music, and Voice. A Lit erary Course which prepare for College and life. A Faculty of Eight. Rate reasonable. Girls wishing to live at-actual expense will find good accommodations la the Club. For Catalog, Address REV. W. J. JONES, JSalemburg, N. C. - - - - Sampson County. WE ARE NOW SERVING THE FAMOUS Montauk Ice Cream 5 and 10c Saucers We would be pleased to fill your orders in any quantity for parties or entertainments at reason able prices. We have the exclusive agency. Edward Clark, Elk's Temple. Phone 94, "SPECIAL SUNDAY TRAINS TO - -; . f THE SEASHORE -'.. V;: ; 7a-.-::.:;: . : NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD : ff";--;:- .?::: " V si-'r'S Beaufort and Morehaed City, N. C. - Ready for Summer Visitors.: -l..e,,fc - - llrf .4 UK gui uaj, J hub viu, DIJhviiu y' ' . ; Sunday t. Itnr Uljbt tun from Wash- C ,5 'i Ingtoa, va Yanc'ebo .0 an 1 New Bern . Vjld Mo e lead U.y id Beaufort, eveiy ; . ; Washington' .-y . 7J0 am Vl Fredcrucki-i'7 :27 -.1 Ti. VanceboVo,- ) 1 : Mm Rn -v BI,,tal-.Vi V !5" '6.10 . i ; "e :.. r' -V-'v.- . ... . v " ..'-. II yi..- ? -t Haveiock IP .ia1-' ,:3 Ar"i. Morehead City 10:175 '' ; 'I Atlantic ( Hotel 7Z 10:20, -V-v Keturntna .special irau.wui ,. ueautort ;p:uup.nH . Auanno vici p 6:15 p.m., Morehaed City Station 6:20 i '"p.m.' Arrive Nsw" Bern. 7:45 p'.m., sr- . rive Wa9hinaton.9:20 p m ' 'Very-cheap Sunday Excursion -artd Week End. fares. - Apply to any Ticket . A&eni for particulars. ; - ' ' W. W. CROXTON, ' General rasscnr;cr Agent. old postmaster that he was Ixstnwiny hisc thanks upon th wronj; ficrson, lint assuring him that Ik- was a tiii-ml ,,l the then President and indorsed his civil service order. The postmaster then said: "Well, you look like President Taft, and I kn-iw y.'.a'xe nut a v-ond he.nt, and one that is not as cold as stuff vmi ell.'' "I hae lieeil mi-taken t"r Pre--!ent Taft in ll'.e city ol Washington, ,.t alway-. f-i'-.e.l l';e i"ke i;o.l aturedly withoi.t ea-isin any em arrassnu'iit to ll.ose who r.'.ide ihe mistake. I think a j;reat ileal ol .wr. Taft, and the compliments 1 hae re ceived upon in y appearance lieirg s nular to his has had a tendency to m .ke me a little chesty, especially before the recent election. Hut still have a great admiration for him, and as a compliment to him I intend t learn how to play koK, with the view of excelling him in that line if in none other, and I believe 1 will succeed." of n, l Siiii(!a's i u w-iiU World. I hen the re w ill lie aii"thi-i liu in ,: ou- 'Hi 1 the ( );'., e H. a ' -t- i-.- by Paul We-l, the strange i jm- ol a u.iuan who was eirn a weird power by a scarab, a new Joke nook pruned in Color-, unollier song, Willi word- anil THe StMiravPluiiibing and Heating Company has just' completed the plumbing in Dr. G. A. Caton's new hospital on the corner of Queen and Griffith Streets. the largest HORSE SHOEING For expert Horse Shoeing don't fail to see me at my old stand in BaptistChurch Alley. We are there for every day in the week and guarantee all work. J. I. SMITH. Expert Horse Shoeing. This ' was one pluiring4 jobs done in New Bern in many a year. -Standard Pliiinbing and jWriHeatiriCo Phone 717.; 138 Middle St. -Phone 174-- mu-ic n, w - c. ,inpli-te the Sun, ..del in c. Hv lav World all iu Ul Irom juiir i..'dv.) M()VIN(; Ml. A I I i,i, ( '.!, n, ow n, -t . it tin- i 'oa-l Line Meat lri,i..v i-e-.;.in i:ioing the 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 i MARKT ! m i ; i . ; i i i i" M irk, i, yes-li- -i ck of . ,iu tin- hiiildiilg , n ir-ja,l tn-it .,,!i.i,,:it to the Atlantic lire Lngine ('.,nip.iu '- headipiartcr- to the new Ci.lkr building on the same street but near tile western enu in l no block. As soon as the structure which has been occupied for several years by the Const Line Market has been vacated, workmen will begin remodel ing it for the Star theatre which will be opened about July 10, Freshly Corned Mullets 10c lb. II. G. ARMSTI PHONE 174 The New Bern; PluniblugC Phone 734 si mm 0. 69 Broad Stree 1- . iThiS'Weefe ;we ' -'li'-M-..;. a special Bath Tiibs jSpfories andrpilets MR. WATSON LEAVES SANITAR IUM. E. J. Watson who was so badly injured while coypling cars near River dale two weeks ago last Friday that one of his legs had to be taken off, was discharged from Stewart's Sanitar ium vesterday. Mr. Watson made one of the most rapid recoveries from such a serious accident ever recorded in local surgical circles. This rapid recovery was accounted for by the splen did health whii h he was enjoying when he was injured and by the prompt ness with which he received compe tent treatment, , being consumed the scene of the in trie sanitarium inly about an u getting him accident to a TO THE PUBLIC Wanted Wood sawyer and logging men fit pooa wages. Pay every Saturday. Comfortable quarfcrs. Apply to East Car olina Lumber Co. at Carolina City. Pamlico county, near Olynipia, N. Cf. ; I desire to announce that sold my Printing and Rubber business to Mr. Adolph Roberts .f this city, whom I take pleasure in re commending to your full confidence and as thoroughly capable of taking care of your printing and rubber stamp' b :siness. I beg to thank you for the many favors shown me duiing my twenty-seven years in the printing and stamp business, and to solicit a continuance of your patronage for Mr. Roberts. I shall continue my Sporting Goods business at the same old stand 91 Middle Street, as usual. Very respectfully, WILLIAM T. HILL. -111 I rfc II 4? Having purchased the printing and rubber stamp business of Mr. Mill, I beg to announce that I will conduct the same under name of Commercial Printing & Rubber Stamp Woiks, Adolph Roberts, Proprietor, at 72 Craven street, opposite Sun Office, New Bern, N. C, where I will serve the public with the best printing and rubber stamp and supplies at right prices and with promptness. Respectfully, ' ADOLPH ROBERTS. o Strives not by mere words but by merit to please taste and quench thirst. PEPSI-Cola cools rcireshesj j renews vigor. In Bottlcaor J i - i vim '-"X. X,:

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