NEW BERN DAILY JOURNAL NEW BERN, N. CU WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 81 Mil VAGE 1 11 . f r Mi v .V mm Children Cry for Fletcher's EhLd'ToQ.IXftY AIwr Boogit and which bas been In use lor over SO rt $, ha borne the signature of . . . . " m I I 1 f i ana pas ueen naae unuer iiis per Bonal supervision elooe ita infancy. Allow bo one to deceive you In this. an rvmntArf Altai Imitations and Just-as-sood " are but .Experiments that tril'le with and endanger the health of jnfkntu and Children Experience against Experiment. 'What is CASTORIA Castorla la a harmless substitute for ator Oil, Par corie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otlier Karcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nd allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it 2ias been I constant use for the relief ol Constipation, Flatulency "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Chiliren's Panacea The mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SEsars the Signature ot POLICE GRAFTERS GUILTY Two San Francisco Patrolmen Plead Not Guilty. San Francisco, 17 Five sus pended member of the Sin rr.m cisco poljce force pleaded n:iity t indictments cL.'-rging conspiruy to fleece. Each a sentenced to months in the county jail. !' other policemen similarly charged ;lo 'n! not guilty . Over the heads of the fixe hang felony indictments charging grand lar ceny as the result o! the conspiracy. Those who pfeaded guilty are Jo seph L. Droulctte, John Sullivan, William McHugh, Charles Joseph and Seret. Iame6 .McGowan The same five offered last week to plead guilt y the sentence of former Detective Frank Esola, convicted of grand lar- cenv in connection witn the uuni.o ring," were lessened. There were eight conspiracy indict ments, one having been lound against former Detective Frank Ksola, who was sentenced to five years in the pentien tiray. Kscola changed his plea to this charge from not guilty to guilty. Judge Dunne doubted whether a man might serve out a county jail sentence while serving another in a penitentiary, as counsel requested, and took the matter under consideration. Children Cry FOR FLTC HER S CASTORIA A pototticc in the t vo in the bush. hand is worth The Kind You Have Always BoiigM In Use For Ovep 30 Years thc !Cijtui r wuhimt irnin. tw vomt cm. g;:5:S::5:w:;;:5::: FOR S fg MEAL, CORN, FEED, HAY. See I New Bern, N. C. FOR THE BEST I ft ULCERS AND SkIN TROUBLES. Il you are suticring with an old, run ni:.g or fever sores, ulcers, l-ais, eiema or other skin troubles, et a L"-x of Bucklen's Arnka Salve and ou will get relief promptly. Mrs. Bruic baic-, of Birmingham, Ala , suffered irm ail ugly ulcer for nine noiiiths and lba k len'g Arnica S.d e cured her i u t u o u 1. 1 ks Will help vou. Only -5c. Kecoiui; ' nd ed by all dealers. .dv. ; BUSK WANTED r : -. . . . ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. lafi J A i.:r. -- . I ,. , I A ' s' ' t ri hwse 1 ' M- : u a, the COI.t..!! ham ' n 1 1. r ! liar I The lobb seems to ad was there but did not do Spanish mackerel and large blue fish for sale today. George N. Ives and Son. BEST LAXATIVE FOR THE AC ED. Old men and women feel the need of a laxative more than young b lks, but it must be safe and harmless and one which will not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pills are especialU good ofr the aged, for they act promptly and easily. Prite 25c. Recommended by all dealers. (Adv.) Taking advice than giving it. is sometime- W( Just Received a Car LoadVof Native Stall Fed Cattle After this date our store will be closed every day, except Saturday, from 1:00 to 3:30 p. m. New Bern Produce Co., Phones, 121 arid 122, J,. )Sfvy BeiTivN. C. POCKETS VEP.SUS HAND BAGS. Real Reason of the Subjection of Wo man to Man. Civilized m:in imds it difficult to make his vvny thfjiih life without n dozen po(d;cts. The ordbuiry wnlkiiiK suit has lil'tic'ii. Civilized woman tniikes lior vv;iy through life without pockets, d(';ieii;'.in- on a sinprle bus curried in the lmnd. The professional huraurists hnve never tired of couj nientin.i; on woman's poeketless condi tion, but it is really no laughing matter. Here is a sex difference which is sonutldn more than fashion, which frees to the very heart of the suljee ti on of vvo.iu;:i to r.ian. !f we accept J:pe:i ( TV. de:'.u:l!on of the evolution ::ry l r i. c ss : s consisting in progress I'ror.i .-.n i?:i!cf:idte lionio.ceneity to a delinite licl'-ncneity the superior po sitio;! of man is at once established His :if';.'e:i dive, si lied pockets, each al- loc;:t:'d to a s-;i:irate watch. -ijr:ir e.::..'. o; -kef knife, purse, newspaper -!d ii:.i'l;::a' of irarden seeds-need 'Ut.-.isted with the . i which the female of the spe iiiviiv an uneo-ordiiiiited . , ::u: Ikerc'defs, toilet, articles IV 1 press clippings, telephone ad svi s .'.!'( ss goods samples, confec . r.ioiiioranda and tradesmen's uih t hnve lonjr been settieu uy cheek. Strong in his pockets, man walks the earth free in the pluy of his upper limbs, whereas woman sacrifices the use of her right arm before venturing out In a world of street cars, motor cars, moving staircases, elevators and ticket booths. New York Post. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA LOST OR STOI I N A ret urn t.. ( , 11 R,. rcu ard. FRESH A R R I V A I S cant i lop. -, ti ,1:1. ,t .1 - we have .dl kind- ! everv ilav t la Iv - , U and 1 ?1 l! f. NEW BERN'S REPLY. New Bern Accepts t he Ev idence and Manx Journal Reader Will 1'toht by It. wor 1- t: 1 . v., kl. r 1" I'l,. II FOR RENT Uo m, , Iv furnished front room- in bu-ine-- -ection. A ply to Allien- Cab . FREE an cm i.i warranted, 1 . tain pen uit h iu three v ear'- : paper, (72 copie-) years. Adore-- '1 24'), Colambi.-, (, i' li'.u gi iimd fully r or a s-J ni) foun 1 l 1. 1 point - i il li a ii ! to a M page at 50c for the three 11' mas Co., l'ox I. Ill pr. ml a a r 1; re-ident, t or v ol u nies ' a - ' I here Mi- ( N. w la t' le- I . 1', I -t I'ront St., -..tti iid in and sharps ins t)ften rdlv -traigh-vv ttat my r t he secre 1 Used just Pills that I High living never rpialilie the higher life. one h QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Law-ton, Mich., says: Dr. Detcheon s Rebel lor Rheu matism has given my wife wonderful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) FOR SALE A 1. n-i...iu house. De sirable location. Will give go, d terms. Apply to P. (). Box 7s, i w Bern, . C. ANOTHER ,1, a i received. For d ; delivery pho: . '.'). tier Burn and hieeu I.. 1 si reel- vegetables nd quick her, cor- WIIEN I start on the People's Bank Building anybody wanting dir' for till ing in yards can get same by calling 11. S. Hancock and paying lor the drav -ge. H. S. Hancock. n. ( . mi-; - t r. :: b .cka h-. si.'-' ting 1 .0:1- a- ro-.- lay 1 ( W.l laca that I Collld ha ( n al'.er s'.-oping. I kidin v - i 1 re di-i irdered I. ti- -ii- wi r.. i-ry aral one bo ,,f D j..n's Kidin v ' j"t t r . . 1 1 1 tin- liiadhaiii Drug Co., and jlhi- w -i.lla iint in 1, :a.,e lav aches ! ami pains. Doan'- Kidney Pills have j In i u "f ::n .:i( 1 b, m-lit i ::ie than anv olhi r kidmy int-dicim- 1 ha , e ever t.ik 1 en." iNji, n;nit gin :i lanuary 24 I'MIS.) THE BENEFIT LASTED Mrs. Pennington ,, interviewed re cently and-he said: "I can still recom mend's Kid ne v Pi!-, lor t In y gave me permanent n M, f. ',at may con tinue to publish niv lorinir 1 ndoi senient of t his remedy." T or -ah - by all d. ah r-. Pi -ce 50 cents I o.-ier-M:ibt,ru 1 o.. Bull. ,,., tw York, sole agent s - or t he In it ed Si au-s. Remember (lie name's and take no other. WANTED A second hand hot keen er's desk. Phone 1 S4. Burrus & Co. The meat trust makes the lover of pork chops bristle with indignation. VALUABLE lots for sale in Bridgeton. Apply to L. J. Moore, Polloksvilb- N. C. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A VALUABLE property for sale House and lot No. 15 Broad street. Desirable location, good home. Apply J. K. Willis, Admr., 30, Broad street. Either take things as they come r urn your back and let them go. B ol 'tsbkjfa'lt " iMiniA W 3iWV lOK I1V (K:x'ti! IWw osnfilg jji pi 3-i it tt-iot) uit ui n't jifji rvv'Hr71 MOREHEWtZemyzMC. Is not complete without a visit to tlie Ocean Cafe R. E. LEE Proprietor. -rThe Best of Everything. Private Dining Room. Lad ies Rest .Rooms. , , V Everytody Has .Special Hobby 1 Nbw'aSrflTyur are right by trying ; 1 .. . .. . .1 . t i' ,'i.t u- ; --....', . . i.. Cdts each weclj? tbw will-always assure you of a larg'ty to 'silect fromVjrVlien'yjDu want good I .cea'rememberAn f;;-V' ; The Quality Cake Baker I ';: -We Still 'Make 'Milk Efeadi 'iV' ' No Wonder She Behaved. 'I believe," said the minister, with n twinkle in his eye, "that the saying that children and fools tell the truth" is true. The other day my wife and I ware Invited out to dinner. The chil dren of the family were so remarka bly well behaved that my wife re marked: " 'What lovely, well behaved children yours are. Mrs. P.rown!' "Both-Mc. and Mrs. Brown beamed at this approval of their offspring-. when up piped little Mary, 'Well, pa said that If we didn't behave he'd knock our blocks off, didn't you, pa?' "Moth ers' Magazine. GURANTEED ECZEMA REMEDY. The constant itching, burning, red ness, rash and disagreeable effects of eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, piles and irritating skin eruptions can be readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Mr. I. C. Eveland, of Bath. 111., says: "I had eczema twenty five years and had tried everything. All failed. When I found Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the formula of a phy sician and has been in use for years not an experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. All druggists, or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. (Adv.) THE MARKETS. June 14 191? COTTON (Quotations furnished by G. W. Ta lor & Sen.) Middling 12 cents Strict Middling 12 1-8 " Good Middling, 12 1 4 " POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. (Quotations furnished by Coast Line Meat Market). Chickens Grown, pair 60-80 Chickens Half-grown pair 60-70 Geese, per pair $1.25-11.50 Ducks, per pair . 50 1.00 Ends, per doi. 15 Hams, country, smoked, lb 18 Beeswax, lb 22 jWool, . 16 to 1 Wool. . 16 to 17 Moil, dressed, lb 10-10 1-2 Beef," dressed, lb... Hides G. S., lb .'ll Green, lb -.8-9 Dry Flint, lb 12-14 ' Dry Salt, lb 10-12 ; FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations by New Bern Produce Cabbage, crate Beets Bunch Garden . Peas, cratei.. 3Tt .75 to $1.00 .03 1-2 .60 to .75 The Standard Pressing Club will open for business Monday June 16th corner Middle and Broad streets. Work quickly and neatly done. We call for and deliver all work. W. E. PERRY, Mgr. Did you ever get nervous prostra tion from trying to make other happy No? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The lonesomest woman in thc world is she who hasn't anv old memories to brood over. MOST CHILDREN HAVE WORMS Many mothers think their children arc suffering from indigestion, headache, nervousness weakness costiveness, when they are victims of that most common of ill children's ailments worms. Peevish ill-tempered, fretful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all the symp toms of having worms, and should be given Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleas ant randy lozenge, which expels worms regulats the bowels, tones up the sys tem, and makes children well and hap py. Kickapoo Worm Killer is guaran teed. All drgugists, or by mail. Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. (Adv Thc ancients believed that the world was square but that was bet ore politics was discovered. CASTORIA Tor Infant and Children. Tli9 Kind Yon Haia Always Bought Bears the Signature of FOR RENT Two storv brick stort No. 61 Pollock street. Applv to Mrs. C. W. Blanchard, Kinston, N. JUST RECEIVED Wire trc- guards. They protect your shade trees. Wire front gates, both, single and double. Lawn fencing a beautiful style. With right prices at J. C. Wliilty & Co. Phone 98. 'I he complain! in Washington seems to be more against publicity than lobl iv ing . TAKE PLENTY OF TIME TO EAT There is a saving that "rapid eating is slow .suicide." If you have formed the habit of i.iling too rapidly you are most likely siilb ring from indigestion or constipation, which will result event ually in serious illness unless corrected. Digestion begins in the mouth. I'ood should be thoroughly niasl ed and insalivated. Then when you have a fullness of tin- stomach or feel dull and stupid after eating, take one of Chamberlain's Tablet-.. Many severe cases of stomach trouble and consti pation havs been cured by the use of these tablets. Tiny are easy to take and most agreeable in ellect. Sold by all dealers (Adv.) The best established alibi is that of ex-Postmaster General Hitchcock's -"surplus." STOMACH TROUBLE. Many remarkablecures of stomach troubles have been effected by Cham berlain's Tablets. One man who had spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tablets. Price, 25 cents. For sale by all dealers. (Adv). J Railroad engineer, 8 years at the throttle, had invested his savings in a priming business. Business, ill-managed was on the vergegf ruin. The engineer left his engine one day and stepped in as superintendent- Never had seen the inside of a printing plant. Today it is one of the most successful catalog houses in hi section, and he's rich. He was a born exec utive, not an engine driver, and he found himself. f A want ad will also find your place, old fellow. Everybody who qualifies to vote should have a chance to easily cast his ballot, and have his vote honestly counted. SORE NIPPLES. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nurs ing. Wipe it oil with a soft cloth be fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by all dealeis. (Adv.) rue- talks and acts foolish. CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC .CHOL ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY Every family without exception should keep this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera a ml Dian hoea Remedy is worth many time- its cost when mailed and is al most ici lain to be in di d before the summer i- mi r. Il has m, superior for the purpose s I or w hii h il i - iut ended, il now. 1 or sah bv all dealers. (Adv.) Our new Ainba- .idol to Britain being i leit (all. tin -I ( more in one Page than in a u li"h I lioL library. CAN'T KEEP IT SECRET. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Tablets is daily becoming more widely known. No such grand remedy for stomach and li vet troubles lias ever been known. Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) SHAKE OFF YOUR RHEUMA TISM. Now is the time to get rid ol your rheumatism. Try a twenty-five cent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and ,,ee how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by all dealers. (Adv) - . h, l-v. 4f V 1 1 - llli-'r-l itO n, .a, I,,,!,,,, tM -,1 't, I, i n'1 yw.r.i, - t nfi-ii s J Am;